HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-16, Page 6I
Mirs. Ladd $3,00,1 1N CANADA IN THE SUMMER Came mosestion
Ict the ranw,%F. atarAillcnjr cia thel, C*000 SoWa0SS,4r"* 4*4 ftgn4
Aso $10, a 'Month, J a 4, # 0 C 4*(4 is Filled With, 430ts, of the 6teop-walled eauycn. otrw How to Troat,
Wilt Interpreted day traveller c3porlegves C -=,o of 11��o awe tills.1111tealls".11f,
Beauty Indixestiou, sour -
Aad w=-dCT that EVIZO tbo Indlani At ness, burnlaL�, gas, bloating, P
a !nnara hand.od Cown )v JutbA this place. and rosy fcvl s�mo of Illo bid- au... ro 4un to an exci 1,110 �:
or =109
avil. The
I lininu is Irritated.
a CcQZxr Ladd, c,.ily ebii� ia u -'a lite, at-"stlon to %lolayed -and food soura. 4.15 jvar4W
Imm her tati-er's lcstAto and In addition I with N*oy Coluforts 404 Canada wl*�h no Other t."pe of touday e4 in such cases, and ay ad real
Mo U lnout% tilmo raymmts to 4atc, ivAn 411mart; It 1,15 4 oetttng bac% to, na- barm. -, ry laying aside all alkeethm CANADIAN INST' JILTUTION
Ity to 'Pay NIX3. Ladd ulcire than 05 a w0rlsta an 4our In. Canada have 4 auce until 1110 last days a tho after 40atin$r. 'Vili .1 Zwootelift the, low
WOUtIl. TA10 VOUrt Auds that the late tulldav far they arc ustlallY On the INAY Tlloyo we We WOW under va=as, ovecos, aeld and there. Is P4 vol r
) Sub, Boan after daPreak, drive , for hours eleep. qns or alu. I . . . That is SO Young
4113iltiat t1mount of money In view for ilia ol from the twintlita 99 the &tars uu- mill;il is liarmiloss,, g expiv , and I
longer look at p4rtleillarly ploning views., Jess it be Interjacing Imkomwa 'or qLA "An It 1i need b -t An), dq, f e
ut,�htor when Ile made 1* will, ov a bit �t
mu2I Cooper died on Apr1l 1th. 1032. �arly, tile wbo* enjoy
in his mkviii lie left his, shtoi and Rjoyti, U, ThestreqgdiofCanadais !it her uthrul"pio.
"dibly of Yo
hourielctepor for years, Mits Hamla-,$50 a pro'loh of 111�btfall the ampearallao Of 0, 11110--mcna seldom Wittiesswd In tlia cry. ever forwgd-fking, cootageous spiri
30outu Zn4 free bome. diAlloll her'life- read sign mArkod- "Tourist, C441PIAW As Sleepy chirpi 91 waking birds, liform an 0
time. The Inceme from thol Pro- ta-thoul a welcaM one for mail, IMMI� 3 overture ecoa followed by the swelling tom�ered VAth old wisdom, Q mad4ls strenstli
-b mg�!bluo, does gob tired. in practically come lland-Wok On Canadian. fishing
.:ttCd at $50,000, Went to Urs.L'add dUr- chorus of the feathered forest folk greet- waters; is thor com
,Aug all -cities and In most towns -and re�=ts: c strength of her cQm4tuC41*
, tile event of her out Canada Were Is aMple acoom- Ing a new day, 13roaktast Is in the. vpea
her lifetime, and It, posit
death I., to be divided Q1,414na the te3ta- tbrovell with sunlight -stanting thriugb the worn. 04 1124" IVIOUI to ftforic, tions as welt as indivilduals;
Xor motorists whoprefer the Use Ing 411$t rising grow riv 111stitu
toea brothers and ristoro, share nod motlatlon or lake aod Norway nouse
tent or e4bju. to other means of
sharo aMe. Alex. Cooper of *cdeiloll, of 1 a mountain. Wash W P4014 and away lli4 Visitor to'ManIteba with vacation
4 brother, and the CalladA !X`rust Co. ato overulaht lodgings, �rho rates ver daY.or on the river Again Where every point days at his, dispoml Is in much the same
night are always reaeonable. generally Tho Bank of Motitnal, I I YWS Ole Ana tm�
execut4re. rounded brings a now scene or exper� P03310.1 as % y9ungster Ina, candy shop
varying froul -50 Cents to $1,00
U Iva$ represented tw his hollor that per per" lence. with a hard-won nickel to spend. tu to Canadian history and tradition, applies its
the estate, wbiall consists almost wholly %n. and at a number of. municipally. -both Poses there tire equally interesting and stdjust . s its service const . antly to'
