HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-05-04, Page 1f.**••••••••••••••••••••••••••
The Merchant's Friend
An advertiser's -message in the Gode-
riell Star reaches The reader on Thurs-
day, the day of publication, in plenty
of time for perusal and for week -end
4googgivomgsgmmr..~........00.46~.~ggir .10.40.1404
15 -Inch Rule Free
Star sullscribets paying a full year in
advance have choice of paper -cutter
rule or calendar free. See announce-
, ment elsewhere in this issue.
84thaeriPti°441:44203 yip": fara'potatc GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA. THURSDAY, MAY 4th, 1933
WALT= Nniersees, tubular*
Fourteen Merchants Cooperate in Great Merchandising Event
ASH PRIZES WILL FEATURE Dziows fst--;:;;;;—lq GIRL I Less F
Our Public Schools
k • -11
Exciting Clio= is Promised For
Big Weelc-End Selling
Drawing on Squid** Saturday—,
All 'Prices Are fderked
A feature or the Twin Dollar Days
xhieli the merchants of Godericla are
-holding on Friday and Saturday of
thie week, May 5th and 6tZz WU1 be tlae
drattring for easb prizes at 10 o'clock
Saturdey night, yawn twenty-three
.-orisP, new Dontinion or Canada laollar
• Bille will be given to the holders of eight
lucky eoupen tlekets, Mayor Zee, bas
seem -seated te officiatseat the draw. Which
will be held sloop at 10 Vole* onthe
Square :LIMiaeilatfonn truck at. West
eireet and h.tare.: Theoesh,prizes.
,FIrst Orad Prize • • 310,00'
• • Second Grand Prize . 540
• Third Grand. prize 3.00
Five Prlaes of $1.00 each.- ..... , . 5.00
Keep the halt.•-ef the coupon mark..
'ed "Retain" and place the other „nor-
'. tion niarlted, • '2Deposit" in the ballot.
boxes. placed at arbiontageous plaCee on
. 'The Square. 'Tnese wlU e gathered;
. put. in one receptacle . artd, null shaken
up for the grand ,drevving
• It is not neoessary.ta-, write Your name
, en the 4;0000, tnItitePthink bandy.
• Their reuniters may tally With those
:• drawn to Win the cash prizes. •It -1a.not
. •necsszary to be present at the draw, but
If yell stunt golhIc, rictiOn and tile oath;
it is boa to be there, -,for .the money Will
.- veld cut :on the epote a last :call for
ommons. will be made att 10 o'clock.
Attractive pricewill greet Geri:wish
and, distelot s. -hoppers in the Doller Day
.Stores en ,Friday an SOurday. They
, are stich that many will 't erne from:
- Miles around to participate in the event.
The merchants have priced their Mei-.
-thandiee to meet 'rUndoirril 'purses and
Pockets. The roads are in tine eorali-
- • tion new and many Wito have beert .put-
ting off their spring shopping trips Will
IDe out Bills advertising this sale have,
been mailed or.'deliveted, to everyhouse:,
holder in the distriet., ".
Shop' early and often on Fridey or
,SatUrda, and be 4
jito 'dray/ a to. seefek. ' You May win
nme thescash.piliee.. • • •
e a Victoria street., resident Mowed his
wit far the- Wet time this year on -the
th of April,. much .eateler than in
ost otkrer*y.eare. , •
. • •
• 4•
, .
WANTED. -L-011 jobbers with small
" eaPital, SUPERIOR, CIL and
OSEASE, Fraser Ave., Windsor, Ont.
take over DV:el-table Watkins route
in nearby .locality. Leng' established
customers. Mist be undo, 50 awl, sat
Idled -with eartlirieS or 522.50 a week at
start. In. your reply give age, type of
car, and farm 'experience, Write J. R.
WATKINS:CO., 940 Inspector St„ Mon-
treal, One: Dept R-115.
- ...„
RENT,-thafurnisbeti rooms to
-a- rent, suitable for light houselteep.
log. Apply tie Mies, JAMES, Bruce St,
rout RENT. -Apartment; corner King'"
"L. Stott street and The Square. All
cotiverdences. Apply MRS. IS BIB -
BERT, phone 367.
REOURE a good and pleasant cottage
at Port AAbar,t, near Goder1011,
the coming seasbn. Splendid beach,
electrielty. Terme reasonable, Write
REV. W. .1, TAYLOR, Roekwood, Ont.
