HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-05-04, Page 6THE OTTAWA
BY W11 R1 E(•3 T,E$ToNN
Ottawa, May 4,—A tact on fterel :te
built boats brought its to operate on the
Great t,a,itea is on the way. It Wilt conte
In the ;form o ass amendment to tire
Caaaada Shipping Att. YarCiowneral
cla'.rned that unless they oquldl get .a
few building u dera for ships Latey could
not apord to keep their ,repair yards(
runs ba& and the trach alotig the Zakes
would he under a severe handicap.
Other ameirdltreats designed" to throw
the lion's share of the Oanedkan grain
'trade in the pith of -CCanadian. are
nlsa behug prepared'. .
The snap of Canada, lira been serval
lap into 34."u eonetitueneies ready for this
next geueral election, but the Qppast.
tiori'dort't 3fl a the patterns im two pro
vinces, Quvbee And Saskatehewan. They
threaten to:. etageoa. #iiibusterr- . 111- theL-.e_,-
House if tits government attempts to go
through with the present map, There
Ls talk of shelving the bill till next see,
cion, but' Premier Bennett is said a be
ana leele to see.It through. One never
'Mawr; these dart when it might be wise
to call a general election. The party
taeticians don't want to appeal to the
people on the old map. .
A Vail Session?
Will there be a fall session? Ti)a
feeling now is that the present one
should to wound up without' a delay, so
as • to give Premier Bennett . plenty of
time to. prepare for the World Economic
'Conference, from which so moll is ex-
pected. by etigrybody 3ltce the 'little
conference' at/Washington was to hope-
ful. i1 valuable agreements are reach-
ed at London, , in June, •well -Canada
want to wait a year before putting them
into effect 7 Likely not. Bence the
talk of a cession this All.
Sentiment is getting .better but bust.
e85 is $ill, pretty .weak, and unemploy
erkt .Beery high. to March the relief.
bill for the unemployed was eight Pen -
pion dollars, covering federal provineial.
and municipal expenditure. The hum!.
ber. of people securing relief was 1,429,-
400. That means 13. out; of every 100
people in Canada: Hope it marks the
record for tete depression, • With .sum- ,
mer Coming on the =miner' is, sure . "tp '
decrease for n while, • ..
War veterans' employed 'In the elvil
service •.are ,rot to lose"eltber their sal-
arias or ; their, pensibns, - .The governs
monk after • �celrsulting veterans' assn-'
dations, had g .change of heart. Pen-
sions are to . become` subject =to income
;tax, but net this year. ; •
Some ;Tax Changes •
A few changed in the budget taxes
were made feet week, mostly downward.
The excise tax on, perfumed tubes: was
reduced from $2.53: a ga?ion to '31.50;
an eigaret tubes from Ma per 1,000 to
40c, Shaving soaps and shaving creams:
were made taxable at 10 per. cent thith-
erto free) ; the tax on automobile tires
was changed from,' 1pre per cent of the
value to two cents a -poured weight; on
inner tubes from five per cent. to: three
cents a pound• The maker' of 'hore-
brew' gets some relief ,with a reduction
on unfermented wort erten 25 cents per
poinnd to 10;. the tax on Omit 'syrup and
similar ingredients ee es down from; SOq
per 14411414 tet x,00...;, .• •
The" radio +0ommession" has been under
hire in. 'the house .and out: The root
trouble Seems tO be that it :is naw three.
years since private ownership was. free
to improve and expand. Many; see have
become obsolete, and with a. sort of-aen-
tence° of death "hanging over their heads,
private operators have "just plugged
along at a minima n of expense: The
wadio fans are clamoring . tor' action.
They want a lot of new powerful, sta-
tions and some high-C'luss programs.
But a still wider section of the public
are in .ecoxiamieal .mood, and protest
anything: la the: nature of 'luxury* ex-
penditure; It's a tough life, being u
Servant of the public: lots of• people
wanted 'Judge' -Ruthea'tord off tate air.
When he was slheneed,' there arose a dry
of perseoutfon and suppression of tree
speech. Every time the commission ate=
tern wave • lengths; there are protests
from affected fane,
The Tariff` Board is now fully em
powered to go ahead And hear .applica-
tions: 'They have several- hundred ate»
peals from rulings . of the old 'Cottons
Board, not to speak of a score of apple-
cations from British exporters of textiles
and steel goods., Looks like a busy,
summer' for then.,
Youthful Ora,to s
Surprise Visitors
Kis Rs . Clark, District Nurse
Schorr or of East Sithe, Tel.
ado. R,ktd to Physician Used
Si Model In Famous, Painting.
