HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-08, Page 37H RSDAY. JUNS 9th, 11133 THE (40DERXCH STAR r..:.■.A,...,.. try C:: staualty Wera I a i,i0W, which r was submitted by Misch Ali:e tlevereaua�z 0 Seafzrth, winner et the Storni ouw and District � ;;siUa has, ze4elved very U01ra 444 amen- Phone 1 a I, tiaan fr m the iudglnic eommittto for tine " V r,+P[� illstrl.,t, Wilt% W03 13124 sat w1w*0r. Hems �V#grr# C44yor"VAO 1 Per S 11M.�:�rd.R Y T4xewas wirier of or olnp from the iiiatxiu! , was: miss Amy �:itiin of 1)al3das. ��pxt11 d hurt Mots ten Centlre$ Over Somo - NIEa[lGi+-D15NNiS . #G9AUJ, FOR MNSAM STREETS CLINTON "NNY Ib_ -Alin DEVOSI" timet wvddln4 was colemnima at ' Oaxmga has 'iaalntalned Its im:adorshlp T:�le contractcrs for the 'gravelling of Clllatan ;a;h& l ehlldrOW3 balaaara In tlae ifxited char -ch p:ircunage, its Wing- of tale world in, the number of its per the I'emany 7Bank at the end of .pill Was ]ham on Tae day, May SQtlt, wlae. Mara rtalrit.a 'telepkiazte c4nvgraaGlomts amid lla Surnmer's around the corned the Itensail a tseats are busy, of tlaa jai. 91,451 as a r 'Tw,,a trucks] bring In about &0 yards Of � as 8ahast $i,422,t2, A. year gsret Eva, scunger slaughter caf Mr, and the matter of its telephones www 1Q9 = gravel to dais. Every street 'A tie .3wu ago. sixty-one per Cent, of tbo ohild- mrw. Ernest APoui r,, beeame the Bride pspujatiqu L"i C-0mmuoit*!; 0: 5q,A3�1 - 9011 of 'Mr. And Mrs. herb Neill. Whe rccend oral!* antro• alts w States , I -Q1 - ren are 4,.Tositors. v71 s 1 gravedied. of William Fr: des ck Neill, of Matheson, .recus ant£ "th WEDDV(0 ANNIVIMSARV IMN" 'BANK DEPOSITS bride was, attired in a, becomingown to rho iJper Elates In Iola- 'ixta total amount 3111 de gown ,phone wlra >IYaiieaoo per lE1D immhabitamats., , oA very e4J ble everting was spent posits in the of Oriental blue Crepe with accessories These and other' Interesting statIAIl a of at the home of lUr, and A2rs. John..i• fenny BAAkeby Seoforth publio lend :o match. After the ceremony the. conmunicatian lens the Aoralnloa are Bison, of Blyth, 011 Wednesday evening, ae1 arRte schools at end of April; 1953: young couple left on a shuxt honeymoon, contained in the oidcia! irecords -of rho "} 'h4,iy 24th, In 'honor of their fortieth 81,032-0. Comparative figures of 4 after which t4eY viii take up their rest- Bell system from. whiel% p summary has wadding anniversary, x Year Aga: 111674.99. de.Ce an. the groom's farm at Matheson, been compiled, as of 14nu%ry 1, 1933, YYIB JPASBS 11lARI1WdaTtE BX1SI1t1ESS New Ontario. anWorrl Is Made og esv In t Way. development o.# Mr. Charles Seetebraor, of starve townsbip, has purchased the hardware Ata re-OrgBOWIlag Club tnf'wek of the EMr andel Mrss. David Vwre, cant aM has been SO icily within re- IS ELECTEIO 3PIxE81OENT Welland sowiimmg Club last week Mr. H. Wing- cent Months that. strictly up -to -tis - business of Mrs. A Ro4att, of Bayfield, B Stark was elected president of that ham, Lint.. Announce the engagement of Minute figures are not Possible of at - and tools possession the first Week in organixatlon, Mr,'WPIE is a sone of their daughter, Ethel May. to Ur. Earl tainment. kW than reason this latest y June, Mfrs. stark. $e4110411. Russell L:aunt, son of Mr, and Mils.. summary •wbich iscomplete for last. � DEA"] or ALBFXV arTTMOOV 9 MAI<CING FLOWER BEAsa Thomas Oa=t, •Kinloss Township, the year, should be Aocepted with the Me. Thomas simaddack, foretna. of marriage to take place in ,lune. thought its mind that t$lephone Caravel- ' Albert