HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-01, Page 61 101111111'__-�___ 1ft­,P _�ft_ .W., " 'Nk__11 F�fr �__ - _11ii_ '.___ -I.-- ­_ - - __1W - -_ go � 4 . � --- � , I—* ­ ­ — =X wDzwiw gria- , 'awaap&y, JUN* Ist, 104 . I � ___ - _ _ . - ­ ,_ . � , _- I - r-11ft— .."ONW.-ROM."W" -I--- -1-11-1., 11 . � . ­_ — — — - — -_ I I - 10 _ I ­ ­___ . i 11 _- �__�­�_­­111 �— ­­ , ­��­'. � - �, 0 , -,-,.-,--. �­­_�­_,__ yt ._.1_1_._.--- --- 'Surface I Pies hr Cripp � I - . I cANADiAN vmnioms _11.1 SPECIALS Turkey Cam Wer,e save, tiie I P, Answered . . ., Childreles FUW'l - ­.'..- FOR - — ., t. We I *.� I _ __ .- -1 __ _____._ __ ------I 11-1-1 __ 11 _ - %_ i " Xy CHASUS $LOAN IKUP It is palog Econoiny not to pain ,� ppograft of 0obtsXAM Qu4w VOCAWX J)*Y# IOY Now X"WWkwo Usaw. 470 sslte3 Wei , FekY W S�"Y 11 line, of � X01111" wave* 4.2ut 30 owes RU,.,QI,VW& Arwur aud� � 11 A ,carry a hi . TO Be Givon in orze 0411.1t wontier at uAre being any ,?�Wt WA114m, It'SA 'UQT14 of wult **. ww's "Ns %%QMWX01W.. 1. 00WA000400000000004" I d Paint ' the 1=514 AlAoms Mwa 4^11111=9 . 11 I CcnueCtWU betvwu jW law ot grj4vj* .y Mate and. lu I � I 1 C4101Y " he W1441 is su Ind", -&1404 of *bat U, 130* -to ,CoUgr A&WW, White., blue, ta% I ScarWs Ready,"Mixe,-- I I . and a UQ1144Y in New Isrulk4wkic by t 1:0 unsurpassed. res. Set there Is 049, soeuwts� sp�ak- of'rer.'. Ti4re U the 4MAPIest; axtfwft,*�, greea, at - Krow'" 't. .,. . ___ , �*%, A# jQ 17. I "K"A"' Itogovorag* an4f wearing quals v a itste Etrveq 3AW F44art NW -03 of rox norm. The vAll tang 40WO the r*- . I �- .. %4,.p Uor,5, ViRb r,t "er4-b. Is abOUt lot of fliecam;W403UPAY ofwsw. r I irlike ivith a abrill resonalft�*. 'The sun I ' I Faraitare an4 tot roar aa%i,", It a a gW;%,;aA7,, a bum. .hat 'Were it not far gravity the watoors erLC Apntarlo bmblana *114 UOU1444 . 7ft , For yoa�l . ouse I , I � wits not yet rimen, 1.1041 objeew could I I . I.- Ukep, river$,. for" AU4 Mountains, _1 - I . , . N I . *INS "Wxf$ - M s(,ea only a short dlstauc6 through I M,-..,- I =1 ra3r, wlatch jiWaid be heard ouil. �T the 0--ean wJUld, XUO Over 0116 buu� , Veranda � Chair -at ?_ .A-*. � . - kw�^gwl an *Very COTUCT of Hut,04 COMAS drea ftet. WOO- ill# eftet of grolzy to J# sk woud*oUntry for the canoolliv IVA 10 I � A. ^ 7 photogpipher for thero oxe PU14410 obovics, ritrlwl 8 . the woodit, There w4s_.g'd4nk smell r � IV. , . 1. streJ10% xa- , . ., � awa beyoull-for tfte lastfour $CP0 h" DeZ(-M0 lal�WrAUVO Many Of tb* P'CtUr- to 113�. . _� irk tile 41r.bot .014 Rt,OO6en Heury ea_ I ,JL;,'SL VARN.0--LFW%-*1 1. . � . P10. talu and ,h losis U , Use'SCARK , I , 4.,gV the jaaunt$ where beaver build Weir - 3 pakir SSo joyed it. The d0ad dower$ Of the It has no #q,gajand thcpe are, Many c6lors to . . I 11 11 .yahawa t9 every mident of Huron �;,.ua lixyz and sandy beAghem of :Nb* Mugu WW . ill!) W=derful roults attained by tile a.-uUsw:,i*, wilkh #re uqw. *he play# . . . I Is areftwjs of vatatlentsts, would� disAp. 4aws. *44 bomoo. where MWx,,otttr and XMIS VAtaxXOGAN passing summer were decaylag there : . I 11 UMAS Benefit Fund, and It should be tL -'rinaldip, othor small fur btarers, suit the volt . V01011NATIONS fit great %bun4wilee wum formerly . choose fro"], oil � �1 . . 11 pjca�ure and duty of %ery ,resident Of por. Where now human om And the %war room In $jX"t3. " 44twit avine, had,been, rich We also ,carry White Lead, Sade"' ."I , , J I . towl, village And farm of the county to ��Wbn tua .Play, where harl"y Children Shiark,sleeves. �Ankle lengtil. OW -0, the 4opes of tile On land per- I ' . I. then Owed them Xoese raise their heads Q4 to 41, L . I . In mlousogo.lors andwooti . I . and Turpentimc, ' . I . . make it Fr-rIble fOr Uie UOns tO tarry coampor along the f*1140, there from t -14e jily pads, aod deer coming U tomes, agog, (0tex"111 low , I I , . . . on . would. bo only the Ague$ of the sea and . . . .. . I t"upon' shoot- For sulf sAd Heavy Mardwam, Plumbbig,- IR I down to drink gaze. In startled wonder 691C. . uxlft� Oil" . I .Ure?s � J)ld, Reuben was ben 1.0 icea� Aa .� i=ds Are ueces,�'ary R44 the 1,1011% fus eternal $11ence of the deep, $9, At Me V#ssWXc#uqV, . I � Ing *,wild turkey. lie prided 111101501t WAW xna, M4 Air), Tbuplthbar AuA gavetm . 11 � I jiy� $ n %Ob . " . L , Ind collectively that 00 j%ws are indisputable and ot 6, J03 tO Tim sceocry ot Red -VIne, Trout, ft- Mwo 1510AXI'MOT1% . I , I I . . tuirw ptroonx upon th ,absolute naturalness. of his W9* prolmor 4#04" to Anot iu* gu4rAnte4, I I ; . L t1mUs a .0 , -st'001k � to not of the best� but they, have ,ajang as, are IQ,Wsof man, therefore for grald* and, 111111aB43 ,of other takes 10 ' JFY$AUA$ . 1. se, "ore been but AnthraciftooPocahorif k . WaYs fil, . . � turkey �s . 4, . CiA.VC4 4 V!An wlierd)y were will be a y"Vs to tome ths coasts Of now Bruns. Many styles, and shades to v14000 41 vep had tb as. Coal and, Co W al L I . .. L C�Yun . J. "alw worth, while, sind take trout 0 4fte mail In tbe,whole Mountain see- . I . .t� Wide Ootgrtalluratut of sterling V;.,�k wIll.Coutinitio 0 be SL ple%$'Aut hal . ., L f � . � . . , generous size, busky 0orbbern piltei, bass from., Oses .30 to, 46, L his Jml- - - ' ' . . I I cUoja of fifty cents per do land. I . . Of)" ;V119 could 'closely rival - Phones ,Staris So CL , the Harbor � � � .. I . v-wltle at OW L I In some of The lakes,, anta speckled trout I . , $ 149, tgtlou*� and that man had Moved over . . , 1114040 I 12 HAS. C. UE T'* Alo""t O'�: . , - tick�t­and avc ill to tua I . ".. � ry My cents go While atandlog an ik 409k at 1304104 to some, of the AtrosiOns So= the base Itito an ar,%be , . I _ __ ­ — . . q L - � "'�r. 4�rjn.)