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The Goderich Star, 1933-03-16, Page 2
liAtat TWO the 4,500en1:h Watil M'. KJ aseasbee ewe ,m****ki tOs represented by * unoirs boneta eince. Ooderfele figcripean Mese form, a radio set or any other Oisnae. sold Greet Perli arivete I-tosses:40a iwL ptivate pearn adverice arrears 42.50W ewnerehip of the Mealle Imo. Illaittal Matra 402.5a Wm' 174 aal'ance• duetion, such as a water power Om when clause or addrces is re- t Ill liAY aa's ella a int - *witted. CANalfaLaTIONW—We Audi hrihotingt earallailY Or a Pa,hhing Imo road ar one subscribers pieta it. noiree, It as twee, not Wines ,Iseee Mir subecelptionS leterraptedl witieh tao C. C. V. would nation- * coo they tail to remit Wore opine Om" lath eta mid new addreeses ehould t his* • Rae. White oubscripileeis Ida rLot he Se frole that we tdite it that t Orrieseo.eet,3 ilhetesawrehrer)erveeru"otierecIttPeed:ead lePele43, eft/icy of the C. C. F. ;amid be largo wa Assume tOe subscriber wishes the Ser. vice ontioeca. REIGITANCES. shoul& ler made by registered mama arder or elreqUe peeable at Par in Gotte- n**. eetension o tbe Imblie ownersbip prIfey. It tee teeee eleiterd as Moe of the feults ot our present system of managanient that SS soon 4S la _ railway eastern or Boll* other publit TIAIRSDAY*_a1411CH 16th, 9,t'l4 utility ecases to he a pitying concern it is clumped on eta -country- to *tea e . ,. I earb .the leeses and it le -else stated, t TM GOD Star cparkles tbet `#Ia© pubiie. operation of such eeri foe raver be as economicsa as private, We will -need to Imola lOt more in "Wbat hos become ot the old. &trail of valet Outages the C C. . eteal, the best outs and eekl W ushloned floot sprina is on the Malt- wed(' favor before we 'van bniv Pad great nenitY JI "tting .WeeklyLesson the theta r eats To -ay eOw land tiver? bad or how ood. such a sastem irlelvenrse ufit!: exist,s* and every would be. bode is asking for soup bones end the III English ow, if the members of Goderielas If the MUMS a prodiction. would other very- cheap cuts of beef, Atd e ecr ange, h a 1.0 or 15 plan eurely farrning aa One of the prirnant form a poduction, would is Wiwi* Ott* Misused the ji-saw puzzle craze there iniglat ' emits swap bone a good Orritn*,ornan too, ten supply her dinner table for Do not say. "A, `watr Mpe in or We- % a different story to tell. be dne of the first to be tints dealt a week. III dun that by the time ment beretecia Sy burst. a hone has iven eerved as the bass De not oxy, "on hadnt ought to do with, and, as a 'natter of faca, this tot soup for a or 6 times it will be *hat" Say, own ought not to do that.. make pretzels« if the Technocrats tk, in Saskatchewan, says would be A Inedible has been invented to je exactly what the leader of the C,O, ii:rrettsrwrcelludenudeti of its flavor, but Do not say. 'Tech of you are aliewed 1 'airman bo use of prop- tWo" Pleees" flaY, "Neell of /Oa is el- extra for taking measure. l0 to leave nothiog else to clo, they migbt done, et is one thine for fr. Woods, er vegetelde flavorings can sausage lowed two paves." ' straigaten this out. the desire to plactiee Econom t e eporplo Gone bed only fool for haalationalized under the C. C. P. anis the b Art r COO if. te ordo* •••••morommisommr......