HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-04-13, Page 2*= Ift
raumLi%)Ay, AV
., , gx, lstb� IM
I I . 1. I - - -_ --11— _ ...
� MUNIrri, iz vnumpy I w. 101 i N P00 pip. I 1. � . I � 11 �11.11 I _.-__1_1 - �L& 0 i - � I _____
.� ,;ZM3;WJ,t,�7,=VM�%J1,1,!' '01.17 town comen of roc -vu", $Cara scemsl I DoNot Think Their Equal I
oreat 04solia 42,00
44U or,rears ,Xr
. =14 "411411rouce 02 V. = dovetOALI a conmIttee vowplex,
' . , 114 praal-��4y an its bugwc�a he,.
=I hQUA be w4a closed doara�
0121'alk fal'W' 442feas'04'1 S"W"a"C'. Ue opra az*As 470.1
tivoo w4ep chauge of addr4s "I but a mero ob%dow of Wei;! former eplvcs, Can Be' Found For Children"
n 4 oxitj"]y of % L "I bayo BAR" 0
for pot jncw�dtvga Wing 'Almost WX TU14ETS umk. -1.#. a-tu-
wvo;. C�f,-'R,�C=- 0.lqn-wa r,
W IAVO gt.A(,h,Sf*u4WAP4,,1!3,-A f4terruPt %%o ,councillors &1t the CX* a 4tore �on the isqwv . Nowsom"M 010 7 q W— . I
tiw � "VeAti) **q Their �Qboorq. 914,
� M IVS4 it rowit before explrt! routino nature. houle 11 1:0 Y7 "Cull W W'; 144 19 Cd quite a crowa. -
. - V, I W Without c xtl Z*v a I 40 MIZ14 W Adoal Authentic Blood Tests Provc rhat
*40. White ,vubst'ripmus will na be tfivougZZIm prattt--aliy. motionless and h1ra RASY'S OWN TA%UTs an mom. ,
- Urfled In Strj:aro oVer a'4t eXt�,U(iCd per" 4pcc,hle�,�$, raislog and lowering .their to eath of My four children from tarl,, wu*4 by srateful Mothers for teeth- Dr. Williams' Pink Pill# Will Correct '*
. ' .
M4 yet U01PAS 'we are 441med to exn:el, - less 'O'" " 1"fiL foVCV, foo#. Colic, onstipatJon, . I
. we auumt the subscriber wishes, the .4er- 4r= automatically %%s 1400044 are Put by I value ST0;�tr,_01 NP"TUAS"Wlsyo disordered dittitioxx and elimplosaxim. )son )sauits; has -tile uQuor of buying Con'ditions U04orlying Lassituae. , ,. . . .
vim coutla*-W4, R0=ANGf:$ EU014 tho Myor. The proceedings posItIvely bighly is bee4wo they can be $I the Ar# Wicet In the, now 0. T, a. sta- � ' � I
u I as a F44- 1 . , �_
ar*r or cheqUe payable ,%t par in 00400! bore Ueevo CrWgle,'Who Invarflably roaib pst inNot, I have itcomounded- thim take aAd tborousbly veliable. And vootx; but used Ito4 a Jouragy to Tororl, TUVre is * 4oftite medlogi reason for patloat,s, ranged, from- suswr "urief.14" .
of =�Wo by registered letter, 140 'With perfect safity -to even the Y06""! .5, Tablit's art i4csousivio, v4y to tion. but he du Sot keep it ,
*41. . a 410"PAPM throushout and then MOV93 to 4040M of )"therS. For lebil4ro'S L fhW art absolutely SAFE for even, tho that springtime ,1*2-sired-out f"lfug.,, pae, oonditiola to those InaWtUM A a0 .1
. I I to. 11 � �
- I . . I 0100110, 11 40 not think thcirkQuall YOu"geKOT mQ4 *UcAtO cW, Sm -- * * ' Winter I vouditlons We thinned 404 IOUs anaemlA, I
a motion to adjourn. We 40 not know *
-4-a%=xr, APRIL 130k, 1033 . ciux be foual", $0 writes'Mrs, 0 �o"cictc, of 411*�* so each gs-ccat , devitalized )Four blood stroM. A blood The -results of t4ls No d tot cc
the reSson. for this. Perhaps it is the do. l4s Plice.kad4r, a fpwigagL . 11-9. Iroul! ears 44 etreo% left town this Week teA Would' propbW show oUt it JsWt the testimony of literally thOUIP914 cc '
� Qug'! "*0 od test. cc
_�oo . _WhIgh tbo4O..dq$ IS 101afat'd for L . I Hebron, N$. -Am . fA)r *tb I ,
, , I I . . 6� Worth L �
1 I)rOSS164, � 0 L . West, 0144 befol sWpl*d I�J* carrying the &MOUAt ol, Q*$oxx_.Wature,& MeP, women und,yQutlip-In 72 411foreut �,
� . I , MO$t 4overY41"it, Perhaps it Is betauso I Ok 'WW"S � . 4 00y. Of 0=9"noll, oft by., Mr. ftel) 9MM Vitalizell-required by. ther body t%. countries that I*. Williams, Pink PM,, I
L i- - ----------- ___ of � to", oaa two b'y 10, momanuo" of .
the WexaWria have talicvit thtmsolws Out I . sues. 'VoUr blood, Is deftlent In baerao. by, OXYgollizing 'the I?JcOd stream, tave .
� Star ,c5park ,at thetommittee meetings the njgbt, be� ! �, `1 t". ,.'t I 140bin, the VItaL olement, VWIPU carries Positively relieved'alia.exulo, rundown on-
. ; ..
. ! , .
L L .. I . fore. Te4ax, ,countil meetings in oodo� , i BABY'S OWN TABLETS :1 001"17" I I oxygen through she, systeAL �that is why ditions, undernourished nervous AYSteM4,
- q - ,----I U&MIlton UoWn4s and family, of YOUATe languid. llstlo4s, and ea4lr tot- boillituol *eftew and rheumatio suffer`�K
Tomorrow-0ood Frlday� . rich are simply a master, of uofox through . . Mako 4nd K"p ChUron W*11�A* Mothorp X0QW . Donlop. loft t1mb week VIM two cars.01 isued, , I Ings.
. I . I .
