HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-23, Page 3THURSDAY. MARCH 2.4 in33 THE GODERIC STAR County and (District SUMMARY LEOION LeDIES ENTERTAIN Tire Incites' Auxiliery b the Lein at ,47.1ritort Vat On a ingrain and dame in the iiremeree ball on Monday evenieg, whieli, in elate or the extremely wet =gin, bunt Out a geed etowd. ▪ SENTRNCED. TO PENITENTIARY Elroy Hunt, 26, formerly of Ripley, wa Centel/Col by Magistrate Rath en mon- dey of last weele to five yeare n Porte - Meath emit -ornery en ebargo rcb- Wog the Markham braucb. of the Cana- dian Dank of Cemmeece on Jail, 39the A SEAVORTII IVEDDInl0 A pretty Wedding Was colemnized First Presbyterian eintreli manse, nee* forth, en Weartesdela Mr, lath, %dish Rev. In Kaine united in marriage Jos. Itaresni Ailey and Mary Mastery Fielton, Tiae bride Le a daugliter of Mr. and Ms. • etnerica Fianna Mitchell, while the groom is a on ef latta. Charles Iti1e3r, of Sea - /oral. DEA.TH OF WELL KNOWN NURSE Mm, Wesley Snell, 68, a nurse in the Private henna! of Dr. 1Vt,C, Eleteber, nateteoppea dead At neon Thiwscle,Y, March 16t1, front a heart attaca. She 44.—...,44-44.4444444444-4..-44.44.444404.44.4.444....* plt, F. 3. R.. FORSTElt. UYE, BAIL, NOSE, THROAT Late SoUse •Surgeon New York Ornit- thalmic and. Aural Hospital, assistant at alooreffeld's Eye Hospital and Golden fequate Throat Hospital, Zondon, Mag. • 58 Waterloo St. Se Stratferd. Tele-. Phone 207. • • At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, front 7 onlOck on the, evening ot the third Mon- day of each month until the following flan- TtiesdaY, at 1 p.m. ENGINEER/NG • GOEI1EL CAREX. •Consulting area, Municipal , Engineering Dreinage---Land Stirveying.. -Meanie Temple Bldg. Godericia Ont. Phone' 230 * L E . .• . BrAYS.44.11.A.Y13, • . Barristers and. Solicitors. ;IL C, Hay IC and 0. Ham B.A. Hamilton street, Ooderieh. Telephone 88 NAIRN. .. • . Barrister maa Solleiter• Office: Hamilton St Phone a12. .FRANIt DQNVELLY, 23. A, •Barrister Solicitor, Etc, ,Phono 282, HAitILTON ST., Goderith, F.1 DARROW. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary robilc, Etc, etteeessor tO U./Silts:wan- „ ' Oelee, The Sanare, Gotlerich. ERNEST' 1VL LEE. Barrister and Solicitor - •:Sun Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria. •Telephone•Elgin 5301 Toronto 2. , CHIROPRACTIC • DRUGLEsS PRACTITIONER. 0111110PRACTOR A X D DRUGLESS • TlitRAPTST, GODERICH. Equipped with eleetroemagnetie bents. .nlectronie eleetrie tre.attnent arid °biro- areatie. Cleronle, ergatie and nervorts diseases. Lady in attendame. Office hours 2 to 6, and 7 to 4 p.m., excepting nienday and Tblvedny by appointment. A. N. ATKINSON, residence ahd office, corner of South etreet• and Be- tannia, Road. 'bone 341. AUCTIONEERING oint0Mna, GUNDRY SON, live• Stock and General Auctioneers, WM Ave., Goderieh. Salea made everywhere and aflefforts ;Made to give you tatistaotion. ?ulnae' Sale Notts discounted, Phone, 119. govAgir row% ETC. BATLYM*. NOTARY InC110,10 • General Celeveyarichig (tette. Clood Compardee Itepresented. •'Phone 298. • Goderich, Ont. 4 , INSIretiNCE megn.top NtortrAti ME Mint- • ANCJE COMPANY. FARM Aga tSOLATED 'TOWN PRO - mem' INSURED. Iraeol.••11.1.0 'Value of reoperty insured up to Jane nun, 1510. e3n18,975,00. OtTICEtta---George McCartney, Preai- dent, it. R. 3, Seafortli; Jas. Connolly, Wee -President, Godericin Menton Reid, See.eTreao„ neafortn, IS/RECTORS—Jet allioultlite, "Walton; Wirt Kama, Constatice; Relit Verde, Hare leek; John Penner, lirucelleld; A. Broad - feet, Seaforth; Geo, Leinhardn Broad- hagen. AGENTS --W, a. Yen tt. i Clinton; Jas. Watt, Blyth; nd, Hinckley, seia. torth; John Murray, Stritorth, Pollerlioldern an PAY their aseesse mente at Calein Cutt's store, Goderielt The Hoyt° Bank, Clinton, or J. II, :Reid% Illayfield, FIRE INSURANCE *.P44,~atOiv,,.