HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-04-13, Page 3�, 41-113 -1 7HURSDAY, APUM 13tb, 1033 &JUSEGODERICH STAR - --..-.- �_ - ... -1. _. PAOX TRM 1- - � __ ­ ����__ ____ ­­_ . � ; - I � � 4 �_.__ __ � �___ ."g;­;�­_ _-_.__1__ ­ - ...­ --11 _._______ - , ,---.- _� � ­­___ � . "" . I I �.. I ­­__ A"nnt6jft Show . , 11 .Aaft . " Ad& In &much I C*IVS o,f VALA � . . I Counix and District � Ca=e fix%fttiOn , Big success ''I � I . . 11 � . �' I (Dungannon __ I AO%k � . , C"aw $-�. _G_ 40 004 r4w I. _", � I . . . S U,MM,A R Y i�. HVW 11# Troat. I .. (bolity in Book Mrs** *nd Uve . (a � . - w -1 ... I-- ps tielaito 11,10%; -Mr. and Ma. R�bclt J. P11rullk Alle $toick Well Up to . I I vellcaljln,� * "I . , W, . I I I ... - 1.�� . . 11-1. -1111111 11.0o."O.... "I"I'v , ,U-Ttor. , " 4aughtcr, klarl%l have! rctumed fre Staadw4 I .. r 11 . .Mr. T. Wilus"O Ve.tralia. has purichits. serve the Wedues"y balt belidaY from 15,0111, eb "o it"miri; 7-`s: . I 11 ".. I I - 11 I f I. rb IZZ9 , "I'll "! . , 51w�mrgil, wliere thei uad lKen, 1Z at� . " I " 0 tL 'ce, at the meral ef mao Patwlo . cr, ,boUzari creamery. May I to W. 31st. T. Y. anilth Is the mdar . HannQ6, QW. "'. Who OwIna sl,xw held at CllatqA I,"% . . riew president, succeeding Jr. cul."C"14IT"j, 1% 'Whe"UNZ, ach!yd,o� ' 4 Laulw wriain. mor arandavaiguten Ane I Charlm Wesley New, 0 Wor=to , bvo- ,d,e,l.i X � , ,�tte stowxvb lining Is Irylt - tic,,* 1* 41c 14ay. Under the aUspteCa ef 1 -bo Cen- I . WIMAW vl^4e president, 11, V. Uard re ,I*ycd and food Sours. only. 4U:ualiter of 3gr. A4,1 Mrs. �Ohester ThUr- I ther Of JQ11U Kerr, of W1139114M, iRC4Te- OeCtW treasurer alla Xd. William SeIre- "using The 41ixagreo5ble sylaPtOMM Durnin. The little Q=d� who was nearly tro, Ilumn, AUxil,ultuxal "Ilety. 'proved . , I , -_f1f:--'ly In Torouta at the a,m of 158. tam which vverF atoj6acu sufferer Xnows , very ruwesAul, despite a wet day and the I - 0 .1 � .11 .1 'I . . I , t , I " well. Wk year eld I , - ' 11 1� . I . Artiftiol dig"tante ave pot weed- , and,,witz had suffered during bad couilition -of Mo toads, -whMA pre- . I * I . . I � Theyliave, a c-ribliago club. in Win?,114111i Tiw4. lllxy4p� was elected pre4l4eut ,of 'ed in suoh cases. and ma_y ,10, real tho wintir frm im aU�;Ack of whooping 'mutcd Eclueexhibitora 4r,d Many SIK"ta. � IS �, � ' I all alges4ho, 'Cough. p;ks'-ed. away Outing sleep, OwItig . tma a 12-tablq tournament Was held the Ex6terbrgMoh or th0,CAnadjan,I,cgj=, liarm, Try laying astile . I . I stas, and Instead get from any druizi- to �jjj Weakened ,cQndit.10�1 of her helixt. taxfi ik��4 Attending. Tile numiRr of ea- . . I � I t _Ta,54ay of Ia.-,t VcO14, Another to=%- at its rgcent annual meqtlug. A. X gist some rasuratea masnosla and W6"Vass 41m5st as lariie as In form"r . I I I 1. ment Is -announced for next Tuesday. Easton U, Ist, vice; S. W. 1$ims, 2nd v$cej I tako a teaspoonful in water right ,xho IDung4linou Junior Faraters*,0lub I . I . . U. W. Pfaff� sea.-treas. ,5. J. V. Conn, after eating. This sweetens Mo ja�jd its regular ,meetlug on Thursday. ytarul W11110 the qualloy of t4o exhibits 10 - - - I . . stomach, ravents the formation of . . A surprise party was tnderod Mr. and Sergeant At Arms and W. 0. Stono, S,yd- exeoasL act&, and there Is no. ,sourness. ,Owing to the nearly luipa.ogible condition waa 01W 141) to standard.., I . � -111111F . 11 11 Xrs. Conrad Decker, Luoli;noiv, ou Mon- exp. .34, or jalu. Blaurated lita6me,9fa of the road5 there was not co large an at- Tile &how opoixed, with a p3ra4a or sit, � ney McArthur and J. 0. Cculira 01 (in .ow or form-novor liquid or 1#1 - 11 q the home entrZes through the =in atrect. I &7.7 of last week, when wine twenty n It I texpensive, anil 0 Cutive. Dr, *. 6. Atkinson is honorary tendance. Uon­Ian was responded to by I . friends and uejgh!�ors. gathered to liQr(Q,r president. . I I Is a. 31 ulao braeVtnMo14eySS`f91rT acid stownch. I r�sch mQuiber,present telling 4 funny Joke. li�aded by the Clinton boys' band, while I I Ithis used by thousanan of wmnlo I" . 0,4or thirtieth Wed I w the judwhw tunk place In the P'st office � .ding anniversary. . . ep o. h After &0Me,bUs1ne,3 MsdUSsion, the guest I I . P d r!eyt� I Th0s. 0. Hurdle diedat Wingliam hQs- of In ., , r ,,!It meals vith no tea . r spealwr of theovening, Gordon Ttamb,,of square- . welcome Spring I I ,009 I prao a -ad The ltve-stulit Judging contest, open to I .%Us. Grace Kerniplt 1southcott, r4ep pital Thursday, March 30th, In his loth Goderleb, delivered. a -tic%l I � . , . ,N[M. Sheen and Mrs. iSoutlawtt, of Exe- year. Fr9m. 1890-1905 he farmed, in ­ .. worthwhile Address. ,It was Mr. Lambla Huron, County boys between the ages of ' . ter, passed away in Toronto recently At Manitoba, after ,,Which he returned to Mullen X, U, McLean, a, E first appeararim before a Dungannon 15 and 20. excited kcon ,00Mpetition, I . . I ­ , .. .,.