HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-04-20, Page 3THURSDAY. APRIL 20th, 103 'SHR f GODRRI H STAR County and District SUMMARY The tower of Whigtenn is cutting off a'eiief May let. safo:th eeft41a11 players have ergen- tseel for the year. ;arbaret Watt, 'idles et the late John "Watt, who fora n.umbex of-ycars °Wrote ed a planing; mill - at Wingharn, paSood 9 3uddeltly en Sunday, , pail 9411, at :onto. The Tuekersmlth Oi'e1ep1'ione System bas been placed in the hands of three oe :tmtsioners. SNELL-JOHNSTON A quiet wedding took place Wednesday evening, April 5th, at the Ontario street Parsonage, Clinton, when Rev. P G. /oar - rill Jane s Emil rill •united in marriage Mie' y Johnston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Johnston, and Mr, Humphrey Snell, all; of Mullett township. ICING-NICYUOLSON A quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage, Bluevale, on TuesdaY, April 4th, when Violet Mae, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholson, of 'Airnberry, was: united in marriage to Percy James Fling, son of Mr. and Mrs. William King, sof Turriberry. Vt. F. J. R. FORSTER, EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon New York Orph- thalmic: and Aural Hospital, assistant at Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat. Hospital, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele- phone 267. f At Hotel, Bedford, Ooderich, m o'clock on the evening of the third Mon- day of each month until the following day, Tuesday, at 1 p.m. L11t/'It11OW BOWLING FEEil iDOWN I,ucknow 8owlin Club has reduced its yearly lnembership fees by *1. Who elec- tien of officers result. sts 'follows: Hon. Presidents, Messrs.John Joynt gad Jose eph Agnew; fres., Georgi Ilaeeell; vice - res., O. L. oberlp; See. -Tease Dr. W. V. Johnston. SEAFOBTI.I OLD DOT 1r* TED Judge J. A. Jackson, rr Seaforth old boy. who has Just Completed twenty years' on ,the bench in the district court of Lethbridge, was the guest of heeler at a banquet at Lethbridge recently, when he was presented with a magnificent silver Bower bowl. ENGINEERING GOEBEL tad CAREY. Consulting and : Municipal Enginebring Drainage --Land Surveying. Masonle ' .tnple Bldg. Goderich, Ont. Phone 230 LEGAL CARDS.. SEAFORTK HOUSE BURNED Fire thought to have been caused try an overheated stove, completely destroyed Me frame house of Mr. John Cooper in Egmondvillo early Tuesday morning of last "week. Mr. Cooper, alone in the house, was asleep in a. downstairs ream and was forced to eseape from the''build- tng via the window.. - WINGRAM DEATHS. Susan M. Dickle, widow of the late James Brock, passed away in Wingham. General hospital on Friday, April 7th, In her 76th year. She had not been well all. winter...., .. The death of Dorcas .Jake Calvinwidow of the late John el. Boyd, occuriedat her home, Wingham, on Saturday, April 8th. TAYLOR-SHARPIN AXS & SAYS, Barristers and Solicitors.' R. C. Hays, S.C., and R. G Hays, •B.A. Hamilton street, Goderich. Telephone 88 . DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. Barrister/ and Solicitor . Office: Haul lt*n St. Phone 512. Y' 13. A. NN' PANIC DClELL • Barrister, Solicitor, Eto. Phone 282. HAMILTON. . ST„ Goderielh, F: 'R: PARROW: . Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ` Pubk o, Etc. Successor to J. 1, Killoran. - hone 97. Office, The Square, Qoderloh, RNEST, M. LEE. • Demister and Solleltor . Sun Life • Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria. T'elephotiP:: Elgin 5301 Toronto 2. ACID STOMACH IS DANGEROUS SuSerora frau Itaigeotion CUT THIS OUT "Stomach trouble, dyspepsia, iadt- astton, sourness, gag, hearsburn., wed fermentation, eta. aro caused vino times to ten by chronic acid stomach;" says a well /mown guthority. Dalmaag hydrochloric acid de- velops in the stomach at an alarm. lug rate. The Acid Irritate3 and in- flames tho dellea.t. .stomach lining and often leads to gastritis or stom- ach ulcers. Don't dose an acid Atone. .acir with pon:ln or artificial illgc3,. tants that only give temporary relief from Hain by driving the sour, fer- montinar. food out of the etonmeh Into the Intestines. Instiad, neutron= or •sweeten Me acrd stomach after meals with a little 131n rated Magnesia and not only will the pain vanish but your Hacaie will digest naturally. Thera Is nothing better than lneuente4 Magnesia, to sweeten anti settle an itcid stomach. 