HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-30, Page 1M � �
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� Rubecrip", a * year In C&484% It'41 A CH Wth, 1933 W"'M 394FIM ftl?U*W
. __ _��, _______ -,---,-�-.11----.---.,-,..----,.,.-�� — .- I - - - - - _ - _�
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... - " — - ---
. * 4,11 0 V"% 00
4, Reduced ]Rate ' __ late nusiness Here
, , . . 11 � I 0 � . .. 1. 14
_ I .
I ., -,,� -_-..'.*� ____ I __ .- 1.
. I 1. 1-1. 111-- ___ __' I *
I � .
Gave Mortpge to
Def 6it Creditors?
DIA Moo Nimes' 13oak as Co-
'Defeud F
'rN'o7t ee� Court
00 for only, three 1cases are set down,
%or hearing at the uOrt-juryeount3r,civa
court ,je,k,ston which opens at the 4�ovtt
House next Tuesday, Judge Costello Pro-
sIding. Other Cates =ay yet,�e aedea�.
� ThOs. Elliott of Blyth in an action
a3aira$t the Cartudlan, Bank *I Comr
and William mcAlIiAtor. of Teeswater,
,oltkhrla that McAllister gave the bault ok
chattol mortgage uport, 4 his assets and
personal for the purpose otput-
twg, tlaolroor:ltolrt reach of Elliott. who
had .�ecured judgment against VeAllIater
in division ourt for $96.5L The-defori-
dant's reply -that. MvAltistor was not a
creditor of E190tVS When the c1lAttel
mottgage was given. I .
When Mrs.. Annie atretton, of Brussels
seized � the offects of E, 0. Plum, PO;i I
I I .4ver until the survey. ls,cQmP1*tQ4,1 , — I I . I � . . . � room ,proprietor. for rant, It la.Alleg4d
I I . The applipatim of.Gea� 94athlesont for .. : . HARSOU . NOTES � . , tlickt. the bailiff, I Datliel Derunitil, 'Who Is
I KI - .-S 7 �i hi�. elootrIc service for Ujissliopr On 'I . McDonald bas Ilia ell . ,sold . a pool table I
� farbormaster Bert joined in the defence
. I I "W. XeA,g4te street wo$ passed, .43 wer� It :;;as boat perco�luting. A chant - tol. has against which the Canadian Billiardl,
. , 7 "' nXIM-46r Ar -application$ torligUttri 'r' been cut W the ice -t of
. L ,g.. 0 t I Table Co., the plaintiff % had a liet
.. L '. . .1 � I be Weerl tile piers, and ,
I . . � viam . . . . 1 4 sm.97. Tbelotter.seektore.cover. The[
. . I supplies are behals .taken to the boatafIV .
. A ,communication, froin the Canadian tirig,out. . . .
. . . . � . I Dool table- Sold for less than 000. - I
, I
I . . .
. .�. . I .section of. the Waterworks Association re� _ � I 11 I - :;"��-'!:�_': �L '_,_,..�, - Otto HL Krugel, Grey 0ounty, asl;s that I
garding the convention at 'Ottawa, *i�d A e:$100 notes wlitch he gave his father-
. . ' v
I daking for ,a membership fee, was, read. . FOR SALE OR TO RENT
. . I I . . . In-law, John J. Mantle, -be cancelled or
Andplaced o' I � -------�-�_ . .
. 4 Ale, . I . .. — returned,to blin, for the reason that
. Iiioludcd In the accounts passed is an FOR SAIZ.v-Good seed pats, Golden are paid. DefevdanVs wife, L)Wa, Arla
� . . Item for $23 �58, WorkmeWs, Oomp. sam Drop '40 weed aeeds. Also a num- e0n, L, . X Mantle, are'named' As co -de -
I . I . ens bar gf g=a Milk COWS, . 1"90. D. cw$-
tion astess-ment'" I I . . HOLMi R. -R. No, 2, Goderich, . - . fendants. The statement. of '014itil, sets.
. 1. - 11 .. .. . I
.. . I .! � out that wlicn Xrugoj Married d?ferdauVa
� I I � � T WO THEFT,CASES FOI� SA"",-iWgga -for t4atching, Brod- daughter. in -1030 lit pur.,based-from.him
I . . . � . �
.. . . . . . . . . Arfi,lky Barred Rcoksi 0. A, '. "i i -oil the 18th-conaqssIOn-of,,Gre
. . .11 . —1 . . , C, �t arn., � 7
I .. WWIck , , , I .1tralb, toasonably. priced, MRS, a: for MOOD, giving five �$100 uptes and
I Ivan - Remanded 'For Sentence.- DAVIDSON, Duriganvort, P116he Dun-
� - . � azsuml;� -a ,'$2500 mortgage.. When the
� . .. Grgy.jr4riner is sent Ulf rok Trial ."T gannon 84. . .. . I time tame to. - complete. the deal It was
. .. . . � . ___ __ � . , �
. . , At� Wingham on Tgeiday Magistrate HOUSE TO RZNT.-Xf you are. think. ascertained there was a $3000 Mortgage
, , I I . .
k . 1114 of moving to a warmir, more ,against the plade, and that it too1w all
. I � . I
I . � . #dd board two theft -charges. Edwin central house with garage and gardoni the purchase px4ce to pay it off. Defen�
Pas, of Yowick tOW1141111I Wischarqe;l by sea to, W, HOVIE", .. � I .,
. I 19ruest I .. . I . da,uts Iniintain .that the pumbase was.
X -Mir of - tho - Same niurtirtVality �ou,e —. agreed on' at $3500, and the amount of
� .-Modern" brick I n
. I I with stealtug'a logging cbWA on Feb. FORSALE . . , o the mprtgage clearly understood by,all.
xuary,13th, .Day pleaded not guilty, but I , Britannia Rd, . . , I
� . . FRANX H. MARTIN. . Plaintiff furtb�r'allegvs that. defendants
was convi2tediand,glyieh suspended stri- - - — , , t�,arts I
I . attempted to I fer the notes to one
.. tence. .4. . . I ' I T . . . . . I $ALE.-Vorty acres, More Annie' Perouion, ,of Saa�fDrtbl' He -secured
. . . . FARM you , . .