. I I I .
. ...01— dortain motlons. , � I . . ww"w"M . settlerr.- eVotts for N%ultoba. We regret This owlatti= tau be quiclay Made With theboemog)dbin coatent =4 red .
. . .
T'ast ,kek WA an eventful one In the There 14 no JaIv, of courte, compelling . . to see such good VItIzenis leaving this sec. Tight, Actual tests noently directed by ,corpuscles of the, b19C4 afteaM restored to
. - . I
. I
wo or, ,RIO Premier OX 01441141 a town councillor W talic IQ opo -4 council, L __ - _ I . � I I .- .. 000, but they ,Will prove worthytitizeus 6, Mut0ble ,PWeljA. definitely,, pjavett riorniSI,,Aifc41.0S4s gives way to, A feeling .. .
. . to toll why ho.oppose . s or supports r* r.er. I , 1 I% Aoft whekever -they, lo�sse, , that vr. witilaw Ph* PWS gro"xly 14- of renowe&strenob. Nervous IrrIt(LbIlItY � � I
. I L I 11., - Q AT I OreAse the haemogloblit glid, tbe red,cor, v4-alshes, Appp,iito Is S�aipeuefx and dig-
- tairi raotion, bearing bili L �:�:. * _-* *,
. On public policy, ,..'..,��. I I I . _whieU is estton is a 0 I .
. The Town coimcif is ,seriously 6riad- . I I � . .. I L ., . I . p�fsclej In -the blood Stream . ,timulated. New energy 4nd
. I L there arle certain rules Of Procedure which . . ,�,� .. I . I The mon11*rs ,of Worth street Xetho- your lffe stream --and thereby zevftalize now vitality are experienced 7 . .
. oring cutting jU grants to various do- L L LL . L(OKIN THE E V S_ - - - � . ,
. . I
L . L , , , .
a courial most follow, -and whichare tot 1 , . ;;;;; . �(" . L dIst thurgh, wo understand, are oirculat the Whole $.y*M. L I . . If yea tire -easily. lack ambftl= to do
Aervilw . orgazilzationa and thus gives bolus tollowed tpdo,y. Publlo'm . ; '0" I . � ,. I I . I I build , � . Your work, have poor color and whAps'
. lad. . I asters are - - "I '. I . . . -ing a now'ohurqh, the scheme ,of p,atlons4 Of, both lexerr-who-W. 1106140 experience heart palpitation and dizziness .
Proof tbtLt It has Its: 0,V to the SrQU , : . . � 1 IV a suh4cription list wish a view to, and completer recorda
,,, . . being discussed and business trAwaoted . , are Or' AIL' -were' -don't drag along day after day without ' d
. I . - . . I . . . . ...... . . I I ? . - gddiug 3 new front to she present ,build. 0 . .. ..
. � . I —, - � IWO 4 treatment of nr. Williame Pink doing anything about your 0 udition. r,e,4 .11
I . in committee before it ever see$ the light . I - I L. � � . . � ing having -APparl,ently bee4 thrown adds . o
IM0 question of the h1t;h tost of secon- Of anL ven,00uncll mee,ftg. Tue 'cart U . . I . .. . . I I . I . , PIU$ under the pbysiolan,a .suporylejon, fore. it -
.1 . L . . . 11AUAWAY Passenger traflic, I$ due frT ... - I . # . . . ;;% 1,1 3,;-� I . and'Actual blood teasswore, taken -by him. on ,% oeta any worse, start right Away .
. 44M ipaUcatioll Will A,ot '1201vft- The being put before the horse. Z)olegatfonp, another 41 P. whitibn Canada helped them .nforco,th6 . . I I I . treatment of Dr. V1111ams' PlaIr I
I I I . � I um The board Ot failwa � I . In: h1a ,words, "The, Improvement ,W.;%s, ,p
, . .
secretary Of the F,Xet0i '0=4 Of Z4110- tca, a e appearing in COMMItteOU, 60e%lng . opinMiMlopers I . $ . yo4trictl - Y I%W,by�iplaoingaujolub,%rgo4DUt,hL,PXP04 ":R.,0.Ua`y$LbaSPUrc' _ nothing short Of rematlto,ble." Every P2, as a standard prescription for rundown,
. L .r .qaSod the fte reSI 111s. They have a record of 41) yeara
r I I I . . L � ng the Issue Of of beer and spirit# to that coUntry, Now dential property on Wellington street tl=t 4howed sPlond14 increases in baemo-. slifternic 0 In p a es;
tion has. beellL WrItInSt U$soos` of So'con. gr4lat$ amd. favors from the public purse PaS400, L , � I . I � , ouditions peo lo of 11 as .
� . . that their are goLigoir. the ciry staxioar,41 built AM loxig� occupledby tile late 1), some .,Over 29 -per ,cent. . The real They will bring you the new. strength and
. dary schools 14, the touat� snggo�tino a �nd, Strangely ..... . I 14 * , * , the will see to It .themselves that Cana , 0. globia, . .
I . . rl;ougliF the committee is . I I 1. I y .,� [ $tmoban .. " L.. Xr.'.Fleld, of the 001m. ��nflfeoxice Of tile restorative efforts 0
Meeting Of such to discuss educational dealing with questlons. . . I ,f L Vigor YOU -crave. . I I
, . . . ,which have.never - One Of tho finest cl;afactefe in ,oana. than beer and spirtsa do. not got In it 0, 1 ' 109JAtO staff has P4rebased the bmutiful thts ' ,
I re, I it is r .50 `
matters, especially odsts, than Public litepaased Away with Frank high tariff can, keep them 40,4t. . - - ftrld-fAnloug remedy Is seen when ' L J)r, Williams' Pink PIlls are
1, been referrdd to It by Ootui�ll. LTIII$ 13 no* residence .oxi 14ghtholmo street, 'tated that theL$yMptOmS of tfiose� PaC*Ag, ,cents t� '
. . I . L . . . . I Oliver. Xxidepexide4tiLboxieSt, atra�fShtfor' I 't . L . 1; . . cently . I . . . L I .. __and your DruggIs has. them. � I i
� . . . . . not rIVIlt and' It Is not legal, When a .. , - 4. . owned and Occupied by the late: . . I I I
L L . , � i I
� I � andcoUxageol;4, his plibIle life ,waS L : ' . � L Ira Lewis, .. . L I
. I � ward , . I � . . I ; I � — n _W,� I 4 . I /'
� n the L 0 �Mo,l it J4"r ably , ,, I . I . . . � . I , .1 �
. . Just , OW 'JVJc woodpile 10 filling deputation watts on to I one 'Struggle after quother, on '0130 00, Many times Since It started, the, sino.. * L ;:s * . . , . i . I . . . L I . I .. �;
I 1. asks for a 411-.o Of 1he taxpayerie money caSion he denoUnte(k his opponents as Japanese war has beer&L Orov;ded otr the . . . With her to'the :03bIng grounds as soon busy season tor their, boats. �. .. . A3 I
t I .. I I I L .
