HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-23, Page 21:be ooperto $tal. -wedelislial wry tummy The Wei OM Uoderich. Rubio -lotion Prieee wads And tarot Beiteln PM Peri M advence eiu wean 12.50); tienee States, s25s pee year in advance.i qatis old and new addresses Ettaala , :wen ,vihen &elute of eddreeels re. mated. CANCELLATIONSeNe find' wit newt et cur subseribers Prefer not * beet their subecilptlees interruptee •rt base thee fall to reralt Were explra. e p irrk. Inarrest* over eu extended Per - *d, yet, =Ws we are notified to ceneei, te assume tee eubseribereelshes the sere ice tontinued. RIMITTANGES enould Y eit tor or cheque payable at Par In (lode- TIIIIRSDAZ MARCII 16th* 1034 I I Star Sparkles IWHAT OTHER 0.5. EDITORS SAY 'LOOKING ON THE 1311101IT SIDE iMilverton SOO - Teere's one consolation, When the...gee tax gets a little higher, the railroads will baved. GOVERNMENT FINANCES TELL (Financial Post) Recovery' will emailw Cerfada oue governinentid Maumee are sound Chaos will inevitably emu if we keep on spending money so mach *more rapidly than theepeopie can sup- ply it tee the Government,. thet the OP MOW TO %Val/AIN we aro repng. for a limited Owe Tuesday VMS the first day of spring Ana the probabilities are wet for the States, and if the Moderation League hod its limy, wet for Canada also. Tine reduced rate for water heatere proposed by the Ilydro-Eleetric Core - THE GO RI it STAR A DAY KEEPS RUNES AT BA • national 1. onitelbe offer of * Beitiskanede, I a" ehaninum cookingsPeOei foe the retool IT'S ALWAYS $0114ETRINO ofoolY 30 Cho CutaiRe4Wreppers. OXOtimited,SaPeterStmet,Montreel (Stayner Sun) "twill soon be the season of soh - dilution: the rake for the snow shore el, the Vactliint cleaner and -broom for the coal slioVeL the lawn mower for the radio and easy chair, the paint brush and hammer for the storm 'win- dows, the beads for the curling tone,, the Slnldaer Jaient for the faintly pew, the beach pyjamas for the fur coat, the up -all -day for the up -all-night, the pavilion dance for ndseto does not mean that there the six no trump, the window sill for the political stove.side debate, ten . would he any reauetion io the price gallons of gas for five innidesed of the loeal emniniesion would be charg- eon) end so on. ed for the power used. That is Why the Water and Lie& Commission is taking time to look into the question RISE IN COMMODITY PRICES (P. M. R. in Saturday Night) Exports of Canadian wheat cone 'berme saYinff '1-Yesn tO tIO °"•ev• Orme well above the level of a year What effect would the adoption of ago and recent price gains have the cheep price have on the thirteenth clieeeeil farmers and business Ven. power bill Which the local commis- M te the nennanerale of the 4480 gt thie and other tommodities, much will Eion would receive front illi'dra? deoend upon the indicated course of the American dollarif and when HYDRO AT AT it 'Weenies dear that there is to be a A FLEtATE sulestantial drop in the purehasing timer et that dollar, commodity In order to dispose of eurplus prices will to d t power, unused beeauee of the de- dillicult to se: ho: itcat Invasion, the FlYdro Xlectric Com. ,aveid depreciation of its eurr n y inisskot is...looking a fiat rate for hot to it does not necessarily eleesiare miter heaters all over the province. :lid:el' '4. 