HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-04-20, Page 1....1111.1.01"P•414.04144.41.11$114NNIO !AP& IpAll#411.0411.1114PAIP41104114441PNIP I The Merchant's Friend An advertiser's message in the Gode. Ideli Star reaches the reader on Thurs. day, the da.y of publication, in plenty of time for perusal and for week -end shopping. .......„.~.......~.......•~4~4~4~....~~4 •SiKT;ENTieelle?atilaill 'rnAn. e••••44141,440.1.1P4NNINNP.P.000•404 154nch Rule Free sta sulwae.rs p*ing a full year in acivance liaW, choice of paper•eutter rule or calendar free. See announce- - meat elsewhere in this iaa31,1e. emoserepo•e••••reareeemoemeseetaiseseeoesseweeer • 6413441541:42$520, w's nircrolute, GODERICII, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, APRIL 20th, 1933 WALTER NAW Pubfl1u Automobile Dealers to Stage Motor Show on Saturday LESS HYDRO CONSUMERS HERE BUT MORE "JUICE" BURNED Atig Time on Square MISSING FOR EIGHTEEN HOURS NextSaturday. WHILE SEARCHING PARTY OUT Motor Show and $20,000 "Kit. ' 4hen on Wheels" Will Be on Dhplai :five .antomobile d4alere of Goderich, Zeta representatives for eleven of Can- sdn'S best known, automobiles, are 0- aireerat1ng for the purpose of e lvloter Show, to be held outdoors, on the Square, Saturdzsy afternoon, tram two o'elools on. On the same day, at the same time, the laitehen on 'Wheels" of Um General Electrie Co., a 420,000 equipment, noW travelling acroas. Canada, will be on 'ex- hibition in Goderiela also mi the Bove. An effort is being made to have the Citi- zens Band Dot for the combined. show . And given fine weather, a large ereard of ' town and ealstitry people is assured. • There fl be plenty to eee-Plenty to marvel at -for the two shows have much en tonneau, repreeenting the very latest in %lentil° and engineerbag achleveneent. Never 'were automobiles so -woriderfUl sts this year. There are So mattY new a "gadgets," so many emprovements mak- Lug for .confort, safety and simplicity of handling, that it is impossible to enum- erate them all here. They are reviewed ,elsewh.ere in thie issue. Cellle to the IVIdor show on Saturday efternoon. It will not test you anything. Young AMES GARROIN— TO HALIFAX. T e ippY e It r -O 1 d Betty "Spoofed" Her Hostess successfully Succeeds Mr. Pero as Manager et Hans fax Branch, B. of M. IYIQUIER HAS ANXIOUS TIME 4 Three important staff 'Changes, effect- • ing July 1 next, are announced by the Little- Girl Says She W011 'Write Battlt of Montreal: C. C. Caeselss taut general manner ot the Ban with Composition on "My Easter supervision of the London. and Paris ot- fleeS hes reached pension use duel le re- tiring. Edward Pope, manager •of the • lvtissing for eighteen houks Men her hOme, during Widen time parents, neigh - hers and police cond.ucted seam's, liettY Yonne ten -year-old daUghter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Young, near Loyal, was kyeat- ed at an early hour Wednesday morning at the Mime ot Mrs. Clifford Webb, Wel- lington street, ,aeleep in bed. with her eon - sin, Dorothy Grey, who lives with 1VIre. Webb, Betty had given her parente very anxione time and caused about twenty People to lose a night% sleep, but site treats the affair lightly and is ping to write a tomposition .reext week in r.thool on "My Easter Adventure," She believes in securing her "color" at lerst hend. • Theeda,y morning Eetty was sent to John Voung's atere at Loyal tor stone groceries, The store is cede eb.ort dis- t her, driving along the road with m, saw her enter the store.. That was nine ofolock Tuesday morning. she s not seen or heard of until loated s, Webbs home early next Morning. e had not been there for three years. 