• • Have it attended to np tb WEST WAWANOSW MUTUAL WIRE INSURANCE CO. , Established 1876 EeM Ofeeet BlinglititidiS, Ont. Chan Hewitt, Peineardlne, Prestdent ; ttebt, Detldson, Dimgennon, Vite-Preele dent; in addition tit the rerceldent and Ihrei Inestaent. the kneeing ate tors: Writ. Veetson, Auburn: W. J. Thetripsen, Auburn: Wm. McQuillan, 2..teeknowe W. P. Reed, lt,R. 2 Lucktetv: t Imre. X. Seliseld, Gaderteta: Erseett A..kert. Ifaineeed; Tnit MA% IL R. No. feeckecw. CECIL TrIcr,r mint, See. 'PROS. BTO'IntEntn, Tawas, was well auoWn, in Eeeter district Elan Altana are or brothers, Sabot, John, end Harry Howe, of Eeeter„ and Barn, Or Olen; tine eistem, Mrs. H. Baskin, Mrs. • mas Keene, Mrs, John Pcadler and Mee. S. Lemma et Exeter, anti Urn Windeen of Brown City, PAINFULLY BURNXD Jaseph Kale, of lateiralop. is In Seatt Memorial Kennel, Seaforth. as the eee suit ot 4nftt berm recented while 4ege- ing a, lone in the stelae. Coal oil when he had been Using eterteta 4 fire, The noree was binned arid M. Kale' nencle were badly burned. Tineiugh the ettorts • iffeaferth trent= Mid neiginsors• the building was mutt MAT DISCONTINUE ItEraEF SOON Inineardinen public welfare committee has AM:Armed that on April 1 relief ellsbureeraents will be dncontinued, except In ie. feta eases cie extreme necessity. Le - en and transient relief Ive been larger than in Previons yeAre' and committee. feels 'that the. maeorite of relief cates sheuld be, able to deal or tbermelves after Aprialst. CEIXIIRATE DIAMOND IvEDDIN• G Mr. and Mr. Johns, of alieter, brated their diamond wedclinee annivere eery on Monday. Forte years: of their married life were spent in etsborne and for twenty years they bed been residents of Exeter. Twe sons, Samuel anti ard, •live in Exeter And the other son is in Unborn% and there ere five grAnd- elnlarera, • LIGIFITNING DOES gomon • During 'the heavy thunder eterni on Monday night et last week lightning struck into the south ,chitnney 11 the Date Meek Zurieb, and the livina apartments .being mouPled by Ur. and Mr. Ivan Yungblut were an interesting plate for feweseconds, as the fire earns: neing from the etove, as ef result 'of the lightning, Very littit datliage was done, as only a few brieltnesad mortar were kneeketi off the chinmeY, but the neaver rain eame through where thelightning • had done its work. SEAFORTH ItESIDnalT PASSES •For many Snare a Ingleir respected resi- dent of ,Seaforth, .Mary Lanilaw Ian, widow of the. late James flUese .died Sattirday, niareh Ilth in her serentr-seventh year. She had 'been in' failing beans tora member of years. The .late Mrs. Gillespie was born at Roxboro, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Rebut IvIemilian, and .livea there until her marriage in 1882. She leaves to tnourn her loss, one daughter. Mary, at Wilma arre son, Viniliam, And a sister, Mrs. Adam Dodds-, af .seafortn. • • DEATH On ,CLINTON ItEarDENT . At the ripe age af .ninety-two years, alter an illness et some little tim,e, Rutb Mason, widow of Jas. Nott, .Clinton, pas- sed into. the Great Beyond, Sei .Monday, Man 1.2; Mrs. Nett was el English birtb. havieg..been born, in Yorkshire.. Bhe is survived by one son, Fred, or the lune - stead in Tucker:smith, and three da,ugh- ;PPM., tairee.W 4,,,9rreat, Oiintene. Mrs. Hugh C. MeCannell, Kindereley, Sask., and Mre. Richard Bailey, Galeamd, Alta. Zi 1862 she was •uniteci inems,rriege to her late husband, •who passed nWay 23 years age. • , • FANIII.V ALMOST OVERCOME By GAS • A near tragedy happened in Clinton .on Tuesday Morning of last 'week 'when Mrs. Ellwood, Victoria street, anti two chil- dren were almost evereorne by coal gas, the, result or a blocked chiamen Care of the children took ill eatly in the merit- ing bue nee cause was aot suspected un- til later. 