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The Goderich Star, 1933-04-13, Page 7
Tit i te1)AY, APRIL 19th, 11433 Views and Information fair-' to q3usy Farmer (Furnished by the ontade Department of Agriculture) Ilerwcracy "ileueeraey" is the terra that the Ildla Weis Colitte of Agriculture applies to the tin e a k p new system under which Ise re ns individual metal coatis, assembled he bat- tery form. It Is reported that at Miami, Ortda, for example, 60.OQ0 *Ong WAS • been placed in batteries, in a 500 - betel, The hen is even deprived of rtunity to admire her egg; for as as the egg is 3►d,it rolls out of her sight, into a gathering irouch- the'Viae section, and. d. 11. I"srtnpreen of laidgetowa, * winner at Weenie, Ls for - were. again Iay, also Kent Cemety. whine o of the grand ciiaat C hi my tense hi in y mpians .p eager last year, lsaa Sent an extra g eed of GInist'A creeds jug uttered. saw that CInlet would ecknoeledge ell who peas Tossed his mane; and he made Me con- tesslow = "fir" we 66w one c out devils In thy name; and we terbed Wm, bec*Uae he felloweth Yat wi>"' Jesus wag by this interruption %leen en oppor- tunity to teach theme isieeen 'in toler- anee, There were many beside% his pro• fessed followers who were innuenved sty 1 his spirit; and he- itiaulel have them see that rympatlY and help towards sueh is it,elf a 'prof et dire:4 eshlp. Tinning again to the little child he Pointe, out to them the need of mem*. Mg tolerance towards the weal` ones. 'Jesus would impress it upon his di,elples that, they must otest the isolated beginner org ni s id of faith Lo be found in the world." (range). He ae- 'icnowledgea them; andwe shell be sternly judged if we mouse them to stumble.' The Weeny of offendlne one lot the "lit- tle ones" lit-tleones" was as great as that sometimes practised upon a greatc1101in4, namely the hinging of a millstone about bis neck, and being east intothe sea.Tthhe p pmest•..�wits but,.a shadow -� more terrible penalties of the spiritual state as stated in verses 43 and 44. The see were spoken y twovr 11e b y in these@ words Christ in ae cry serious and solemn mood, sample to Regina. The Ottawa Valle& Peel County, and Northern Outside. erre represented wide superior prgduet, aud, when the Judging Is completed there should be some Rood news for Ontario. The. Worlds Grain Exbkattlon Confer- ence is held at Reginathis year from July 24 t,4 August 5. . • New TaKeatleitr Publeatious of interest to farmers re- • eent$y issued by the Department izioiude the !Allowing: eVegetab'le Gardening" (Bulletin No. 369) by T. H. Jones, Ilep't of Horticulture ant E. J. 'Thomas, Of 17 bet CY. J. Rob,. and OA .C., ChemLst ry, o Horticultural Experimental Station, vine- s . land; Annual Report of the Ontario Agri- 1932; and the 02nd annual report Of the cultural and Experimental Team tor vE ntomologt0al Society of Qntari°. Copies of these interesting and valuable booklets can be procured through Tern earl - cultural or by writing to the Vubll- cations Branch, Ontario 'Department of Agriculture,' Toronto. THE GODERICR STAR Wound D Ings The grafting oompounds mentioned previously in thla column were ell tried in ie small vslry°asyowl :dresaittga and,in addition Several *spbalt'Paint emnPounds.. The effect of tree vigor on wound heal - ds wpun tMedium-sized.. Ings was evident. on 'vigorous trees healed quickly and well without any treatment. Most of the ma- terials used retarded healing on an wounds au compared to those untreated. The two exceptions were Bravo and La- tex, wnieh encouraged callus formation. The clean; healthy callus formed with Latex has been mentioned previously. Parana was intermediate in its effects on wound healing., The value compounds so far ds .. of theseo rr d is o not deco concerted, r tier Y as prevention ve p still uncertain. Smell wounds, up to i4t: inches in diameter, will doubtless heal safely without any treatment whatever: Larger wounds 'should bave the point of e centre i th the eo ec e ndda,t io a Y even !nf wound, protected, One of the tar com- pounds, kept away from the outer edge of the wound, shank' be valuable as it lasts indefinitely and penetrates