HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-04-13, Page 84i}
e.-n��._. __�•.y,.,, ._. .swyv-'-x.-. aF,_=�.Pi=._.":--#w:�Msh �... ....- ."-nX:.�..-.�..: __. .... _-. TUE 'Mov��If�� [e- -STAlt
- _ ._.. . -..�, - Tk#�$,➢4d'r Ai.'kZH, 12tta. $93;3
_ .-a+r-'�r..wrt,.g�:�.;=.=aa .,rr •mow,, - sw.rw
as .sa ta§tca� to ; rIMFarl EASTER !n Town a tUr4r .
2=i0=1D Fast#a tomfrfail TxaI19
IMF Newestfi..... teDk lao
rnis mlr^�rqm tiie a n „ulc&a a�it
U014 a J� �`"'� 1 urraur dei by 3tev Errands and tumid a
day to ca av;ety their i=cm% qua 4 ca Gaturday, Ilfay 37t1a, t �.;�i► ►; LOW t air e;cd icsm Is co xi oS 7 i
gUa-m-teed 5 cl Weed cud tvisltes Mrs. Robert ultra.
per �i 3At. ifP?� bonds, and clzant, ii a#`Il§1i1t1 $ a r d3w�'+"1w1A. IXi Pei.
Sic a i lis rAlrea y ilecn ei ue a a , -NEW 100 RAOR PAliTSC RStfita re etnttaeaz'd float #stet,i�Y4w fie passed and sin
Q-0 s c+�tamCQ of i'lae laTaltlpm�i & l IFi anti ; es iaafu;e ke COMPIcted 4w20rdas l . y, April 7th. 'celebrated the 82ua dxanni-
wltlo 1ia5 . fit o ts`eaFl e+ It Wlil rxe , f T>?x4 D atyti rice. Sell base g lac <.Tlae atttn of 52t ,0i? nits hecto 4elsecl Vea her birth. Mrs. Manhant is �"
scady to: Isla Hato tlz[! erase sitisinees Eta tltn liwinsgtetl, tram the Pravittcial C3acerninene as re, ` ; Present ttfirted to tEao itaspltal se t'ar�n M * -
�$ of the Cutanty I•X1MM 'visltsara Veru deo
street >iarage,'tvsticla'they 3favp takcsa iiveu. + Cards tauld orf diet expend#turea for tietolier,:ligEttef? with, the lam' it Iit s
M a11f�3ttAc'alaz! !aero been tainzrBfrom and thele 4n1AV1U;Zemer3 ,app:era el,$ : X.)v4'W1Vr atad Bceeinber. liie amgtint� Bacot"elves � a Y lagan both
$Y , 'I'vm laz er, zt iSrafatenne from wlactrO III t6als lasale, Air, no a.o r;w for- has Wen dalio:lted !ti the t err aecousty. and Mrs. Eiarellattt by the '
t r tirraf, ztsad lid Ste. T:sat�eNasalll, a siaerly Fits! 6i 0.. •ltfaci�svan a*. mccilanic, matron of tho Ittstitution, Mfrs. Jaco;is.
wde fra;tt RCS. lti4.Fa, `.
.�� �+������� '�13at �Iisa inr�ry�t cta� �:��,o�ia i'roviu.,o� »1 g With
t7.te1 Ear, 13p1f �,tt:1 with �. C, E�o?iortsasa. . of z3askatklaettutt kDnQs as lielai by tlta o �casw,Dsl,� anad� a�b�� M� �IaRuksi for alae
T '0as Canadian SFao�zc, a midttuy at- live wish tiro saes' fir leu„ams:. � bad the trends. -
ci- W- S, 'A- fund was' sin April hgtlor of cutting.
tr=UO4. l�ga_ wrrittOn the fall fair boar4 ( e'ISlf�tMXT A POUND 16t and dcllo3ltrd In the 'bank a:eouat oL ,
a^3titwg'far o. dines and It is ipractl, tit, fund.
ens#y» cert:liaa tit Lite swill leave a Midway �. itattilt its the frice'Cf xtslt at fi4gntreal .
i6We h2lvq receive3 st letter falai 'the ,.a, y' Prices are Greatly e`u'
floss year, 11 ct frzm ss�;on to three cents per pound gave/ afmk of Montreal hated March go that r � ,
Relief Chiller Gt:orsa UCArthur of liiitici :
a �rwdtt �tf ���,004 xqx the Year'y xe�,,ir�:- yet -without sacrificing �,rzyY
Rirtlas eazatinua to tar out -number lover n chance to cave government funds F plied for, has been grauted.� ztu
tnettt a Applied jj thing Of- `quality' of it ar .
+deaths 'fn !! udderiClx, vital stellar#Cts fit tho 'aria he is fiWributintl 1,244 pounds cif zit I
thq isttereslt i10 •be iii star. cents flee satttet .�.�..... ..�.. .
Uwn ITall $bully, Xn itfarch there wore bought at one cent per pound 1st 'sault as hist workmanship �i Qx' t�
. w year. FuaA t►lr 'alas. r>zalcl t'fals, an six
10 ths. a !tarok in Gu'a mA'and ati3tir 0 :Ste. Itiar#e, according to -a; despatch' Ha DOGi $110W FOR iA XIT ”
'"We have passed ataCounts frGm the fiery largelx attended was the funeral �' ;;sell.
