HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-09, Page 81 " A I -,..1001•RAMMITIWIONe• hellITAlele RAM REVISING Tar. PRIZE usr The arieeele reeeleatee Lan meet' MO 'Ito 004E1301 ledeettial, acid Agele:1110 eeeeeelere ce elm Hewn Sege-ex:le will Ile trial See:etc ries Vatted the risiiime cf t:1 z tte team, heel, Cleeteeec Easierlibe eglee. leet and ie eriecting terry Tue3.- XeiltleY. Axel dee' aftezeteen fez' the peapeve. Xeeder • to ecari UP Me actieet, Et pessibee se CP SUPPLY O. E. -teat the 11933 fate will g°9,V.` with a eleen „ft sanvo tcQ ty•c:03 u20 zainuty wo,cre4c,..ert t.aace V.atzed te he lie1d the tee lee fee Ceeeeeleire eittemex euprey,,erel ce tlfe mentle March 31et. wee taken fe rertoric.e. ca fieet-elares! VIS'XV Ilmntuto oft Mlle Ilcafit.,NEW F08111 ON 101$14-14Me Tte rezal Eeerel ncaltra met ea Mane' A. steacl7 eireerz Veerele eleeted Weedes emwee beet Settirclay 'view the elew Ferd V.8 and much, admiration eves Preeeed tee the seeltere. One tea to cesy. ACCIDENT' %1' OARA6P When Iteekje Ma erre iareinee betereen teviee b reeeenfic the 1035 inetiel deer -creme or neg. et eteiee garage =floe a Ford var. It f entirely different to tieentemabile whttoh ite,wOu attemtlting 14'3 in'Oeor.4.:.`rO, :rem radiates ti rear e dew et -we erelkiel %gene:ewe the ibumper, with an 1124neh wheelbase. wale= mottete. on Tirday,XverYtilleg lexelec it bsPrOseS tho modern ,ce the; we*. Cleerge`eititehine a meet:- ,mode En meter cernullang-the slanting aide scatalecel freeture ot three =ell 'radiator and windeletelhe etkirteel fenders twice of 1i iiht 51/ ILL Set- ander the end the emeetillY kng IMO Of the .dsetoree' eore. limed and beely blend with one another. In' every Weil le evidence of earetully CENTRAL itterilE.AND SVII0Ols CI,C0 /Weaned lteruicuy of line, proportion und Tne, Central echcot mats and evimelldircetien. The ear will do 80 miles Club mc e in the ethetel Teeeday even. helm Mg and a very intereetir.e addrees on eOutetendhle Tewn Evente In 2032" traz; 1000.,D'S MT OF PRAYER. Oven. by Mrs. D. D. Worley, at the on The WorId's Day Of Prayer wee elusion of wino, the preeident. Mies eerved by a serv1ce on Priday aftern •Rebertson, expreseed the', pleasure of all in North street 'United einirch, accor in the address. Mrs, W. V. Saunders. to the, progratn prepared by Mt. * contreented well.rendered solo. • peen. eheirrnan of the Netienal ,Cone- mittee of the V. W. C. A., Shenghat DIES AT TORONTO Chine, There was a good attendance of lierry Brown, brother of David Brown, the ladies of the town. Mr& Settler Evelerieli, tiled at l'OrontO 143 Seturday ton. president of the W. ht S. Of No and was buried on Sunday, He had been street United chunk preisided, • tor eoree weeks end his brother was preYer was effereti by Mrs. Barnett with him when tlieend Mr. Mese Japan, by Mrs, I. J, Lane ror mina, ebbing, of town, wee present ter the Mrs. W. T, Bunt Ter India and by funeral, which eves largely attended, Byron .Velleon for Russel, Key were tons, Abranalei and Moses. reside at, for the county and town to melte Wineheln end a daughter at leintardene rangernents for next mei servlee w U well as two fens end a dauGhter aPbointed. Mies 'MarY Rebertr,en for Torente,• ecunty and Mrs. Jae. Sheet for the to • Mrs. Andrew was eaunt y key women the. year, TOPAZ GLASSWARE In Pietro, Cop* and Saucers, Goblets, Bakers, Cream and Sugars. Cheese Dialtes, $alatl 13owls, Sherbet*, Etc, Al! at Popular Prices at Cole's Bookstore -7NORTN 'ST. UNITED W. M. Oh ° ---- ztuary IL., 8.. Ilitsy Quilting, litsloding l'is tar the Wcitans altholi Tim W. M. S. cf Berth street United! 