13y Geor to M, Sewers
"The Dee,tor." that farpiliar master.
Irk> whicih, b physi4iane and eur�fjeooe,
aur cz pawl aerial workers fpr nearly
half century. Imo- symbolized ,fealty to
servl:e, hp even a deeper srad more in -
'innate efgraidearce to the Si nurses whew
melee up the field etsff of the Toledo DM-
trkt Nurse Association, 1903 Monroe fit.
For one of ttaefr number, laboring
quietly, modestly and with the r'arne tenth
Meals of eclfeeaerineing devotion to duty
as depicted by the artist, le the great
araandniese iitliiLdair►es Clark,�hysietan
M Queen lflctoria; the;, doctors' ho Tett'
the feetivitles of court to keep nlght4ong
vigil by the side of adyhnii peasant child.
Barn Served 11 Yaws
The great grandniece ie Miss Retta
Cintrk, supervleor of the .east Side branch
of the eteeoelatI n, with' headquarters
n C !n
the Helen, utehess health center, 010Platt street, Miss Clark, born and edu-
cuted is Canada, but now a citizen of
the United States. has given •12 years of
serv1ee to Toledo's needy eiek, for many
years making her rounds of humble
home to almost every one of the nursing
districts, and for the hist "hve years, in
axone of the 144 Side health Center
where . student nurses are trained and
others are taught bow to keep their ba-
bies In health,
One of Reiss. Clark% prized possess1orts
is the little-matlogany medicine kit, with
OS silver embossed name plate, which
was the property of her renowned itins-
men.. The kit eorxtaine eompertments for
ler' vials of various shapes and sizes that
,rs iuld strike joy" to the heart of the col -
Motor of antique glassware.
Cor+tents Remain as Left
"'Phe contents of the 'vials remain as Sir
Jana Lely taoa--
cqueer sounding, and.
queerer smelling drugs, two or three wine
Compounds, quinine, several ,emetics.
Another eampartment contains delicate
scales, W414 box of tiny 'apothecary
r Ciehts, and 1n tenether aeetien is .a tray
el misiug theists,
Sir Jarraca pioneered in the 114d of •
rscdired c ic7Hi
:e whEe ss Clark's foan,^.tr
ef the family Left 64atian.Ci to pioneer InCanada. 'alio ° Cla:k'c grandfather wao
macrame int lave or of late famous ua ele,
Omen. VLtale's physlreairt. William Far, •
itl�ce Mack. Clark's father', °Wert
rich, Ont., Is visiting roto daughter her m
a Ste recede merely storlee about Sir Ja'nnew
which are barge out in medical Inetary.
Treaders Shit Available
6ir James, who was boon In 1780 Mid
died 1n 1870; left Scotland elnartly after
tasting graduated from the Unlvereity of
Edinburgh, W study the curative proper-
ties of European). waters, Andthe effect of
climate upon health. A nrrtneer of trea-
tlee3, et1I1 avai3able to the prafessiou, re-
salted- C£1 ..kilns -stride :Bifiaiia_.them,
"The Tnftueuee of Climate on Chironis
'Weave." *nether is "Ptilm lnary +ran-
While tieing irc e:arch work in Rome,
sir James was xecalied-to England to be-
come physician to the Duchess of kelt.
And when Queers Victoria .aseended the
throne in 1831. Ire became "physician in
ordinary,' according to history, to Her
It was dueiug a tour of Scotland and
a sueeesston of festivities at Eelmorel
Castle that Sir elaIrnes learned of the dye
Mg child, the daughter of humble peasant
folk who occupied one pf the tenant vote
rages .on the estate, it was a diphtheria
Case. and to the lay mind, hopeless. 13th
Sir James had experimented with ser-
,ums, tradition sir, and 1t was one•of Iris
awn produets which. caved the life of the
Twenty years :after Sir Barnes' death.,
81r Luke 'Elides, Court artist, eaW in the
story the maternal for his painting, the
irlitinal of which hangs, in the National;
Gallery of London. The artist Bought'
throughout the kingdom for. the model1
who re,embled the famous Sir. James ro
Closely that he height he hie twin, the
Clark family says.
