HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-04-27, Page 9J MIMI NM 11111101111110 MIN 111111111111111.111 IIIMINIIIMIM 1111.11111111.1 1111.111111111111111 NNW 1111111111111111. 11111111 cA3oderich Twin $ Days May 5-6 We MUST et'S' move the stocks and. WILL.move them if low. prices ceswill do o t. Profits are forgotten in this effort rt —you reap the profits. Shop at the stores displaying the Dollar DaYPrinants on Dollar Days, May 5 and W. HSN ��S CAMPBELL CH SO T & SON A.L. DOLE cL BROS.EAN W. ,A►. ,. HIBBERT E. 0» CARRIE•GEO. ll�aciTIC AR (GEC). RVIEL{^` A GORDON' A. CRIE�1� HR BAST l�.ayR1jY�* , TWIN L . DAYS S PRI E DRAWINGS AT 10 O'CLOCK SATURDAY NIGHT WILL MAKE THE DRAWINGS, --on the Square. At .MAYOR LEE °�a given a.�oupan the stores named in this advertisement you will b l ht; hand stubo Place thex in duplicate .with ever► Dollar purcha►s�e.. the other half. The prizes: tan. in the Bai1Q# Boxes on the Square. Retain 0.04 " FIRgT GRAND PRIZE.. ,....�, 5.04 .,. cOna Grand Prize Se 3.00: 5.00 it 11111 ih -- ;ver helst 'Null .Pa "`Tie�re��� �'Sa1eV7 p� 19ce tall Sunworthy papers for bedrooms,, several patterns to choose from. • Regu- larly laxly sold at 85c, for, ,... , .. , , ; , r, diningroom, hall, < egular- r x01 orth papers for any room -°.,patio , ,� '�i4 Sunworthy p .. ,,..., ., 85c for ., 1 sold at 30 and , • i •• ..... . , r .. , . ... ... . y 71/2c,- 12�2c and'"15c 'Pet';: vol;, at...,..•,... .. ed>. nom: papers l. Kitchen and b• • , -loom in your house. -These papers are suitable for any. . ;, . TOPAZ GLASSWARE E SALE 260 1 et, Complete rice $24,95, Jugs 26a 1 set, <3Prlce e; 'Service dor dight. 'Reg. 1i 919,95 Bakers 26c ' setsaie Prik e e. , cresols an ars . 3 Y pric and 5 Sale Pricecomplete service for eigh$16.95: Siaerbet and Plate.. ..,ilea 90 186 Reg.. 'price ,Embossed, d, 9 -Price 120 1 . set Dream Etnbcssed, 92 planes. Reg. PriCC $34929.95 TomatoncktailrGlasses h X40 Sale Price Goblets ,... ., ....,.. . Several othels to Choose 3imm, SALE GP WRITIN(l PADS PLATING CARDS SALE ?.9c . 190 Writing ..Pads, large Sino 16c Good value Cards at .. Note Fold -Oyer Pads 9c Picture Backs colored. edges., "490 Note Pads Belo .....49 at INKS 15c - 8 Parkers; 24-cz• size; reg, 26e for leo Double pan In colored backs and tinted edgees Parkers, 2-oa, size, reg, 15e, for - 6 " on sale. will...e a discount of 10`10 off all merchandise that is not We give BOOK STORE THIS IS A CASH SALE, � and ABOVE COLE'S 4 , .1'J1�►:� PRICES .ARE FOR CASH: ONLY. cC�� iiOP! E. and Lt$TEN! extra Trousers We've just had a real stroke of luck, and we want you to share it. We've justbeen able to arrange with I II MRS: EVANS, Barker Tailoring 'Co. Expert 5th and to be here . for Dollar Days... j,► spa► +� But here is something still more interesting --We've been able to prevail on the Barker Tailoring Co. to allow extra trousers at $1.00 during these two days only. s o isselect ct .our suit from. any of the hundreds Heirs what it means....