HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-08, Page 37H RSDAY. JUNS 9th, 11133 THE (40DERXCH STAR
r..:.■.A,...,.. try C:: staualty Wera I a i,i0W, which
r was submitted by Misch Ali:e tlevereaua�z
0 Seafzrth, winner et the Storni
ouw and District � ;;siUa has, ze4elved very U01ra 444 amen- Phone 1 a
tiaan fr m the iudglnic eommittto for tine
" V
r,+P[� illstrl.,t, Wilt% W03 13124 sat w1w*0r. Hems �V#grr# C44yor"VAO 1 Per
S 11M.�:�rd.R Y T4xewas wirier of or
olnp from the iiiatxiu! ,
was: miss Amy �:itiin of 1)al3das. ��pxt11 d hurt Mots
ten Centlre$ Over Somo
- NIEa[lGi+-D15NNiS .
#G9AUJ, FOR MNSAM STREETS CLINTON "NNY Ib_ -Alin DEVOSI" timet wvddln4 was colemnima at ' Oaxmga has 'iaalntalned Its im:adorshlp
T:�le contractcrs for the 'gravelling of Clllatan ;a;h& l ehlldrOW3 balaaara In tlae ifxited char -ch p:ircunage, its Wing- of tale world in, the number of its per
the I'emany 7Bank at the end of .pill Was ]ham on Tae day, May SQtlt, wlae. Mara rtalrit.a 'telepkiazte c4nvgraaGlomts amid lla Surnmer's around the corned
the Itensail a tseats are busy, of tlaa jai. 91,451 as a r
'Tw,,a trucks] bring In about &0 yards Of � as 8ahast $i,422,t2, A. year gsret Eva, scunger slaughter caf Mr, and the matter of its telephones www 1Q9 =
gravel to dais. Every street 'A tie .3wu ago. sixty-one per Cent, of tbo ohild- mrw. Ernest APoui r,, beeame the Bride pspujatiqu L"i C-0mmuoit*!; 0: 5q,A3�1
- 9011 of 'Mr. And Mrs. herb Neill. Whe rccend oral!* antro• alts w States , I -Q1 -
ren are 4,.Tositors.
v71 s 1 gravedied. of William Fr: des ck Neill, of Matheson, .recus ant£
"th WEDDV(0 ANNIVIMSARV IMN" 'BANK DEPOSITS bride was, attired in a, becomingown to rho iJper Elates In Iola-
'ixta total amount 3111 de gown ,phone wlra >IYaiieaoo per lE1D immhabitamats., ,
oA very e4J ble everting was spent posits in the of Oriental blue Crepe with accessories These and other' Interesting statIAIl a of
at the home of lUr, and A2rs. John..i• fenny BAAkeby Seoforth publio lend :o match. After the ceremony the. conmunicatian lens the Aoralnloa are
Bison, of Blyth, 011 Wednesday evening, ae1 arRte schools at end of April; 1953: young couple left on a shuxt honeymoon, contained in the oidcia! irecords -of rho "}
'h4,iy 24th, In 'honor of their fortieth 81,032-0. Comparative figures of 4 after which t4eY viii take up their rest- Bell system from. whiel% p summary has
wadding anniversary, x Year Aga: 111674.99. de.Ce an. the groom's farm at Matheson, been compiled, as of 14nu%ry 1, 1933,
YYIB JPASBS 11lARI1WdaTtE BX1SI1t1ESS New Ontario. anWorrl Is Made
og esv In t Way.
development o.#
Mr. Charles Seetebraor, of starve
townsbip, has purchased the hardware Ata re-OrgBOWIlag Club tnf'wek of the EMr andel Mrss. David Vwre, cant aM has been SO icily within re-
Welland sowiimmg Club last week Mr. H. Wing- cent Months that. strictly up -to -tis -
business of Mrs. A Ro4att, of Bayfield, B Stark was elected president of that ham, Lint.. Announce the engagement of Minute figures are not Possible of at -
and tools possession the first Week in organixatlon, Mr,'WPIE is a sone of their daughter, Ethel May. to Ur. Earl tainment. kW than reason this latest y
June, Mfrs. stark. $e4110411. Russell L:aunt, son of Mr, and Mils.. summary •wbich iscomplete for last. �
Thomas Oa=t, •Kinloss Township, the year, should be Aocepted with the
Me. Thomas simaddack, foretna. of marriage to take place in ,lune. thought its mind that t$lephone Caravel- '
Albert Rittenhouse; a former resident the r. Tho railway ddock, and his rrief . and Mrs, Samuel M. Pethick, of: opment everywhere is An almost daily
of 7urich, and recently of lrfunviYle, pmt, are preParing and getting in shape nice Seaforth, announce the engagement of p acess that continues to add to the
died on Thursday, May 25th, ton.: in their eldest daughter, Mabel Agnes,. to, whole result, in relatloml to. this devel- .