lnto the wood.' Braso Is very satisfactory and pro- tects for at least three years. The asphalt 'paints, if kept Yr= the edge of the wound, appears to give good'•proteee tion.. Ordinary paint and liquid grafting wax are, not so satisfactory. Weekly .Crop Report Farmers throughout Antero a elated re ... at the higher. prices being paid tor hogs and a stili further increase is prophesied owing • to the scar: ity. The farmer who now 1Y . svtl o. business h hog nein e co ed in U reap the benefit of his good judgment. There is a large demand for one -day-old chicks in mostports of the province. Beneficial rains. for. winter wheat and clovers; have fallen reeentlY in mans" parts of the province. ;toads are •soft and highway officers In numerous counties dare enforcin . the half -load regulation on trucks. Considerable activity in prepare- tion for spring work 1s noticed everywhere and farmers in Kent. County report ifl- jury to pew seeding& of clover. 'Warm rains have helped In Lincoln county to revive :wheat, alfalfa and elotar ilelds. Some cars of cerielled seed potatoes are coming into Mlddleseri and there is more than usual interest in soy beans.. A big increase innumberof old orchards beil.*. pruned and sprayed this year is noted in Welland, log prices he Wentworth reached 9040 per cwt. Breeders' reports ire Durham indicate some Socks of sheep •showing close to 200 per cent lamb pro - Unction. and were evidently intended to represent a, very serious and solemn reality ANNIE'S STAY AT VITA UOSPITAI" one summer afternoon a Ukranian father drove up in his wagon to the door of the hospital. A blanket covering some straw, made a bed for Annie, has daugh- ter, whom he'wes bringing to the hospital In hope that with the°'doctor's aid she Walk Man. l g 'Alight someday w some. e thirteen& a was years of age: Annie A time before, her only brother had died. Her mother, too, after a long illness. had Iett them, and so Annie and her father were lett alone intheir poor and. n- homelke shatk Toget to the hosical they had taken a long, slow drive of ,fife teen miles. Annie bad gone to school only long enough to pick up a ;fewphrases of Eng - e DEPRESSI014S ALWAYS Et4D.�. 'WE HAVE JUST 1111400110 A CHART MADE OM YEAFS y D IMS Sac*. AND YEARS OF GOOD TIMM FROM 1$16 TO 19M. it G CORRECT TO DATE. THE MOST INUERRSt$G HEAD. IHG AVAItAR1.E--GQOf► TIES AHEAD-.•'VVR{TEFOR YOUR FREE (Cry'• HOTEL i1M AVE OMAHA AVII. a MOM $t. TORONTO s.. weir* tow--toOldiw +. care and the meet gentle and kindly coaepaniership that could be 'nein by Hence At bat it eras hard tar her to under• stand, she knew so littler g#SShe e couldn't read that books to lur. but ate could look et the pictures, and as the *We posed shy would ask they Mewing of wards that were used and iotnetttnes ask other weeder*, and ars Interest deepened in the things that were about her, her eountenuree,'Welt at Met' atoned eAieaotbig brighten, revthe feet bel bind it 'FTs 0. bright, keen Intellect. ho Evening after evening etre rtudled t. 1k�Mi1i°t1 language, she learned to read and spot, she studied grammar and saltines- tie, h aew end knitWhat fun ittyes teethed o make dresses for her Bon and to knit for it a. sweater and a lxpnr►eti How interested she Warne In her Woke, end In the work of the kindly nudes, How delighted she ed the dishes. then eAlleht� W ttb n wiper ln and was when she could help, by Makin at last she could dressings or assist in cleaning the surgical them and put them all away. in her year at the hospital Annie never erica and never Complained. She still uses her crutches, but the time may come when else eau throw them away. She went home with new clothes, new friends, neer thoughts, new ideals. and a 110W out - t r more now AS rnrlan three 1x She etre, e look n records Arida cat to brighten her data. he still likes to read Peter Rabbit and PAO* MIX Adds Zest to the Meal TEA "Fresh from the. Gardens' lis.h, • for atter her mother's. death she had to stay home to help her tether. A bench, a table, an old stove, a few pots and dishes and a place to sleep 'were An- nie A. their f urn. ttehln g8P t only 1 --an Old gramo- nie had one greatuxttry Phone with