HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-04-27, Page 2• .richi' -tree 414 ton the Uc 1 p tfa iu, i !1 .. There lags been AI •Sell=12 iu 4 eafi�Xa attlibtisbed :wry Txeursaay eat The Mair a Wan b 'create tiha itupresstait in the ail 1. Gederieh, Subscription I'n`ieter pnthlio ailed that there Le ettnetting Droste end Great AMMO $1.00 per ',ear le *Mince ern arrantPP PM; h imP8 with Walla but St hat not then Vatted States, t$2.50 pe'r;eir he edvattoeq s:teceseful, ,;t=en whoa change. of address is rev for svitayever may be said of Moth old and new addreetes should betitp frolltl metas, UtIlna itselfsound sasated, CIAliC tail7lzcn We final physically and aim medalt3. It ie to a inse meet :of our subscribers prefer not so hate -tach' fohoertpsioaate interrupted most eeviaele poontou. This is the assurance eantainea In the 25th annual fieiiort of the Ontario .nlydro-lalectrie Power Conttnisstoa recentlIy telned Sri the House, In 1952, in the third Ana emelt •Year. of a prolonged depression, the Hydro re. Porte a tact surplus of 4157,00 -over A' total operating CbSt of $27,091,039, Re- serves now resell $36,145.43t3. uta In* In case they fall to remit before tuna - Zion, While sulueriptlone will nee be carne t in aneara over en extended Per - yet, unless we are notttled to cancel, We *wane the eubseriber Wishes that ser- e a teeetle:ed. Rxi4 r1ANCC3 ehou)d Ito insole by registered letter, money doleseder or -cheque payable at per in Godc • T1iU1R6"DAY, APRIL 27th, 1933 Only two days left to Clean up that baek yard, U it leas. not :already been done. Judge i ingstone At Toronto trays, the, Purlatta-Toolaey pollee probe is not a talking pteture ;mow. Welt, not exact- lir but sometiahag similar, Many uz empleyed sn Oshawa, halve tamed to accept proitered Work. A i-*dio announcer Itis correctly said'thet this is the "age of chiselizatiore " Eyent day nnmbors of children Are to be keen . roller-skating van the paved highway out of Cloderich. This, fad has placed an added and serious response- bility on motorists. O. A. . Roberteen, :1'x.P.P:, says. he Is loony . W .lase the town of Ciederich frptn. la1s etetng, one of the xesu1ts of redise tributton,. Well, we'll rettirn the 9 Conn- pUment.: We are sorry tit `;ase "Ohm- Me" delegate from Z,tstawei to the Ozz- tarle;Felueatlonai Association;convention * at Toronto lost 'Wee); remarked that 'an that esme students learn, at oUegiate or High School Ale : to smake cigarettes and use profane language. Ther learn more thatz that -to twilit about the streets hatless,. for instance. Former • Ooderioh t bays" are • heals bobbing up in the newsfor having Orton •distf}tiction.• The protrusion of Mr. Jas. Geneve . member of an. 'illustrious bode+ _nett r'aratly, tot be Manager of the Halle -tax• Month of the Bank of Montreal, 'is. • ,Mast another evidence of the splendid tontrihntIone the "old town" • has made to #iznartcial niasi other spheres of Cann • Mat life, • • • A Goderich. man, who spent the win- ter ixt Northern, British Columbia writes that 'abort Me :3io hard times or uneu- ploynnent in that country, that there is 3tlentte tc eat and' no end' ot work to bo'. done.. Two amen Out down 280: trees, Which sire to be sawn into lumber for use: in he manes of that eeetton, This 'was Just a little job ea the side, Dtaln't' otenteoile: say that If a. man is ready Molting for work be will soon and ire Most of the trxnttents who vieit Godew. richt even refuse to split :a few .sticks of wood for -heart •meals. PALM O't.00K• IMPROVING THE GO»EBICB STAR in Genitally, as in other coUntrdee, MOMS spent to politica aadvautaa'e. Communists wtzo were tent 2ooldug for "Safe ate -teen my friends'" May well trouble have found $t, and bave thereby be her prism o; candidates for public added to their Sued of itrt4vances. oiltee, and mintettrs of *trete. An > - • o .* , „ Bela; oabiatet Innis ter, puzzled and Ina Atter this, surely the gentlemen Mt -tensed. by the set ot sr cotlearue, owe venturers trees into Soviet Russia .fid, cut► a ee tt to the effect cies- Llan xrs�inst the acts *nd conspiracies- of an will not attest the protection of their enemy we may pod but brunet M- ont home, is(iwet teats. m, lcemtiiy` cannot protect its a jlainait LhQ * *' * w uaeaneeloua inacbin*tiona . of stupidity,. crease or #5,74-,4 4 over, 1931. And a When bis etunelle nimplsttdentvelne .._.