Rittenhouse; a former resident the r. Tho railway ddock, and his rrief . and Mrs, Samuel M. Pethick, of: opment everywhere is An almost daily of 7urich, and recently of lrfunviYle, pmt, are preParing and getting in shape nice Seaforth, announce the engagement of p acess that continues to add to the died on Thursday, May 25th, ton.: in their eldest daughter, Mabel Agnes,. to, whole result, in relatloml to. this devel- . t bis loth pear, after a rather short 10 $ower beds -as In past_ years. And which . Roy W. Patrick, sen of. Mr.. and Mrs. opment of last year. 'CBimadW& perform» a makes the railway yards so Attractive. .qF rxese. Ile leavers to mourn his detaalse, Andrew Patrick, all of McKillop; the ante is outstanding. two sons, Henry, of Vancouver and (WOES TO C. EMA marriage to 'take place early, in June, With 03.4 telephones per 1.0.0 papula* Bask., and surgess of Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Th mas Falrservice, of tion in titles of 50, Miss Evelyn Ricker, sa relent gradtaate (, p 4 a 000 Amid over, Canada ; pony other friends. Londeoboxo, announce the engagement 'continues. to lead the xtbrld In this par* of the united Church Training Stlaooll � t Of their eldest daughter, .Beatrice Anne, 'titular.' classlAcation, Sweden Is next par - Toronto, has 'been appointed to the �� ,✓' to Albert Edward Shaddiok, youngest with, 22.2 sand the united States third T� mission field of Vilest C3hina. Miss Rick- son of Thomas tShaddick; Hensall. The with 219. in the smaller towns ,and slR, . J. R, F�1It8 er, was, a, member of the Clinton Col- '---`^ Isolate staff for a couple of years, re- wedding will take plate early to JuO... villages, Canada ranks third with 8.0 Ei' , FAR, NOSE, THROAT stoning to go into tMiUing for this work; telephones per loo 4nhabitants. The Ate MAO Y' l•� are begilM1117ing to Late 8ause Burgeon New Tork Orph- OEATU O>F CLINTON 19ESWUNT United states is first with 11:8 while• tthalmlo and .lural hospital, assistant at en ' O . the O a t d o o r g e a1I S O3M # 113ooreSeld's Eye nospital and Golden NtJIL9E5 GF3LADtTAxE , . The death occurred. Wednesday, Mal New Zea]and tomes second with, a ligase I �' �W •$quare Throat. Hospital, London, Eng. At alae. grAduaton exercises omare f the 31st, of Mrs,' William Cud, Clinton, of 9A based on statistics compiled up to Would>net you 'welcome a +eri�p 53 Waterloo st, S„ Stratford. Tele- Victoria hospital wining school for who had reachod the ripe age of a little and 4nelttding those for March 31, 19'32, ' ,phone 267, nurses held Monday, May 29th; the over, eighty - years.: Mrs. Cudmore, Canada's ranking. Kik, this relation. etm� breakfast tomorrow?, a At Hotel Sodtord,: Ooderich,: from. 't whose: maiden name was .Annie '!Cook, has -our -o'clock on 'the . evening of the,•third Mon: UniYrersity' of Western Ontario the: Sol» p izes that. xesiden�6:<of ' cities and lowing- ,were presented With their dtplo» was born in Nothinghain, 'England, towns of less than 80,000 people are bet. Well serve Kellogg% 'Gorr ^ �9 day of each month until the . following mas and pins: Misses Avis I,indenfield being brought to this country as a babe ter equipped ,.with telephones and their{ day' Tues"Y' at 1 pm' and, -Annie Simmons, of Exeter, Miss by her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. associated apparatus than are lababl. lakes. The refreshing CrlBpnei�s i; " = Marjorie 7Tunter, of..Usborne; and Miss Sarmiuil Cook. She had resided at Clin- tamps of most. of ' Europe's .largest and LECiA1G .CAY&Di9 Q, WAlker; of Herisall. ton ever slnc :. Sixty years ago s?me was more important centres. Ond .