. . Arthur Ward charged that Wilfred or loss,. the �propertk of the late an interim Injunction t p
I I EL W, C. Nr,f tol. ,situated at the end of . I I . . 6 revi-irt th�s.
1. � Xeffor, lIoth of..Grey, &tole A quantity of 15outh.street on .the southern 'boundary I I 1. . . 11, ! , , _. . . . .
P I I . � logo from the ZDIldsldc, ab4b 'ifghtaen III 3f, the town-, Or good .clay loam, large � C"IMNLY IPIRE . . .
. I . garriber, thii ,property of W.jird , k6ffe I
I I . r house and barn, drive �slivdl, workshow, I A clairt 'it% the 4pirtment house,
I . elqtod trlal.by�judge.-,aild jury alld WAS lien-houso,.Artesian well (135 feet) the I May . . � L street
� led,.* . I . very .4;e$t lortnerly the old hospital on, South
I . "Oommit . L I V440r. &d I rult "irods, ,
I I . . I . .f &
, I
L . I . 10 I 111", 11 11 11 L . . I ideal -J6d*toA_!tJ04p 0 Schools and caught lite on, Tuesday roprolng, caused
. � . - � I . ;,, ; 11 . 1.1-=.. :.churches. '.Vor 41.9thef particulars apply fromoverheated pipes, The tenarits.who
I . . . WANT JD, . L . I
I I .. . I . .. 'L I . I . ,E � L In the prentises or to pERCY or Witt were ieavirIa the house,. war& bitralrig
; . I . . __ NXJF=,� . 11 L
!: ". . I L Wo�.TXP TO'RENT.,�-140 Apres, I .. I I �". ' '. . I I rubbish, in tile -furnace. The fire brigade
I 1, �Wlth - ____��1111111 � __-__.1_1== .�Ooii'i�itlfigdlihed thellre Arid liltiodam-
- I I . ,Odd bufidtfig� jud land.. .Write REAL ESTATE AND JW$iMAXCV, age was done. I .11.11 .
I . I Sox 3% S,tAR *FKOE. . : .-
� , I I . __�_.,_�_��_ — _. , ''.- ,
: :,- , . . P�. . pCelTrom WANTErx -Lttdy' 'wlihu! . f TuZ AUUSTUONO i REAL =TATE .--..-;:-_- I -
f . L .1 IIA62kAv. � stcadY Position as help in - hOus 'AND,1NSURANCU AGENCY., --w . . . . . . . . . . . I- , .—.:—
I . 1. . , a . . . . ,
I ,�__ . I 11 �, � . I .
�'�Irxustbe light work. Write 1�ax, 40, STAR � N,.OTXGE To cp.EwTons�
I . . � . I , , , 1, . ,. I . I .
I .
. I IW�11091 . . Residence and. ombe !text door, west, to . .. I
. .. " I. I I
I . . __ - — I — Sun Life Offloe, West street, Goderich,' NOTICE IS 0ERSBY 01-VEN to, 411
, . , AVANTED TO RENT-Flitiolsbed apart, If Interested write to ... .1 persoris ba;ving'any ,cletim �agahlst tile
1. � .. I . I ' le Small house by �May Ist, , I ONG ' estate of Harbort, . (williarn Burka, late.ot
F. . i t or'. I . ,. . J. W. A2ZMSTR
I ... �Votddly=lder Anifurtished It suitable in P,O. Box 89 Ood�rleh, , a, county
I . . . Oht. the Township of Gode)rIall in tlI
. . Other vay& Box 5, STAR OFFICE. . ! ', � .. F of Huron, Farmer, who died on ,or about.
. . ,
.11 — . -7-�','=�-;�",*�=__ - __ _ — _4 � - , . , 7 I .
,� MEADOW OAAM i� _ . . t, � , . . I .1 .o I the .13t)i day of Marchi A. D. 1933, to
. '.. : 01' F1. . sond- the 4ime duly proven, to the im
. I 11. 1. I BAWr OCKS SPECIAL . . I. .,Wool�jfjCOMBE�l signed on or before April 8th, 1034, 4p on
. I I 1. I . UAMMTO'N � 84INN And after that date the Adinialstratrix
On all Orders Of 500 .Or Over (way be I - ' " I *V herein will proceed'to make distribution
. ... . VeViral Orders combined), the pride On I ; , � PROX9 I 290 .: . of - the'as.qets of the said estate, having
. 109horn, chicks Yvbl 'be go for thbr hatch , Sells Insurance of all, kinds, Get rates regard only to the claims she than shall
. I I . Of April 10th and UP to- the Ondi.of MaS? ' have notice of, . 11
. for all Orders that arehi by, from him before renewing, or planning . .
, ,
. April l5th. �
� .1 06herous*tount given. . � new Insuratim . ., I Dated at Goderich this 20th - day Of
'Present low egg pricei:,will discourage I I I . I ... I . I I March, A, IX, 1933. I .
. I . I . - HAYS and SAYS
, . 1 .
I many front ,buying thicken% tbus mak- I - . : , . . 00darl0h.' Ontario
.. I . I � . ing egg -prices high for next October,
"I'll I'll, I.: . NoVetriber And December. Meadow OlAde
I'll, � I -chlicks are big -And healthy, They," 4re
1 11 .. I � bred from SOMO of Ontario's best strails.
� �� . Order now and provide, for Profitable re.
� I I turns from early fall and
I I I I I I -winter eggs.
I I . . . I . Small orOerq, Meghorns, $9 per '100;
I � , ,
I I . I . . bred -to -lay Barred Rocks, ,$Io .Per 100; .
. I I . . i S -Weeks Old cOoket.610.
I I . � . 0.50 per 100. .