-- Glancing Backweards FROM THE GODERICH STAR FILES OF MARCH 13th, 1903 I. V. Ateirews at paahrie dal* to a.90 for crattle sud $5 for bogs. The Seaforth Sun printing office was dentaged by fiee to the extent of 400. Jacob Muer of Clinton, has per. ebssed the loa, with buildiugs, on the corner of Victoria and Trefalgar etreets. for $000, When tan old drain burst many cul - ars viciMIret Eritenniferand Huron toads were Hooded. The town omen dismissed the situation but no 'Action was taken to remedy thinga. THURSDAY, 51 CU tall, 133 Our Spring and Sumner Samples are Here TUE assr 19 50 up • CHAS. BLACK ittt Rom. A big silverdeafed poplar tree, whiela has stood so. tong at tile Veeet, eaaaof the peek , Mate, Was 'chopped clown this week by L.- T. Salsburno exPenented chopper. It was a land- Advertisement—Jut received ship. merit workkaglames starts,• all Amer -lean goods, best ever shown In this town -50e. 20th Century Thud Clothing, special oeder taken $1.00 tlorth and the wtemy sun to say to make it halw out that letkoth of Da not say, 'We balm wor _ $16 .per suit. 'Evei7 suit guaranteed long W. C Pridharre time, without aseistancaa Say, "We lure that the C. O. Fa would. mean so and dedging from the dolls! newspapere DEPRESSION CHANGES FARM "rke4 thus lang'" ' Sporting Evente-There was an so and quite atiothdr thing for the Do not say. ""It is quite cold today." , tee eear in the , pew East bo$ been C.CP., if it gets going 4a a political • HAWTS Say en is rattier cold, today" . .,early.. run en the -Square Monday poetpaned until after the banking Porta, to-etick to what these author.- not ear "Who do yen we. nt?" supposed, to be sprinters running (Mancini Post) De awe morning. two well known residents, ed Stetes. •ftelne of those wbo are prophesying transportation babies In rural hanaea , words Often Mispronnantta ,..ettle a t. The race wns witnessed 'something revolutionary as ' the •un- indiceted in frgures recently pubs Either. The foremost ortimemsts pre - manifested' in the speedy ones. ser early risers and much interest wos mess has been eleared uP in the Unit- leo ay; and it might easily be that SO= indication of What the sle- "Mom do you ivanth' preesion has done to farming and • Gime around on the saevralk to • Avoidable outcome of C. 0, F. policy, fished eoncerning gasoline conump. fer etber, as in me, Here in. Goderich, our Detroit Would be found to have had the clear- ton- 1931, Berette. ProllOnnee here-tik, first e visitors have often told Us, we ore .or understanding of the trend a For the whole of Canada the ton- in let (net as la her), second e as in me industiial Note—The Tito rn a o tia th o rverv f sumption of gasoline on which pro. unstressed, 1 as in tick, and accent first etloperage has been a. busy 'lave thie wigs Ian e Mere c e 'behind tb t' b k are so old-faehoaed they still pay de- valea! taxe$ Avere paid amounted lit sellablw winter, a lerge staff of coepers bar -1 *wily u ones. ur an a Ifeelth eameet, tia lotted tor te the 444 that is steeled to weme„ because Worms destroy boats by creating interval elle- tbanes drat rettad develoPreent and cause aerate weanes. Mier's Woon Poiniere eve worms and are o Wien - fork. Add oueshait teespem mustad, eneemarter teasixteri sat, few grains ef - ayenn, dash oe paprika, one te sugar, one taidesPoon vinegar, one ta simon *IWO Mix untu smooth wi one tablespoon rattly etiopped parsley an del In their *Mien Vat the streteros of ptam to the elate et tbe Serve cre the little sufferers are osterea to healt- eriep lettuce leays. fulness, all the dtscomforte awe dangers ee of- wet* intectime aresremovea and Eat- hantsit Sated , letattoessarowthis awned. (Serves 0) • 2 large tomatoes TRT THESE LENTEN DISHES • 