•----.. --.-9 _", • s gratlfyinie feetis that the power load of sults,l' Bernardo .Rhava• amus- rCanoQniske It -OntarioIss dropped only 1,2 per cent, that t day sa nO* 7basutts tree #ebur- It was pure rstupi ee on Ing Meter- lees thief produce on1Y cheers and pert-, a dellire to say aeamething" Meter - AS contrasted wale a 10 per cent iirpi3 2 u liter. *Java: Bead smart, inthortt t .up - In 1931, The 1P52 total. Wad shows,an * * * * on our other effect, The Sun,. on the increases of 14 per Cott over 2928, the other hand; Wes ansthitng but atUpid, 'see federal government bewail to batt It ins impialh Bend pertaaTx sat very last fare -depression year, protect a dry state against the $ndew• particular a. tri vwltether it helped or That the load bas been maintained of liquor Iron. sit adlotnlag wetstate, hate At env rate: the Democrats of so well, that an upzwkrd trend to expect- Thirsty saw vvithin that drlr state most that time could not be persuaded that often wonder if there is no ,such thing Mr. Dana wanted Hancock elected.. ed, and that the Gonuuissien .stands on . ssa riparian rialto. ca firm foundation: Wath substantial re-* « ' `" eM .1**uke4 Ori ozx then features `• the beer that evade it Amos, It la -- __ r _ . wants the r, the 25th annual report. , ,y, _.._ _..t_ to -vise over the **away* fer,.:the arra- .serves et power incl -ample financial .re- inap again with Ped - celebrated a__..w the tection of Insuranee cone -snip and Other encouraging aepects ete reveal- tate Lortl Shatigneesy Whom George HAM other Iheututuata eoat juNesteel heavne ed.' Many industrial Celleerns have riot described as "the peer that made Mil- in ertewer eeeeealese These inyeea, Monts would not nave beets so berla It which, they eentracted, hut the cotillion- e * * the goverrMent had not during the tiar taken over centre) ot the rallwatee sager). reeeived bY the Conlinisalen aids emported speakers are more eager to Teat was a glorious time for the rallwaY in defraying the fixed eostS of bitch make a rousing speeen than theY are' organizations which (and riot inSurance power, Again, rural service has tem coatiful tti avoid arousing antagonisms, companies) are president Oreeres chief expanded and consideration Iss been Ishtt Is esPectallY true •4"t 'eitY Men can44r1i;‘ ' * * 4, * Spettiting in rural districts. After a.• giVen to the more extensive Use and ef- political meeting is over, the candidate lielenctr of eleettieltY on the farms, and Mei well .be pleased. if it has done his _rut, 4.eet h,,,ig Peatieel •rneethUr er 33194rte.! • . , the net -reside Vas the defeat of their lectrleal Power -driven ulaollihorY. For frantic 'besot and foolish word is not earePtional. When the Canadian People of Ontario look on the .25th Thy mercy on Thy peopIa Lord. The =atom are trying to cut •down. the cost annual report of the Hydro elemental= %Utile, advertised As nalnkable, went of eleetions tiler might teem thelo own Of Ontario as indicative of a street* An 4 d0Arn On its gust nip, and Admiral edof- exPerienee 'advise candidates to got easy 4eowe positIo; •ontanow po'bit'-oTy tett who ems killed. in the (Wash de- °It PGlitical ttleutiuffs which run uP a owned politer totorprue has foxed one or eared tbe Akrors the .satest dizigible big OM of cq.St6 ill the ITV of Hall rent, . eVer built. nthurtisintt, hill -Posting, speaker*, me. required the tall einounts of power for Viallkso toolous'" tee• severest deeressions that have ever * • ' often injure rather than promote their pervaded the world, and has emerged Referring to dispatches emanating strong. solvent and more progressive from Germany, Satureley Nettie says: than ever, proving iteelf an asset the "It Is a pa° °tea° agail/Sb the ehatge value and Irsetortance of whieh the pee- that a hallarta 13eraalla 'have 'been zfitis- sing years worm and roar. sacred to Plead that the reel number 11) only 15.1' Perhaps, but it is a matter of lire or death to 95, and