'pour stomach acts and fools tine in just 3 few -minutes. Bisuratcd Mag�nesia can bo obtained from any reliable druggist. It is aefoe reliable, easy and pico.sant to use. is not o, laxative and Ie not at all eancltsive. WPC TRIM A quiet wedding was solemnized at London by Rev. W. R. Hughes, on .Wed- nesday( March 29, 'when Alice L. Sharpen. of Turnberri, was united to marriage to William R.. Taylor, . of Turnberry.. Fol- lowing the ceremony -they left by motor for Windsor, Detroit and Battle Creek. On their return' they will reside on the groom's farm ori the 7th of Ternberry, HANOVER TWINS Hanover Post: Messrs. William and Qharles Wendorf of town .observed their joint birthday. last Saturday, when they marked , the 87th -anniversaryof their birth. They are both still in fairly good health, up end =quad, and `-'We .wonder if Mewls another pair of twins in this' tilet--or in the province—who can eq their:.,recdrd in the matter of longevity DEATH OF ESTEEMED SEAFOR.THITE On Sunday, April 9th, Anna Bella Green, widow of the late Francis Mur CHIROPRACTIC D'°.LESS PRACTITIONER. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESbw "THERAPIST, GODERICH. - '.1 'funs of <DunAannon Ali/lc-nigh the Ilanganuen elieeker play - era who 3zur::ed to I;uckiloW on Wedt e$' :1aI evening de not steal to care about mentionfug anything about the score made wlien thee' played with the Ina. n s k - t ow contingent, they are loud in their prates of their hosts, vibe, although boa- ting them idly at the Canoes, neverthe• ie.s entertained them right royally and ONO Mean such a geed time afterwards that they soon forgot their defeat. ray. Oh old and 3iighly esteemed resident of Seatortll, passed :peacefully away'' at Church Notes The Easter thankofferiree meeting of the W. M." S. of Waage Presbyterian church was held under fiery pleasant auspices Thursday. Te gathering was presided .over by Mrs. Richard 113oWhiu- neY, president of the 4u$illary. and also president of the Maltitsnd Presbyterial. The Bible reading was given by the lead - or, who followed it with a thoughtful ad- dress upon the subject ;o1 . Easter. The choir sang an appropriate number. A quartette "The Old hugged Cross' was u i n , Mrs. F. Jones; s- Mr s: Aavdso sn Y Mr II b Rev. C. H. McDonald and William, Wlg- iu:-titute upheld. its reputation for intoe eetiog and loilralcilve meeti".gae when it3'I a ptbe a gathered Thursday et the lie= of Miss Anna Reed fJr the rezGTar Monthly Meeting. U. Davieson, the henoeary peest;leat, was stsked to ec .dl:et' tho meeting, titihiele was opened in tlio woe* Manner. Mies heels SII 1R Rem- taxy-treiasurer, called the roll wrltele was rc.-lle:ailed to by "iFt i melc,'i":ing Wits" twenty-three Members and creetrxi visitese being present. Corresposutersa Prem the department was read, calling attention to the Ghia Ceaferenen to be held ict, Guelph at the Q. A. V. early ha May. Miss Helen Arldereem 'awes appointed as ri deiczate. A committee 4f four v;as ap- pointed to eo:ifee with a, a:miler ezeurrxlt- tee of the Junior Farmers' Crab in ar- ranging for Mut meetings and other business ezeamon to both organizations, Arrangernertts Were made ;ter holding a seelal evening, the outcome of the library membership t'onteet in whish Helen An- elereon:s aide was the winner, the winneng side to provide the program and the ie- side, captained by Mary 1iZt111on, to provide the lunch. Miss Flora Durnin kindly volirndeered her home for the gathering 'which will be held early In Meer. The pregrems for the year were for nowsea o aro et€ andready eml da e p print - lug, A very interesting autebiogrctphY of Dorothy Dix was reed by Mies Margaret Ryan and was a roielation to many pro - Out who aro sonetant readers of tho daily writings of this popular matron, 'The meeting closed with the singing of .the National Anthem, after which lunch was Served and a serial hour enJoyed. her home en George street, in her 87th ghi9. e. Little Anetta Steward charmed year. Mrs, Murray wasborn near Gien- everyone