the role of. a scarecrow for I%zy. tr0krisien . M to b . L Pet$0,114is-W*� larkbrift, the Xl,,,I.l as she is ready
I out -of -works, QQderlob. is being glVen ;t and tber ta -' I LOYM '; " Thitugs Wright soon as the we%th�r permits the millbon. . I - . I
I ,vpAyers have every right to thugs, thieves, blackmailers And popch- front pages, ,It wouldsee . eo dub- I and ent VVgl be JqUncbed oarlyLneXt 'foot raft that *ai wintered - at LTober- . . �
. blacksmith, has 4ecided to te, I _ I I .
toughi name by Mese follows , and the word know all about It, As At now is the'eam. clinigers; and when ordered to vAh4rxw louar,enterpriso tOL tonduct a Lwar atoll. street . - I I .
6&Lbo' . . L . . . he apologized It his Words 'Were too fi%t- be 'driven off .the 'front ptL that can MOV . e to 13ritish. Oolumiga. ife is one i - Week it suftient hands tau, be secured, luoray win be brought to tliis port ar,d � � . .
. . . . 0 by kidnap� � 1%Vestefu .
.L g.sed around o es, U0 its Mind and, then rall" terlog'. *XVen When' Aghting Political P!ug4 bey�o*, bank 1 Ure$, earth' - - " - - had 'At ,xiob been for fee, along the penin- I � .
L , . on pa� t ,shy olvarof Mittee mQk an the best mecharilt.% in Ontario, . , Tbe Singapore and Kolfage wiff L
. be ready Ae�t Weekand'r
I : this towj,%. it every Place startA Its 'Own road$ it thWu f0unell In th,- form Of friends he 4 40d, should sucteed1n, 4ny.part. of tho, 'aptain: Siisher_ L -sular a cargo of posts and.shingles would . I
. I . . gh L Id.110t Mince his words and cluglie0f tornadoes and Bernard $how. � - I .
I a report, . , . I . � yes� 'he always held th respect 'and ad 11 33� D. .bzd and John MeMno, d prophesy a have left Pixie Tree a week ago . .
. . w(K4L pile, hawevor,'Ws Just going to be . . . I .. L _ . I I ;" L ,- ' " DominlQu - ,,, ,� w D. , jorm, . I I � L .
. 10 A, ,� : . I . I f
. 1. ", � . .
too baC4 - . 1. . . . . . . I It. migb be Just as vj,oit,tor. I ,councillors miration of frienft....unit toes alike. .. . . I . . . I I .1 I . erly of the C. L staff, -was , wri over . , ' ' ". � ' ,. ., . , L I
I I t . I I. � ,.', L I WedhesOYIPIglit, and will pro 1 44, . _ LL 11 .. .
I I . . . L I I I I . I == I
� I . L . to,01 . * L ,.% I I . . . . . . . . t 11
L L . I uro I . . High taXtS Ore Ek good thing. They ; . . * . . . L I'll
, I I . L . I i
I I'll
erloh's civic wood, pile Is, receiving .. stick to them. leat tb0y get JntO, trouble, . The Russians Owe Britain Over a bit. V. .411 governments, federal, px9vinpla L recovered from his long I, 11 .. . .1 I . . �
I . I i . I . � . , eok. . up on. the rulesof 4 and . � . I : %tifty a0d ;$91tUld8y I" . in . I T0 In 8 * - 680101 . . L . I
I I . proce . here, %ul .
L I I � . I L I . I 'Atloil tq,thewoy we spend ro . By hoe, 1Y
I . call VAL .
. I I I . 16' ad . �.
0oc.1 . I I ' I . .1 Nis rve L I 1.
. . . L . . . I On 0 * .�rpt, et4n't j4t even a * . . . .. . 1, . 1. . . - . . I I . . I . L L.L..
I Wide Publicity, ,A former 00derichIte re- . . I . . . I I if Ounds sh 'a 111011110iPal, #act only' kept Incre .the . ! - * * . - . � : .
. .. . 1. , - . 11 asing . I . '. � I
L L 4141110 in 0411fornig read-albout,lb. la.the I . li I I 1-11 . .. "" ,apology from them, , . I . I . . or . 4k I
I I ".. I 11 I . . I I . Thd Summer Uotd-Th6 r,11111111610 hotel � .
d wrOte o: member I I.. � . z� 11 * . . 'shouldbe ln,o fairiy good position today. 4tia ' states L . 1, . idadhes a' I I Z Pei I , ,
. tax rate W 'Veet, the expenditure, we , . � � , :
. Toronto Globe an I I I . . . - wetaker Doyle . . 'No I 11 1Z y S , It '' L. .
. of WHA . I L and C . . . I . . . I . I I .1 I . . .
. T OTHER Instead of that'We continued. �Otrowlug that lant L I I I I
tho wellare, soai,d, tomm�xidl_qq .that L ' - I I L it may Or May'. not be an advantage to Po4exity had, a. light be busy MAking hnoroveoieuft . 1. . � I I . I . ., ..
L L I . I . L I oil the theory.that . .WW1Wi61, I . Mr.. . son CrawfoA 11an0ton'. ont" *Atdc, . - L . ,,,
boo oll its docisl'on. � The 'town clerk of -EDIT ; I t'40 politicians that: the things people and ,getting ready for an early opfting, L I 1. "My vervei were, in , .such bad �. , Mon. I (01111d %; . . . .,.;,.