that is et seme importence to them. : EDITORS SAY (Sintect Rammer) Reny Nixon, 11/.1,A. tor Brent, .mason to be Jubilatt eier the eddition to his ridieg of North Norfolk which orditutrile Will return 'a mejority of one - Heed's a news Omni The nitilster ,or Sunday that there would be to special collection On .anniversary •Sunday be - •411.5e. -ob}lgations of the ehteelt trete Mei in full. Same tim..e ago, the Came' elzumil got '0. pew pipe mean, Subecrivtions were satiated, -the mem- beret being approached in aIpbabetical order, and before the eitovassers gothalf way down the alptabete the money had ful church spirit! DOCTORS- ON 'RELIEF? tafilvertoin sue) throughout the province that there are Mete doMors and lowyers on' relief. Tbe Torento Star has been making inquire and the lottemation meeived is to the 'The Outlook for tbe tanner has great,. .effect that not one doctor is On redet:in is, itutit.o.ed. in ment weeks wish siososs that city, There le no doubt that inene InealcaOmeto like others have haed sled - Frites for .fartat pralines and the action ,of Unite4 Statee in abannoning the gold placing an onbargo on Ruesian Imports, 1st% postai:ea One of the bright Spots •• is 'the steadily -expanding trade between the'Dominlon and Great Itritain. Spealdng At Galt the other. day, Hon, W. 0. Otartin, who eroded a tine ine- .. Moreton ort his visit to Goderiele stated ' the, In the 12 mouths ending' JanUttrYf 1933, e•enne4 fronts exported to the The. ited ;Onetime increatea form 0,400,020 . thole Some are merking time, waiting . pinintes te 10,40%020 pounds, an advance ter an *Ming, stating on at echool. t eero to the road, ,, Thousands of eenter wean and beer. zao wer eon.: eitunxistartees, hitting the highways • ele, Or 22 per (out. Other pementate bright, leds wbo theuld have nsetia tut- temeetee were: otaeotoo leaf. 104 rev UM are, tbratigh dint of unfortunate ix' et: ina vol. oat.: wuitry., °wee eee, these days. It 13 certainly peor train - 7 rn 1 Mg for our yawed]. One dreads the of- cellt. groat 73,003 liolludo to 1,sotl,otto ko. it may have pir the moral fibre of Iteelele); dry eta, 475 per cent.; fresh worthy Man Wha ore the 'detests of pre« perk, 43 per tent: canned Meatt, D,443 tent oandhlona, pet tent., er freei 1009 PeUlide to WHERE IS THE 1111-0NIEV GONE? ups is .hig Ile/Ng ter ttlo Ixtvon county Ono freeuently hears the eUestiori Moron County has that many. Will fornscr. luxe s3 teanev on item ,,,e aeioett: "Where is the money gone e" ' It adopt a penny 1st:0, Mind foOkill Pol' ni There are billions tem in eight than In ley in. the handling of our toads? Will the Est hut what he prodaees' and tho, 1928. Wha bes at, There Is a tvele- 11 cave a few thousand dollars this year Entreated orports et tau ,is et patitculgii.I mead impression that, it ho.s gone into by lettiug Um roade looktatter themselves interest to GotteriehitS. Mr. Martel the lailas e.r the eapitaltes. Ilat stales. aud in a year or two, or three, he famed Pala that be Java of this, eear 20,004 '- eland will 13ve been Moped from Can- ed* to Oreat /hitaln. Thee there Le the Mg explenlier. 1032. thIptients frit Zit 1029 the eepoet toe 12.000 buret Thi,'Y fartner his alwaye said. that the rettirn te natal times moot live , its etatt e:t the farm. It teens Mist 1:tvy' ding, They are engaged in the human work of healing the elek, manY of whom are unable to polo tor tbe attend. anee given them and hence the doctor has to eke out on the tees that he re- ceives from les more well-to-do patients. (Ansa, Craig Banner) One of the regrettable teatures of the depression Is the lack of opportenitr that faces bright and mieroetio youths who are Or life and enetgy, They, are an kelfed up with the entitualamt of youth to pitch, let* their shAre ot the world's work. 