­�,-Ii.;w 'the Age of ot years. She,was operated I . naconzie, Alfred Vattenon, LueUnow; R18111 Nott. - --- -Q. . I � Wtvigham, where 'he bad since resided. 4A his long "CA practical ex, TOMORROW surprise the famllY At - 11- -, -:- � upon. for i�angrine and a few days later i 0. Grela. T. S. Smith, J. & Stewart , aut4ence, or Clinton; rrank W.right, Kippen. and John . . I Surviving bim are two brothers. and three ;W A periea,.- 0A 3 farmer Made his addms3 of I breakfast 'With Kellogles Com Mikes �i�_____,_ ." I - : ,suffered a paralytic 4rol;04 , sisters. Mrs. J. MurcAe4on, Wlu�hsm. - Y. McLean. I Much Value. A cortUnittee 1of club mem. ,Patterson, Lucknow. proved the beat of . " . I- - . I Harvey Pollen, Exeter hookoy'Roat ten- Mn. A..Slmpson, Culross, and. Elimbeth DEATIt Or SNAVOUTH LAI)y i � S Appointed to Meet a " the 2a contestants. I .. and sliced, bananas.. Keltog@�* aM extra . its. .11, .1bem wa . nor � 1� , 11 . . . I and Frederick, on the 'homestead, and. The death occUrred bi London QXI Mon- c;Wunittee from tho,Junlor 'Institute to Dr. Lionel Stevenson, provincial �oo- _. ryou , . F OR y 1�� � . ,der, lias suftered the loss of his left eye; rations of the effects reir"llini; this HMO of year. Fo I � I John B., of Turnberr3r. . discuss some ti�plcsof Mutual Interest to,1991st- �a" denionst . I j . ., . LAKES 1�,.� I puok, Feb. lPtU . . 9". (", r I � I He was struck with the day, April 3, of Me. 0. V. Hanley, of the respective clubs. of internal and external parasites on live are tired *of beAvyt hot winter foods. ,mom" r ". �5 , I I � . And removal a the eye was recommend- WINGUAM To TREAT AM STREETS Senforth. Mrs. Haule)r -had been. In poor . . . I S. , I stock. judges In the various classes . I . I I ,� ed, the operation being performed'at. Tian- ' health for the past two yearsi The de -1 Chur0b, Notes . . I Serve for the eldldren?o supper too* . I ? - - . Wingliam Will USA +.WA�+�-+IM� f.�%. of I were: Heavy horses, J. At, Oardhouse, . . ,.4- .. . I . ; � . . don. I I ceased, ,who befi5re her marriage Was The W, M. S. of Erskine Ze i I � � . I I PresbY' rl= Westow. light horses, Dr. W. J. R. Fowler, . Made by Kellogg in London Ontario, � I i � I . calcium chlorlde'on the streets this year. Miss Mary Ma 11 I . �L�, : . rouret Wilson, was born In church hold its! regular meettlaCMurs- Guelph; beef cattle. 'W� A, 'Douglas,+ Cale- I I . . i � Win . . � . . I � . .Sham. has a retail merchants" asso- -charging the cost up to #is general rate. Stratford., being a daughter of Mr, Hugh day, Mrs. W. U. Gtothers. lending her donla, - � . � . I I �� I ciation. and at the annual meeting on An the streetis are tobe iWeated. - � Wilson, of that city, Eighteen years ago home $or the occasion, Tho:President, I I . I .n-7- � - �­. . I . . ! . . . . . I . . . Prizeidnaers I � . . . . i i ; � Uondaylast week It was decided to ob- , . I . , .1 I I I I . . . . DR. AND MRS. REWAO" 9ACjK , she was united in marriage to Mr. Goo. Mrs, Richard McWhinney, coutigoted the Prizewinners . were, L . . . k 1. I I . I 1. 0. -- � � :� . ­ I � � . . 1� . , I ,,, ". I � I . . . . . Dr. aud,Mrs. R. 0. Redmond, of *big- 3E4 Hanley And two years ,ago they 63me meeting. The to* -call -was responded to Heavy horses, Clydesdale. . Stallion, 3 , . I 0 I ... /. b . . I . . .. , � I . . . i . . , I . . . . Ildley4e /W � .. I - . . I ham, arrived -home -on Tuei day Ia4t week to Seaforth, Mr.+ Hanley being cQanectc-4 b� the name of a. missionary and the field . I � . . I � . I I . . DR. P. J. R. V ORSTER. . with the managership .of Avon 0hosts inwhtch he or she is vaqaged� An . Inter- years and over-ist and 2nd. Robert Mur- , * . . I . I . ,. .1 I I . 1. .i � . . .. — � from twd Months spent ia the West In., � L dook, '.0rucefield. Heavy draught 1jiond . I I . . . I . . � I 11 . i I . I I. EYE, PAR, N I QSV, THROAT dies, Most of -the time being .spent at Ltd. . . . .. � esting chapter Was rea d from the study mare, 3 years and over-4ames Scott, . . � I 1. .. I � � I . I ! ,T� . I . . . . . . � .. I . I �. . . Late House Surgeon New Vork I ,Qx#h . � . I . . book by Mr.. Davidsonj glyins some fa�ts I I . . I I � . . . . . . . . + . I I .� ; � Ri Jamaiea� They also visited Bermuda and Cromarty, William 'Urquhart, Mitchell, . . .. I I I . .. . . I .. . . thalmle and, Aural U08 fhe Bahamas. . . BOWLING TOURNAMENTS . I about, tile: Ukrollians, aud,tlle Worlt done . I I .� . . . . - . I . . �. � � ; . pital, assistant a . I . . I I . . . . � T. J. McMichael, Seaforth; Alex. Wright, . . . . . I . - . � . :. . � I . I ... I . . . - tourn . I . . . . . . . . I . I . I 1 I � , Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden I . I . Dates for bowling . aments .for the In. Canada to make them better .Canadian Brucefield.: Filly n� gelding, 3 years and ". .,..,.. + . . . - .. . . I ,Square. Throat Hospital, London, Eno. - FIRE TOURNAMENT AT TERSWATER summer ,have already �eexx set as follows! citizens. Arrangements , were completed . . I I : � . Tele, , . � over-Ist and 2nd, James Scott, Crom- � So recently were the Hinialayas raised . � . I . . I i I. . 