.� -
: , "* impossible to'gft X $04 bi& J Lot I I ,
� . .ORSSAY : ate to Pay a port'Ol" of Our ImProvide"" ln' Outside be- JiM cleared some obs , 0 � _'I . I : y ,
I . . ,be L , 'T. �.
I Wingbam, called 4. on � the - telephone to L , . L talking (tbout, today are � not the things'stead, of 4,sum that It would have 'from the W.PoftdL sen.ft I 1rues"Orig I
, , I � . I
. &* how the J$Chfte V9$ ViOrking, Olat and . t ' 1 . �. I they. will be talking about a4ear.or two, enough of Ita owri tO look after ` awn, an4tortb a I I W&S " bQtbftW Vith headad" an ftq spao. L .
I . . . I . . - . � . . . I L I I hence. * �� .. ..., .. . I L'. . I I . . I 4thout of the bililding lie I= -plowe4 up� and . .1.1� � . I 'I jAQ.mj&Y "ersnt rsme4e�, but th I I I L
. 'ry ellooUragolnexit to fol' 'L � %D6XV W , . .. . � * ' *; L being s%ddiod'Vish �*UM L We had a r _ q CUL n6t� . . I
lle'Vao given eye * NAON,�00001'SL . . * L -V- , ; to ar . ight seeded 40VM 4 - sood-Azed. $,lot, for 4 croo - . L . I .... I
. *Xar L . . . I . . I . I . i I I . . . . , . .�$ume that because *0 bad VeWn Lto , I ftera to. xl"',mo muoh, wfief'. but after I had � takm � L
. . . low- aoderfow-s� 4plo. ..'%*s: Nvorking � � lutowet 131innet) . I q � . .expect tbAt Lposserify .would Inh 440t Pound. Inside paintifig:and clear., I 11 I Seatt, and -Xerv� Pali It caum, hl"k* I LL
. was . . . . � $01,0016 �L . L �� � * niare would be More bau4iU taught 'it � . . Ing . . I I . I I MC:ft , .. .. .. - :
. 0Uj JUS� fte", 'he L , j014, olit our , U0 Vill give plenty. Of work. until . � bell I ellsop thq'hW Mae in my OODMUOU."
. .1 . reonomloA in are necessary, We could only educate m6tor cars not.to d'sPoattibli to live boi,and. 6ur:mtans;;.- Opening day, ,w 11
I I . I . I 1. . I . T ,, Per L I I .' . . 41 I r 'bon, .the ca"taker 4ays, ; - . . � Voi We at aft dr" and gecWral stot". put up Wy, 11 .. ,4; .
I - .1 . . . I L - . � now 1710re, than ( haPs, Slid Make 4 0OL10 like g=-ShOts ,When back.- . I . ' . L . a . . . . .L .L . - ,
I I . 11 L easentials that -may firini .. . . � L 5 1 1. — #on ol� guests, I I , . .. .. I : . I :- - . - - . : I
, _m� 06.", Lwte4 -
. . . ,I I . . I L , or bofo,o, . e0orythtrig. will ,be re dy for. the recop. - � . � I � Iff Tho T.. M6
. theft are Aorft non. . r I I . . ZIM. ont. '
gre those f . I ! '' �' , r . . I - . . . . r . � L
_ Who Uri;e that.sllQ soWU be droped" 'But We MU $ . . r . L . . L 11
. tmb(
. I Thert a em 'r tha I . .* I . * r e� � � , � . . . . - --- I � I . I
. . I I * L I . . 4r - . ,,* � * . . - . . . . � . I I I � _--4 r L , � _t
I ,
. � L" - I �, . ;
11101111110�� - � , ,- , _. . , -, r - , I . � . I
. . ' r
. . . to the, wood, business seriously 04 education is not so much to, serve the In_ , . Our Weeki 'L I . LL I I . ...... . . .
I L L itoin . I . paa �%e Lot us not " 69 at balf-cock on this. I I . y esson - '104 TUM-diaY. April 7th. 1003� Without � . . 1, r . I I -i . � r I . 1. : .� . � ; I L
I Pile, up epough rmootth6 needs of diVidual S4 the nation In tbe t ' I � . . . i ! . I . I . r . . . . . . . I'll I . .
� ,luel. to IL�
, , L
, . tbt Wt1f,Afo ,S . oa�rd, next wlustx�� This have -regarded the ach6oU as oanadw§ thing. L Ay the denice"ttiC Process ofeleo- r . ." J'Sh . * 10= Or looremony, the -handsome new L '� . * Y. , " , ,.* r PLr * _, I 11.1 � :
, � I L e. I L,. I
I . jieg,Vy Coal r bill$ r to btott insurance and,we -should Dot woa,ken tIon,the Nazis are the government of Oer. :.. hngh - station ereeWOk'the QMxid Iftunk Uait� .. I Fo r Qualit .0 S � "I, ... ..
. r - a : V%te%. the. bo�,rd had the ,,,,, r A. IgnoMlit nation, it 18 of. mauT and we roeognigedassuch by Oreat' .� r vay 91t; r . ice and� rics L r . . . . . 11 .
. .. My .W. 4 Gordon) - , GOderldh 'Wag opiened.for PUbHc L . .. � I � I 11 . I I . . I .1 . , I .. .
pay and most of this money Vent t(A the ten rt to, IS X Wei&. Patton r' frhe day iWe , sat perseetti;- � .�* ..'*.� "NA , I., , . I, boln - it. is,she ftod tjoket oilrWe##d , 1. � . 1: . . I . . I.i I � , I r 1 . � i .
. a . *Ilritaf*4 It LIS alleged they . - - , . . . . . I r . , . I , . .
. .1 . ,, I I L � ... I r � i .,
I . .. . . I . I I 1. . , . . . . 1.
ic�nitettftt�s� 13y using Wood. the.,monoy loWer the standard ln$t ZeWS In - that 4countM - This the L . I "I room bn'Lthe *. T" 719'Itne"OUt- . I . � ;. I L. I I go to . LL . I 1�
. Of education, we sta 9 . � . L . I .. I L . r . . . � I ., . 11 r . . �,
I An d1a lusti tt � � . - r I . .,.
. 'Could be kept at ho and distributed undermining C a U tutions. lue .1litler govornmerit, denies, in Canada wonu 0aft mug" . I si�letho cities. There . . �L . I L- . I . .. . . . . . r . .. ��
. . were "Uy famit� � . I 9', , L .