'Mr. Ellwcod, feeling ill her- self, then 'na1led-11er enter, Mrs. T. Riley, who lives down the same street, atid a doctor was summoned. The little boy *mild • net be roused until About eleVell the eanie day, but all are now rapidly im- proving. SEAFORarli WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AID • The lime meeting, of the recently torra- ed Womeas Hospital Aid. at Seirfortie was field in the library on Monday After- noon of lest week, with large attend - 01 belies present. Tee president, Mrs. OharleS Holmes, presided. Mrs Close, treasurer, gave ',the nnaitelal port, stating tbat 00345 had been Col- lected through tear, *ridges, *donations, ate., and some $57.75 through, ;member- ship feeb. Mrs, X. M. IVfaerin, ecovener of membership ministate, reported that that the town had beat divided into four taations turd a hOuse-to-house earivaes Made, some 201 members being Secured. ACCIDENT A BLESSING Mt. John Thump:Iota of atlythehad quite narrow escape froth a bad accident re. eently, He was retivning from Wing ham and the bad etorm. that eve on At the tithe clouded his visibility se thrit When he wae about lie wales from bome he rate into the ditch. He walked home' and the next Morninn toon eome help aut and getting- Ur. Benninger's" tetria the tar eve drawn onto the road, Tie asis- fn' in raising the car lv grained Intne Bropileu Bros • GODERICH regenerno—, VIINERAL DIRECTORS • anti EMBALMERS Areal) • 4M1ITLANCE SEBVICE AT ALT, gorns-4116411' OR DAY P*. 1G4I'411. 114t 1* 411111111111•1101111111111W .4.4.44•44.14MPIEW infant Colds "OAK'S OWN TABLETS'', writes Louts Wheeler. ef Indian Road crescent, Toronto, "are eplenclid for childtttas Colds Cougbe and. Cram They are- the beet Corrective a abiiI ean he." When a baby or yoUng chin ncattbee cokna a fain pleesant, efficient cor- rective is needed testriediately. Thou- rende of Mothers alWayS keep BABY'S • OWN TABLETS 4 band for the prompt relief of the cornrow eilmente of childhood. See 6.1fety guarantee in each 25 -cent Paelbeire.'e.43 Dr. wows. BABY'S OWN TABLETS t , • ews o Dun annon EXIII.E OF EVERYTHING •W`401.e.s.'S fetreet %cattle fie cetireatcd ,7,7t0AIOAl0ie. ...a may Melte hie Qwri. et:ureter, bre his teputattoe Ls at the runny at the ll:13- NieSara. LITilield. Anderson and Waitron anis, •Pitegeralie, et Detroit Vero Vialtara‘ With relatiVea here. Mr. and Mrs. li-3yreOral E. Certee Of Torotte, were week -Kid flutata wit• h rale-, tIvlielobeatattlartneatirenm,nerailluPitaCial"int°4ilie gar- a 4 o ege ot Larne afelnenziee intd a OlOSe Call • It ieeka as tbougla the Jape are bent SAturciase* Re was itorkitig en a ear• en eewing death and devastettan J.n Je- belenging to Jelin Kilpatriele wheu he bet this spline. was overeeme be censers menoxide gas. Feetilig the effects of it, both Mr. Ka - Patric* and Ma Stothera attempted to remit- the door. Mr. lailpatriele got to the street but Mr. Statham was overeMne eelfrom Which he eufterea eensidereble and fell Under the :ender of the tar. Pain, but almost like.* miratile. the next Mr. Intheetrieknearried Stothere out deers Morning lie found that e emad breathe and be was So= restored and was put till'inotCanhel*tori°,oltvelruneVYY°134eatrillanaanileLGnitlaiad tDoebatehtL w.f jam Moon Still working well, Reletivee at Dungannon received WINOUltai 1.0.031- PASSES. SUDDENLY word of the neath in Termite on Wed. Tha sudden death oocurro at,winsharo needay of Jahn Glenn, a former • o alear a vegetarian van pre. up. fee laickert as more than meet et tta ndereteret Thursday, zoarah low a Jul* ordaar. known and highly respected reSident •widow ot G. g. Baktr, Of Teeswater, who of this vielnity. The late Mr. Wenn, died sem sec years a/0,,T au January she whose borne was at Lang' 'Branch, tto isit her was a son e the late