'Betty 'spoofed' me," said ivfrs. Webb, questioned her several times and she ured me she had. her mothers per- ssion remain,. would have ton - Med this with. Mrs. Yeting, but She hag t telephone. Itionever dawned en me at Betty had left Mete without per- ssion. She came to my door about ten lock Tuesday -morning and asked for r ettusin, Itorothy Gray, who lives with e. Site said the had walked in, about e miles, but her shoes were not muddy d she did not appear'tired. After a e learned that she had tome to town a milk Wagon and had apparently vered part of the milk route, for she entioned Cambria road, Britarmia road, rose arid Brook etreet*. She seemed to now the town Oita Well. The two girls ayed together. al day and in the even - g again questioned Betty about.hav- ir hur Intitheru- sty way front. heine over night, She smiled nd assured methat the had. She never kered an eyelash. ' "Mr, vV1113ert Stewart, the girl's uncle, ame to our door after midnight and ha - lined if Betty as here and was greatly elleved to lind out that she was. We et her Igo and dressed and they took her ome to her arodous mother. You had quite an experienee," said Betty as she prepared to go home. , "Yee," she replied, as she yawned. end railed. "when I go back to school neit eek I'm going to 'write a composition on My Easter...Adventure.'" -- — R•EA•L ESTATE AND INSURANCE • ou win nee even neve 'IM 1431.G.,.• UV des talk. Your visit will prove a ?eve- fat Zion to you. The dealers co7-ope.rating. to re: ••' at lx Reg.• MeGee--DeSoto and Dedee. •va J. W.* lacGee--Plyinetith and Chrysler. M F: Weed Ss eon--Vord and Studebaker. 57. Geo. IvreoEvran--Cheveolet, Oldsmobile rid Buick, • "I Peter Gref-Frentenac and Durant. as ' M • • .EFT FOR FISHING GROUNDS "1— , th Ir. William Sanders* and ' Son WM m Operate in Igianitoulin, Waters es • Mr. William, Sanders and ton Benny le eft by rail last •week for South Bay, in m daniteMin Island waters, where they will n, mein engaee, in fishing thia Smell- al rhey travelled by rail over $00 miles, to 11 Lemont°, Sudbory and Little Current to Ix *eon a point ouly 125 miles,distant frona ot aocierich as the araW files. Even .when ir they reached Little Current they were B till more than forty 'miles from their de- It stination. The joinney required more p than tWerity -f our - hours, . • . 11 POR SALE OR TO RENT ' a a ukS--•.., , , OT,ISV To IteENT.-eSituate on Pict= 1J streetsGoderich, All rnodern •con- len-0es, extra lot for garden, good Of- c s possession May Ost. For further •s tiedlars apply to MESSRS. SLAYS and r • YS, Goderiele, Ont. 1 VIOR, SALE. -Modern :Mitts house on .L. Britannia Rd. t • PRANK IL MARTIN. pASTURE TO RENT. -With eix acres ^ J's broken. See MISS• E., McINTYRE, 1 Colborne 10, B. R. 6.•• poR SALE.--tEggs tor hatching, Bred- -5- •• to -lay Barred Rocks, 0. A. C. strain, • reasonably priced. mu. ' R. 1 DAVIDSON, Dungannon. Phone Dun- gannon 84.. -ROUSE TO RENT. -If you are think- ing-A-aof moving to a wanner, more central house with .garage and garden, see M. W. HOWELL. VCR RENT. --Brick separate apartment a• . on South street. Modern conven- iences. Low rent Possession at once. Apply .1. E. RAENVVELL, Keep St. • - , 'WARM FOR SAM -Forty acres, more -1- or Ices, the property Of the late R. W. C. Neftel, situated at the end of South street on the southern botmdary of the town.: • of •good clay loam, large house and barn drive shade workeheel henhouse; artesian well (135 feet), the • very best of water; •good fruit • trees. Ideal location, close to • schools" and chUrches. Fer ftuther particulars apply on' the prtraises or to PERCY or WILL xdprer, I • FARM for RENT An experienced, orchard man an secure at a very redeemable rental 102-aere earro, of which forty acres is hi apple orchard, near Godertoh. The fann lies near the lake shore and during the simmer niontha revenue can be derived from the sale of milk eald other • farm produce to summer tottagere. Apply to . Box. 128, Stratford, Ont, C. A. Robertson Will Continue in Polities Will Contest Convention of Lib; crab, in New Riding of fleron.Braee • V. A. Robertson, M.PP., will ontest • the Yelberal converitlat toe the riew riding or lberon-Bruce, he hes' definitely an - flounced, against all duet batk trek Toroato, where * rather hectic ses- MYSTERY UNSOLVED lashig Purse Found lit Flushing • Tank by Conatable-Voatents ia a Moe Another denee Mill eleak raera neVetery was added to the already long list in eaderielt on Monday night. At the eon, eluelon of the dance a, lady missed her puree, an alarm went up and Sergeant' Roes was •called in. Net long Ago the Sergeant toUncl it stolen live -dollar bill perched behind, a twasbyefour eeautling in the postoffice perch, so he went to work on the =being puree With