'rifting trend fc)'v. C°11.""flitY If Canada is ti8eemeal 111KhelYfurir*beabelei ff a fiat rate for hot water heaters; will n b fi why not a fiat rate for lighting and isywever, 1 • predate the Canadiannede 114aar MotCiredore"' Why not a flat rate for power? If the Ain le to get more power used Welar a s • et3S An accordance with the E. S. dol - idea top which would be entirely venture to say a fiat vete all round logiod in view of the resulting aele Would help 4 lot, 48 well as providing ,vOntsg°1 la sterling milrhata' for a more even development of the ItOW FREE IS ItElia0/ON 111 ROSSIA province, (Pet) iftpositor) We learned the other day from the admirable tortesPontlent from .Russia ROMP WHIM NEEDE of the Toronto Star -we are always Story of a man trinlmed out of SWIM I WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW WON'T HURT YOU (Wlartoii Who/ man came into the *Mee the other (ley and paleeme two dollars for las sub- scription. And. as We +Chatted I learned Unit lie has been taking the alta ter over 40 years and etiange te relate, ties is tne only paper he does take, lVfost people, as well as getting their loCal weekly, take at least oue dfly, He is a very intelli- gent ceriversationalist, a very Interesting talker.. You may as that, taking only the Soho be would naturally have a Very narrow outlook on life, but lie appeared to be eontent to env, only the news a bis home surreundeige, and wasn't great,. ly concerned with what was going on the big outside world, of men and thinge. And then. Ile went out, ana 1 medltated on the iritident, 'dew he resale nese after all? And on *fly desk at the raiment lae three Toronee dailies. And. -took a hurried ;otk .at them and these are the things,2 mean Tlinti-one States have closed their bank doors. One man on genie honkone night caught another Man in his horae, apparently greatir, terested in his wife. On the spot te Put - Jed a gun and shot NM dead. A niOtOr.• 44 ran into a pedestrian, and. cowardiea like kept on driving. Waitt is known as it hit and run" motorist. The oedestelim died on the way to the aospitel. Two youthlield UP a rural bank and stole $6,000.00 Osh. A treat nage picture of a naked girl with Milan narrow bit of fur hanging, earelessly iieross the Middle of her bedy. Thirteen -year-old bey ae- 1dents11y hangs :himself in gyrtinosium. learning something from the adinir- be advanced as bail to keep 4 friend out so ere •at jail, Story of six-year-old scholar get- s a the unreliable 'retreat° Stine vireo. ting lost in raging blizzard in the West. week of the condition of the road if we sonietimes have to unlearn it Story of sillY childish verbal quarrel lie - leading into the cortitery, and in All next woke -awn important facts teott•eenta Canada's two outstanding Politte eonselence, it was had enough. But about religion in Russia. We learned or tb.,otoe Primitie Minister and the Leader - one did not need to go beyond the (1) frail).- a large front-page headline iiiit:ntatr, A story of Municipai boundaries to find bad I that religion in Russia. is practicully a womaPreeehr free front interference, and (2) from being charged gOdttil. °1rnfraelltleornhusof4aritil roods, lit the southern part of the the eirialletype part of the same attele Li Bitter compleint Was •eiaeo la t able correspondent° front niewli Own, south; of Ilritonnia road, most at the roade *Ire in bad condition, and it was poor rietiefactien fee thOZ9- 4 ,..