'But there le no Mae° for We thought there was some e.atolt in it. That menaber of lArliament who Was reported as oppoSing the expendi- ture el sante Money in his riding WAS not really opposed to it. Hia suggestion was that the Money should be tended twer to himeelf te make sure that It wee Judiciously- spent, wlech in most cases - It is Well know that Jamas G. Blaine lost the presidency through the Indis- cretion Of a supporter,. Rev. pr, HUrch- sat, Who stigmatized the 'Democrats as bets allied with rtun, Roman/sin and rebellion, but It is not so well Imola tist General Houroek Democratic can- didate against Gartield, may have lost the election through the act of *eriend- Iy newspaper, the New York Sufi, de- scribing hint as "a good man weighing 290 Pounds,' A candidate can stand abuse but not riclicitle. Coming trom an enemy it would not luxe hurt but coming from a friend, it was deadly, ties do not bear this out. In 1930, 15 persons in the Vetted, States xevertea incomes of ovetoe. million dollars, 1 1931, the number was exaotly half. Fo last year the number is expected. Web lower still. Individual net incomes fo the calendar year 1931 amounted. to $13,231,34 which is not muelt Mot than half What they were in the peak year, 11128; when they amounted to n5,226,320. The ehrinkage4 la torpor ote incomes bas been still greater, front $11,ffee,860 in 1920 to $1,110,631 in 1831 Canadian incomes show a. similar shrinkege. The "money" of 1928 was larger made up bf Warned values Sterelts went up in. price, but net In -worth. Today they are depreelated MUell below normal valuee, It provide futals for the speculators, the United StAtes bents raised their -ratio. a credit to fifteen and one half timm their eash holdings, instead ef the usual tell times. Under the tiraposed new law such a course would be illegal, and such an orgy qf „stook gambling would tot be parnetted. It was the bursting of the stock inerket bubble that precipitated artarttial misie from which the -world is still mattering. AIM the "money" re- presented by Inflated values, having to thin Me It is gone. 0 0 • PENNE WfsE, POUND V0014511 meaforth Repeat/or) on the roads of Huron County than there Was spent the year before. If this year the County Oeuriell limits the expenditure to halt of that ot Met year, the result that title county boaste about and hat a right to boast allout, will be fair Weather roade, geed hitt so long as the weather is Worse than that, the foundation 'work WM have gone and the large aunts of money already Spent, to•a large ex- tent, levee been preetically wasted. • Route will tot Stay put by- thenisehrea, ConeWnt, and Intelligent upkeep, year by Year, la notestery for even the finest- aud Smoothest .road. Neer roadS, froth the of one Or two Pare neglect. Everyone knowa these are hard them. But at the none Nate, there Item toe a titne itt the Itistory of this county when Mauer would bur more later and More material then It well today mei perhaps ploynient tree More urgent. ' AN ENVIABLE POSITION Nat cloottl, trine wat much sew on for 800100 yett3 a'te, tegkila. czema or Salt Rheum mond Mateo width ventain an let. sad the. intgaiss NMI* itrfiblog Is almost unbearable, k Bleed Nttets ie the for giving relief to ell twit • wes tteubltd with r) toy tam in fad all ewer body. It would mitt up, in (4, *tee tilLitere, km* and web ever *bleb wag eery Unfelt*. Bleed eted it preyed p stood/41M kelp to ac" to apend many times the amount of the, present Owing in building -or rebuildirig new road systente Saving a dollar on a road to -day, onlY to be forced_ to speed five to -morrow, is not economy, nor is it geed business. But it is a policy tnat has tient adopted by many counties, not onto with tousle, but in the eonduct of the general business of that county. If it had not been so, there would be no demaod, to -day for the eeoli- tier' a the county tounen, and that de- mand has been Pretty geuerallY Yoked itz the vase yeer or two. COLBORNE anteeded for last week) Mot. Wm. MINIM. Vent a few days luet week with etra. Kyle, of ellieton. vie; oteuna .peagan is visiting her Wein, Ws Helen Feagan ef- Remit - ler, this week. Mrs. igurort Tuner& of bunion, is visiting ' her sister, Mrs, R. M. Toting, this Week. Miss Itelett Davidson, of Mitchell, ie visiting with- -Miss Sunice tong this miss Leola Snyder, a London. spent, the week -end with her 'father, Mr, Levi Bass Dorine Webster le eVendirig her Easter vacation at her home at St. Het. Miss Phyllis Roan Is visiting with