$&POs Q these tQAsted ke& ^�^,^^^ m �^ -� -- ��^^^^^ ^^•+ r united in marriage to her late husband,. Canadians Make ,more 'use of the :tele.: make "a petites take a Blew. lease; , A'XS & f1AYB, tMADS MEDICAL ASSOCIATION W0111am Cudmore, who passed naval phone' than ,any slier people. In 1931 p ^- ^ � " At' tha annual oon"rition of• the On- eleven Years. ago. ,Mrs, Vudmore is sur- Canadians. held 249.1 telephone cgnver- on life. 6 ' for Y.OU too.. SO -� -: s Sons r a it e: n t 7 ,'r Barristers ,amend .Solicitors, tario Medical Association held. in ITaimsil vived by. two sons and a daughter, Mrs.. at per C p a The U Iced Sates, :R. C. hays, K,C., and R. .C: :Bays, S.A. on la ivee D , F. : Ne 1 of Pe E, Ward and William Cudmare Y Ciro with a comparable figure of 2'22.0. Is th$ rICYI 1111 611�rgjr. iL11tY eae� t0 dig$st. y Tiarallton.street, 43oderiCh t, . r . C a , t„nboxo, a /�►/� was elected 'president' of the Association, ton and . Joso�h Cudmars of London,' only other country !.n which. conversa- • � ��R H . ., .Telephone 88: ,, �' rot ers n w r tions per Crean exceed the '20 m mark, Fine for .tlr<e e�llldl'.en: Order - Dr: Neal is an old 'Walton boy and a „on Two brothers and two ;sisters also sur P . P 0k a 5, FL of NCmS, William 17ea1' of, that village.' 116 vive; . Mr. George Cook, Victoria street, Newt^Zealand .comnes next with '197,5. and �' package 1'OYiI ���� � :s. 1 ttfle red-and-greenp % QNEH FRESH, _.J:i ': OUC'rL:9&'R. NAT#lN, • is a'graduate:of Seaforth Collegiate, ,Clinton;. John Cook,' Mrs. A. H. Ws1te followed by 17enniarlt which lead's In , . tote: and Meg, Wm. Cal%'Detroit.. Europe with 158:6 >Ganadians . make your grocer. !Made b Kellogg iII ,,r Barristei -and Solicitor <1 u 1410do, of seven times' .tore use' of the FuvpRas c+r J✓ O gr .: pfit6}y y Office: 'Hamilton St, Phone .51:2, Ialouniqu-COorEit . telephone than the British wino reported London,. Ontario.. r; A -'pretty :Uar.loviiding took. Place nt JUNE 12-17 FOR bIPPING 34.4, and over twelve times more •th&n 'the manse, lttppen,. on Saturday, Wal the people of France who make '20.1. t `RANK I)ONNELLX, B A. 20th, at 2:30 p.m. .by : the' Rev. A. R. calls per capita. e ` Evsry Flgeif .qf Shcap in County Should Conner, when Margaret Grace, 'segond Canada; with 1,364,200; ranks, fourth litarristnr,. Solicitor Etc. dna iter •of Mr J. Co' er ` An, the )3e Oil Fc4-June, 12-17' Op1,6rt0Ae in absolute .number of telephones and Is g $ op a p 'Phone 282.. lietiM TLTON StT : Cloderit h• Time Pe became the' • late Mrs. iGrace 'Cooper, _, _ .. led only by .the Orxitod States, ;rermanq. �^-�- bride of .tames Edoar.Mc$ride, son of -^ and -Great Britain (#nCludng Noftheru Mr. and Mrs, Robert of Stasi- c r B „ t R, FARROW. McBride,, At tlils season af. the Year. evefy sheep eland) in that order, But in tele . _- ley. They will 'xeside !n iippen. owner slaoulci g;vd some, thoaght to the phones per 103 population, Canada turas '€ Pubiio Etc. dipping o h o-" ' . 13.1 which is. second only to 15,8 irn the ° ]Barrister,: Solicitor. 'Notary ► d pp.rig f is took of, ewes and Iamis_ Y . BELL ALnr&mi5 v)<)GLAGEIBS - Successor to J: L. Killoran.. for the control of, a11•.e>;te al` arasites: United States while °C3�rmany and C�kreat. •, :8 one 9 Office e . u re Cioderielm. - ,v u, .. i% 7 t xh Sq & A Cris wau9 Afi ocGurrenae alatlneki hyo Britain have :only. 4t8' And -4.5 respect- . ` o ks wlmach aro -snot- regudarlY dipped many residents of 'Zurich and nearby cannot help but be lrfesWd with ticks..ively; Eighty-two per cent of Canada's country on : the, night of ,May 24th, and under such conditions the general total telephones. and all '. of the tele- , 1RNEST M, LIM. ` About one o'clock the belt in the tower hones of. the Vnited'States' are under health of Glte .animals will' not be the. p ----•--• .,�»-....