{41.0 110 .tte those roads every day to be to;ild that Goderieh reads tri better than roiedg in neigh., hoeIng towns! There ie avgell badly. ,,fteoll •ctiteade the gOVgVIIIMStit, . fluor Law. A story Of fmud on the part on an inside page Abet nobody le al- Of eouple of Misiness men who bad lowed to teach religion in Russia to oine late tatgruptey, story of it Tar., aaybody under eighteen years of Mee- mer parted with even, burning Imis own The readers of the Toronto Star are largely;. euspect, religious people. We 'are moved to wonder whether -they, *add consider. their partlealar broad of religion to be i4etlea i;atl Work required Yet in *while in niloevisig ajt dults to peaotice t. Godericheand it is a pity that unem. prohibited rill teaching a it to 'le eloYed cannot be basy 'at it hi return Young Canadians (as the Russian for relief handed out. And the path* government compels the teaching of all young Russianel that riot only V148 through the eourt house Dolt their particular religion but All re -- still remain es one of the unheautie 1 ligion is false, and is merely a -*twang Ail' things Alualt town, The tour of of enslaving the proletariat, and that s inspection of the town to see whthe universe inothing but a material at reality with no spiritual reality ho- ve& is needed will probably be reside bind it, after the roads have tided up. WHY DIVIDE FORCES? . Preto the Kincardine Relview-Ite- ;tater we learn that "Kincardine will not lend support to the Bluereater • • Ilighway Association thie year" and the RevieweReporter adds, "We be. Hew this is a WiSO step. The Blue Water route is anything but a high. war And pavement between Xincate dine and Goderich would be of far MOW value to this town." Yet the Blue Water Highway Aseociation Made the pavement of the road be. 'Mem Goderiell and Kincardine one of their main and the first big Mee. five. By all means, lot us have the paving of tile road between Gode. th and Kineardine lie the first eon- sideratiom If I(ineardine ean get this reed paved by virtue" of not lend* 1101AT 1,01.1CIC OF RETRENCHMENT barn for the insureace matey, , A story from Calgary Of appointment of a lance Committee bY City Council to check the eteeng tide of immonnity, attributed Capt. A. M. Macgregor has been to the wonoulle situetion. A num retired from the service of the charged with cruelty to animals by stab e Government suevey steamer Payfield,, flng his horsee, 'ari, open, unprotected after a 'Very long and faithful record. shed 'during coldest, roughest weather. wheels. Tale -Canada wine geese ruins- ru,...aren lotn, after a Short And an arnele on the inaecuritY of our ee banking sYstem. teeny a 0, blind. bag- Marr A-Vireatlaite, wife of Captain gage bunt felliag under we e..Alexe_ MeeLeed, died on Monday, mflneas for want ot lood. A tale of "Neill:laid one was for 24 seasons with her city empioyeesowing for thew ;DA years husband on the great lakes, taxes Investigation a milk busineee In Glancing Backwards WOK TIM 101114 010 Tllik OODIRICH WAR, WAR. 20. 1002. Jonathon Willer has teken over he Grip !louse. Segforth, The contract for the building a the ;tale Methodist Aura his been let to George Stotliers. Over 1,000 roils of paper have been placed on the walla of the Bedford Hotel and ctravellera say it ja ono of the finest in Ontario. The joint gommittee of the Town council and ,Library Board liaVe elms - en the plans bf Architect ,r, Ades Fowler, of town, for the new literary. It is announeedethilit the Xing td - ward and another vessel a eimilar type, but of larger capreeity, will make two ealls a week each way dur- ing the 1903 season. Toronto, evidence a greed of minded. Woman suing' in courts for back alimony. Signs of Spring-Bicrees are be - An item on the divorce of a couple from irig freely used. Dave Reid says he bitidelitY to merriage votes