HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-04-13, Page 4Dunannon
Rowed 1'riaralle, Kittiterxr, was a se -
cent visit
wit Iles rrratiier, Mrs. Ji"a u
Me and Ma. G. M McKenzie, ataYcolnt
and Audrey Jcat ne, were seeezat eesitera
in Clinton.
&heel closes en Tineeday of Ude Werk
for the teeter itoiteleye, anis will re -evicts
on Monday, April 27th
Tim faster thank-olferine meeting Of
the W. M. el. et Ersiiis a Presbyterian
Churett,Is being field la the drusen on
Tlntreday evrutng of this week.
Mrs. Zllmbetli Glenn, who spent the
winter ,trtonths in Lueknow, .has returned,
to Duuga14atwn anal to now et the home of
Nene Annie Durum, daughter of Mr.
Jobe Dunne, couresslon 9, West Wawa -
nosh, Was A taken to U »
dqn hospital on
Mend,/0r for an operation for appendleitis.
Mrs. Mess Mains is a patient at Alex-
andra Acarine and -General i?ospital,
where the was ensiled for an operation
for appendicitis. Latest reports of her
conditionwere favorable.
The Dungannon branch of the Jhmfor
Institute is bolding its 'regular meeting
at the Thome of one of its members, Miss
linnlag Reed, on Thursday afternoon of.
this week.
The rntiny friends of Mester Douglns.
t a
Gas 5e galian.-_Alenniting 75te
Tires 'repaired and changed, any part of town 50c
1 Elliott will be pleased to know that he U
now centa: ent at ht* l'olue in Asti -
SWIM, tote's -int an aperatien for apppene
Merle in c(adcriels lear`pital a fortnight
Niro. Elton Gluff has returned to firs
hence in Insugannon following a very.
pleasant winter spent with her daughter,
Mra..A. M. 8traaugltan, Renmiller, Mrs.
James Niellml°an, Auburn, and Airs. 7Bei
Leekleart, I#leth.
.en's Leathere•d
Church Notes
Mr. Walteir 'Men. who, with Mrs. Tiger
at returned two. weeks ago from pant,
Miele, has pyrchased the Yarm on the
Lake Read cue' mile milli of Port filbert,
formerly owned by Jack Menke, of Gelle-
r and nil is n
, preparing i0 move to It and
commence fanning,
The /Aister meeting of the W;•lif,-
Dungannon +united church was held Fri-
day with a good attendance. The Kest,
dent. Miss Cella Pentland, presided, and
epered the meeting 4337 reading the Easter
et/ury.. -•.A thank -offering reading was
given by Miss Claire Pentland and one by
airs. James Plnnigan. The responsive
program which was followed WAS inter-
epersed with hymns appropriate for East-
er. The pastor, Rev. D. A. MacMillan.
Your Easter outfit will not be right without
a spic-and-span, shiny automobile, our price
Special for
who has boearzi re;,etitly+ appointed local
manager for the Mongrels Life Assurance
for Godert..b, end district.
followed with prayer;. Miss Margaret
Pentfand sang very eRfeetively as a Seto,;
",Atone," #1e'a. Il. A. MaeMillan.gare alt
address, 'the regular bnsinese *nisiohs
wits followed by tea, a large number being
present, •
In 'Erskine Presbyterian" 'church the
service Sunday afternoon woe conducted
by Rev. Mr. t7olquhoun, in the Absence
of the pastor, Rev. G1. H, McDonald, who
*eeunted the pulpit of Knox Presbyterian
church, Stratford. Mr. Coiquhoun based
his eertnon on the. words, "There they
crucified Rim," newtLuke 23133.
During the service Miss Beth Park sang
as a We, "'Scatter Seed;l of Kindness,"
Samuel Sherwood Boded
Zn the death of Samuel Sherwood the
township of llehheld and Haekett's. Unit.
ed church in particular, mourns a good.
citizen and devoted member. Dorn 1'
Years ago Ye go
on oonces&ion Cosi, he had been
a lifelong and respected citizen; For tel'
Years Ihe: had been a member of the board
of ereekett's church and, lleginning at the
age of .twenty-two, he was a class leader
continuously for forty-five years. Forty.
eight years ago he was married to iris now
bereft partner ire lite, who was .formerly
Mies Twamtey, Besides itis widow he is.
survived be. three sons and: three daugh-
tete, Mrs. Leslie • Ritchie, Ashfield; Mrs.