three records, and one com- panion, a cat, which ;rept her company when be father was away. But Annie became Laine and gradually. ber.hip grew worse and more painfUI 1111 at last .she could not get tier fathers meals, and so we find her at the hospi- tal. She brought with her all the clothes she had --bloomers, a, cotton slip, a dress and an • old sweater, but nO shoes or. stockings . at Hoch. u found doctor On � exarni7iratton, her trouble was tubercular hip, and little hope was entertained that she would ever be well enough to even sit up again.. But best treatment the i n Ise given Annie must An that a :Ohristian hospital Can give, This meant a plaster cast encasing ,the lower post of her body and her left leg, the other part of the, treatment being the best Seed Corn Z o.r 1933 ' Some Concern: has been feit, relative to this spring's supply of seedcorn of dorn-,; estio,produotion. It Ls believed, however, that the amount of suitable seed avail- able may be sufficient to meet the usual demand if necessary care is exercised: in putting on the market only the best of the Drop -for seed. It is admitted that part of the 1932 Corn crap .in south-western ,Ontario was harvested Under conditions unfavorable' for seed •production and that a large per- centage of fields did not mature suffi- ciently to produce cornof seed quality: At the present thne the average•moisture, content of last year's corn.:3 thought to be 17 or 18%. • On the other hand dealers state that while Ontario 'corn. of the 1932 crop Is lower in general quality than -was the corn of 1931— there- is plenty .that °wilf grade well •over the requirements for No. 1 seed. .Added to this, there is a certain carry-over of seed. corn •front the excel- lent crop of 1931, much of whioh; with rechecking of germination will probably be suitable for seed. Prompt and vigorous germination is . a prime requisite m all kinds of seed. :This. is :particularly essential in corn, and since much of last year's eon crop 15 •knovan to•'be =mutable for seed purposes, teed. dealers purchasing corn for ;resale, and farmers purchasing for use on their own farms, should exercise great care in their seieection of seed SevtvaI of Old Practice Seen • in Brisker Export Since the beginning of January +Canada has ::hipped to .Great Britain some 6;000 head of cattle and oris number -will be increased to 20,000by the early part of With the revival of aur export trade with the Old, Country, a popular practice Qf sortie thirty year& age May lie re-estab- llshed. Transportation companies snake Prov r one man to travel with each carload of Cattle .and, when export trade was brisk, many farmers availed elves' ofthis opportunity to visit t )3ritain. In addition to those en- eceen agriculturalpursults, it has been ed that a great number of Ontario's der professional men, during; their col- lege days, visited England and Scotland. as a result: et getting the job of tendieg. cattle in transport. . Ontario Sends 302 Entries to Regina Of the 2,500 entries received by the World's Grant Shaw and Conference at Regina on the closing date, 302 were from the Province of Ontario.. A. Ii. Martin, Secretary of the Ontario; Committee, states that the classes receiving the hea- 0. 'Master, let me walk *with Thee, viest entry from Ontario are: Red" clo- In lowly paths of service tree' ver, 29 entries; alsike, 26: white winter Tellene Thy secret help me bear .. e4mat, 18; mediuu* or late ';oats, 14; six- The, strain of toil, the feet of care. rowed barley, 15; field beans (small*white) Teach me my patience; still with Thee 13; alfalfa, 12, .All the leading grain and Iri closer, dearer coaapany; seed exhibitor$ of the Province have made In work that keeps faith sweet and strong one or more entries.. In trust that triumphs over wrong. •'D. L. Scott, Carleton County, who won W. Gladden.. the 4500 malting' barley prize at the 1932 PRAYERRoyal is represented in several classes, and Mrs. Mary E. Maycock of Prince Ed- Cause us, 0 Lord, to grow more and ward County, the only Woman who has more like : to Thee; seeking always the ever won ` three championships in sue- . good of others rather than our own. cession