on part of ritsver heard the. frogs sing see early woman, An. article ea toren* trial of as this. year. Many song and other man charged with murdering wife and 'birds have returned. Can it be the baby' by setting" fire to their home, feathered ones have mistaken the And. could go cm deteiling to you "(41tIli such things which are daily dished up to us by our daily preps, And Troin reading E. N. Lewis, Clerk of the Peace, ties one gets' the idea that sinful humane County a Huron, in this issue pub- ity is tentintiously driving 4 tomb and lishes the list of convictions in Huron four through the Ten ponirtiantiments. county for the quarter ending March Tates or ohne eud cruelty, of greed, of Intl,. There •weis a drunk and dis,- passion, of death and suffering, of mut,- orderly ease at Wingharn, fine $L011 der, arson, a rape, of Opt% glarhig Assault and battery case at the same tory, of venbetY and violence and of the town, fine $3.00. Selling liquor' with - vilest infractions or the moral Code by out lidense at Exeter, fine $25.O0 humanity, witched -1n suggestive phrase°. Breach a Fruit Marks Act, same logy. village, flee $5,00. Furious 'driving ' on. streets of Ileneall, fine $5.(10: All And whet does the man really miss when he down% take a daily paper. Well finer* Paid• if he is it thinker he won't lose faith in • his luilnan kind by ignorance of these -Collegiate Literary -The program happenings going on deity. Wile started by it nice ,piano sole by os itnanAilwindthg? Iri:enkwedrYOlizei tehasfe frztheeclel:inerelftv.:weecerho,[r;t) siz n frKed 0 of afterlImere's whichsMx.o. ilwaci GahretginMcGregor quartette,g vcDoeanit kt svoewtrreedthao n !Er, et fetaertt townu .rognoet oswou:.7a48 10 07 athatdAo,trxd oseoi golealtinfogrman.d ?Corioniecei;arisetrassatPierceepueirid to . queries, and Miss Brimitombe Tinthints knamy Tedrientod wthh:sedrineewsolunzapaper9rteadthe.. We a Pleasing exhibitirni °bib swinging. Miss Dyke followed with Echo MissiagaMeit news that woulefavarietandring and Mw. ))43'-a Plano SC/1(1: be beneficial to him. And what he Baia 1:estl his "fortnightly" deesn't knew won't hurt hint. 01 Sand OsPe• ' E. A. D. ' Mr.- C. -Ntiftel, Bayfield road. re- cently brought to St. George's rectory Pasteurization 1 a remarkable flowere bah as to size 11 Our Vieekly Lessor) flower was taken was formerly class - and form. The plant from which the Health Servic* of the Canadian t ed iri the germs armn or lily „family. Medici) Association and Life 1,.., In English it is commonly Imown as, an underel- surance Companict In Canada. (By w. I,. ciordon) la plant. is a native of India and Other ,.. parts of tropical Asia. it has large " "Various methods or solving the pro- words often maimed sfiev,,tairnychdeescoiiImpdoivanmdetlereavoens tahrteheict bleat are being followed, but probably et- Do not say, "14t ,lotin and I gO with fective pasteuribation of the mine is the yytt.” say, -Let John. and me me go with tall •inarbled etem. The flower itself loest protertiort for the consigner, and you.. ' measures I foot, 6 inches in diamet- milk to treated appears to retain its velit- .D0 not Kin atveroody had their own et. The odor for the first few days able food properties practically Imbue caret say. .svaryaotr had ids own after coming into bloom is ttripleag.. ant, but thie soon passes off. It has tare' created much interest. W not eat .'"X didn't hear nothing." . .. Say, "I heard nothing," or, "I didn't hear anything." , Do not tai, "The preaclent had rose to rPcak." Sate. "had risen," De