2 green PePPere 2 oranges • lay Itetty isarciaa a tablespooneranced onion Ilt,, Lng l'eet we'teMelithes find it dif- Cat 4,010.uiatee Sidi) a sUces. TWe dolt to 4ecide upon a suitable dish for seeds from ereea peppers and eut each dinner. Many of our old favorites are one into 3 rings. Peel oranges and oat not in order sod. our recipe Mee do not in small peces. on each ealad plate ar- eeem to turnah us With what we need. muse tomato slice topped, with pepper R:tire wlifie betw*delig4litellettswitzeh nttiei: ramaridisheet Ariatitt mInrilltecicezotnieronatorugen.weibtbdrcfgganirrg: ilinavworbloent tahatoeUciggsh oral:nal:: ‘heriazetagsbeleuts ctahle. Pour over salmi. ' led for. . Rees* Watt at, the Crossroads To three.toCurtarolinebs cupprictannteeeed :win, add the coroner d the ear Mt tOm?" Aked. tant:alillenhasp4131roniIu°:ball:inciti:onblpios8;Pader::21eanabalillittefar'elarmig.1 cervlcat' itileitell'i Pnell4e Ulewsmiecie631d* teaspoon salt. Sift and combine with the other Mame. Place butteted muffin rings in a buttered eiriPelee Pan. Drop the combined inixeures into the rings. and bake in a moderate oven, Egg -S Auvergne • Balve six hard-bolld eggs. Remove the yolks, taking tart not to break the whites. Powder the yelles with a silver he C;C.F. leaders • this eonnec- 1981 to 461000,000 gallons --a dee Resume (noun), pronounee raezu-aut, Ing beea bUsy "hooping them lie poitore 100 emits on the dollar. t, ' iPal =ant on last syllable, Goderioll Engine Wrks le rennn,- tort we quote the following, which cline of only 4.8 per cent. from the both ras as In Ma u as in duke, prima every day. The machinery at th •appeared in Saturday's Mail and Ens- eetretPonding figure of 1980. The amouut used on :arras by etationary fine; engines, tractors and so forth on The ideals d the C. C. Fa, have. which tOx Wo$ reftmdea amoupted to not been vent' dear to the general but 04,000,000 gallons—a decline of publie. Mr, Turnbull, member for 8S, per emit. frona the corresponding Regina, threw some light upon figure of the previous year, Bequeath. Pronounce be-kweth, both them in the House of Commons . The same story is indicated by a n's as in be, th as la smooth (net as la the other day. The leader of the 0.0.F.) party in Saskatebewan, study of similar figures for Sas- wealth). . . katelieWare In 1931 sales of ' he mad, was asked one everting gasoline Words Often eltssilelied • on which a tax was paid declieed Whet he would do if the banks about 15 per Ont. for the arie, or Acknowledging and acknowledeeneut; elid not finance him when he bad 1 epproximately at the same rete its no e after the der, Homeliness; retain hs 8C4aliskgulrernInent in °Per- the • failing off in provineial regiate. the e after the en. Reezind, Observe the Ati "W11 n h IQ 44 V Will Se. Toeing; retain the e atter tae se Stair (a, serie.s of steps), stare (to gaze fixedly).. Piano anti pianos, not gos. Unseat. Prenotince troth three nights a Week till 10 p. m t - HOW quickly a tnovenient I:locums as as -in it, ndtaingemoist. try and keep up with the order list. * thing a the past, Here -we have Refuse (noun), Pronounce tet-usi e hs . .111e burnittg of a fiery cross near, in bet, u OAS in Ilnit, S as in &O, accent ' Mossia J. W. Vanatter and. W. Vi referred to in newe first syllable. - — fe. Robertson have purchased The despatches at an "old 'Time° Ian Ram Signal, Mr. McGillieuddy retiring. . ' Elan demonetration. - Both were' employees, Mr. Vanatter laving ' been mechanical manager.: , .The