114R, NORMA bOODS, gclrorch held tile veaular mentiny eneetteivk Tel death of Mr. Alfred I.Xele, efetn exerday afternoon in the sAmirorsun Cain% Sok.. or:mud in the earl hcs-lot the elairch. Ille president, Mts. L !bad1,(pinti 02 etorday, February latii, after a setheringten, was In the cheer. and Miss Thlerede7 Ireel the Villletl 041E4 4liel sleeting emmettee reiexted OW 'seven illnese. The funeral was held. en Rae Andrew preeided at the plane, Tne interment tee* plea: In the Cabri ceme- hospital eans tad been made and three' • M* -8. IROBEIXT 111IFF galls on ehuteire. The treasurer s'eport,' cd $107,50 reeeived in Feb:wiry. letrel , fueteral M' tie tato Mrs. Hebert `P. ilehneten repotted that three quilts! _e, %lime•dcath aeura4 in Terento bad been einiste4 be the eeeletee ee we afterneen. interment being meth) at Men- leitalleee Mos that bed been sent to tit 1 en Wednieseley, blarele If, Wee laid /rote two for the welfare work of the Own, Victerla street United ehtweit an Friday The eecretary reaa a letter from Mrs gla•nd cemetery. ' Serviees were condueted.heys and girle of the Studley eV11401. I ileY Atalaatl. Chrietepher eteluesten. and Woe rea!in 19. Mre. It. 4. Seward read 1 ibY Rev. Z. W. Craile and Rev. et E. Vend. him. Maleelea hreleay presided during - Imo pallbearers we Clearge Bates, Wee- Die devetiozial hour. The scripture readi three sons-in-law, Tehle Dimer and Mtn Britton. of Toronto, and Chas. Wean, of eertereeli. A:EerVtg0 VA03 held AMONG THE CHURCIIES at Toronto the 1111)1104s everiina efinduet, ed by ReV. ReYeraft, Wformer Ti -*I:Mellen Surv-' grenP led Molter of the deemieeil Weinan in 000erieh. eireeirie. Vletoria street 'United eererell'The late letre. Duff was born Cederleh :me:tribute:1 a nee beet leendaY evelline and Jelin Snrelil 78 years ,ago, being a (laughter at rhe late Mr. and Mre. Mut:hail. Poi - Dr. Breee Hunter. preideat of the lowing her marriage she eontUmed to I.ondon Conference. will Areach In North resido Cadmic)), until km yeere aeo, St. United church at halt =vice, on When she Went to. with members of Gee %Miley, April Arid, Annittereary Staidly, her family in Termite She had been 111 eon•services, at v1.7t043, tteat unite(' 111 health for setae Vale, having been a ding *Wirth sunday pastor, Rev. P. W. Vetelnie eent, ereebing ParalYeie. hW"L • C. Craik:' 11 am., subject, . "Wholmenee "no"•;weenie needeceeeed her 20 years Werds1" 7 relne subleet. •"Mtspleeed KM are is surVived by 'four daughters ItA.lutple.toy.."310S4ircianelyayeyenirischeox alt,46.30,cfog: ar4°14ttotnneu.s". oatnse 2:004gre11.13;ndiviurare. ,4rtmtbuitur ing- As a sequel to the recent father .„4 DMI1091 Or TWOntOp Mrs. Chas. Vides= rth son Gederieb. rtobert Duff and Jahn 3lutf, and elotrer 748,-;ectia.; ,se.gree- ta7;Zier'r.az both of Toronto. An the members of tfr eone was held ma Sunday evening, the by pastor speaking on •the subJect "Men Mr8' Wanted." The boys and men templed wtmax *WOE TOVANAMENT At the weekly deplivatei bridge totirrig• ment held at the Park House on Tuesday eventnee the followbee were wit:mere: VICTORIgt ST, W. et 5. The render meeting et the W. M, Rotel end Seuth-elst. Chaa,'Wealtinsf Vietcria street United church. twee h and T. IL Patton, 241e: end, „le sebe in the eabool rocin oil Monday after= erteen an P. P., Catese e2; 3leie•Mrs. r. at 120 Weleek. with MM. Harry Snider.. smolders end :Dere, ,chaennae, 214, eon in charge tf the devotional ,peried. • E4nZ West-ts 111rs. fie -Joiner e_Atter 441T16ingi, "rather •• A011111 /n Jesus' end eenes 0, ohm, isib; 244,ee, Name We Meet," tile 2$rd Pea1M •tag TaYlor and Mrs, t Eastman. 