her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs). Wm. son, of Londesboro, this week. •rifrs. Will Clayton and son jaek,„of Putnam enent the week -end with her parents, elr. and lVirS. Ono. Treble. Mies Vesta Table of Nile, spent the eats Darla TOIL of Toronto, spent the weekeend with her parents, Irfr. Mks. Hugh 11111. Miss Christine Robertson, of MeDon- old College, ,Cluelph, is Vending net' vatation at her home here. g Mrs. 4.. ar. Young,. Miss Isabel Young 1 one Miss Phyllis Walter, of Toronto, are a spending the *ester vaeatiort at their e Iteme Mks Gladys Treble and extend, Mr. Donald Ititennie, of Toronto, spent the o Jacek-odd/ at the Iteme of Mr. Jno. g Mr. Ohas Itoberiate and daughter Dalotilr have returned home after *ending the pilot two moitths In Tor- onto. lane' g ackwards not rams or Tex oopis. xtiow STAR, APRIL, 24, 1009 pnerfogreph eorteert will be given in Beytield town hall on April 25t11. Lewhe expenset to Toronto to attend tbe elevator tompany mettle,. * it would be, well fer Masts te have gather up the loose stow* on the * * William Lee bas - bought the large to the brewery at the ;harbor, and Dan ;path end qt Lee's towbar lot. • o rt There are peolne eit oil the seats in the Park and whittle etteke, makiog A nasty Utter, A little thought. will should he carried OA at home. Editerlal etote—The gentleman In toWn who Plit up the bogus telegrant that * bench warrant had ,been iSsued for the arrest Of lefe. Gamey, shOUld know that the offenee le a punishable Two eitizene were diseussing the Pop - elation question yesterday, when one et them odd: "Yes, len than 4,000 and We Might to ba oiler 19,00o, anti. .woule haie been if the eneed,v 'earned ,14 dadde rich- bad been( spent here Mamie ei sending so mech. ot it to Toronto." Marine 1•Tews—The sthooner Katah- din has sailed. Mr the north shore to load number . . The tug Grace bee none painted and *lewd out . The steamer Tattle, F.old tor debt, toe been lined out and Ise -left tor Alpena,. The leoltage Ms left Mr Johrestozes abettor soh:weer Singapore, c'opt. J. a, slither - land, hes sailed tor- Provicienee Bay.. and the Squara • Building Prospects—Tte Public Lib- rary eorttract has. been awatded to O. A. Reid Co. and 33tithanans & Lawson. Tenders are Under consideratim for a new 'ward school 'izr an additime teo Oen. tral school, over which a controversy 'is being waged. 13leins have been approv- ed for a new store on Remittal street, on the eite of Hears shee store A start is to he made on the new Bank ef Mon- treal building. cotter ot West street At a specie). Meeting of the Town Council Mayor Lewis woo delegatea pttehd the State finzeral ot Sir °liver eitowat at 'Iteronto. Flags are flying at half Mast on' the court house and Post-' office, from business places elm prtvate dwellings, 'Sir Oliver has passed to his 'reward, NI or years of honors, send his name will live in Canadian history as one • who held the esteem and affection of his fellow,.citizens all over this teen - try as a good and just man. oe List of Advertisers --- <leo. Porter, Smith & co., Sturdy & co., Hoa - gene Bros, eteltente & Bowen, E. Videan at Co, P. la Lawrence, Beckett Thomson 'as Son, Wm. Sharman, Ire Gundry Bros., Geo. le Antal, IL Wor- sen, a, E. IfickaJoint Yule, ;Wet, Bur - THURSDAY, AVR114 len TailorediateMeasure Suits liteL7 $16.75 up Any. styler.—any Size. IOur Weekly Lesson In English Words Often allotent Do eot say„ c"Bas the too rang yet?" Say, PHA* the hell rung Oetr" Da tot say, "Ro OA from the bridge." Say, "Re dived. " from- 4/0 DO not say, "Tbla here picture is Do not ear, -one had tbeir lessons todaY." SaY, "No tele had hia Mesons Do mot say, "Tour car runs oozed." Sale "Your car rune well." Do not say, "The soldiers attackted the tort." Say, "The soldiers attaeked the -tenet • end third tee nO IMStteSe**, sec - Persist. Pronounce Mat syllable sist, net zist; accent "last syllable, it, e nolo an, ageent last sylloble, Finance, Peomounce i as in a'as in senate, and -three tyllables, not • Words Otte IYALss lied The license board, eampased of Chair. man Stevens and Messrs. Hugh Me- Quarrie, of and Robertson, oe Godertch, has approved of the