t bis loth pear, after a rather short 10 $ower beds -as In past_ years. And which . Roy W. Patrick, sen of. Mr.. and Mrs. opment of last year. 'CBimadW& perform» a
makes the railway yards so Attractive. .qF
rxese. Ile leavers to mourn his detaalse, Andrew Patrick, all of McKillop; the ante is outstanding.
two sons, Henry, of Vancouver and (WOES TO C. EMA marriage to 'take place early, in June, With 03.4 telephones per 1.0.0 papula*
Bask., and
surgess of Prince Albert, Mr. and Mrs. Th mas Falrservice, of tion in titles of 50,
Miss Evelyn Ricker, sa relent gradtaate (, p 4 a 000 Amid over, Canada ;
pony other friends. Londeoboxo, announce the engagement 'continues. to lead the xtbrld In this par*
of the united Church Training Stlaooll � t
Of their eldest daughter, .Beatrice Anne, 'titular.' classlAcation, Sweden Is next
par -
Toronto, has 'been appointed to the �� ,✓'
to Albert Edward Shaddiok, youngest with, 22.2 sand the united States third
T� mission field of Vilest C3hina. Miss Rick- son of Thomas tShaddick; Hensall. The with 219. in the smaller towns ,and
slR, . J. R, F�1It8 er, was, a, member of the Clinton Col-
'---`^ Isolate staff for a couple of years, re- wedding will take plate early to JuO... villages, Canada ranks third with 8.0
Ei' , FAR, NOSE, THROAT stoning to go into tMiUing for this work; telephones per loo 4nhabitants. The Ate MAO Y' l•� are begilM1117ing to
Late 8ause Burgeon New Tork Orph- OEATU O>F CLINTON 19ESWUNT United states is first with 11:8 while•
tthalmlo and .lural hospital, assistant at en ' O . the O a t d o o r g e a1I S O3M #
113ooreSeld's Eye nospital and Golden
NtJIL9E5 GF3LADtTAxE , . The death occurred. Wednesday, Mal New Zea]and tomes second with, a ligase I �' �W
•$quare Throat. Hospital, London, Eng. At alae. grAduaton exercises omare
f the 31st, of Mrs,' William Cud, Clinton, of 9A based on statistics compiled up to Would>net you 'welcome a +eri�p
53 Waterloo st, S„ Stratford. Tele- Victoria hospital wining school for who had reachod the ripe age of a little and 4nelttding those for March 31, 19'32,
,phone 267, nurses held Monday, May 29th; the over, eighty - years.: Mrs. Cudmore, Canada's ranking. Kik, this relation. etm� breakfast tomorrow?,
a At Hotel Sodtord,: Ooderich,: from. 't whose: maiden name was .Annie '!Cook, has -our
-o'clock on 'the . evening of the,•third Mon: UniYrersity' of Western Ontario the: Sol» p izes that. xesiden�6:<of ' cities and
lowing- ,were presented With their dtplo» was born in Nothinghain, 'England, towns of less than 80,000 people are bet. Well serve Kellogg% 'Gorr ^ �9
day of each month until the . following mas and pins: Misses Avis I,indenfield being brought to this country as a babe ter equipped ,.with telephones and their{
day' Tues"Y' at 1 pm' and, -Annie Simmons, of Exeter, Miss by her parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. associated apparatus than are lababl. lakes. The refreshing CrlBpnei�s i;
" = Marjorie 7Tunter, of..Usborne; and Miss
Sarmiuil Cook. She had resided at Clin- tamps of most. of ' Europe's .largest and
LECiA1G .CAY&Di9 Q, WAlker; of Herisall.