of Clinton property, was not, owinj tolowned campi no VhArge WbatevOr is otruy lisPs of M'st "Oat through the -vesting ol
trees, llnger* In little, boys or lie heavy in 'Ina t0m*149 ways Of In
TheprInOptki, and most Important faa� the valleys until dispersed by the stron- 'capital, b clisaft condixiorlsi to the eW that it may'
the Anticipated rok,*nuo. Tile court held dItUre xesulta In monetary delight thAt
that Mr. Cooper. were Ile living and ture,. whIcb, Is alwaya -101,04 for by the 9thiculng sun- The regular dip, dip of 74C saf�i helpful sLaq Coriven
hL, paddies forces milvs Of water behind of the visitor to Manitoba Wilt leave long bailldut,
travOling motorist is the assurance or cherlsind memories, espocialir Awuld the
could see the way 14 Wbich Ilia will Was comfort And -safety while a onest . of the the oance and. soon the irad-day aur, giteamor trip on Lake Wigulpeg roe taken. for the peoplot aa4 buslooss, of the Dommiorm
worldug out, would change it so that his cawpowl0a to the general improve. warils of approaching mealtitue, The
only child. Who Is In III health. would ment, wbiell, has taken place during the canoe la run ashore, a orq Aame$.lmder t Is 4 . cult to leave the city Q1 winuk.
recelve a imuch more liberal allol the kettle, in th bm its interesting buildings and
and 14 so dirooted the p4bao,of s3l,000 to past few years in the Appoln�lneut ox e pan equ crisps or the P09 With
spoils of the viogler turn -a delicate, brown P3rk8, Its art gallery, and museum, the
Canadian motoi the visitor Is now
Um Ladd at onte'nits %III have to be sending foTbil 4nappetizing odot, to min- '1040rical �D"blt Of the HudsOnla Bsy
assured of many home oomforts. I
.v"m,011sheo by �ale rr mortgage. I The every camp is pleasantly situat. gle with the aroma ls4ulu e- Company, and, th6 many rail and motor
slua of $53,000 in fire Insurance Is car- Nearly 1bi . g from a sm6k trips to outlying points. The Agne walls BMK %jr MONT
-ees or border- Ver bastlans; of 140wer 'Fort 1$17
tied oil the real estate In Clinton, former� rl among b 14f ad-tov
Ivowned by, Mr. Cooper. who -wAs the In(r some �eeuic river or lake. at;d provi- fit feast for the godi; and. fio sat Wng �n row
Oarry cla ton but
dons of all'Itinds may be procured lerative ore vrawnx up. the steam�,r. waits by the docks at Selkirk
largest property owner III the t6wg, and - 444 taking to the eauloo again,
waso tormer mayor, by at modepite cost. Running Water, mud like tim6 ai�d tide wafis for no mail, A
electric lights; Indoor: s a A fast subutban transit line transporB
TWO DAINTY JUNKET DISHES some- ot tile eqUipthout for the ccnven:,;sheet of water- lustrous In the 4ftarlloon Vort of Selkirk
lence And perrional ctulforb of the trA guM The sun, left behind 'it this mq11' 4uart fIM fishing fleotS of
era of take WIA-
owlies -ahead, d0pping down,. down
BY Zetly narelly vollinamotorlst. There are. also available Ing, t ulpeg and for :the
point of embarkation
a and to tile horizon, Sb AI, A�$XT.8� IUVXCEts of $750,000 OQQ,,
at many caut0s, safe bmhing.�ejcht ado.ws Zeeo along th"O' 300- Mile � cruise di)Wln the 1W., Ali TbT
Jutiltot desserts are becomina more jvll�kcpt playgrounds, In a nualber of hills, and. birdEr fly ne4ward,
aboard. moring lines cast 00, Ana after
popular eA1.11 year. Many mptliers find provinces In Canada the provincial board WU8010 are TIM More 041customed a few hours, run''the steamer noses Its
In, theal oil Ideal War to give. their owl- of Ilealth exorclses .a very close supervis- paddle swing And though the, enobant. War Into the'lower like, Ta the . left In Goderich Brauch:, R.� C. WHATELM, Ma"nager.