� 1, 11 . . . % UUMV,barrrox. �
lt'L�Imill Make Survey
V_`"For Water Heaters
,� —
1. H.v*o Delays Siowns Contraot
Per4ng Seewing Dot^ on
. Dotoond
I Tile Water. and ,rAght commission Will
make a 6umy of 'ts field to, oEcertalri
just What 'Markettliere Is for o1e4tr1olxQt �
I � viaters. -boaters before entering into a 90 -
year contract with the Hy4ro WctrW
,Power Commission. The local Commls�
, � sion, in ,other words, will endeavor to
learn It it Is worthwhile, as niolly house-
. . holders feel ,that, 'the flat, rate price of '
. 1 $2.34 A montit for a 60"tktt II44ter is
not sufficiently at-tractivei, for the reason
I it must be paid the year round,. whereas
p , � their water is now heated sit to ,,:even
Months in the year from the. furnace,. at
. no extra cost. -although this point is dis.
. . pute'd by S) dro "Ineors, who clam that
A hot water �coil increases a fuel bill by
,. . � 20 per cant, The matter.has been. laid.
.. I .
I I Solicitors tor the Administratrix
: . . I I .1 . , herein.
. .
. — .
NOTION Is hereby given to all persons
having -any claim against the estate. of
Agnes. Mary Finnigan, late of the Village
Of Dting4nn"611 in tho County of.Hurdn,
Spinster, who died OIL 4Jr about the � 4th
'. I 2 ^ �0, %gouerich, unt. � � . . OaY Web aTy,A.D.11933,W8enq.saMe
. 11#1 1.1e I I phone. 1411, ,Carlo;w.* , - .11 ..�'_ .1. 11 � ,. . I to the .undersigned on or before the Ith
. 11
- , I I . 1. day. of April, 1933,� as an and ,after that
: '44 , 1. . - - , _ . � . .. � � . . � - -a said estate
. . . ___ � . date thi"AdMiristrotorof th
. I . .. .1 -CRAIGIE . . Will proaced. to make distributiolt of the
I I . �
. I
� I . I . , . 11 I I W, .
. . I I � . I I assets thereof, having regard only' to tho
I .. C. it, HUXUPIR . ; , : , claims thon. filed. . ,
I . . I I . I . �. J9WJ5LL1tR , I . Insurance and Red Fitate � DATED AT 06DERICIf THIS ,22riti
. I I . I . . .. i . � � ' I ,day of'March. A; D. 1933, .
.� I . �
. �
I . FF� WITH THe oldstocf< . MUNICIPAL BONDS. � . � . . Godbrich, OrItaTiot .
I 1. . I � ` , _ , - I I . I I .. I I I I . �., 1. � I I � 801101tOrS for the Adml ra or
. I . - � - . I 1. � III .. . 1. . � .. here ... . � I -
�11 1.
�1% I . .
1.14 TM MATTER of the 'Authorized
Assignment of WitaFRED LAWSON
PRANOPM of the Township of Ashileld
In' the Province of Ontario, ,Farmer,
i Debtor. .
. . — - .
Wilfred Lawson Prancey of the Township
- -1. I—— I
- I I C I x . *V kroft GoDiRICH i
godertelt lift dtolv, to the Pan. I
11111,111ler a kup0tou ,blaw. Vot a I
1 tough. 04111�11141141101,11t�llul an at-
t1stio VlruAt. 4 ed 11 Ila Mind
rather fta the bogy. The Pon-
alandler 11 natilled that the towit
bas purclased ten ords of four-
-feet hardwood, And boa it piled be.
hind tho Vwn x4l.. I
CAWAIS are,44%1.Eed lact tq feed
the po!ftudler, but direct him to
the Town Hall. ThIg is by way of
luring him to ,his doivit.14% Exhl.
bit. A at theviift,ofates will be the
wroodpllw exhibit a. the sawn ex -
11 Mit C, the axo� . .
Awtelloo. saw ,And split ono,�
quarter vord of w000Joefore Meals.
It Is expected that, �Vhen now.5 of
, �
this ridiculous Jmpdiftlon, ,spread$
about, Godorloh may'have dM-ulty
In getting Its wood Out. �
.. Toronto has -been irytaX to ,deal
� With its ljanllgudler�, �)Ut.uothlng
so original as this boa beoudevised.
� I Thousands of meals are being -pro-
vided, but oltizons, have to split
. .
their own kindling. ,,, There is oat
'* ""'I" 1
4 w000ptle.la the city big onough
' u '
to Ithelter the traaftorial Ethlo',
. plAn, U,uly, being 4 metropolitan
. contra. has Its, drawback,& ,Gode-
rlcW,s prablern.18 only a 11#16 one;
'Put it Is �boing well handled. There
are many Soots. in the Huron
I n ro .
I I . . I _ I
.111''. .11.11, 11, - , I'll I .
. .
. I
I I ____ —
... . I
. *
. � I .. _,. �. 1,
, . . �:
Gcdcrlolt. Deiegatda. lic-ar Speech on
I . Relief. at Coutettnee ,Hold at Lpndq,4 ,
. � . . I
Four mem�6r$ of 004priell Welfare
3§6ard, Councillors Humber -o -rid Brown,
L. I,,' Knox.and U. T.,Edwallds., ,were In
London last Thursday'39or a ,conference
on relief, when sie�eral liew angles. oil the
question ,waro:brought out. . I .
. � "There art some 1,411ef Qfflbers who
burrv, License -to their Own ego aw brow�
beating thoso forced to go to. them," de' -
elated D. B. narkness, ,Chief provfricial
relief Inspector, . . . . �
. OffIcials are supposed to trcat people in
distress in a humane way� ha �
- . said, wurri.
IfIg'AgAinst bowsh, dict4torial methods�,
".You should allok heads Of families to
. . . � .
earn an extra ,dollar or two, even three,
each week -Without penjalzing them,". Mr.
Harkness said. The* department Is quite.