Star wishes them euccess in the Perjury is abliored by 1Iuron relations May lepleee.ant. ecenty's judge and our CtOWn AttOrn, enterprise, and that their journalistic eley has announced lie will in future proftecute without fear or heat eiereand that hte meet our titian of automobiles. Sides to farm - people wito ewear falsely in the wit. request, the sante as they do •in eJ'°n the ta34 iv" refunded were cut virtually in half however nem box, Nothing good tan be said the other Proeiees.o He startle gallona in 1840 to 28 0011000 Iowa, r Vern ng as been cent, buthey tisit t wont huld demand they larit ion ' gallons . did the other provines. From the viewpoint of provincial revenues this has had one berieficial Then be was asked: "What if the- banks will not do thatr "We °red as far instance in Plakateile* will demand that the Dominion wen where formerly over 50 per Ge.yernuient giee us tee same cent, of the gasoline talc. revenue was and dropped from about 54,4000,000 ler no and tot be • OM two and a half or three Landon organists' eaw ;Gods rieles Sunday afternoon twilight re- eitais itid of relief work a good 2d4a and 'next Mondaytanion, hfateh 1w4Itnks—tak gese our " theY gand lve The tolustoaethr jasOrPeaTeelig the - Lt ba, bonds, give venal as smog hero, in Dundas J as Dominion currency in place of eo hand it points very clearly to • the e• tee church. We nottee Among the them," In the settle areath he declining use of trader and other artietsae take pert Dr. Frederiek I stated they are going to natin- ga01111eVolveXed machinerY which 1141:F1411Wv/ /4149ne' ' the Mortgages; then they wilt !31 cases' :flatnesgtesortie• and other items in. %Sue adeyear bonds without P Aliso the farms end pay oft all 11as been fota anhi11:beLaTacbrilityin necessary to.operato this machinery. tereet. to mortgage eompauies The tire fiend hes deprived Barrio meet these liabilities They will .1ust whet the trend will be mice de= efa. skating rink, which was :about as bring these Mt -year non-interest• soldand dilapidated as our own West bearing bonds to Ottawa and de- ereht etaetues. garde people mend Dandnioe euetency for thent. He Nt'a then eeked, can rePlaOre their link by the Cline the' What will inn de if the Dominion hest season rolas around they will Govottilitit 4 4ireett h ire lltholoPlished sotnething witi4 thatIn lattre do hot expect the many larger commintities have failed tO do. "lite used to have a good team, arid WO ought, to be bask on the baseball menNo tile is not 'written about Coderith. It comes from an Eastern Ontario- town whi(11 is already plan- ning for the raising ef a. fund lac mane tof a &awing for la 1933 Chevrolet sedan, backed up by a Ser, ViCO elb. What about baseball in Goderich for the summer of 1933. We used to have a good team; we pression clouds lift is a question of primary convera to many industries which found this a profitable field for their Waree Vier to 1930. • or =vase „, Has- -*Argil ',rivaled Homo Synonyms Aid. (verb). assat, Serve, suPPrt, sustain, Abet, lutfriend, uphold, ceoperate. Neglect Otani). negligence. earelesse nets. inattention, indifference, oversight. Following Are the officers of the Huron and Bruce Loan and Invest- ment Co., Head (Mee, North street. Goderiehz W. L. Horton manager; • P. Jordan, . president; W. Proudfoot. IC C.. vice-president; directors,. Lord Stratheona, Prouclfoot, II. Dunlop, Judge Eat, Francis Jere dart, 3. M. Roberts, Henry Horton, D. Rapture eloulae ecstasy.arultatinn,itT. llaftel. Sheriff Reynold. jots happines,' teinspert, blis, delight. Little, small, diminutive. iusightatanh Utter to the Editor—Dear Sir: I minute- WV. eelrePerteet ° disappointed- surprised that Extraordinary, rare, infrequent, peen- The Signal has not taken. up discus - liar, cad, remarkable, stroller, uniqu, sion of Lake Shore Eleetrie, Rail- UUUSUSI.