61e; ard, read in unison. Mrs. Mew ()gored preeer. ,Mrs. ;Dr.) nunter and Vbs. Xiaker, 311, "Lnrd •,OCS11s. I Long to be Perfectie There will be another duplicate Winne- 1,7101.0•'! 'wee eung. Mrs. Satidereon Teed enent bele( next Tuesday evenin•g.the devotional leaflet. The Wietole Towers . . were given 1$Y. Mrs, Tubb. Miss ,Ifaine, ASTI/Ver CIRCLE BANQUET est& Geo, Barber, Mee. Smiley, an One a the grOliPs Of the Arthur Circle, Mitchell. The ineethi3' was than • tAat •prrp.islet ever Mt Mrs. Robert ,Iiiseet ihinded llver to the Pmehleht" Mrs' 8Y1'° • and xee, votees eeinea. heed a eery dee VElleolt Who conducted the 'haat= lee needful eeetel eveldne on Tuesday. St, lot' Mree, Wileen referred to t Patriclee dmoretle.ns were he evidence in • elei lt WUh neeeeeled at the eerelee the table demr.atious and about eighty the World :Day of Pearer held at leert Inr:ans rat duals. Seterel inusical num. etreet United ehureh reeently. Th en the central petvs, eretho • ear Services at the leeptbt -chUrele Sunday at, pastor, Rev, W. T. Blatt: Bible zelieel At 10 ani„ A welcome to all bible 4tn4erdo;• gespel scrVice at 11 axa„ sub- jeet, "l'he• Christians' Great Business;" imepel service At 7 pen., eubJect, 'The -Withered ‘Hand Healed" The NeavOilltv'ray Atesion and of ejd Sum; Preebyterien ehilrell held its on enenthly meeting Seturday, March 4, ed, the grounds enlarged and much, of The preerain wets arreuged by Ida White the Retraction of the premises broughe arid her group. After elevate:eel xer. Into being. • eelminathig he the instal:lee 0 elm lantern elides on "Happy 'Doe in tien of the new lightin,0 • sirstem, jos. India." were th01111. 01114 Johne.tan 13roPheY has retired. front the PresiderleY gave a short recitation end Audrey of the eh= end Jae. Macerizar has amnia- Pleber and Claire Marten sang solos. the nfilee, his elen'tinti xaacle E •ServideS at North street United church• tvh,aes agehirtimelyxetri.hg'40rptheye,seioutfib've'cithils'asjt Sunday next, emeliteted by the pester Rev. T, Watt, we,: 10 aze,,,, Aten,S' Mande" night: The clabei finances are club, subject ter eneetlesiehe een the pease In good thape. Curing the year $lum n int state of transition are releeleue eon- was -spent, including $369 for the rieW Ceptios regarding .eelvation ,changinge heeds sine there is a smell eash balsam teveral interest11011terriS oUrrent news, tramline a letter frem Pr. J. M. Rob.% Minister- of Seattle ta elre. 11, M. Kline( • Scatterer for leferlical Missions of the: W. M. fe. ot tbe United titterth, thenktiegi the Women of the Missionary SOeletY'for the• aestetanee given, *special)? M. the northern pert: theprovinoe, in the care ef the reek and the eeinfert of the needy'. elm. A. Matheson read the devotional leaflet. "The 'Warm he No emportenese" and Mrs. W. er. Andrew ,gave fliaeSSOSP* sis of the first chapter of the study bo, "The Domini= ef Canada." dealing with tha eountry, the people and the early Frenth nilsefons. Mrs.' G. T. Watts dosed, the meethig with prayer. IN POLICE COURT Three COme ritt‘,Fer Sentence on. Satur- ' the lewdly were preserst for the tuuer•al. day -Wank Case Also Steted *there l'rem out of toO•It were gm. wile Saturday well be A busy do in policel I 14m Elliott of Brantford Niesers, Wm. emit Four Youths cent up for sentence! Snaking, Zoe Slinking and Henry on Saturday morning, they having plead- Runtallg", ef IkOharn- • ed aunty to breaking, entering and theft . ........,-.