The Goderich Star, 1933-04-20, Page 7171,171141014% AVM NO* 163R .u.....m-„.,.poop. Conn! to Deal, With Resolutions - Kitchener W+ Cbsapar Elice tricity of Hydro Surplus The following bat -shot i»terestieg secs-' lute= dram the city councils et I andre' tan, Lindsay woad Kitchener„ were de cath! ti ax last regular meeens Twit Connell. 'they deal witti.mecent- dayr xxoblemc and merit earner;t eonsirl- *ra►tion of the *pedal committees to which- tbt:y were referred. It vrl't take at whale to sort these out;' alas the emu. One 40uudllor. The payment et teed of food and clothing to the employed, the platinic of 100 :per cent, of the rend burden eel Government shoulders, the abolition of Provincial leaf* 3slatures and other governing bodies and of the Wise 91 t+teutenent-Governor, are recommended. Iiia moolutienS follow: FROM KITCI NEZ "`yhe;,foliowing resolutions were passed by tbe Municipal Council of the City of Kitchener, at its regular meeting on March With, We wilt be pleased to have mite reserve your careful vonslderation *ndeable support, as we fee' tical these mattersare of vital importenee to every rnunicipalitx Kindly : submit these xeso- I. lotions to the Government and your local member in ease same are , endorsed by your Council, "(1) That we endorse the request of the Kitehener Family. Relief Board whereby a residence ruling of not less ' than twelve month$ should be enforced throughout the Province resspeettag relief seci pi qtsand that eco py of this resolve tion be forwarded to the Provincial Gthis ovM ernment, and our local member for km• constituency -and .cities in Ontario g their endorsation to same. "(2) •whereas this City is where the Rydro Power Movement originated- "And Whereas when originated iiydra Power was to be provided for the people at cost, "And Whereas the. Ontario Hydro Elec- tric Power Commission have a reserve of approximately 40,000,000, and :the Hydro Municipal Utilities a further reserve of approximately $07,000,000,. a total . of .123,000.000; the Pro- ” ,whereas hydra users in Vince of Ontario have providedthis huge. reserve and bave.during this period pro- vided' replacements, "And whereas hydt`o'has established be- yond question what stiemmt is necessary for replacement and eontingenCies proven by the fact that 'in the past year, with industry .at low production they were able to increase their reserve in excess, Ofkiie third instant. 3 Issue been requested =7 1100,000. ' to forward a copy of revolution to your end ask for their endorsation of, Eig1itCyIinder Prfonnauce with I-ord Reliability and Economy HE NEW FORD ENGINE colnllines eight•eylinder performance with unusual reliability and econ- omy. It has many distinctive features of design and Cow Structi()11. a. 12~WHEELBAS .. New and distinctive lines, Iobnger wheelbase, larger, roomier bodies, faster acceleration, and increased power, speed and econ&my are outstanding features of the New Ford V.'Fight cylinder. car. This - is the roomiest and most pr, Ford ever.. built and It brings a new -style of beauty, a new'standard' of comfort and a new pace in per-. fOrmance ata low price. ood & Son SOUTFI STET Seethe New Ford at Saturday's Shaw ate tialaries, and drastically increase the taxations on incomes' in excess of $10,000. per 'annum, and on funds earned on epeeulatiVe investniente,and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the cities and towns„in Canada, the Federal' Government .And `our member of this OQn- stttuenCy., FROi►( LINDSAT "The following resolution Was passed: by the Council of the Town of Lindsay on "And whereas the Ontario Hydro Elec i trio 'ower commission is very autocratie in their dealings with the nuinicipauities l'*nd'whereaa the Ontario Hydro Power Commission and Municipal Commissions make large capital expenditures without the people baying any say in the matter. � 'Be it therefore resolved: that every annrlicrpality in•,.the ;iProvinee~ of,Onis'rio bind themselves together anti, if nee -es,. sary form a delegations from all munici- palities to wait on the Provincial Govern- ent and on the Ontario, Hydro ('seer same. 'Whereas there are thousand of cite, tens of Ontario who are unemployed and anxious to obtain work" rather than direct. re "A whereas . the Governments arc, "And now . aasumtng the -cost, of two-thirds ,o1. such direct relief. e whereas the,Government of th "And Province of ontariois the owner of vast act$ of Crown timber lands in .Old and Ride in One • Trts GODERIC l STA DEPRESSIONS "" 'ALWAYS END WE HMI MT WOOED A CHART MAI?