Here are, two partj�ularlj delicigus to,. Ion over the tamp's activities. url"S 'On the distance lie the curving . smilds . of
More. and. more As the. years, progress to the� deftilt or twilight hours'011 this Winnipeg Zeach and far t th righ
per.,onAl comfort is bolu water, camp must bp,.r before. dark, thOst of Oralld Zeach And Victoria Seach,
V0013 Jurk(A With Apricot Whip ly *every Phase of lite #,and that of the A�hore once mcro, the uXe rings -As - the
dellghtf ul resorts easily. reachdd troth the
I PatlkPtte Powdei for vanilla junket t0l)rllW motorist Is Ila exception, In the cooking tire b&z05, tout PegA ate tivivell 'city. On. salls the sto=er past. the Wild
4?14 About the net-�m4dd camp all
I platualk large numlier Of! well otgalliZed motor U40ML promontory of
I egg Wh to
to bustle. and stir, 1406n. OulllueAd' Ila 'and: - out
CMPS Which cl)crate T -row coast to coast 'OUP is . . , .0�raes �t6 try among the Islands; of the Narrows, 'and
on" Ulna' 411 �Ail to with a Will th
A. cup eugat AlOnsr 0anadWs'qdenId lilghways there Is "4 UoUrnl4ll ou that channel to the Open, water
14 cUp Apric0t Pulp tile assurance 01 all persol heeds, �Lt of 0 upper lake4
2 tpaspoons_ lenion juice assist to a groat ggtont in, makig ''a tour noon,
idows 'bide. tUo farth' The; vastness of this ir4ud sea Is. ft- A'
PPOPOOV3311la Junket alcoordift to. dlr- 431.' AtltOmObilo a Ple.444ut: And Wting ex- ` Dark sit er shore Pro$80CJL on the traveller -.as. the vessel
LIctions Qn Package, -and thill in refrik� 'rionce. 4 And tile river fiows'by; half reVealin it glides has been it W%n IVr. rbW,,e Ao Airee 04WA anit out,
erlttar., Beat egg whito unto StUT, add.,predorloton, Nout 8rquiU4cW`s :Cathe 0vorL the MOIAn- course leads close'Aoshoi at others far To �JXOW Is A Virginia $knWy was train
4ral self In a silvery sheen..
sugar tradually Until thoroughly bjohd� City OWAA. jog The avistligi instructor, having deltv.
odJ"�dd up , ce. f land lies sItIlel to tand! the :a P ol girl fronl'the country min,her 411t1% tred :1 joct�rg on parachute Vailp,
TIX %Tthiteet�m ok, -faced m6wi beams down. on. the forest starbo4td QrL�o pbft.� On the Vessels It has., for tile roL . vill Ili, :(>A Answering tho'LbcJ*40u- eluded;
Cots through a Aleve) ano tautly, evid t camp. out, ou, the wAter 4 1064 ut oVs #eams. In the 'Wake of the great tan, ss a d those from acrOss the the,lirst day,she bto op
lemon . .00 on a motor tour lot wow. t a t ught no -xnessR99. "And if It doesn't eb-welX. gontl�
Juke. just 'betore heap,,tr it tilat at, times It isalma Its Wlerd cry. a glowing -log on the Arc of' the Vidians and tile broad.beame4 bordbr,,whq every year mal�w pffgtIruAgc$ -.Aa!� that, Aara?" men, tliat's 'What is known as -
visit the halults Atli "IntaL itg::.h a showel- of sporks craft manned by.bhrdy trow� wb1ch 1), to Its.shotes. . . . 1 .1
and, It d6ir-od, gaftslsh with Se.-tiolls of ef man to iilore closely Inspea eame of bed of ash'RS-4 hint olden days -transported tUrS4 and supplies UTJ JrS . land lady 6a3*'XtA alon_"IStance 00M Boston Tral�mdpt
diced 0%1160. that, It Is time to. turn, in for aying in FrIbee, 9".
his. Works; V*UdOrful And.monumental all too Soon to, and from the old fort of Norway Itause York' And I $a^ . `r'eS,' ma'am, It shor
t will come the -Cook's familiar 4 -AIL 5IMme at the' thern extremlij ��f the lake. . In formulatins a Program 1= the year's
tile elements Which and 'get It'i A day'la spent in, tX* rernantie tpot, thtft, activities the annual �/amtfoa . �Qw 0
'Junket .,nature has provided assumes. to small P14'oe for it has come sirictly 0, T'W WuniftWim
I tablet, for. there ate few which so quickly catch the The Canadian rlvor.4 nod laker, ofrer all the return Is =Ad6 to Selkirk along a �ndw fo b generally rOO6
I plot milk eye AJl& *register thom$eIVes 4i fitting Unlimited, choice or canoe routes through course with new, - �ports lot call land -new gni.zed as osdiltial to '�eaeber_Djd yo.Ur, father help. VaA.