63 Waterloo St. S., Stratford .1 - The Western 'Ontario Volunteer Fire Mitchell, June 28, rinks 1.30. July, 17 forthe, Ha5ter �tliankofferjng, 'Meeting I � . 13 YTH �_ 6U.1 . _� I'M 0. +Slm ." I � I : . .1 "I ZO 1, � . . I Uv; MUM= VXquilarl" NAMCIUM. X"Illy . I . 'Af. . t�., , '#A - . 1117jtl',�'Hotet Bedford, Ofo4e*h, from 7 De artment. are to bold their Annual do- rinks, 7.30; Aug, 2 1, rin6. 7,30, Strat- which. Is to be held. In the church April ' w ,, I P 'or gelding, 2, ,years and under 3a�Robert 4-ohn Mason and.mr. Noviss' are orect� have been on earth when the rAuftes w.ent . ��, / ' - motistration, In Toeswater this year; on ford, July,110, rinks, 1.30; Aug. 7, doubles, 13. The hostess.sorved dainty refresh- , Stuart MoEWOn, 011ja-� Ing A� 110 y. ,throual�,thelr last U . . o'clock on the.everilzig of the third Mon- I .1 . Webster, Clinton, . t, house, on t1w fornier's propert I pheaval and rise., , . . 49,7 . of each mont'a -until the � following Priday and Saturfar, June 30th -and July, LSO�; Aug, 25, mfg,,: 6,30; Seaforth, July ments at the close ot.the Meeting. I . ton, Villy or- gelding, I year and under 2 . Mr. Arid. Urs. Ed. Maundy, who. have _.�" 11 . . . . � . , � , .. vt� 'Will be 5. d ubles, 1.30; Auo, 16, rinks, 1.30 * . . , , ' spent some we&s.wlth relatives In X011- . . . . " day, Tuesday, ,At I p.m., . . 1. The arinual churclivarade, .0 at Urquhart, Mitchell; Robert I . NQ I � � I . .. I . I . . al&o,� Way 28 � 1j, ,THE MURMURING MAITLAND -W'.'Ua . wore,:W.Y., have to' turned home. - --- , -- -_ . �. ____ lield at TeeswAter , th. I . . , . . .: - %�_:,�,=;:=-_=;7.­,—, - , , . ,. _ � .. . . . ., _ " _, . . ..jpgpt,.l,,#n�s, 7.30,.d, St. Marys, July . � .. . - � I .. .. � . ­ __ - Wright; Seaforth. Hor�e'tolt or filly,'Un, . I I . . -;� �.Z,=:;, . — , ..., . .. � - � � . I . I . . I . . I I I . ,rinks ,11,30; Aug, 4. rinks 7,30; Sept. 4, , I. . I I Id I . d - .. ­ . I I 'der I year -Allister 93roadfoot, apatoith; Mr, and Mrs. *Clifford Scrlm".oitr, of . I . . . . � I . . .1 MNGMSAINO . WMEE TREES 33.00R)DS - I. d- . -L the bAs � . . . doubles, 110, New Hamburg, July 2 5, , Th Lk following poetic tribute to .the, Stuart MzEwen, ClIntan. Team in har_ Till,-onburg. spent a few days - witl , : � � I . `-A_1 ­­­ as -James Scott, , Cromarty, ,William tormer's pt r s, Lo an and Mrs. Scrim- I I _-__ I , I . . . Mr. Will VanstQne� & aOA cut .three rinks 1.30; Aug. 18, rinks, 7,30; Sep� -3., Maitland River Is from the pen of one ne, ZAm BUK� I I 11 . . . trees trit� short wood, for Wood Br�s. on - I t. eAt ,r I . � . . I . .doubles, 1.30, Xew Hamburg, July 26, who speni'the early yean of her child- Urquhart,- Uitalldn. ,11. geoUr. . .. . �� I � I L.� .. Will-Cloar Your Skit) Of , % , 'L '& 'c;'F"RET- - I 0 . IGOEPL . I — '... I . I I . 1. . � . . ,. SWeopstakes-IN I . . I � . the 9th Aeon.. of Tarnberry, that, piled Out' 7,30,-: Aug, 10, rinks, 7.30; Aug, 28, rinks,, hood near the Maitland river .but left u4m Uiquhart. � .1 . . . . . : As a. result, of. the C. X. It. laying off 13 POTS a. PIMPLES - r I I i I . . . Consulting and . MunlelpAl Engineering ,over 33 cords Of 18 -inch wood, One .7,30 L TaylSitall, June 23, . rinks, 7.30; many yearsago. 11 have still very happy Agricultural - horses*. Bro�g . mare, $ men on the sectlons .Mr. Richards, who r : . ' . � V - . -:)jaiinage-Larid surveying, . maple had' better than 16 cords of 18- July' 24,.rinks, 7.30�, 45ept� 4, rinks -7, memories of,those years Ili' My' nativQ years And. over�4ivait Mo8wen, Clinton, has been foreman here,for some thn . 0, I$ ' , V f I , � I I � . � . ... . X, . . Masonic A�zuiole Bldg, tionctle"i Out- Inuh first-class wood, This is an excep- , . I � . � I . province, Onta M unle M mcCro -- -i -. d . . I . . . . . . . I I . I � . I R �.� tional arno f wqo'd to get,fxonf three IMAT11 OF ROBERT ELOTE . I . .. . . ilo, and stilf retain' Y Wltllaiti� S. Broadfoot, .Kippen* W111jain, di, ,scd from his position. i. poroa . I I .L . � . . 1, � - rhorke 230 , . . Unt-6 of Londieboro sectiol-L Isla cliarge. ­, - � � ., ''. .— . . � I I . � . I . . . . I . childhood impression of the Maitland as P ppor, �S.eaforth', Alex. Wright, Bruce- I . ____ , 1. ­ q : . . � I. - , trees these days. : , � d � � . d e 1. - ­ ,.. ,. - * ��t . I .. . . I . � . , . . .� � . i . 'The &aih occurred an �Weane2day,. being a-�ery beautiful river," the allthor field Filly or gelding, 0 years slid over- Th�e April meeting of -the W. M. S..Of . I 11 - � - �. - . I I I � . . I ? . .. I I . I LEGAT. - I � I . . . .11, . . � . - . X . . I . . . I , ,QARDtS , ,� BROWNE-COWAX. Aprll.M, of an old And lilghlyesteemed ,%vrites� . . � � R. J. Scott, Cromarty; Fred Roney. Mit- Queen stieet�United church was'lield.4at . 