( OYER 7S YEARN AGO, *CAt4.1O0.two* Ism slot; AND YEAR'* Of G000 * CONNECT 10 MN% 1 T WAD ING AV 1t,AILE G00n 11MES NEW..ITEM FOR. YOUR FREE COM HOTEL ' AVERL Y ieAtie a Al % ft Willa H, TORONTO - watts -toe moo_,• 1 is site*. telbeard or unheeded if 3ieerd, 'I (Condensed from The Winton leible3° WORLD leeelixorls Cittitela* Liitrattsre Society for Clew Margaret H. Kro- At:,Shanghai W n on May hitt:, the new Dome et the Chrisi an Literates Weld for Chrna was formally ePened and deal= �. caned, The day* was tine end an unne- eKtWends y feathered. to takei t in Rite veree- wenies. Dr. Wigsn the oldest member of the state laid the memorial tablet at the front of the buildiwT. lie goes brie 'outline e" the history et the Society Wm its fonndetion in 146:'1, when it. was called "soeiety ter the #)itfuelon of Christian and Cenral Knowledge.' The dedkstion toe place in tbe Tlmatbp RieherdS Memorial Lt'orary, Tbts spa - done room was filled to overiK. wing with the friends of the Satiety. sir Peter Grain. the honorary president, waa in the chair, and there were five speakers, of whom one of our own`3ikta t $. The i traced the ids - tory et the society trout its earliest be. .earnings through the severs' changes from smaller to more Cosnmocttoes ofilees, to thrs final move widen hes brought us to the present beautiful building in the beast of the mission centre of Shanghai . They felt this -would mark kratnes erarra in the work of preparing tura for China. The Society was a pion- eer in the field and has had a Mug and - splendid record which they hope will not only be maintained but- surp eyed in the! years that ate to be spent in- the new home. In, his address Dr, Li, President of Fu Tan University, made reference: to the fact that - before our new building was completed it lead served se. a piece of re- fuge to many. ' when our Chinese staff were driven from their home$ in Chapei at the outbreak of hostilities with the no Japanese last winter, tknew of hey . other place where they could get sheltet,. and here, for many long weeks their fam- ilies and.'friends were safely housed. Dr LS was himself one of those '-wile found temporary refuge here. From this van- tage point they Watched the bombs drop- ping and the flame leaping°up in the direction of their former homes and the Markt where the old Christian Literature Society home bed been. It did indeed seem the practicable. . "(2) Relief, a nationai,and provincial resposlsibility, the municipality to be re- spoilable for the administration. - "(3). Reduced taxation to iionie own- ers, by restoration of sources of revenue, Properly belonging to the municipality, "(4) immediate action, with a view to establishing a national system of cone tributory unemployment insurance. "(5) Reduction et educational costs within the neMicipalities,'r - . • The letter is signed by the mayortkee Hamilton, . aranttord and Windsor. "Be. it therefore resolved that the Gov- ernment of the Province of on arie be and it is hereby petitioned top e un- employed men from Southern Ontario in camps on Crown lands in Ontario for the purpose of cutting ,Wood for •fuel and that such wood be supplied to all public"build- ings of Ontario free of cost, pus railway m s.r Commission. to insist that the original New Ontario, where large givenark f Un- purPose of hydro to sell at cost be carried employed risen mfg ht • out and the reserves set up beyond metes-. "lid -whereas the wood procured on be returned to the municipalities..: such Crown lands would ,would praSsiid fuel for co of this . reemble and many in 'And that a copy p d+: re- tion tind+ of trans a_ waypori a b IS- ways Y ci Y A uni a led to a nt P ar f rw be n �. u on American I e tt G f t o Am ;�','tm t s `its' Ontario, the - Provincial Govern- place a substantial ams ent and Our members at the provincial anthracite. ,Sunday .Afternoon By ISA5OL HAMILTON. Ooderich, Ont.. see Xsrael's,gentle Shepherd stand • - with a11-engra' sig chatflls; Hark!. how He calls the tender" lambs, arrive And folds them in �• 'Permit them to approach; He .Cries, . • 'Nor scorn, their humble name; For, 'twee to bless such souls ias,these The.Lord'of angels came. Philip Doddridge. charges. ' 'And be it further resolved that farting to adept` milltimeasur s the' Pr.theProvince Ontario be petitioned to tire 'cost of direct relief in the Province of Ontario.