Mr. Med Mrs. Moved o NI/Ingham. v;laugh-. tat Ion o„ masara, being. In poor Willmar Glenn, and WAS born on the farm on which Williern Mole now ae- health at the time. Awakening early in side, 7$ years ago. Death came a$ the morning defreased eorapittined ot feel- In fint. A dthe resnit of a paralytic stroke. Ile g aoctor wee erimmoned, but is slimmed by his only son Edward before he arrived she had expired. Sur- * viving are two daughters, Mrs. Mean, of G•leSil' who is P4116144 of the High School at Mimic°. His wife, who was ctueVinims,grimn,Thaeadrik,feari:tnsGerwdoetne aft:iv:an, eft:lac; xpriesttemeausheadtatime pbeyruanaunnyNyeewanrrInguee, Tesswater, whom the funeral was eon- is survived by one !deter. Mrs. James dueted from her an home. Interment Stoneham Dungannon, and two was made in the Teeswater cemetery, brothers, Samuel Glenn. Detroit and DEATH' OF JOHN BERRY, =NSW, • David Glenn, Dungannon. The funer- in was held on Thursday, the remains Another ot Itensall's aged and highly corning by train to Palmerston, then d 8steen" res1°Ilts P34secl away Qrt to Satin -cemetery, near Newgridge; or evening. March 1211h, in the persoe where his wife was interred. of John Berne, ageti 86 years. He had been failing far a. number of yearS but Church Notes able to get around. He was bora in The t. P. S. of Inurigannon United, Irkernington Tevp., 11. Soh or the late Mt. chereli held a St. Patrick's concert and mrs, Adam Berry., After his mar- Wednesday eVertillg. The. niiXed pfo.. 'nage in 1876 to eVIesgaret 'Clarke they geem began with a medley of Irish fanned near Brueefield until they moved emins by the young people Who were to Zeeman Alicia 28 years ago. Mr. Berra dressed to suit tha ,occasion. The was a meneve of the United ehtireb, arid good old lirish hallads--'"Killarney," an otenecznan. Besides his hersavod "The Dear Little Shamrock," arid "MY widow he leaves to mourn his loss a eon, Love's an Arbutus," were given as Albert, of Alberta; and two daughters. solo trio and duet numbers. Instru- Mrs. Annie. VitsPatticit" and Mrs. Bert int/Asti rriusio consisted of mouth Vernier, of Hibbert, and one brother Wil- organ selections and piano duets and of Bruceaeld. trios, Several humorous readings bran, OF ego,. W. WREN, nENsitu, were enjoyed bY the audience. Miss Alice Shaoltelton of the Blake churph George W. Wreri, Of Heneall, passed appointment, was the guest elo- cutionist. The short one -act play -- "His Model Wife," was given, and the dilemma of the yaung bachelox, artist who had told Ms rich aunt that he wee married, and who was forced to fled a• wife suddenly, when the aunt returned to this country, produced great mirth. , awaysuddenly at the heme of hie nephew, Mr: oeorge Chambers, of Hibbert Twp., on Monday, March 12th. Mr. Wren. bad been in poor health tor several years and Jest rad met with a severe aceident by falling off a wegai. •He spent some time ecott Memorial Hospital, BeafOrth, and also at the nursing home ef Me. a. Satfaiderecek at Zeman and for seversa Weeks with Ins nephew. On Monday .he was getting ready to go out to the barn and went into his room -where he was found dead shortly after, His wife, who was Mize nitzgerald, predeceased • him about a year ago, Beryls/big are one bro- ther, John al.Clinton, and three sisters, Mrs. HosI, of Los Angeles; Mrs.:Gilligan, of Oregon, and 1vIrs, Horton of Moose DEATH oF InItS. ALEX. MUNN The death occurred at the Seed mem- erisil Hospital, Beaforth, os Saturday ev- ening, March tOth, of. Margaret Gordon IVIentehon, beloved wife :et Alexander Munn ef Remelt nil's. &num was taken to the Seaforth Ineepital about a week be - fere for treatment but failed to rally. She was torn in Hay Township on the 10tb. of Jime, 1803, a daughter ot the late Mr. and mrs, John McMahon, She was united in