HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-16, Page 7M
T111"XIDAY. unell 10� wa
cAlews and In)bomdOon
. fibr,- the ,(Bfusy F4rmer
j"ramed by the Ontario VWrtnieat of AvZcultur0
1. -
. .11, 1-1. I
. Ust year in Haldiingtid County it "s
S"A 9* 1k �"V" 4rounit that 49.02% of the samVies
. 11 . I
i�� I�
THE 00 1;-WWWD,TREE '- - .Sanday Afternoon
� �, � oy 12"CL WMAR30N, vc&mh, Oct
Qu o-aceWokw 4 and 0.4slifield, tw*r tht KhWbQ= In WhWl 893133 NO- 9- .... 11 -..--
I , , -.,- ---...1
��tguds a basswQ�)d tTee that was Xro-*Ing there rptveUty PAN 490 %Ulu tll:,:) =4 v, lator -on- spend #nd W svent,
E*-bool hanse Wa5 baut anti has alwa�s . been a CQ:iamontq�rkting,pukw for the 4� ,- �hy $oy to do the F011eva will;.
clillticea L'i th0r,V.'ay,129W. . � It 1�, t1io way the Master welit*,
P-Wli:ated tD the lato william 390ran. w1wrass. V,wlty. William utitt'y �ad *�,hould not the servant tread L
others ITh'a ha%v altoed t1w de2v Old tree to stanil. 601?
;.�-, -"�...0*"*A..-- ...�- --ow.."'.."o-AW,
'ERA�ftnm null
n ,
,&,cowl" *0 ,�. V. C4813100 M'A'A* graded No. .2, 24.8% graded - No. 3 (All U1411ts 19-MVE(l) .:1 -It. Bouar.
Ar gter, Central Ontario rotate, Qrow- and 4.12,21,'; graded 'rejected.' 9.3 per . I*- proLyer,Iuclino ourteAT-ts, 0 Lord. -1-1 .. -- . . . - . I - -
a, .&r
IkNad� 'sociatto'n, there is a PrObAbill cent of the Samples were 0149lutely . How ik3r 0 my licart L5 tile old 9"Swood WTE0 to give of our best In tj�o sa-vio, of - I ,-.-.,.-- .- .
A �;N Ity tb#,t K004'SeOd Potatoes VSY be fl`K ,of 411 -weeds. I I That Mw witban sIght of the schoot love. Atoll. � i -; - \ � - � "
. tlar Man , n t 'It Oul loppy d4g ,
. WAV" *t 04tt*K time. Therefore, . Z we la d I, I : OwAomicst nouli"t
. their . . . . " " P 'Fe , o 81 S. LESSON FOR HARM I �
WAses, all growers to seore . I When free from Me teathees strict rule. � 261111 033 I and delicious I $w"t for1be
! requirements -14th -as little 4q- I In springtime her br&W.hes she Wielded to US . . .
- I I 14 -131tr4wooi VMus Coal , opic-Review.- Xesus Our . tome, MOP � whole fswUy .
pa"Me. Reports to th Ta mWe basswood whistlersa good, Usson 1, ...
. . e Department state I 14ko *;mother -she 10"d the W" lads wb:� playta To=d uxamille I%k Service. 111r�� - - �� �� .. 11 N (a
I L I.T. T1!!CAXAP&#TAXC-11 - -- -i� - -iiii. .
"I � I that many people, Influenced by the I . With, musliml VhUtivs 4w,crude. I � ussolt polsaffe-u4tak 42% U . I --1 � . , - U I I I 466*� WT -
� pit $qpply of Red Clover Nvide ,difference In price, are filling 1. I CoI&A Text -Act* 14; 38. 1 1 .
. With rtictij 04, JV3Z Levol tlfolr fuel re .. --4-,=-----�
� _,quirements with hard- I Refrain- I I 11
i Vood, in 014M tof Coal. Formors, to . . 1. Jan. I Ist�-Jobn,prepws the Way for -��
4 - As, 4 re*111t, ��VOV4110 Weather of revenue has been rond �42morks turn back to this. ilmett old tree. * J0144. . .. M*rk 4. 33.3t 8, VA -20. march lqth�00 Corot$ of Alcoholic
0 ions, in the fall ,of 1932'. bun- W""m t
,, �, � . coudA - opened�='="'wo getting returns on No, -matter bow far we have aloved. -mark- W-21 �11 Thoothy It 12. -0 Prinks. �
f a3vas of formers Vera able to Aug their foresight in giving Attention. to The old Boswood Tree, yes, the Old Sasswood Trot I �V.%Vlk 1: M I Tito � powvr Stitt SYM114thY of Christ -Proverbs 23t U42o .
. TOOnt0their incomes through the Sale The 014 Isasswood Tree that we loved. John the Baptist. After a season of seen in tho two Incidents -Isolah 28% 1-4. I I
1 .
.. .
of, tea clover -s$0a,- Present , Supplies V'70WIOUk % V za hot ,swnme -h Its, shade to sat down. 'plop4rution in the . wilderness of "I'll - �
, I . -p AA�rg ,neAt ,A tfilla"Inleyaon. -In the, Stilling. of the. - ,� -Dattlel U 104. 1
o.f *b%tdy lhoma-gro)m seed are araple . - - . . 'L . I '��Ilroverlk *ft U - - .,-, --- �:, �7111 --
I . I . � . At4 chatteclaud cauded In Qaw, . ,Judbu, come into the region. round N%�,e$ the disciples Saw his power .. . � �=.
. , q take eai;o' of ordinary dam4nd. ft repentancet ,CVC
� . I , ,,,, 6,t ..Swilio tots Valuable : . Vor oear to our heads weret the bright Uttlot VrIs about Jordan, preachin 'I nature and fQlt 1118 compassion wheflwr In ancient or in modern
, I
. ;;,��Vtioog,gre4lw�r 't$�1e on the, same L I I �elr frightened L State of time , . .