�.ed Childroh-Tilat I$ tho big oil- or NOW York QUe MAY eeO �,1DmtOrt%b)Y for. many A later Ash sitory. rollow the. . I L .. . acombe County two ye. , ela - . . -­ �� I - _ , � , ­ , - ,_ , '. — ��L ' , , ­ . I ., � Ittin; out to .s.� . I I fore. Reuben always, chuckled wb be .11 I , r "!_ 11 . , , �� i . 4 � jc�'t- I I . cquipred staaMeTO 11V , . at ipbapiltaa river, the Goose ri-fer, Journey M '4 R Uo'L loll Q ' ' - I I . I . '. I . -_ ­ ____LL L I .. � . . . The 'Coucerts W.11 be given by "bbts carrying people "abroad", U0611Y, of thought ot 1100. -Gordy .' 1; r A. . . I 1. � . . " I . ct the Srat ordet-M. Uft Sommer- tlicg�e ,travellers 9 � Now - gr=gwlcX 04 the A0108149,13L the -Montreal, tbb a , OBIKS competitor for the honors of best tur, __ .1 10.- . I . L . I 1"W" k1? I . . L ,vit . ,,e concert, and Lre , jocei ,of ggtollawarta, or ha,i!a the:tbritt of the . . , .1 � - 0 the range ; for Reabell . .11". 1. . I .� I . I . . . I . I � , . , ,radlo organist of bouud� for to Amerloons the PrOV key caller 0 . ., . I � . :- '. 0 . . ZAL"l "rgl trip white, 1104 under vala� Tip'Toploilors like %cout a 11 ffln . I . I . . 0. .%. 0. O.; U.N$ Kggy Moreland, thild N$jv Brunswick, though JU0 across . Illd not ouders.. E: PMACTICALL . GARDENER, - - I - * . . wp ,deg violintst, the gold me veis. Journey 4tar or have ,* I s"oe I -0 I e. $190501 � I , . ALUJU , , I . . . I . . I - ,:.sm,"b�.1, N'ow L W Poo. - . . .. 4015t At r.bige and over tile boundary, Is A tot- 149MR In, 9111b Of the WOO114141 b, . . I . - � . . T.ber stillness. 10 the woods and the , �. , I I . . . . .. I . . � I . I . L . . � '. L . I I the f�tratford Musical. Postival ,of 1933, cign land. Fast train$ Make 04 Pro- . . .. � 0140NE U4 � ... " ... L curvature of the hills -made It POW' � I ' .' - - i , ' I . I I I . .- . L % . . I I. *,Vh^.M. the jUdge!� acclaimed as the, out" Vince ju�at an civernight.run Uona Boston in the wilderness for there are a nuo-botor I, I L . I � � . I urk6y call to resound . 1.�. L I . - . 1, . . . L . I . . al.indluff juvenile 11101111%t.Of 0 the fe$* or A(Outre%I,A4d 0, few hours extra from of these -to rent.. Aubrey fskUa As. thell I � %, ., 1-11111101. . ­ .11 � -, I ble for the t, - . I .L. I . "F. AwAsums. ow A "AN . months. It so happens thiO,t 41. 8010 : . . I I tivals at �Stratfordj Mr. ChAtIeS U0*4 lqQW -10VIt Or TO =tO, gVellelab motor drop from ledge to ledge areenqu9b, to. L "I from a grgar distance " . , ,Cases they have boon 'plauted, B1040 to � . . , . . I , I ck entice one to the POsIsgagi river, I I .. .. I L. By sp"W arrangemolo With the, fQ%jnda#on, of buildings and4n,MPOW L : Ing, op,*Mbjz baritone, who for tWeAtY- ro%& bring VIsltOr4 Into New grunsivi, . , while . I . - � 1 �� q I "Neawk I 1�gowk p, Down the Tav no I 1. ne. of� sparkle , L . I L It Boated,. arousing, ft - slight ethO, but - AnXillon Nu"wwj - rsLilogton, ont, . _. � . . Islis' Attract , - L to has v, wide ovorballglo$ I I 'L I I Ave yol" was one of the ts . g; along ecepte, rou"s And gove.ral.1 tile de. the very, noix , - � "', " 1, I I rkey, ,ses the root * I . . L� . I vocalists of the 14oudon, J� I d, n.. volop(i 4eetiong of the province. I to the Vontreal, ,Do the liplics over. - � . . I bringing no- response from A tu A nuisteiplecoi� Is- th,10 tMUOU of 00` qave which deprives them of- the bonoll. . L , I I L I take A r� -un ' � . I . L ei.qbon' alted, -for SOM0 time loggl; the 3Uat rbWATtiof 40tt to Make 01al.ralts that the rest of the 00dint , �. . 1. _ NawL York $bjge_WIjO orea, o rl ,' ,on ,.the northern .boundary a the pro. looking X01)squAsheshlut � 0 4 VwBet tile , � ' ' I L ' , . :1 at one t . . I from time to 0414- T411V .1 I . I . cipal parts in the But" I I Vince lie$ the.'ag, , 0 ()Ilaloury -in Inlet ,of 901f may )* -Played before Or after A �TH , TAWA .. be0t%'v`q6` ' tall$. " - Ime squatting =Rll integral detalla t#%t MR,YL enjoy . . . I the Lie 0 . W , OT I , - LL 9i. ' I OUO][IT L _' beside 11 , he side e, Thus it I . . � � : , I I ' " nente, 010etY � bo�rtder on, I: r of the bring pe#g0tion, to Jhb, whol. %. . I . . I . � ,,%.Ale AlervIr Widow" and I Ala I . 'of the ' gulf of $t'Ul L jadjo$ trip ftom. Chaple,si . they 626r, from drought -TKbicb, cous. , , . .;ing, %li& flft� I I . . ,at art i , 'CuL to twelity--five Miles U1 no= On trall';L at an�klier , leaning,' closely is. of p)rjjijar serious damage w11101i Is qJten not -&p.-Ir _ I - ... .... - . . 4K 11,11cre will 6e One Joe - t e , � . . OWL% to Y-AlaieOuVer by I QJFT I � , .. . With the butt , ry.lmipertonm to TUliall-t I a following year. . .': � � 1. li .. I ' . I ovL,ry t3tva ,for the concert at atul . A09*bde L a, , of 4 garden to OU An L . � - As, the bay n . gainst a %vhlte -oak, bl L the., uitimatA picture . . parent until th', . . ">,Lt, : V. L . ; . width . Arrows Into the es- . .. L . i I gy� WUMI= EOGMSTON . . de at s feet. talo the BffbetL desired 1. ' rr L - ,, I . TV%..!. Reg. Hopper. 11"Id secretary, O- of the )%eattgollebe tile sobriety be s . of his. long; rifle. groun d . 1, . �Other ,erroneous Idea is that evergreens I I - . I . .. 4 ttary . , . UOUgh, by far4he greater p%rt Of A. I . . . . . . I , .. or Ule , aworo plonting . you must first plan. 'not require as Much as - ,V1 � I I � . Wing troes do L I . : the ont3ric, CrIpPlod, ObildrOW0 AMO- '�Qmo$ bolder and more majestic, At optor-tour across thoL.'011ti.liout c. .4 - - . I I I � I Mell, reckon I'll get on py , ilderg(- Oth plAnts in the garden. ':[f�dilring' . . I , "an. b I I I L I I 1 4.s L Bj$%t4_n, L I . I the O14. man mused. ,"to the 41hd � points t0L be taken into co , L 1; ... I .. Win give a tWetity,mbaUte talk the mouth. of tho.bay Ile the , 4 . L . : ­ ridge," . or ! , . I . L , � made, on, *'giAgidi, it not -subjeC't : . I- . I ta the vtrk u 0 L , spou barr I , en highways, is, Cittalwal. MAY 201�1_13711e: �stormy . Laurel tiluff, Voift oeier fail toL,git fion are', First the general landscape lb� dry 'hot iguXAM , - I , lid results of th wonder- SWppl&U,_au4 W uj barr li,. a, yet possible to make the. trip cut . er months You: deCIAL0 L .' , I ,� . I ful ,w, , d the roe,oVrays.o, thi D�Jnt L ' . Irbly on Le gain at. Ot- I 11 talic , . 