oriarriage to Ur. lanb. on Christmas Llay, 1804, and they made their home en Lot 10, Con. 3, Hay Twp., until they moved to Hansen 16 years ago, Besides her bereaved husband she leaves to temunnher loss, 3 sons, John Robert on the home farm hs Hay Twp., •Dr. aanies A. of Seaforth, and; Clarence B., of Aylmer, and one daughter, Mrs. T. G. Wilson, of Bay City, Witch. There also survives one brother. WINGUAlel. PIONEER PASSES An old and respected pioneer resident of Viririgharn, Allen M. Franck, paesed away en Monday, -March 12th, in his 84th year. Zorn .et Belleville, he moved with bis parents as aboy to Grey Town- shile near 13russe1s. AS aayoung man he tcok Up farming in East Wawanosii, later going to Alpena, Mich., for some years, after which he returned to his farm in East ,,Wativanosh. Twentyefive years- ago he ?attuned to Winghem, .where for s itumber of years he was tax collectine Mr. Pralick was tevitie married. Inti first wife we Eliza M. Briltd, and 33 yeare ago he married 1Veary TaylMe widen of ans. Tees, of antes. For the past two years Mr. Prallek had beeri in, tailing health, but was Able, to be about. Due to adverved ago he was emitted to the' bouse this winter. Ile is survived- by Ids Widow and her two Amin George Tees, sit St Catharines, arid Thomas. Tees, Wind - tor. ea Misquote Asthina..--To be relieved from the terrible auffocating clue to asthma is a great thing, but to be safe -guarded for the tut= is even greater. Not *ray does Dr. J. T. Teellogge; Asthma Remedy bring Prompt relief, but it introdUces a new eM of life for the afflicted. 'Systematie halinn a smoke or fumeeifrorri tan rem- edy prevents re -attacks nid often nIfects a permanent uree Alum Am*: osty (moths drt 'OW API Oat I eder Funeral Director an Embalmer Also Ambulance Service Ooderla Ontario All tails promptivI'atttodett to day or night riwles Mere 335, Kate* SOW. -!..44:4.44.444.4,4404*.4.444— Sever Wedding On Saturday Mr. and Mrs, Richard 'Park celebrated their' silvo wedding an- niversary, by entertinang • all the 'mem- bers of their family and a few close • frieads at their home, son. 5, Ashlield. The marriage which united Richard Park' and nfargaret Reid, was performed at the hotne• of the bride's narents, Mr. and Mrs. James Reid, March 18,1308, by Rev. Cesag. Rathe,rford. The bridegrootn was the youriger son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Jahn Park. The parents of both were pioneer residents of Antacid. During theday alr. aied Mrs..Park caved. marty.tnessagee oZ tongratillation. was ,served when the guests num- bering about twenty, enjoyed a stunptu. ous wedding repast, the dining room and tables being prettily decorated wIth blue and silver. Following the -dinner the bride and aridegroont were made the re- eipients of a eabinet of flatware ha sin vet, an address being read by 1Viiss Beth Park and the presentationemade by the two daughters, Mrs. Howard Black (Dri- na), and Mr. Arthur Stewart alteary). The bridegreonas gilt to the bride was handsome silver casserole. The linen arid dishes were used upon the otcasion of the marriage 25 rears ago. • The cakes adorning the table Were the gifts of the three little grandehildren, Edna Rhone and Joyce Coleeri Stewart, and Margaret Doreen Black. The couple were also the recipients of other beatin- ful gifts, among then' teing a lamp from some of the family arici eaeasserole from the bride's two sisters. Mrs Ma•soll Me - Mister of let. Augustine and elm. Wthann Begley of Leamirestole There aro six thlkiren, Mrn, Ilowerd Black (Edna), Mrs. .ArtItur Stewart (Mary), Benson, Jack, Seth and Rich- ard, all being present for the tecasion, and there are three g.randchildren, Music, games arid Miming were oriel/ - ed. THE GODERK HEAT FOLKS We ARe vie SHOCK TROOPS s HARDY AND BOLD FOR We PUT THE KIBOSH