. _ � Me . I . and the UnIted States we have people M not, say. "The_dog Irims like he was Jar facts, around tber StatIgn tft 'WeeL- 1111 - low, I . . . L I .. p � . I :" L
r gronrL our fo&nij�r& The we� Of VOW I derAttmont is to blaras for routh'of t1W . . . I r I . - , r . . . ., , 11 �
. L I
L hurt" ' 1%y * dog At it he Vel*. 'but therb VsLtbdo mbsinir, 'that of. a, �7; 1 ' I I 1,� L, �, r r I I L �
I . U14 be MUh the L . . .. C*I*ndttt*e anit the board Must ob'serve trying to Involve us in therdispute by cat� . � I oTho r= � ,� 1 . 11V: . _. I I . I L . : � , . � ...
- tins * Public meetings of. protest and or- hurt." , - . . . . . I
I . . . . .
. . I .. . � . L , r � . ,
. , I . . I I �
Stab VO . al*rt Pattl,001101Y tbo$r vulea; as laid down, We believe that . . r . I � � who for a quarter of, 4 century conduct� . . . . . I , r . ... .1 - �
, . I . 1. L 11 . . I : :: .. 1. . �
. I 4 those �W'ho are Unemployed can be Pre- All citizens are tn favor of reduction. in garlsinK boycotts, in violation or what Wor 00 nok say, "T, borrowed 4 -dollar off Od Its business, ?&.' Alwaander L 0traltoll, . � r, . .
I I ... . �� � r . . I I I
. .
. . .. r . r .b. g, but nonorr'WoUld want the hlgb� have Always understood to be comity of of -him.'* Say, "I borrowed a,doilax t1tom And who, obsent.through ftoas, Will be . : I � .. I %. . � rr .:,: "
I . vallirl QpOu. ta ,saw� and. split even their 100A4111 0. . . I I I . L rr .� . .. I
. I rr .1 .. L� in to liAtIOng.' There Is a regular Vay Of mak. him, � . . he&#W 01fasedat the culminationof ,, . . 1: . I I . : . .,
,owlt SXtoply. r , 1_ r. sts,xidard of bur schopig JoWere4 I . I I ! I �' . I . . I L ;
. . . . . , . .
. . I .. r . . . doing; ,.' 'r L I . 1. L . .. I Ins *Prosenta,tions to other g4j,ornments. Do not MY, 41.W6 one eWpt you and I PrOJecs that h6had eirriisatly,4eafr6d and �� �. . 11 . 11 �L . I L I . rrr .
.. . r �
I I I . � I .
. . I � r � . . 12 1 1 r I . I I I . rr � . I ��� .. . . : � . � I x�
. � I .1 r I 1 ,60x
. . I . oil I V, On L . . I . . I . . 1* --s . q . . L I - vorked for, for M00 Years, Thepieseftt . .. . . . I �r � r I . . L r . I . . 11� :: .. � 1. � 7T
. r 7 r . . . r . L . I . And that Is through the otlicial ch4unels. ,may go., Say, "go "out, except you and � . . r r. / . I . .. .
y4ts, there .."a . %it- * .6f youtift in NO WOWN TUANSIENTS T I Iwo way go.'� . Ofte, Staff consist$ Of John A. Burke, Act. . I : . I I . � : L
� r . 7 I
. .
i . the CoUlitry �,Vbo refuse L L r . , L.. I . 1).Uke ,of L ,,, r I , 'SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK. OF— . . . . ti
g about I (Seaforth: Expositor) � .. It waS tbe I L M not Say. "Oeorge Is the ssro.ngoa. of R. obef. ticket clerk, W, Ora- I . Lr I .
. r L. any of the r , I . . I .,� . I .. . . . ..11.
I tromilin . xxiblidge, *ho. L Men." Say, "Oeorge is stron- =901ulldll caft camplalt, i�Olght clorks, . . I . I 11 11 �4 � I r
. , r L Zvoryoxws knows wbSt 4 any Oth . . . . r , ' r . It ,
to 'Work for Aheir, board and lodgIrAo, . �r4nalo`Ot Outlaw one of the *Crimean ,battles ex. ger than or of, she =4.- and 01haries Thomas, baggage Master. � r . : t . . , �`..
. L . r
* * , * , a r
Intimate at "This pen valties - fto.11 " : ; -1 q5thrto AP41 22n,a I r
. I . chid PosteldhWalto U%s found this out. means. We have had a very close and : olaixafd: L "W4aod, th-ey-re, th-Ing on the Do not sw3r, . April r , 'r
L . qualotanvolalp. %dtb *his - new . . , � , . - m . . , rr . � LL
. - y Ono' In r fo,UX 10IMS ,of &OOf0tr 'which his .&Prunr uo 0U&rd;aJ" V"Mt be� m6autr IS r that even Say, "This 'Pew writes al : (or 'Very I , I :4 I .. I I . r I I . r ; r ' rrrrr
. I . . L� III$ redords-show that.out so the jy. O.'U'organ oompany IS not ixu� Wefl)p .� we I . . ... I . I I . .!�
.. vM- split wood. Ono bruiser 4em4nded qutcklly`� and has reached, tuch,'AUmbers. tn mune Irom ixiVcssfgp,#0A. I I Easter Proniotions-,Senlor' TV,- "rim I . . . . L r . I — I . � . . I r ?
r . . . . � . . . % . r 11 r , --..o- � �
. . , .
Me past, two or. t-bfee yearS. Some are It I ` � I DO not say,- 'AUS boys will help YOU." Obtainable Ito&,' P&% 650 ft order ,of . , , , .1 f,.r.