, . %S the Cif Oka
i . and the coinitig of the Christ. To Ir thettl In 01 % (if alcoholic dri
I I . low. lev ..list year. It . ,ta We kissed as they s4 on our Imets. A
� , .01, a$ those of I , X to I of 46 stops were made 'by It was there that we p)ayed- our innocent 94100 - )I!.* Service came one day a cousin of mind. In t1le, costing out of the on- Are much to 'be thought about and :
I should be unnecessary thereforo., to the Ontario SW%e,DemOA$trAtIouc%rs. . .
i I ,stint the. amou As (we circled round in a rlhg� Ill$ own, a Nazarite fioin Galilee. elvan spirit they saw Ills po%ver Over le$SCnt) ,learned therefrom. Those
��, . nt of geed iised, or 11TA, wbieth completed their Itinerary on . He presented himself for b0ti$Ul- the power of Soton, And the he$Alod who
� L And chose our best parttters with heartiest Zest study the drink queOtIOU
I L 1t. the acreage -sown to Tell ,40M, 3TArch 4th, Animal husboodri ex- While oil of us lustily Blur. � . . ;rolm At once recognized in hit". 'One Man felt in himself a change of spir. irom % Scientific a
. . . or moral jol t of
. iW year . � � ports from the Departments at. To- , from NO .he Should receive bap:- it. gia ,,Vas a complete vestorAtiton,
" I � 4hi I - - . . � . . t; I . 10111 Vie*- Vottarni the IlthlICIal teAthiRWO
� L , .1. I � L . . ronto and Ottawa gave an interest. . . Refrain- . . . tisill. As Jesus tanto up out *of tile I
. I . airuipi I . . . Water a Sign and a voice proelahm'd �Varch sth-Jeaus, Giving Life And found in to -day's lesson, Drink drags I i
Vrandetf T . Sale Cwoq4 log series. of lectures, and parasitesr� .
�' I I 11;Ut where are the boys, of those bright bappy,dap, (Iowa, %impoverlshes and roll's the I !
:: . were di4ousseO by authorities from -the aealtk 00(l given powers to OL greater or
i .. Price Increased Last WPc`k th�t Ontario Veterinary College� The . . The sweet molling girls tb&t We 16V�d? L , . . e God -MArk az 21t 24, $S-4$, L I i
I . . I . . promised and J ent, so why IndulgeT . i
I ' L . V�U)l mm,� are gone t6,t-be.beavcn1y land . - ,, L Jookett-for Messi011, I . lesser ext
. . 8L Worl, -Paxlm 1264. -
" 11 I : ,ure oars. car ed an interesting .. . . BI, _ .
" . .The experience of the Bluck,water lect ri .. And some far aw4y ar� removed. I . . . Jan. lith -Jesus Begins . . I . �. o-0-"---1-1
... , *Turnip Growers' Assmiatidn in collection of cliarts and -exhibits and 1: Tonight as X tbU* of tba'old days so 91A(t �.. . . - ��, -31ark I t 12-20. lit today's, lesson One Of the out- As a Ve=tfUV an OftcOtIVO PrOPArAtIO11
I'll � � tuafkiting br"ded turnips, definit- a tun coach war, devoted to breeding . I 'When we played round the Old Basswood Tteel 6tatid.las: points is the promptness J$L Mother (Jmvee. Worm VXtQdft144t0r*
.. ely indicates that grading farm pro- swine wItich were gold to the farmers L .. I _U00C 1: 15.
� . ducts is a profitable practice. - .. . X long XIDV 616.0nes'.W.U0 00 dg4r to Our hearts . I . . I . . Awas has � returned to Galilee and with which Jesus answered the call and it, cau, be siven to the Mvt3t, d0ltcliteI
I � v . L . . . , Duriug the first two weeks in East- ,es L . is walking Alone by the sea where te'r hQlP, We also see that big delays ar of In3ury to the r0h- ,
. . . J. 11. Purvis, an executive of the ern Ont4rio the sales. at 4.0ath stop . . N"ose 10 'we neter bopo to Re� . . i child %ithout to, I
y - . . I . I . I . sliermen were busy. He do not binder. his power; and 0"At ;tItution. I I � L I
j, ,I? I Association, stated that sales Are aver4ged-Ave, At the-fitst 30 stops - Refrain- samc young 11. L L . .
. I . � I L I . . I Be who- trust him fully a�ro made � � . .
k I . . y 'OV'r's a I I . - on these Vigorous " . - , .----.
. most satisfactory And* us ,a �TeSult a tojil of 1$0 r . j W .
I .nd Sboas ore . . I stopped to 1eQk I I � ...",.., --
. . . I 1;0W dear t,o qur.,A6arts were those old 4iums 91 OUVSj . . A then said to thom, Witnoses,# his alory. . I .L I .
' �' young tile" all . I I . I .
� t -of a price Increase, lost W064, atte � I . . .
j (, L ' L '' reqdW Pro- distributed. The Average, ndanco . ' . "Come, follow me, and ( will, mu�-o MI. --J istis '. . I
� 0 now 7 ing a ad_ , _ Who Played xoimd lbe,W ilaasswoo4 Tree, trgh 12th
: % d ' .14 Wa., g . 5 Per Stop, X keen interest in . I's - men.11 . , - . .. �.. . . , c 111nisteting to lbe ' $'NOW I FEEL' . L. .-
_ 11 -�� Ucqo'n!B,lAr ' , � . I swin6 raising was evinced and. 'on- . . Who quarrelled sometimes but who soon Werb.agreed . YOU *flshe of Multitude. � : , . . . OF L '
, , dil Premitim" ' L . - I I . . nrpty L
,�� _ , L I . . . 'I rx"g - � Voi we were Aike one Tamlly, . 4411. l5t"Olos At '%Vorl(. . . .