ton ever slnc :. Sixty years ago s?me was more important centres. Ond .$&POs Q these tQAsted ke&
^�^,^^^ m �^ -� -- ��^^^^^ ^^•+ r united in marriage to her late husband,. Canadians Make ,more 'use of the :tele.: make "a petites take a Blew. lease; ,
A'XS & f1AYB, tMADS MEDICAL ASSOCIATION W0111am Cudmore, who passed naval phone' than ,any slier people. In 1931 p ^- ^ � "
At' tha annual oon"rition of• the On- eleven Years. ago. ,Mrs, Vudmore is sur- Canadians. held 249.1 telephone cgnver- on life. 6 ' for Y.OU too.. SO -�
-: s Sons r a it e: n t 7 ,'r
Barristers ,amend .Solicitors, tario Medical Association held. in ITaimsil vived by. two sons and a daughter, Mrs.. at per C p a The U Iced Sates,
:R. C. hays, K,C., and R. .C: :Bays, S.A. on la ivee D , F. : Ne 1 of Pe E, Ward and William Cudmare Y Ciro with a comparable figure of 2'22.0. Is th$ rICYI 1111 611�rgjr. iL11tY eae� t0 dig$st. y
Tiarallton.street, 43oderiCh t, . r . C a , t„nboxo, a /�►/�
was elected 'president' of the Association, ton and . Joso�h Cudmars of London,' only other country !.n which. conversa- • � ��R H . .,
.Telephone 88: ,, �' rot ers n w r tions per Crean exceed the '20 m mark,
for .tlr<e e�llldl'.en: Order -
Dr: Neal is an old 'Walton boy and a „on Two brothers and two ;sisters also sur P . P 0k a 5,
of NCmS, William 17ea1' of, that village.' 116 vive; . Mr. George Cook, Victoria street, Newt^Zealand .comnes next with '197,5. and �' package 1'OYiI ���� � :s. 1
ttfle red-and-greenp % QNEH FRESH, _.J:i ':
OUC'rL:9&'R. NAT#lN, • is a'graduate:of Seaforth Collegiate, ,Clinton;. John Cook,' Mrs. A. H. Ws1te followed by 17enniarlt which lead's In ,
. tote: and Meg, Wm. Cal%'Detroit.. Europe with 158:6 >Ganadians . make your grocer. !Made b Kellogg
iII ,,r
Barristei -and Solicitor <1 u 1410do, of seven times' .tore use' of the FuvpRas c+r J✓
O gr .:
pfit6}y y
Office: 'Hamilton St, Phone .51:2, Ialouniqu-COorEit . telephone than the British wino reported London,. Ontario.. r;
A -'pretty :Uar.loviiding took. Place nt JUNE 12-17 FOR bIPPING 34.4, and over twelve times more •th&n
'the manse, lttppen,. on Saturday, Wal the people of France who make '20.1. t
`RANK I)ONNELLX, B A. 20th, at 2:30 p.m. .by : the' Rev. A. R. calls per capita. e `
Evsry Flgeif .qf Shcap in County Should
Conner, when Margaret Grace, 'segond Canada; with 1,364,200; ranks, fourth
litarristnr,. Solicitor Etc. dna iter •of Mr J. Co' er ` An, the )3e Oil Fc4-June, 12-17' Op1,6rt0Ae in absolute .number of telephones and Is
g $ op a p
'Phone 282.. lietiM TLTON StT : Cloderit h• Time
Pe became the'
• late Mrs. iGrace 'Cooper, _, _ .. led only by .the Orxitod States, ;rermanq.
�^-�- bride of .tames Edoar.Mc$ride, son of -^ and -Great Britain (#nCludng Noftheru
Mr. and Mrs, Robert of Stasi- c r B „ t
R, FARROW. McBride,, At tlils season af. the Year. evefy sheep eland) in that order, But in tele .
_- ley. They will 'xeside !n iippen. owner slaoulci g;vd some, thoaght to the phones per 103 population, Canada turas '€
Pubiio Etc. dipping o h o-" ' . 13.1 which is. second only to 15,8 irn the °
]Barrister,: Solicitor. 'Notary ► d pp.rig f is took of, ewes and Iamis_ Y .
BELL ALnr&mi5 v)<)GLAGEIBS -
Successor to J: L. Killoran.. for the control of, a11•.e>;te al` arasites: United States while °C3�rmany and C�kreat.