. , *
� J0 )MOW Who Was getting the 'Wood And *orft of help.aud sympathy, bfhomarel . . * T, P I Say, 4,We, boys.11 . . merlt)-33esslo Thomsoh, uaot rukatex, eL 1 , � L,
� . . I . . . , Palm.Tree or. Castilesoap, . . � i
. *404 he Vas refused the information, 40 not. Both classes 4M to be =0 with AN014ft 110Wt,ER r ', � -1 ' , I W�rds ofift rd$3P"AoUlkjd . Adelaide Nairn, Frank Doi�v and Zarry 10 C es 295 . � ,
. I . I . . . . , , r I k,
� tufted W back and walkeO Away. A tV0rYWhtr0.L , They are, on sVor,� road � and �. ,Q,_Wbofs . � I Rood' (e,041), V�Ule Emlortt, 01faclo uar� barS. . r ... . if'
. . . . .1 , Aimee Oemple uAcphersorif lue-.15 . . - . ..
t hIghWXV1.1 eveW householder bas catered )3* - Pxonognee� bir.nos' not b1z. tin'..01# rArfj'r!rye, ,V�sta VOarl Soap, 10; ..... *...34c, L
r taxic,of brto split a tow sticks aud wN A. -A. Woman In, I,o& Angeles who toll- I- , L.� . I . onee "t44pj, � I . I r I � . . ,.
. I
. . to Slid r$'d shAM, eVerg town ball in every ducts evangelfPstic L Service nes� . Xrowell.:,"o ucoonild, Ltoie Xorr,-Eve- De " ' r -Powders 7 fiaVorg, L, 6 : . _ - I . 1
the 'OhW% bAck Was, tUrnid theY, stole a ,$. 1 . I Us" Accent noun Und adjettive on IYU mawhinneY, George agrrtck, - olive Luxe Jelly . I . I'll
I toWA And Village has sheltertit tbon al. L r I Arcbit MoolifiVrAL L r . L . r . . I I., .. r I .1.
$00d4t SuPPLY of the Other folloVa'-wood .* LA et I first syllable, Verb, On last syllable pre- Aobbrtson, V, �UoStod- . . .9 : r 1,
L I I I � I .
L Moft 46%lerY night d4ring- tht, Past winter. femd, I L L ..' 4art. Allan Walter, *Aost Hosken, Nol- --. . I . I I .1 91t , I . . I
r and tried to �Pass It 'Off 0 their (*n, But theY aft all men, Why? Are there That ..boa .Mtlw, business 'is. what Preluo . � ......e.,wo ..* . . . . . . . . .,Ptpie: i - , �� - �
,tUre. L ftonounp
I , . r 'a Pro_mS_tur, fl UL 'GrahAni,r Eve n X*Mnald, ,
. Jr terror, r r a$ in V14 andp principal &*Cent on last 'SparkS, neo,trice tr I , FlakeS . . ,. - ' L
N"4108 to so they dilln't get away with no -women out of' Wofk* ulighle r % secure st4tted the reign ( ly Ell a I . . �.
r L . .
; .
I it. Thor"Vero Ahoim, t tily out ot emPlosmoat of mw kind, no, women hard r , I : syllable, . . Ptuon, Ifettie MoGAW, r . 43 . ;
. he w � - * * * , . . ... � . I ftoebe Zeacont, . l � 2 pkgs, fo . 2, �
. I . t"% all(I refut uPI Vadoubtodly theft Are. ,, Thousands . Mth. Leonard, �Morexice . . I L 3c j
I I �04 4 Meat ticket. upon thousands of tbom. a4w. do they It '8 a cuo of "to him that hatIL"r Arabic. Pronounce ar-a4lk, Ant a as Mit(iti, )tetffe ooftroo,, ,01%rle$ IV=. * I r . . I , r . �
. I .. .: ... . L. r.� � r In xt, second 4 as in &*� L . e. . " " �.. . . L � �
. I . � I � . . UV& or tX%t, or bow dD t.l*y tiothe tboln. Grot% *aft can get publicity mertly by UnAttessed, I ts ,A it, and bt" Deft Muse, Ora oateg, Llftf6 Cut. I Bullt Coffee, fresh ground from th
. . . . . � I L . . r accent Urst Sy�. �
. . . . � . I I mlves JA these ttmft of deprftgon?. ,U ely, trie, relL ,MIS Robin&OU, Wrem1unger Tb . , . . ' I . I JL . . 'L
I I wng to avoid it $A Sher Sweets 5 to. table, not a-ray-blk. . . . owas, .
With the d4vtAtof Spring t'110 mulilet' it pride, orare t mpret *aft do, Other L ttreenL $*ra 'WOU14 glVe $My_ I Sam 1440=11111014 wont Wootton, Met - : be I : I I I I
� . , r her r K to Work. Mat V,rbuouaiob dusi, ' I . all,,Per I .*.�--A -.-.*_,39c: J' IkA., t
MUM& 'kr0'9rA4UAlIY shutting down on St any kind of vork? Are they'rAore thing to- gala tho publicity V111011 04rbo - I PAW, 136114 SIMett, Staxiley A(AW0, Ids .. � .
,. rft*f ,on the aasumptloix 1b. at L IXel r (d$ of *4#ptgblft r tbAla nleU, IAQJ* ,tgafly, otis, Advantigtoug� Pronounce ad-van-ta-. 'TbOn�gs, Ifelea ShePbard, Anufe;_JAW,$dr4r Our Own Thrifty Teao per lb ... .... 091 . .
. 614U10% SeMArd SbXW could not escape jus. wit), prilielpX, AcCent - ?",
r L , 'On. third sYl� . I 1 00C. - . .4. 1 . i
publicity even Ir he Shaved loff his Vift- . . FrankOW, JUry Wylk, 014 " V;bftely, , 7 , . I
L Ammes, �?Idbe able t-3 find � %to they, more, gateful, tot small d� , , .
r 60asong ew fledt J kers and- ulned table. . . 11- � I Francis Dietrich, Station Fraser, oames � . , . - , . I 1 � 4. : . . r.
. ,travelled, under an Sss ,,,,,r Vlj,,,J, ,aeck. 31bs� for 11-4400
I OoMent. but jobs -ort.4till a VerY Scarce Mercits? HIM they more Ugtkbono and name. Vut I WIgging, Usiville Rh, 1 *-o1.44.4*4...**a .... 'A . .
. less 'w1awne, than Mea: more Saud them la� nothing of the Worits otton Xfospened I . I . I . I . J�
I Article hero 40d tu , or ftb*Wg Violet About Sh*W, If -Public AthIMMexit. ObstXV0 the l0e, Al.. r . I . . . . .. I
L. ewhero. Ali $11*16 oatt wbitt'ver it is, Mott! kre, al), Wo. . * I.( * . I I ,.
14 4* to be Mott tho list forthwithk =01 translents, notb la -the ,Country at Attention � � : Fancy Blue Itose Rice,I lbs, for L c ,L . J.'