90n' th-at your garden . ;,k of the pillipled Childrea's Vonis mcasUrc the r ocean . L f titles'bas_l�efiu raised a proposed gard9n, I I . L 0-tiess ocean , up. one OV0 thar. � Vunoy: 1, can surrounding, the is, w1ferinpr $rom . I . . 11108ttAtod ,qjjCwjng yabolitenton to g. ,e t . 131011i . Ime. ox. � teowa, 16 vatpe -about. quite. Innocently - langidg.0 .s.o� din our. climable, ,0�u6tjeius.and U%Mon- drought and -YOU win refresh It,W arti- . I I I L .r;4.id. Thiss lecture -Will ,be tertion Is g� st.roibb, ot -country through thoL4 in turkey I , ged good. t . 4000UCI . ; ,. . � when -one of m,imbers, a* . -critters.. toUg-ral - of, buildlbkw. to sea. that your , , . ' L ,ed a- qaes- 61_ tijem ,smart . ,w -1 , I I d a6ft over the. w y. L best �4t j can- to L I I . 11 L - .. ,,, _� � . I Wit't MQVIUZL pictures of the Actual wor% W.Wt6.virgo h i1a. M Olonshiti :00141. aterIj2g.,be 'sure I I .'' and gu,CCCss at k9uld be of- � at L Qrth*ostern Onta ji��ra thereLliire.ag 4wed na L One� Must have knowledge of the ba,101ts.' pverore.ens are first relieved. I L .. 11 ,, ,balued, and' el iff bieoie is , blowing, , I tion, -about �4A honor recontli I Make hit sou , _ L I L I : I I I I I I ' ,yet no: continuous oontlectAng roads, 0 a, Old lRennover couldn't , . . .. L L,, L. , . L I . 1. *be Down tbe! emb -coast. a Motor joad ur�a sit George �Porley, Avh6 becam' � bloDml . olor iand. ultimate al�le per, thot. who are not linilliar with . L . , I va5t Interest to all 1111110, caunty, aj� t L motorists from the U . :eheral somehow, Atought ba' . air perioft, c I I I I 11 . , . I I I � . . 41 . I t .1 s. p E , arttlinjo. proyfopo L 1"d , rder'of St. ,not .. old birds as didn*t of . the' plants', tr'b,CLg � 'ar abrub,% to be the varieties Of eVergroe%s to plaut tize � - .. � .tst Interesting places to Mira.: Xni�bt - 0 10ross. of tile 0 el ' . � ;irge- Ail thit Jos- 10111 following list raa� be helpful, rwt -grow- I I � � L 0 1 ntire county benefit. 4 1 eadi . or Quebec on ontering-Outarlo have the and St$ Qej r69 y0orne ol them, I I pleLfited, .aAd thOtr V014#011sbip to .each 4' .1, . it is one of the fineg. most humane micht �gy arid the orp4s.Ing of .the river L 30cheel 4 to Ejiji�ijauota, gue. I thoiCQ L Of. a number Of routes. After BPI, geroor, , U.p. (j�4ur.,er_6atrbMoot,), bwt V;t1a, sense. . But a rale sm1k I . . I .. �-% . � . bonc3ta In our. power . 6uppo . rt. Let's a -j obatham. On -to 1, .1 e . . , t cotchoo ,on Ben's tUr- OU10- - 1 'L ' . .. I :1 , , , ,Ing Vajjgtibs---aet4nos,R.-ra, ZquU1nW0nd .. .111 . I JOIL . , ,. .1 ­ I . Montreal they, mar - coo); never go .. draw up a definite -154 . . .1 L . I I .� � , all get togethier and Lhb IfiedI40 And ;DtbW, t0ll&�4,;., on�j lea;vl4 Journey asked W" wbothelrCATLAdiAM now, hold . � _ % . Tt 10 much. better to' . Flutera, ,luniper, . elft, SchOtti, Argon- . ­ .. � j . , � toucho, 1E , t -along the Sti Lawrence ilve,r'Alld tbo Ing title$ were t , acce-t key talk." . I .. proceed with � the pro0or plant- t - g1de, Thuya� llyranild� C I , � . * A resume of tile proarami and ,the Ncrth�mbgrland ,Stralt liho� road, rung to . , - .. to be permitted to'accepit he muso over the plan and . and VArgintai . '�,, . . i north shore of Lake 0 j tiMe, jqther than """ I ; . , ntatlo,to� Toronto long'as - Rube eberekled as - at .". . 41is.,, Low. spreading varieties are-404­� I � .." j, dates when the tiamerts Vill: be given. In Tormentlue, whe-0 the -130-ferry ,cramses, � I . prqM3t0h9 M tba salhe order so , . . � . I ing,J)f A. portion ., ­ : . I � . i , � . . I And thence by Hlglii,4y, Number 2, or, 3 the j#,aracittons 414 A y ra:j& or mom . I . . the prifen I 11: the thur�lhos Or.blaoj ' a of Goderlah, tp Prince ZdwArd'.Igl%ud.­ After running to ,WlUdWr. or. Number , ot cat,r , ory of..I;eW% elfbfts, tpt to colooloto., -All. , iper 0glAna; Pinus .Mugho,,and TUXUG . , , , � . own I 7 to .Sarnia" .. 11 . I I ­,�Ajaybap, Ven, out somewhar over to attert � I rt tbo, - 1$ Z � 1110, appuee is VX_ I � .. . I ­ . : 1, : et V�Ingham 4nd ��j ore Of gaie Verte the V bbe' Scuthetn' .'routes title.. �" ' , L , , , . . I .1 11 . ­ I I without '00001 colisiddratioA I I Uemp4ens.. - Koster I I ut , tt s�, very , I . it disappointment and . I . I . . . Clinton, .02afatb. l3x ol�i Y. Ong the north .,-,h,% otorli replying, In bullot aboVe poltita- UUO- . coptloally 11ne, planted as law I . . X491oltnow. will be given next . . higAectCo U sts ,lakIn . g I mber tbi morotn' a- - n sporl� - 7 1 � . . week, . Ut. road crosses tbe Isthmus of ,0 halted ;$t4t; ' Pr0*Pr_ Benno I "' n�L oirouttd, , I I . L L . I . .. . .1 . 1. . I L � . .. enter the, t os,, by ferry tt-irylre to:glt a shot '6 AvOd I . W I I : 1. . 1. ORO, ; I eoinslderAli��xvatise.� will thus '14 .. -� � 1. 1, p I I . . I � ,� L .US � all jjolpl L I "I to Cuitiberland bula.4lid the watOrs of so opened up'tixo vJ1010, sUble-A by the To'; Ueowkb . . . . Mons. I ,.� . �� I . I I - . I - . . . tit$ . '. SP4104111, . . I — � '.. - L, . I .