Tlile Held Applicable Now
. niia E; Pinkham's
vegt febie Coxnpatnnd
It steadies the nerves nod helps
#o' balite ybu up. You r►rltl edt-bet-.
bet -
sleep better , . ,hook bot -
ter. Llys will Slope worth swim
ni;r.ir., i;emen for that 98 Mit et'.
ttiA sYnniert elaY, "It helps me,"
lirlt It help you tc►o, l ignld or enb.
tort form, as you prefer.
he Mutual Life
Assurance Company
N oriel , Coronale, lidhrrla
Get Some tablets of Aspirin and tabu
'them Freely 'until you are entirely
free horinpain: '' " .
These" tablets of hapitia cannot
hurt you. They do not depress the
heart. Anel they- ha''e been proven
Mks as effective as salicylates in
Mitt of rheuanutic pain at an stage.
D rn't go through another season
vt suffering from rheumatism, or
any neuritic pain. Don't sager need.
»rely trout neuralgia, neuritis} or
After conditions which /Aspirin will
attiity to surely and so swiftly.
Ttesiet shit Rey,
The painting. When kiret. ei(hibitec a
the public in 1802;: wa..caIled
sis," -and memeere' oft riot. Nurse
Ac:octet:on consider e•. original title
more epplicabli t resent conditions.
The ass: wet is. one of the major
ag envies opted by the Toledo "Com-
tera ity Che t, • whose 14th ant.uel..cann-
pe1gn is •ratie IMO to continue the work
of 110 egenc1es will `1e conducted April 23
through grey 8,
The 28 "nurwee of the association'a" staff,
two less -::than last year, made 128,885
v;:its to horpes 'et the sick .during the
year, compared With 123,44$• visits the
preceding' yml'. There were. 2.800 more
individuals recorded among the district
^a4es. tins year tilAlt ast. Paitients• conr-
Ing to the dispensary .mounted froxn 5.8*.
in 1931 to 7.051 in 1933, and the month.
to -month' recOrd ,howl the rate still is
, risinit',
(Frorlp ,a Toledo Paper)
Slr Luke rues, famous picture. "The,
T:rater," repror1ueed here, has more than
tatted interest kor ntembera of the 'Toledo
District Nurse- ,Association Since one of
the organizate n e Members, bliss Bette
Clark, is a great :6*ran4-mlece of the phy-
eician represeltted. Sir armee Claret, Sir
James was physicians he -Omen Victoria,
and the painting. lepretents; an actual in-
'ride tt tn:bis life, Miss •Clark, wha is au-
Bervieor of t'ht East S14e byaneh of the
Association in. the Heim Clinches, health
center, is :hoevn •in the second picture
with her most prized Personal possessions
---sir James,' ntedieine kit and its old -
!aliened drug • vials, The kit and.: Its
contents are shown -below.
The Council met In ltolniesville on
Monday last Mrs: Ruck tetrose re the
road leading tis-, her residence.. The
Clerk vas instructed to reply toying.
that Counkll will go some time thea
Month to decide on what Is best ,to; do.
Assistant Supt, R. G 'T`hompson was
instructed to sign the vouchers of the
late Superb tendent Efntnerson.
R• C, Muir, ehief engineer of the De -
oatmeal, of Iligheeays. -wrote asking the
commit to ,:urtail e.'�enditure fur reads
this year. hi order too do so it will be
necessary to : spend less on cup'erint- n•
alleralitI4A AVE wan*
Suffered From Headache*
and Bad Bilious Attacks
is eriK'iMFI
Musical instruments at
plates we never cry mrd
j�essssib(*- Trunr ts,
Trewbnwes, some.
is mu =yams end sundries
ler last lnetrumwet,
slog or stsi
Tura le t eta instrument-•
a +p` dvarsi«Now• tIsav
sea ow ersf stew bestrew
mot. Sind forilkstritsd rata.
rogue and Free hal rem.
Merit NPM
P1 >Srotsnn ¥OU' leis ttor.