-,. * •• The case of Fred Ntergen, eharged with, .1. W. MisclileAlt Pfif.SIDENT reckless drive, will Also be heard. His • Of Ciederich 1114----b, J. 'Donkey Retiring -girivlierygurte-rdheink elnerlellteelivrilt: r°,:rilaidvino:Fatetlet. . , After Six Years • 2$th, W, J. Sproul, truck driver, says " After six years in efilee as pregdent ot Morgan' strung into blin‘ danlaged his thetioderich Bowiing club, durine whioll ftnilorS, drove on 100 feet mut-then stop - time the club house and fence were 'meet- ged and weleed tack to examine the • ainage At Wheelie= on Mareli 1st James T. Willoughby WaS 0001110ted •of two L. C. A lefeeete4trese'te ‘RIlealtiviniing"ed alrinind $1.101rexx,theithrille. MONEY FOR cxwiark,-.42,c,nr.r.y FUND Geo, xp.thoort and 0, voting uz menthe an the leret taunt and $le or one etlt, 1533 ii11 Wool Blankets per pr. $3 9 * • We bought the balance of a wcoi mill over -pro- duction of grey blankets at a big sacrifice. Large dotthhe heti size, whipped and finished Piugi,y weight. 7 lbs. Recently sold at $6 50- Per pr. $3.95 flernstitched,Sheets, pair Pure. bleached Sheets, good weight, size ?x00. Extra value . . - .............. $1.95 • SUPERIOR WABASSO SHEETS Extra size Six90, deep hemstitched Heavy "Reached Sheets, large double bed size, reg. S.5.50, at pr pr. $295 ssAmass-AxivaNsua Ruts ON sALE New patterns, heavy deep pile- , $29,95 SiZe 2MX3 • yds. .......... $19.85 Size PRINTS YARD WIDE ' ,Warraotecl fast olors in 441 new patterns, light, mid • and dark Colors for•dres•ses, aprons, quilts, etc. Extra value per'yard... ... . - IGc 75c large fancy Batt' Towek heavy weight, fancy • weave, in colors gold, rose-, blue, sizeatront 22x4t pr. 1� LINEN TOWELS • Pure Irish Linen Huck Towels, hemstitched .ends, heavy tine quality, size about 18k38. Regular 40c each, six for, „ .......... .nooft" COMINGS Heavy Oil Cloth Rugs - 2,x3 yds, . , .... • , $3.50 1, 134 and 2 yard wide Floor Oil Clbtlis;„ per sq. yd. 4,5c •SIIIIITINGS • • Best quality Galatea Shirting for men, Large choice of best patterns, neat''stripes in navys and black,. Regular 35c, per yd .. . .. . . ... 25O • Men's Overalls, sizes 36 to 42, best quality. •Regular •$.2.00, per pair. , „ , ..... . • ACHESON' 84: SO • month en the eeeceed. Be took the time,• s • .• p a ns. the wares being given by Ws, entenees to run coneeurrently. 00Tdherebbregwillarnm'en.121„snniutnelfiturnteeewtiasng 1.1°L1111zel g._14YetcPuti.U. The'"Prtze•was 'me bY. Mrs. BUGGY HAD NO uctiTs • and was natatnendeeact Thbyurasdlaaryg, eMnaurnichber2t, Ing."2/avinfeairea event et): bthanotiA: Npitittiltx!nuteet; etaIrsooetriir,sat:nulTraningarttrz.• aeoncdtroolanAucoternom?oievit:kir:c,Igtrieoupsh:tedts .4.);:ebsralliahEse.rlii;.etra, 4perteinastcl,eda.IsTohethreepcoortrros,fpet,ias_ It5.104It'rnczbinSiligettnug athrveedN4 six iipsiessehles and Tim first viee-pretident, Mrs. P4„1,Mir, _'• leader' The meeting 'closed. tithe first serlegas zteotettaccaitdeaunt lirtnterseeenicflurdci:hee.irarouretizejasd 443.9.0.:14:1eb:truaars:u4r: =31 •"11°11-N.th• rize as bzwin li &' b • _ -- tiOn tenth "of Beusajl. lost Prlday night, T. Phillips and elm. c. Cliuteri mashed Tato a rouggy A ear driven ,by tawrence Pluinsteel of by Mrs. Phillips and approved. by Dee HIGli.CLASS by Mre. learelel Lawson (formerly 141.ss• • driv b re 11 ant„ snbieet, "What ls the Weet'Outee hend. The only ,keildeility $000 left ne 7 yam,. subject, eptvitte treaune, Sun, on the morteetee an the property. For or day soiled at 3 p.m.