� . �. .X . . . - I , qoIldes were made regard . I How grateful we ore that through all the long years , . -?aUrk 4: 30,44. . . FULL .
"'11. I I � 11 I -- . II&A
. . I .:� � . e I � .1 I . . . . -Itatthew,20* 2§, - I . � I . .
I Sweet Potatoes U. . ding methods, colony .houses and -Mark 1: 21-35,
. , I .
.1. ., IL I litwasite,' vontrol; The ofildials I . Our dear friend, the Old 3-3asswood Tree, I I 1. . 1. , 17. 1 I ., . . .tV&10f;L 1�ydl& V" pla-
Iiiade, , L. . . - . . I . -John rv, . . . After I
. has a sUrp US of ' f . L I _
, , "014PS' - IrSt. Jesus anti his dip s r clit. it
,j . . . 1. ra. STAitlw a frzrit'and vegetable Was allaired tot Uve on, to shelter small g- I.. 11 . - mus, accc;iopbriied by � Ill ,qIplQ, 'Ott bam�s VesitaWe Compound
.. . � , .11 I tie . ar Ridgotown In X-ent it Plain that Canada � . Of as Plain U#% 40larjen. US #wc. , . A s . . . I .
. I
� 1A.1 � . L tti
."i . . I farmer hon And the' only market for that . . L I . I L . I t1isciples, went into the-nynagogue at thre of rest AT quiet but we.mw press- . I
I , it, . Aqpuuty, Ontario,.: is, in enthuiastic Is - . I . . I � I . Thaes,what liond,m4p of vrowto
. or ma B,Uplus, In Great Britain where 'Retr4th.- .. . . 0%pernanum 'e Sabbath oay And ed into Immediate service. . Passover
I' �j - L. grow of sweet potatoes and -alai . Furthet;, . . . . I . on th .d' pilirrints had turned out of their way 42y. it ateadiva the nerves ... suak"
L � �'. quality prbduct is wanted, . . . there showed his power, bpVi bv wov , .
.1 I that all,LCanadWs needs can be pro-' niQre; �Iio Ontario grower is obli . . A,nd oft as T thwx,ol those old happy. days . see a -Ad bear ihe'unknown prophet, $oo eat better . , . oletp better . . .
. 4� a . duce4- in the Counties of Essex, Kent , ted - 1cannot'keept, back -the . salt tear.. . I � I anti. doW, An iiiieletin spirit wari 'to i0loves. I periodic �. beadsolle * ond .
�,L . . . , , the L I 6e West, L �wora L 'spre. teachings and .do-
�, 1 . I. to compete,'with ,lyheve, . . cast out, and , L 01 ,this ad whow wonderful I
I iaud Lamhton and -in Niagara I :L . For -dear ones -we, IcArod JU. the old joyous times . . backAelt,64.,talak" U71011 401
). �1 , , . wap grain'� makes cost of, produg- . . . . . I L. L rapiilly. Tbe hoine of Peter was the frigii had spread far abroad. They
I District,, :� ,. L . �cl . When each to the oth4r was dear. , e . . U �noi Only .4aw and heard but ,ex- jeadurablet, . . I
I .
. V i .. I , ' -vder tion low4r than in.' the, East, The . I I .. I . . I I . . next seem; of his. power and 'froi It YOU Ate- not as well is 700 .
7 , , .v.;L Ir ApAl of - -10,32, Mr, 1$mith � - . And shall we live on writhout ever a hope I I . I A(. -u OUR
. J�� ,� , , , e4 five L Ontario farmer's' hope .then is It . I . . L. .1 'there until lato in the day he healed, perlented the result a' h'4 1) ir L I want to be, lye this medicide a . I
� . .
I � I bain of sweet 'Potatoes , . Z"t iwe oni,anath6r anany. see.? ' . 'Ought p6wok and would ltav��Iorelbl* 11i4de cbanCa to he 0 6U*.G�tL a Wttla
4 . . AU ,who, came tot or wore k, , Y- I
I ; , Pers' Juality 'hogs. and 'through. better - . . . ., . I
. J.,, 1. '. anfl secured tie directions from 'a breeding stock, correct rations, parar . I I I I Nay. fondly., I trust that ebmethne agaiti, - .;. . . . . .. to hlrr�. Seeking'Ttist for a little, We L blUl.the4' leader., ' ' L. " . �. : ftOtn your druaXt t&Uy, - ,
_ _ L . I I . . . . I � . I I . - � I . . , *
'' t I. ,large prodUtier in SoutberilL Keti WV11 Meet r0luid the Old Basswood Tree. . . , . L . I .1 . � .
. . I . . control and good swine husb- .1 . . - -1y In the morn� I �
. �. � . , Aucky. -The -yarns were pla site . . I 1. vext fih(lbini alimogw ` - ''' ..'L. " -'� ---'-�` 1.
. '. itted in . I . . � - - � --7- � �` - �- `.' � L I.. V.. - -7 I
.! , . . . bandry the Ontario grower'.may Int . . I . . . W. U, JOUNSTON, . miumnlon with. God, ' -IF . . I . . L I . I .. I
1� �', � .. q1 position, The questloft' O" . . . . � . L . I I 111g. hpldhi� co, ,. .L I . I., I . . a : a .IL . I .
I . April in a lipt-be, and in 18 days the . I I . . �, . . .
.1 � ,� . young sprouts bogan- to rise .above prove his f V"Aeter, Ontario, Vebru4ry 29, 1033.� 1 1 I . Xalu. 22nd-JesUs Forgiving $1169. . L I
I .
��' ' t .,the grouild' When iibout three inches numbers is left for the producer to . I ,. . " I I L L � . L I I I . I . . I I . -MArk 2i 1*12. , , . . I Oro L COW Left Little 8 .. r 1.