•, :8 one 9 Office e . u re Cioderielm. - ,v u, ..
i% 7 t xh Sq & A Cris wau9 Afi ocGurrenae alatlneki hyo Britain have :only. 4t8' And -4.5 respect- . `
o ks wlmach aro -snot- regudarlY dipped
many residents of 'Zurich and nearby cannot help but be lrfesWd with ticks..ively; Eighty-two per cent of Canada's
country on : the, night of ,May 24th, and under such conditions the general total telephones. and all '. of the tele- ,
1RNEST M, LIM. ` About one o'clock the belt in the tower hones of. the Vnited'States' are under
health of Glte .animals will' not be the. p ----•--• .,�»-....�....-.....-,.:.:
of the Lutheran ' church began to toll '
best. The _ Iambs articul'ariy, will ,be private ownership and operation, in:
Barrister and Sollettor p
anti the tolling did not Stop until the both G4ermany anti 4reat 'Britain, all "' { Alice Archibald, of SeafOrth, Spent MAY 37 to lot 27: This was• granted.
tsars 'Life.; BIdg., Adelaide and Victoria. heatray infested and therefore, wtil , . Y ^A
local watchmaker was roused,.out.of bed make slow gains' during the 'Rummer. telephones are operated by. the respee- 44th at the home of -Mr, slid Mrs. S, J. ]mer: E:' CI, Beacom. 1.1'.5., chew atten-
Tslephori�: Elgin 5$01 and attCnded to the clack m the tower.
Toronto ;2. I months. , live governments, Argentina leads �, . iiflpatrick. tion to amtndmetat In the School Act
It was found that ,the striking part of South America in telephone develop- ' 1vir. ,and Mrs. Joe Day of iiatnllton, whereby Schools receive :only seventy
the clock had gone, moron and• the :strik- The month of .ry
June is
the most Suit
went with •. approximately 2,7 per 100 „� Mr. and Mfrs..' Benny . ,Campbell and $ye pef° cent. of the. general rate, which a
' C13I$OI?BAOTIC -Ing hammer was released. causinf: the able far dipping %s ali Iambs twill Stave Ja an ea i1 ]Cads the Asia -
children le 4 i'
population,p easily A ,children . and Vt. and Mrs, Aubrey w be S• 60.. nstead of $000 as former -
arrived and the weather 1$ favorable,*R0, I>rAM MoINNIS
a bc11, t4 toll. - -many thought a• are. had tic countries but Shaws a. flours. of only Higgins and Jack, -of Detroit, were 1Y• i
. All will be carrying. sui;6ctent
RUGLESS r11AC=TX0NEit. broken out . in the village ihile some 1.4 up to and including March ',31 last . Wingham Advance-T1m2s _M4 Til- xetent guests of Mr: and Mrs. lie3 h. The . Most Interesting pa of the �
growth of wool after the spring ,shear- rI
. _
thought it was a sigh of war. loom, It; is suvo
ggested uggested that every owner .year.. coner,. Whitechurch, 'widow of the' late Curran. business, of the day .centred around; the
+Ck1IROPAt CTOA, -AND DRUGLESS: • Dan. iv1 l was ::appointment. a
ESSAY COAMItNDEID endeavor to dip his Sock some time - c nt'44 x found dead. in bed .of a road. superfnteadcnt
THERAPIST, •,GODERICih Always. keep. Douglas* . Egyptian Lisst
The eras aim "What
T W irld Do for during the week commenting time 12th menta hand, by a net on Wednesday morning, to fill• the vaCaneY caused by the death
y o o t a d, -ready to bring immediate May'.31st. Mrs. McInnis hada a GODERICH TP. COUNCll. .
Equipped .with electro-linagnetio baths. of June: At this time the seeding. of spent the of the late Mr. B. Emmers�n,,'!'here
Electronic electric treatment and chlro- late .farm crops will be coni leteWa d 1'e df t0 burns, sores and tsiblood'.
felons. .Stops winter with.: ter daughter in Goderith +-- -- sixteen, applications, all horn good wand
' p p • ,bleeding at 'once:. prevents : blood, •pots- , .
practio, Chronic, organics 'and nervous haying operat!ona will probably not . : and had only about a month agq-return- Ro Tyndall Appointed
RoAd Su ria« eligible , men. The choice . was Mr. '!flay
diseases. Lady in attendance. Office r {� ( oning, Splendid for ore throat' and ed to her home in Whltenhurth: For y p Tyndall, A. R. 3, Clinton,
OFF COLOUR? start `before the 2Qt% of June.
hours 2 to 5, and 7 to. 8 pm. 33rd by ap- quinsy- some years she had ,been subject to eendent a The following accounts were old: H
nt. Closed Wednesday from 12 'j� There is ai community, dipping tank
Pointme OO I lilp 1 f�rO'� heart attacks, but of late has been feel -
16 McCurtneY salary'assessin 89ofrk' ;
fit s p m O 111 j.l L on 91 farms in Hu pn Count filth in
A:: N. AT1t'INBON, residence. and
south Br:-
Viruke'up. BiIC_
r. Y w
sures. the regular d�iPpmg of all flocks
carnes of street and,
taenia. itoad. Phone 841.