ON WINTER AND COLD yoUr heating equipment bent a a re., treat when wintr epringe surprise attack, send for a regiment of lieet Folks. They will bunk quiet- ly in eenir cellar and tire when you tee the White of tvinteeo eyea. You will never have be aurrentler to told if you have thia tion in your lire-bOX. IV151ce your liOune Ileadqoartere for Chia major coal and yeu will live in X VOrtreus IPI. Warmth. CAL IL MUSTARD 4 0 11111.3 3.,[:ar 2,330 erne's' of spinach will be planted in Oaeadie. The last aft acres ot tha total le for land depreciation' that sten on the epinaen leaves, O 84 aeine U. a. papers acorn to bi alarmed because Japan aute quit the League at Nations, but they were never alarmed ae. eause Vatted ntates refused ta join. • From. xsas fyle ot the Mirror we learn of 4 Mustier march in London, Englanii, Thin, year the mob tried to force its way into Gladstone's house.—Meaford. Mirror. • 4, it, .* nen Zi anald nem almost that ofety pine have beeome au Article** baby diet, Judge ing frent the number of report e of doc- tors removing them from clepartmente ot the interior. e • . If banks cut the rate of interest on de- poeits from 3 to 2% it would not he of any hell) to the average business man Vie pays at the rate of 7% for interest on overdrafts at thn end, nt eaeh month, Mercies), is reported to .haVe Perchesed ten gun hostfrom Spain.' Spain found they were not„ worth what it test to keep them up, and Modeo may niake it eimilae diecovery. The larelmow village touneil has pas. sed a by-law 11)11)0411g a five -Millar fee ,ox teanisters doing nestat in the village, othe than these paying a business. tax. In- fractione ot this. ,bylaw will subject th party to a $10 penalty. • . ..:An ter as we. can makeoUt• no: person who' triincisehis.owe :business has net ben put in Jail under 'that hutch -attached F,eztion 98 of the Criminal Code. MOT MOM ' A - T - 11- N - G .111=1=01401.114:04===1011X01=1=11=2.110110. tiaaranteei str, rco an wan a *Atm arria. WEIL in your fernace or hot water heating plant. ThernyzlaticallY ontrael, Tatty dean free Ulan Pat a IIIINSEN OIL OCIANCIII in your range or heater. Gnaranteed Uv e, yeare. Prices from Otia up, Open ercul Hi CLEMENTS MASSEY HARRIS SHOP, KINGSTON STREET Mame IN gram ineludeci Beleetiens by the Union barmonlea band; colo, Everett violin iristruinental eaele ,ey Fred Bell and §ine. Wenn; duet, Orval Powell and Glen Laekhart; role, Dave Pavideeni readings by Lorne aliliett and Everett Mee Dwain. All repaired toptlie beeenviat where lunell we carved, after vslach danouag was enjoyed tilt the wee one' hoUrs of the merniug. Carom another. correspeedenel Aire. James Itese is visiting at the nom) et Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rose, Mr. Charles tinorsell, or Goderieb, is it taraet at the home et Mr. and Mia. Relit laavidson. • lvlies Ruth Evane spent the week -end at the home of her parents, Dr, and Mre. Evans, tit Clinton. Mies Marguerite Faleoner, of Goderich. spent Sunday at the home Of her par- ents, Mr, and tare. Geo. Faleotter, • Next Sunday service will be held, with the pastor in charge. Sunday school at pan„ .preaching service at 3 Am. Ur. Wm. Jennings and Anna enter - tabled it ntunber of their feleride At A progressive euchre party last went. The young people of the community were invited to the kerne of Mr. and iefrs. Lockhart on Tuesday -evening ef this week, Kindly .Iceep in rebid the presentation onnthe two plays, Ileighhore" and "Smoldering Fires" by the Dramatic So- ciety Of Chian church, uring Easter week. The members are all butily one geged in practice. COLBORNE TWE' . COUNCIL The council met in the hall at 2,90 pm. March 14th, with all the meMbers present • except Councillor Geo. peagan. The minutes et the previous meetiae were read and on motion by