ceresid- sion or the 14egislatnre colleleded leat rri* ' for the flushing tank above the lavatory bowl, erable vonfidence. After questioning sev- eral young ladies he Made straightaway • . . Ire lifted the lid and. "there she Was" old rirling And that 1 etee Sorry to. lose the •wet and all that. The lip stick bad Melt- -the pineeeeln a terrible mess, eoaking brain -heat Railings and superlatendent Of the Maritime Provinee 1)1040* has been 'to= Of 4hoderiCh, for I feel 1 have Many ed and. run into the -handkerchief, a bean - transferred to London as manager of the . warm friends here. The town Is eleSci to min ernneen, apple flavor. The eOnepoiet London branch, James Garrow, manager ,my home and coneenient to canveas, and powder puff, among other . things, -of the staff department at head offiee,' However, 1 lui,d very little to say in Axe were completely ruined. Fifteen cents 15 has been appointed to suoceed Mr. Pope Mg the new boandaries. HoWeVer, 1 .will saver was untarnished and alone selvaged at Halifeac. . . Al Bruce 'contest the next conventien ter the new from the, wreck MrGarroweis ason of the late Mr , But the mystery Is =staved WhO been. Shotelt had II•not been for payments . , rieeng of Huron-," ` aiistice Garrow, of the Ontario Oeurt of The Electoral Disteiet it Huron-Bruee made the quick move, the ellen) turn, AS which the 10eal Corentission 'wee required APPpalanda brother of blrJustice •consists .of the township* of Athfield, feasters& OPOroathed Withentr s It°11111.st to pay on account of New York exchanee , . , Charles Garrow of the High Court divise Carrick, Celborne, Culrose, Grey, Howiek, go Own as one of those twelves:1 myster- on PrOvincial bonds. a the bank at Goderieli, 111.5 native town, Huron, Kinlpes, Morris, Turnberry, Way. iese the Sergeant, agreesThere are , fifteen lesii doMe,stie light •Ion of . Ontario. Re entered the service atter. eehipleung biz ectuoauro et Gode. (mesh East, WaWarlosh West, the town al • eonsumerean Gettericli than there were rich tollegiate and tlimer• Canada Col- Wingharn and the . Villages of Blyth, Fi two years ago, but they are ueina inOre ' lege, Hie early training was obtained •in tee, , . Brussels, Lueknow, EtiPleY and. TeesVra- 1. reigliters Leave: as ."Juw," the reeords shows The ligures :United: States Off Various bratiches throughout Ontario end aerus, eoderieh is taken Mit. ot tile old . • • are: 1166 consumers used 1,209,1113 kilo - in the Chleago brancle. As acceuntant, riding lOr North NtliOh and the toveishipa .NaVigation Opens • watt hours in 1932, 'whereas 1104 con- i he served hi. branches at Sherbrooke, Sas- ef Carrick, Culross, Emelt, lairdo.• and . . • . . • ruiners mad 1,080,809 kilenVett hours NV= . • ' Gold Standaid* katoon, Edmonton ,. and Halifax, with a the'tfillages of Mildulay,,Itipley and Teees nu ---s ..:. . the record for 1030. The reason, probably . .. &Amount and Donnacona ,ere is that tItere Are More electrical applies:t- he became manager of the eity hall . h well acquainted in Huron townehip, Isirst to Clear Amid Whietle. cea in the home then there were tsva period as secretary at head office. Then water are addecl.• Mr. E,obertson says he .e.. .B of ue wit today as co users but a oMParative strangerecin all other Blasts . . .5rvars 412a• Tneve a" 242 "Innaeraial e.The ruling et . . . . , ,.. . . . in Goderielt rtiparea, h, a perio branch 11.6 London, Ont., aollowine which, he eves, early in 1928, placed in charge 01 South Bruce disappears . The -intentions - 0111 two yeare ago and vomiting:Alen luts after d. five yea,rs es inspector , new •territorY in, r of 'the present member, ire. wedeey, are Shortly after midnight on Benue:ley, to • • hours Power users have decreased increased from 443,245 to 476,608 kilowatt '. from the staff •department at head office, 110 , is .ellairmais of the Montreal branch of not known. . ' :. ehe -'s,,ccompaniment of the whistles. or, '. • the 0Yereees League. • . - • • . - • • • • harbor craft the Big Mill and rallwaY 2110 tvio.10Lant:,1 t8hoe,Itaeris.eepcluotevteirontoolcti 1.3s6dohle4;n. • Goderich, in the -South . • , ' - • . c locainotives, the freighters • Westmottnt attributableto industrial depression, . Q. a Fleming, 1C,d, 'of winciser, whose Henceforth' -Goderichwill be he the and Donnee 'me elearederrem this pert to .