1. . . � . . . .� . � , I ­-1--�­­­'r.-�, ,� � .� . I . . .. d ... � . . I d . . I . . d . ' . I resident of the dietriat in the person of I would. like to see ,the Alrattland W. the he . I 'm I I . � TTA SrS 4D. A"% ' ., , A quiet -wedding was solemnized Inzt. Robs t' El lq, TuoXersmitij,' following a At theelosingof'the day, I 1. dlicil; 9. J. Oien,'Clintan; Charles Ste . ma of -Mrs.* E. Bender last week "O'" . � �. � XK I I d r -.9 I art, Londesboro, .. Filly or geldlng� 2 years with Mrs. � Leslie presiding. the Ra0er : . '.. ; , . . . I . . Paul's church, 'Kitchener, on Tuesdaslo And . . message . was . a . Iven by.Mrs..R. Wightmi . I . . '. . . - acted Illness; The deceased was d stroll once more along its -banks"to And under 3.��Alex, .Wright, Brucefleld;. . . . . . I I I . Barristers znd Solicitors, , ­ , April 4th, whe,,ii Janot, E10%nor,: 4aughter . � d d ifte--so far a I . . . . . A Colo Was. sung by Mrs. X, U.. Sanderson 1. .- 11 A .. . I . . I = L:0-- I F R. C; Hays,. 4.C., and R., 0, Hays, B.A. Of the 13 Years Ago on the old homestead I WAY, - I William McEwen, Clintoril, .Robert Dois, . .:d . d I �i . % .. . .1 . . . � Hamilton street, Goderich. late Mr. and -Mr& Isaac Cowan, of in rucker-emith in which his father, the ThereW fragrance In the flowers and Seat A spedal addren wasgiven by,the peest- . 1. I d . � . . . plyth, Wal united. in Marriage w � orth., .Filly or ,geldlng,'l -year one, I * � . 11 �. 11 I � I ,.. Telephone 88 I. I � . 'th Harry late Rtbert Elgile, had settled - 79 years .peace within the lahe . . . . I .. under 2 -1st and 2nd,.D. Fotheringham dent, Mrs, .(Rev.) Buell, She urged more Anthragite . . . I I . .d I � ­­, 1. I Srowne,.second son of Mr. atd:Ws. . I . . . . d '' . I I . . . � . � . � ... � . . . . . 7 . I . Ago, In 1888.-hd was united in marriage. That winds- Its wAy through memory. to and Son, Bruceffeld, 3rd and 4th,, Eldon .prayer ort the part of the members, itiso � . . . , . i . d . . � I . DOUGLA8� A: 11AIRIC .. I . .Harry Browne, of Winglisim, -Rev-' 'Lung- to Miss Margaidt Blair, who survives to. , childhood time again. d _ . . O.'Brten I Clinton, Ho�se colt or -#11y,1 giving'the . aimand,purposeof the three 01tummous IL . I I -1 : I . I . . I .� . I ford officiating. They were Att I I , I I denominations entering -union. The .... . I ' COA%L � I ,� , . B .,� � I .1� endoll."by gether Wlthone son and three - daughtersi I see the spreading Ino,ples and b10ss*0M0 Under I yesr­�-0;'F6tjjeringham an,ji Son, Pocahontas I . . 1. . I 11 . . I .. a I I .40 . I arristei � and Solicitor -, , . -rdr:'and Ms. J. McGibbon, of Kitchener, Robert D., at li6me; Xti. Homer'llunt I the wood; �, � . are at present 200,000 W.M,S. Members � ) . � . ,% . � I . I * . . . I- . � . I . �. . 'OXte, Hamiltort St. , Phope 512,. , . . v, BrUcefleld, Stuart MoEwer� Clinton, 33. � . I . � . � . I . . I I .... I I . � . I p . I '. I I I . � � I I ins. . .He mood; - . �, � . I I . I . - . I : COKE : I . I I 11 . 1. UNIONL SERVICES IN EX TER , ,,, ,,. ecafortli; Mr, ,, I I munsi. of the Iong ago of obildhooWs falry FotheringbAm, -- � . . I t ; : I q. Fxed,Rathw4jI, prucell.14, . ,. . I I In Canada, yet that only means .two- I . I E . � Brucefleld. Team in liar- I . . .. 'Idd : �. I I I . . I I and'Mias M.Argaret'Vlgle, at be . I . . . . . ness-- ,,Cr9marty,, Frod..Roney� thirds of ,the woman population.'of can . . . I . . ­�, ... I . ' . . This week, holy week, fiai0h servlceq also leaves on I , Anti dear familiar voices I hear as from Mitr . R. J. Scott ada�. The response for help for.the West . . . . � I . � �:�. . ... ", .. . . FRANK PONN19LLY, B.. A. . .1 � 6 brother; William Elgle . I .hell,,- Charles Stewart, Loodesboro. We weigh . I 4 .� . . . . I I I _-d:� i . .. .1 . .. are.,beilig held -*� Exeter under the I . , . I .. . 1� . . _ in 1, ,No better coal anined. I . �� .. I I I I .. . Seaforth, arid one sister, Mrs. John blin- afar� .. . . . . I I . . 31 was 200 tons oiclot�!4g,15a.atir- . � . , - I . . I. . I Etc. - ,auspices of the Ministerial Association, .1 I I � . � ��; .SWeepstakes-A. WrIjht, Brueefield. our Coal on your. own scales, (The . , . I Barrister, Solicitor, � I ney, Stratford. � .. I I 'T46 $wcet' warble Of.the Tobin -and -tee 1 leads of jrult and v0so,44ble--beside.5,000 Market Scales), - I 1. I .. '4� . ...'. 