. � I , 'L i ,. I . . . 1. � I Wood's L . 11 ,
I ?. .L wero,tv .determine; ' .1 . . . - 10. L'' . 0
4, Ili lielght, they ansplinted- in . . -- . . . ' barley. other cereal. gmUm God ro- Mark 2: . . I I . I . � I , ,
1� : rows 2S lu�Ws 4 -t, and 18 inches . - X- - L lit the lemon to -day the heali,ng of I . L I L
, � � . I L . : UkUMe�'L Ckons *Pay , Or . � L �W th'j� % - d .
� "' I , par ults are *also obtained by sgedixik red L , I , I .1 . I 88 ce h .
� .1 I ,
. )'� 1 I I in the .row., Vy thei 10th of October. , Avoid Inferior Seed . I I- .. . I I . 41 * L clover or winter wheat in the early spring the paral�4i� is to, bei found a signal I L ., Um V. X, D6VU4. I I Imilpes L, an % � . 1. .
. N
. , J, ' I I . . - iLl. . u1mith mc, W t "* I
I - , the harvesting 'begat;�, The , otatots I on a fresh fall of snow, About 10 pounds of the diagnoi 9. of Jesus. � . writew-I'Three Yeats a 0 my lit L -ed Nd - -
� , . -wifli a'dliger or ph, No one 'can 1 afford to risk baylog � .� :Rich in. I�Jrotein . 6111anislawt.as we say, �Vhat_ *as thL1. I , e' :.
I I 'i were . dug . ough.ed , itargin," of I . . .. of seed ls' SowaLp'r acre when the clover e I . .i 3 %'*d, couo L . ,
. I , - . . Werlor.seed with the i I . . Is not sown in combination with grams matter, a dreadful cold ihich. I t her with-j�vity . .
. 1'.� i . . out of the ground. 'There may be ;is .. . . .f I * . . -. Ue -spoke to the point; and that hun on to her far months, L I . .
profit in Anning as small as it L 1.$ C1, L. - ' L ' . . . I I power. . . . . . . .. . '* of L . .
� 8 to 10 tuberslu'a hill. The . . . . . . . f U ,
. 5 1. . .1 maiiy as . . to,day, states X. -T. Munn, State Seed R6d over� �eed or� other clovers, . . I L . Idt; wottd w4s,au. idea And it � I triet every kind of teu%h mixtute I eoU14 th
i� yield �Was , , approximately I I Abun���Mw , Ontario Is admirably well sulted for Never is true - .
� .
� .
I . �.11. � �, . � 'cre Analysp in New York and well'Luawn ' .1 Id I , � I .. �. until I w" advised, by s, friend, to try IX Wood's � . -
. .; � I , � � =011! The price per bushel Be Sown in Ole Spring � * 'roin power. Tolmpathy disjoino - ', No L. . . -ay Pine, Syrup. After two, battles the cou . . .
I , . I . V6 ILSMith I$ in Canida. 4'Already this season. cer- .. . 0 0 . . . growing red clover, particularly' of the ,f ove our fell ' 6ws is - . . I . . Not% always L ,h I I
. q 11. . I . . � WAS; from $115 to, $1,50. Mr. . i . J�btporlm L the .to enJoV the'ttoblest power.?' - :. in* , , . , h0A completAy gone, and now 1, keep a �a I .
I . � I . . i . . Oommon Red type. ents At , I . � L .
. . ;, . L i�,nwnt from tuin papgrB are carrying- alluring ad- I I � , . tibbi&th. L P ,. I . . I I
.. I . . I . � importing a- large sh , . .vertisements of lbargaint seeds, that Legumes furrilsh aluge Percentage 61 Ontario Agricultural College, where.dil, Jan 29th�-Jesus And the S. .. L 11 I . I . in the hou�e! . . I . ..%. I �.
I . I Xi�itucky within. a short time for his is seeds that are quoted At ridiculous- the protein supply ln�.stock feeds. -. . ' tertAt varieties and strains of red clover' - -Alark 2.* 23-3:6 11 - I . . � , syrup I Prim' Sk. gbottle; large family odre W.; At all drult I
.. . - pui'up only.b�y. T -
. I . . . . I own planting. , Approximately 400 ly L JQw, priceg"', says, Mr.' Munn. ugumer. provide a, soure . e of nitrbsen froal many tct�ntrles. of the world have I ' �Mark.2, 27, 28.,. L . ,� . .. I .. . . I . and geoeral. stores. 1. he T. L Wilburn, Colk . I . I
I . . I . � . . I . . . . .
.. . been te$tod� e . � r 14mited, Torobto" Q4t. .
I ; Acres, are � importe'd iatinuallyv Mr. L ,libir.t.hat'Ontatio] itself can L J I d by L Jhe - . . . I . . . . I. . .
I .1 . . they L 'an ?me,f prs;, in order to.eooboxalse =p1*,tn �sbfl 2ertilization . 1, then accuse � I . .. . 11 I . . I . �
. .
ysi and' , � -in. .'�* , " . . -texturL . .!" B..'a tie L L . I . __ L --"---..-..�-�,�-�,-,-�.��--�-.-�.-. , . ." , . .
. . .1 , S.rith mL . represent, ,have senlltav�ay for -som6 of ttiese so� . Ugumes -improve the - of the Produce Aced which Is the equal of - that PwXse o'f'br,akl the Sibbath . .. L . I 11 I . I
I * I � � -%too t lkynericau'produe- . . . . .
. V&ne,otl I .. . . . L. . . 11 L .
. 11 I , . , . W 0 . called bargains but when tests Vrere =11 "a JAelp tD. anake At, I'le avall- from Any, other sourge.4 Mod Oniarlolday-they were answeredalwAys in . . . I I I .. L. I L 1. 1. I I I .