`l�elx see y woo patterns patterns at prices of $22.50, $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00 and you get an Extra Pair of which means a saving to you Trousers for of $5.00 to 10.00 . The feature of this line is that every garment is strictly hand-tailored,and Mr. Evans wiL have with him all the new . models shown p for $gyring and Summer. We guarantee to fit you. Other features of the Dollar Day Sale are as follows - 25 i8 WORSTED ► SII ` TEN DOZEN MEN'S EINE SHIRTS at $14.95 with,2sparate collars and collars attached Regular' prices$25.00. 'Qat $1.00 _ A NEW SHIPMENT OP . • MEN'S fitf�;CiOAT�i MEN'S SII. and. WOOL HOSE AT DOLLAR DAY PRICES OF 55c, for 39e 2 pair for 75c $10.00 to $15.00 C. Pridharn iSt Son THE STORE watt THE STOCK.. 4100040~011106.4~0.4006.0000004410~01040\ alositow400001106.00114061.000110s„ r rQ . - - - ---.•gaillhi 6th Third Grand .Prize w Five Prizes of $1 each PRIZE. SAVE YOUR : COUPONS—YOU MAY WIN A w. C. PRIDHAM McLEAN BROS.' COLE'S BOOKSTORE CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE GORDON TEBBUTT • M. ROBINS' . E R.. A. CORNFIELD ', J. C. ;CARRI G'EO. SCHAEFER F. E. HIBBERT H. BLACKSTONE Coupons Given ori all Outstanding Accounts Paid on Twain Dollar da ys Son. greatest of all 2 -Day Bargain Sales. Prices awa lower than we can repeat from the mitis in many gases. FLOOR COVERINGS Heavy Oilcloths in, large choice of new patterns and colorings, suitable for all rooms or halls, in one and two yards width; at per square yard. • ...48c LACE CURTAINS New lace curtains, 2I yds. long, with heavy tailored edge. Double • thread net, choice of patterns. Re- cently sold at $2.48, at per pair ....$1.25 INLAID LINOLEUMS Patterns go right through to the canvas, thus giving almost no end to wear. 2 .yds. wide, per sq. yard $1.25 AXMINSTER RUGS ' Seamless and heavy pile, new pat- terns, " Sale Days, 21+ x 3 yds....51.8.73 3 x 4 yds... ; , , $34.75 SMYRNA RUGS Reversible, iri shades of green with floral. Size 27x54.. Reg. $4.75. On Sale . $1.95 HOSIERY Women's Cotton and Lisle, in sand, greys, black, sizes 9 to 101/2. For- merly 48c. On sale . . ..............19c Boys' Heavy Cotton Golf Hose, with fancy tops ,and diamond weave. 35c Sizes 7 to 101/2. Per pair Pure Silk Full Fashioned Hose, women's, in all new shades. Sizes 9 to 101/d. ' Reg. $1.60 and $1.25, at 79c per pair MEN'S BALBRIGGAN COMBINATIONS Underwear, size 36 to V. 'Regular $1.00 for .. . . • . „ .... . ..79..19c MEN'S'. OVERALLS Men's heavy Standard Overalls with bibb and suspenders, 86 to 44. Reg. $2.25 per pair, for $L48 CURTAIN NETS Bungalow Nets Madras Nets, Mar- quisettes, and with Embroidered figures and dots, 36 to 40 in. wide materials. Reg. price 35c, 40c and 50e. For 2 days' sale, per yard. . • ::25e CONGOLEUM RUGS First quality gold seal in several patterns -2' x 3 yds........ 3 x 31/2 yds .$7.95 3 x 4 yds... •..... . ......,rr.• ♦... .� 8..95 GREY ALL -WOOL . BLANKETS Finished singly in large double bed size, formerly $3.25. Two days' sale Blankets each... ....... , ... ....... WINDOW BLINDS •' On heavy rollers, complete with pulls and brackets, in green, buff and cream. Size 3 x 6 ft. Reg. 95c for 69c PRINTS. 40 new patterns in yard -wide prints, colors are guaranteed fast and splendid quality. big table full of values up to25c at .,.15c per yard .• BED PILLOWS Of sterilized feathers covered with fancy . heavy ticking. Reg. $2.25. 1.3 At per pair W. ACHESON SOIV