�....-.....-,.:.: of the Lutheran ' church began to toll ' best. The _ Iambs articul'ariy, will ,be private ownership and operation, in: Barrister and Sollettor p I anti the tolling did not Stop until the both G4ermany anti 4reat 'Britain, all "' { Alice Archibald, of SeafOrth, Spent MAY 37 to lot 27: This was• granted. tsars 'Life.; BIdg., Adelaide and Victoria. heatray infested and therefore, wtil , . Y ^A local watchmaker was roused,.out.of bed make slow gains' during the 'Rummer. telephones are operated by. the respee- 44th at the home of -Mr, slid Mrs. S, J. ]mer: E:' CI, Beacom. 1.1'.5., chew atten- Tslephori�: Elgin 5$01 and attCnded to the clack m the tower. Toronto ;2. I months. , live governments, Argentina leads �, . iiflpatrick. tion to amtndmetat In the School Act C)bitua It was found that ,the striking part of South America in telephone develop- ' 1vir. ,and Mrs. Joe Day of iiatnllton, whereby Schools receive :only seventy the clock had gone, moron and• the :strik- The month of .ry June is the most Suit went with •. approximately 2,7 per 100 „� Mr. and Mfrs..' Benny . ,Campbell and $ye pef° cent. of the. general rate, which a ' C13I$OI?BAOTIC -Ing hammer was released. causinf: the able far dipping %s ali Iambs twill Stave Ja an ea i1 ]Cads the Asia - children le 4 i' population,p easily A ,children . and Vt. and Mrs, Aubrey w be S• 60.. nstead of $000 as former - arrived and the weather 1$ favorable,*R0, I>rAM MoINNIS a bc11, t4 toll. - -many thought a• are. had tic countries but Shaws a. flours. of only Higgins and Jack, -of Detroit, were 1Y• i . All will be carrying. sui;6ctent RUGLESS r11AC=TX0NEit. broken out . in the village ihile some 1.4 up to and including March ',31 last . Wingham Advance-T1m2s _M4 Til- xetent guests of Mr: and Mrs. lie3 h. The . Most Interesting pa of the � growth of wool after the spring ,shear- rI . _ thought it was a sigh of war. loom, It; is suvo ggested uggested that every owner .year.. coner,. Whitechurch, 'widow of the' late Curran. business, of the day .centred around; the +Ck1IROPAt CTOA, -AND DRUGLESS: • Dan. iv1 l was ::appointment. a ESSAY COAMItNDEID endeavor to dip his Sock some time - c nt'44 x found dead. in bed .of a road. superfnteadcnt THERAPIST, •,GODERICih Always. keep. Douglas* . Egyptian Lisst The eras aim "What T W irld Do for during the week commenting time 12th menta hand, by a net on Wednesday morning, to fill• the vaCaneY caused by the death y o o t a d, -ready to bring immediate May'.31st. Mrs. McInnis hada a GODERICH TP. COUNCll. . Equipped .with electro-linagnetio baths. of June: At this time the seeding. of spent the of the late Mr. B. Emmers�n,,'!'here Electronic electric treatment and chlro- late .farm crops will be coni leteWa d 1'e df t0 burns, sores and tsiblood'. felons. .Stops winter with.: ter daughter in Goderith +-- -- sixteen, applications, all horn good wand ' p p • ,bleeding at 'once:. prevents : blood, •pots- , . practio, Chronic, organics 'and nervous haying operat!ona will probably not . : and had only about a month agq-return- Ro Tyndall Appointed RoAd Su ria« eligible , men. The choice . was Mr. '!flay diseases. Lady in attendance. Office r {� ( oning, Splendid for