James Barber, Ooderleh; Mrs. Andrew
Gaunt, West Wawanesh;; James Sher-
wood, AsbSeldt Charles Sherwood, De.
troit, and Earl, at home, Tevo sons and
One daughter. predeceased him, Ernest
and Wesley Sherwood, of SaskatcheWars,
and Mrs- Elliott iMtiller, of Lueknow. The
funeral. which was held Snnday tram
Iiackett'a church Waweery largely attend-
ed and was conducted by Rev, Camp-
bell 1avener; pastor of the Ashfield
ether Variety in Our Coats is Something •
Crow Mout
Leading styles interpreted in attractive materials: at a price
that .makes it possible for almost anyone to have a new
Coat for Easter,
The capes the wide shoulders . the
flat or tluffy''furs ` . . the puffed sleeves. Sixes
for women and misses.
Becoming fiats
There's everything new about
these Easter Hats --the Dashing
Sailor . the turnedhup-at-
the»back hat : . the little
turban; trimmings of flowers,
little nose'. veils and wide ribbon
bands; a special Easter selling.
$179, $2.50. and $3 50 .
Gloves for Easter , Hand in Band with fashion
Fabric Gloves 75c, OM pr.. •
Silk Gloves, with the new dull finish, 85c and $11.00 pr,
French Gloves in exquisite kid, $I.95 pr. up.
Real Silk Dull Chiffon H osiery, every pair indivi dually
`wrapped .smart and sheer as smartness requires, an
shade of grey and beige
Smart Coats for the young Miss Flecked
Tweeds and Crepes, made in the latest styles and
ready for Easter. Sites 4 to i.
' • i •
79c pair per pair.
"Jumpers" with •thatching blouses for Juniors. Made of
line wool crepe in navy, red and:green with little blouses
of print, in sizes 8 to 14. Easter Special
MEN'S `wouT `*user Suits $ 1
Fine fabrics of Englislh Worsteds in blues and'bro�t'
SPRING Men's Topcoats of Rarrymore cloth in
TOPCOATS greys, fawns and browns; Guard models,
raglan sleeves and well finished.
mills" suns Navy llltto worsted With !Inc
sills 2 pair trousers, sizes45
14`1113i. to 84. Easter Special... e
atilaa i soon== """'•c{f A1ntlf
iransien!; AVM efolis - : -
Wear Cornfield's Wear and Save Money
Phone r:
in black ter brown, an ideal'
coat for the rainy day*. Sizes
36 to 46. Priced for quick
clots -Ice while they last
Men's Fine Quality
At gre+Rtli it •et;i Ai a„ ati -
all the n+ew styles an at
ai pat,
ternai. Priced for quick clear--
$6.95 and $7.7S
Size. 34 to 44
Tip Top Tailors
New Low Price $19.50
PROM 384
the meeting *net eteere win be a eselal
flaif hour at the closn
Arthur thW.MIlnee�t be of lne1ture
remit of K� *sox Presbyterian an ehurch� CC
Mnday. Atoll 17th, at isd pm. This Is.
the .ahunrai thank ening meet/hi atsd
Dr. Wardlaw Taylor Wm be the speaker.
There will stiso +ba speolal ruusie by the
ladles' quartet.
The W. M. S. of Nettie *Wet tinned
hars:/ will hold its Easter thanitoffering'
service on WedneadaY evening, April Bila,
at 1 ucleele In 'the lecture room of the
church. Lenten; slide* illustrating var-;
taus forms or misters work will be shown.
The meeting is open to the public.
will held nothArmy;
ciittadel w keep! keeping h
the season;'' flood Fridays morning at 1t
,elocic, '"Messages froth Caivarp;" Sun-
day, 11 a.m., defines* meeting; 2 p.m„
$undaY School, "Saud Tray lesson;" at
`I pm. Easter song service entitled. "Prom
Cross to Throne,"
8peeiai prayers of thanksgiving were
Offered up. its St. George's church on
Sunday last for the recovery of the Bl h-
off tit thelloeeseeelelg2iteetev"-C Bea
ger, It is eittiected that Bishop .8eagee
will 'visit the ,parish of St. George's en
Wednesday, . June 28th, for the purpose
of administering the rite of eonfi motion.