• the veining season lee evill be $5 an round 1nste9d of $7 for old *tubers and s5 for e ° et new members. A vete of thanke wee bOrs Wert rendered, Mete:dine %veal e 1 - inettim oiosed with waxer. !kolosT moDERN IN vitoRLD peezed te the retiring,president and. at= m .----_....-,-..,..,-. •elargarce Mier/hi of Clinton end Miss Leask piano duet by Mies Somerville end AIM Porees Miller end plena mg° by Nfise Somerville Afterwards games were in- dulged in, eThese resceirtions are to em DEBIS COLLECTED We tollect Notes, Accounts, aue,.- where. Our eucceee will astonish relit We zeldem fan. n we do, it Web you nothing.. Yen take to risk. You tate% . lose. Aet 'row 1 Semi in SMir debts, today, hig or Oran, old or hew; We well eirrprise red 'with remit& *Up ter future reference. Do it now. NO 00titsEC:EICIE-140 OHAROE • e eiranehee Everter* VNIITE0 hIEN cANADA oand Zranch IP. 0, Box 2e Lest Ye Forget Hand.Tailored Clothes • • $30 00 up ry Cleaning Pressing and all kinds of ;Repairing Nul Re. lining done also alien's Special Made. te.Order Clothing Prices $22.50 up A. NIVINS TAILOR 1 ..-- ...,..,-...., 'Only 111e Ilvezi tor ethers is wmtk- hile."--Albtrt Eir4tclu (People We ICTIOW I - • .------. . to the treesur ee mr. A. Porter. The Rebert Jarrett ot KIPPen.. n is alleged IVsent. to the district annual meethre , W. Mood, Getleriell, Sees Sow Sheil Co a th setting e clato 19v*the toarrettnents that'Tama .did net car a light on his' A Midden of membero ' etedhees, at heontteal Were left to the executive. The folleree reamer rch4 that in making a, left herd, greens the s intbt'teen viao made, each group to raise W. ,..___,,, ,,, , . ,_ „ MO officers and eornmittees were eiected: turn he drove direetlY In the path of the. money for the oemetety fund. 4V4q04 ‘oe elew iticai reprezenea.eve Renorary Presidents, William Lene Stew anad o of the She ; wrt oncoming auteraohlie. Both vehicles were!. An excellent Vai)er on beine ined scheol ll 011 Ompeny 41 Caire aHenry and n, menermatt; Pres,: mashed. the. auto trarelling 100 feet !work was given. by lifts. paiticr, giving hers, Wright is Visiting with Jhe father, in meatteee tut week attending a eon- J. W., MaeVicar; Viee-Pres4 }toward Me. .,-.-:jeong 'the ditoh 'before Oonllng tO a StoP. tull tletglLs ot the organixatio'n oz the U,r. ja,v. Conueley. ' '• • veution *1 renreeentative,s trom olentario 1;',Ies"; Trees., Andrew .Porter; Seezeterys 1‘16 *Ile was hurt.• , first Some and School Club founded by Mrs. 11„ It, Revell bee returned from r't a e\V P "1 4 .0 on Saturd ' • . A. ' G. Weir; Pxecutive Com the offl"ers , Jarrett' appeared in, traffic toart here Mrs A C Curtis f To nto, in 191g me extended Meet, in Toronto, etre. Otte& Oirvin event the weekeend at Ovielph with her slaters MM. Evans. iIt'll* le Ili. ` et. le • lett $atti'd' " f _..,0y. _ongraireCO 1 ae. or lemeilltert to start work on the SU'. Sri- • tcunoliue, ler. H. h. Elder. of Toronto, was a NisKOt over the week -end with hi.s sisters. tile Misses Xidex,. , lwr. and Mrs. O. J. Platt. of Port .01,- iborno, were week -end visitors with their • relatives in towel. leir, E. Drinkwalter, Vletoria street, Is IVAY du A visit to his Sons iri 4t. Thomas and Pert Statile: Mrs Rennet -le Stewe has rethened SIM a to weeks* visit with Me. arid elm. W. C. FeltaleZ Detroit, day baetteitindl'ing°ildebneoteUnttiendtlaY•fanteciPrTtlesentl:i°Loceillieelst°14.1*'°4e're:ntarceen,YtTlIfiuligan:44804rtsjtew*heilathirctit:Gilanti.riin40: a -111r% the°hUght hr °etild rat Infteerstelittictienb.e' A.AlivIv4erycLeiriteraellttricl rge taives from. this inst.