In accord with that pod�Y Amd encourages
It, . I I . � � I
. . . ,
I .
I .� ,;A Ontarloone-eightli of 11�;rpopulatioxx
J ' ""
IsOn relief, 11' tg,'-.t
t) , 11d, :, a 't�f
. ) §6 "# J i4tires, fit
0 � ea i'i .ih,
Uiii entire' an, dni I 0
�Hbuse of COMMOItO.. show that one per -
S en is "down' -and -out" as
.a., result of the depression. ' N7&7 .
4'Th.e question. of What we, are dolng to
the* morale of. these people # ofte pf1he
moqt serious vocial problems -of our ddy."
, .
I '. . .
.. �
. I .
. . .
1 This (Thursday) evening arneeting of
�the local Prohibition Union will be hold
in MaiiXfty Hall, at 7 -.30 p.m. to heat the
,report iof the delegates . to the recent on-
tarlo Prbhlbiil�a Union convention.
- � � - L'.� - - "...'., . _ ;
- —_
� . ... AVCT1oR-iA= � L��
I I .
I . __�_ A , '-- , _____
. . �
I .
. . — . . .
4 'We are Instructed, Ity Mr. Harry Mub
to sell -by public aitotiori.,atlifs rosi0rtce
Cambrli foad, Goderich, an I
� SATt M -DAY, APRIL Tot ,
,commending at,1,30 o,clock sharp, all th
contents of the house, including-,
One,mahogahy vabinetvIctrola, 150 to
*Ord$; one quarter -cut 90x39 Inch osi
patlor table; one quarter -cut loathe
rooking chair; three Antique apt -Ing cush,
s on try�rovtred couch
one Walnut centre table' , one Qtjebo
. heater; one: Axminster rut, 942, blue; 2
Vall -Picture$.' one Walftilt folding lea
tAbI6. seven kitchen chair$; one Mapl
Leaf composite Stove,' 'two Small tables
two rocking thalra; One � nantle clock
one quartei-otit oak heavy sideboard an
Mirror; one walnut finish Iron bed, aptlit
and Mattress; one chifforiler, with Wir
tot, walnut finish, two dressers, one eleo
We table lamp; one PtIrtAble gas oven
I I Itistol tw�epar; "Una Woollen, tiws
.3942, rose color; one White enamel beav
bed, spring and mattress, one walnut fin
Ish Washstand-, one set Wlilow-ws,t,
r dishes; one linoleum rug, 9XI2, two r6un
Woolen' rugs, 39X38; one'laWn thowtir. I
imobia: one complete electric Iron; on
meat and vegotable chopper; china
. glassware,, cutlery; k1tchenvare and othe
articles too numitous to Mention.
TEANG--cash. . I . . I I
. I . T. ousnAy & sox,
�. I .
IS BETTERO I Charge Per Bushel
I , I
THAN I Over the Railways . I
,ARE, .
— , --l is cut in I
� T_
Industrivs W e re V�Lvly. Swidy
: I
in 1932, Uys N*sWnt
Elevation' Rate Also ,Reduce&.— I . i I
Transients Aro To Ile Introftoot to Axe
, All CAnad4m Ov*ia for . :
Berm They Art cwivtu r1r" 3041
Ca"AaWk System i
$300 FOR OLVE,
TraWlent out -of -works Who vlat Godo-
. � . � .
. �
rlh,h are to bQt given. a chanoo. to work iiii
IrtsrWrtant newn for Gtpdorleh was mado �
an Appztlte, before 61ating, The Welfaro
polw. yoster-dar with the anammmuent
. I � . . .1
13-,ard oil Umday ovenitag dccreed that
that the rall, rate Ott i;raln titin boro and
ftem Georgian nck�y vovt3 to 14antreal
14011.10st Nil Replacelt L C., PeI4 .
each. applicant tar a moil! ticket rawt
luid becrt red=d Item 8.60 to, 4.60 -ceuts
hou os Secrotary,—G- L.
, ,
sAW And .split OAC-Quorler Of fk tOW Of
wood b41ore securing the pUte4t).JT44
I .
per bwsh0l. Thus the rate haa boan. prao. �.
lift it 1%
I .
. Pwson$ N,ew vice
. .
This action Was twcou an Motion or a.
T. tdwarda andO, A. Humber ana unaill-
twA14, -Dut two aw olpe.-ttd to
give the Movement Or grain I
. I — . �
Although. tlivattend3neelvas Dot large,
wously endorsed, It Was decided to put -
,chase -fivo or six Ord$ of 4 -foot wood
port a decI04 filup. The Mderith Me,, 1.
vutor 4, Transit Co., 0. L. par"49s. pvest-I
a Spirit of optimiltin And. quiet confidence
forthwith ,and a municipal wood yard
dent" announces. 13 -participating by re- - .
in th4 future prevailed at Monday cVcn�.
wilt tot under way at the rear of the
duchig olevattatt tellarges, froul throc-
quarters to one-)mlt cent % bushel. This . .
Wa ounutil Board of Trade Meeting.
This was reflected, in the annual uddrm
Town Hall, ,Transients will 'ply the saw
and wield the axe under the tagle oyeof
nmr ratm moot those Of. Duffalo-New � .
York and are designed to -route Otto hun- . . I
of )?resident S. D. Croft, who wu return,
.Chief Postelothwalto. In giving wit this I
dred Per cent. dawdlaia-groirn gralit,over I i
ed tooJOce for tbo � third, consecutive year.
intomatlon the *eorctary of the board
Canadian transportation system.
,)4r, Croft paid tribute to the town's In,
dustrial captalm, and comMented favor-
made the request Umt householdors ce%o
giving t tree meals and refor All applicants
The tlows� was rcootited In Oadertch I . .
,with much s%tIsfL%oti6n, tor,it Is expeeted I I � I
ably on tbocomparative steadiness ofour
to the 'town hall. Transients have been
much Work -Will be provided for railroad* � .. 11
Industries. , SO pointed s1th some pride
coming here In increasing ,numbers of
or$ and others, Along with the British, -
to, the fact that both. railways servi � rig
late and fin effort IS, being Made to I Ols-
preferential rate oil Canadian grade ship. � .