. *W1 I$ the Penalty Otgreatricas r he IS MeMd, though Preferred prommoirtion $6 . '"e.'X4111ton_is thL& I . . ..... , ,
' L L Am thft 40cs bit materialig ilect "c� SAY %to, I I�gr$eat Ve.'$e1 ever " L I I , �
. r 4 r L __ ulit at ooderfoh,farid the moat".expsll� . r . L �
_�_ -o�� 'Observe, s1ve' Sherhat Vat -or JA eVorr foom'Ar
rleb, for OUW In 'faro r peats to be thAt it you'do not need pub. the " anct the tboe4 V,egetab,lo� I � 'Beau Monde Tinted ' �
, & glutton for PuntshMetl . t- Tht rule XP- Vith the I Went. $u8c0Ptlb1t. . Observe b I Toilet Tissue, 2 ! .
,vosem but sbult 'A � T
mtb been glNelk ka%lata!1400� %`bt'town; lot troalt An AoVleft"" 11,01ty You t" have Moto than YOU Want the second #0. C40teMpt, *hAetVe the IS OtOttleally light4d, :1 has the r*j6 of � r *9 �A, . . . .
r ,& $,en, IS not S.doph.le It for nothing, whereas if you� fealty Pt., cloth (114im), elothe (velb). �
.d tob L : - roll
Avo , 1 61 Mattlittler,V and all the Utest Inventions, sheet 33e " I 11
. WArtolt iw seVTt4 liotlee tlmt On *U4 MUth.e0hanion ftu$0�1)r ts'et, . . WAnt'it YOU JAVLS' t* PaIr for it, ' r ...... .......... I . I . r
r . iftef APIXII 15,411 thad Will W Z* - rtutf *Vtt, every time she h*'s, an egg r.. I I . . . synorlyz" . .. 11tr length Over ... ON Is 140 feet, her depth Swe-L or Sour Mi - ickle , *OL - : Ir k
I L r '. Pardon, forgivo, "ouse, sj-�qglt, absolVe. 10 1-12, breadth of beam, 24 feet, *hd I *eT r Xed P . s �L
� giVt!n IU that t5t'n' Garden 'Plot-$ bgV6 f5ht'4!g(ltIeS f'ofth tbe tgot' r' . W11M the UAItCd MOOS WAZ Under �ro coudoao� overlook. I . her net tonnage 207, her gro$s, being 410, � I I %
. il
. L 'or lowlect ,to� show,, . . . —1--l-o*1� . , Ito engines. Are exceedingly 0o%tdqI, and L � . 17c ,
. r I*en orm"e'l far, axint win ;* two 11 rooder hawt, got a lot i zgo� egoism toftcolt, ma-colletit, &elf. eh .. � ................ � ..... ... 2 _
. ,411d Jated,l ZOPPIled to, those 1w.ho, will I —,*� 0-mildexic'e. telf-eat"M, vaulty. her boilers, *111 MOO steam, enough to I . ' ' . . �
r work, aut nove the leis most vb�ttm bfivo Allure, 4tt-tut., ooax,� o0jole, deeoy, on. Of 12 or ,a Vat$ $11 ho1W. Her lictrist * I I I
"Z% tt tend bot, through the WtLt,er at a aptp .
. . X 4W, .*,� &uountr. _d Washinir Soda, per Pkt.:,...-*'.s.,....�4 - -�** 5C L.
bWo 4 L "Will ",bt " AV ptraon not ftotmh gaw At4se to'crow. . Gi4s T(� rown Pirst , . -*-*, 6
_eIV& r ,V . e mult, the m t de8l ged of RSt , tice, Invelgl�,.- lure, seduce. - . - 4 -_
L 0 _ _e1jef at�.t *�JX. T% os 4 Jbt s� . , J
I . I . "as A pasistent way Tione In Over A. Year ,opetiti, uklzig, loUdlits% PrMlectloa, "' all"W lbor to tarly 264 Pa."Mstra, Showfla ki Ammonia, 4 Ags .
. te, 010 QM.,,!M UWIM statos. I t4sLc . � � Most Of hot fittings -Were s-xppIIc4 in . I . 4_25C *
L I .. . . I . � . r of u4sus folis know iteaground, I St. John, X. D.-AIT1113 i8 the first Ziftonterr, Audatity" I Impudence, wit. dOdtfiCh. 01. 11arpor did &e jgumhlag�, I
A . 13Y 114S Intisttut bmy,, L . obsk's, L" the, ploo- *Ork-, Ifuthanaws gud . ft,age Marmalade, 40 -oz. jar..
,, -
SM -w The bnaY UttlL bets they buz� . time in over a year I've tried to tnte- boldhM. r r-AWtOWS 61111t t116 Up . . - . .....29c -
0s bA9 takcn uV ft4 p�xn of giv- l3t'dh bellow and. to" M(*, mhU, the trip dowu ileve to ft� lolin -Aho. beside-% MOWLIe. dummy, 13 . , per deck, with tab. . I . �
114; $001 tO LIMI 3110A 1337 VXAU� Of WOrk Tho wateh dog barks. tile ondera quack, orid Sgrgon gwvo me, the stmogth to, volt as� In aftitlon. I tag and Pilot house autt the. painting WAt - .
L t10 it,"r !;Sid Aftl . done by Oeo. W.,Ulaek, That the Snap Hand Cleaner, ttins...# ... A ...... "All c
ill Plate Ot bY dlfttt rellf-1, JW, As WOA A-04 doves and p1geout too, . . IV. U. jUreell, .&$It . I . �Afini_ . I
weta MOO -, toll thau live 0, lots; Andorottablowd . I ]Bantam, Corn, . 6 L
"tehed . 4�
. robit, X U. ,,I Avaq in WrL It-
. 4umsteA by'rat 'StAr ]�Lst uttk $or 0a"O. U0 1*4cock spread$ W tag an4 s,1u;xwb, lie' Alhing Seemed to te tlio "Uto w ,ward lurte timag and Z Is lstbo �v Oricl4tea. 1 2 flins..23c, i .