FOR RENT.--Siteoutexied apartment,
South street, Modern Conven-
iences. 4Postession at once. Aeply .1. E.
trAntrwzr.s, ictays 81.
• T.TOSSE TO RENT- -Situate on Inctort
street, Ooderith. All -modem con-
Venientes, extra lot for gardengood gar-
age, possession Mae 1st, For further
parti.olero arinlv to MESSRS. HAYS and
Itmrs, oodieriett; 051 -
DOR SALE. -e -Eggs tor botching, Bred -
to -lay _Barred Rocks, '0. A. C.
strain, reasonably prided. ' 1VIRS. R.
DAVIDSON; Ihnieannoto Pheihe Dun-
gennon 84;
HODSE TO RENT.-Xf you are think-
itee of moVing to a warmer, more
eetttral house with garage and garden,
:rsee' M. W. HOWELT.,.
VARitt FOR: SALE. -Forty aerate more
Ju or less. the property of the late
IL VI. C. Neftel, situated at the erid of
South Street on the southern boundary
of the townof ebtfd clay loam. large
house arid barn, drive shed: tvorkshopn
hen-houce; artesian well (130 feet). the
very best of tvater: good fruit trees.
Ideal location, dose to scliools .and
thurchee. For further ParttoulareapplV
on the tremlste or to IIIRDV or mu.,
1140 Amdversery or FolusdIng of Order
Is,Commernerated in GoderIch
Ciedericla Oddiellows on Sunday awn -
Mg eornmeMorated the 114th Mani-
versary of the founding of their Order
by attending divine worship in the Bap-
tist olthrein' Where Rev, W. T. Hfmt, the
whir, preached an inspiring gospel ser -
Mon, after extending 'tt hearty .weleome ,
to the visiting brethren, headed bY Bro.
Perey* Barker, MO., bia address
On the teict Jam, ellaloter 1e, verse. 32,
yAnd X, if I be lifted up from the earth,
will draw all mon to Me," Mr., Bunt
said these words Marked a crisis in
Jeans' Iffe, and from the very beginning
there Was* ester ehiniug before Uhn the
cross or calvary. )5.1e546 ohrtst is the
great ,mighty tlyiaamic wtUph infitlentes
all of declared the preacher. Re
stends when rolling years shall vease to
roll. The day is coming when more
than belief is needed, Is Claristianity
a tenure? ,Did. Jesus 'Christ die in vain?
He is the world's great attraction. He
saw the vision elf the world in all its
phases and nationalities, from the great-
est to the nearest. What is needed to-
day Mr, Bunt -Averred is a liteirtg grace
but he deplored. the friet that the world
today is putting everytning else before
Several earring hymns were sung by
the congregatien. 'Ite choir contribut-
ed an anthem under the direction of
'Mrs, Itcbert Wilson, and Was Isabel
Chesty:lit sang as a solo "This Is My
Returning to, the lodge rooms, a vote
of thonks was tendered the pastor, choir
a:nd management of the church.
The Goderich Horticultural Society
intend having a diePlaY 'of daffodils,
hyacinths, and other spring flowers. in
The Star efface windows Saturday of
this week. Anyone who an make a
vontftbution' to tne display is asked to
take the lioVers to The Star office Sat-
urday morning.
The medleal, men or Goderich have
arranged .tat, during period Vern May
to November, one of their •Auniber shall
be in his ofrite- rekeit'Veddriesday eftee-
Aeon and evening. There 'will be a list
at the bospital -thelothe c entral Tele-
phone Office with the name of the
doetor on. duty so that he can easily be
reached in case of an accident or elnee-
gency. -
ColstiORNE. .
APplications• win be zeceived by the
tilidersignedelm till Monday, 'May 15th.
for a caretaker of the Township- Hall:
The applicent must be prepared to re-
side in tlie.halt
Assistant Clerk
Xe. 6, Goderich.
For Quick Sale.-Ohoice 75 -acre farm,
fine location, e,xteUent land, no waste;
45 acres plowed, now being seeded, Im-
proveMents-New dwelling house, two
good barns, steel driving slaed, artesian
well, windmill. Insurance on buildings
54500, Piet* of farm 43500. Terms, $500
or More cash (not litcluding present seed-
ing), balance payeble in live yearts, triter -
est 3 per 'centper annum, 5100 per year
to be paid on prhmipal,
Other cheap farms for tale, also nlanY
houses very low in price, easy terms.
For payment ask about thern.