GodeAch had maintained their passenger
courage these visits lit vlow",of the 4p-
ped fromdArtadlati, Potts And the rcdoow
,and freight, services, also their earnings,
.. .
rg 'O a it.
PrO4011 01 the OPe"I - f 41 v19AilO
. I . .
I -
-1114ra 6 . .
ed milling all it rates tot, Ontario
in .so -,far as this town, was ,couconled,
— I-- —'
. . .
millers the new'arrantlement Is Sure to
The favorable Situation here IS obviously
him, at dinner at Ill . .
e Hotel Bedford, at
baV6 a 4coldedly athirlilating effect on
In gireof contrast to that, In mial$'. other
whiala about 75 members and leading
. �ralxv Alovements. A Goderl"it harbor thlit . . I I
municipalities,. where djast.le reductions
tit . Izens woreoroont. This was followed
Season- Ileretolore Buffalo has )non got- . . I
have been made.. . I . ... .� . I I
. I
In. June by ropmontatives at the to�vn
ting the bulk of Oaliadion, grain and this . I
X* � on 0,1.11'Now, Secretary
I �
council and tho Board of Trade atterid.
has alj�ays.-beeft a tilorri in t1le AL,41 at ..
I 011lc�rs elected in �, addition, to Mr. Croft
log a. meeting In Wlarton, where It was I
decided that the association shoidd cori,4
:CAnridlan oleyato.r,j. Grain, Shipped from I I
Ited States parts, however, is not eft I . .
. 1kre,, Vice president, 0. L. )�Arsons; sea-
retary, X01sou HUI*, treasur6t, R. - Oi
tiouP- - Its Rettv Ities. 11oll. J. U. Ro6b,
.Ible :for the Ave-eent MkItIssh prefore1l; I .
� . . I
Whateley. The itriki. � ng committee - to.
Minister of Health.�ala6 was entertilined.1
. . 1. I . .
'Ito I . . I
r� ,. -1-11 I I .1 I � .
n . brainato the council, Is 'Composed of 8,
at d banquet, early. In February. . I
"The prosident and vic6,prealdent
1� I 1� 1� I
. . 1� . .
�D� Croft, .Xayor Lee And S. 11. Wlgle.
The ofIlibers And cou . ocil ,will then select
.at. �
. . . � �
tended County ,Council 4t their June� . . . I I . . FOR, FUNDS � . I i
the standing eo4witteea for. the year.
The Nelson
,session urging that body to Improve that � I � 1. �� � - I
I . i
Blue water� Highway, particularly be -1
uetk secretary, Hill. replaces
9- 0. Prldh
I am, Who Inststed.on -vdepping
Anothoi� �,arbpajp la fpnd3 tor the , * ,
tween 00dericli, and Bayfield, and it is . , ,
crippled ,children Work s.Dousered b$� tile �
liildei.despite protests of members, Sev-,.
to be heited that something, will be, done
this Y�ar W ocotrol th � a Aust, nuismice and ,
� I
Mona ,Clubs of Ooderigh. -mild. seatoxth Is , � ..
.6ral #oice highly of the two -yea IS' I ��
improve the road. - ' .
looming up, There ,ire siNteen tuildrea .
.Able service he bid rendered slid a
. I . .
, thanks -was passed.
*,etc of
. *
I "At the Vebmajr, 1043, meeting the
. re.
sit 1) sout under. treatm�iit, tuld, tile ox. . � ':
peuiM is totleldOrAble, tll� aMarl6l% Club � .
, , .
. I , � . �
, Aivalt.Result af� 9xperiment
I .. - .
Board passed -a resolution. as belni.r..,op.
osed to rallw,ay amalgam4tion, this teeb"
p - .
wits told On F?1day night lost Tkt its fort- I . � . ,�
. by, , b U
nivilt, l4rielicou LI It Grill . 1� I .
u 7 Arry
I A ,letter front divisional headquarters
l4tian being forwarded to bttaA4.
. . . . ..
, . ,
and great benefit to 140" ,rocehmd b�
of the C. -N. R. at Stratford stated'that
:- . .. out 14411stries * �
the children. Rov. IF, W.. Craik gave an � 1. :
the pickup. and.daliver system inaugur-
� Y Art
ated.did not yet include Goderich.
. �
. . . I . .
"I txm pleased to,-roport that,our In-
. . . . .
oddreas at this meeting on gawa, the . 1.
experiment with this system was%betng
dustiles �a% hoon ablo..to carrr On with
. I �
wonder inivi of, JAPAll, �o; ,,wbom Mr.. . 7,
tried out iri .a, arnall area and the result
very little l4tariuption during. -the past
cralk Spoko.in 411 appreciative atr,311%. . .
. . . 1". � ...
. . I
of the expwiftent was being awaited be�
, � Q.Oouttnued,on P490 6.) I
I .
I I .. _. , I . I . � � I .... .
. .
fore any expansion was undertaken, The
letter added that 1t, Was undOrstoo�
. .
I I I . F I I �
. ."I . # .
- Comm -13 Even ts 4
. .
1 .
Trelgh0wir bbipjar trucked 1yom Montreal
, I , % I . . �
. — .
. -
� . .
Goderich :and the railway would be
. I I �
Prices Are Checked Bet � ore: Accoi . Inti . 0
1 . . AND BUSINE $8 81tIVA-IS
.. . . ..
pleased to sepurepartlicula-8 If they were.
. 11 I
Available, , . ., . . . .
.1 to Relief Board I.