• way project. The - Editor of The Alm (Amin), purpose, design, Amara- Signal is one of the promoters. Why tion, goal, endeavor, letention. so little in the paaer about it? The wend atu4 seereeY makes me suspicious. We "Me 'a word three times and it is vilng ibo f want to be sure of this thing before yours." 'Let us inerease 010 VOCabularY our \1:tV ° rne alrIner. by mastering one Word each 4y. Words tor this• Captain Baxter, of Owen Sound. hedeeehet. ane wilt() owns to equal who will coramand the Manitou, has arrived in town,. -JIM Leonard hds left for Owen Sound -refit the Bay- fteld t...• B., seri of Capt. J. E. Par- sons, ,itas been moved lay the Bank of Cematerce atom St. oCatlearineek to Hamiltori....W. -Elliott, son G. M. Elliott, hag left for Manitoba. He hopes to benefit his health by the bracing air of the prairies. Per Catarrh.—It it One of the chief re- we -the ettatiletor Of both."—Wre eommendations qf Dr, Thome Pelectrie buratto as success as it eon outwardly. MOD:M forbids "Burial may not Mat it can be used internalla With Dominion Government to -do be Waited or denied. to any One."—AY- hut it tliey do not, .we Will defy Sufterers from co.tarrh win find that the eve. the Dank Act and print our own evil, ,,„ turrency, and if the Dominion ORDINATION; the act af aPPoiriting, Government tries to Orme the last latla` "aath Or rgulatin. "The holy and wise or - Jail' --and Act and puts our nremier this ailment have found relief itrthe 011 di atio in jail"—and "our islander," of 44611 'h-^4"e4t teStira°11141 ri nt° DEVLI-triTaa dmeertding surface; eourseewould be the leader d Deaths of Two Citizens—Mrs. Wil - doe, v00=0,1100 eaceeeties eat nem Campbell died on Tuesday, Match 10th, after an illness of four yeara. She WAS a highly respected Edward Sharman died sud- denly Thairsday. Ile Was a brother of Mrs. Campbell and his wife and father had just died a few months previous, four deaths in one family in a short space of time, Ed - An Attack of Kidney Trouble ward, Sharman was one of abe ,towne best known -citizen!, and his the socialist party by that time Mem& for the passage Of the watere" that is just what we want." —Dertam. It is well that this ineide in.4 formation on the CoOpera- 00311140; to itarig or he sespended tie Commonwealth Federation over; be imamate "Ziestruettors sure should be freely broadeftet. It oer an your lacd* imPencle,"—PoPe, Le well that our farmer e and wage-earners and shate-holdera, aueinesa and anemia/ institu- tons should know valet woukt 'opular Peewit Beard in leaesing: "Se that dogdiming his tail?" Poor little ease, Ile Is Using to make both ends meetOaelnetale Vague News. ought to be back on the baseball map. beemne of their property aud of the national tredit, if Mn Woodo worth and his Crowd were ever to gain eny measure of real power. Ono difficulty about the whole matter is that Mr, Woods- . worth hinnelt tells a different story afloat the party titans. REPLENISHING LIBRARIES We. have heard of Sunday School • libraries befog eupplied b book s do. uated by private persons for witich they had no further ate aut it is tonicthinK new to read -of public' lib-. rariee