not say, "I can't run that fast," Say, "I cant run so feet? Do not say, "T shall send whomever is • • . • paired," This quotation is trout it recent publi- • eatiou of Sir George Newman, Chief (New Outlook) 1 Medical Officer of the Ministry of itealth One wonders to 'what further, for England. and walee. Considerhig tile i lengths the abstiril and suicidal policy tem of pasteurization which Abould meari of salary reductions And vetrenehe more to eaelt cue of us, intereSttd es we root will be eareled before we wake ' are in the protection of thildren and up to see how very foolish and inef- I adUlts freln the dangers of contatainated fettnal it is. That certain eeonomies milk. and eacrifices were neeeesary and in- It Is unforturio.te ma; milk, whielt Is such it valuable food, may, if it becomes eoritaminatee, be ' vesponsible for the spread of disease. It is Mere than for- tunate that there is aVallable it simple, practiefil means whereby this danger May be overcome arid mint made Sate. Pasteurization nuns the heating of *vital* rimy be readily admitted, but the Junto from the extravagance and recklessness logo to the reteencli- mit and miserliness of 1933 has, in many instances, nothing to justify it and overythiug to proclaim its foolishness. We have now -come to Colborne township on luesday voted down, for the second time, the bylaw to guarantee 05,004 tbonds a the West ShOve Fa/1*W. On the first vote the adverse majority Was only 4. This tinie it was ,69. there." say, Shall send 'whoever Is There is a ruiner that the directors; there." will tornmence -building the line words often Mispronounced along the lake shore aa far Ws the Priem. Prononnee priteni* One syliabler, $4-0,000 guaranteed by Goderich will like in elm and nim, ami net pa .m permit. The general Understanding when the bylaw wok nUbtilitte Goderich ratepayers was that the event of the Colborne vote being ad. verse, the bylaw in Godexich would not be binding on this town. The Town council should consider this et enee, in view ot the assertioo 'be - nig made by friends.. of the project that Ooderich must pay foe the stoat ia any event, numane. PrOtiounte liu-man. u 9.$ hi unite, a as in Main, accent last syllable. Calliope. Pronounce ka+lieepe, a as in the place 'where any institution, or- milk to a temperahne whieh destroys all at anstranted' I " in lie' 4) as In no un- ,, I stressed, e d$ In Pete aeeeat tleeord 01" gordZatiOn er rivet° employee of dteaso germs that may ,Itave gained tile kieds of retrerieltinent put into effect. aleundgtaliro4letettimdolDwrinintluirhtelmillet4re :Alaewa11411defin*wne labkle3* In t"tihinP,r,:facort:d'ond azeent, first °11Saaerement. Prbliounce first a as in of moral obliquity if salaries have not mite process. The tenmerature Mtd the been slashed and the most violent Jabot' Is judget guilty of some kind trance toTie milk. It is not hlt-or- 'Wound (a cut, stab, or laceration); the That- many private concerne have tug vasteateratem. et also temerea by Cle (no as t token advantagee a the feeling iam that, atter pasteurization,. the rank sellable. threughent' the eannannitY to make be owned and kept 0001 tunit delivered:. Spring weather all last week caue n use. PmnOratCe be-kaz, e ht be, . reeuctione in their expellees that were . atter which, it Ls tho responsibility ot the it "a 41 "14 "1" "L"` ed great aetivity at the harbor, large in tie sense demanded was quite to neeleehe/det. to keep tuo told untii,Onen oussIerned nttngs of inen being enrged on the " ing suppott to the title Water