HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-06-01, Page 5'I'R 11116VAY, ATM 1A, lig# TEE CO STAR Gduburne?r Mr. 11, Doerr ie *Mae a neW Chevro- let sedan ear now. lir. and firs Geo. Beattie, or Varna. visited with Iriertda in this vicinity on Sunday last. Ur. and firs, Roy l ebertoq, of De - iron, are visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Rohde" Mrs. W. D. Willson rood other relatives fro* I3rlrcefleld spent Sundey isit With the forme, dal*alt r, )I+Goo. Mira. stew hem mart' 11TIsati'oire, etc stem% visited with her aunt and Uncle. Illi Mk tonere trill he $ aesetisg as uveal Mee Elarsae Stmt, of Bei e, wolf girt the teoc and lir, heti Tayiar will have charge of the Mmes, The %rotas el 711We iismeter7 Inn hon a bee on the afternoon of Wednes- Oen Juga ltUt, for the plmpoee of Ailing? In and lever the northern slat* ar the grounds. 'Ma will tend toward the completion of the excellent work com- menced in this part of the cemetery two years ago, 411 those interested in the trnprovetnent of the cemetery are requeitedeto attend on Wednesdiey night,', .0.0.0••••••••••••••••••••••• goo ASUFIELD Mrs, J. Griffin is home for the strea- mer. Mrs. John Murdock, of Detroit, to vat end airs, W. J. Thompson, aver the, Sting her Sister. Mise Sarah. Cameron,1 `eek -end. 1 o (Lochalsh. Mr's. Kenneth Mackenzie. of Bernie. is, spending a few days with friends around. 'Leehalsh. ' Kintail , .lost the baseball game to Kingsbridge last 'Thursday evening et Kingsbridge With a score of 0-5. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin and little daughter, and miss Mabel Macdonald, of .Detroit, visited relatives here last week- end.. Anniversary services at Ashfield Prete byterisn church will be held on June Me 25th, at I1 a.m. and '1.30 Ip.m. Rev. 111.. MMGiUivray, or Guelph, will occupy the t m, next sodas is Confererare Sunday the Renited Churches both liundey. school and ehureh :service will be with- drawn In Knee United church here. We are .glad to- State that Miss Mare' gent B eUnder doctoall end Mr. Jas. rs a utele the have the fire pest week are both improving in health. M'r. and Mrs.a itiogridge intend leans ins' on Thursday or this week on a motor trip to North Bay to visit their daughter,• Mrs. 0ormley Thompson, Lor a couple of weeks Rev. W. J, Mortimore, DD., and Mr. ,los Washington as lay delegate, are at- tending the annual conference or the United church, which is being held in London this Week. There will be leo V. P. S. on Tuesday of this week but ztext Tuesday. June Pulpit. The Wome'zi'o institute net at the home of Mrs, N. J. Mackenzie last week. An interesting talk was given be Mrs, Jas. Bissett, of Goderieh, on "How to make the borne attractive to the yonng.' When You Drive. Your Car V1/e ar 1 i A :TO Hosiery And save yourself' the embarrassment of those annoying hosiery runs. The special flexible top in Ka ser s " Fit AIhTop'' will; absorb the extra strain : • of reaching out, ben dinJ down, rstretching u .Itwill giveyeti Complete ' ` C ' le a comfort and freedom .., 0 rho' ullin anywhere. —no binding p g where. 4.0 Y Buy this this long' wearing hosiery at , of� V EF R Your • stole GEO W • �Value Telephone 56 "One 'Woman In a ThouEand," says helena rubinstein "Only one w*rn.an in a thow"end really known her Meal And that Maine that only one west iu a thousand is living sip to her op- porturdtiea for youth end beauty." Helena Rubinstein, greatest Qt anedern beauty scientists, has sent her own personal representative to give you—at D r s t hand—the knowledge of your skin that is so essential to South and beauty. *Won* Rubiroatain'* w. Persondt Representative nt I�.ARl will, see Yen with the eyes of an expert. -She Can tell you at a glance whether lines, :that sallow Consultation Without Charge by Helena Rubinstein's Personal Representative =elect er incerreet trel►tment. And she w13 advise vont quietly **d practieaUlr anti what can be done *bout it. she will *realytm your skin and reevinmenkaiprac,. tical, inexpensive home ' beauty treetunent '!or liner, Wrinkles. double chin. pub'' eyes. mow - ads or bleeitheads ewleiceltever is your beauty problem. She wilt introduce to you 'Helena 'Rubinstein's lovely rleW cosmeti;s -.the exquisite Peaehbloom pow- der -the gloriqus young Red Pop- py Rouge and lipstick, and create for you a special makeup lndivi- dualtxed to Your tyle, your feat - those ane little drawn leek, that . ores. Sour coloring and your per- ess skin comes from sonality. FRIDAY, JUNE 9th Campbell's Drug Store PHONE 90 'OODERICH God Revealed in Jesus Christ Ker'. C. M. Hamm le Reneist Pal& After Fsitet a Y.lerrs* Sunda• gory t Gly i.h Baptist aClrurelrx the eecabltvhmeznt, h ! the o.