being replenished with reading matter taat woy. Vavrie, how - 1 WHAT OTHER • ever, the town council has eut the EDITrialaq C A y library levy and the Barrie Eaminer; '-'"'s" a o't pointe out that the libeary boiled will 7"• - he laud premed to keep an adequate A SLOW 1100M supply of reeding matter for ito ever (Clinton ereseeneeord) 1. growing dereende merge:We with nlai car. Eddie Cantor env; if this la not . proval e tion Ivan the OrilliaJ a &premien it is the sloweet tom in I Peeliet toad Tiniest se follow= "May eitieetta buy books for hiet. after reeding them, then haveno furtker te; itt 4' .1. tao gOnetataqno WELL wirxr Is lir? (Perth Epoitor) &eke oniy cumber there beet:. After" lallInta. ala ho C3n find • stelver.i.- Where such hooks tiro 1 te.cmw* 1:5(1. average 129ln iln • o dtable, thoy earl ee, s, eeteiee the best mineated man in 'Vs eenimuns. to their fellow citizens and to i ilY and res: l'Watat titie thing ealls 1 the unemployed, by givieg these i ed teelineeentey, tiayhowea beam to the Likely. More than ift WHAT'S vont SUGGESTION? twenteelve per cent. of the ' • 'beaks placed en the eaelvem last (1ia24aine Review -Reporter) star were denotd. They came : Ono of thee problems which might rpm* ampatativis, email num. II be eansidertd by the touneil that sear btv et aserene friends of the il ia dep. Wt thare nothing, modest 1' Library. It this practice b. f dog. we like them in foot, but when 1 couhe reit *ent. wouid *0 far t0 Oey make a convention hall of the toke the Boma's problem, *Ad elliti street it is shout time scene wawa ulfimitely build up a Li. eetieri WKS tfikert te eilriall their nee trey of atieh the teieriCeedtd 1(t:Aitie3* . be proml." IN PRAISPI OP SOIP 11 tWietten Echo) O. C. V. COR PUBLIC li n bet us tinaltk the lord these dark OWNEASIIIP I tor soup. It Le a greet fee st and I et:op, Awl 'mother Itsed to excel at rraking V whii was a boy. It ton. if it Imt 111resVp. eel> tooled evettlithng. 00.5 I leee beck th'tthr'lltild hate tha 1t, *Wien !rat-, t think that really it was Irish aa the ttevernment seta wiled- t3 clew elog under tae tometa-plameat At ls" vihist °4' • alicah'S_aree1 feem the-, taNe had 14 et e letet Weelte 'fully satslied, in the days before 'ree, 'which tar 1the draressien, waert femme eta, Pt +Allis* tee ,!'e rata the elimitifte parnart tat butchers teed te rena ti•It ptioete prprty. What 1ilin That ererytAy staato41 bette,; 0./! ti`o%olement :orders!, et sluices& hrargla alte Back Bad, Could Hardly -Stand • Don't neglect it beck/Woe hut treat it before some aerials kidney trouble aria in. Mrs. M. Golightlyi Willowilet, Atte, writeea- "Whert I Wait teaching etboot I bed a bed attsek of kidney trouble, and my back ached so I geoid hardly *Mid. A friend advised me to use Than's Hideo Pill, which I did, and het, month had elepeed I felt like a different person.' „ For salt at all drug and general stereo, or miled direet ou receipt of price by The. T. Slattern Co., Limited, Toronto, OM. Painting, Paper -Hanging and Interior Decorating FOR THE NEXT MONTH We will give special rates on all Wori, Wallpapers, Paints, Enamels and Var- nishes. J CUTHBERTSON GIBBON sr. GODERICH P�ONE 344 BOX death is greatly -regretted. . An ,Ehily Break tp—The year past was one of records, and the season °pone 1903 with a break up that mekea a record,. for the Maitland burst its ice bounds on March 7th. All afternoon the water was rising abovethe bridge and along Atrill's flatt, and towards dusk it vote within three