ba.exhoeted- _Bat nin . nY POhlie in- It ts lit& eYolk (Pelt Of an egg): yoke fa framelMonitow, as Manager hirk vents stitutione under lam or govermeen- Aseoeiation it would be aecomplisli.1 The our oee of Paetearleation le to of woodY. tholk, thotigh proaOuluvd ' the .vessel ready for her maiden trip 1 tat central llav° 1°11"ed their ea" make millelefe.. Together with pasteuri. clink, a as in eat. teissent. ObSerite the on April let, but as engineers and ing e, big obJective of the 'L¼ Ample, not by renews& a recta be- weetion must go inspection. It isnot, to he two es. Debris, though pronouneed, day. earpenters are still in the way a tion, but we think the feet that a 1,:co,?Eity, but beeause au unreasoning thought that paetturbtetioit is eve. to itTbree big° amount of pidaicity has ' worked public .sentinieht hag urged them to ,43,,,erealne undeaniinesa in mokinc. or in odn'g'td Devise (verb); Se, not re. Radius the painters, her finish by that date ), .. , el i tut, tumult at ma tam. Itraufsti la. raalutclrn radii (Ithacan and zotriethaes le far from pcssibla. The four tug us p interest. in the lake shore route . hat in go ea many sns tl ev 1 a e vaaild he an added argument tor the I yikIded does little credit to the r epee -nen. there should. be detained milk and the two dredgmg sows on the understending of their lodeperidence. ftom ne3itkv ems, produced, In & dean. Seuortynis 'eland are being pitehed as far as paving, of the Godetieh to Rimer (Hee 1 Sittely lie olle is so feediSli fte to v manner atia !mulled in a, sanitary turitagthlet.'z'ar:3,40trtouit'enllit:,.b.4c` zultablei l'Iel" tin4oebreiaesis:Pinagn abelnd STebitiaolhdlativiriliTlInee of tbeit iimeunt to the commurrity. it9 t3ros,,, ons, lug rAlvore , r e . her wheel refixed. Conaiderabie re. a now wheel, and t e ot er a have need. Wiry divide breve? think that a eaving of a few thoueend %ay. Alter all thie bas been done, the neer pley.' piquant. lament, aatrar.. Placed on the Island,hthe hone bto ihiave ! dollare by way of ealary cute is a say,. et.,.an rank ig then vr,iettotsd to ensure 11 a 1 n 1 Town Topics 1 , th,lkW like that annemt to the ine 1 ia cite Ong the sitving. And when it 1 - diridnal OP the coneeril that thinko it i itallytellee,4r,:tglrgeirof,mbeikinikv, 0,tauttx, :1:71::7,e;,„:51,71:,,;;eki,:l';1,:a::::::171b ' 4 1::::' TRAP ;17n sdl Islt.itivri:ntzlii): Iste;Soell 11:4441r:1111bl litel:eWET7ultYtKlne: eau Generalle it is not a caving of any.i Ishao la no ebieztten to /testing bads, Cantles tO tO401.13 reduetions in the i Vil eat:dant er l'IMS 13 ehe C the hlet AVIMMIXEN btlitingt tillAgN Saftlen" tire undergoing needed repairs. Role. eet •Carimbell has eleatted up the C /ARM) 'WITH FIGHTING molutlitIrtintspobliete:etcarnsttel Irernoefielsi ilrgratrttfirmerrier:is.hlehther.1:07: Initot"bitiritrii:11,7atr:::::: stray *troll correreird dock in front of William Gorden Elliott. Wig. Bony anal 'elle to paraimonionsnem in on sur„ tnntrent reuon, why milk ehould nee be vender " Lee a. Irerting are beilog caught in Ikrt Beset,. of Bracelield, and Ray . port of soma and phdanthropte arr. Wont, of London, were among them vices, radical reteenehmeat becomes ha sttetuled a thence reeently in not eidy it feelishtiest bUt something arneefield and according te the state- .;ilike micrime. went of Provincial Constable MeCoy 1.