. a,
, ItIblIcrt's advertisement li� � InterestIrig �
, , I
'Some time ago the Board
. passed, a
In referente to, the statement In last
I newa Read It. oil page S. . . I
I I ,
resolution ugainst the prop6sed amalga-
of Ca.nada`4 Horv. R. J,
week's Star that there -had been �Lspread-1
of 18c hi prl.,e charged by various
A spring tonlo, Me Me,cho, an: borbal I -
Manion, Minister of Highways, ackno%
ledged receipt of a copy of ,.this resolution,
grtocrs, for a 5 -lb. call of corn syrup for'
relief.11ho, Star received the following let -1
81cirts, Blouses and. Pulloves e . � I
I . .
. .
popular this apting" Soothe many StYIO
as: did - Ficilatok. Arthur ,�461ghen, W. H,
I ,
ter from -Mrs. BrotVn, Who is sicting as re-
we ate showing. All . Wool Skirt With I I A I
. Golding,.M.P. 4II4,0 �-,* ,P.
. csitg't'
, ,,, ,pottqn, M
lief office.", gratuitously, A, piece of public
.. .
zipper,:�astentog at �2.95. Real values at
Mr. Spotton I
tA1QdAV','J,'�*�'_" .V.s'nitentton
. V., o
I service far which she IS deserving ,of
. I
-to oplIbele And vott', '0)�;,%'�.nsf.�.Alnalgama-
, -
. .
U04, .. , . . `� z�iA%'.�� - .
. .. .
great credit, - I .. I . .
. . .
To the Ooderich 4tar, , � . . '
1. . . . . . I .
�. The Women's Hospital Auxiliary will - .
; , . .
. ,
. 00cers *!',Alosaiaori� �'ios�ltsl wrote
Mr. Editarf--1 do think you should be,
peat In the Public. library at 4 o'clock . . .
. I
. .
64fMonday, April 3rd. -
thahking the -board I�f�ltg part in on-.
-a little moreoir4fulof facts before Print-
I . . .
tertaWng Hon. J. M.1hobb, Minister of
Ing in Your Paper, Instante, In thial
E3,5W" 043740.. BAStOr olft Tolletrim .
HcAltix� , oft .the. occasion of his visit to
WeeW$ Mar, I SCO 11,40to Which Says there
. I
Laura Sizord Caridies, I I .p . � 1. .
Goderich., . . . � .
Is a spread of 18 cants. In a five-powid
. I .
, �. 11 The Tivasurok's Report .
can of corn syrup, from the different �ro-
001110 to Ue."Tilllo �f Bloomebury" at ,
I The annual report of Treasurer R, 0.
cars, This is not true; the listed price
Knox Protbyterlan church, May 4tli. and I
, whateley showed a balance of 445,01 On
Of this artIC10 Is 35 cents; Some grocers
$tit, by Atthur Circle .Players..
. handi . The figures . a . re: , -
char e us 33r, 2e to the, good, and. 0
19 nly
One 45c, a spread of 10c, -but only onto
, It I not too early to buy Your houpo . I
turn S
"Ings, Inlaid linoleum cemented
e Receipts: I .
I I . .
has this occurred, he Will get no more
right, to your floor, 1durtai4i and,Curtolo : �
Balance earried over ...... . . � ... . ......... S 26.31
orders at that price, Every bill ls*check�
Nets, 1933 Wallpapers, everything you Ire, I
- Membership fees ...... .. ...... � .......... � .... 79.00
I Collected for Blue Water Highway 191.00
ed by Me before -It, Is Pass
,ed by the board
meeting. no grotera ,can tell
quire is to'be found at SCJRAtT�18 -
. I
I . . . . I � ,
Whether 'they -are checked up or no in
ho6ofur"hings, department upstairs. , .. .
. � I
; $246-31
their Price$. Each One has a printed
Sea and hear the new 'Victor Perteonal , � . I
9xpenditu too., . . � I I
Price ]LA, as have theibutchors, bakers and
$19.50 a,ttep Apr.ii.ist.. I
5 -postage ..... .. , .. - _... .. . . ....... ;$ 0.00
I Telephone ... � .. .. ......... ... � .... ... . .. .. . �Da
dairymen, all their prices arranged for
from.t � he beginning of this winter's relief,
The now, Spring 4Coat4 for girls Are In, . . � .
e Tclegraph ........ _ : ......... .. ..... I . .. .. ,r,(,
SO that I fail to see bow far 10c Would
81nart in their new nadir lines and f4bey I .
' . �
. 00derich Star :..-1 4.20
go - towards paying for the iervlce4 of a
.0coves. well tailored 14'all wool clotba
7! "" *11- '
I ,
�' Goderich Slgnal,.�.`�!-. ' 15J5
I *
relief ofileer .
_,_� . ..
and We prices In keeping with the tlmeo� I
g Transportation _.. ..: .
I I .
. I ", -1 ..- 1:1 - 15.0
Blue ...... 20.00
. I
The star's int6ruidirt as to the �Sprpad
. All aWs from 4 to 14 yeovs, tit .. I
Water guide advt . .... .. 1- ..
. Bedford Hotel . ..... , I . . . � .... ".. 7.slo
of 180. maintains that this .large differ.
�rhe regular meeting of the Godorleb.
;1 Paid Blue Witter Highway Assert _
. ence did Obtain but 'that this was, before
Womews Institute wlll�be hold Thumday, I .
. .231.00
I I . —
Mrs. Brown's time W oince. But whe.
April 6th. sit 3 p. In, in Mamay Hall. ' __
Y 1 $200.30
tUer the tProad b or was 18c or l2c or
. .
AspeoW feature Of the meeting will be .
. Salahee on hand .... i . 46.01
100 It Is too great, a 41gereftee and the
a kitchen bond lead by Ura. H. H. Pal. ...
d , —I
Public Will be glad to know,that this I,
mer. Roll call to, J)e answered by 1110i I .
0 1 $245;81
1 not XIOW being Allowed, I
I .
Jokes: current events tobe given VY vmg, -
6 The PresIdent's Address -
; , .
. . I . 0 .
1 Tile Westmount is being fitted out, and!
Chas. Young. A good attendance to re- � I .