at the Chicago International Amen. Grain and Hay Show, has sent an ex- cellent sample of beans. Howard Pra- Leigh; M.P.P., 'Forest, is represented in Sunday Afternoon By iSABEL. HAMILI �:-Godcrich, Ong. The Hydro Store cooK WITH ELECTRICITY Quick Clea;, Economical. .4..4..4., j,.r.. j. See the display of IfUlatia gtylte 'STA nukes at The Hydro Store GODERICll Vat utero for light. hag. They are groarenc S S. LESSON' FOB, APR. 23, 1933 Lessen Topic- iesu;... Rebukes Self -Seek- ing. Leeson l's. sage— Mark 9:33-53. Golden %'exi--Ralnaris 13:10. Having returned to. Peter's home in Capernnum, Jesus began •ta,xyatechize Iris disciples about their discussions among themselves as they jotitheyed towards the town.. The selection of Peter, James and John for speeial association with Chlst; the adieus, of peter suggested by the welds of their Master on a certain occa- sion; and the spirit of the sons of Zebe- dee, shown in the request of their moths er, on their behalf, were eircunistances that soon attracted the attention of the others, and gave rise to diseussiton es to relative superiority: When confronted by the ifirect guts - Mining Of their Master they were stient. 'They . Were- ashl►nted. that !re should have detected' them. They felt duds disputings were contrary to his spirit. Nevertheless that such disputing is deeply seated in human nature is shown by its persistence. Min age to age. From the eilenee of the diselples we learnt that a Motive of action. -we are ashamed to Confess when a sense of Christ's presence is uteri tis cannot Rhe a right One. And in Propor- tion as the presence of the Idaster'e aplrit le felt, it. is suppressed or deafroeed. What the lesson he Was *bout to teach thorn was an important one is seen in Christ's seating himself and su*n leasing them to 1raw near to hire. Then he OM to thcm his judgment cut superiority between Man and man: "If axle melt de- Sitc to be first, the same tibial ere 1455 of all and servant of ell." The highest. eir- edle11.e0 Thi, the Kingdom of God is Iiis Who abuses dnd forgets himself altogeth- er Ili; the benefit and advancement of eth- ers. Then Ise gave them an object lessen ea an itltxctratton of that etetement. "A little ehnd," perhapsone of Peter's fain - Was tokete up its his arms anti by his Wee& he godlier drew their atttentiofi aeeey ficin themselves Lu tat inert die - interested and. tn*el> sh Melee they could elegage in. "To reetiee as ehile4 he the Ulna o3 Midi is toreaelGe Gott Ifireeeif. Here fie tOcciv'a 1lima AS alone Ire tan be re-caved—by ktrotahlg Haat int ale is re- verted art dem trio is tb3id•iMce!.°' (O. MeeDerield), ' Jelin at a nSe4, g a Kids tl,.eSliinakitca j. instruments. Prom Where L Wad see the dichea of the ward belie Washed, and one of her high middens was.Met sortie day she might help to wash those dishes. Alter many menthe the out was re- moved, and before Many wee, i ksAnnie, to t0 the delight of all, could s1t up in bed. One morning the nurse on entering heard theke words,. "It'a VI made except the corners, would you lie .those, please?" Christmas time comes; Annie had never heard of Santa Claus, she knew •natlithg of •Clxristinas trees or Christmas gifts. It was real joy .both to herself and the nurses when she was carried down to the Christmas tree where she received .es her presents, a Bible, a doll end other things. She was carried, too, to see . the nurses` Mtn,s r . and many times afro wand she asked to be taken "to the room where there are real things like in Eaton's cata- logue," and sometimes her request was gted.an r ;then came the wheel -chair arid finally the crutches,and at last Annie actually carried, outher ambition, She first wip- S Diekens' Christmas Carol and other boots which come from tiro ltespttal library, au l her father enjoya the dish09 made incur the reyipeS enures; from the nespitat kit- chen aid the =so enjoy the letters re•- ceived from Annie. ' ' Be Nurse A#rCullagh• ;laughs' Eby lotion Liniment always quick, always certain. Stops bteeditee in- otantly. Cauterizes wound?: and prevents b S lendtd for nauseate . bleed, .i a rLsonhxgp mn. r is Ire u ns.t r TONE UP FLABBY MUSCLES Pnti (-Ickes, and pain', by RUBBING IN-- tee;+^"r1.i 11 1 M aG itIARD`Sl 'KING OF PAIN" � LiNiP4E$I;i ANNOUNCEMENT Free Electric flat Rate Water Heaters for Every Hydro :Home in Ontario To THE CITIZENS of ONTARIO electric Commission of Ontario `is.prepated to place in every Hydro home a Hat rate The r heater Electric Farge G the C an electric • heater complete with.accessories— heating heater at oo charge to the consumer, This means that ell e installed in any Hydro so les- heating element, thermostat and tank insulation and the necessary wiring e in —will where facilities exist absolutely free of all installation cost to the consumer. All theconsumer n has o do;tate aOntario pay for the.ctirrent he uses at a new low tate. This hes ors arelan rnpt already es for the This offer. will be made Water Heaters" only where such electric hot water. for a limited period of time—the expiry date to be announced later. "Booster" r may be required in addition to the "Flat Rate Water Heater"installation In llomes:vvhere a Booster .heats q will bill pay e made and the consumer willa nominal monthly charge which may give him exclusive ownership_ of the heater at the end of a five -yeas period. Why this offer S. made to you The, Hydro Comrnission submits this offer to the people of Ontario for two reasons: To increase 'consumption: of electrical power. To set to work as many Ontario citizens as possible UNUSED' POWER. Owing to . the present long -continued depression, resulting in the slackening of industry through- out the province and the material falling off in the con- sumption of power by industrial copsumers, the Commission possesses power capacity which if not used will be lost. In order to absorb this power the Commission isrepared to install electric water heaters in all Hydro homes f or o f cost, believing that mutual benefits will' be conferred on (a • the user through free equipment and a water heating service superior in availabil►ry, convenience and comfort to any other method of water heating; (b) the Commission through revenue obtained by the sale o power. EMPLOYMENT. The plan of the Commission to install free electric water heaters in all Ontario Hydro homes will directly. stimulate employment, inadditionto benefits to be . derived from economy, convenience and increased comfort in the home. faders have already been placed with factorries located in various parts of the Province which have created employment for skilled and unskilled labour and resulted in the purchase ofraw materials;, and the disbursement of wages. There.is scarcelya home in Ontario .which will not be affected beneficially by this plan of free icistallation of electric water heaters. .Task will take time Despite the fact that this plan has been g• iven many months of study and d police ailon he by he engineering n equipmentcalledstaff of the Commission it will take time for the factories of t plled and even ne* industries Raw materials must be bought—special tools devised—dies urasrandards •and specifications.specifications.established, before we can be assured of a steady supply of heaters built to We have already secured the utmost co-operation low level �cat the same timrtical and eed fair fair trades +vages tci the ose who Costs of equipment have been worked to a nproviding have found .employment and a fair return to all those engaged in production. The Hydro Commission has set itself a task of impetus magnitude. the .pia There The a free hundreds installation t us nds of electric Hydro homes. Industry and employment are given water heatets eventually pays for hi h in aps not tobl gaff d you or The one ent.cost Every home --every nothing. eevery r sideilt the ou lasting benefits, the first cost of whole province will be benefited, stimulated and enriched, our interest From time to time the Commission 1h progress. swanticipate and co-operatiol in a plbywhch*tProfit. Ws.ch frthenetannouncee ent bythis Ctnmission. Your Own Hydro officials will gladly furnish further information. HOIST. J. IL COoIS.E, M.L.A., CFi�rirrr�au. C. MIRED MAGUIRE, Comtnitsi©nsr. RT. HOLE. AItTHUk 1Lil iGIII'iN,P.C., I ..+C;., Como.Ltio,1er. W. W. POPE, Secretary,