^rasian au assisted by the Victorle street +church plate quartette, and. at the conch:110n of the sevening service .the ° ladies served refreehreent$ acrd 'Words of eppreelation were expedited both of kit. Uolunere pule tilt utterances end Or the *delete of the singerd. btor his Manning sermon air. Harm* selected his text (rein CoA, 1:ti and on, taking for hie suhjeet "The Doctrine of Jesus Christ," .wader, three heeds, the reletlonship of' Christ to C30d, Ilia cele" tion to creation and Ills relationship to the church. Christ was the 'evelatton of God, as a Gad of power, or holiness end of love. `The love or the lather nes. shown in the story.of the Prodigal Son and Hod's love was seen in its clirnax in the sacra - flee ozr the cross. Christ loved ua and Orley revelation ion for Coo andsthe�last'as we needed. Christ was the firstborn of all crea- dant its Him all things co'luisted. ,And '310 .was all hi all to the church; apart trona Him there was •no church. 1io ryas the rook on which the church was built,. the , centre of unity of the • church. "What 1s Christ to you?" asked the speaker. As 'Christ was given his place in your life end in the life of tilt church, as tate Saviour, so }would our Wes and the Work of the -church be a 8n cess,. For his denim theme Mr, Holnnes took the text, "Be saved others; himself he cannot save." Truly Christ saved others. Was it true the eould not Save Himself? Yes and no. Yes, for . even at the Close 'fIe could have prayed the Father and . He wattle have given. Him. more- than twelve legions of angels, but without shedding of blood there would have been no salvation for others, "'Ts He Your Seelour? Have you taken Him as your Saviur?" .were Mr.'Holmes' questlbns to bring his subject home in practise!. application, • There was. a Binge attendance at. both eervtees and 'the special numbers by the -choir and the quartette from Victoria ehureh consisting of Messrs. John Sproul, Carl. Clark, Chas: Breckow and John Snell, were ver r much apprebiated. Abate lay wee sn ora o itehhe in the of the - er ^ 28th enlnivenary of it* Rev. Gordan M. Bedeck x 'r11, utas tine Preacher the Mid the thumb wee beautlfullY decorated With &Were. The their utas WESTmELD Last Sunday being children's day the service .was. in keeping with. that theme: Mr: and Mrs. Bert Vincent and fam- ily, of Beigra've, were 'Westfield visitors on Sunday. Mr. lend Mrs, (Om rwmPbell Old gamily, of Aylmer,: 'Vlslted; .an Saturday at the home • of Mt-, and . eetre.,. A.. /e. Walsn The services in the :Westfield Crated church will be withdrawn on Sunday, June ' 4th, as the pastor is attending Conference: Mr. J. L. Stonehouse and Miss Elsie were in Listowel on 'Saturday attending the wedding of Mr. James henry and Miss McLachlan, . Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Jennings and son, Of Windsor, spent over the week=end with Mrs: Jenning's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Wm. Walden.. Mr. andM. McDiarmid and ,Mrs. daughter, Lorraine, of Hamilton, spent the veekoefd, with the lady's parents; Mr. and Mrs, John. Vincent, • The annual strawberry: festival of the united charge of Auburn, Westfield_ acrd Donnybrook, will be held on. June 28th at Westfield United church. United church will . be held Wednesday. June 14th. Baseball is played on the Men's Club grounds every Tuesday evening. ,Every- body welcome, - Mrs. R. E. Howden and Muriel spent the' week -end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Lockhart.. , ' We are .sorry to tepgrt very little im- 'provement in the condition of Mrs. Per- due, Oro Her manyfriends sympathize With, her' in her Slnegs .. On. May '24th visitors with licr. anti_ Mrs J. Teockhart were Mr. and Mrs. L. Eurnafdes, Mr. and Mrs. Hougblin Brad- ford, . Mr. and 'Mrs. Mailer and son, of Gotlerich. On . Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's . Supper was dispensed at Grace church to .a , good' congregation. One new member was added and there was, one baptism. On Thursday evening at the home of wet a D. Pocockreception Ma and Mrs.. held in honor of the newly weds, Mr, ,and Mrs... Thos. East. .Some beautiful, and useful gifts were received and a pleasant evening was • spent. . • On Tuesday even1nn, May 23rd, the Men's Club held re Y al evening for ell, ladies included. A pleasing program of readings, recitations, and music was given, also cn old -bine spelling Match PORTER'S HILL Wedding bells .continue .:to ring loud that created much, amusement and h l and clear. brought back memories of wheel days. Miss Helen Cox spent the week -end with her. parents, Mr. and 'Mrs: Herb _ BENMU LER 03X, The Gra 'Mrs... A. •Cloud • is under the, doctor% annual garden party care at Present KELV NATOR No other Electric Refrigerator offers such a complete list of Features. Refrigeration while Defrosting. Porcelain Cooling trait (clean as china dish) 'Waist nigh Food Com- partinenc(1'do Stooping) Agei 0 Largest useable shelf area • 4 Refrigerators lin 1 (fully automatic— nothing to remember —nothing to forget) Automatic Light (Lights when door opens • More ice Cubes per model Automatic Faster Freezing • Flexo Rubber ice Trays Egg Rack and Kelvin Crisper ALL REFRIGERATORS rx HAVE FEATURES • • KELVIHATCR 3 'HAS ALL THE ATU RE., , E. II.. ZINN t for Cnderich:and Vicinity. Come in and have a demonstration. Prices $149.50 up - Easy Terms. Mrs. S. AIIin; of 0aderis..,s-ited with Mrs. Idlt- eke for a feW days last week. Rev. bar. Patton was called to Cree more on Sunday, owing to the illness of his father. Mr. and Mrs, McCiooken, of Detroit, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Stats ley Vanstone, "Every' time I Went to her house I Mr, J. young, of Loyal, occupied . the Pulpit- in Benmiller on Sunday, . in the heard the same story over and over a'bseence:of Rev. Mr, Patton, again," said Mrs. Martha Smith. Oa There was not as large a crowd as us- one' visit she said she heard Mrs. Webb ual' at our 24th tea meeting but it :was all that could be desired. A good sup-, per and an excellent program. Proceeds amounted to $84. Fails To Upset Iler Mother's Will (Continued from page 1) preparing,to return to Goderichto look after her mother when she received a letter not to tome,tender cross-exam- ination Mrs. McAuleadmitted that she and her Mother had disagreed over radio programs. The aged lady, she said, was cross and agravating, . but she left her 011 April 4th, 1931,eleven days before Mrs. Morea changed her will, on the very best of terms. dais` Honor suggested that the diamond `Sher rabid at times was away ofr. back. r She talked'incessantly about people e ring be give-- �.—n to the family. �.._ a most disparaging way, said Mrs. Mc- Auley. "My sister and I never got THOUSANDS T A K g LOW-1'H10ED along; she ,.rd in answer to a question . TRIPS Toronto -Wednesday, May 31, saw the inauguration on both the Canadian Pactfio and Canadian National Railways of the lowest priced return coach train trips in the history of; the Dominion from Eastern to Western► Canada as' far as the coast, when over 1,000' from On- tario alone started on the trip, it was EXCEPTIONAL VALUES WASH DRESSES for WARM WEATHER WEAR Voiles,, Pique Lneae and -Mesh Dresses attractively ;made and fast net The sizes are 84 to 44. The each e�laa,c price is. 44 4•.M4444•,+• •44•..444• Beach Pyjamas—SnapPY and 19 different Only.... ... ..RM . Suit Our new 1933 models in "JANTZEN" and ",LIN:GTITE" Swim Suits are now .on ,display the • Phtrrre EM HIBBERTOn lh Square 86 . THE CASH STORE funs"capable , ahs was in her 80th Year announced last night.at', the Toronto of - train trips Will continue in. force every day until June 15, with tickets. good for , ' 30 .day* !rem date of pnuxhaee, alut present Indications point to a total of et least. 8,000 exeursienists front Ontario for this period. As already announced, tickets:are good only 1n coach, but they; will be honored m tourist sleeping cars onpayment of ,the' tourist berth chsrges plus a .alight . vette charge. 'Z'o'outlste from Western Canada began arriving in the provinces.over the two railways last Friday, May . 20, and already more then 1,800• are visiting in -Ontario.- andthere; has been evidence that she appeared much younger. One witness took her for 65' • r '10, Apparently her. mind was in better shape at 80 year' than are the minds of most people. "It has been said that the old lady was not wise. I Would like to see it that way: Old people Mee bo quite nee - mai at • that age. At times they may seem queer to' 'others." but still they are 'normal. The mass of 'letters written by Mrs. 'Marva to her daughter Catherine •contain a shoed deal of humor 'and also a good deal of colnmon sense. They show that she had quite a' grasp of thinge that were going on 1n the world about her. ,she :signed her will with her own hand, . It 1s quite bold and leg- lible, end she • remarked' to the notary 'That is just whet I wanted.' Is that the action of an irresponsible person? I, don't think so."' • The, Judge here revicwed the evidence: He Cited the;; :a1 H. J: A. MacEwan , who took the ' comm+znion cards to Mrs. Morea's home and ,:who said .the was "wonderfully bright," "From the evidence I have come to the conclusion that the was capable of making a will. It shall be upheld and. admitted to probate. The costs of trial will 'come out of the estate. 