4n Tuesday, April 25th, the fifteenth
anniversary of the Junior Auxiliary and
Church; Boys' League of St. George's
vhumb will be observed by a rally to
wbielx members or the congregation are
invited.' Fifteen years ago the now Ven-
erable Archdeacon A. L. G. Clarke, .ree-
tor of Orme church, Bradford, organized
the Junior Auxiliary with bout boys and
girls as members and two years ago the
Church Boys' .League was :formed - as a
separate organization for the boys. •
North fat. ohurpht - Steed k"rlday morn--
g at X0,80B4,. preparatory service; Rev. la.
McMillan, , wUl be the preacher:_
Easter Sunday, IQ atm., -Men's CIO; 1
T Emmerson• will speak an '"The walk
circuit. Interment was In Oree
yelnetery,. Luoknow, The piallebearers
Ware, Roy Alton, • A. T. Cameron, Cyril
Campbell, George Lane, B. G. Zinn and
Elmer Alton, He 'was ill for about a
.M Dungannon United churclt the W.
M. S. held its Easter thank -offering
vice. The junior sermon by the past0
Was the story of the first Pahn Sum.
and the' triumphal entry of Christ
Jerusalem. Miss - May. Robertson, of
Ctaderieh, was the guest speaker for the
.thank -offering service, and chose as her
subject, "What is Jesus Like? in a
simple but graphic manner she answered
icer own question by . telling the life of
Jests from Kis journey to Jerusalem at
the age of twelve years, until the erihci-
Oxtore in this story, she'polnted specially
to. the incidents that built a Character of
-strength, with silence, humllity, patience
and courage. His early life amid humble
surroundings gave Him a knowledge of
everyday affairs,'and'the hopes, joys and ..
dear's that touch human life to that He
was loving, compassionate, and sympa-
thetic. In: Itis death Ile conquered, and
made death a.' friend to man. He. still
thirsts for the souls of those he died to
'win; in our own and other lands. Marcy
are eager to find Comfort and solids in
idler : i orrows, • We .knave the power: to
take the name of Jeeus to those who have
never heard the gospel story. The morn-,
ins anthem by pile -041r was, "The Voice
of .terns,'' bar Vasils.: o. awning Service
was, a service of song.. The pastor spoke
on the life and works'of Charles Wesley,
using .the words of the hymn composed
by him, ""J"eens Lover. of My Soup' ' The
choir and Congregation entered heartily
into the singing of many or the old favor-
ite bylines composed by Wesley. -
Whiff i to inmate'," (see Luke XXIVr13-32).
i1 a.m., We have seen thielord;" some
meat of the Lord's Supper and reception
of new members.. Rev. O. "1', Watts will
preach. 3. p.m., Sunday school; 7 p.m
special Easter musioul service in chai-
+ Mr. Raymond d', PIayer and the Noah
ser- St, choir, Pastor's subject,. {".lie - the r! Risen,"
The April Meeting of the W. M $,
Auxiliary of -Crewe trnited church met at
the, `home of ldrs. • Matt. Shackleton on -
Thursday afternoon, April 8th, at 2.30,
Miss •Susie' KUlsatt elk presiding. _ The
meeting - opened,bY singing a hymn, fol-
lowed' by the' 3 rd'e.,prayer"iepeated
'Witten, • .Misat Kilbatriek read the serip
tare lesson. 'me minutes or the last
meeting were read an dapproved. Mrs.
Shackleton and,bers. Sherwood gave read-
ings. Mrs, Watt.rendered a solo,' which
Was enjoyed bg all present: Watt
gave a chapter in the study book, followed,
by sentence prayers ,by Mrs. Menary
and Mrs. Shackleton. After thebenedfe-
tion was pronounced- a social ]half hour
was enjoyed by all present. Members
preen't ten, visitors two,
The date of the annual garden party, of
st. George's ' ehurell bas been sat for.
July 27th next, ,
The musical setting of the Communion
service to be teed in St. t#eorge'g dumb
on Easter day is the eompositiei sof Mr,
Ge H 1) *vies, organist sof the ehurch.