BoUs& to rent.'
P.O. Box 89 Godericit, Ont.
131lltr..ToN STREET
Sells InsUrance of all kinds. Get rates
Iroth him bereft renewing or planning
nee: instiranne,
eilantearte has essid that Use.
medern girl is like the Modern
bungalow -paint e4 in fagot.
,shingled behind and nO UPstsdre.
In may opinion. this is not so. The
Medan girl and boy are lust ite
fine today as_. they ever were. In
every generationwe say that ot
the generation which. has gone
before V,S. Z have the UtMoet
teafidence in the young PeoPie of
today." stated Ter. Peter laryce.
United ehureh .leader, in biS
dress in Orsclerfeh Yesterday.
Elevator Meeting
Here on May 10th
34th Annualilleport Shows Profit
of $34,000 During
Past Year
Tie 34r4 annual report or the Gode-
rich Elevator and 'Transit ComPan•Y,
Iihnited, released.5ast Saturday, reveals
net profits /or the year ending Mardi
31, 19334 of $3427.220. Total revenue
was $141,314.97, and total expenses,
$70,842.94. The sum of $36,259.83 evil
saloWed for depreciation and. amortiSa-
tion of leases, Dividends peed during
tne year .amotuffea to $50,403,60, The
surplus account shows that $104,277.07
la carried, over
In his repOrt to sthareholders Prost
dent G. L. ParSons comments on the
slightly decreased. volume of business
handled in the year just closed, owing
to restricted sales of liour by Central
Ontario millers, and of feed grain for
farmers, this depleting the amount ef
domestic grain required tbrough this
pert, While the volume of business was
lese, stricteconomies were eitercised„ in
operatien and adminittration, and
these ell but, offset the decreased earn.
hogs. • . • • '
An opthnistie • note is toUnded by. the
President in the material reduction in
lake and .rall.export rates, elleettve this
, month, front lake and bay ports to mon-
treat and a. slight reduction in the, mil,:
ling In transit rates to Ontario rail's, to.,
gethee evitb the antittpated benefit -from
the preferential arrangement effected
with Oreat Britaip. as also in View or
the - exeeeding ;low -carry-Over, of . grain,
neev•se the head of ene, lakes andbeyintd.
A %gist:Ian* Increase in traffic receipts
is anticipited. The annual meeting will
be lield on May 10 a Godericii. •
NATI re A 'Sete
orpick:--iiglOmic mom *so gr.. goorgicH
• hose 250. 1421.5011.11111, Manager
Insurance and Real Estate
Sun Life 11881111D00 illiffipatill of Canada
:Application for new tisouranees Were received by the Company
during 1 33 at an average rate of MOTO than $1 000,000 for OVery
working day.
Theo no from renewal premiums was the la gest me eived
in it sin le year.
Cash in repayment or reduction of volley Io us, exceeded at Or
any previous var.
Revivals of laped policies exceeded Mom o Any' provimm year,
W111 ono exception.
;Me 113
Paillice 1 '
Residence 540 H. R. LONO, DietTiet Agent
Tragie Death of
Little Girl Unsolved
Niece of Goderich Man Meet
Untimely Death While on
A Visit
Figures Down $52rSo for Tail
Yeer--.To Fi* Date
For Pienie
At Monday niglit'S Meeting et the
Public School Board the matter of *
date for the Manual AtatKay natio vita
referred to the 3013001 reWinitilement Cora'
Inittee to intervievi: theoteathers, also
the home Anct sated -Chin. Tile on
Mittee was given ,powasi to *et. Last
year this picnic; for witiCh the late Rob-
ert aftteireae blind Pnliantropist, endow-
ed a land, Was held At/ter the =tuner
vacation. Many at ttiat-tine eoweidered
the pWido should have been held in
June or imnsedliettly after elo.seee had
01441100d for the vaeation. tench a
date 1$ favoreit by parents and scholars.
The seoretiarY-tresaUrer's statement
for the roonth of April:showed eitperldi-
twee for April or $1703.28 oral a total
or. $7179.18 to 410 end ,of April this yetir,
as eompared with a totel to April 30th
of lad year or $7702.21, or *523.03 1
731e principal of entral School re-
ported 239 on 'Ole eon And an average
ottendsnee. ot 212, or 92,5 per cent,
Penny Hank tie,pe4$ for the Month
were $63,31. Vietoria achool has an en4
rohneat of 389 and an average attend-,
at 3444 or 93.3 per cent . April
Penny Bank deposits were 370.83.