-, - ensaged in An affray. for which they t are charged with an offence under the Criminal CO110. The hearing wilt be at Hew:all en Friday of this week. WEAVING *Ole DIUNGANNON Mr ireet Mee A' :'Ie gave a faec- es -ell Petez:t imttY L'a 113n.,1:,* tester ana blether -in -1w. M anft ate Reit Riveter -el, ahe NIA frclag fee Diritannon, stete MT. firelf,ed ie aPenirs tee A butlirr shop, Thr, **bet et ge teem te thee,. tem twee. liet ladies' !siege petite *es v.:el Isy leeee eiteld end the velem!. fes seta ey the 1E13:s 41101r,e ptiM by Ors, 'F'h fttlit44, *id tne 4e:eta: an ler qr tlt ilytv1fArd. tle. lirsassi 1,11A StIPAI PhOrtv.! it aid enMi `ti, the lh • ail 0.11,1ilb. who thy till, st-e: .1 411, ' heated befere being used. goodly numbers, As the hatshex, is -now Tee advantages et pasteuttratton are Staay full of lively fry. not. based eolels' cei theory. Preetleally, 'Iff6e k. ward thrtt 41'ne3 aul it those ceintilunities *Mat have spa' 1441152'1'3"" 03-t vneabalarg MfIk SUPplY haVb eitlittienced a fro. ti'Y auistt.rIng on Icon) atti .4V. Wade Vessels preparing for the opening mendoua redirettat in the number or or tv.,*„u".1"St/fl; • Of utivigation are: W. If. Rounds eves of tiekness and of death, from theei INDEPATWIAIILE: imeipable of ,being WaPt. MAIM Senator (Capt. • db:.ales valt,n ate, erumnotay. aotteet nse fatigaed; wearing,. erndefutigable la the C. Aatdrewe,), Singapore (Capt. Jam • eltannuated tntIt.ditehergeee basiiiese."---Metley. • ettemette milk, is sate. .kr-e- Vt1tt MAONeteIMOUS: areet, 4 Yalta. elle. mg a ste tualte megnatlineus Ea the enteetniese."--Seakee e • tetzere!ng Welter, addresecti tY"re-• bitOMNIPRInetetret' matinee etery CanittliSik Mettl:11 AatadAV.OM face 45 the same Miff*. "Ins Meet, TOT3110y VA reseeteetel itaini re tenet Pile Len& tee anti air, and ottry Wake sp !tear Liver Sae elvertelly by leiter. INtinalERAIMean ateity t.)-NOCklailltinteCtSSIT? litifel that eiveseeeekifiteri. bo tee Nee te tett .1..esIety sttl Nyr.tr "Ienuinceable tett etas% cf ?•t'--eruur AtV3 MArall.c 1'.411 9"10 1 tr,tly tiov. t.t,!far IA% pi Itte. Wow ding* -..16./p4'1itt.FirtttiOrt, V.$15. P.NN. toineA ett,'!:ftvnlyp, im 1 )1 ).4-1 KIDNEY PILLS TOUR AX. MARCIE zrd, 10.1.ce Our Spring and Stonier Samples are Here THE Bar - $ 9050 up CHAS. BLACK re:. store Bedford Block Sutherland), the t h re e-nt stet° el :schooner Katandin (captein mit yet appointed), barge Norseman (Capt. Colwell), atanitott (Capt. Jas.. Bale, ter; engineert Joeh Sincip$010$ ,IColfage (captsin and owner, John McDonald), Evelyn (Cent X. R. Craigie), Boron ,(Capt. alalcolni Mc- Donald), Bea Gull (Capt. Tien. Mce Eel),, Sea King (Cepte Robert Me. ap p dredge Arnoldi (Csipte Cote McDonald will take corn. - *nand of one of the new tugs now on the stock% Others who are .getting ready to leeve Goderich to lone their beete ere : Capt. A. Shepherd, (Saturn); Capt. W. D. Baxter, (str. Geo. N. fOrr); Capt. Colwell, the first otjgimann, eenro;wA. 1:111Airesnolin; tothe°Dv s. - Sutherland, of the schooner Corisand; fatnXhicilhitt; Capt. Ntriiliare Sather-, ICapt. Inksterrat atoineSeaernfg two weeks, no Dominion Crusier Petrel. Other Opera will leave within the next A small car collided with it motor lorry and? as it was clearly the fault of the tar 371cirolaa.,vote.chriati,"”h88eacisoaysra:,lyt,di:te iienr:110, airen r, tt that alt esighte-just lieten to met" Old Lady: "Here is it penny, 'poor man. Tell me how you become so desti- tute." . „. Tramp: was alWaYS like you, mann, g'Aving vast sums to the peer, eta needy."' ITS MEI THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WOOED k Veen thIldffn die team tae aeeturs of 1 relent Ana tee thee tete of 2nel:hers ••,,eteald be to tee that thee laterite ate fete fear?! Meer wee, A ter/allege, the, I Otat'Nth: ceie *Le tete by thet'- bit tintendttt -cin is Millei'l *atm c feet eaderseseding; t 20 1111 diSY. 14t7;,!..;.;":3rgtZ.I,.41""ggeir-71-1 il PO:WC-Al, VitY "tin net only *Nptl WarleS .tatm -A grpts,- oty,..,e:ttr *4 de... eel*, ed. teeeteet w-ttit, tif4!;v6 t-a.4,.,;'"di 1 ft,',/tt tto y' .'et tilt; tikt as is beimdtb gln.ftct4titr et` it±tit'8 natelms.',--Clarevidon. 