• -The total assets a the local commission name has been mentioned in connection. Electoral District of South Huron, eons mark the formal opening of navigation total $245 89084 and the reserves total with a • 'senate vacancy, is a :visitor ' to sisting of the townships of Goderich, Hale The Westmolint (Cent. Burke) sir/87881.s' ' -The surplus is 973,37787; Ooderiett today. , ' efullettS • MoKillop, ' Stanley, ' Stephen, fer 1931 ,......_.e,r.. . . . ....,._. ., .- •.•_„... ....... ,.. ,.., letekeeehath an othoene, the. teems et was the first to leave..and tha.Donnacorta Followite. is the statement; AucTION *SALES . ' . •• Clinton, cioderith. and Seefortli, and the (aaPt• F66elle) I0new°4 an hcnn. la*. • . . -----e'e-----------" --------------:- villages of of Exeter and Reason, ' . • Both. were downliound and 'will engage C LE A A IRO . AUCTION SALE OF h met • . to. - this year in the coal trade -on• the low& For t e first time.in pry the town lands and bliliclingss...., ....... -0 12,957.48 -prices, to seek etabilizatiod of world ex . Substetion equipMent 34,402.48 ehenges an a reviezti gold basis and eX-' HOUSEHOlaa FURNITURE • • t •Goderich and. tOwnship of Colborne lakes. rUpp'er Lakes 'beets stood by with 'Distribution System, oVerhead 64872.46 pand the use Of currency ;. -. , , • . . - . .. . . . . . e • . . ... , ),,,,e.p.wirtatsioepnar,aarte:HIsurroovilrti lirzial,cr:and sati s. QThte . steam up avaiting sailing orders,. depene Line tranefermers 20860Thewiftly exoeuted InatiOeUr$S by dent upon lee conditions; The Work. el Meters Se,- ... ... ...... . . . ... ... . . - -...,...e - 17,060.30 the egnildent Roosevelt breught a' turbtle willsell by publicauction at her home .. , .. • ' .46 - -s .' mns11. p.EARsoli . Huron is /bout 28,600 sane the minimum fitting Mit had not been ompleted. on Street light. eqiiiimeent ea_ ,, 4,825.17 lent reaction throughout the world. ' • ' . , Park et., Goeertsh,.on. . . etime bolds. .and. was continued without Miscellaftepus. , . • • 6i963,60 Arnerican eteek and coMmeditY pries ' • .SATUISDAY, APRIL tith. • for -rural constituencies 'being fixed .at 25800. The Membership' in the Legisla- 'interruption at the week -end Old plant - .. . • , . - 14,622.10 shot upward, The United -States dollar e . commencing at 1.30 sharp . Quite a , nUrnber of citizens did not go to their beds • Sunday morning until the - • - s ---e--- fon orr. in the world exchanges. Wall ' Totei Plant .... --sees: $178864.37 street quotations on foreign turrerteles traditional ceremony. of -the opening of 50.00 r ose spectacularly, ilavigation had been completed,- _The 'Bank and eash 'balance • ee - .. - . t trows ef the departing boats VerC in 111013. .Adcourits :receivable ., ........ ..... .3,511-91 - . . • • - . spirits, hopeful and confident a a good inventer1°.. . : . '; .. 'es:- "''' • "'' • :' : . 1'40'58 SUPREME COURT NEXT WEEK Eqiiity in ee.4p,c. Syste.eis . 03.004.05 ' season. .A, goodly sprinkling of Goderich 'eailors sec•ured berths on the• de•perting Other assets • . 1,493,33 • • ' , Fish Haul Is Light .* • • Total Assets • ..., . •..: • ..:. 9245,000.04 • .. . , Non-iury Sittings Start an ItIondajr--, • Four Cases on the Docket •. boats. Mesers. MacKay brothers and "PeddY" The non -Jury sittings of the supreme MeDonald opened the commereial fishing., Debenture balance ...... ,.. - $ 52824.74. LIABILITIES . • Court of Ontario for the County of Huron . , .season at .this port on Saturday last lift- . Accounts payable . ; . „e open here next Monday, 'There are four in nets fin the first thrte.. The catch tank overdraft ..., , .. . 51''''." :eases on the list. Mr. Juetlee 'Sedgewick - was light and disappointing: ' MacKay Other liabilities .. ...... , ..... :--- . se""t"'". sihp has been appeinted te the thairman- , !„111: Was to have presided but since his lord - brothers brought in 170 lbs. and "Reddy" • • "----e, e,,,, -en ship of - the taviff 'board this will not be . 235 lbS, all trout and whitefish. The !lel were of geed size and beautifully firin. They were shipped to Buffalo and a d Total liabilities, . . , RESERVES . . 