. I
r President S. 1), Croft reviewed the past
year'$ actlVltles, speaking as follows: ,
+he after crews Of the Hil3qarty. andl
. I
We are all "hot up" over tile new range .
"The Cloderich ,Board *1 Trade had
reached the end of Its'second year's 401�tl
Are expected any day now.
Mr. X W Morris, of Lloyds, %vAs herel,
of C1111dren,s print Dge�*_,es just 1. 10 0
11 V ly .
Ia,t.v,I-,r prints, zhort and puff .olooves,
vlt;16 since reorganluttlon and while w;
I this A"eit 11;Specting boat,a, for Insurance
1� "v. -#I # % �
I and, a full rawle of sly.uq from 2 to 14
of Ashfield it% tile County of Huron. I - are unable to report anY new Ifidad-tries' nu of navl� I YOU& it lar,it' rallge W VM0e 41-4 J11 W �
, I 11 - 0 IV OPenl J
. I
Parmor. Made an Authorized Assignment ADMWISTRATRIX' SA%X OP STORE through the board's efforts, we tire pleas- t golioll, I ,� SCHAErEn-S. I
On the 23rd dayof Marchi 1033, and thM PROPERTY and VIXTUInES, - I ----- 1. _ I I . I
this fit6t'ratothigof ,creditors *111 be held LTC.,. Will be held at the store of the late ed to note that our present Industries I r , 1 Tl,.�, central Home and SA,,,,al Club
I on, ptiday, the �toverth day of April, 1933, J. E. Helwig, Auburn, on , have all beon running, though in-40me CAUD Ov T11AXK,s � h will Ivild its regular nion'thiv meeting,in ..
at tho hour of ten O'eloak In the fortnoon, � TUM,DAY. APRIL 4 cases oil, slightly reduced hours, Mrs. butivan Mcnee and �)n. 11,3�.,; Sle- " the st1cal on Tuesday afternoon, April
.at the ,offlae of the Custodian, 0. 0. .N%ld- commenting at 1.30 p.m. sharp, 1,Durine last year, as in the previous Nee. dcolre to express their ,sinzere grotl.lk 4th. at 4 olvle�,k. JDr. Mercillth *raham, . .
dlet0h, COurt,Houle, Godertch. � The following will be sold: year, a great deal of the Work of the tude for the many kindnesses and. ox -11 will give an addrtb5 and th6re %%Ill, Iio.n I
TO Vote thereat proofs, Of olainig and Showcase, 0 it, X 2 It,, Showcase, 5 It, board was taken earii of by our energetic Pressions of eympathy fram frlends','and mu2!?al P.regram. .
Proxies Mult. be filed With t4o prior x 2 it., cuttinglable, 10 It. x 3 It. (this recretary, Mr. V, J. Prld) I iam, and the, neighbors durina tile illne.-, and sub,te-i Tile Pjllyaimas of victoria btrcog
thereto. . quelit dcath of a Iond huseiand and kind .
could be used as a counter or dLV)ay chairman of the Indul,trial Committee' fattier. They also wish to tilaill, th" I elvirell 'are 11"Attina a b3x social oil Fri -
Those having,olalms Against the estate table); eight-day regulator clock, Ztan- AI*r. V, R, Wigle, and I %yould like to take who, ,�c,
Jdaunt J90 the Some with the-Oustodlan or dard mAng machine., mirror. 18 III. x . loaned taro,; a day, March. 31tt. At a p.m. it% tile churelt
fha lro.te.f� ,*'U... A I.*, A 1-f- ..If this Opportunity of thankinG these gentle- I I
, I I I
�_ ___ I F&- � 5- au. Uu; 4003& 'nomer WIM small ----.----0----_� 1 Ullli)1100111. All oxciNiCut, -41-ur" X001
.1 tribUttlin: i", Made, othor%Wne the procec small ,courIters, small tjiowdaso� rtc alc
� I'll ... vda . pool rtion fortheir untiring effo - , ,a other I � .
. . - I .11 - - I I Of the estate Will be dit,tributed among table with 12 cues, hills. and ra0k; eloo.- mewWta of the euccutive nnd tile mem- UOUN � prog�am Jim been preparel. ,Admisslon: I I
I � the pattlea entitled thereto, Without To- trio radip; 2 Wooden Wits with tprings; bers generally for their *o4peration and 1*11IWON,-At Alexandra Hoipltal, Mon- 00fitlf,mel) gk. 1441M. 0 Itmell bog. I
.� . gird to tuch claims. m%6411, Iron bad With springa, chest x-slotance, In the board!s offorts to Make ay, tdarth 37th, to Mr. slid Mrs. Allan I PIANO TUNING
I . I �, DATM at Goderich this t�yenty.jourtb; ef� drawers; rug; %oll stand; drtswr; Goderiela a. still better lilate lit whilch to Wilcon. SaItford. a daughter, � 1i
I I There Are =are woth3 brod In. the I
..., I USED CARS, . day of March, 1933. ldluhtg-room table,, 0 dining -room thairs; li,vo. I IN MEMORIMI, plan.) than onywItere etc lit the holiw. .
. . . C, G. AUDDMMN, CUStoalan, rmking -ehairc, sta-alt tables, etc. 11-WhIlo the indil-Ittlitl c6mmittte UA,3, T�eI)6XALD4VMWUG1f'--IU loving J. W. tjooltv, ,J home man Witil the ex , ,
� I , � I . ,WbTlo 'nouse,
: � 11 ALoO at tile fAM0 time and PlaeO, t'llerc been todeavothig Ao cocure new Inde- mArd Nfe0ont%ld and Wil- Wler
memory of L � 'cc
. � . - -_ I ".1 06dertell. will Ise ontred. sub$c4t to a re�xrvo bid, , Ibut Mallougli. wlid died tuo years o�o, ,, ,ot a lifetime tu"Ina. ronovatlu;
I f. I Before- purphagirig a tised egr or truck soe,'our Idis. - � .. , " Part rif lot I.,41kitt WrVer, 14 the Town- trlc�,, �it P-coms very .bard,at. the pmtrnt 1� and re�.Vslrine, U� i,.t yow mvlre. 'Phono
..... .1 . , I � X01108 TO CRIMITORS, time to Actomplinh tituch In thlo� tonnoo- Imareh 29t,W, 1931.