-without Cpfoinel '
In the immediate. rieighborho0d. Oom-.
many friends. Mrs. McInnis cirri .trulyevision
be called one of the Pioneer women• of
rand general bueinec. There
er r
were very few appeals and some adjust-
munity dipping has an advantage over
t s district as w 76 years
It as Year ago, that
Your IfveY'e a very$nuill organ, but it dell-'
individual farm dipping In'.that it torts
Wray ran put yyour digeecive and elimivative
braes but of rdlter by retusing io pour out its
less and there is less labor involved for.
Friday, July 7', at 1:30 P. �.
dwty two poueda of iiguid mto your bowele
each.In community twnks
1Couwo`n'tcoutpletely torreet euch a condition
bytskia¢salfa, tanctivocandy
sheep may 'be dipped for from 2-c to. iib
Oil, miuereiWalter,
or ehevvmg gain, or roughage. When they've
per head depending'on the number put
Live Stocir and General Auelloneera.
inbred your bowels they re through--.4nd you
through. With small More or less iso;
Ellin Ave„ Clo"ob,
aneedebver tlUnit, nt.
lated floake it !A net necessary to•build
Sales made everywhere and all effiorts
made to give you Sat$lfaction,
Carter's"•tittle Liver Pilie will soon bring back
the eunahine intb your life, The9're Purely vel
a' special tank, . A, trough or vat La
gh roe
to Immerge the,
Farmers' Sale NOIRe discounted
P 1
tablo 'gate: Sure. Ask for them by soma
oubstlfutes, 26c,at all dnulatr. 48'
enough sheep thorough-
lY will answer the purpose
Ing quite well and her sudden deaden
The council.. of Goderich township•
. pas'
sage and stationery, $5; R. p. COIc]ough,
was a great shock to her family and her
met on ftidaY, May 20th; for court of
storing' grader, S5; Bet's. Lobb, wcoit
many friends. Mrs. McInnis cirri .trulyevision
be called one of the Pioneer women• of
rand general bueinec. There
er r
were very few appeals and some adjust-
supplied for relief, $7,60; superintend -
ent, Pay voucher No. 6„ 842,74:
t s district as w 76 years
It as Year ago, that
-men t�
s were' de the
maprincipal n
e e
i then adjourned to meet an
she utas, born at Langside, Hfriloss Trop,
being In rannection with 'the Canadian
National Uallway, They : considered
Friday, July 7', at 1:30 P. �.
As a member of the Presbyterian
church, she took a very active part In
they were higher than they should'be
li, Cj, TFiOMPSON, Clerk.
the church work and her efforts will be
according to statute, and a slight reduc-
Miller's Worm Pawdeta ' `.ilk
greatly :missed by the congregation.
was made.
, attack warmg
Surviving her is a family of twelve•--
Court of revision was Adjourned until'
!n the stomach and in.estlnes at pace,
and to wormcan come In
4f Co axii
seven sons and five daughters: Dr. Dan,Friday,
July 7th,
contact with
of.'Cltntoit; Robert, James and Joe, of
The Department of .Highways state-
them andlive. They also correct r the
61`AIlIxl6Eilttlr 1,1166
hone 19. Teeswater; William of Formosa, Thomas Ment of subsidy due on 11132 expend!- unhdA thy coatdltions .in rho digestive
- w
The Ontario De artment -of Agricul- . f B n organs that invite ood entourage worms, 1
lure at Clinton has the necessary forms: o him avon, and: John, of . Rinioss,. tare showed ,12,909,50, 'which will arrive- setting reactions
�' `�", 1Kft. .Mex. Sutler : (Annie) Ociderich; shortly. s g up a coons that are .moat bane-
NOTAUT PMIBl;1lC, 9re, �f p+p{j for the building of concrete dipphig Mrs. ivtcl{ee Minnie Peace Rivet iiciai to the growth .of the, child. They
I GOOERi�H ' tanko And will 11¢ pleased to assist any E ), R a dig-.