J. Pinnacle, seconded by H. McCreath, vivre adopted "read Theco. uncil agreed to pay their share •($400) for the upkeep of twoStreet Debts at the west end. ofeAtibUrn.vUlago ,mrMacTyraigritit:Iltivnbortuatintehtretietueodkoteoptnttrtiehtvo eetnetery and report at next meeting. LV Wae agreed that the reeve and cowl - on be u'oculeteil eonunittee for the year 1033. A5 Toynbee Lamb had sent .in his re. * Codfish at Vancouver had a C. P. R. spoon in his inhards, We beileve thn even a modest seven would lead to the recOverY or Many fie f ar mare accessible places, * nine of the placards issued by the One terio Deaartment 01 Health asks this question; "What should you do when you have a cold." It give the fallowing sensible reply: "Kest as 'mirth as pos- eible. Sleep and light diet are Minor - tent. Remember the the fellow. late a handkerchief when coughing and eneezing." o 'Irmespapers ere "head and shouldnia above any other advertising medium.'" azt- cording: to Denton Massey, Canadian in- dustrialist et Toronto, Who. recently ad- dressed businese administration nod . economic students 01 the 'University ef Western Ontario. • sigaation as poundiceeper, Robt, McCabe was appointed to take ins place, 1 Anyona. wishing to use the halt must now OKI' to the neve. Tire renewing aceounte .v. -ere submitted, ;mitred and peeled ter payment' Road superinternient'a vourhere. $29.30: 0. Asonth,.elerk of Auburn, $4: P. Male wain, eeal ell and abets, $1.11: Milne Printing Cee $13.40; 'tern Fisher, wood for hall, 40. There bolus no further fnielnees the ounell adjourned to April llth. WM. SALLOW'S, Aesietant Oak, ACID STOMACH IS 'DANGEROUS Suffsrets from Indigitation CUT THIS OUT ostonutett trouble, ay:met:eta, incite' gestain, Kennon:a awe heartburn. feed fernientatieb, SUN, aro Paused tont time.s. IR ten by ehrunle acid . stomach,' save a well itnown authority. nurning hydrochloric amen, de- vehnoIL the stonmolk ut att alarm. inu rate. The acid irritatea and in - names the delicate otomacit and Oftsu. leads to gatarltitllirMAW* act ulcers. 1/01et 0080 an acid stom. aeit wan Dolton or,artitlelat dictett. Moto that onlyylve temporary 'reiter from vain by olivine. the sour, fer- menting f000,aut et the etweiteli into the litteatioes. Instead, neutralism or aweeten Your acid stomach after inettlit with a little infiltrate() Magnetite find not cooly, will the pain Vanish but Pear Meals. Will aldeat natUrally. There is nothing • better, than 1.11sUrated Magnesia, to sweetea and settle an nehl..atetnacit. Your ototnitelt acts anti feele fine lit just n few tniittitee. Ilintiritted Magnesia can he obtained from env tenable drturntet. It la safe, reliable, enNy' Ploorulot to use, ie hot a laxo.tive tuul Its not Si' alt OXPPEVaira. /44•444.064444444.****•44.4.44444.4 . • 000801)11 MONUMENTAL 'WORKS HAMILTON ST. Best Material and Latest Designs Expert Workmanship All 'Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable Your business will be appreciated. R. A. SPOTTON GoDERIcli ONTARIO P. 0. Vox lel • The authorities of the United states are waking up to the fact that the, Com- manists 01 that country have been given too free a rein during the past and it took the shooting affair at Miami the other elay to bring them to the place where they oak!, realize thin Direet relief evai given it slap in the face by a 'Montreal judge, and now We read that the "dole" in England is being . found fault with for the tame ream. Both have robbed too many of the desire to Bye by. working. Troubled With Indigestion 'PaitiOlii-.$100aCk.'