The report of the Public School
specter, elated April, 7th. Was laid on the
table to be dealt With later. The %Irwin
management conmittee wilt .bring in a
report. .
' The property ecmmittee oi•as given
power to at .tni A request for a lock
and ohain, made by the caretaker of
Victoria Scnool, for UOzt the west side
to atop traffic over the lawns.
The. Ontario Safety T,seigUe was given
permission to Present anillustrated lec-
ture in the &shoots on Mae 30 and at
The property committee reported that
windows in ICental Scnool have been
;Ur. and Mrs, Robert '.3-ohnston hoe
returned front Toronto, where they at-
tended the funeral of their nieee, Betty
.1-ohristcai, aged p, whose tragic death by
drowning in the Trent Valley Canal, at
Campbellford, on Thursday of last week
was reported. In the daily press. .7ust
how the little girl, a Most loveable child,
came -to her death, must ever remain a
mystery, it •seemsthe only witneoses
were thildren too yetmg to- understand.
The lather of the untertunate girl,
Gordoss, *Johnston; brother oe Robert
haci recently been moved by his bank
from 'Toronto to Perth, and left with his
oldest boy for his new post. Mrs. John-
ston and the remaining three children,
of which Betty was the eldest, planned
to follow a few days later ht the lamily
autornthile, Fat route they stopped at
Campbellford to visit with: Mrs: John-
ston's eiSter. At 11.30. ttan, Betty and
the other children, aged three and five
years, left the -house to geo to the school
to meet their cousin, aged seven. They
reached the school and were returning
-when the fatality ttourred, A bridge
Crosses the mina, but there is also a
"shortcut," a pathleading away front
the approach to the bridge down to a
footpath aorots the look gates. That is
all that is known. .The children told
their mothers that "Betty Was hiding
some place." Three hours later the
body was recovered a, Mile down stream,
The bereaved father le a -former Luck-,
now boy and his brothers And sisters
are; Mrs. Rusoell Robertson, Imeknow;
aim. Logan, Iteeteater; Mrs. Haigh,
Seafortin Robert Johnetou of town and
William of Tororito.
repaired, -the fence at .Victoria.- school
rebuilt and that the draining of Central
Schoolmilli& would ." be undertaken
duriog the Summer holiday;
Miss Lettie Robineon, teacher, was
granted two months' ' holidays, or to the
end of the present tom, owing. tel 111
.ne.ss, :Miss ne .Sturdy Was named relief
-teacher: Salary wee fixed at 33.60 per
day without dedtiction ler -superannua-
The matter of teaciting..agricinture in
the .Pitblic ‘Seboolge•WalP,referred to; tete.
schdol management othinrittee to look
into and bring in a report.. • '
C. IL 111410ER
, WITH eta 87OCK
4. a...m..4,y...
One For $A4,703,33 On Its Way From
Toronto -Payable to, County
A -cheque for 564,702,33 Is en its way
from 06 Pro'vitusial Treasiner's Office,
Parliament Buildings Towne% to the
office 'of Gordan Young, County treasin.-
er, Ooderich. It represents 50 per cent,'
of what was- ‘sperit on Umun County
roads last year. If the government has
its way, however, etext year's:cheque will
only be about half this amount; for it
has suggested that the -county keep. its
road' expenditures down to $75,000, in
which case the Government would only
have to pay 537,500. Last year the to-
tal spent on -roasis was 5129,372.57.
There is still =other angle te the situa-
tion, If the reduction is made, it woald
mean a drop of more than n
on theocounty tax rate, whith now
stands at 614 mills.
Customers who bought Uur chicks this
year report to M that they are the beat -
thirst and etrongegt chletatisen live evOr
bad and ktses have been very light.
They 114VO extra health and vigor
Weans° the eggs used are from Yeaallg
hens only. 'Iliac yearlings were care.
fully selectal front 1500 Iteus which were
outtandln# producers hi their pullet
year. 7.116 -cockerels used in the breeding
pen are from bens which laid front 225
to 250 tggsIn MOW pullet year. 11 you
want productkon and profit nekt fall order
Leghorn.% GOS or over (rev
orders cualbined) 47.00 per liundred and
it Royal Dweller Steve at tot.. &nailer
orders: Leghorn% ts.so rer ratinata.
Hama Rezita $9.09 per lauldred.