I - 4"S , �iA,.a , ,4, � , , ' ,� duity, I . geed 'P �� . �- - I I . . L . . I . . . . .. � . I
I � . . i4l ,, , � �Co;�CrUgtgd L tnad in the seed hLboratory, these in t1bl L . . . . . I% pleniftful, od o�ml�.ar,�ttveiy che sucli a way that they might'have seen
In .
I � , urvey r_1 e. . 4 . I . 40 . y ., . ' . L 10 . .
., � I �� . , . age havet been found These statements w nd red clove O ... . .
� I . . I . . nearly every -c ve ma.6 by Prof. this year, Ray�mixturm. (ar ,r tb� true meaning: of God's DA f I
. 4- v'', - , P., . �� I viffit or even dangerous for planting W. i. squirrell,.head of the rield. aus- Is. almost entlrel.v sown in ml9bures) will Rest, bu A es . I .
, ,
� ,;; L , , ., . I I . t the h, rdn ' s of their� hears ' 4 � aer -1 '' ' 'L
. It; : I . . 11.1 . . 1. �. Z- - - ' . 7 he - Go,,.',. ,ch StOr S .. I.,.
, . hoca se of low or w*k gerinitia- ,bmLulry nept., Oatirli). Agricultural C.ol. be Improved In quality �aind yields In- w0u)d,not lot them yiold to his teach . . 1. L i L . �
L . L I
I *1 .. .-Itm-1 I 11 L ti % . I I
I , . L I . . . I I ('11 r L . . � . .., I L . L . I ,
" . � L . 4. .; . : , Ott Account of the -large lege"QUelph, in A discussion on the reia- creased'if a, liberal aftiount. of red clovef ing. - - . . . . I � .
I ... I 1. I ' . , .
� L ' I I .1 C, .L01 variety of. weed seed. they ,contain.' UVOL Value of gkw;9es and.clovers cent- seed is- sown- � I . . leb. lith-lesus Chooses the Twelve� . ., . . .
. '
. L .
, L
. . . I . -
. ! . , , "Bargain seeds,!' continues - this mooly Used as forage crops in 6ntAxlb. . Alfalfa when sown: eiiher*alone or in L� �Mark 3. 7-10. I
I .
I . -
. . 11 i 1. � I . . au4writy, "are never 'worth. bUying L Conditlons�,*gre fAV,3rAble .,in ms bl ll ,drained SO115 IS ' I --John 15-114. - . I I .1 . . . '.1 � � . . . I . I I . . . . I .
I 4 , 14 . . , ... ' A 'L And farmers should pay no'attentio,x ,6f, 103'2 for,the selling of ,61over seed, the'most valuable legumewe have. Seed LeTegilS." after a day L of _ unceasingL . . 1�1 . . . . . I . .. ; *"-�. .11 . . I . . � I
. ..
. I
11 �
reSUitL tfiat I . I . L I I
. I . . I . I . . to advertisements where price alone with the h��dredg of farmers is not, plentiful this year - and prices are toil on teltalf. of neecry folk went in- . Irk' Panada--Without Pre-ntlum 'Till Purtli-er, Notice . �
; I . I . . . i, I t. . - . . - I . t. � e hL_ d I . . ... . �
11 L . � . . s� .the only descrip ion given. UE found an unexpee -be somewhat. above 1032 prices, to,retrea Her calI4 grou I. . . .. ., . . L %. , I
� 1. I . Anthracite ) . L ted source of revenue.l:n likely.to .0 a P . ... 11 1. IL I .� . I ..
I I ; ,; I - . I I . L I abl'a seedimien do not approve of a& their second growth red clover. ,The sup- With the result, that the strAlght alfalfa or.disaipleaL to him and fro1A them . The Star and London Free Pre . . . . .36.00, � I . .
f . I . flit"ift6us, X0 . I : vertisements where seeds are L oteked My of .hardy home-9roNvn;se9d Is Laniple acreage will probably 'be slightly c . Ur- choose t*elve to lj� his ..apo4tles. L I � I . I . SS. ':.L. 6 ... - � - -.j . . T. .L 6.,00 . L I I
. .11. . . AL . at stipulated prices Without any in- � � . I . I I I rile Star and 17he London Advertlser. ... . " I I
. 1. , , . .. I to take are or the ordinary demand, and tailed, . . they wore dimly eonsi*i1ous of bbe life L The Star and The ' . I
I . . j dication of their quality or oftln�" r6ronto Globe. . . .: ....... 0,00
I rocahontaq� 1. * . . . - the price IS likely to be. about equal to Alalke clover andboth -Blenhial White to uhieli they *eraealled, butit was � . 8 L I . �
L . . . I . . I.. . With very considerable' quiavl*�% ,- nd 711lennial, Yillow kwect.cio.vers have with one.whom, they had leame rile Star and ,rile Mall anti nipire, � , -11-. . -, .', .--6.00 . I .
I . I I . . . . VC . . -the extremely low prices of 1932. There- a . d to L . . .
L . . .of timothy and clover seeds lying f6re, no fariner should stint the amount A deftite Place, In Ontario. Alsiltiq is kn6w'as thti prophet of .Galilee. To '11w Star L I 1.bo L
. ,
I 6e,ed .that: in . .
o � I . . I C0.11LU , I .around the cotintry, ' lid The Tordpio Star, . � , , , , , . . . . . . .. . , , .
11 I I .� � I I of wed �usedan(i the acreage -L 80%'n to red 0aft1cularly 'well adapted for sowing on Mtn they entrusted th4inselves And I - ne Star and,-nie Farnices son. . . ... ... � , . � . ,�, , 1.0o . .