8t 046 rossibie. Local tourt 'officials have not . , yet been . advised ae to who will sUbeti- price Was realized. ' I For depreeiation .... .... - - 52,326A0 of ,Grey ve..Deruitedt Bros. -of •Nfilverton, • ''' 600-I For equity in 11.E.P.C. eystems.$ 03,694,65 tute. oThe actiOns slated are: Township ' The Mantadoe and ' liaggarty elearedl other reserves ..... ......... .. 1,05537 IVIcKenzie ea, leurnin, • Clirmlnghent .va. • the IX R. Hanna cleared at daybreak. this yesterday for the head of the lakes and morning. Total reserves .... . 9117,97687 Denman, et al, and Hawkins. vs, Mutter,'• day, Mr. Robertsen Made this annoUnte• o merit to The Star. "You might say that mucks Prefer me, System Showed Operating Lot* •T MILITARY BALL of $1193Xil in 1932, State- • Owes from litany Points Attend rivillistut went Slim, • Function ...•... • • The Martial militaey ball of the Huron. • • But Pmver Customers are Fewer .21301erictlite.nroetoe'u.liTvluis°11;13basmg.lire%tradwItres. MORE COMME,RCIAL USERS reelinent wan a brilliant Eaeter Monday Than Tyheepxy.WAgeore Two . • Wearleteek and Freeten, Col. and Mrs. • soeial event et Clinton. • There was a Herasall, Eiteter, London, Owen Sound, • Sturdy, -Ooderieb, and Vol. and Mee. • The ley:in/selectee ;wet= in Goaerich I:Isar:Tor, otfhLoo dnaduellain, rgeev%e.lavsecleuthpe naettaeetts,y aleoWeel a net loes a 61163.64 in 19a3, ace tho ono, Brown orouo,atra ot strattoude. voiding to tho 'Provincial Oonanaission'e and thie well-known tritteleal Organieation auditor's operating report read at last gave eood. eervice. The event Was held • Tinirsday's meeting Of the Water •and in the Clintaa town hall, ltinelt being Light Cormitsslon. •This. result Is arrived served in thOcounell thambere at after writing off a4,969 for dePrecia- thin, but even then a surplus .woulcl have Mission to restore his preintses, just vac- ated by the Commission, to the eame eon - Olen in wbieh they were found. This was referred to Supt., laelly. - The ToWn 'Connell woe formally aShott to name a suCcessor on the board to the late J.•W, Taylor, Who died in January... Prices Itise and Vast hnprcivement in Business Already Felt • Washington, April daY torie financial action, President Roosevelt •moved boldly forward for tontrolled lus on an international seale. He Ming the 'United States oft the gold standard in world trade as on open - leg shot, and. tonight eaoctioned legislae tion giving him beoad outhority to earrY throttele hie program. to lift Ameriean • • A quantity of householdefarniture, in- ture lia.e been cut from 112 to 90 and eluding: e a W. Se plaoo; 1 Gen- more than a dozezt safe conservative sohOla victroia; small tables; jardineres; seats were wiped out, mt. Robertson says 2 beds, sprhtgs, etc.; 15 -chairs; 2 rockers; that this eansed more distension 15 ev- il() feet lawn hoire; 1 lawn mower, in good ernenent rants. thau.4iidethe 00,15..bend repair; 1 Entpire eel& Steve, %feet frOot: meident, but that Profiler Henry was in - heating stove and. rapes; 1 3-burneerousr oil cistent ori the reduction ott the ground stove; nrioletuns, rugs, and, num, ,ses. other household furnishings, Everything oe eosuseraY. , Must be sold, as Mrs, Pearson is leaving , • Goderich. • TERMS -Cash. e RE ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE -a.• AND HISURANCE AGENCY'. For Quick Sale, -Choice 75 -acre farm, • fine location, excellent land, no waste; 45 acres plowed, now being seeded. mprovements-New dwelling house, two geed barns, steel driving shed, artesian Well, wincitrdn. Insurance on buildings or more cash (not including present seed. $4500. Price of farm 93600. •Terins, 9500 ing), balante payable hi five years, inter- est 3 per cent, per annum, $100 per yeav to be paid on principal. • Other farms for sale, also many houses very low in price, easy terms, For pay- ment ask allout them. Rouses to rent. J, NV; ARMSTRONG, , P.O. Box 89 Goderiert, Ont. Splendid Winter GUNDRY as Son, Auctioneers. y 01,EARING AUCTION 5 ALE OF in the Far 'Notts' HOUSE FURNISHINGS. sell Gederich Boy Writes From Gold 1VIr. Allen Maxwell will by public "Wolves Grow Big WoOLE.4CoMEL4 HA.MII/V0N sTRERT PRONE 206 • 'Selig insurance orall kinds. Get rates' from him before renewing or planning