ore throat' and ed to her home in Whltenhurth: For y p Tyndall, A. R. 3, Clinton, OFF COLOUR? start `before the 2Qt% of June. hours 2 to 5, and 7 to. 8 pm. 33rd by ap- quinsy- some years she had ,been subject to eendent a The following accounts were old: H nt. Closed Wednesday from 12 'j� There is ai community, dipping tank p Pointme OO I lilp 1 f�rO'� heart attacks, but of late has been feel - 16 McCurtneY salary'assessin 89ofrk' ; fit s p m O 111 j.l L on 91 farms in Hu pn Count filth in A:: N. AT1t'INBON, residence. and south Br:- ■ ' Viruke'up. BiIC_ r. Y w sures. the regular d�iPpmg of all flocks carnes of street and, taenia. itoad. Phone 841. rout.ir'er -without Cpfoinel ' In the immediate. rieighborho0d. Oom-. many friends. Mrs. McInnis cirri .trulyevision be called one of the Pioneer women• of is rand general bueinec. There er r were very few appeals and some adjust- munity dipping has an advantage over hi t s district as w 76 years It as Year ago, that Your IfveY'e a very$nuill organ, but it dell-' individual farm dipping In'.that it torts A1+JCTIONEERING Wray ran put yyour digeecive and elimivative braes but of rdlter by retusing io pour out its l"- less and there is less labor involved for. farmer.:: ]day, Friday, July 7', at 1:30 P. �. dwty two poueda of iiguid mto your bowele each.In community twnks iiOMAS GUNDRY : tit. SON. T 1Couwo`n'tcoutpletely torreet euch a condition bytskia¢salfa, tanctivocandy sheep may 'be dipped for from 2-c to. iib _ Oil, miuereiWalter, or ehevvmg gain, or roughage. When they've per head depending'on the number put Live Stocir and General Auelloneera. inbred your bowels they re through--.4nd you through. With small More or less iso; Ellin Ave„ Clo"ob, aneedebver tlUnit, nt. lated floake it !A net necessary to•build Sales made everywhere and all effiorts made to give you Sat$lfaction, Carter's"•tittle Liver Pilie will soon bring back the eunahine intb your life, The9're Purely vel foss a' special tank, . A, trough or vat La gh roe to Immerge the, Farmers' Sale NOIRe discounted P 1 tablo 'gate: Sure. Ask for them by soma oubstlfutes, 26c,at all dnulatr. 48' enough sheep thorough- lY will answer the purpose Ing quite well and her sudden deaden I The council.. of Goderich township• . pas' sage and stationery, $5; R. p. COIc]ough, was a great shock to her family and her met on ftidaY, May 20th; for court of storing' grader, S5; Bet's. Lobb, wcoit many friends. Mrs. McInnis cirri .trulyevision be called one of the Pioneer women• of is rand general bueinec. There er r were very few appeals and some adjust- supplied for relief, $7,60; superintend - ent, Pay voucher No. 6„ 842,74: hi t s district as w 76 years It as Year ago, that -men t� s were' de the maprincipal n e e i then adjourned to meet an ' she utas, born at Langside, Hfriloss Trop, being In rannection with 'the Canadian National Uallway, They : considered ]day, Friday, July 7', at 1:30 P. �. RMURN LIMIT -30 DAYS As a member of the Presbyterian Yt church, she took a very active part In , they were higher than they should'be be. li, Cj, TFiOMPSON, Clerk. the church work and her efforts will be according to statute, and a slight reduc- 'tion ? Miller's Worm Pawdeta ' `.ilk greatly :missed by the congregation. was made. , attack warmg a Surviving her is a family of twelve•-- Court of revision was Adjourned until' r !n the stomach and in.estlnes at pace, and to wormcan come In �s 4f Co axii seven sons and five daughters: Dr. Dan,Friday, July 7th, contact with ' of.'Cltntoit; Robert, James and Joe, of The Department of .Highways state- them andlive. They also correct r the i 61`AIlIxl6Eilttlr 1,1166 hone 19. Teeswater; William of Formosa, Thomas Ment of subsidy due on 11132 expend!