tallow- ing liquor 'Mentes: Goderieh—Thomas zit, Fred Dols, Ed. Swartz; michael Farr, Alex. Robinson, Annie Reale, Vitillioni Babb, Ben Sults and Walter Sauna shop; tkriborrie--Williain Gla- zier, Donlon; Aehtleld—W. J. Moil*. gannorit Neil McDonald and Alee. Young, Ithataill; Reams Pierson, Port Believe It or thit-c..6 story ebniog frora well-knowu fanner wenteet eon to et up early and go to work. The boy lad a hetet of answering 'Yes, eur," rad going- to bleep again.. On this tie- ottiat 14St week the father, to make a mistake, canoe the: boy, got the "yes, Sur," and then. elid up the stelae turned own the covere mid gave the person 6 Cod epenaing. It happened that that particular loight the hired girl had been evert the hey's room. When the tumult wits over the farmer sat sloval behind the barn end drettett a written apelogy to the hired girl. 'IV population of the County Huron, in 190O, ae sent by tho County Clerk to the Ontario Government, Is as follow tilyth 349 Colborne 1,720 Itrussels 1,100 Goderlelt 2301i Clinton t.,336 Grey 3,235 Itteter tart Ray , 3,452, *omit /82 Staliett 2.84S &starlit 2,127 steitille 2A999 Wirighion .„ 2,113 Morris 2,303 Wroxeter .. 423 Stanley 2,001 Tnekersmith 3,345 Tornberry 2,041 Witiir4 1A33 41,319 13,159 2S.159 67.997 Asthma Overtone. aim triumph over fettinest lute atseredly come, Dr, 4. A Raoul Asthma +Remedy mug proved the meet poilltiVe blestIng the victim of a/Mulatto attacks 10,5 ever Mime». Vetter/ rezeived /rein thoueende WI* hire Wed It font a testimoniel ethlth teens no teem for daunt that here is rcal terntely. Get it today. Goes To Town Fir st Time In Over A Year lohn, 11. ---"This is the tirat me in over a year rve tried to she the trip down hem to St, John rid $trgon, gave me the strength te Vcat. it "I was in wretched health; everything seemed to be the matter 'With ine—ottomaell trouble, rcatlaehes. rheumatic ludas and toe. boo _in fad, every ailment I had They have rid me entire/sr coosti. !Wes, premptly aud :Tat" lictently end at attactive price*. Tele. Pedal (a lever acted cm by the foot); peddle • (to Sell from place to ulace).' loegible, Observe the ibis. SynoPsia (stngUlar), sYnopses (plural). Ante (a prefix meaning before),. anti (a prefix creet; tet, net ete. Synonyms Galin, peaceful, peateable, waffle, placid, mild, renet, tranquil. Allate Abate, alleviate, appease, as - Wage, loalm. Voinliose, lighten, Wean, reduce, relievo, paour, soothe. Reason (noun), Cause, consittera design, motive, object, purpose. Beclahn, recover, redeem, reform, new, rescue, restece. Say, state, emit, altege, adhere Word Study "Use a word three -times encl. It tA yours." Let us inereate our vocabulary by loitstering one word each day. Words for this lesson: nialitiously; slander. "'Hatred unto the truth did Always talselY report an4, cal- tunniate au godly meets dolegto— Strype. ABNORMITY; departure from the "An abnormity, tete a eau horn volt two heads."—Mrs, Whitney. DEQRE'FIVE; having the force Wan authoritative order; determining, epee will of God Is either dieretive or pre-' SPLUIPTIO; oblong, with route:led ends. "The planets move in elliptio ore • ABORTIVE; coming to naugh4 *effectual; fruitless, "it was an ea:Wave FleeVENT; warm. in Meting: %toted; zealous, "A fervent desire to, promote the happiness ot Inankind."--Macaulae. If You want Quality as Well as Value lor: Your Money go to SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK OF April 29th to 'May 6thd With every cash order of $2 or over 10 lbs. Brown or Oran. Sugar.,.*.64c Choico dry Cooking Onions; last chance at, 13 lbs. for . 25c Salt Herring, to dear at 2 lbs. for....15c Make a batch of Hire's Root Beer. 1 pkg. makes 4 gallons, per pkg. 29c Cameo Toilet Soap, 6 cakes for 25e Old Dutch Cleanser, 2 tins for , . 21c De Luxe Jelly Powders, 7 flavors, 6 pkgs. 25e Our Own Blend Coffee, freshfy Yellow Bantam Corn, 2 tins for 23e Snowflake Ammonia, 4 pkgs. for25e Norne's Corn StareN 3 pkgs. for25e Forest; City Baking Powder, 6 -oz tin, with free rubber Good 4 -string Brooms, each 23e Clark's Soups (except chick.en), Patterson Fancy Mixed Choco- McCArmick's Fancy Cakes, real 41AECHLER NE 36