new ineurance. ' • auction, at his home, Nelson street, Mining District, Where Ooderith, on SATURDAY. APRIL 22nd • commencing at 1.30 sharp, all the con- tents of the house, including: Letters vsritten as far back as Septeme Good 'white refrigerator; two tricycles ber 14th and Oztober 23rd lad, at W- and other toys; high than; several Dame's Creek, Northern British Columbia, tropics; oak office chair; one kitchen _ table, 48 it 34 inches; ironing board; Edi- just south of the Yukon bonndarY, by son victrola with 100 records; electric Archie McKee, who spent the 'winter in piano trope, 200 records; e evered hall the gold mining country, have just reach - seat; two oak rockers; cream 'diTess-4,,,e, ed his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Mc - table; antique round -top black table; one _ mirror, 24 x 40 inches; white bassinette Kee, in Ocdericn. on wheels; baby bathtub; fernery; ver- "We had a fine winter," he -writes in andalt boxes; oak bookcase; writing desk; part. We did some trapping and cut square oak table, 24 inches; three reed over 200 logs. The weather on October cholla and table; fumed °ale telephone 3rd was just like Indian summer in On- tabinet; green reed armchair; two- green tario. On November 18th it was 45 be. - verandah rockers: one chair; Axminster low' and there was 16 illehes of snow, rug 9 x 12 feet; four email nmts, 12 x 28 inches; dinner wagon, mahogany; oak On January 18th it went 60 below, but it • hall tree; oak hall mirror; eta hall run- le dry and we don't feel it so much and tiers; two square -top walnut tables, 27 really do not wear any More winter and 16 Inches; beautiful brass tender, clothes than when in Goderich. brass toilet and shovel for grate; one pair ewe had a call from. Constable Ban of brown velour curtains; one equate wal- the R. C. AL P. Ilis home is in Kitchen - nut table, Size 438: cream and blue break- er. ' The IVIcuntieg are fine fellows, We fast set of one annehair and three chairs can buy almost anything at the Hudson anti table; one large fiat -top oak writing desk; kitchen work -table with four draw- Bay store at McDa.me's Post, but prices ers; rag mats of different elms; a num- are sky high. Butter is $1,00 a pound, ber of kitchen utensils; six -tube radio eggs BO cents, tobacco $1.25 per half tet; one mirror, large; good fail -leaf pound, Wool underwear $8.60 a suit, cherry table; pictures; dishes; electric ewhen we go hunting we usually get reading lamp; office chair; clotheshorse; two or three moose. With tight dogs to piano stool, and many ether articles. , feed one mothe is not much uter to us. Terms -MO. T. commit ds sox, Auctioneers, Wctives are nunierous and very large here. They destroy many caribou. ---'— — "The mail arrived at Dead Lake on MEADOW GLADE FARM The 1(1th. / received 16 letters and . HA" CHICKS , a Goderich Star ef OctoberT15th." Custoinere who bought our chicks this .•, year report to tie that they arethe heal - W. I. HAS KITCHEN BAND present, aa wee . 4, 0 or thlest and strongest chicks they have ever of North, Iluren Libeled Anecietion, W11 -I tenallee ' ' - * . ' 53.(311.-"'"'"-"' I interest . 2,809.09 C ° E THE 0. F. CAREY CO. • FIRE, ACCIDENT and ROTOR:CAR IN*41311A stem • orrice:amis.:we news West toe eeenticit Plums 230 NELSON HILL, Manager e. IL IIIIIVIEER JEW MILER vie SMALL SI ORE Wiles The Old eIrOCK J. W. CRAIGIE • bounce and Real Estate DOMINION, rnonsTorat4 mtwortat nolo& 81111140.**4400.0011111410 of PPM a „ SOME rACTS 'REGARDING 1,32 BUSINESS Application for new assurances were received by the Company during 1932 at im average rate of more than $1,000,0901 for every .working day. itneoffie from renewal premiums vas the largest ever received in a single year. 0011 in repayment or reduction of polieg loans exceeded that of any previous year. • Revival's of lapsed policies exceeded those of any previous year. aith one exeeption. °Mee 115 Plumes,: Irtaidence so FL It LONG, District Agent et al. SURPLUS • THAN•KOF•VERING MEETING Debentures paid , . .... . $ 43,703.21 Operating surplus, 29,61386 Dr. Taylor Addresses Arthur • Chole Total surplus • $ 73,311,27 •Meeting Monday The annual teeter thankoffering meet- • ing of the Arthur Circle of Knox Presby- • BANKERS WERE ABSENT Failed to Show Up in Response te Invi- tation to Conference Here •• some eorty men of Huron COunty, of Total liabilities, reserves • various ereeds and. politgal stripe, ---far- $245,000.84 er t tan church was held Monday night. niers, merthants, clergymen, Mechanics, Earn inge :C, )PRATY'146 REToll'T 1 The Senior Auxiliary, W.M.S., were the retired gentlenten, etc. -gathered at North' i guests of the Circle to tea after tile street United Church en Monday everting - - Els°33.03) meeting, and the two societies met jointly 1 Domestic service A 2 Commercial light service .. 