-do. which is tow, izt " actvocea gtue a au r. Ilan, jesoia Bromley, prpci ay. *barged :with failure to NUL Palmer made an appeal for more col:lab:vette= tet 1V/ondaY Mil; ' blfoOdl•FoOle; 004. frounius ea c cm, Root $earrltolunenderooressaoril'e lwigeelItax. uneistoerthweastoaine; eecur-operi:nttionereuori„poawreenretspnrrepathlsrettwbarykw•, z. sat bcryam2trustrth vo'h.. The new oll reeinery sit Montreal being ar°13hit• IL 't. VtiWards, Wm. Berimv# ler 'test 'veV he'd ba tbe farm of a seelling INVOLVED , built by the fehell Ce, is tie mist two and Geome etetheecele Membership Cam el earache 0100 -Words Teeing epelled beeke eti half million elellare. The refinery New Wen. 'Powell, Jos. .Suronletd, Ntr. .r. Baker, eeettPY 200 acres of land ill the Montreal ...----.- suburban area and the work of emestrime me year. An aver, Verde. Ski% woe amen 'Mal Mee. .r. 1.1. Lauder, George Symonds, Jhn Ms- 10.:l'ung of` Youths in Goderich Confesti eet,,D. e. Sill and Sersiee Fisher; giouridat to Series et Rob• tibegari Aug8th lest beries • age of 800 men, Mintele Trumpet wad daughter Helen were in latellener iciet Feiday At: capacity of the eelerieret ten the oPening ending the Intend of Ur& Trumpet% day will he 131,200 igallOna Per daY« a fathereinelaw. tient* widen it is expected will he in. Rev: W, Bunt Med Mr, Carden lemeih ereeeed 10 aPPr011inItitely 175,000 gallene have heel employed itlure O reet A Oalilthor cem„ Pred Hunt, Jes. Bwrittieldme- , n . i Io Inas than 4eveo youths are ere Mg the Mx mouths at construetion. The• • implicated in a series of robberies new relIller4A has been built 'by Oanadlen DONATIONS TO SHELTER and thefts perpetrated in Goderich in engineere and labor aud an materials, as • ' recent months they all having Diem], far as possible, hare been scoured in the List of ?mations to, Children's Sheffer ea guilty' to an or More -charges Diriuirlion. The new reline*, win be one torJan,JAM and re8., ..- before Magistrate Reid on Saturday Of the•m most modern in the world. 'The uDo Lug, honey, books; Mal, Morning last, varying dispositions Falant,wehaeT1'4octIverle*I4,011.11100,001nsgaisllo"nsf Iletivee 4. *31118* Ileeta; 'Wm. GattreY" thea Lehitgormertaddeersowf ertellegirirLastsw‘o- It'll:ea: putty for storage of emide ail, nks eeetehle°; Mrs' BeeiOnt heineenratre-htlt" suepeniled Sentence, three with pre - being the largest in claustia lulu -the log, cereal; wiasonie Lodge, Carlow; take view' tonvictions were remanded to telarysicLiesawilliredareleurs's.finesuntitt,itteptztort, kin •'Gode-ltirletifothr Waal: etritoorfoerd tsoengtoenocne hiaendowna Anglican thitrch, Port Albert Wamen's Institute, Auburn, 0 Jars fgruluntt; stmaitturdfoary, appearance this torning were delegates from Ciederich to the en- a- day 'Within a few Moieties: The rail- ,(tratch appreciated), hire. Adam Foster, 1 Previa' Mei and rn • i 1 • Mal Meeting of the Onterisi Prohibition Mg Preeees Inalma use of the latest tie.' Chien held at Toronto last week. vlee$ used in any rellfleries on t1118 son - 1 novo J. mr, And mrs, trajsk len on tinent. The steam generating plant de - Saturday Morning on e motor trIla tO Blgaeci tO oeerate at 450 pomids steam Washington. D.C., to visit for a time pressure is also one 'c't til most up-to- date in we in any relitier.V. Alt11 Up. Obegtlog, Mg. Craigie's eleter. SIX Pine lines extending from the St. Mrs. MeDenalti and her daughter, Mrs. Lau.yenee myey, one and a 4uarter trino& "e-seell'„°,,f e°,,lin,,,,,„fli levete 11,1 