3 sugar ones of Interest,' 0 romid.trip; takes #0 V!,011�belng, of the' vftat�� citizen. As
U14000A Vau�e ftiVrlug iVen�polfttintr spire, of a, church. There: huti�rods of miles oncy may travel q;% -the OX16 Week, but it tIme in, limited there are hysiotd, Is th in -Wlllie�Xo�, 1. gob It wrong myself-
14TV. 01403� fine MMI)Ier, of . Atebitecturs great rivers.. 3ourney IV46M lake, to lake, weol trips lx�m 8 e4ect of a Acation, those *130 V Atairle
cold water OlWk 'Villob: at
A $0w drops orange foott' vines but t1lecitiZenS ot,rrod� portaging ftere r4apids.Impede, or tro$. equally ploasan one, travols,
Vteps�ra orange funket aftordtog to elizioll' To $Ing intervening hilghts to arabark 1011 In solitary state oi� with a 501�0t.party of portunitles. for the iejuvollatim Or ustless
gavd With pride their, Christ ininds A a stiie muscles rortlAn Babo t110. creator and preserver
10ractions on, circular ht. package. and phurah Catbodraij i4 s-plendid, ��Cbhou other streams :Wb1oh rull like QuitItsilver, friends the Out& oil L06 'Winhipeg is Lying. 1A. the a *eautltd complexions. 710111c, In, effeCt
whel, $kill 4ot fit refrigerator toalways admired 'by, thr�Q4911 � the foVeSt& 'Hany sUrnmers I sure to, Unger ry as. most _1111tberd $)art of the gulf of St. Lawrence,
thin ct 00thic architecture In the, memo
'When te,%dy. to% serve make a MerInguef by VUltoria 'to the city. It Is beautifully sJ_ Would be necessary ta-visit 0- rofteSbillik,and onloitIn, qholtered,by Cape Zraton from the rol-
e 9. and b;!Aut1flcs the. most
beatIng I eirg �vblto And addlr-t," L4 table. Wtted by 'the -river Saint johii,. hat,far1lon of these can0c routes where the A 150144tobtwan "'Winixetmere" 11119 Weep of the 'Atlahtlt . MOM, :tfle ed L skins, Cools Land relieves ill skim,
411100us 40t sugar And ttaspootrorg1*6 from the Logisl4tift Auildbaq� In far Olt lAptic chUynx. of s th of Carlyle,: 01skat- situation alid restful '.atmosphere or Frince' flushed orLitritatedby Wea . th6r conditions-,
Beat lakes, the per�ume Nine ausies .410i
a few drops of orange rood Vn9landL In Norfolk Stands St. gary#s of the forest and all-pervading pe-a4i , �tmlicbeWUA, beautifullk altuatoct near the, VidWard Wand ate "uductvo. to those braetal in malts. A little' gentle ruts.
010r, Put merioutto'lon the luoltot. and church 'At Stiettisham of, tWhich .- Christ itivltO. the AdVentUrar. 03sterft end of thi Atol elements Which Malts a holiday
301rouix with lilts of green cherries, ChUrc)' U'AlMoSt an eXaot topy. L ..I . L Carlyle lake, entirely,. e mountains, Hes mud o orl`1070ble bluff and -3 youtilful-Ireshness, and ftftft-1
in the -early torttos- 4(4 last century bills and trees, andhavIng ruUny, 114jin.; for softenlu the bonds and making -them
theTc.camo Out froth Vngland t . he late I A bood0o is USUaIly the last thing L oue- Inr; bays trom W19ch green slope% cillub. Tfif
lltved by the use ot, Muglast ggyptlan Right govere'44 John Uedloy, getropoli� wishes to tomeAn contact with on a va- 0004. T4244 lead tO the lake whore the Only Meatis of reaching Prince paward requisite for the woman who cares.
tdll.of CtLnadi, to Who cation trip -but ,ol preju4ce. ��-gainst 610rness of this water tenWt vlalbors of 11.1and, is - over the water -
'Unime4t; qukek, vertain results. Ile- so zeal and energy how'"Or'., -the
1WVA-11 tho 1"Abil. _U�41+. �A - )this. ttlenairl P.Atnew, kti,"Ao ni � _.�_ them Is ovvicome: when the Aockv Moun- 1111 RgeS to SWIM and batZ- fm*n tha I IftntnHA to nAf ashr_A fm%A +Tf.