13,43086 for their regular business meeting. The speaker for the eVening Was Dr. 'I'. Ward - law Taylor, clerk of the General Assem- bly, In a finely interesting address, Dr. Taylor spoke of the life and Work of Dr. Marion Stevenson. (moue woman mis- sionary 'in British East Africa, and the heroine of Dr. Norman IvIcLean's book, "A Saint in leenya." The presidenta of . each society, Mrs. Waiter of the,W. M. 8. Atutillary and Mrs. MaeSwan, of the Arthur Circle, condutted the buitinees of their reepeetive societies, when commit- tees ,were named to arrange for trariellore tation to the provincial meeting at Strat- prices of produce, and the remedy, all i Ifiraillaniglitaetindallecoellecting * . • . ' 404213921 bfeyrdivir. rsAvviovvels:sraasuntedreresuatrrtrest.teti.ler Mrs. 11. X. Revell and Mrs. 1r. C. Dul:auillenit!: were discussed by men from Colborne, . Auburn, East and Weot Watvanoeli, Gode-1 aen-aal nfilde' 8ataties and rich, town and township, and Other inuiti-1 Ogletree 3,047.97 After the meeting tea was oerved. There' cipalitha. C. A. Robertson, 14,P.P., tease Undistributed expenses • 685.13 was a iarge attendance. Truck operation and main.• to diseass the economic situation of Can- ada today. Only the bankers failed to respond to the invitation of the evangel- istic and social eervice department of the United chumii, Huron- Presbytery. Dr. egortirnore or Auburn presided. There was a round table ocliecuesion in which the present ills of the country Were aired and remedies suggested. A toMinittee WAS named to put the findings et the Meets Mg 14W- concrete form. These will be presented to the Presbytery Meeting and • later to the Corderente at London In May. The monetary situation, deflation and inflation the formeett plight, low Commercial power service • .. 12,435.37 Municipal power . • 3,020,62 Street lighting ... • 3,191.50 ivilecellanotal 130.02 Total earnings . 81,812.20 • Expenses: • Power purchased . 9. 42,611.06 Substation operation 1,817.97 Distribution system, operation • and maintenance 2,782.89 Line transformer inaintenente 638.55 NIeter maintenance 495.73 Street lighting, •operation and • had and lostes, have been very light. . leant Bailie, We ie young, inflation esee e,„,,,, Ornin vents •••••[......, cause the lend ueed are from yearling . illations .Made - ;tenant, and Many others. Mr. ,sehulv i -.-...ng fund and principal They have extra strength and vigor be. Election at Next 'Mettler Meeting -Nom - An interesting me• eting of the Goderich P1 80 • Rev. W. J. Patton • of Bentnintri•. .. • payments on debentures 2,123.431•ist, nvoistss nitiErs 4, 09.00 hens only. These yearlings were care • - fully celetted front 1500 hens which were for his non -denominational efforts in re.' I Depreciation • . year. The cockerels need in the breeding Thttrsdav afterrato A 11 th ' . —...••••••••••••.• pen are trent hens which layed bora 225 - ' - son had n good word to say for Father' 14 t lasa in this connection. The Benminer par -1 Coughlin, radio priest, for chanipioning; cemtnertial 11 ht 1 Total operating coats $ 63,00584 $ 1 103,64 CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. For a spring tonic use Me -Me -Cho outstanding producere in their pullet branch of the Worrien'e inetinde Wae held lief work, and for his broadmindednese 1 n Or 0 , in Matt- = eggs in their pullet year. If you laY Hall. want productiori and profit next fall order the chair, The stiernbere evelconied the VIM. P. Milne% the president. Micupled the cense of the PoOr rand les5 or , Number of coneuffiers ' . ' 1,160 Manic Leaf Chapter rummage Pale _ et eery ce • 242 Friday and Seturday, May 6th and Oth. LeghOriee, 600 er over (mat g a . teei y people and for hie expeeition of the el ehotg' 01 finance. 