tee,leell• tor1155dietent, to the refinery. will tarry the nur N"'-`3" wk"e' nb eneeeeY neene ce•ude oil dire* from ell Wakens to the 4 ManY Xtle44$ Ivol'o Pkoetl to s-ee refinery tenet, water tor cooling InlrinlErs orange% Airs. Sitteliffe, grapes; Mrs. WM, and arrested. • from the river to um &tilt and will also Doak, fruit, preserves, apples; Mr. Chas. - ' Mr. F. It. Wood was he Detroit last carte back to awaiting slops the finished wortele, turkey, fruit; Mrs. E. W. air- •We make great efforts to -discover hide Tek and got AMte on hn,presslete of the peoduet as it tomes froth the eefinety, rie, oranges; 'etre. 2). *as, .talry; edhe J. den things arid We do not see the roost depreesieri as it tiftetted that tity with AU tanks are cenenlefelY equipped with C. Roberts*, doll; Mrs. Sena Ifeehnie elementary tintl evi ent truths. 111 banks cleeed Mid eVerebetly In tear the latest tonservation and Bre Iftere11- Myth, candy, nuts, cookies, stockings,01 ea What migilt kaPPen neNt, thin device& All Dower end , lighting chicken; Seam's greser, candy, *tuts,. -,_'''-'• '' condition of Mira Ruth fiernileie cables. are tailed . undergiound. Very orange% Ottani Bend Milted church ---------,---- p e "head cheese; lurs. jas, U. Johnston, eo-operated in the round -up. The pieldee, honer. Mittel', maple syrup; Mrs, broulthtg and entering of three homes Wm. togares Sunday echool Mese Christ. and olue Store was cleared up as a Inas gifts; Mise eleVicar, hats' Ur. Joseiresult of the arrests, but the robbery 1 h i oh 0. Atemuall, taudy, nuts. guts; Mrs, Of One store an ono ome re a ns Hunt towers earld,14 Um. 1111.golVed.. Ili most cases liquor was lire ciackere, Oranges And 'Christi -no taken and it was after several of the erietriletiW: Mx& Ttedditt, beoles; letre. youths becente Intoxicated and re - Feed Souse candy. oranges; Mee. Ed. turned a seeond them for move wine Nelsen, candy, mango; *es, „e„ Taman, that they were detected questioned se-11%41'4*R at the General IlosP1, tat Niagara •Ealls. Ont., alto underwent Copekation fer hut week, r*Pettea em bramble. Mrs. 4. A, Laareare W0;3 caned to her bedelde when tuitutiol suPPb'ing Irak ter the manY ;atm ono; Mr. John R. teattle, six site INAS taken Maud Is etill with bele enekied aetnal conetruettori work quarts milk; Mr. nos. Strautdan, etzem wa3 tot in Goarmt ut the and in the bundler of factorica benefiting Pies, turnip4; Meirsetung Canoe 010. weelt.end . for the csndition et 33tinii UY "1m' 'Um alse b°rt "'Pan" taY0, etc.: Dr. MakkIln, be4les' clothes; Seager, a,,,a wits ‘,,orortal ilartaerottsly ui stile tor the buliding of a new sedion of Miss Oladys child's coat; VIcteria from paatmoota. ,xhe people or hihighWay conpleted late in. 1933 And ter Seheel and Some Club, staid/etches mid native tottya lea reuevat at the /nter the conetthetien of a Canadian Nanette)! eake; Newt, leder, for thiOiens; Mas, netts that thn tztt,3 11141 mner4 Dran,,Itiellwaye One lino direet to the tanks. illelten Plereem,' citrons: genie warden, and that elle reeeweey is regarcieel es - frcuisen„ elaborate Means, are prodded eor .sepox- clothes, mittens. caps, hooks, toys, atle4 Water front slop oil in order to pre- babies' clothes, stooldnisSi„ Mrs. Or 13en- vent patties% of sowerv mad river water ninatom Jar &lilt: 'Alm. Jam Lawrebeei The conetruetien of the rebury; iee cream: Ma. O. A. Dunlop, chore - Millinery Opening We cordially invite you to 40.1......AMMIIMANINAIMANNWINAMEPAIMPANA0MANm w our Ara ihowins of New Spring Millinery ON Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March, 