11 . I . t4one 29% HAMILTON SM, Goderich, The units co-operating ate the. Salvation . I I � , . Light honesi Stlillien, stAndard-bred . I . . I.. . � . .1 � . . , . I � . I 1. I . . I I my childhood evening star. I . . .trottet-William Berry, Brucefi . eld. Car-; gifts whith were. sent to the.. children, . ` S ' and HEAVY IRAUD. I . . I . . ,s it, and NEVER TO GO AGAIN � ,Three: thousand miles from Maitland ijake horses in harness Mr& Hilborne, financial sectretaxy,. read . . . . . .1 I . . Army, CaVen Presbyterian, Junic � For H13LF - .1 . �­ � . .1 . � Main it. United churches wid. 11TIvitt I � . . . . . -let and �nd� A. PLU11IBI*G,: HEATING . . I . . I ­ . .. . . ".. I � � . The clock iii th . . stream and many worldly things B, . I . x letter from Mrs. Greer, Presbytorlal WARE, ' . .. . . I . 11 , I � ,. . . I q � Memorial - church., ThA.Vrlday evening .e tower on.the Cardno .. .� � , Weber, Kitchener.. Reuben Grigg, plin- and TlNSMiTHlNG_ ..: . . . . . .. . 1, . I Y 4 . ")AR]�-OW, * I " � - .. Block, which has been. larhoUs'as* a time- Enthral me -and holo', in&�And enchain 'ton, Roadster in �ba�iie lit And 2nd, finance secretary. A' letter ,,was read . I . I .. .. . I . . I . . I I . ,. .* I I. I . � � is- 'from res . Try us. . . . r �- service is.11i. the.n4ture ofa rally for � my, spiriVs . . I . I .. . I 1. . Barrister,' Solicitor, Notary' Pq6116, Etc. the churche all keeper. in Saaforth ,. and district, since wino�; , 1. . A. 8. Weber., Kiuhiner; Robert MoMich- I the P byterial president,, Wis. I .. i . , . . 'i I . I . I , .. . s of South Huron, I , But when ray dreams release them I Over acl, Seaforth. Best gentl � (Rev.) Lane, urging special prayer -per- . .. I 4 . Successor to J. L.. Xillortift. I . . : � : 1,877, ran ,down on� Sunday, night at 0.65 . . eMan's. outfit- . . Ail wdik and material fully apt- �� . ' . . ­ . . I I � . . . I ... P11WAP.,A7,.' QM,ce, .Whe 0quaro,.,,jQj0dqr1cb� 40"ORTH SPRINGSROW- - '. ­ . , P.m. and w0lnot be �rewbunj,. - Mf, ChrdA Mountains goi - ��, I � Ist and .2,nd, A. B, Weber,, Kitchener. i Iods. Herald reports for China were giv- . Ant6d. . I � 1. � . I . I I . I � I 1, 4 � . ,, . ... ­ . . . � , I I - . I -Seaforth Spring Show, the firsi.to The no. made .this decision following the last I -And find %the flowing Ataltland ,of fifty 1ady drlvers­w-Mrs, A,.B. n- i n , Carr; Japan, Mrs, W. Mills; I . I I . � I . . - . ,� . , . . . 11 . d .� . . � . I -� I I � . . . held in . council' in.e�tjne -when tho Annual p . ay. years L ago; , 041 Or. Sweepstaqcs­A�: B. Webster, Kit. 1 Trinfdad,:bk Mrs. Pollurd. At the ciose I I _, .%. 4 . . I . I the district t1* year, took ,place . I . . � fNT-YAS C* LEE . , 1 ". . jj]RXEST M, I=. . . . -with a ment of $40, which the.town. -Sar4h Ricliards Willard. - . . ��� . . on, Tuesday aftirricon. last wiek a has.'bean - � , - I . chener. I . I of the meeting a ten -cent tea was served %Aa — ' . * . I I . � I . - , � I I I .1 . � .1 I __ . , � . San Francisco, Calif. 'General purpose -horses: by the group In charge, vlti., Mrs, Bender, Pliones. Store 29 - . � 11 J . . I . I .exceptionally .good atte'ndAnce� =d: a Making towards the., upkeep of the clock" I . . � ; ,. . Filly or 6eld., . - . .". � - I . . I barrister atid Solicitor . I splendid showing 'of horses The exhlbit was qu I estioned by soute -councillors as an, I I . . ­ , Ing,. 0 years -and mr-E. Howili, st I Mrs. Toll, .m, Mrs, H. McElroy, Mrs. I liouse 112 . - . . . . . I I . . I , 4�6t , . ., Sun . Life -Bldg., Adelaide .and �Victorla. Was 'not quite as. larg.e as Ilast, yegr,i re- extravagance. . It ,was maintained that I ­ ,. I ­� — Oeor 2nd and 3rd, WlUiafn Decker, Huckatep and Mrs. Pollard. , . I . .. . . � . � I . . ge; � Store unit Coal Yard at the Harbor, I.- . W . � . Tolephofip� Elgin 6301 � cord, but the,quallty was excellent, � The the post office clock . I � . .. I 1, .. I ... : - t . Torunto 2. . . ..quite sufflolent. I . . I . I 11 I I . . . L 3 F . � I . . � was * I .Zurich. , Team In harnesss - William Chickens require a. fair o proportion of . I . . I . . . .. I . . �. I t1l I . I I . I - .1 I - . efitfles Were good In All classes, especially Mr. Cardnb points out that the 140 pot - Folks% Past , i40 . '� I Decker, Zurich; X, Howill, St. Ocorj;e.;' animal le d Ingrodient0in thgli food. � J11 - . . : . . . �A'� . I I I 1� . . . roadster and general purpose toahj 'in yearg;aes to Mr. A. Westetitt for windi . ..; I . . .. I Hilton Truita . I e � I.. - 1. . d . 1. I . ., I . � � . . I no . . I . I . I . I ! An, Zurich., I , .. . . � . I 1 . I . I .. � . �, , . . CHMORUACT � 10 . harness, there being seven entries in -the and looking After -the clock� and that the , � 0 . . 14, ,,,� ­ I 1. . . I I - I .. . . I I ­­ .I— �. � I � I S1. '.` - � Specials . . . I . 11 . - � � �. I I . . latter. . I clock,*rAther tharibeing in isset to hjft� - Should Read Thi. . P r . . .. .1 � .- .1 . � . . , � I . I I . . � I I , I . . ' ." I .1 .d : � .. . :: ])PjUOLESS PRACTITIONER. - , . . � * , � .. I. . . 1 SPOCT41 rize for best three heavy . '. . . . , Is An expense, as -he bus to keep the'to - � 11 . p . . . I .11 . . I . . . . . � � W, .. . I . � .. ­ � ' 11 ' .. — , . 