�, No better -coal m1hod. roany cases has never ,been over a I I . . . I I
aning. mj% eltover IN I low land where the drainage Is not good VverP given ipower over sickness and . " L �
W40 Weigh . . I - 75 �
4 . & year. . . � . . The Star and The, FAmi1K141,!betrald aild NA ecklv'St.u. � ... I
. our Coal OUL Your Own SC-11eS (The � cle . this advice. would seem ,ned. Clover is one of the,most Impor- enough to -grow other leguminous crops, urielpan .spirits. . . .. I - .
. . . .
. � . . .. . , . L . � I . .
L . �. I Uarke� scales). . . . as appWable to Canada as to Vnited tant legume Todder plants grown' it has successfully. Alsike, being a Perennial, Feb, 12th-�-Iosus Teaching By Par, Th& Star ,and Saturday . � . . 4 . , . . . . ." . . ...�., 51-100 -
. L L I I
. I I 111AR111- I Stkes this ,.spring. Evelt'in the best 9, high feeding value, especially for young adds.,to the it e val e f I . -rhd Star and 'file New Outlool ............. o � . ).so, , . I L
. I I , , I rot ,SIIELV Awl HZAVT of. times .the.,nverago thriner, cannot Pa Ur U o .mixtures left ables�-Four Kinds of Bearers. I . . I J (�ardlrn:�. � ... , .1.1)0 L I 1
. I . I , *Wsu. - , rx"U"INC., USAVD40,111' afford to gamble "With � doubtful seed, growing AWinals and mJ& cows. Next down for a number of years,' Alsike un. ,-Mark 4: I- 10, 13-20- . I The Star, and CanaJian Konies an 1, . I . � I
.. . An& TINSIOTOINcl- L I .
. 'I . . . I u no e s decidedly ta alfalfa, 'it is oneof the best ItUprovers less grown. for sgod production, Is usually , -Johit 15-8. - . . � I The Star and Mav Fair. I 1.00, I
. . .
. I I
. L L . . � � 'rhe Star. anti Th ecord L . , ... .. I ....... I
. 1� . Try Us, . . more serioms. L I of the mechanical conditions of the soll sown in mixtures. when from 2 to 4 Johns, in tenebingi used. illustra . i catilolk *ii , , * , , , , , , , ., , , , , , , '3150 ,
" . t is. Used per�agre. . Dien- . I . . I I I
, � 1. All work and'p�aterfal -fully guu- . . . - , . and Is highly valuable as A green manure pounds of se�d tions from the things ofnature close.j. The Star and Mcl.ean's Ml.lgazina.., . . . I 3.25 1
1 . I crop. . . , � ." .
I .1 I Alal White Sweet Claver And Dienniftl At hand -He, sitting by the"Beagide. . .. . .1 .. . . . - . . I I
.. Uutee(L . L 11 � . Current Crop Report . . . Red cloVer seed.,- Successfully V4,11ow Zweet Clover arc, well adapted for' talking to a great cOmpatty, saw I Goderich Star',5 Premium included for 5o,: addhional .
.. . .. ;nar be
, 'L . L I .
. � A ,lumber of farmem in Bruce i sown in the Spring, with a nurse crop of cowing on the Ughter types of Sell. It Is, most, likely lit the distance 4'ii�an . . . . .
. I . . I . ..
I CHAS C. LEE. I County have been enquiring for good .- I wleg, It at all possible, to sow scariftedimattering seed. 'Being familiar with
. . I . , 11
. . can ,,it ,ri)e star (.)irce or *minne ,/ i f or aw. inform. fllt)n. .
k I . , .
� . ' L . Phones, Stwe -ft . . seed oats. Salefs bav76 been made at : . seed of sweet,plovers volurit6iring In,crops I the nature of the soil and the hind- I I . . . I I L . . . I
. . L n""412 . I 11 I I about 46c a 'bushel. All baby; chicks AC3 LIKE A FLASH' . W111611 follOw. About. 20 pounds of sweet li-ell-Les to the growth of the'seed when . . �
�. I . . I I � : L I . . hatcheries in Peel County� are run- I . . . . clover should be sown per acre when the: elleg, sown -he uses all these to tencli . ecial Clubbing Rates with ofher Periodicals . I . I
11 - Store And Coal Yard at the. Harbor ning to capacity, Nvith hatchability of Crop . is vown alone. the method of'bis audience tha� the word sown I n* . . . . I .
-4 I I . SP . . I L .
* . , � I I I - . . . egis highm than in 193?- Foultry ONIT88BORN COLDS . seeding Is thd samb as that described for I ti�l heart ,of man Is subjected to the L � .. L V , May be had on a 'cation I .
�� . I . I . . L. -- .. I I I � L . - L.. mop .are feeding more. cod liver oil I I . I . . I . sam(. drawbacks. . I , J I . L ' . ' .1 I . - PJ4, ,. . . I . �
. : I -HAMON COUGHS Alfalfa - . I . .. . L -, . . � I
mash than formerly. A . I Soybean hay is noted for Its high pro.t.1,,el, ' I .. . 1. . . L .. , . ., I.... . L I
I I I --, I . I I I * . . . . aches By Par#� - --- I -- I � -- 14 ��, , I 1.11 ,I . .
in 1pll� nd for beiges is noted in Here's good ttewg foe everybody- tein content. On good sandy loant andl ables--Tho Growth of the I - 'i"t L I L I I . . I . L� I I . I I
good emd
14 1 1 .. . .. I I . � I . ,#1 I I . I I .1 I . . I I . I I � . , I I . IL I I . L L.
ff : L . . . i . - . Perth ,Countj�, with 33 head beink Canudies Createst 64h, ,and Cold tlaY 10=11Y)303 Of soil In Old Ontario' Kingdom. . .. . . . .. . . .1 :�
I . .
. . I .