' The 'Sell Teiephane Co, wished to have attested their power In hundtado
,SAM tract; � Mrs, Collins Mutiny) of England; 'nongtruct 'their `London to Winglom of cases and at all tlmes are thoroughly
gAl;ttia.' ` fainter or group of farmers in the build- line -via tonCesaion5.1B`and 14 from of truotWortiiy, ,
vY l MONUMENTAL WORKS' int' of a tank, The materials required GODERIC H Mrs. JarTimn, (Sidney), Lu im. s Mrs. �
VOTARY I�LIC are two loads of gravel and site 'bags of Orville Tiffin (',two ,Kinloss. she is
Glerieral Conveyancing 'done.,
AAMI>4'TON $'T. also survived by two staters in Dragon -----'-•+....�..-.,..,, _ _ •
Good Companies Represented. Beat Material and 1Lat* cement and three .ten can install the �-+ and three brothers: Oeorge of Culross, �s �+
tank o about half am day: Anyone wish -
?bone HEAT
FOLKS William and Jahn, of East Wawangsh, An Attack. of Kid*ne Trouble
shone 290Cloderich, Ont:. 1"leeigi%a �„ ht get t 1 L � L
Expert Workmaimblp• Ing. to build a clipping tank should The funeral was held from Chalmers
touch: with the .Department at Olin- /''�
INSVRANCE" - ton, Advice can also be obtained as to -ME HEAT' trOtKS RISE B[.Uii; Church, Whitechurch, to Tlfnrt Comet. Back. l3ad %00%0uld Hardt Stan
Priced Eteasout able Cry, !r .
P' Y`opr `bnsmesa will.bib the best' dip to use and where such may Sl.a(7rW• 'HERB 15 NQ MIX7u" ., �
110=t Or 'MUTUAL JIMxsfilft. sepses]#t+bd., 4 b6' purchased•. -
�y WITH YHl» St,A1'1 O�i..5Tc11VE + ' n kaebe, but treat lin heftier +rloarll
ANON COMPIi,'� V IVX "TION � - . F mots
A . ANUeS `Ifs 1"itliZ AAMI�Y` it MAPEKING ' 1N 'ir aerdMMrA klM, Obtrouble
f � tl , WWawles .Uta.
(iCI3fliE�><Cig ONTARIO Persian .Baht 1s irresistibly app lib 1', , , 'Driller,
1r'AR152 :AND'# ISOLATED TOWIr I'itC)- YE,�J SIiZMWi�`ftG Ffil"S`"•• (intended for Inst week) 'eWl�eu X wr4e te�41n aChaal :I fist] *bad ettrcir (D!' j
>ti. Cl', Sax 131 Pp FIRS' r tAlrlll ted 0� Mr. ,klmdr Johnson of Stratford, wAa ]Cion' trouble, and y bash ached ea r could hatfity �r
p'b'TtTI'' INSURED:' •. to all women who A reciate Charm and !�y
Ls olega110e, Its use. kctdps the complexton ' - %OltlLS'F' home for the Johnston
of S tit. r et�uad.
� Value of property. Insured up to' Jan'- always clear' and beautiful. Tonic 3a A friend advised me to rias lyoaaa's itidpe
1910, 1;t,640 97600. Mrs fit M a' f C
OFFICERS- 0torge McCartney, Presl-
dent, ft. R. 3, SeAforth; Jas. Connolly, '
Vice President, Goderich; Menton meld,
f3ec.•T'reas., �3eeforth'. .,
' DtRECTOitS•-Jas,. Bhouldice, �h7aiton;
Wm, li'cnox, Constance; VWbt, Perris, l4'ar-
look; John Pepper, Srucefleld; A. Broad.
foot, Seaforth; Cleo. Leinhavdt, Broad.
f r
AGENT -M -W. 1, Yeo, 11. it. S. Clinton;• .'
.Mea. 'Watt, Blyth; Ed. Ilinchloy, &a -
forth*, John Murray, seaforth.