984SLYASPHMATED. � I . I . I I . .. . . . ,'�.,,�� draught agricultural or general purl)oAe � " . .1 . . . � I � . er in repal I r, . . . . . .. . I . _?�o � horses, owned In Banish � Bothersome Bob j I ­ Y, CHrROPRACTOR . AND DRUOLESS John Quirk . . ­ . . . . r -d" ' I . - � . .. : . k * . . . 1 � I one townshipw-lst, Wil-' .. ? . and his sister Emma, Dia- � ... . . - . , . THERAPISTj GODERICH� ', gonal street, Wingliam *eje arly TANNER -J . . I ,. I . If you are troubled with a burning. pen- Townsh1p. - I . - . . I , , . . , , . �� _. . I . I I ne I � Mul Urquhart, PUllarton, ; .2nd, . . , I . 14 1 . I . I � . sAtion, functional bladder weakness,. fre- ja 8 Scott Hibbert Township; 3rd, W11. . � I . Equip . -I$. asphyxiated FrIday night, Mar, alst, by T40 marriage took place at the . .1 � . me I � � B Y' Cleansing the'� Blood . . � I . � ped with. electrowmagnetic bati home queit daily annoyance, gettliag-up-WO-1-s, ,Ia MeEwen, 8 . �. . I . �. . . ... . t I 0 c el t t tmerit nd c iro- gas from. the furnace. They -probably qf Mr. and Mrs.'Robort,johnston, Wing- dull pains in back, lower,abdomen and 01 M tuart McZven and E. J. . . . I I . I . . . I I � � . . . , , . I ... . .0 ,:o organic . dud nervous I . ownship, Speoial prize I I . . 'is are caused by impun le$ in . .. I I owe their lives to AWs A. Walters, Who . fiam, of their only daughter., Alba Isabel, down through en� Stanley T . I � . . I . . . . , . Bot t . ' . I . 4 . �' . diseases. La . In attendance. office noticed a, light burning In the house Fri- 'to Robert�Harvcy Tanner, yo' ' � groins --you should try the donated by Robert Murdock, Brucefield,l I � " I . � . . . � the blood and are simply ,An evi- . , - . Unger, son Amazing value of Dr. Southworth's "Unt- . � . . 11 . , . I rs 2 to 5, a 7 to 0 p.in, and by op- day . r . limited to entries foaled during. 1930,4931 � . . . � . I I .. � . denre that bad blood is - cirfalathig �- , Alrht . which was still going. Oatur- of Mr. and Jura, Thoz; Tanner, Of New- tAbs" at once and see what 6, wonderful I I I . t - pointmeAt. ,Closed Wednesdaj from, 12 day morning, Dr. Caldet .was rushed to ton, Oht., at twelve o'elock noon on diffe � rence they make; If -this grand 41d I And 1932, and ulr6d by Pavoilte Again- I . through the systern and.mong to - * � 1. . to 6 p.1n, ... I � . .. . . I . I the house and later Dr. C61boifie also was' Thursday, Marc ' .. t Alex. Wfigh�, Brutefield; William Me. - 0 1 . . the surface. 1: . � . I , .: ...t . A. N. ATKINSON, residence., and h 30. The bride, given in formula of.a. well.known. physician �r.4195 Ewen, ClInton;.D, F3theringliam, Bruce- I . r this . :. . �1 . bitlee, corner W.South ,ptreet and Bfl- called In and it was' not till the after. marriage by her father ' wore A gown of you the swift.aftd Eatisfy1fig �omfoft it field; 4th and 5th, Stuart Mo9w I . 5, � I . I The one way to get rid p I ' I * d � i . . . : tanniA Road.. Phone 341. . I noon that the victims began to rally. Hyacinth blue, grey hat and grey shoes has brought, to:. dozens of .others, 3 I rou ton, en, Clin- , . I . I painful blood disease is to give tho � � . I . � . .1 . . - . I 11 d. I i I . I I . . 1 I I t I and e . Special prize for two animals, blo'd a thorough cleansing by using � . I 0 . I L , I . . I , 1 I 11 - - — , t I 11 I r, ,�il,' .1 , , . , , , I f. I I I .. I . � wv I I I I I I I I I I - I . . I . . . . SICAVOILTU GOLF. CLUB . carried Briar Hill roses and lllic� surely ,will be thankful And very well draught or a�ti�ulturalj 2 years and un- I ers, 'whieh re� . I �, � . . � d . . . . . ­ � . I . ti � Burdock Blood Wit , - AUCTIONEER I I I XG ­ - - - 1. 11% Owing fo the owner of th t Rev. Ein6st. Hayes bfIlclated and Miss pleased, if it does not,�a sfk, the:TIfUg-: d,r-Stuart MoEWen_0"ton; D. Pother- 0 1 . I . I ­ . _; I . . e land In-: Cots Phair played the Wedding March, :gist thgt�supplied you with "Uratabs" . I moves the foul material an . 4 � . I creasing the rental to the Seatorth Golf. -During the signing of the regist . is I ingliam, Bruafield., , . . 10 -_ , � I . banishes the boils. I � thereb", I . � . rrHOMAS GUXI)RY & SON,, .. Club�a committee er, Elgin authorized to return par'nioney on the . . . . Cattle I I . . . . . . I Ilorbayj Hail6rd, $ask-, � 11. . I . . I JL. I I _ . I., � hasbeen appointed to Johnston, brother of -the bride, ,Played first box purchased, This gives You a full . * . I . �. I I I Mr. John I � 11 - If - ive efterat A'Uttionefts. look for another site. I I . I . . ''I . . . I . L I Stock and. 0 . � The cbramIttee 'has soleotions On the VlolirL 'Following the 10 . days' test of "tTratabs" % without. ,risk Shorthorns: Bull, 2 years .or. over- I . ad writes:--r-or over two yeam I was . Cloth Ave.o Goderich. ,, a number of Ajes in prospect. , The ,ceremony a dinner w I I P" I troubled with boils. I tried. 