- unhdA thy coatdltions .in rho digestive - w The Ontario De artment -of Agricul- . f B n organs that invite ood entourage worms, 1 lure at Clinton has the necessary forms: o him avon, and: John, of . Rinioss,. tare showed ,12,909,50, 'which will arrive- setting reactions �' `�", 1Kft. .Mex. Sutler : (Annie) Ociderich; shortly. s g up a coons that are .moat bane- NOTAUT PMIBl;1lC, 9re, �f p+p{j for the building of concrete dipphig Mrs. ivtcl{ee Minnie Peace Rivet iiciai to the growth .of the, child. They I GOOERi�H ' tanko And will 11¢ pleased to assist any E ), R a dig-. ' The 'Sell Teiephane Co, wished to have attested their power In hundtado ,SAM tract; � Mrs, Collins Mutiny) of England; 'nongtruct 'their `London to Winglom of cases and at all tlmes are thoroughly gAl;ttia.' ` fainter or group of farmers in the build- line -via tonCesaion5.1B`and 14 from of truotWortiiy, , vY l MONUMENTAL WORKS' int' of a tank, The materials required GODERIC H Mrs. JarTimn, (Sidney), Lu im. s Mrs. � . VOTARY I�LIC are two loads of gravel and site 'bags of Orville Tiffin (',two ,Kinloss. she is Glerieral Conveyancing 'done., AAMI>4'TON $'T. also survived by two staters in Dragon -----'-•+....�..-.,..,, _ _ • Good Companies Represented. Beat Material and 1Lat* cement and three .ten can install the �-+ and three brothers: Oeorge of Culross, �s �+ tank o about half am day: Anyone wish - ?bone HEAT FOLKS William and Jahn, of East Wawangsh, An Attack. of Kid*ne Trouble ` shone 290Cloderich, Ont:. 1"leeigi%a �„ ht get t 1 L � L Expert Workmaimblp• Ing. to build a clipping tank should The funeral was held from Chalmers , touch: with the .Department at Olin- /''� INSVRANCE" - ton, Advice can also be obtained as to -ME HEAT' trOtKS RISE B[.Uii; Church, Whitechurch, to Tlfnrt Comet. Back. l3ad %00%0uld Hardt Stan Priced Eteasout able Cry, !r . P' Y`opr `bnsmesa will.bib the best' dip to use and where such may Sl.a(7rW• 'HERB 15 NQ MIX7u" ., � i 110=t Or 'MUTUAL JIMxsfilft. sepses]#t+bd., 4 b6' purchased•. - �y WITH YHl» St,A1'1 O�i..5Tc11VE + ' n kaebe, but treat lin heftier +rloarll ANON COMPIi,'� V IVX "TION � - . F mots A . ANUeS `Ifs 1"itliZ AAMI�Y` it MAPEKING ' 1N 'ir aerdMMrA klM, Obtrouble f � tl , WWawles .Uta. (iCI3fliE�><Cig ONTARIO Persian .Baht 1s irresistibly app lib 1', , , 'Driller, 1r'AR152 :AND'# ISOLATED TOWIr I'itC)- YE,�J SIiZMWi�`ftG Ffil"S`"•• (intended for Inst week) 'eWl�eu X wr4e te�41n aChaal :I fist] *bad ettrcir (D!' j >ti. Cl', Sax 131 Pp FIRS' r tAlrlll ted 0� Mr. ,klmdr Johnson of Stratford, wAa ]Cion' trouble, and y bash ached ea r could hatfity �r p'b'TtTI'' INSURED:' •. to all women who A reciate Charm and !�y Ls olega110e, Its use. kctdps the complexton ' - %OltlLS'F' home for the Johnston of S tit. r et�uad. � Value of property. Insured up to' Jan'- always clear' and beautiful. Tonic 3a A friend advised me to rias lyoaaa's itidpe 1910, 1;t,640 97600. Mrs fit M a' f C Pflla- OFFICERS- 0torge McCartney, Presl- dent, ft. R. 3, SeAforth; Jas. Connolly, ' Vice President, Goderich; Menton meld, f3ec.•T'reas., �3eeforth'. ., ' DtRECTOitS•-Jas,. Bhouldice, �h7aiton; Wm, li'cnox, Constance; VWbt, Perris, l4'ar- look; John Pepper, Srucefleld; A. Broad. foot, Seaforth; Cleo. Leinhavdt, Broad. hagen, f r AGENT -M -W. 1, Yeo, 11. it. S. Clinton;• .' .Mea. 