1 Total . 10 in Store feraterly occupied by hydro, be several return, of Mee. Raines after bein ,,b/-1 Power service , orders ombined) $8.00 per hundred and several menthe through illness. --- .--- Phone Mrs. Beacom, 505, if you have any a Royal brooder stove at t eat. Snialler The sum of $40 was handed hi to the ---.---o-eLeeeseee 1,. 1,429 artielee for collection. , Court at Conve here and Judae treaeUrer by coerced groups that have stranowitg COURT IDOGIVIE'NT Worlanert'S 0011111 Insurance $ 239.68 auto in Congoleum Rues, all that quality. A number of broken Sigeg and clear- ordete. Undistributed Estpenee; Mt =kW and amusing 'Mitt 01 ti Goderich yeeterday, awarded Jones Hart- P. L, & P. D. (group) 130.92 Yew' thobe at a substantial eavine at leghorne, $0.00 per hundred. been active in makie4 Niels tHalloran, in Suertgato ritlon openees .. hundred. meeting was the kitchen band kd by — 0- -30 lent, ot Daehwocd, the eura of $370,25 on /flour:ince, burglary, ben d his claim of 9407 aealnet the cetate Of mined, furnitere, Manes . 21.00 0133 SCIIAEFFIVS, Oct Formaldehyde at new Iow price at Barred Itocke, $10,00 per handred. hotel/1g to twat our sottety,„ itoto. Thite-weeks-old Cockerels, 93,59 per v le. IL 6, Clederkli, Ont. Dire. Painter, eeveral ladles with their kit- the ate John Christian Stallion, Dee Depreciation. fur:Mute. fix. CAMPBELL'S DRUG maim. W. tom erityprov, mono 1413 Carlow. - elien Utensils rendering the felloasing eel- teased died in 1021 Mid in 1928 lib farm twee arid toots . . igg.g1 Banish (kilt:ore. Cee "Tilly of Bloom- _ ectien.% "Little Brewu Jug," "TurkeY ill near eeipreu was aesseetieed foe sale by ' , bury," tile Attitur Circle play, at Knox Bean, of Saltford, gave two pleatemg M. • $ 083,18 eitureh May 4th and Oth • the 8traW", and 93011111e Dundee," Mr15., the adininktratOr and raid to Ilartlelb for 1111 toles. $8000. There Were children and the Of. One of the new eleetric water heaters • lie prepared for the wet weather. Gide' ..n auction cafe of tome artielee belOsige 11e151 Gustrdieri did not approve of the ^s 3 to 14 year:, blue, red, ing to the Institute that had not been fie eale and it was ordered roldVertleed fl t1 flat net. rate per o Mnth quoted on the brown and Green, at $3,25 each. Ladies Is on display at the hydra onic. The rteillecate, ola, reeild. ra the eneantilne !fortieth had h eatere, Which aro laetaldd efree of ekes 30 to 42, at 94.50 at CCIIAEFEIt'S • use for tome tittle, was held. , All &snots and teatinlasn Of GUS) Neat tickling with Lymoides. moved du to the faxen arid planted 48 charge, , is AS f011OWA: pretriten, are hereby notified tha CAMPBEINO MHO Giroux. eleetion of Officere for the ensuing Year. AS the n"t tegul4r meenus will 116 acres Of crop, At tile tiecond, sale lie 400 teotto 92.00 a, few ;nominations for Meek:fent were agein bkl tile place la at $6$00 and in ' ' " 500 vSatte . . 081 The reaular meeting of the Saltfora nil garbage, ete., must be removtd made. ,Ourrent elients were giCen hY . stained cAtirt proceedings to compensate .3.p1 Hoeg -Mal Auelliary will meet at t115Ittrin0 from tilde Qeemiees befere the let Mrs. a! YOUrig and were Iraftt Wuhri fee me thee and outlay for tcat ith In- COO watts 930 Watts . 3 02 of Mre, C. A Souter on 'lleuteday, April day Of Nfay, 1933. tercet. liy the nicinber8. Uell tall Vat nn. • ---s.,..-1111----""---'''--"-. 1000 watts5 03 27 at 2 P.M •1•'t• . swereJ zith Dish jokes, after which the In the aveectee Centialeni :nine. the ilt Thartdayes Meeting. Jelin &grey , DIED Ilveting doted with. diving the Natonal Ma't ItivoTtaiit breeding place ol the Was heard rc8arding arrears on -Water Attlithi. issnell WO carved 13Y CIO Wee tietito, meth is in late liet air furnace rates charged op,antst. lib cu1i? 5t VAVS.---At Osaerieli, en riannlag, tesees, mo, 0. yotwo, prc:s Ccere. riAgeo er:40110kt the ;la Inivized thrzucW Warren etre.lt. The matter wal U3(367(r. kAivit 1311a. 1003. William Neave. fa Tats tary. the radiatec3. 1 Wcley %Aker zr,510 ri131135 tha Com. 3(.;t1i licar. . t i NOTICE! F. G. WEIR, Ass't Sanitary IrnPrefor. C