�, 1. . % . . rvice at a number'of pot 4101* the 10. OY, . not piroalb. here .0 rover m , . , . I jl� . t . the gay of Fundic' St. vartiag tempts . ft by I I qd . . . . . ., . I . L I mArk that it, rewlutlaim -adoVte the ,at, somer ' tool , ,. fiela", L _. , I L I ,. I . . � . . . . . . . L' fit, 0jair and Detroit. rivers, A bridge I b motell for It is; there- , Vvery L ' �j� � �%; - , . . Canadian. (gouse, of, CoUimons. (but not Reu, on, - ward' o1ror Pe ,allottip-Se- Itaporbafit detalla, - , . . ca *d observant �Motller �,.'' .. L. ' I . . _ _1 , . I - , . reful gh I -1 �,, I I JULFAST L one t3 stiar, Saint 61111 Invites, And an e'js ,%vall,q�blo be- SendLel.rcor % Ven jRpyaj ;&kj. w, ' for6 activftable to communicate w3h 4 " I � , ; i � . I . I '. . . I. w�StL ' 4 tumael, servie - 4w , rJetrott appro*ed� by, thp .1 I I IABb';.�4jjtj,,j nroppd thoi , base of - , - L . I . i . , . ­ I . . 'down ill the touth* , torror of the P�O" . 1. I � L d '' ­Mcr�mjn,�:j;�hog�bugtod,S fteo� knows � When her 'Child $Uffor$%. trool . i. ­ � I . ored . twet%.. Windsor, i0intario, and.. , ro� yii�ds�.OwAY', ]sOme . . . .1 � I . . I!!, ,. vinco..st., AndrowS-by-the-Soia L Is hard t* "X ; IL msent) did , tot, in the Itoyogranent!]s ,11.,, huge, :rock don I an ,reliable '91 , Mr., and 'Mrs. Watsou. Dols oict � . . worms� $be .also knows that if . . .1 I L . � I I 11 t� � 1. _ ldhig$0, The I M( I I . . . . - spur bnd.,d".,n cogsitates, a tfzoroux)%�knowldogel of the - much , I ' I . I I . �rthqrn, route. J) L I remecly�, be net; . L . I , -day' evening, 00110 Or ologe. touch . With the � � I . I � kL ' � . Allanford' Thuit 0 blnd.:,t#p, present �011�Qne4b- led over 0 tough roage . I speedily, Applied "'� L I �. . resist' A'44alukr trip to Campo` Ottawa rtvtr 1koA_ :Q,pbilon L , Wcroleti, -i'mr, . I I . "The best I. .1 . : ' �' L . L .Urg. JAMes Cook spent Pridav WIt1a G' -to be the� , L ton Ofto the Laurel blulf seettOn. out ort On inird t hariii will result to the Intant" I. .1 . L , . tend Uguain - Island ,May at d L - referring . U tU6 19"olut . - . I . I � . . I i I . - � . L , . ­ d Bi.teo. more. Crr� ­ Fror. t I , 'following * . ­ I ward to'0tb%WA,L 440 F'edorsl c4pita"" �Pl ;, M wAs � I � ito sr "' � I - Mrs, johnL MUI I I L , ngli, garden the I . ft. ation � I ,Vat.. the ridge he, 8toppe ,� I help. f4br.pladf- 'KPPI"Istlon ttiat can be got As millerlo I .1. I wor to 'ona'A Veit Aging. . d Way - 22nd, 1910, -WhIcb. appa4�ed - , 1. , , I 'Alt. and Ift-4 childfouL 11114 1 th. 6. 4COV thj qua' outinues , alto P ' ­ L froin L , *'. : �, . . . . - 9 that rivor to the , Use � I . I . L 41 io�, Alton aiit . _ ng is hands about his lips 14 sQn gago'stfo4s may * o; f- - 4'. - Woraf VoWders, They drive worms; I . ,� . 7 The b0isrgo I � OSS lot, fisil. i,. 11 which ed tar to sis . At I ;gIA. bconi intihid pi b , � jjy,� afVrML "kgO�Vk't 1 m4- the.oun"tions. O, X lvesl- the, sy§teta� Alld , Up, abImul#jng�.alj4� L , :_ L ' � � I I -rpznt Sunday with Ur d UU. will in - tawa. river Is then - follow %lost* to 041, I IL .1 ! Ing: %M , . ; _ .1 '. � 1. � 'L�� sot f L , ,, ..an . th6iieO, the Ll�etb 7t en leads' to InA,000adianS in his,,horotj llst., r ldr� forib an Itustla . 11 nw, everMper. �p 1. � , � -i, I I 9 Village$" the ligh North Bay� . Thb..mad h . . � � . � . . I . I 1; I . � . P I I i itenve ' ,W,wMj_,p,epd . .1 . L L U" . . - � ' I .1 I . at the child's poro�- - 11 L I . .1; ..L9411, ;$111f0rd. I Itlk beaches atid rp�orts. of the.600 Mile Sudbury and ,9jong., In - k0owk17 o 'oothbig efrebts, w sb 1. . . � %:, . ihe,146rth IDIT411110T B=eWs tepjy',.w4s generally, W194 � . I ,, '14% Wm, Irwin and son Harry, ap.eut L No gtuns*1ok coastline ,attract the , ".... 'Ct­ ' is-. oo'bar .]& On ' r(ittowea. Then wjtfX ariy­�cdlor:snd,onh�6i� the � appiear. r6after . Is PaIntess azid: paft0y� :' 1. .11 I I I . . ,� I I =,a .,�rg.. w , of Lake Hutait to Smilt Ste. Uqr-lej e LOS recaning.that there. Oment of:sllencoij M& tLtj,�ttr�_ �=c,* ,of tliq bjjjIdIngL,Jjnd are' -just as gress , the ., � I . I . . I . :1 L .1 . . L . L I" �; �� : � 'PrJdQy aftetnoon with ,Mr, L I .; , _ , I ... lu '' . I .. % . against the g*kdinir oftItles, WCa"a ftom a, great, .distance ca'i � I - I , . - .. I I . summer vao4otilst 4s. surety AS" gre"Ity 1 where entry, iiitg V*ted, States- territory , I 's" Swerl , L L ., ' , . � r. .9- , ., I .. - ' L . . , . I . I obserV , _ _ , jubtfut Jnr' winter..'gs In , 64111me . .. . . . . ad . '04. - L 11 � , $hrerbi irturer . . . . . . , . L . .. . ��il ,� , �� Ql.-owz;od,0atnpboJl, Zion, :01 . , I - SOMi'lvoll-informed' ng, . � be ar . . �.�� :, I I draws U fields the, old, old L QCoaA - I made. L I I 1. .. .1 I I I I Mr. 4.114 Ml*$. %n. Twantley at . . 1; 1W I I Wang, And . , Ke4�N,J(L' I NjgLome overgrown.' and Distemper r4spionds qWekly to Don - I I.. . I I � I 4M Its bod, I ­ - 11111 win be =prlged. if L $ "� ' ' L `.' I -time , g � i i � , I � - J- In 'taking 01ther, the northern or gq'u, ori roarilament, . I 1,90owk". _ " . .. I Sunday . afternein . with .Urs, George . I . . Is - aun#. .Ud i, ick I - (1, iretch, at be coll0rd beautiful in Vinter , Jae rMblan _ , L . . . . 'J'iNaluley, near Valt 04 ,Wng!s P.IrthdAY I t On.' b I 'low I I �, _k,48. L L - L eo r ,� ",I'm Uniment, :KeeP a, bobble ­ �,� g ,� . I ., Xvioring, - Mau 111A Colort"t COO thorn routes through ontD,rjo the near Thar, by e Utter 1herJ(a;*e lost, -their I f0ltage- ,F& '' . I . I 11 . . , �� t� . I. .11 I . I ,-entry into Csuadii is does uot tefttalt the riame of on� or [it the stabt&. . I .�,j 1'. . 14r,' anti Mrs. AO,V Alton and � 11 L I , obit or re , yuh . j6s' -woke" up I r,eelkoWle' nabe SingT6 ape- . X,03ter,g hand3r J '..'' ; . I . I . . ' ­ . Unitly Rviad , I .. . Bat � p. . ,� , . , . I . 1. I I , , , , otmens 'qn lavW use . i M., L . t� :1 . . . I hQ t6ur 'Can , ' 1. . � I , ,n I . . I . � . �j '4 �: . n with Miss Mary, lamer8on, Manitoba. "T through More g4laUs. , . .. - . iressed the l0n� barrei of his rifle., Blue Spruce, stq�p�,d` _,1,9_ry*suge46 or . . IL . . L spent Friday,after"o . British �Colutftbi* And U0 m6t0rist Are 4 ' ca T . " _ . ­ I.L. ,� ,66,ia#4,.tj,j,n,t(.