Anglican Laymen
Meet at W ngham
Good Turnout F From Goderich
•Re'v: Canon Gould
Guest Speaker
Wingham Advance-Ti1nest The Lay-
man's efe osietion of the Deanery of
Huron . met in the basement of St. Paula
church, under the presidency of lir,
Harald Blackstone of Goderich, on gone
day evening` of fait week. The deanery,
comprising the parishes. of 1Xensall, Exe-
ter, Cilnton, Blyth, Bayfield, Goderich,
>3russ'els, Seaferth, •Wroxeter, Dungan
and .Port. Albert, was well. e pre ed.
cderioh fs to be conies/Mated on low
the grgeteet `immerge of delegates
presezat., e ti:teas representing St. Geor-
ges "church being present;
The evening commenced with a de-
votional period in St, Paul's •church,tak-
en by the R>arel Dean, T.he eta. F. 11,
pawl; el Hayfield,
'h0 ladies of St, Paul's served Is spien-
1d lrangtlet,
'Zhe mayor oe Winghaxu. " Mi`. W. a,
Willis, gave via address of welcome to
the delegates. "i ;e :eters-et' o• the great
toss sustained by the Anglican church
M. the West, and ;expressed the deep
sympathy :of the town and churches in
•Windham, and hoped ,that. "tete attempts
to reatore the lost funds would be sue -
The Bev, "Canon Could' was the . guest
speaker of .the evening and. he dei,lt in-
tensively with the appeal" to restore. the
last end: wrlients. 'The lost endowments
as reported to the . executive council of
the General Synod represent 8758,64/,64
and this Arnoitut is possibly larger. The
endotvment$ were made up as follows,'
about four-fifths' • from the Mother:
Church In England, and about one-fifth
from Canada (including many generous
personal gifts from the great Archbishop
Alaehrayr and the limited States: The
Diocese affected are the hve Missionary
DIoceses• 01„ Athab, scar. Moosonee, lice..
watin, •lefeel snzle. Bever and Yukon, and
the diocese of °ltupert'a'Land.' '.These.
six. dioceses, 'together with the diocese:,
of Brandon, Ceu'.Appelle, Saskatoon,
$askat$,hewan, Calgary and Edmonton,
lost together,�iell the Clergy. Widows' and
ti'rphans' Fund and the Clergy Super -
emotion Fund of the Province" ;en
*l:ui?ert's Lund.. St. John's College, Win -
(Meg, lost endowments for the support
or the.ivarden and staff and for scholar-
ships. Sense endowments of the bean
end Chapter of 8t:. John's Cathedral,
Wi.1ntpeg, used for �rdueationul work,
here also -lost, '
The restoration of tine fund was In
part immediately helped by - the clergy
sof the church, who subsorlbed $02,000.
This was a generous self-sacritice by
missionary. workers, bishops . and clergy,'
uiid' constituted ties unanswerable ehai•
lenge to the laity to'eubseribe to the
Restoration Judd and •.this appeal is
now being made throughout Canada to
the laity of the Anglican church, To
carry on the work of the church in the
dioceses effected it.le necessary that the
Restoration Fund is 'quickly subscribed
and the Deanery of Huron will, no
doubt, 40 their part toward the raising
of money for' this great purposes. •
(Wendell tor last week) .
Mr. and Mrs. A. Horton, of Toronto,
vieited relatives here hot week
On Wednesday afternoon gr. Haman
OVennor's helm burned to the ground
svhile he Was absent front home.
Mr. George; Sullen. utxderwent an
operation for aPpendleitis at the Clode-
rieh hospital last week, We are glad to
lkdrs.`'Margaret Fletcher: the 'Duman
meXati• Mr. W. H. Robertson' and Dr.
Mabee. of Goderieh. visited at the home
Rev, gr. gacailliveal, of Athileld
leresbyteelan angels', left Or Mender to
Attend sYnod Meeting at Londoh,
Mrs. efeetliliteray Was a delegate to -the
, Provinelei W. Ite, S. At Stratford,
Easter tenors In thie vieitlity were'
Dein Stowart, of Itamiltoo; lasses Alma.
dolt fight:
ENJOY a bowl of crisp Kellogg's
Corn Flakes with milk or cream.
Add fruits or berries for variety.
Kellogg's have that famous
"wonder" flavor that no others
equal. in energy. Refresh-
- lug and wholesome.
Serve Kellogg's Corn Flakes
for lunch—a late snack. Splen.
did for children's suppers, So
easy to digest,
Always oven -fresh in the sealed
inside WAXTITE bag. You'll like
the package that's so "easy to
open." Made by 'Kellogg in
London,' Ontario.
to use' said gr. Schaefer, -to eee the
way girls of such tender years can speak
so fluently and intelligently- en varied
and' Scheid"' club ran its viertr; inn towns-
people and the School Board being ap-
preciative of the co-operation they give.