:. ervices at Victoria street United
ohurch Sunday noxi: 11 am., ""Tile Pleat
Fatter Sermon)" l pan.. "Easter Mem"
dries," . Sunday school at 8 p.m. Vee,S,
Monday evening at 1,45 p.m.
;ti. laymen's supper for the deanery of
ii Buren will be held in St Paul's church,
Wingham, on Monday* evening, April
24th, when Rev, Canon Omelet, general
reeretavy' of the M. S. C. 0.. will be -the
lServicee at the Baptist ehureft Sunday
neat, pastor, Rev. Vl V. Bunt; Bible
echool at I0' a,m.;: 11oapel service, at 'II -:
ft.01.,. subjeet, ell* Stone Roiled Away;"
gospel aerviee et 't• path., aubjoet, ,"The
Itesurreetloli and the Llfe." sp`Gial
taster messtiges in song and .sermon.. A
hearty Weloome.
The April meeting of Knox Presbyter -
Ian W. 24. S. *II be held in eonjuna tion
Witli the Arthur &!role on Mdnday even-
ing, April 117th, at 1.30 pair. instead of
of on 'IMtctdeye the regulate day -of Meet -
S. the Wal rdit le Tager Will adairess
To complete Your Baster test
theft one of the net. Channel
hewn •Seilora or a eloto fitttng
Torben or -Beret In any of the
itrraenn'a popular shades. Reblock. .
and remodelling carefully and
x�aYtit►bly done.
ftatla t Gehl Stripe Reee tet Alt
the W:e f Serie,
Pa nage-=,•,
t R. t S. licKINNON
ha" a°oese "home 15
ITreliFDAV. AMIL e3th, 1933
14Cty pI+A7il�NCx Iwln, Bill—'Love en the Beet" and Tem utile ist 'My
Pet tee Wain" -
MON. and 'TLS.
Beetiliee Mendes at 3.00 p•.m.
Til* fast s+.opp4;4r:tar of ";Monte Carlo" in another musical tom um r`„t
or life, Iove and laughter in - -
1±'mrrt lireast faanous novel by Mary J. Holmes. .A dramatic etery portrayed by
aa. $rent c
ERI. amid SAT.-.,..
Live with the most' exciting, most dramatic, people .you've ever met, See
what happsns. -
Coenir p-illarie Dressier as "Emana"
Matin ccs Mon,, Wed. acrd Sat. at 3.0e p.m.
The worst weeds have steeds similar in
size .and shape to the clover and grasses;
henee they are diUicult to distinguish or
remove even with special cleaning equip-
Quebec tobacco growers use formalin
as the -best sterilizer for tobacco beds, .
. L. 1
The Gulf Stream affects the weatller
In Europe more than the weather its the
United. States.
An r Attack of Kidney Trouble.
Bad, Could Hardly Stand.
Don't neglect a backache, but treat it before soma
serious kidney trouble sets an,
Mrs, M. Golightly ..Willowlea, Alta., writes:—
"When I was teaching school I had a badttaok of
kidney trouble, and my back ached so I could Hardly
stand. .
A friend advised me to use Doan`.*. K'idne Piffle,
which I did, and before a month had elapsed 1 fejt
like a different person."
For sale at all drug and general .stores, or mailed .
direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont
%44b. Package
$y. the. M.
1R 24b. Package
A &. 1' quALITr
18 Shoulders lb..1
Whole or Iiaif sbasikless*Wfole or Half - -
$1�riC ° or CENTRE pats lb. 25e
$i+verbright claw lb. 1 Ole
CORN Dene, , Canby M 3 No. 2 Tillt 27c
mimeo' smote, tontsESito*, crvoven ma
S"o Fancy Sockeye 'o, Tin .
. ,. 16-
• ovit OWN ENCORE '
MAYONNA1$E 6'"za ela+ 25te
2 No. 2 Tina 2 5c
br this week
ffer exceptional values that =mess any altering, ee
Eine tees et real prices.
Pekoe. w Ib. 5
ent year*,
Maui) and
India lb. 39
Fruits and Vegetables
BANANAS lupe, yaw M boSPINACH t
JC r*aetalty Curb' /aa aa1 , lbi'e4 +rte
CABBAGE sews, Green +a w rw lb.
rralht this emir lisiut lteettera tar ""Daily ter Mash and scratch )'e"
altar Oyeter dar11. All glees are right.