�i.j�M � . , I ... � �t I I , day ,tor:t�� atte�. Prem10,33aftn'AtV �-X40w,k! lKeowit I' he, rtpe:ited OrIMUS trSDbil. .. I . . - , I . L : L " 4 � ,11 . . Cunningham, Plort Albert, both jortunato to. tb#t'tUer Povi= Manitolu, Saskatchewan* and Albertv, is ..A _�. ­ I . I 1 L . I border ': I I . . L. - I 1. - I 1 .�.'_$ _VY's 1: I I" - pliming the ,15`Brem�jal Ne'W 13 , ' Wales Is -the only In , . , - L '_ . . . . . . . , JhL U Dar � - ", �� 1dr. $tAdL Mrs,. Hiireld rorM�ou� and eels restricted to a single route Duly, At ,an , M% state . �' �� V . lan I . noUnomeiat", Ike 00 S6, a no I -4" preserved tq U ,Y Intorestinq contacts � presently. . - atith, . . : . L . ­ . . . _111; 1411ftfl, tokland, PUW"ed- & Some moments pAssed' Theo . Ore yoi pittraltase , Your . L L I � ' iorLA, #to* fb . , . vr Xgjr 'they- grow, Ate , . ;, I � 0140 1 . pl�ulb,4, 110 '�Vlibn they ' . I �! ;� , 'Itti.pz, of Goderich; spent the' inktalaco the great 40*4bOo roa ,-roads vvvallWo for the ,. , fi L plant, the 'tt%j* : eration. .They are owned by ,the at .. �1_ V,,,Cj, p, I , cl, keenly L CC! I �10_ , . . .L. L L . I * I � I ?, "". . �44 �jt . �c 4&50cLationa Thosb- Including t4o city of'.0110arY on j:1remIor,Uezm0tVg-Ui6,rt vlas eleLvAtUM1411 . . . I � �, , �. this learer.. . . I 1, I . J� 1� - i� :24th W411 Mt. s� The$. vergn$00' interesting JrQjU ita, jjjbtQrj - , �,, � � L blob3p, and' color., The . 1governmeiit, the terminal ,elevator . at I '�j �' , �' . I �A L , , cbs which their 'Itinerary enter 'British Ciojiu4bigi the. j*rjjai.,but whe'l W2,g. dravoi. "."Urn! that. aln�t no JaZy bji.a", Of). leat growing A the bUk, thd Inedhim In Syiltiey mid th! $4L counbry eleftbors 11 _1 . A14% tile wj4ojkL diftcrejat Aspe. I 1. L L : t­� � . � — I _ 11 1. . ii .. . I I I % 11 I a;ftff_Wjnderm0r6'Wi;h� toii,t.hA prime olitilabbe.4. gtttatim, baL ra.m. . I I red L -net be'st' J�e6 the middle inif The 1toW'grQWiug` ill, front' 'haTfrig beep tonstracted from plans and I ,. L . � . I IL L I - Tj ,vla the'softle oz . L. . 'Reuben matte - I � . .- L .. '*. , ­ � .1 j-, i title - poo. Tfi or' there -are lk'naluber of through lMpr*V- per L 0 , agoortd-fri �- W, : Australia bd' hAVe ira4n elMtors In, cp� ,, Y I , . plf at ,L�_"know, -and�'Ut, and I&A ,WIjjj. its jonj 4� is I to tlaii ottett" at the desike, at sharp reply ca e. from 0 ApOt nivell . . I . . � I . . it presents, aa j%aW -from, Vaooegver � , torta "NOW " T,46, "n L , IV. kpftlata 'Canada. L� . I . �� . �' . way*, , wliijch� connects . with, 1the maafti �engg_ ... _ 8OL bhU each' piant. wm not be 'hidden b, .1 . t . � I , : . . : - follows awely tha course of .tile Praser . I Ca I , trottin, ever Alneic J,e byeard My' filst tions supplied. by� . I The . I I L I I .. I , un taicks river, to" Its coaftolift ,�Jbja th#L kfbomp­ blghw4y leading through to Vancouver. paf4b. went 011 td, predict, that . � tacit., UeckonTll Ineet hlrru�p . artL or the another. ]Keep in . -raind the blooming tormina! cloutor, it elf was. erp.-ted un-- I 11 , : . I I . a . i�. I . -a . . The digtafted betWo6h ' 'b6 I I 'can eage'over to the bUmt d', ,6610r- oncl: - MOM 00 der the personal supervision ,of a, C4 L . 1 �� . Halifax And dIaU XIMe minister. wouWb6 gemn. an 0�=UP .nx-: . . ,I, i . . I Ordei CAUadlan , ppraved chicks Ot . . L , . r White I . . . , . . '04W. -10c, Barred . �oh river, forsake$- . the. 940imci Mr the ' ,& . . � I . .*ay�. 'X. DO L . L .4�: ..i . I I p iegborili .. lea, then, after Vancouver by thic j5hortest motor, ,route first i4ognizo I I I � that they *4ft bloom, ln,:,auocoiiatog� I M�� ,elev'A : �ngfheor -of . wide 00er- I . I . . , 'L or . L , q . I latter . 16V $01114 '01ty lol . to, L stump at � the aldge o� the Muff" I . . ! . And White Rocks 120, Black MU- is -ki little. more. than 4,00 Milos, and, the ,a � L %it#- bloOnIlAg Varieties, to" 11 .1 , I I � I . � . . I or,eaa ILt' L ' eging breci� uplands the I . a did not end . the iftciftnL . no, so , Ittl6ther ealt, then not � PIgnt An ej I I lenc&' �' . L 1. ,� ' ' L . , '. !L . . 1, I le. Surplus. Chicks ft bgkh� br4vs L' - it rejoins trip. , " two cities va'a be S�OnkieJP14��A*kr�'rAb_ nt �ror'.tfi , . L _. tho have.-titoomed Your The �_ L _Cojer� te 416 L, I , .16 ., , ­AV01 gether,'as:after ter C11=te of 'the . L - ­ � - I ­ . Weellaty".­214o� - Ffttw. ,alid- �gooa- - wlth- L It, to P, .06. ,_, Weth these , . #,X0bq_AU47 0ept-101i".rd.. at.a. Tfiptd, Mt to L , L ) -'Oustom, batchingA tftjjde��L Ili 0, 4jd�'O�ej jwei"%,CcI� ­ - - �. ' ' . , times In the Hougeo � elt . 1 -1 I I .. I set or 5o per chick hat6bid, 4cloorge, Tb'Bra t1a6 I I . . . jent. &­Dotiple or der caral � n9e Ug#tImB6 Is the,faethr above all',which, . � - jj '. I road turns *Oat, . � 4 for opportunity 'to ItIlS an answering, call' felt lilliOtl, hFO�-941tts.- bor *fir pi�escnb &4'bgre apo . I . , . . . I I . . , . � . We got each WWneaday.. 1. . L . northern 01cowd De$irewloo� , , .1 I gin&, asking 0119$ kdr the reo Vr the *ason. L .gives that,, phrt of the Dominion pre-., 11 1, I :c I . . . vard, touches thQ. fringe of I .. I al L . . . rww from a polat still R#80&- - - .: . her aeotloht of 01ilift" '- . I .� I I . ATO"ItIn I I, timea L Of stjoas tow nien have it In a gener debate aidd,' - ­ . . ' l?'4or 0010t-00111bloations, Pinks, Whito 1. . L . .� -11 � rmscw BRANCH it %ke$6 and goes on to K*selton, th4nor' L 1-4 'these . - I . "Dinklinst 01' DeOrl's bldo-��wlzbt 'M � - 43b, L d$Wyt 'ked 'or CrIniton eminence Over ot . t . faint Praia L L 1. . . I . I !, �' . � -P. 01"WX 105, Mow . . ,6 "T . I L POO my right to tee how , and' Mauva , I . , . I . I "I . .1 p . oregg I �.