Other 'speakers mere: O. At, Robertson,
of the Collegiate Board; Miss Masi Robe
erteon, President of the Rome and
Sonora Club of Central. school; Principel
Stonehouse and la, Smith of the staff
of the school, and te 1. of the 001 -
The president 'of the club, gre,
e3rice, presided and conducted a short
business session before the entertaining
program, which was brought M a close
with the National Anthem.
alcitA ADA
The Last Asthma, Att•aelt may really
be the last one ff prempt measpres are
taken. Dr. .1. D. Rellogg's Asthma
RanedY -eafeguard rite It will
Penetrate to the smallest. bronohial pas-
sage and being about a healthy cosidi.
tion It Alwaye • relieves and its Con-
tinued use often has a permanent effect,
Why not get this. long -famous remeel ;
today and commence itstiuse? le
'As onsoke or vapor it is equally effec
Helen Archer Win* First Honors
Relit Robertson Second
In Contest
Prattler eraterical eionore were smart-
ed to Helen Ascher, daughter ,of We,
L. Wright...0S a result of the girls' print.
tette,: school laet ttlistreday night. Little
Miss Anther evoke 'an "Jack Mina and
the Ttirds" and the address Wits *given
with a eitteity of ettithelation which Won
the admiration of the ledges and (Med-
Were' whith Ailed the kirfdergarten
;mein and (Wallower( into the hall. pet-
plaee wee awarded to Ruth. Robert-,
ton, daughter of Mr. and gee. 0, al.
and teois Mackenzie. of Toronto; Miss! ran
• Mae nuneins Motlitie. of Toronto; Mr.
and Stm, Ilibbliis and daughter
Sernice, of Niagara: Mr. Arthur BirnP-
son. of Toronto University; Miss ...reart
Mitres- Anna taree0tegor, Margaret
Simpson, of, kiederLeti collegiate insti•
Mr. Wm. Pardon srul stster. Miss Jean
Pardon, spent Randa3t at ;Str. and Mr&
Mester awed Phillips, now Fordyce,
iinrrit the week -end lath his grandpor-
zits, Mr. and Mts. John Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. Andres/ Gauut, mat
Fordyce, gent aura'sy afternoon with
, Mrs. Sherwood mut ltar).
Mr. and Mrs, 'Victor 'Whitley eind tam.
HY. near eyelet, vitalted with Mr. and
Mrs, Ralph taxon.
Mr. Chat Aberwood his rsturned to
t his home in Detroit after spending two
weeks with h% mother.
Mrs.. Ifenrs• Campbell. of litir_gannn.i
is visiting with her cm, Mr. and btm
Cyril Campbelt and Mrs.,
d." Mary Howard, dalighter of Mr.
iVirs. a. 1. /10Ward, Vida third Intl()
whiner. Her sublett "Thomas Edl-
Othere who Cottle/elect were: Magma
Taylor, whose ((Meat was "The Ilistory
of a Pine of Coel;" Catherine parker,
on "Itavel by AIr;" Elaine Tremblay on
'Meek to Oobitht and the Laud:" Ruth
Merle Showdown on "Abigail tteeker,"
and Derothy Prost* on "Mary Slestor."
The jedges were Mrs. George John-
thoghtoo. The &vistas, was given by
Istre, Johnston and the Wires were Pre.
(tinted by Mrs. I). J. toe. bath lean
Hails to the Ming motestants, all of
whom reeelved gifts.
`The speeches wets interepereed %Rh
musical numbers ravers as follows: Vo.
cal duet, MAsses Eltornlee mid MAN
trio, Waste leen Robert:en. Itare
othy °mete land Ruth Caldwell: guitar
duet, MIsses Vitra Mated and Pena
Car:sten; tense Miss Msty McKinnon.
cage &hatter. of the Public Sclioc.k1
rd. expressed Ms pleasure ta the,
Not jOst
With Punch and Purpose
Business Stationery that reflects "the character
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assist you with your planning and execute 'your
work promptly and at reasonable prices.
Coriect pe and spacing and good presswork.
- Try Us With Your Next Order
The Goderich Star
West St. ?hone 71