W. time amir0g,
rt. It. 5, oaccrith. Ont.
Vitals 1413. Carlow.
' .
The beon.e of the Oodertob
Trotting and Peeing Asseelldion
dosed on May 1st With no leas
than seventy entries tor th,e live
etake rates here On Olvie Holt -
40, Dr. Clark reports. TMs is 4
recOrd, he says, *nd assures tho
best meet in the history of the
Association. The entriescr come
trom all parts of Ontario Ind. the
West and Melude the lastest haro
noss, horses in the Dorainton.
Amphibian Pays
Visit to Goderich
Loge Sikorsky, Off Its Course.
Comes Down Here For
'There was a strange craft at the har-
bor for an hour on Monday attemoon,
A large Sikorsky amphibian Pione *-
elect the town n 'couple of times, glidefl
down to the 'owner inside the break -
'water and taxied to the insuileipat pier,
where it tied tip -to refuel. Its pilot was
Eddie Rimier, and its passengers P.,
Crossley, jun., of the Deforest Crossley
Radio Corporation, +Cincinnati, 0., and
Station WLW, and James liamMond, of
the Detroit Times. •
The first question the visitors asked
was where they were. They were, lost,
off their course, they explained, blown
about by the prev4illng high Wind.
They -were returning ktO Detroit and Cin-
einnati from Gravenranst, whither these
had taken Governor Oontstook of Mich-
igan tor a, fishing vacation. The Gov-
ernor was lett In the lquiskolat LaireS
"our fuel was running short and os
Ms looked to us like a pretty fair-sized
town we decided to come down," ldr
°money said. "We thought we Were
near London."
Messrs. crossly arid Hatrunood came
up town and soared 'clearanee papers
from Heck Bays ettstoms officer. They
toek the officer's natne,and told. him to
listen M on WIN on iTuesday night,
when smnethirig would be said over the
eir about their trip. ,
The plane arrived here at '3.30 and
Sett at 4.30 nm, The take -off was
made without difficulty, the :Water beloo
ealm, Three Unsuceeseful attempts
were made before getting away from
Oraveriliarst irr the They 1210
tended to go tbrOUgh to Cincinnati.
Electric Meter Is
111 y reasonable price .200 their produce," said-
" ---- Dr. Bryce, "Atter -ia:d,freful thady I
be a sad day for Canada ff the tountrY
covery-7-Many Househol1.
ers on the Move
Motorist St, United Church Is
4, Scene of Enthusiestio
Clergymen and Chtwoh Workers.
Are Present From
Outside Points
Largely attended meetinge in Victoria
street United churth yesterday featured
the Visit tn.Chelerich er Dr. Peter Bryo.e,
general treasurer et the MisSionurY end
Maintenerwe Fund, when the cent's -
meal mite box plan of contribution '4070t
launched. Clergymen and ehurch pea.
pie Mtn various sectians 01 this end of
Huron Presbytery Were present. At
.night the church was filled. Assurances
were Steen that the Presbytery's alloca-
tion .of 329,000 would be exceeded this
In the afternoona conference of
church workers yea' held And at the
supper hour lunch was Served by the
ladies, at tvhich Dr. Bryce was again the
speaker, In the evening Rev, Dr. A. E.
Arrastreog, who silent Many years, in
era is at present secretary or the
Foreign. Missionary Board,gave alt il-
lustrated leetitre on "India,"
Among the -.vieltine celrgymen were
Rev. ivfr. Bremner of Bruceleld,'Ilev.
P..tane of Seaforth; Rev.,W. J; Patton
of Beruniller, Rev. DrMortimer or Aub-
urn, Rev; Mr. Fuxin of Clinton, Rev.
Mr. Sinclair of llen.sall, and ethers. Dr.
J. T. Tucker wet to have given an ad-
dress on l'Afric1C" but ems prevented by
the illness Of Ida Wife. froln Coming to
tioderich, tDr. Brya stated that the
ooderich meetings 'were Among the mest
;largely attended and representative yet
addressed by him on his present tour,
A Greet Tesk
The afternoon ooriterence was beld in
the auditor:AIM. Ref/. .F. W. Cralk Pre-
sided. .In hie Address Dr, Peter Bryce
'mid there were 7,6e0 eongregatione tri
the United thutch and, that each too-
gregation was st-litik in a great thureh
that reecho out +to- all Canada, riud
Newfoundland and to fill groups of
Chrietians who meet. in other lands' Its
the name of Christ.. .