� . iship,of QuIlett, On wbleh Is a two-story 027. Vot 501. .
I I play itt Moore's Garage, St. Andrew's street. NVIC I . � ...I— "'. 1� 03110 arO Ole faces vims loved to doar, �
. I . ,tofterett Wock Cow and dwelling, 20 tf,�, tion. � .
I � ,can supply almost any kind at the pr* tro tile volgom% we loved to bear. SVE6AL OPTICAL 0VFZR
; W, you want to Nanog 15 nm,ft'r GIVM to an 50 It., with it 194L,esitenslon. ,,Tlie ieretary malle-st out wavy ar- 1111:111flar"
. wo awa;y for 613�lt or opt-eell,
� pay. Trade the one yontave now on a, hetter one , . is- - pettans 11aving Any culms, against the, Inii$ propetty 15 eentrally lWated In tlelea �of udvorUshlg rAftc-r of a tourM I gut not to,o far to? thoughts to. reat'll 111311 grade, styWh and Ittonst up-to*ditte
� toI
. I I , . I. . EstAtO Of J0114 -9. 1184419, late a the Va. the village of Anbuta and wm tormerly aud 14ft,trial nature widelt May bear owcot to, r(,MeW,;)or theM, nho Once 'W60 ITW4e,, rimmed -or rimlos. Taur cholm
" � I late of Auburn, in tilt County of naron, ompled b,v tile late J. V, Helwlg A5 a frult tootev Gr hter, Item, .
". . ; lit Shell, white ar pU%% 1�ald-flllcd. ix�4th
. � I TA115r, who ditil on Or about tho Itli fty tu estate, .
.1 I I ! AVY A NEW UATTEItY, 13 -plate, one- & ` Of De-mAtt, 1032, to sftf! the so" to tailb? SLOP, It 1� nuft*o for . % tto;p llftrly In Ar,tll we to-oporated %ittt tile In lum tlou�h ab.,cnt, are Jimt aa dear 10,11110 cQuillete. 0111Y $0.00. VA ""bto ' 9
� I : r guaranW.. while the price is , . - - _iP46A the unilasigned ou or btfore tha 15th 4ay and dwelling or 1131A .0, Allutatturing. Lions Club when they ontertaint-d a ft� 1611t, oand NWG. JW- VVIt "NIA11"Ition blfrwals with (,Izdt�e QX tntne complele.
. � � YC*tk I �] Of APT11, 1033. 6_5,aft and after that dato 'tile prelieTt,7 and ehittds May bo in. tlamit�htd 0-gderich "old bosr," In the I I and VIANIZZ 10MY M2,00. Tame PTICC3 ircludo a thor.
- "
� . i � the AdmillIftatwix llmh_ A %U1 pwcmd to C1.10 -r -ted on tile Y,T=Lwes tt an5p t: �C�� 01 Itt, ttev. Cliarlos A. Ceager. ough exttmination by our woll knozn Wd,
IJ I ' make MttrlbutlGn cf tlie *�_*ots ef t1le 'nds VMPOM WMI, be tala to *Iltd OD 114191) ot Ituron. who paid dc9o4ell 1115 CHAMUSZ In 16,3no w(nTmv of Itr1q. plinstattaiv, npceialliol, 1.2r. lftlt�znu
.. I � I AM(" 111VZOR regua GU17 to tile �Jm" %. casb. $ablt chawneg. %iha jp�,xa' Away Ott tho
I tsld r T � .�-All &�klte on real jamt vb% ofttdally at Wat timo. Over 20 J;oc�zs conihicr ta GWCOSI. Vou 4
1 1 1 STEDELBAUEWS I CLAWl's of V&C-tt $he tilm 1W tlouco. r,rcw�tv, %(I P'-fr ca'it. cn Coy el t3l.0; ..01-s, Apl,.11 rit1j, Col, WaMmw of C:ir. OW 61 A, -;Ag, 1033. ato amloa of tile T; -"3t vpne,a 11ork to
. ELIHI � Dafc3 at Ogde,cLr-11 t1its 201M Cay ,oil balarca to bo Dald W tblrty fts, Ar,711 bilrgws mot ructnsvtcs
TILLS04148URG GODERICH D Mwb4 A, V. 1933. . � Go. it, lmno= Amalufteet, ilia, r,7e.f,,1d,%1t41t1*nlu0 ,01414w 11t1may of C6 cm? CA"e, 8XO4-, ta re--', , i. L10 fbiaill"a and at M=, vc-vy Lw 11?lzct,l.
VRAN'r, 130,44NEMY. . Clgntsn A—laUc-ra. VelMlf OA,Wldl t�lllio' m4- i Wlho ztn alzays flo romm5ucl, IMVIMDAT awl V21VAT. Ap3t� 0. 7
. ,a 1)0, annwl trip't 4)voe dw Mao Wlalcr- By tj-�o villj rj,�C,J %L'? t"-,&
. -., 1.11-1- . .111.11 -,J ic �;&rz�!I, ontatza, 60d;yf�JL ,11. 't�a,,� OYA v)"Iyw,
i NOW,—, - � YPIAT410t 00NUM11W. . I ` " 4
.. , , I " . � .,.a, Caltelw for Me Admmi�tfltu.lt, I I r1.^:-KNT fcx 14d2_a:Zft1!VAtVN1 111alMay '3110a NX Mira C,aWVaIAGJ 11UMAND mul �A=T. MUTMD AVW 010=3, V61c,4eb. I
41� .
1 � . I .
.. .
I .
; . .
I -
I .
I . �
- ____ __ I � - ____ I _. � - . � I � I—-
__.___...__ _.. . __ . - . -1 . ..