VISS WeA and tobins sing, 31th; � ever, 'Aa of 0 00 Devon Golden , , Lr
TIMI, atul Is diseantlowup firto racau fa m4tte" With Me-StomIkelt tfoUbIt"L "Ur$"' 1'e" ld$ fueroat,n 'Out VOMY) I " ,
And C%"n "rPents lmmv tuough I ulavy I
�c I
trMAItuts (m May Ist, To VXV6 11c' 3', V 110404ches, 0001hgtle PAbs And eon. bY 111350tifig on.^ word eielX I
I biss tofore thty sting. ,
stivation kept tile Muttering 'Continu. for this 1two. . 1 40y, wattI3 ITATbor noks�_Tbo, tug,s ' I JLV
MY P041W VOTIC 140done- for hitk of t1fids. 1314 =go. thb grtatest M"t,6*1C . losold left tot Brown Or Granulated Sugar, I 0 lbs, 75c .
eo 604% 9ILY on, SUWAY and the aft am)
and it tht� Umo time t��, ,d out dlrt,At 'That uAttuo ciuld dcvfte. L lealblayl'lgo$-t%ilrftg:of$nket"lt"aVdtreyL S*JlMA01t&1tr_vtelonJ!§ XXWATZ' to' ""Ut $orth from A 011 W01duesday .. .. ... The, tugs rve. Matchest 3 large boxes .... ................. 2k*
Will Of n e $0='O' "*agr*011o` emanates Itom" "10 lyn and Sea Xing tob, brought, tn 1,W ffe - ofivft I
. :0,11tt se"'M a mutakt. We ,so 'm it ft WO andliesttato _8.J.W. Is 90nel SOW80ft Pill$ fillo Wonderful dowers. , . :StUM _r A- ,
,*0 the doUit of anwmsary -* TIA,f3ro beT ftdrtftfse. - -* for koep%g the i�ystevo z*jmloted. XATwnT, the tomi"It Into Igo, birt pouruft of 1b on tMesdow. 11retty lmd at! � 4*...**,k, ..
0 rt -..,-v�__�__ __ -IL if 0.oz. jar .-net .*,,,.2& 1
Bet iotk said tht- grexter a�n5,Mt of ,Ura Thoy havo vid ate eatiretly of (onsti. "I h(4 strrtit htft� tot At)rll 7th. .. ,. ,, C,gpt, AVX It.
!ShMM aud Ltes 4�tvekp t,helt p,At2on.*% " , from t* liour Of toy . Win eam of Tomato Soup., 3 10w f �
ftm(Y rftWttd 0'r relief L't this uy m% *ttt,r With, 116tivlty."�tspore. . CrAwt ond fthleft rt"k culbertaft
GAVPJU%V8 DRUC* gTong, A,CCIAMATION; s, About Of *1VM11j. tn to%'A fronx T"1*rAW0J Assfastag ft �
ftfttag ft , a
ft*, Ia'd4Zf,d VVt=MM% to, ttftdon 'Att-bla out the tug IMWU *fut WMfet= 01% L '
*rshlince t3 this rom ct ,relief but W* I � . . _� tion'. "ter elprv!mon of Approv*l; 1judi .- . I L I fins or 2 11101-oL tins .......... ...... 25e . I
. APPlAuIft **,k haIWAY AWd betu votta by ` J,111___�
lukVt AIWAYS'ffit ftt rMf toik, bad twa ""Wo'" I I 'ReCIAMWIM." I I Favorite Coco%, 1,,1h, * I
dMIA.-;t *Avaletiv., cxer ftet,t raef. In, _ [R WA RS ' CAVAMADE, a INO"Won 'af per"s I 'Pp"' -,R,b tin .................... 29C
that It M*Lr1tx'1Rt4, a ftw,% sell rt!mt j i M31,0400ftit. 11Mb,,Mghtbtekhtst#r. I % 'I � Rulk'rLundry Starch or Durham
FW11A tfMkadt to the elty."-Prese I ) I ) I I I ) *-) 14 6
tO 4% tl,cAtft fxttM, wt gX3 kit *,,rre- I ,At. 11
. I by-WAX(A. T*havfour, *r,Wftt,ht1' Fr 1.
thing to sho"Iv f,V U10 tnft-I!te. cj-st,3u� btittlPS, 1,9ft dftegn,�r was Emsutarly f � Corn Starch, 2 tins 'or ...... ........ 19C
tm ftuawfns fh�, aticants"s 01 #e#t!" VUMI119.11�1=11ftcutay. I I I
OWN BRA 0 AMOADA14r. Agrettag, 14114011fou$ L KIDNEY , Diwom ivorweean , -ne *
"rk &,nt bs, cintels4gs IMMt Of! , Zr " , � I , 81 2 tins -.21c I
1*1K 4t Iftit t3 this extenti thot ,gt ust � "8trift utaftnt. Cth ftut 1rau4p.*1 i I
DATWI)I, � 11 P1 1-1 5 � I Wei'+ HSHOW0 Dates� ,
XftW!19,t%f the folin"'11 ftt 0_3_tget_t*�7�1) wgsi,41 . L o4�`�__4�*x� �__A - � I Iwo-- 4-o.o..*4620k
( UP - I I , I �
MA116 tftt "k *wild lm� ttwx!td, WIltnI I... —, - ... I f - " I --1. -0014 Wili "Ni P ,
9 —_ ,.� I—. 11- 1. � ,, � *$6*rA,-rtbm*bT*O��-�T-li,,�itm,$,^Yofl)r . . wN"wA"w^""* I N . _. -, _ """" .
I vroc, ___ L I �.___ . __ � r -----"-"--.--.-.-.-.N- =._2
�01161t� 0 oftsoms '06 lt*V6 ttt rA1.3 , r qJ. D. Xt1f*_"'Ai Ast-hifts Atlnftty is P1114 t � .
11 1� I e*ti�
__ -
I Ee$1
I 14 to I . I
- . 11n , i
I 11 I .
"� -
I go i'll" I
,[ I
1� I
'I, N I
11 I , 5
� I Jwli L I 11 �_�� , F, 't '? I jA%b JVU r
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*""� "" at taw s*yW%t'th,qS emhoi : K*ftftk*i "' 4" .
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