.. I . L . $old at An. auction sale in Stratford. Remedy- obtainahle, at any Dru the seybean makes 4 very suitable a I -Mark. 4., 21-34. 1 .
. . ; I � 1. I .1 . I I I 9 I n- I . I . � .
I . . I One team,* sold at, $350 And other Store cleats up Coughs, Colds, 'Flu n L . I . I . I . L I
. I &N., . hollfte I I I Some .or 'r Me a flash -a single usl hOLY crop. It ia usually sown broad. . . �-Isaiah 11: 9. . . � . I
, 9 afj thigh as $150 eaoh. iWPQ1, 1i cast like any other grain, crop at the r . �
. �
I L Theffy&oatore I scarcity of good quality seed oats slp proves it . . - of about, One busbel per agre and is read Jesus taught his disciples by par- L I L � I ;Y:;,, I . . . I I
. I .y LAWS and when they. %V�ere alone -lie � .1 1; I -, I ;�"Y;;, .
� atid barley is observed -in Wellington - Y60 in Cana& v4tere -coughs. Area to cut tor hay when. the . 11 ... le, . 1. .
I I . I County, Ldae to the excessive moisture coughs and eolda are so mean and onp.hglf grown. PO&AM about dxplained them His teaching in to- - .. 1. I I" . - 11 I I . . I ..
, 11 I Mqx WITH, It Is handled and cured dayvs lesson wits on the growth of L . I '.. I " L . I ,
��. I ELECTRICITY of 1982. LTtirnips are moving to mar- tougll ,And dangerous that Only 'a I*e any other hay crop- VXPDX1111011ts At -tho smallest of all seeds a nivatard . _,._L_,' . 11 I . . . L
I I o --�-. I I
ket there at 16 to l8c. There hag powerful effielent remedy can' tante the Ontario Agricultural College and ext t1lo - . L L I
. . "d ' been an increase In the number of and subdue them-Duckley"g Mixture , smallest of All seeds -2 mustard I J � .
... I . " Perlmentg� and ,idem*nstratlons tarried sebd which in-tirne grow into � . I , J .
I .1 Odick, Clean, . 9C6n0WW � small seeds,boing submitteit for grid- Is thp one resl sife medicine that out in most of t1ig , a, great .
. . . I .. I . _O a 6 11 I .L . ..
. I I Ang in Haldimand, ,It is ted I complkely puta them out,of b untie Of Old Ontario I shrub. I � 11.1 . � . I
I . I 1. I 11, '' I , 'i'l I "i'", '' - ' - L L L L _ LL L repo" Uq"'es"' have ShOwn that the 0. A� 0. go. 911 91 Feb, 26thje�ug It B, I - , 111.�
. . I � � L - -1 frcm Lincoln County� that as hi4h as 70�,'b of the P�ople of Canada know VIdOtY is well suited for growing f& oft- 1, S Owi4 Ill I Power, I . . . -.-- . . I 1.
i L . -h it 'arid nual bar purpoteo. . I . I 1. - . 11 - I ..
.- I I . ... I.... I I . 40 per cent. Of the buds of some of all this And put their fait I . . � I I
I 1. 11�, 1, � ... ? the Varietler of peaches have been swear by Buddey's Mitture, . .1 I . . * I I- i . I L . L . � ...". I I I I . .1 I.. 1. 1, � 11 I . � .
f killed during the winterl, Whitli is Get a battle at any'tlruggist any- ; . I_ �::: ��", � ,��i�, ',� ", ` I . . 11
I . I . , � "
. . . i I - 11 , , 1.
, '2 , -
. probably very d6girable as there are -%vIlere-keep it on.hand for the sake RECIM VOR MARCH 171h � �6�7 .,'-',':1; . .
. . i W 4t Street 4 .;, '?'�,� "",
, Thc i I , ,, / - .
� always more buds developed -than re- of the kiddles-oft#n one '91p, will St. Petrick*9,04y.b tomorrow. Sprint-; 6o-.^�-,--o---�- 4 .... ,., , �
I . quii , vd for 4 good crop. Approxf- itop a simple cough. is Just around the corner, I I I A I
. , Many bos-' I !.. 11
I i ; � .
.. .1 I ., . I 1. mately fifty carloads of potatoes have Vor your health's sak". enthad tesses are i;earchlng for suggeatlons for.' � Electrikal 'Shop . .
I I betti shipped from tbe- Caradoe stc- huckley's for cheap imitations are the anntial St. Patrick% vay party wilerel. L "'A ""A 'W-�L^.ft* 4. � I I
I . "Mow I . a touch of Shamrock Is in order 'and I . I . . L . I . .
� � . . . .w ZoiM. . tion,in Viddlesex to Windsor, prices numerous. - L I I "I'll . .1 ... � .
I ,I - - - - I I belft aliout .63d a bag recently, Live- -.I,- -- VON% Is b,V all means the ,most popularl We carry a good stock of . . � .
.. I - � . stock Are in good condition. in Most , ,, 11 . color. I glearkad Applianceb 'I ro IN.,. Mj""L Punw- -At � .
. -4. eovntietL. Potatoes aro being trutked I
I 4*16-1644-. � ... I I . . Here are recloes for a delicious salad Pi.VtoreSp eft. I A. irarow OWN' -X "ME .
.. -I
: .. I � I 16=�. � �� bto Mutkoka .-and Parry -Sound Dis- * L I IN . And for greeti fronted gakea-bDth - of I . . I . . .
I I trict ftow ZiAlleve County at 860 per : . which Inay 4* preparea economically. .
I ! 11 a . I bog.. ,My is being truckod in at . . I we spocialize it,
. . I . . per ton deliveivd. Serloua shalmi-ock 15alad
. . li, kiffing �0.f tbet new -weding of 0A IndividuAl SAW Plates, covered
I . t . 1!1� teor Wiring of All Kinds
I I . . . . . 1w, with shredded 1�4tuce, orrango 3 orange . . I
. I . . alfairk and red Plover hag oc- ; .. �A . . .