� th . UlAr trajzc� . other than depteu.1bag. 46 not. ,Oish - to"de , 11 I I I j L . U, Out. I lot I nott) �A bbing de 0014. be h6rhi AGWA00rt - . at, . . � I . � XUN*n 1"L 'It"is, 31(ft"ger' Of Vark- .but, tile outdogir � people, the* Who Veo-�'L hon' fr , V, , In the y1cle of potatoes, L � i 11 .. �� i tha Umit of velato I I ,,lend (&r. Bell L nparsley' Intermingled for contra 'el- I , . I . L I I I . . � l . . - : I , about 000 hundred. miles east , , 'if thEkt 13, tbik , ' L IL I � done. Nothin' UN& b0in' I ivitli I .11 . . . .. 1. I . I ", % , 01 '' . __ I I ,� . I lotWL'laf 00&n�' k life Peer .. easy. 1110 'goi,win, net,er ows, y4th, ,owlets; Intermingled , I . I. I L . . . I I � lt.,� .. ;__ conver the road4reaches-00POf beyond tab Into inon Ir !is r dolle IL Whites arb, best kept ,r . I .. L L. . I . . . , , tbo, laXel d og I I � 1 I : r - the ,henef , t t . Y, but 431 I Wo . wbit . , _ I I . 40 over t veAty - � 7., %, !'' , I . which e _Milea. of lotellwlY Ads, aft strong, ha ft� His' maje$t' Uld Ask that fl�e t Ick, 6' 0. I Vues wit)% I � j I I . � 1. L tope L ,WAS estah. I . � ; .1 . . I as much as possible. The � � �1 � . t. � . .. I biter"tIng, country... I . prossions *to undisguised .blossingsL bellwe A. title �.of that kind Is actePted bad .it At." t4). themselves E NT A MIL�i .1 I . , f, I .L L . ... ,L — ---....-..W , his L I 1L. I . � I � L 11 - Reuben chudkied" 0jnt$j took same plan shold be followed with i;brdb§, , � . L . � : , , . '! _ -World WAS YOU11jr, 011VU18102611 opportun- . � I . � ,_ ; _w: I lightid depaj bt the,U1144OUil Bay Whern the� by himself oranyoup-eft am . . t . ,. , as a . I . � I . . . .. jormed the hollows ity be. given this :Parliament tW express. place In a slielt4ed 9W by the big' virodure an Assortment- that will bloom, �.. . lkom T91P � I . . . . I L . - . I , . . loompany in 1,847*, and Vag the head of of the ,e0th*t, trust . lie gr&�W his, ride a. . I . �. . - .., . � � , ' � . . . . I . . . � I Li , � DEPRESSIONS . ft the Imot gold to, *Wh .the, I , . at dMerent-Tiertiod . 06111AVIOrtO h%v0 ro . I I L III 10% whi ab 'eftUffiswts refer, and Its vie":On, the, alibicat." burnt chestnut . -, � . navigation, " aebWM4 Cow laglkt your sunurner, , COACH ZXC MSIO . I i. . : V144) to the those Who 191loW .crvallws tij yach & Way that it ftlot be bro �ggrdou -diVort; bloohis -Ali . L . I � . . . . ��,,i, . . ,drew from, far -slid � .the tMM totanaft's . L . : , � . . , by I .1 Ij :i : . . Alen . . .. L. � 1. �, I I .. . A' END -w-' �. .1, r. - Strang $ , , -Including .the to his shoulder, with - the. muzAe, Pro- .1 ' . N, - . I . . . . 1. , , , LWAYS of the - srs" L lakelt4d Micizi i wIII, steadily ftliftcle ,f %Vbtcb 01MIK or xv1*601048 ' � - - TO ALL STATIONS'l � il ; . ­ echoing gorge be. members, I . . : Vond 4bonservalvie I trjjdIpg.:thpoUgb S6tae shrubber, . ,_ I . . � I . fto.01d, be pl4ntba In earlY . . - ,#�WMEM 'C"ADA I 1P . , . � . ,L;i AW JU$T WORMED A "I -Alont, the length of �bha, � toad 'that their belief has an ImsbAkesible ,prime Mintst,B4 to* mr, long to it* -i mrs"ons al . . .. L / I I I .. . Vie " I Hope %to pteturesquuo ,toadhoa$ea *04 toftdativo..- Nature, b". labored .for n'L clo 0 beside the I" stump,.vtod I . I ; L , I , I '6elattifleS In, emi*Whinj the bo'NU of forL the 3j*ge$tJo but Ur. Abon'tt did gre% )8 spring or ofter Atigusband"UnIfts haft- ­ : . I I . .1. , � . .. . little or no dlStirbO­000 Of Ple' I I , . I , . . ' 1 . . : C14ART MAU OVER is YM*$ . tioalot little 0144orld, tOWAS, ex- . ,iMt: rise 4hd,,:m&k6 A, Cat d6uIxI or. rem with IL .. died very toretoW * 11b;dIed 11 to. a, I . I '. � ' ' % ' ' . I . I L I - . . . branches. L I I of earth W "ball" Around . I . ; : j:. L i - 1&60-11�i gym WIM . Vamps forth�,most part, Which were, tortured took, 11111ing- them, *Ith.olemr' . . � I . g06(t Adliesiono I , . Going Dates : . . ; � I .heetld. 11 'AU$'1efOkV1'* "Keo*k I Reowk!" The answering . I . i . I I SW #00 Y9A - I pudiattola of the auggestion* - the. roots., The Yeaeou for tfib 16 that I' Daily May 31 to'June' 15 L 1 7 1 L I ro%ri*Uft %live during the aparkling, Water, wearing their thus 'to . . L . ; � L K$ CW 0000 �pftbllal Opinion at tile ,0601tAl 400sider- land, and exceedingly . . - . � I � � , � 'I, ,,, I 19W 1014 10 `19"__ I when. fortuAss Wero panned trOM, the sandy beaches, planting. their edges with call now WUS , � most 169 the eversteens used In found&.�j L I . L . . jibly, bewildered,. There Is 000h d1yev! . . � . - �� � f 1. I %" . .viver-U& Amerlean, tar, :Oat,, ploor, spra0e, birch:Aud, thb,mAjila which, MW 61 view As to What Proder aelahett's dietir.. . 1. . . I . I ,. � tion Planting sire or'slow stoysth. . Helict .�etttrn. YMit., 310 Days , , . L L.il - � , I L V'S O)MC( 10 r)AM' , . I ,101figed. of. ne N)Wf 4VOIT110' up, thet , . L _ .- - I -. I I '. I %, . L� I I � iold oblusi, 33IX3 . I llf'the iroot halts Which entlinall6 4#OM � ; I % New York, U001% 80s- flames With cbl(*� In the 'fall, Here 4 . . ; , � I I . . 4 Bar, Intentlow Are, . . . I ; jKWW*#W*4KA0,- ' ton. Oar, Usitan Bar and Unal brodk, there a istreiml enhances 06� . I . little ttuill right Lout 4' the, IgUriell the tot aySbemf Proper are OsOmIged. or - L. TOLMST "EP114C. I . I - . , . ' . Of ,Uot*r Nablift, Sod' JUL The crop Ot title$ In c4nada Us 'C' theta . I . I . L b 0 1919, And bile�rt�b o'll come oilt atlZaely *tWJ bUsgo become 4fled il" be- LECU , ,;�� agi I �� 11 t , i, I . j W ' ' LAU, sMkk of. the O;osUop4t;%A thm andtWork, dried, the I I CM PRIVI . , I .i � j � ' , � WHOL AVAILAILS-00CP through th6h, sh4navirs, been Added to 91M I ontler fig!" tlipt postook. -440t 04tenl has had Uwe to I I . I . J ., I I . I tt FOR Which &&04,A0 the, new 4101111193- At thtlr (160ths Or ,lot testy left with that disttUtion. b ,o rock� �ord the 0j% jwymmt of x alight aWitmA I*s. ' - ! i 1. I 1W ARM — W"N .1 this road one WAY $but lie at toSt or AWL ort 1jusinem Of th* ,tilt,ll be A* mogt,like Shootin' & rab- . . I : . . any p the ,gonsa, of CoUnnons at pre eatakigh itself 6now. L . . , olfit Along sent sit o i bat I reekork t sot . iato tam obsne ow ft,oh lwmn t"" . , . . ;: � . I I . ; . ,. � iml, 1. . I . . VOW no topy, .. . to eyes and dittlkm of the trAtul), tvAMP ovm the pOnty bass, the. aptakled IMUt. loet, one bit to hills be . itb $Oil tbould be rich, having A large 400012W ear 'AC0401"Oemois WAYL 1$0 . . � � ;�: �', L I . I I 1 of feet #hUMIng *long the old 4�0)bW jerkoj�trioui .Ma"Ooge ,or Othet.jfiftg Gorge, Xiiotley And -air cageot r to d6 It." � . 