aide tilts, There rare , .8 maxriage, Xn rilko cncceedcd its'. irttglttg +#R tans of ltsty �, n �� "We
Raard atnanttting to $925.98.' on Suisda Afternoon March, or last year there were 5 births, 8 ut 8#0.80 per tat# tend saved fartnara in In order to eliminate Itxafes�#Ona! ax.. ItY!e have examined the fol Y rn on of Mrs, SG. George :
►ftarrlages and 1a deaths, GaFinisborbu h end
h#bltors 1ta .the ladieit' work classes, [iir� counts and xecammextsi that they 'Y' ice, who died its London the liwoviatas
.need $5:54 per ton an the bay they zvoatld Thursday. Scores of sorrowing Irlend.0
.- eater$ of the ocorich AgrsetuEural so- Cole's •bookstore, c93ca supFsies.....,$ '.8.25 safhewEd attlte t Roberta Pattern
.. have barn tercets to Furchaet, ciety hate decided that lompetitian ' in J. S, A2Ustprd, coal arstil�! hgsrie .an etnglesea
4"M 1040 CLINIC � !some manufactures and fists arts snail be John 82.31 'street for the soirvice, canduotfid by the. HATS Balt' VWt* 5:00 Rev. J, .Ford
r limited,. to exhibitors. nsidlog . within a. Expon$Q4, relief d e The many 'beautiful :AV
Tire salons .Clubs of #t:dertclt' attd seam ei g't tr to�.attdon 8A0' floral tributes bore testim. n . '
• forth �,vill a
gain hold u .ori radius of 44 allies. Anew feature of the Sell- �'slephgtte co ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,••, a y,of the high . . '
ter . a '.ruSsler g pilled children's fair thts year "will be a dog 'sktuVv, wltlu Se rates 2,AG regard in 'which deceased was held i / Scarves and Costume
p Sahaal, •11!$2 so by t
cllsaiD this surnmcr. Arraasemattt$ were.,.. ....•,..: 100,00. all, itteluding many robe had kngWtt her
dl=ssed at a district slathering held at c xrierbe aifered in fqur'014sses,'callles, > 0. Weir, Board of ,'iTealth...,..,...., f2.s0 from : this 'TC1Ve�j(;l
till do XoW Kodaiz i inishing m ,% hounds, 'and spaniels, This will ea: N. R,, express ..... i. dhoad, The funeral : cortex
5eaforth psi mostday everting. Dr. Wylie, be enlarged, if sutilC#ont interest is shown, R, J, lT 1,84 which followed the remains to Maitland
district governor, was the ow rd. lraxdtvure.,,,i.:,........ ,w
'the tTigst improved Style, Brlttg kl iotaker at ,50� cemetery tYAs warty blocks son and #n
iuneheon held at the Commercial hotel CIiANliilsS- rT Q: 1 Carty Co„ flre»xen'$ irxsur..... 72.90 C1Uded a g
Your l%cla$ inlsltIng to him and ]! i'A�RISii PIk1118STS Win, Proctor, atte>zdin lire true near 'este hundred..sutomabiles.
and he' 4011VOred an 'inspiring address. g lm 10,00. , The pallbearers wore: A:. T;, e
'laaye It done 1 yp n pzotesslpual There w€re Afteoh bions prosent from in a list of transfers of parish priests Collector national revenue, stain s . J M^Z+ an, � M [�/�� +�: j
Stamps. 444 _aha Acheson, J. P: Hutne;,t{earge Wad. �* 1VlaGV�'�:�, .,
doderIgh and about twenty frO%,$gath_ announMed this Wcek by Blshap zi idd ave 19notvplowing accounts ,,:...:...,...::..., 15:00 ford
twelve hour service. , I?r, A. XI,, Hunter etnd Rarry Fit Kingston
M, G, Campbell, copy 1•xarrlstt singer. A o ,
work Chicle FT, `, EdWarda reviewed the 106 t that Rev. 7;, V. C4aetf, of seafarth. m ng those -who attended r �t��$� Goderjoh
work of the 1QCal club, The district gav- Saes to Wallaceburs, Rev, J. P. Srennan, " evldenoo 4,40, Out `of from
Cor, of Xtautlian f5#Y urtd Squaxe town were' Mr, ozrti Mrs,
eirttar highly praitod fnem,ers for theix. °f WullaeekuYt;, hems fnaved 'io.t..�t: W. Gralgte, insurance on .ladder D#xan Mr : A,rtltux
charitable work which is: X%rys, Rev. T. P: ttu,:lc , .and Mrs+.J.;'ibistY, Mrs. Waters
n e . being Carried o Yl v-' A. at Kincbra, S ,....113.85 acid sett and Mr, and Mrs. Jo
a . d sli#to the trying times. o. tees tq 6eafgrth. Rev. A, A. MoFr h Ciaderic#t star, pr#nting................ . ttathan Mar _
' J. G, Carne harfl r 16,19 tin, of LOAdgn; UezbertlMaxtisfx fif ri2ar '�1C�fn
Of Wingham, goes to T`ttamesvil#e, Azad: ,_ wa e ........................ 1x.64 den. Mon., -'r nk-""-`-•--•, O>�1apC ..-.,�fitl�A
-Prank Martin, ltfxs.: Ha
• lxev. J: F'+. Paquette, PeAses Slue Water H stave . wry a; lt":......�4�IC[Os �.�0#�O�
q Of St. Augustine, .
ig y xnighL, 1VTr, and Mrs. Hurry Marlin ,and `
takes. fire •Wtn52xactt parish w _meetisyg at'i'gbexsna
bile Rev, 13, ry.................... 25.04 daughter
Gaffney, ryY Lo4az;: gees to St Au salary ........... Toronto, 1 Tr, zattd Mrs. Donnelly
The changes .are efteativeApril Augustine.
124.4p JohnstonJohnstodaughters Brantford,
. a tfordt
: H- 34th, Fran c !.'rice, Nortvfch; iVir and Mrs,
_kal.iie Werke Har= ,.,
. e Bu
„ old. CUrrla And:Martin Pri!e,, 0ptrolt;