Policyholders can pay their assess.
t, •,tg#, menta at Calvin Cutt's store, Gfoderich .;
'rhe Royal !Tank, Ctlnton, or J, if,
lipid's, DayHeld.
effect, Stimulates the skin and makes 't ram. o at, o arriia, is visit- which Y did, and before a mouth had elap>o . i fel
!t wonderfully Wn-textured, Softens r ino her parents, Ur. and Mrs. -Richard line at« different person,of
and whitem the ]lands. PerslAn Balm Johnston, this week. For este at all drug and generoi stordr,or ailed
is equally invaluable to men as an ex- ' 'Mr, and Mr¢, S, B. Stothers and direet on receipt of rice by The T. MilburnmCo.,
cellent hair fixative and cooling wing s family, of Arthur, 'spent Zaturday with Limited, Toronto, On>�
lotion. Splendid 41so to .protect th3 � .� Mr, and Mrg, Henry Horton,
tender skin of the child. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Kilpatriek and
Mies Verna Kilpatrick vislte! Mr. Percy
Vinnigan, Dungannon,on na
Mis Orate Blakeof Frkon, spent CNi-AYMILXC�y#V iOLt
' the week at fire home of her par- ToWESTERN CANADA
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thm. Blake. /�,�+�
Have you ever noti;sed the imprint of M1W'Bello Anderson, Ti, tC, of 1,on- .arid tho PACIFIC'i COAST
INSURANCE leaf on to place of coal? don, spent the week -end with reiativea �
here. returning ]tome Monday. rim � 1 li�i# >la the East
You'll 'find dee MMetudes.-a slient to. Mrs. Paul llleed, of Lucknow, sand �v .. .
minder of thw pre -historic foresU I12 , f, (_ � h 1
PIKE Xlii ii 111 1Yf;1 13proat0
R• "",
The, Mutual� >���'
,from whleh coal tattle,
rs. o f:gmoncivii]e, Were
guests of Urg. 'T'hotnaa Andetcon, thin
Qjjj ,tQ + � � r � 1 C l Vt
nowd it, ittendod to by the
Think of the centuries of sunDbItte and
week -end:
TMST MWAWAN`0six Num" i�iA
1(�� t
S O O ilii illlPaw
treat% Air that must havo been ttbsorb-
ed by these forests before they were
finally buriedl
Mr, Arthur Brown, of, Toronto, Aad
oidney t3ro*13, of Stratford Norm,,
cchool called on friends here over that
Children five years of age and tinder ! �, halt of the adult favc.
Children under 5 years of (tyle, fret.
x0ablished' 1978
BOA ONO: i wAtana io* 0M
OTtTIs to
4f Co axii
T'iAt Is tho coil ,are offer~ y6u: wood
mixo(with coneeutrated eutYslrine wid
Mrs, Witiiatta Arcliguld Afld mls
Baggage Chetked
�erlftis' ill ��U�S`f± �����fl'+i l��ilg ci�ttstttofale flit t%alrae%cdlt
Robert 1Drrvldeon, ]bluiganton, lh*st`.
dent; Arne st Adkett, Rolyroad, Vke>
61`AIlIxl6Eilttlr 1,1166
oxygen.' prc*wail t1to Ando fcf
of rises]] rtVrfe c eht+age. ultra berli% faire eild lax.
President; In sddition to tho 2ttsldent
!rice Ortsidtht, 'following
jtf'T$2V'81RAL, 01111i4T0118
00 ti�I'li;t': VA1`MOO, 1111'1'.
NO wonder It bum W enroll,
sto�f«t11Menr �'lbr etit`i`d�� �lflrlEfrOUS Optional Ri a>t titogg
=�t4 tho Art
tcn: WW. Wst . ximbflrrt; W. ,L
Thdrtrtpsori0 Auburn; 'tWtn.r. 1fiC+ClaDfllalit0
#► il113tI.I,tlt�lt$
i 1)M, M Y
C,,�,�`r'1„ r�i,',
6*e, Nesreo Agent
Luckhowr; w. P, i!1fGQ, XX •, I,11r1(frOvey
A 1 fll�ilifl�'S ;DA AI.T,
i1or Specific Pares -80011 Reservotiutslx 7it��fau
l�rarry L,. 44rDllreld, f3rxlexictt„` Dian MAC
ix'T�a,.;g�. ti}l�,tpleY. �fi. 4�SiIC�, Tt. 'iP6. i+tb. 3,
e.7wei°A:Ir, D
1tpUltsrt(I () t
,{ e{ ww,r 1� �yy
�//�� ��y �) �e � W _,,
t►! Will Clliair YOW, Skin �
T]f . lei `A111 1, « 1
i(l.Trl k111t+ruw
!+'I Rr .,.. lli� �,{�
iRlrGh s Cawttsitlrr RJarrri�
1.i'w U. �a ��r