1„1-,,, v'll,40".." "r "ah"8‘-' I es"1-c'1''' "Is' Ing toilette OM * retteteht for vitae:, .ittl IttlleteCTIOtte en .erdere A, tOreffinit. -1,::.1. 14.614 4144.•.$4 tittle title IVA teeeee it1 the alletente thehetet infant!, ett teebner 1 (-Meteorite es the Depereet!ens or them enilengeilrglentl.elleetw?M6reataa*'otra.'b"ratr,I.! 'e4t.",'' - "ln t?ifit lre. aunoteer,e - Douglas' Eayptlap. leinhoote le a guide certain remedy for Roof Rat or Thrush. Four or five applications are usuall - enough. tICI,c COLDS CURB COUGHS With Cailadals Great Covet And Cold Remedy - "Ads Like a Plash" Well, folks -in your nearest Drag Store you can get a bottle of Buck- ley's Mixture -the largest selling, cough and cold remedy in Canada a. different mixture and a suereniely efficient Mixture. For you Must bear in mind that a. remedy which in it few hours puts to tout the toughest coughs and colder is no. ordinary remedy but stands in a elan by itself. Buckley's, is triple strength -a little goes a long way -yet it is S0. harmless a child can take it -and how. speedily it'does help the little ones, If you want to stop a cough or get rid of a cold with astonishing SWift:' MEM gyt a bottle of Duekley's , Mix- ture today -at any Drug Store. r your health's sake -demand' Relehlee's for. cheap imitations are munexous. Dr, WHOirtS 'ay Pine Synsp ' ....404000. • 14.....ilead::;WOuld•:.Birst' • Mr. A. M. Lambert, Mount One, RC, Wriiebv-- 4`Whett out on nay trap rine I got thorlY • caught cold, and would cough nag I thought my- heads would burst, and no Matt,er what I did:the cough would! not let up. I sent for two bottles of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine - Syrup, and before I had finiehed the fiat one nsY woo* was relieved." . _ Price 36c. a bottle; large family sise 65e; at a drug. and general atoms; putap only by The T. Witham Co., Limited, Toronto. Ont. • E SALE F'RICES The fire was not in our store or even in our tdock but we givina Fire Sale Values lust the same and also olvitto You 5 per cent premium tickets on the goods you purchase here. SPECIALS POR THE WEEK OP Mar 25th to April 1 st , Sunlight Soap; 10 'bars.. Large pkg. Lux Soap Flakes, . with one cake Lux Soap free " 23c. Rideau Hall Coffee, 1 lb. tin 41e, Jig Saw Puz4e Free With every 25e tin roresi City Baking Powder. .25c: Premier Toilet_Tissue, 3 large rolls 25e Good Bulk Black Tea, 2 lbs. for.... 55e Good Eating Turnips, per peek... 15e Bilk Soda BiScuits„,2 .25e Fleur.de-Lis FrenchPea Soup, 2.% size lin, eachm,..... Fresh Jumbo Salted Peanuts, Clark's Pork amt Beans, two .No. tins for ...J..... 2% lb. tin Pure Clover HOneym........ 24e Rowntree's Elect Cocoa, 1,4 Ib tin21e Large 8 -oz. bottle Artificial Vanilla traet, Vinegar Jug style..*. ,.23c Blue;Ribbon Malt Extract, 301btiil, hbp flavored .... sm... . 89e Baumert Cheese, 1;lain, Piniento or Relish, per pkg..... Largelar Sweet Mixed Piekies27e soz. bottle Mixed Olives... ... 35c inute Tapioca, 2 pkgs. for.. stle or Gold Medal Floor Wax, 1 lb. tin 25c Monte Leaf Lard, 1 lb. earton......A ffets. Per At.. ""4"6"""*"*"*""4" .13AECHLER DEUVERY PHONE -368