4 1 1 content of twx, leaf mould, Heavy . i L 11 ; . L each Side Of %bLo floi)Aa, And Ift tile upon mtwa at regular "faili, I . .IN � � .1 . L I . I . I I riasid, ate lo IMMU10,0011 otnItte Sf . . . � . � � j � . � . . . � " the pageant Of ,Wbkh ,(Mot the A-09let *114, satisfy %a on r Allen A�je$*rorth, a.V L 0 tile..8016 old Reuben train-ld his tig'! ,elsy bolt is. undesirable . As JA .& light . #,� I --0 . . I . . . ; t . � I I . I 11 . I ,. , 'elowtv plodding men wItIt wto *X 'ellicu". I titk-bol4eft I tile 'space between the foelciOi, and sandy '8611, $ItlAtions. where, they. eft- granted ot All sbg,blo I us vot . . , I , � I- , , , � , I � I . . AVL A W. And pau; covottit ""oil and C�OTIMrd ,L )i,"n bas built ' railways, that penetrate I waited, Proontly. there tell'UPOU his 16y jaitisil 'sjhado-Vuart of the ,by Is ,suit. 'Stopovers of Nrt,ArthUr. . , , L I � Rome ol'theN L I I ), � TORONTO " : totela; galloping ,mules and slow-mov- Ukelond reglotis,­U$ ftom ,confederation UP to Sir a0bert a xeowkr, able. It, tj* polanting .is to be wide Art I i �, "L, ., f, . a . ear piercing "ItCOV00 I . . . � - 0, . 1. . **Oft 0 11-04OL616 - � and, Almost toostrutted motor roids wwb, enable Borden's day, wry, 0*01d1*11 pfline ,,a 'to front Of A 40110' 'Or brick foundation , . 1. I I . 1. All nd, Incongruous y beck I" Mused the Old Mau I � �i . . ... 11 I— i 'OmbelteVab' t�h,o tj L 'Of btfit to reach &VIDPEd, 40tA I bm.s, title, but t* Prilcute liciflars from stly agent - 1. . " ungainly � $Wing hig,g t.bar,,,this minute I right make sure that they AM not planted too ituit part i � L I I , .c. L .; Mot# - I . . , I . . . � L *�� - i ­4.1��'. .1 c urdVas far from their Nature 13 40hig, tler Alis"'; M*u himself'; , . I . L 4t, I ". . .* I ­� Am* 1*1'rihif b IA 4" ceased With ft Ptobert; W1911ft. Xft illn' thet nigh r4iCk." Blose to, the *All. The reflected lattkt , �� 11 I r - I I t, i! � .1 . L ....1-1 .-__-__1 - .. . dettrt sands. . Asststft 'in Ploeft these beauty Spats slad'Sennett trego tot txotptlow to tho 11 Rouben waited, with his lleeft 00 *ill burn the, follAge, On that side. Zve - I , __ . �: 1 1 ; - . .jbW.",___ , . ___1 The old ftys Jy%ve gout but as the Within the reach of #2 Who vish to en. rule, ,, . � .. I . I * Canadian Pacific . . i. ;'' . !, I atotl8t roliaL *long, through I , . , � , trailing a bead along it e tine barrel, 9tefM should be planted With a vl�OW,Ot . . I . � I I I . 11 ... A ILI Ueilm Of joy a VXL,ation In fulleat measure. All. - . � I . . I I , T� . ,eanoeltg. goifing, Mot- t& Itowab White, Sir josepli Pis- alit VUJLt he saw a Moment later was their fature gr 1. W4% 1 . .t . i , rpg!ntftg lovell,.itss the Able i0leet the* Which 'have A, ShA11%,V . (; t, . �! U .%Ud oww'dinIt 1114", tftptftl am Ualetk,* Sir VeM not the houd of turkey cock, but i . .. . .- . L_ I _. - ­ 1. ­­ �. . " . 11 S ' 'ICE - :nv lypegr M mos�, uno, oring, $WIMMIng, sAlang, butithig. or juA , , harleS. ritzpattlek, 81t muttlei Ot a I gra*h An*101y. vrtiteetion, X*tftst ­-, :_ AM L .. . j I � IN URAIN - ve)l% Or W1111 oWth and As far. As Pos­ . I I � I L gr3tideur there a . . L th Drayton, $It 0 1 0110 Ville like his OW126 . I i "' . VMted Plaices links With the 10MUN on .%,holiday in Cautdo, is enow b.. H%*n, and Sir 9011hisdas. V�k- which bad COM6,MMAY thr6ugh the dogs should J* wovided by ,019ilting . L L rr. I -Ay 411 thoUgUts otht . I i I Outer And Xqld-seek to drive aw % than :01114 The, butt Blipped tarberry,illnuibergi In ftot of J 0 H N;_ P I N D 124' VIM' � . 1 401 ef tile pi . . . .i kke. portei are among the better known C%U­ space bet 4�en tile rocks. . the tvergr�eens, ,Tbo Aamoift by . I � I I � tot , Life , '011,111, "ka, gllml)�b of Irell's oate, the ,� pleajaot oneS U* these L Wonderful 1� � W dogs, ig . � �,� A'48 matual lofty white blitressts of the U*tble Can- t lautts - of ftuada. . I &dlaus who still fettfir * title- of ltube.b rifle. went to tile ground. considerable In, largO cities, and often . . . � I i� . ,� ! . Son, the muft-olordil V*Ih of ,that go- ­4­� tord .teaverbrook, t6fd Greenwood "Dlngbust yuhr hjde,, JDeft Gordy!" er ec ha . I l ) 1 ! I 1. logi�&j VjWe ­Ihe 0hoksm", and the When tMWr* tOWS At& 11,6111% land 0�ud Ur,d AtUDIStAll aro the trio of *on- he fabouted; "come out'll thar, itfore bm!d beftltge of sfth 10JUrY. 7b# dfttft� � PUMINOt MTIM '\ I , knoWA peers, but the former two, re�- a Ott 01 YoUr old gua I P I proverbial hospitality . Of , I AM tho. to Age sorttetlmifs� Is not kpilarelat until the - I �, i 'i : , ­ Amr4mecoplay th6 ftri", 'elOse WOW. or when Weeft Ave le. eived thor titles as residents of S219- most hal tall yuh oueft 1300- j0UoWjjag $e4j,. A&, owt of this ,clw Is sum wrAL WOW It. - L !� � year after $ear rk-bW liftUd U* tt%-� lo'Ktd to 90111tish I*t*1"4 tows. theta is c , Thoy I ,. _; , � I oppartuhj,� !and. I , :! I veller ot, the C-ArlbW TORd. less Air ventlistibli And more tombe e0iintsX, Of A10* growtlt so ar$ they, slow to die. .� , , I ­ - . t L � � 4 � ' i � .1 � t of culia chapeow .010AV1% A 4tathent 0011tway i Ues,for dI$ft%!l ,1iittJkt" the C611t& AW4 Awh" twits Old nott 6tood up, then threw back I Another Point to her taken lnto Coo- �0160111 127 P. 0. 