0 . ­, I � . S I %les Made everywhere arid -all efforts board of diroctors,,Wito in turn elect th ' as served to Imint- of cost Unless pleased with results..' � If Outtleber Bros Groditon. Bull, Under 2 a . kinda 01 Medicine without any � ­;� 0-bert " . I , I t� .1 . A � *' - Made to give you satisfftctloft� . officers, will consist this I ' . &I ftte relatives, Ulis Nettie Casemate you Would know the joys of peac6ful, ye. ,-P. X�Peck, Zurich; Qestrlch. � 0 . .1 � 1. I I result. A.friend told me to tAke . . I . .. 4 . VarmorEV SAW Notes discounted. �. I I Year of 4, 0.] serving. this -dainty repast. The bride restful Bleop and normal. healthy Bladder or Bros., Cred1ton; ,Rev Pepper Seaforth . . I A bal T.. . . I . � I ! I . . I 11 Phone 110, . I � . . I . . . and groom left for a short trip after action, start this test today. Any�ijgo . od Heifer, 2. years --Roy Pepper, I SeafOrthl, . I .. Burdock joloo IMM. V. I . I . I . . . I . . bottle and the boils Were All gotle." . :� . — . � - 1. . ­ . I ­ - . 1,which . theywill r,essideat Newton. druggist can supply you, ,,,'� Oe9tricher Bros., OrcdIton. Helfer, I year . . . I . . I �1 - , . I . � , � . I . . I . . � I I I . . . . 1. . � . I . . . NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC- I I . . 1, � I I Ist and 2nd, Oestricher Bros... CredIton-, — - -_­­_11_._�_­­____, ___-__1_-__ . . . . . . . I I � �. . - . . . I I I . . -1 .1 � _._� . . _.. . GORRIGH . 50-YVAR-OLD WAGON IN. USE I . I I I ;ird,. Robert M. Peck, Zurich., . . . . . . .. . I . — . I � . � . I I . . . . . . . r, . � . . 11 . 11 WM. AIL=.- 'T- - . ' . I . � . . In the - possession. and Active Use, of A. . - - - - - : AD Herefords: Bull, 2 'years or over- � I ­ 11 I . . ­ . 1 __1_6 ,,, ��, 1. .. ­ ­.­ --- � . A ­ . . * P . MONUMENTAL. WORKS and W. McKaaue, Bruce County se' � THE , - . . . . — � ed � Howard Wright, Cromarty; John McGre- . . gor, Rensall, .O'Neill Bros;, 1>011field. I I . . . I . . � . � , . . � � . I I I . . . . NOTAPW PUBLIC ' - . . . If, AMILTON ST. growers of near teeswater, is 6 wa I . ' Bull, under 2 years --O'Neill W&I.,-Den-t . A � USEFUL . . I . 11 I.. 7 go . %. . Belst, Material and .Latest bought by their grandfather ove 21y I General Conveyancing done , 11 . . . . � . Good Companies Represented, I , I .. � . Designs . ,Y�ars ago, .'III does not Joel[ as. though GODER ICIH .field; Howard Wright, Cromarty; John . . . . � - I . - � . . 1. ?hone 298. . .- Gaderich., , Ont. Expeft Workukinship It would hue to go on'the old -age pen- . .". I I . . McOregor, Hensall, Helfer, -42 year,.- . . I I . . P. r. , ­,�, - _.._::�__..:*_­_.�'-. .- I ­­ ­. - � __ I � All Work Guaranteed slon for some years yet." its ownerz O'Neill Bros., berifield. Heifer, 1 year-! LL . ' L , ­ I ­ � , ­ .. I . . . . . . I ites Reasoftsble I . � , INSURIANCE . I Pti Assert. Their grandfather used It for ton Ist and 2,nd, O!Neill Bros.; Howardi . : . . . I __.�­111_ ­ Tour business will:, bo-', I years on 6, 1 000 -acre, farm and then gave L . . .� . I W, 1i - - . . I � 7�� , ,,� . HEA % FOLKS � . I ERI. . . , I . .T 4 j . . . . .. WrIght, Oromarty. :R � I . '-MiX . INSUR, , P tee * d ' It to their �ather in 1992, ,Since then It L '. � . '. ;Sweglistake bull. Shorthorn,-Aberdeen.1 . . . U . jjcXMLOP MUTUAL SP8� .() . J. . . x ,r . . I . 1. i L PAPER""] ULE. .. I . . . N has been the only wagon on a loo.acro I Angus or Hereford-W,,bert M. Peck,Zur. i I . . . I � 4 " I � GOD =loll ­ OA14TAUIO I farm. It lilts figured in two runaway.- 114ey LUSED TO USE: ALL, jail. . I I . , I . . . . .1 I � I FARM AND ISOLAT M- TOVW 11PO- I P. 0. Box 81 . . I ,but .'till hag all the Original Spokes and 174OSe ASH 80*F-S AMC) Market cattle: Sen!Jr ')aby bcof-ft,)y! L I . � . . . I . . PMTY INSURED. I ll_.,.,.. .. , ,. ' ' L ' — tot same rear Axle. The front axle was N" WC NEED I . * .1 I I . "I , , . . I I I ! . . . . Pepper, Seafoftli: 0"Neill Bros., Dcnfield.' . - . I value of p.operty Insured Up to Jan- �__­_ "'.. . I . broken when a bundle of theives drop- I OU -r ()W�- Junior baby beef -O'Neill Bros,, Donfield; ! I ., . , . ; I I . .4 - _,______ I . I Absolutely * Free .. �­ L 7i"�` ua"y. 1910, $3,648,075AOr. L . PCII On It from the track in the barn by I I I Howard Wriglit, Cromarty:,John MeGre. i� . . . . I ... i . OFrICERS,__Geerge IV,rooartncy, Pr6l­ B ,os the breaking of a rope. It has ,only I . . I . gor, Hentiall; Roy Pepper, Set fotth. I , I . . I . . . . , � tien,t R, R. 3, Seaforth; Jai. Connoll$,. been painted orce since it was purchased, . I . " -, ___ I . , I I � �, f ,vice-Proaldent, Goderich-, �M . enton Aeld, � . cr* i -nost useful ardelei for holile or sellool, 15 inelie.,, I , I 1" Sec.-Traag., Seaforth. - . NOON , r : but hag been kept Inside V,hen not in u�e. - I Exelleut. for oupy children.