by leer rendition of "Let me live avy, County Antrim, Ireland, and was in my house by the side of the road, and united in marriage to her late husband , friend to man." eve C. B..McDon- it be a in 1070. The' ame year they left their native land and came:'to Canada. A'few years were spent in Niagara district, taut the deceased had been a continuous resi- dent of SeaIorth for over 50 years.. She was one of the oldest members, of the Northside Dulled 'church.. KINCARDINE LEVY RISES 2 MILLS K4rtcardine 11aS raised its taxrate two mills, -to 57 mills, the inoreaso being said to be due to too low a rate having been struck previous years, resulting in a de- ficit. Leorder to reduce expenses the ou cncil. has approved• cutting off a spot- light at the postoffice, outting off the beach spotlight six months of the year; changing 35 street lights from 200 to 100 watt lamps and discantiuuing a light on private property. . dig" nal Equipped with • electro -magnetic .baths. Electronic electric treatment and. chiro- practic, Chronic, organic and nervous .diseases: Lady in attendance, Office hours 2 to 5, and 7 to $ p.m, and by ap- pointment. Closed Wednesday from 12 A.' 6pN. . ATICINSON, residence end • office, corner of South street and Bri- tannia Road. Phone 341. AUCTIONEERING THO idAS GUNDRY" dr. SON.. - --Live Stock and General Auctioneers. Elgin Ave., Goderich. • Sales made everywhere and all ,efforts trade to give you, satisfaction. - Farmers' Sale Notes: discounted. Phone 119. NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. - LIE, . sAx M. ti's NOTARY PUBLIC General .Conveyancing done. . Good Companies Reparea cried. Ont,. Phone 298, GODERIGH MONUMENTAL WORKS HAMILTON ' ST. Best Material and Latest Designs . 'Ekpert Workmanship All Work Guaranteed - Prices Reasonable _Tour business will be �y **Predated. -r - . • -AM. A4 SPG li ON rt , : is _ •. GbDERICit .. ' ' - ONTARIO P. O; Box 181 a, J. R.:17''heeler. Funeral. Director and Embalmer Also. Ambulance Service Goderich Ontario All calls promptly attsnded.to. day or night,. "hones Store 385, Rouse 355W • old delivered an: 'address . in which he pointed nut that, in the joy of the Easter season, which recalls 'the Resurrection of Jesus, we must not lose sight of Ills death on the Cross and all it meant both to Hint and to u3. Following the thank - offering Meeting a meeting was held to discuss' the organization of a ?'. P. S. Everyone present being - favorable to it the following. committee .was - elected to take up the matter and eorrrplete the ar- rangements: lion. president, Rev. C. 11. McDonald; Pres., douses Wilson; execu- tive, Allan Reed, William - Wiggins, Iva Carr and Pearl Caldwell. Junior Institute . The Dungannon branch' of the Junior :FACTORY 'CUTTING -COSTS Employees of the Li cknow .Table Com pany resumed an eight-hour day on Monday of last week,' following a period during •which, the factory 'has operated. on a. six -dour day, .Accompanying the increase in hours, was a ten per cent. re- du^tion in wage;.: ,.This step . was.,made necessary; when the' factory secured . a line of business which necessitated lower prpduotion,costs and these orders are-ex- •peeted to keep the, factory busy a. couple of. months,, If at that tilfe it. Is again necessary to return to a six -hour day,: we understand, the former wage.- scale will again be adopted. - NO DRILLING A'J WINGHAM Wingheen Advance -Times: A letter has been received by those who gave leases In this district to the Aeme .; tias and 011 Co., Limited, stating that this, Company' does not contemplate a'ny dell- ling program in' Huron} and Bruce Coun- ties and that they ar'e' abandoning all leases in .this &striet and have returned all copies of the leases" which have now. lapsed. About two years ago- this come. pany obtained leases on several proper- ties in this district .with ,the idea- of 'dril- ling for oil if they thought the plan was practical: Evidently they have come' to the, conclusion that this field is not suit- ed to, this purpose as they have now giv- en up the leates. SEAFOR.TH GOLF OFFICEl1}S •"' The directors of the Seaforth'Go1f and Country Club met for their fnitial'meet- ing on Monday evening -of last