1ices of the two railways, Thee coeole by counsel. Both Mrs, McAuley and Mrs,. Irwin said Mr, 'Sallie had remark- ed •that Mrs. Morea would have had much more money had he secured con- trol of her affairs earlier. Mrs, McAu- ley denied ransacking the drawers In the home during her mother's absence hi search of documents. Heard Same, 01d Story DONN' BROOK +Miss Elaine Samford, of Stratford Normal; was home over the week -end, Master Vernon Naylor, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of his uncle, Mr. 050. Naylor. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Channey and son Gordon, Spent Sunday in Goderlch with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Chamney, o : Mr. and! Mrs. Cecil Chamrigy and daughter Anne spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Johnston, .at Whitechurch; Mr. Wm. Finkty and daughter, Miss. Margaret, were Sunday visitors` at the, home of Mr, Thos. Samford. Mrs, Wfnalo (nee Margaret -MeLaugih- lin) of thigh River, Alta, Mr's. Hender- son and Mrs. Coates and daughter, of. Flint, Mich., visited last week with Mr. George Wallace arid other srequaletan- ees. During the electrical storm at mem on Monday the dwelling house of Mr, plenty to deny it. I place much value, Mike Cummins woe struck but no ser- on the evidence of William Sa010' and' does damage done. A tett Weeks Ago hitt daughter. They state Mre, Morea the roof of the sem house took lire trent the -chimney but with the ateist- anee of neighbors was coon under con- trol, tell Mrs; Morea not to have anything more to do with her daughter Catherine and not to invite her beck. Mrs. Mary McPhee said her late hus- band, a brother of Mrs. Morea, and his sister,•. were not on speaking terms for four years prior to Mr.' MCPhee's death,. on account of a lawsuit over a house,. "She repeated the same :01d yarns over and over again. I thought she was get- ting kind of doty," said Mrs, McPhee, ";She waschildish end not accountable." Argument of Counsel R. a. Hays, Counsel for the executor; argued that the great preponderance of evidence went to :show that Mrs.` Morea Was entirely capable. He quoted many insidents he which she had displayed sound judgment, L. E. Daneey, for Mrs.! McAuley, stressed the eccentric writings of Mrs. Morea in an effort to show' that her mina Wandered and. that she suf- fered front delustons. "There have been the usual allege. tions and usual eefence in this trial,'" raid Judge Costello in •giving judgment, "There have been plenty of witnessed to say thatthe testatrix 'wee in • a fitstate of . mind when she made her will . and CODERICR, TOWNSHIP The friends of Hire, and the late Mr. Wm. Bichan, who lived for several years on: the Bayfield Read and were ettaunch supporter! of every Union church and community enterptisc, will be pleased to' know of the marriage of their only tdrt, ltettsrt, of Vineland, to lint's Gertrude 3tichardson,. of Rocketed, at Guelph on Saturday, May Atli. BEAUTIFY , YOUR HOME by planting a bed of Scarlet. or Pink dereuiuina, Cannse, Or any of the rine Annuals we have. Gar Termist+*, Sweet MA Not T e p p e r a, Cabbage, Crrulfiewer, Celery,.. and great numbers of Annnala, are strong, Weather - reasoned plants, *hfcde will *ids- fy any easterner. STrwAIIT BROS., Near Naera'erlea. t►ir,Y4w-:atlle�r 215, ANNOUNCMti NT. J. JEI1FEIY is prepared to do all kinds of CARPENTERING and GENERAL REPAIRING also WINDOW SCREENS . REMODELLING, etc. PRICES REASONABLE Telephone 579 W or Can at the haute WARREN ST., GODEf1C13 We 'can take care of• your -requirements Furniture ,Stapes, and in fact anything for the home. LY SAVE WE POSITIVE YOU MONEY • Blackstone's On the Broadway of Goderlch �....-.- •GREATER FOOD- VALUES --AT .THE-- SUPERIOR sos Thursda , friday, Saturday MAPLE SALMON %-Ib, Tins 16c LRAI: • R1NS0 PAC; AGE 19 KELLOGG`S xce Kris .fes 2.PACKAGES 19C' SWEET MIXED ICK pp �'''tt t Ec LARGE C JARS 27c SALADA TEA % Ib. pkv'• 23c BEE �16. 16c t n�' .33e. HIVE Corn Syrupr. tin HILLCREST .• Shortening Ib. PRINTS 1 CHOCOLATEMarah►aILQW Cakes' 15e x.ili. Superior Stores .Tea Pts. 39c BRING US 'YOUR EGGS—HIGHEST PRICES PMD J. J. NMI EN J. CALVIN CE `M PHONE 46 j PHONES 116 and 216