'Watt, Blyth; Ed. Ilinchloy, &a - forth*, John Murray, seaforth. Policyholders can pay their assess. t, •,tg#, menta at Calvin Cutt's store, Gfoderich .; 'rhe Royal !Tank, Ctlnton, or J, if, lipid's, DayHeld. effect, Stimulates the skin and makes 't ram. o at, o arriia, is visit- which Y did, and before a mouth had elap>o . i fel !t wonderfully Wn-textured, Softens r ino her parents, Ur. and Mrs. -Richard line at« different person,of and whitem the ]lands. PerslAn Balm Johnston, this week. For este at all drug and generoi stordr,or ailed is equally invaluable to men as an ex- ' 'Mr, and Mr¢, S, B. Stothers and direet on receipt of rice by The T. MilburnmCo., cellent hair fixative and cooling wing s family, of Arthur, 'spent Zaturday with Limited, Toronto, On>� lotion. Splendid 41so to .protect th3 � .� Mr, and Mrg, Henry Horton, tender skin of the child. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Kilpatriek and Mies Verna Kilpatrick vislte! Mr. Percy Vinnigan, Dungannon,on na Mis Orate Blakeof Frkon, spent CNi-AYMILXC�y#V iOLt , ' the week at fire home of her par- ToWESTERN CANADA ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thm. Blake. /�,�+� Have you ever noti;sed the imprint of M1W'Bello Anderson, Ti, tC, of 1,on- .arid tho PACIFIC'i COAST INSURANCE leaf on to place of coal? don, spent the week -end with reiativea � here. returning ]tome Monday. rim � 1 li�i# >la the East You'll 'find dee MMetudes.-a slient to. Mrs. Paul llleed, of Lucknow, sand �v .. . minder of thw pre -historic foresU I12 , f, (_ � h 1 PIKE Xlii ii 111 1Yf;1 13proat0 R• "", ry+ The, Mutual� >���' ,from whleh coal tattle, rs. o f:gmoncivii]e, Were guests of Urg. 'T'hotnaa Andetcon, thin Qjjj ,tQ + � � r � 1 C l Vt - '• nowd it, ittendod to by the Think of the centuries of sunDbItte and week -end: RMURN LIMIT -30 DAYS TMST MWAWAN`0six Num" i�iA 081111itANCS,CO. 1(�� t S O O ilii illlPaw treat% Air that must havo been ttbsorb- ed by these forests before they were finally buriedl Mr, Arthur Brown, of, Toronto, Aad oidney t3ro*13, of Stratford Norm,, cchool called on friends here over that Children five years of age and tinder ! �, halt of the adult favc. Children under 5 years of (tyle, fret. x0ablished' 1978 BOA ONO: i wAtana io* 0M NIS GN OTtTIs to �s 4f Co axii T'iAt Is tho coil ,are offer~ y6u: wood mixo(with coneeutrated eutYslrine wid for 'week.end. Mrs, Witiiatta Arcliguld Afld mls Baggage Chetked �erlftis' ill ��U�S`f± �����fl'+i l��ilg ci�ttstttofale flit t%alrae%cdlt Robert 1Drrvldeon, ]bluiganton, lh*st`. dent; Arne st Adkett, Rolyroad, Vke> Atlitrtl< 61`AIlIxl6Eilttlr 1,1166 oxygen.' prc*wail t1to Ando fcf lrexrsl of rises]] rtVrfe c eht+age. ultra berli% faire eild lax. President; In sddition to tho 2ttsldent !rice Ortsidtht, 'following jtf'T$2V'81RAL, 01111i4T0118 00 ti�I'li;t': VA1`MOO, 1111'1'. NO wonder It bum W enroll, sto�f«t11Menr �'lbr etit`i`d�� �lflrlEfrOUS Optional Ri a>t titogg =�t4 tho Art tcn: WW. Wst . ximbflrrt; W. ,L Thdrtrtpsori0 Auburn; 'tWtn.r. 1fiC+ClaDfllalit0 #► il113tI.I,tlt�lt$ a i 1)M, M Y C,,�,�`r'1„ r�i,', XAM*BUK 6*e, Nesreo Agent Luckhowr; w. P, i!1fGQ, XX •, I,11r1(frOvey A 1 fll�ilifl�'S ;DA AI.T, A(481Y� i1or Specific Pares -80011 Reservotiutslx ­7it��fau { l�rarry L,. 44rDllreld, f3rxlexictt„` Dian MAC ix'T�a,.;g�. ti}l�,tpleY. �fi. 4�SiIC�, Tt. 'iP6. i+tb. 3, e.7wei°A:Ir, D OV11 1tpUltsrt(I () t ,{ e{ ww,r 1� �yy lalliial �//�� ��y �) �e � W _,, 'wailrlAr � 'MUSTARD t►! Will Clliair YOW, Skin � P4ES T]f . lei `A111 1, « 1 i(l.Trl k111t+ruw !+'I Rr .,.. lli� �,{� iRlrGh s Cawttsitlrr RJarrri� L + 1.i'w U. �a ��r 11 F,