- That a Copy of, this resolu- tion be forwarded to the Honorable ( 8. Henry, (Premier, of the Province of On- tario, Honorable William "Finlayson, Min- ister of Lands and Forests, and to' the municipalities in'Ontario." .house., s "(3} r That this council requests the co-operation of all "municipalities in, Cart - ado. in bringing about a reduction in the numbers in .our various governing 'bodies and a drastic reduction in the number of governing .bodies, the elimination of sup- erfluous : offices, including lieutenant-gov- ,ernorships, etc„ and that copies of this resolution be . forwarded to all cities and towns M. Canada and 'to the Federal and Provincial Governmentsandthe members representing this eonstitnency. "(4) That we memorialise the Federal Government to immediately take steps to create machinery whereby the Provrnial Governments may : grant to :the munict- palities the righttoconvert' their bonded indebtedness, at a rate Isot to exceed 4%, and that copies of tiiisaresolutlon be for- warded to the cities and towns in Canada,. the Federal Government and our mem- ber of this constituency, "(s) - That we memorialize the Federal Government 'to dispense with/ food taXes, inerease the income exemption for metier. Our Father, we rejoice:" that in, our youth, thou dost regard us and set thy love upon. us,, Teach us to "walk, Help In to. begin our °lives in Thee, and to groW M. Thy grace: " Amen.. ' (Selected) S. S ..LESSON •FOR Arlin:'30, 1933" . Lesion Topie-'+Leon Sets New Standard f Living. Leiaon Passage ---Mark 10;13-17, Golden Text--lAd i13t In the incident. of the mothers bring- ing their children to Jesus we see Christ's high estimate of child life. The disciples. were :unusually rude and rough, it would. appear in their treatment of the women for their presumption as the disciples re- garded it,'1n„, intruding ' themselves upon th•e'Iviastyer's notice.: Had they aucceeeded. they would ,not only have deprivedthe women and.Children of a: life-long happy remembranee but they might also have deprived themselves of the needed lesson;.. '"Whoyoever shall not receive, the King- dom of God as Is little. child, shall not enters therein, " Dr. Vaughan writes the following on becoming like a little child: --"when those jltttle children: lay m Jesus' arms, Ills act, came before any of the ed their acts. Freely as he bestow grace, so freely the little children took it: This is just :the wear to get to the King - dont. • The credulity of the .child is the. faith of the Christian. My Saviour, my Lord has 'said it: He has said it and will believe' it, and I will ask no'ques- tions' And as a very little child is neces- sarily led, : se we must be - content to be borne and carried every step." FROM HAAIILTO? ° "At a meeting 01 representatives of the Counties of•Wentworth,. Peel, Brant d Halton, held in'iiarnilton on llaroh'22nd, a committee was appointed 1 arrange for a Conference of the cities, towns and 'counties of..Ontario. "You are therefore invited to be present at a Conference of Municipalttles on Wednesday, April 12th, at Hamilton city r blems: problems: thefollowing. resider hall, to co „ adoption of the British (1) : The method of direct relief (cash instead of goods), labor to be given in return, where The: �ydro:St�re COOK WITH - F ELECTRICITY Quick, Clean, Economical aeditta Seetssigesmotaoa See the display of various styles and snakes *t The Hydro Store OODRRI:CH Use Hydro Isalba foe light* ite. 'They ate *wow. because of its UALI' FISHER NO -DRAFT VENTILATION (Individually -Controlled) prevents drafts and clouding:. of windshield in stormy weather. • NEW. X -TYPE FRAME Very rigid and durable -"-plus MCtaughlin.Btt ick's Torque Tube .Drive -gives exceptional road -steadiness and long life. • NEW SAFETY GLASS Is standard equipment in Windshield and Ventilators of all models, 1 AUTOMATIC CLUTCH CONTROL With Silent -Second Syntto-11lesh Transmission .and Con- trolled xee Wheeling, gives great driving ease. PAG* The "DODGE" "The Miracle Car" Shows record gains in sales this year over previous years, a marked tribute to its worth and popularty with the motoring public. For February and for the first two months of this year, the only official figures available, Dodge stand second in the list of all ears sold in Ontario. Note the big increase; I933 1932 1931 Dodge Sales (Feb.) ... 166 46 18 Dodge sales (Jan. and Feb.) 265 61. 36 There's a Reason -This is a Dodge Year. Sold in'Oodeveh by ego McGee HAMILTON STREET See the New Dodge at the Motor Show, in all the plans. tor the ----------- Handato our new home. The building contains a -very beautiful little Board foam built in, the form of a chapel which the Directors of the Society have decided to dedicate as a memorial„ Dr, lies , eG aY a it ld A� 'ia late Dr. 114 h t t the 0 of Macr3illlvray was the representative the united Church of Canada and faX many years was General Secretary of the. Society. To hint, mare than to any other person we are.indebted for .our new home. His was the mind that:eanceiVed the idea and with his enthusiat� and hi f th tBoc eti dtkiat the tTnitcti energy he swept away ail diillcul s the pe . started the project on its way. Thand at its church will maintatu'ite interest and aloe Iiwad not spared to be with .us :1st ,parson I paint womOone to take his place an the see the consummation of "bit dtewn, Age, end was a grief to all the. members of the Ss clety. But eay ea We could not but feel thn the at he was with us hi spirit, •while