9th, 10th and I th Feminine frintinoting, ewhoolve pattern*, sad head -made. hats for ohereeon wear, aloft volt *ad tailored otsodoIs Reesorwislor MISS MacVICAR KiNGStON STREET G FINAL TWILIGIIT RECITAL our mo Werth tA oaf* ContRibutell at The Three (*.colts 'the third and fined cintrett of titc, ' et three twilight recitals Ols'en In addl. eta:relies by mr. •.1retuons an i 'event wits held *As presented en Sunday/ afternoon tat in North street tiniteit church. Mr. iltetiklits WAS esterinol (from, * bad cold but gm a 'Atoll* reit', devil* et MI various flambeau and Mr. 'Player showett skin in ids omen num. IWO *IA In his oecomparilitosit, A very' liargeamount ot ince**, eistuira. dr., Mee leteeretted fee thee large audience, Mr. 10,101110, thief of the !Mot Cloak the motivation under which the serleah re entertainment. , has heel* illyeti,1 thanked the aultreire for their presetwei nd commented on the fad that +wet litIN. iwotth of ono* latd keen itIvntribut-Idi et thttbt wombs pow* hod best ell material vatlessaitet to the hfutfare nowt Qiind, he Rieke nt the NO tommentiation 01 the way Si* welfare trek hint Won 'harried not in ONItsrieh *Mph the hi. illytter hat Oren on We Weeded to the inwit, Itho eiganist et the church in whiclt the We can take care o Your requirements in Furniture Stooest.and sn foot cutythmig for the E POSMVELY SAVE YOU MONEY &stone y Spring Coats Dave yours °cleaned and pressed now and avold PoS. slide delay in the rush a. little later, every article front Our dry*elealltng Par , lors goes out as nearly new as R is- possible to make R. tiOttERICII ErtENCII DIM MANE% WORKS 11. VROOMAN,Prop. BONE 122 • BABY CHICKS Order Canadian approved thlekg new. White, 1.,oghorns .10c, Barred and White Rocks 12c, Black Min, - owls 1.30,, Surplus Chicks 8c math. , Mete= hatching a specialty. pec • Per egg set or $o Per thick hatched. We set each Wednesday. . PUTSCH RicatIcii riAT011ERT, P. 0. Box 195 Clinton, Ont. • Itintelt L. lends, Manager. BABY COMICS for SALE llatre4 Rocks and W.hite Leghorns. .These are allfront free range, hProdileing flocks Prices to suit the times. • AlsoeUStook bettidtge irt indivie dual nuiebbet 100 12 600 egg ei,Zesi 2% erits per egg, E.L TREWARTRA clinton-R, U. 3 Phan 811 r 2e, Clinton Centrat .1.1..011".10110S. RI NTING We Cart giire you prompt and setisfactory seryice • a moderate price in the following lines of prng: * ---,Letterheads •--Envelopes • -Statements -Private Cheques -Ciminero --Cards -Tickets ...Sae. Dills -Dodgers .--Menus • Fectory Forms Staticinery -8Iottws --Booklet* ...Duskiest; Card* Cards ....4Wetkling Stationery The Stet has autupito‘skie& trumnercial Printing Plant stud we are equipped to bort/ out ell eisates of joh work. Prompt itervice. • * * THE GODERICH pro Phone 71 We Refrain from Prophesy: neettilee we ilon't want to be like the teltow.% filo said pro petits* was Just around the tenter,. It ,iS a fact these reduced prices are for this week only. efaTICURA. SOM.**. i4ES, for COLGATE'S RAVING CREAM 29e • I BLOOD BITIZIRS " Tomo PASTE A Mood purifier or tubes • oetie 50, m.--4/.10 'Brush, $1, for 49c EUROOCE 2 oA:.: , ' T ,........WW•filliiiiiir isidailmiiiiistirmejilikfailifiliiriffie SWEET SPIRITS ' ' CARTER'S ' I l' WAMPOLE: OP NITRE ' LIME LIVER COP LIVER, EXT. 2 eas. for 25c PILLS, 22e for a tonic, SLOG I FREE hip Covers All Spring Matt. esses During This Month R. *limn 1 Nv,.Eflis ... No.220. .....2So I 8 etpo DPSOM SALTS Tiburon's Beglishi Tin, 1St TING TA - rs Pirettor •=, ltatintare Deese