"In every City Of Canada I have stated
that, in my judgment, proeperity will
not come
oun o e until 'formers get a fair and
Hydra corrimbsion ,,Makes , haVe. reathed the •Coalu 'ke that It Will
• - church arid lifo afie-*114fenefV` •
nr. it•lteetdd be impossible
to have happen in the United church
what -had occurred tri the oAnglican
church 10 eonneetion.oVith. the Machray
defalcations, beeause et safeguards long
oince Mken. He expressed his -sympathy
with. the Anglican Church in its, loss.
Today in Canada, speaker. /old; there
are sixty-three niiniaters. United ehurch,
without Pastoral charges. These in -
elude the young men to be ordained this
year. Tlae. normal number,. was forte -
live or flftjr. It is usually fohnel these
are .placed, but it would not be Possible
to send out as many students this year
as formerly; he mild. The number this
year would -be 110 as compared. with 200
last year. All secretaries and officials
of the. General Council of the •ChUrch
thad taken a voluntarY reduetion of 26
per cent. in salary.
.1 I
Cent-a-Mtal Plan
The method of raising 24. k M. rands
Ibis year was explained, It provides for
mite'bOx, itt which families afirasked
to place one cent per meal. 'If this plati
wan' carried out by all it would. double
'the allocation for Huron Presbytery, it
'wag stated.
Defends Modern Girl '
During .supper hour Dr. Bryce spoke
mates 011 its present Office by
and Ebenezer. •Rev. W. J. Herbert is the ,eketrietty, the eegt varying trent $560 in humorous yelp. "Soineette haa
i tote n tit firet rviee at Ta ea to 55O0 for e tfipment, The uerent re. that the modern girl la like the modern
Toe present is moving tone ior many
citizens. • This fact -was reflected by the
number of applications for lighting ser-
vice which were- presehted to the Water
and Light Commission at its fortnightly
meeting last Thursday. The applicants
were: Mrs, E. Carrick, South street:
James Foley,' Victoria street; Ooderich
-AmUsement Co. (Pavillon), G, P. Gould,
Lighthouse street; Mrs. Hanley, Mary
street; C. P. Kidd, Keays street; 1VIrs,
Sarah 'Shepherd, West street; Bernard
Wilson, Elgin avenue; J. W. Newcortibe,
Albert street; S. E. Totten, Cobourg
street °Bedford Estate residence); Jos.
B. ivIllne, Palmerston street; Wilbert
Prouse, $t, George's Crescent; William
Moore, residence and barber shop, East
The March statement of receipts and
expenditures; for both lightirig and water
departments were subndtted by Trot -
Surer 1.1. L. Knox.
• A letter front the Electricity and Gas
Inspection Services, Ottawa, stated that
a meter for a commercial Service had
been tested at, the request of the corn -
=lesion and found faulty, registering
but ane -tenth of the current used over
a Period of twenty months. Tbe dlr.
ference has been paid and another
meter installed.
The conuniesiott has received esti.
United Church to Carry int In Fenner
Baptist Charge at. Taylor's Corners
The ehorch ati Tayloi's Corners, east
of lOoderich, until reeehtly a Baptist
congregation under the pastorate df
Gederiell, henceforth be associated
with 'the Milted Church of Canada, it
is annouticed. It has been added to the
Hohneeville eharge, which now vensists
Of three opmointments, Zion, leolineeville
Survey to to Mutt et Town suil pair*
ay tho Health Inspector
The Board et Health Met on Monday
and issued instructions to Sanitary In-*
tiltotor V. 04 Weir to mike 04 survey •
owl report back frn itat 11OW well oni-
ons havo elearted ,up their yards, :ol-
epring glean -alp orders. Issued
some weeks ago. The Inspector was oti-
so Instrueted to visit all dairies turd
premises of milk juodueere Supplying.
Oederleli and to report. •
Mr. Weir's April rePert• eteted thet •
quarantine had been lilted Dont henze
where there had been * case of measles.
The town is ire o et coininunicalfle 413-
this. is not so. Tho modern girl and
toy are just as. fine today as they over
were. In •everY generation we say that
of the generation which, has gone be..
fore ue., haVe the uttrt9st coofidence
in the young .poople Of our ohorch."
The Address WM spritikled. with relriln-
iscencee 'of Dr. Bryee's horns life 10
Seetland. Many interesting anecdotes
were reltsted And reference Made to Da-
vid lieingstotte. born in the same 'vil-
lage as was Pt'. Bryce,
Rev. Mr71113ereEmvnener,,amMielitter by Rev. P.