I I � , - - ,-- - . 911905 1*2 Shamrock Pattem. Cento caelt * Is
. i . mred in the Coanty of Prontetiae. -- - eglimikfas giveb an � I C 0 L ,
I "W tnquirieg, for farnt help have been , - . .1 orange slice with 0 Awe3 of auffed Oliver;, lipplication I .
. . Also arranged to form a shamro,-k. Top
. reeeivot! In noweivan diatrieto, with "W"Awt INOM: 14th a spoonful of wayoulim . enjoy the Protection 61 Aspirin. A Aablet in time, and
I . I All Wople Gvasahtesd 80010 111011 4ndwomen P191AL t16169 all winter long. Others
L I . L I . the offered valatiles ranging front rAt0*=1 ff1S!mMtnb Alt Green-IrmiW Cakes 1
$175 to $300 pet- year. All the ceed Ce r , . the firbt symptoms of a colil get no further, It a cold has
, . I I . � sibi tot* ots, . McArt caught you unaware, keep on, with Aspirin until the oolff
L LL . . clva"i"k, plant. in RkAfrew county "*qo, ***- 2 ego YOW. belten. I I Ftan hur
�ftrd OperAting gont!"VOUAY. Two I . #Me VAP110020't, I 1i cup Or"ge, Julee foot - is gone. isPiriln CaWt harm You. It doe.,; not deprm(,; thie,
ot% of k-ef qattle weft oldlyped 'to � - Mono '92 - west.st .
I IAQ* ��� . I 1, 9 andgW1 I I tablegpoou lemon �tffeo i - I lwatt. It your throat iq Fort., 4.11g5olve A'v,rral tablets in
Iny " I ----
,In T%A Vie Winuipeg'%arket froul Itai I 4atmr,% 04 Cup tugar -
1 4W4 ... I
I . , " -..,-- v It aud Z7
. Itivor and fair PAW; -rer4olved. A I - t 0401qu urated mlw*o find I-.----. Vale ,drgle. You % ill yet 104ant relid, Thit-re's
, *11" 1W 00
1w" fA C#r Of f1110 VPgLt(�Wd CAWO VVIM . ,rcrd I'l Y61-er ed !r5trLT.er,1- im VV111w, atinly beaten . �� danger in a vold that bang4 on for 41ayq. "I'tp gay nothiag
i brought into thin diatriet front old L,* T,t.mte a gW4 alovextow-- . I cup gour, sittod witU d the pain and diwomfort A.4pirio might have, spare,,J
� I I thka"doeft""thwNtIA . StAtau"'ick's Day flowers. I .
ortorld. -*� I S&O oft soy MW MMNU- 'i tm,peoa ra" . t you! All,druggists; with proven slire�otjons tot colt%
I S" dke 4601gy Of V*tk* . -�-� ~.Ce1TA10rj1;�erAtMata- V-iit Won: tie yow, Xmit jul�-�o, nugar Wery son wid dauallter of urin I
:1 . *ko and W" a I *Mtves Asthott at tittle tspen", I , L ,VX* atd Ffto Trus F*M* - Wid And. Add eaq whito; fold in floar Will want to celebrate Mar6i 116i an . heada,heA, rltluralgia, neuriti-q, rheovatbija.
. .
. I
- L . M. lrucnatastd,,� of #101112a have txc'a valzly (* - � .
oft I I!_ r - W011V lowt O'na nalb. 2311-.0 in 011AI]LOW pan, in raod- vcvcr bvf6re. Wo etin lorpl5h YOU;
to Iblore r,pn't tPan v(�,-aexo- for a--n�-�=� ond . -4 � ,�1,9 rae"",-0 M.3 ne;'*4, ..
Joe . r,-,cf�l in V= feftr. �a. .aate ute3l v4th ehoice flowora for that mewdon
I %-!Ill t.,17, 2&4. Dr. J. VOr lCine.' .C�-e= t,J�--,ftl)CIr t1IS74GURIJ� ,
teldft, if C,vcnit L , Vibiell we can tilso have delivered f6r .
I wANN..6mb-
A .
* I I * I I
, ,
I. I .. 4-
� �
I i I I
I i I
�- I I 1
i d
I .
-11 ERIC" 'tX 1couxgs's Ac"Luml ltoaluly, (10�-Jffu �20" ". % . 19'. �r tab1mvWm buttcr. 00,etijm r5tdcz- you to ally part 02 Owe tvctrld. I . L A 8 P I R 11 N
o antut'WIM 01 tv=n% CV13 0 littlo t"t, - ed su�nr, 2 tar,VSVR�215 c7artso- juje�,,, 2 ... --- . "AM"AM4 "to. v3 CA"AcA.
the Rom bat tor Ikht. it is 'WithU rta:,jrr 01 an. Z ta VW gj.� I mblc�lpom lemeja jutc-e, I tC3�w'u grat. .
L .32 remu, C-4 1cra-crongrial V;5ewGwju1wq,81Xgar . EO. -'""WART
I ;dg. "" a* gwtft- t%all fzvtedy gar a�tlm- a. t I G i7 I
I ALM ttle ('111'..5 101 dMWfat, anal I I . A5 =kd fc,r -p=;e., c:=�'u,tcaeg I'VI'd
, " lmnttl ztplvv,�-�!r.l Vulr ��'Alr;,-i;�! I 11 a i at" "ta rtatlux� cafozLte to, rr4-ko, it FLORIST , +
r" , 11,,�At nwat E1,121a, (A)DVAICIt 1 -no. -in to I
-.-0 1--1----.-- 1.11.11 -11-----, I sipply Z I f , � -18 I I
4. �