week, when Mr. J. G. Mullen was elected presi- dent. Other officers elected included: Vice-president,' R: E, Mellenate; secre- tary, A. Y. McLean; treasurer, IC, M. McLean; grounds committee, R.. E. Kenzie; chairman; .T.. S. Smith, J. C, Grelg; gall cominittee, J. C, Greig, cap- tain, 3. A. Stewart, vice -captain; • .J. E: Keating, G. A. Jackson. The directors decided that in View of the fact the grounds could not be re-leased from Mr. Dodds, that arrangements which had been going • on re procuring another pro- perty be concluded as soon as possible, The lease on the. Dodds' property expires April 1, 1934. , • DISASTROBS MORRIS FIRE - JrO-ohe-u -Bros GODERIOW —THE L'CADixG FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS ALSO AMBULANCE SERVICE AT ALL SOURS --NIGHT OR DAY Phdeer. film, 217. Mia.. 120. INSURANCE AfeKILLO? MUTUAL. r IEE• =stn. ARCM COMPANY. FARM EAND RTY ISOLA TED ED, TOWN . PRO- P Value of property insured up to Jan- fuary, 1910, $3,648,975,00. OFFICERS -George 11te artuey, Prost dent, R. R, 3, Seaforth; Jas. Connolly, Vice-president, 'Goderich; Menton Reid, Sec -Tress„ seaforth. tuns TORS—.Tyre tshonldice, Walton; Wrn. Knox. Constaanoe; Htabt. Ferris, gar - look; John Pepper, Drucefteid; A, Broady foot, Seaforth; Geo. Leinhardt, Broad - beget. Ciintoii ; . Ac1ENTS—.W. J. tree, R. rt. s, Sae. Watt, Blyth; Ed. Iilnehle3) Sea- forth; .John Murray, Ee*lorth, Policyholders taut pay their assess• meats at Calvin Cutt's store, Goderich ; TTh'Reid's, cyst Bank, Clinton, or J. H. 4..FIRE INSURANCE 'Iran it attended to 1$' the tyro WAWVANOSH MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. Established 18?$ THE. GODERICH HEAT FOLKS Head (Mee: Dungannon, Ont. Silas. Dewitt, Mrineardine, president ; Debt. Davidson, Dungannon, 'trice.Pretd- t nt; in addition to the President and Vire President, the following are firrG. tors: 1Vru. Watson. Auburn; W. ' J. xpomilsau, Auburn; Wan. MEQ'utau, t..mknow; W. P. Deed, Reit. 2, Lutkliesnv; I?asrry L. Salted, (bleach; Ernest VkCrt. itolyrood; Tin tlritu, R. 1. No. LACki1007. �t EC '1�'yltEI,Ertt�lVEN', wee. Twat. l WHEN YOU BMW YOUR MAUR ". YOU +~AN BANK ON' US WELL KEEP THE EIRE A -GOING WITHOUT A 131T C ' FUSS Blyth Standard: A disastrous fire of unknown origin took place at the Mc- Itinis farm in Morris on Friday night about 11:30, when Mr. Alf. Pierce hap- pened to look out and noticed that - the barn on this fatm was on fire. He im- mediately phoned some of the neighbors, after which be notified the night opera- tor who in: turn notified the firemen- who responded quickly -and . secured Pollard's truck to convey them the fire, but there was very little they could do, out- side of protecting the house, which luck ily was not in much danger, as the wind Was not blowing directly on the dwelling. The barn wee In first-class condition, but everything Is a complete loss, including this year's crop of hay and grain, thir- teen Mead of cattle, three horses and it, Is i• a hard problem to solve the origin of the lire as no person had been near, the build- ing for some hours previously. The loss is quite a serious one, partly Covered by insurance. 'WOW you slow down your heater the Heat Folks *gala show their Korth. They keep pace with your requirements. here 1s twelvescylinderconal Sots oln slow down to one degree an hour and'. never eitall your fire. And the cleat Folks have plenty of pick -ftp, too. Prone a standing start they' 2U out- distance any told with the minimum of fuel. ant Taz Vatrittet Ba i U i `ARU COLBORNE TP., COUNCIL Minutes ,of meeting of the Colborne township council held -April lith, 1933: All the members were .present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and on motion of J. Pitblado, teeon• ded by M. Tyndall, were adopted us read. Moved by M. Tyndall and Il. McCreath that Ed. Holtahausen be poundlteeper for 1933, Robt, MCCabe's resignation being accepted. - The giving of a grant to the Dungan- non Fair was discussed. on motion of Coin eillers .ire 'McCreath and J. 1?itbtado, a grant of 410.00 was made. - ?xa3>lt Wilson asked the council for permission to out down and clean up cedar trees on aide road north of No. 3 echool house. On motion of M. Tyndall and IL McCreath th1.3 request Wal grant., 3 ed. The collector's time tate iesteadeal ons" month. The folio hig account^. were examined' and pawed for pai'nlent: Itoaai zruperhi- tendeht's carollers, $192,16; Montreal. Dank, commission, collecting tares. $1.05; Wail. 1Jtllow.. damp's. envelopc3, recdara- , Mu. $8;d3. I The tenet ' ati suieeel to May Oh at s PILL'WM. I Ati LOWO, 4tste1ait Clear. • Long . Standing - Ast•hma.