W. Craik, presided at the evening eesl-
sion, . at, whieli Dr, A. 0...Artnetrong,'
sabetituting ofor Ticker, gave •an
itistrated lecture on "India." The JO:-
thenes while stationed Art India. He
taid, among other things, that'iGharldre
Intittenee. was overratene •
lo. his opening .rernarks' Rev. F.,
Grant, Presbytery cnairman of the U.
as- At tommittee said; The time hAs
corne -when yoUna iseeple -have to
find. their particuler the' citureit,
Tbere. are untried doors and untouvhed•
energy. One of tile eadrieet. things 13
thet there is not something for every-
body to edo inside the Church. There
never was a tints. ill the history of the
world when Chrietian Ilfe was le Jams -
Soli." • •
Mr. Crain assured Dr, Bryte that so
as .he eould see thls Presbytery
would stand four-square ond deterring -
ed to not only reach,. -but exceed. Its
missionary and maintenance allocatiOn
this year. •
Mrs James Bisset
L President
Successful Year Is Reviewed At
Annual Meeting
A most euecceofni year woo reviewed
hbyeidOiotdserainchnuaWi eltelns obitsotclitauyt.e, Uttilucielth
geod Worit was accomplished in the
twelve months and a total of $562.13
was raised. The disbursements were
5417.76, leaving a tellarice on hand of .
Mrs. James Diteet is the president-
eleet. Other efficere ore: Honorary
.presIdentSe Mee M. E. Salkeld, Ws, .
Gordon Bisset anti Mrs. Percy Itahles; ,
president, Mrs. demo Bisset; 1st Vice,
1VIrs, J. C. Cutt, 2n4 vice, Mrs. *Irvin
Voting; eecretary-treasurer, Mrs. W. P.
Abell; auditors. Mrs. E. Beattie, Mee J,
C. Stewart; district direetor, M. W.
P. Abell; prelis seeretarlea, Ma, Gordon
Bisset, Mrs U. .tvi, Tichborne; plan.
ists, Mr. E. Beattie, Mrs, Girvin Young;
branch 'directors, IVIte. Oeorge Idathie.
eon, Afire. 4 C. Robertson, Afro. Evans.
Mrs. .1. W. IleweettkiJe, Mrs. W. Doak, ••
Mrs. 0, Ginn; flower committee, Mrs,
Swansorn Mrs.. TiChberne.
The tit/strict Meeting will be held in
Wingham JUne 6111. The year's
activities were reviewed in it coMpre-
heneive mariner by Afro. 'W. P. Abe%
11 red e e y • •
Corners will be.held ,on Sunday evening ,quired. of. 'coursewould not coat the bungalow -painted in front, shingled be.
tit 1 o'elock. , • conunission anything.. hind and no upstairo. In triy opinion
'Cols peaceful eau6, a familial; to -fleelerVIaltee, 15 116101 Su=it Park. ovelictking L2i:3 litir=. aisi now taktrzo
en Ite- clitinirse OWL,. 11 b aze cZ the leant .neauty ciooto. *2132 11 shoos %Rh titraors tit tho Hotel Ctinset.
Jc,juot eft 'Ilse Ciar prerZeo..
CominA Events
A. spring tonic -an herbal rent:Ilya.
Me me Cho.
The general relief committee will
meet on Monday night, May Oth, itt d
o'clock, in the term holt A full otate-
resnt of the work of the welfare board
will be pretented. AU remeeentativee
are urged to be precent to hear title
final report of the Board. %vivo& dutiss
terminated April 30th.
Special Mother% Day ban of Laura
accord ChocoLatee. See rample, netv td
Afro. John ?Young and family desire to
thank nelgithoro and friends tor leMd.
nem thown and expresolons of sympathY
In their reeent bereavement.
• • HIED
. Ooderielf. on VridaY.
April 2.8111, 1033, Slizabent Clark, widow
' of the late 30101 Diteitto Crafole.
BONALIKOON.-At Senna, on Tan -
day. May Ond, 1033. oads 11. Aclants,
witlov tite late Alenander D32.131a311.
ALLAN. -lin '1O21e2220, 012 Matte:day.
May 3r2. Alexander Macclaiald Allan: la
.• ille 83111year. cm of the- late nay.
Mattel Allan, Nerth raeitileee.