-Whn..a; A i I 0 i . . . I * � OT0RS_jas..SjloUl&e0, Walton,* -_ - child Is suffering with croup It Ic . , ; � ' I I' . , tL. ' ' DIRE CAODERICH I'— " a goidl . , . ll'An 1. 19. WISE ­ . - . plan, to Use �Dr. Thaftias, Milecteld 011. in length with brass insert, one edge for paper cut- � � . , Win. Kii . on8tance; ROM. VertL5, liar- . � . . 'Jolt C . -TAP, LVADING- . - . . I �' lock; Pepper, trucefield; A. Broad- I'Very quietly, as a tired child IaM It reduces & infiammation and lonsens, I ting. I .foot, oWogth, Go*, TAInl%rdt, Atoad- I PUNP.RAL DIRECTORIS . asleep at the end Of the I r the phlegm r3tving , speedy relief to tile . . . I . hnuc-n. I ' close of a long life John ftee lay back little sufferer. It is equally reliable for Each sub ' � . . . � I AGEXTO-W, J. Vto, R. R. 3, Clinton; and HIMHALMERS an lit!) b6d yesterday morning and enter. tvre throatand chest, earach�, rheumatic serlber paying for The Goderich St,ar '.'I itill . . ins. watt, Myth; Ed. Hinclilty, sea. � . G'L Dr. . I I 'goorth; John Murray, 861forth. , Atiso ed 11b long, la'tt ileep,'! gald the Clinton . i pliffis, tut% bruL,,,4 and oprain year in advance, that is at lea,st to April lsit, 1034, . I Pollcyliolriers can pay their Astoss: AMDULAN(M. SVIMIC-n AT ALL Wows Record last week In recording the I . . I . Thomatv Vlectrl-" Oil Is regarded by for payments during April, will be presented with . ,Tito Rolml 139ifik, Clinton, or .1. H. nouns -14109T Olt DAY passing of J. 9. Wice: Mr. Wits, Who . many thoua-undo as an Indispentable of I *' 06derich ' anentS at Calvin CUtt'& Store - . � "" . 4 tile family medicine client. ' . 0 t Ill "' I L iltq � -ItA 'A ;F 1?tT? , L�IRUS " , , I . -, i I T I I I � I I R , i I . , # ii I. ` I It = I . , ' AMPAMAN . AT Ar'r not 1115_ ; DAY I � 0. 1) 12 Was In 1113 Coventy-ninth 37ear, bad been " . L one of these rules absolutely free. Arrears (if any) I I I L 1 tt. .0 A 2 " 0 .___6-_ I L -Spidla, Sa.061d. rnats. 91im 217. - 0,10 120 In tailing health for come few years but ' i, k =__=_:� - ____4�__ __ _­­!=.�� I 1�� � . ,. � -.1., ­­­ 1, �.�� �� 11 . ­ . � .1 L.. W15 MUch Al usual and had tot com- The colde3t place fli the world 15 pro- . inust be paid at the regular rate $2.00 and the year __ , VIRE INSU"M plulned of Stellug unwell. :kit. WLme wcw Wholl, tile Iteat rolks work %or �d,ou the bably on top of Hount Nilson In the Ant- I , . -.-__,���o,�^Ao ___ L ­ � ­­ a VAUVO Of 00tictich to*1151111), being a ,Mh Mon need 116t rtop long at your I arctic continent, 0 tl%e theory Lot Ono in advance at $1.50 to ('jualify for the rule. . . I I I I I 01 I Ime'er 35L,t, , L ... Have it AtttAdot t6 by the' r0u Of the, latO WilliAM W", 0110 Of tile 11OU50. 110 Will know that V611 11AV0 I . . ( I � IVEST WAWAN681I MUTUAt - Tut I WOY tOtlers In that township, After 1% the�;o haPPY 701ingstera lu.�ide by the _�___­­—­-, . I . I '1149maNOX t* . : J. It. Wiftheelor Marriage to Mft� Milinto 6tcep, &u a tew a0h boxe3 he Autb outaido. %w � .... I . � . �L � �. ".. 11 11 The Rule Or a 1933 'Calendar I . rstablithed 10118 1 1 0,04"Ich towlisliAl) native, 610V went to Heat pow Oro a frusal lot. They cee I- I , Itelta oface: Daristatkofit out. runer Director aud Tekerswith towathip, wlltre t'L*.v lived that You have sut ovory ounpae of heat ' ; I . ClUd f0itmed for many rear$, r(UrIng and baore the fine a�h 13 91ven. a. permit to � I 01,nt4 1toWitt, Rineardintj It6tsidelA ; almor I lilt've ,a JOHN irr-41NDER 1 FREE - ! . i p4lit. David -nn, Dungtituon, Vice-Plest- . tWVT9 UP U161, tal(lence Ili Clhitcn tamo 1453 the a4te. VOU will 011 i Miltiou to tue pret1litnt and Also As lance Sereict flittlen Sroara or co ago. Urn. WL,o aEcd litwets to opare,xlieja you . .� i I'll &at; 11 I I IV11TH PAYMENTS A YEAR INADVANCE q I 11 I Tk.e Vrgnldea�`, the 16116%ft lart Mrc-'- Godarich Ontario nis y0ar's ago.-,-- I -j-,-..._; � - OALL TXX I � .� I to.,C�-. VVM, %1voit-ou. Auburn: 'W. J. PLUMBING# IWATINO ! , . ncmMoon, Auburn. WhL VeQuill8n, 94*-** 1 1 1 . . L I jkl, C1 11110 ,- . Vlrnry VLe'tk ct=�va 01 cml�-;,oq cr $4=11�8 lit al. � I ,I A��rxt, 110!5001; TIM Gf=ll, It. M so. I dpip or niglit ­ I I 0L.I.ft'j, all I�SvtckL-, lllmiag 1=1 thaa co "he Goderich Star - ItzknoW, W. P. U019. AR. 2, tftkftt5'v.- jild6(l to AulokfCan Nwww &_=iatgen ad -1 � I SHEET METAL WORK "' . I - 1,, r,31kd1d. 03dtvIell; nntsl I . 1101 L'Proillptly att., � W"" ", I I I . a SSW. paticiO. fW b0h C=Xomt3 and wztvla-i 'Ph"t 121 P' 0" n6x 131 11 I 11, Luckasw. I ftmi" Itam In", 0#1"& Ia � , (Tcw Inty, M-14"11, Sul. I �_��-c�_p �.___,��_ _..11-,____.___ C!W =Lt,az, i _MWM..L kj0j___j'jh ... I L ___ ----.* - � .. fi**- - I I . 11 TX015, O-MTMA ve". L I I �; I 18. MUSTAROC 026"N Y i — I � . I . . �! I . , . ) � . , I . I I k � . I . � I I - , , 1�� � . .., - . � -1 ­­­­ I I I 1. �L�_ - L 11 L - ­­. d- . I 11 L - �w 1 4 - . __ ­"........fi