1�w 131 1 ,�. ; ,_.­.�� , hit hftd,4 ATOd laughed. "Je3t over or! 41detatiou V t1hAt eometlMeS Inergreelli . "I 1--L1 I . . I I . .. I I— � . I UTARLISHED 140 1 to Ow A%*" COOIMOP I _­­­�� �1� ,9rltbh mtoutseturets *Ad e�.Lpo%teta 4tior of t1lo I � , �3, Raments. bit * 'vjgt� (tube." UeA detl1kr0d, rislug are Atg" , I 4111110ft . I � f 100 6mce - WATIAL46, OXT. Ifew, $04meft place their "r on 6. � of WMIlen, gooda, fabrli .1 I ._1 . , � . Bile Important' 7 ftoth� his Place Of donectilmorit. 4-1 L I . .. ­ - - L L ' , .­ ­ � 11 . � taiadom, And sky Mel* 49 WhOrtf are'expiettat to sw*r *4 the Aftt all- knowed bit wail Y&M kit tho time. I - - L - ___ I � "Y 0""' "' 40"_ G - zoard 0 . . I � D* D. MOONAE 11 a our next trip *in he. u, the mto tio, I u 00d Hlealth putonts, to u* Canadian Tow, *ZUhr esill. lw�lks Just it leetle, ol belle X01111 VMS �CONVat4lxNox . I I p I -CIA1014% theta Is Att 46"A thwe,4 , 4 ,V89 I � 11, � . me of Bile Is of vital Ift"rumte to t,Xd Whith beou heattw T*it Week. I 11100heml, Ph YAVOW.11 lip CONVINNIMINT TO . AGENT that the resulthir UlIfty will 1* 4, Cod � . . . 111 � Wt on, jCba. health. it Jim b"n found tbAt Me A0% A tOMMIUft 'Of *110 &Or6 WMI-le"t oyuhmra a dirOw liar. at,)&- ate yuti. I .L''. L., I i i ; ftW1,25111 �fte but �$h"14 thoi MW Of' ontk PUY% *ft 100munt I*tt in tl* ft. Stitialt ,tXVVWv& bo beetk wtod to Irow Itt "ut t rocWolved ;Oro scirry , ? . . 14" �fta PLIAU then the" U little po"Wily %U& Oak It Is % *K. -ftlil the twA time I bvmtd It. AV I . HO YOU UM NG A I&FUNt -- ,r � 1. 90", 91111hill � 0 ­ it is 40 the owmdlm ft,jOL_. #lave, VMt*W% Make A1110ftUork. TMY will 00* "At . SAVKA-3 j- I . ... ­­ Oo I . .. � I I M". , velous, Iftatural Untive stit Is o" Ot the W"ht "10 Oft *"*ft 4" mubow ,()r Belfs bact. ft(ft I , I I—— _.._1...__,_�.,4 11 ­_­ intluW4 ttftt w"4"S "alinit towl. his*ft tliat *& arfush. 4n�� eantOot 014 to 11W., Yt* nevot tould tool V* :Wt All 16 the blaftwetit &at, am mail, to Tbe st4w %ft ftewwe' , � . __ �__ 1 I %*U04. *ft at ibe &A toftlimu jo #"W Into jait eMPAXWO, itor tIW VAft- 180mo I � . I 'L 11 1 :7 . tokey *r " "01.0 The( (Wevkh 111tor � � I. I � __ k", U* &am Notto. - *.* , '' # , � 1� " V oeftoft ,��Xmlo '~ Am #-.1----1-.11- -.---4 4010 on m`Y I lemw so ft*. rim a Ama wvatu A"'ralt charm . ftilo"Inirion. -roun truly . �. Ifter totioil up andTv " MOO W"Wil 146" Oft hd 6olk 'sood "w"h' the'e"' ' u t* Inle 00OW"Ift T#*U* Asw*06*11L Irm " I I )i IN 41 & I it *ill widoce % V&Amd Aw at *.b I amoor %I** ,awlieskloft *IUI %be itulm alld, 4*lbdlft t0JI16 vtftu *)* U04 : . . I 'L ' , , I I , -, __ =h 1%eaRh 4jvft W atoM And &** t1iOM 6" f,urak�r "ftUft Ot dillft '* Y& XftgftM All A &Vff, 40110SM10 "d ;I . I I. . 11 , - " Irs"k lug I$& "Own the *04 veftuft *ft%. tm. jX#ufte) .­­­ t---1' �, ­­I­,_� ---11 ­­­­­ ­­­ 11 .... 11.1. I I L, 11 it To to . StAlift law" VWU Amiovift Injure to th# *In, it $lwo" VftAft in I 1. I mia i;;#--- 06" lanto to t Mle memUm *e#A*y vit it* ft""It I"WAT. Inow"t, the *11ant MigWally Yom$ " lorel!r . lakw-21, ,"Wm ,. NX the I ver .X to *10" V-100", I � � I "01IM-41: wo V" 11 , 0, ; .L Wft 1 I'd "' 'Iftaiwiftbio to "ay ftiftty, it i (Aft#,"j -"L .. .. .... . - ­­­­ . ......... .. .. � .... ... ­­­ �, I . *6 uftaift " - oso6d To Their selft M dlwted I* %"*W 010 As a 1mvioler base tor Mr-textutittl *Ins I .. L . L 11 , 1 " �a 11 I - '�L .11 I Y�Oqi Xvwff_!?� -1k" C__ _-, � Prodw�tlo'li 11 f W* wh'�ft "hi"' has '*" to or as a beautlW-19 WiM, 9 14 Uftdvg- , X. IR_ f A" mbotilibft% *1ho art " 30 1050 In t"t" W"M A$" . L . I-" P� - - . :�F :Swl : -1 1 V� 1111w, ��11� 99000, t1* NU ft"M 'Altwal "I" lw� TOW U4 1volikoutft a* *11%. 1, "ch to offiftwt omd *"k� ** *&&M be" 00 I* p6a as *jr I .1 I V01111 W And thft"*h bmftl YW#@"W­ ftMM WW to UrW *A it il*,y *A tftt aw to 4"ok "4 00*01 I 114 Oro %, V4Wh4aw. Tim* So a bk 4111toname I I I 'UM" IM . I I I I 00"*#", Anti I *Oomom" *0 fto"W" ad I OW ,jm'. � � : 10 "k Are P*Wmt, gfttk *"d 0~ **;In 1110"M A* fammatal � I#-, so 6", 4 *0 b"114601 1114*1110010 WMW ,, X aswwA in O" If" eaft - I I .%* "U% ., A" t U" *A book I 1b; 1 111 A art, Ift #-" 04)*r IOU* a N*t* tl�& OMWA*6 oftomw 3*1, 0 . 41111111 1111A ft"*:%% Ina I ,,� I � I I I And 40 r , jA L " L I . . "' I -1 )t . , Wo llwiift SW ow'.. *k so *-ft � 14*40" "M , blivo evier to", (YW t(W ku qft* WA "V101011104% U" U111111" is *V*W- "ft � 1__ "W16 7M - � --1 ,,,� V .1 I I "j, . 1, , �'� I ." - � Frwlao,.. tmt "a". *-00* 'd 0MO#kt"L kj*4*)j -=I Om 0 a* ""W I � � . k, . �" 'I 1W 0* by 11w T. MXWft (%; � 10,11"A" Xbv* W" *"ld 'a � ft" 10 " 41100111110"d on" to - . I I � I ,� 0AUM11KA-V ZftV0 MAR� *0 446 11PPM$10 IOU1011i 401-01111 $' I I �,,4�­:_,A*�w4p�. 1'11;p­.�_ I .." ,� . I I I , I , 1. L ­ ,� � , * , , .� 4 1 - L , D � I C" �c = � L , 4 1 � . " I , 1 1 0 � . I � rf a t , I I I "S , , , IlIa I I i � 1 I : L I I I 9 *jai I I , I 1111111111111111111111111111 � I i - L 1111190MM I � .1 11 I 000" : . . , , .. I , . L � . . L i� : I . I 11 , � I i , I I ,I. I I - I I I I I I I , 11 I I I I - I I 11� I , I. � I � 1, 'I , " , , , I - - "' I ae I O.t I A�J. 11 I .1, �tlt! rt , I - '00 I I . , _ _ .1 * , t - � . I I I, *f I i., C,-I I 0 1i .1 I 10, t I - � I I .1 - ­ .1 If . I � 1�1 .: I - .. J, 1. I � ,,;, 10 I 11 I I I I I N.. , I I . - I ,"""_ � r' '.' . . " . , I 4 IL -l!", . , - . . '� 11 ! I " I I -� .1� . I . , I , I I I Y - 11 � j I I ;r1',!W* ". , , , , � ,�.",, 1. ..i I I - I . r." , ?.. 1. � I �-1.11�- , �� . I 1) � ',�`M",_, . .ai_lft.�� , , _,J___.,dOi'jA L �� I - ,..' I 1-44 _.L,4 - I . , 11 1. 1Z,,:,,t,,,,i� �_& LOA. -1 _.*A�I�P*�� k&__ '� 1_' __ i&m. . - _111ow" a