Mrs. MaeOillivraq gave toe his last messaRe...It was incomplete be- cause his hand failed before he finished writing. It contained the three expree- ower the d p " Proximity xUni y cions, ytatbilltyY, 4t of the Holy Spirit," He was thinking et lite new project to the last and we are sure. that his wish was that all who !hod part in it might be filled with the Holy Spirit, Dr. MacOrllivray has left a Yee- ' ' snob which 1 but 1t is ho o e t there bad been a wise Gelding =� • In the second incident in. this lesson Jesus reveals his sympathetic interest in men in • the dawning of their manhood. + The young man who interviewed Jesus was .no heathen; he was no 'stranger to practical religion in the life of a man: "Master, all 'these .have I observed from ray youth." There may be the most care- ful training of the memory and most jealous watchfulness over tine conduct arsnong •men, and yet the heart may not, be the temple of God. - So it was with 'the young man: lie sincerely sought to ,be goOr3; but he thought tobe good, in an easy way.. "Then. Jesus beholding him loved him." 3t wass likely that he should. Christ and Young manh0ood are, as magnet and steel They come together like. drops of water that • touch and - hasten to coalesce. - Again, a common confllct knits heart to heart, quickens mutual interest and fos- ters brotherhood amongst the young. Our Master was in all points tempted as young men are. Loving this young man with the inten- sity of purpose that brought iiini into the world, Jesus add to him ---"One thing thou laekest, 'What ie the one lacking thing Is revealed in the swords, "follow me." The supreme need of the soul le the Ohrist 0f God: The youiig man bad' ntly the test. ghad relareat t on to �thenWorldliness of his spirit. No other test would have met the peculiarity - of this young Boat's case; he might have fasted long and prayed mtich, 1 or even given liberally to the poor, but to' sell all that he bed was a test that shook i his caul, The young ruler went away, sorrowful The love of Jesus was wasted', upon. him for this time, and the Gospels • which tell of - the going tell of no return'. Jesus Offered him the treasured of heaven .: but he chose those of earth, As Jesus Watched the young -man Matte away he turned to his dibeiples and said, "How linrdlq shall they that have rieheS enter into the kingdom of Clod!" .Thief saying estonibhed them and as Ile pro.' eeeded to enlarge Upon the saying by eaying•, "It is easier for a came' til go through the eye of a needle, than tor a rich man to enter into the kingdom „ot' Clod," their aetoni3snicnt grew and they ' begata to 4110st1On among themselves, "Who these can be savcd7" %tete dis- eiples wile, Mole of theta at leiti, were • odors conversant with poverty with. its do'Nos`t-draggtng earea than with tithes were atttttk with t1ri", etateme: t for klieg, i . like many another einee, th0u1znt tIlaisete tended towards goodness. 'nut Jeau3" taught them that, then d-: new and all -1 tram £elf denial lies tett., the foaardatten et the Christian 0l-.Aroeter, Tho intitt0nee of great p "w :.,:de no unfits mien tot any., eelf-denta' Whatever. w can res+itt the tenigtatten et wealth to itiautteafr !latah!, modes of life that beternd more and rant 1 tutting, 1'tef*ss o f, .a tyrannous fro3" i tJJ=igtl a c iingo d to the call et C �n t1 5"1 Produce i if canals GEO. G. IttacEWAN, Glodericl 61% af'. the • physical work and 100% of the mental strain Of driving ssaved in these amazing zin new automatic Studebaker s. v "mechanical brains"�- Titese twelve DO-ALLS `twelve mechanics . They operate.with 0 automatically but vir- tually euncanny..achievements that not only ACT for you tar well. THINK for you as "new" atter. how new or how n a marvelous. automobile, but no m m- You may own, , literally antiquated by com- parison find it .,will you U i>n:a be "modern". car y , ; Y automatic sem licity of 'these new. Studebakers. These.`. auto- maticwith auto p • matic Studebakers are ears of the future. These 12 "Mechanical echanical Brains tudebake MakeNew Automobile History AUTOMATIC starting (simply turn the key) AUTOMATIC stoppin (power brakes) ALT �TOMATTIC protection • (Safety glass--artnor plated bodies) AUTOMATIC choke control (makes starting easy) AUTOMATIC heat control (insures correct carbuer'etor temperature) AUTOMATIC spark control (prevents spark knock) AUTOMATIC ride control (smooths alt bumps) AUTOMATIC gear control (genuine free wheeling) AUTOMATIC temperature control . m (gives .greater engine efficiency) (provides sustained power and speed) AUTOMATIC vibration control (gives velvet smoothness) • AUTOMATIC road shock control (eliminate wheel shimmy). AUTOMATIC fuel control Play. Safe --Buy a Studebaker H. WOOD & SON Distributors. Goderich Phone 83 for a Demonstration