feet of the breakwter, and then gave way, and ice and water passed into the lake at a late that Petit up with old-time bre:Aka. The noise made in the passage was thunderoue. A large quantity of fallen trees and timber came down tvin. the flood, and there will be a great firewood harvest. Drowning—Attempting to navi- ate the turbulent Maitland rier, in la canoe during the flood Dr. Frank Tetnbull, of Auburn, waa drowned, He started from Auburn and when he tame in view a the Grand Trunk station at Goderich it was seen that Ms etkU00 bad upsd, hut he was bedd- ing on. Whistleword alowa and soon there were scores endeavoring to save him. The canoe was stopped rear the breakwater and tbe doctor taken off, but so lira Wils his grasp on the canoe that it required force to rtienst his Saer% He was taken to tho lumber mill, and though bis bent wee still beating, he was uncenecionis ane died seen after. AU the medial men in town were called and me Erseetsfully tried to restore eireulse tic e. Mt LIVER'S MAKING Yell FEEL INT OF SOUS Wake sit Ion Liver We —Nto Wood needed te4 else, eoreemel, yet et it* %Ate thank Nrrat hves. 10:05i ivet rewirit Z.S • thlytqc3pat6•WridNibitto$ cot boo. re';.•,e et4 efeeieseee e.„.* beet 'L." - 1'!!I ae,Amtlatiy* tontl itittc36 szn. tt4 nalitt .12 fed ,ArOtll' eine bc**1-reertit. Eke Wm to, reitetat ester. !0,''p omt. ot ,'Pse* szviel5Nrt, ::11ilte*, Fel fer tee•ere: lee meek * abet Ileeeweet teeeeeS t". la reca, stet. toes esoo Mk ler teem tee *sett litewt *444 .i. at ill tiKatet. :47 witnes.s. • • True burly' foreman rose from ins seat. "nom and boy, age lived in these parts for nay yore". be pretesteanonderously, • "and 1 bave never heard of the pleee,r,,,. • * Washington kabor. • • Ghost Eurbea.rer • a rabbit is a little animal that ewes the tur other anima get credit tor wfien Its Made into a lady's coateacincinnatt Enquirer. ' . 0 0 10 OUnranteed sott ival saving with. a RAHN FUEL SAVER in yen -a' flarneee or hot water heating plant, 'Theneotatically controlled. Thirty data' tree trial. Ft. a SIONSNN OIL BERNER In your range or heater. Guaranteed, lie years, Prices from $27.50 up, Hu CLEMENTS • Open evenbigs Phone' 180 MASSEY HARRIS SHOP, KINGSTON STREET We are still giving you 5 per cent premium deice on the goods you purchase here. We buy the fresh- est and choicest goods and sell them at the least price pouble. SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK OF Fariters' Pure Pork Sasage,' *Oc Salted'Iletring, per lb. . ..10e' Smoked Fillets or -Sea Unto% lb.. PP! Ifornes Peanut Butter, 32 -oz. jar...32c; Pearl Soap, 10 bars.. ... Palmolive Soap, 3 cakes..22t Snowflake. Ammonia, 4 pkgs. 25c Heinz Ketchup, 2 14 -oz. hottles33e Standard Quality Sweet Corn, 3 tins 25c •DeLuxe Jelly. Powders, 7 flavors, 6 boxes for... .. ........ Our. Own English- Breakfast Tea, two Mb. pkgs. ....... . . Our Own' Ba,king Powder, 16 oz. tin 19e Coffee, fresh ground, per. lb... 39c Britannia Malt, hop flavor, pale or dark, 2% -lb. tin....;... Blue Rose Rice, 3 lbs. for.... 23c Ripple Cream Sandwich Cookies, 2 lbs. for .. .. . 3 Veltex Toilet Tissue, 2 Singapore Sliced Pineapple, 2 No. 2 tins 25c ,Artificial Vanilla, 2% oz. bottle, ea. 9e, Bensdorp Dutch Cocoa, 8-11. tin23e norne's doubleeream custard pow der, vanilla, lenton or abnolid, 16 OZ. tin240 3.4400 .106.11...0.**60 *********R.< is 46 0 NonSuch Stove Polish, per bottle190 Clothes Pins. 3 doz. for................ Bulk Soap Flakes, 3 lbs. •0 W. BAECHLER WN DELIVERY PHONE 3