..Afte.!!, .000k. _A rabbit plague la again menacing fanning in New South Wales. On one tam 35,000 of them were killed in it single 'week, and on enother 11,000 were e4terniinated in twO alights. The New gouth Wales Goverrunent has appropria- ted $1,000,000 for 'wire netting to .fente off the crops. s Sanitary kisses are advocated by nee Board of Health ot worcester, Massa- chusetts. In it list of timely suggeetions for the preventine of colds and grippe the board's statement iiays: "y you must shoW your affection, kiss on the back of the neck; the thrill will .be ju,st as great and yoU will probably avoid disease," GODERICH TOWNSIIIP, A eong service of "Favorite Hymns" will be put on hi Union church on Stine day, April 2n6, by the cnolr. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogle and Made- line, of Nile. visited on Sunday at the home of the lady's parents, 'Mr. anti 1VIrs„ Thos, SowerhY, I A euchre and dental is beim; held on WednaedaY cvelllillt. March 20111, In the, Oranoe Nall 'under tile aulpicee ot thel Riveaton L. 0. I,. 145. Tile tOgillar Meeting Of f11.•.? Y. 11 8. of; Union church was hold in the church on, Fridny et ening With nfteen, metnnere pre - tent, and Illinrice eteIlwain as leader. • Arrangements were made for Wedneeday, • evening when the Cariew young peop1e. • will put on the play, "Frown Eyed Betty." It levinn wet; aura and the meeting cloud with the benedietien, nee, le me craw occupied the nutlet of Union eburch on Stanley arid delivered an intereeting addrece on the eubject, "Misplaced Atixietlel,". having ice hie text, "Peter seeing him eeith to Jou% Lord, and whet shall tins me.n do" John 21;21. fluriigao tetViee, ti* choir inn. • dered an them. "Tidne for Service," •tvlach. was mix aPPrOeintna, A aunt 4urceatui euclire sand deem was held ki t Wair.ectlay event:1g in the Orange Hall under the alr,pleC3 ot Ilicee* Ltost 1,, 0. le 145. 'Dee firet anet -62 the ssculng wee spent pleeina preereesive • carehre. Tile peleci e, haven were Mee Maeauente Falterer aria Mr. (an. Gwen., Slade, fire/ pvieee. end Ma. Meant Dell nee] Harry Piillinee cc:antenna. Tiin 1, /Jae falba a ty a clfart pecovela Win Mr, Jae. V 'mg se clialreale. COAL 1t OMPANYI • The pains and distress OAtitied 00)31 •indigestion or dyspepsia lino b�, removed by the use of 11.E.13. ." It tones up and restores the .stomach to normal condition tar • that it digests 'food 'without causing dissomfort. - • Mrs. C. 0. Chamberlain, Sher- brooke Que., writest--"I had been • trouble'd with indigestion and pains in any stomach after meals. • My mother reporamended Der - dock Blood Hitters, so I got a bottle and after taking It' "was • greatly relieved. / recommend h for indigestion, or .• any forttt of stomach disorder." ONE DOLLAR IS EASIER TO PAY THAN TWO • To make it easy for subscribers who find $2.00 a lOt to pay out at once The Goderich Star will accept a six -months' advance payment, (Si.o0) as keeping your paper paid in ad. vance and all who pay on this basis will be presented with one Of our Charming 1933 calendars free. • Or for prompt payment of a full year's subscription a full 12 months in advance ($2.00) together with all arrears (if any) we will also include our HANDSOME PREMIUM "STAFFORD" CAKE PLATE Crown Derby Colorings Nine and one -halt Inches square M• ailed (wcurely packed) to any address in Canada. Or, if Preferred, in place /if the Premium Plate, we will allow a cash discount of Soc. This oder applies only to subscribers paying all arrears and a full year in advance, and only to Canadian subscribers. United States subscribers plying all arrears and a full year in advance, if payment is made prompt-. ly may pay at the rate of 82.00 for the year in advance, $2.50 a year for arrears (if any). PAY NOW AND SAVE 5O CLUBBING OFFERS WITHOUT PREMIUM Star and London Free PreSS.. „ *• ,S 00 The Star and The London Advertiser 6.00 l'he Star and The 'Toronto Globe (5.00 The Star and The Mail and Empire 0.00 7.00- The Star and The Toronto Star Premium above included for 50c extra e Goderich Star