--Many havo suffered so long from asthma and have tried so many eo-caned remedies they think that there is no real help for them. They should read the letters received by the manufacturers of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy from hundreds 'of cases once as desperate as their own, -Even in long -neglected cases this famous prepara- tion brings prompt help; • A new. automatic timer has been. -de- -vised for sunlamps, so that the indoor sunlight - can be turned ell • for any de. sired.tiwe, spring Keep ci`ce with p g I`n's' time to cltanre to trisi+,._ healt lful foods. Kellogg's Corn Flakes are —is light and refreshing Ef11i. g i8 spring n a itself. 'Serve with milk or cream and add fruits CORN or honey. FLAKES •paluse• Give the children Kellogg's for sup- • as vk. per. Easy to digest.es t+ .Rich in onor ay . Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ,-,,,.. ...._, w,_t�. eoe All - pigeons are fond of salt -dainties, says the Dominion Doparttttent of Agri.: culture, and, when procurable,salt cod - tisk will form a relished -addition to the • ula' feed Worms cause fretfulness .and rob the infant of sleep; the 'great nattrisher Mother °raves' Worm Exterminator will clear the .stomach and intestines and re. stare healthfulness. ft-nt�rio Home Owners must make'afplication for survey of :premises to secures Free Electric Flat Rate Water Heaters`\ N ORDER. tosecure ear1v installation of free electric flat rate water heaters it is necessary for house -owners, landlordsand tenants to send'. in their application now, by meansof the coupon shown below. The `method is simple and direct. Simply write your name and address in the space provided, and ttiail it to your own local Hydro - or apply at your local Hydro offices or municipality and a preliminary survey will be made of your home to determine conditions of wiring,'. the existing system' of hot water heating and your hot water requirements.. From that the type and capacity'of-.the flat rate -water' heater is 'decided and, .also, whether a "Booster" heater is required in addition. Then installation proceeds. This absence of elaborate detail and unnecessary red tape in applying for free installation of water heaters is one of three direct advantages conferred on the people of Ontario by the Ontario. Hydro Free Instal- lation Plan, The other advantages are 1 The installation of flat rate electric water heaters will be absolutely free of cost to the house -owner, landlord, or tenant. Cost of heater element, tank .insulation, thermostat and necessary wiring will be borne by the Commission. All the consumer will do is to pay a new low rate for the service he receives. 2. In any home where the new low flat'rate electric water heater is installed a higher standard of comfort, convenience and economy will immediately be created The fact that electric water heating is the ..best and insist economical means known; that the new equip- 'ment will be trouble-free, automatic in action and ' requiring no attention from the householder, and that Ontario power rates are among the lowest in the world, indicates how much this free heater plan means to the citizens of -Ontario. If you desire any additional information.on any point,your local Hydro officials -or municipality will gladly furnish k. Fill out a d mays this coups iz' today - OM. m'Yillsi-----.-b'-/-b-abFY../ a aa Bibi Feb,al ru HON. J. It, COOKE, M.L.A., Chairman. C. ALFRED MAGUIRE, Commissioner. It.T. HON. ARTHUR. MEIGHEN, P.C., I .C., Car"missions VV. POPE, See'retary. w..maw-.r...eo.-erc.r..w.�.w,000sa c.r...nwF.vo.. anw=a n<. a s ee r1.aOft 0 HYDRO.ELECFRIC SYSTEM 0f W irrite the name of your municipality here Address of your local Hydro Systema Frite your name here 1Vr;'ite;oUUP adroit km