HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-09, Page 51w, TRURSDAY, MARCO 51h, 1033 THE GODERICH STAX IPA" Im a. -a With Taso. It the'ad tole '44- Huron Leads ,ply awt Atmanx, is taken Into CAuldw-� U", tilis " , that 'here 14H, '* i a iVreugtbenIn;, In. Vrke to the producer. Out. in Poultry a The atat%tf�s for 031 *Isola the Value P 62 watry in Huron as beltis 007,336. Ag(W4 Foy llry in *,Won IUM ;a Xr. Xclgod stressed the impQr4uce 911 poultry ratrAng by polutbiZ out that the Any 00w Comty�-»� pity value of sheep in Huron in that sews sloott at $230,211. whitli Is 0, little over halt the Ivalue Orf poultry. Tull- value Of 04 you knor that there Is inure poul-OMft %As $4,072,402. borsea $1,923.03; try ill numa., counts, than in AnY Other I'll's $501,335. c4unty In the xavlwe? 04aurs Sawrou" This IS •a fart and one 1.4r. MeT.2qd 5t%te4 that with 1,311413 tobwa by the average citim =4 partt—birds and approximately 6.00,farms In ellilarly Interested in thu 140st.114POT-taut the County, it %42ant an Aova&6 of 41S tam Industry. Amordlaw to the, WW- 1chickens' to % Urm, or an witrAgo N -4%t n Zureall 01 -Statistics for 1031, the lot $405 per farm. There are twelve %vAUxh*, the total wmber of degers In Huron county now band1blo taNGls 1,n ulmvftQ111"ty P+.oSd nc 1311613 M1111+ Boyd waylor 're Ig of Rhodesi i0ft" Our ttGoaztlntae� fx�<ai ego 1) %hq rQ6111in %TQUUA Ausly. and in VO;)a 0 Qr her(u up t'4 M. %410 lamot 44cul I've Ecea had. About 50. �R, "daw W inter Sale ­ Ve =40 S-.11110 mcat fqJ: trAM05; se. ceatly. v) I trcw;l 4,3*11 the U140 Itiver Inta the middle or the valwy. Widen., will be over tally is W semv, this river waulill be R. half mile wide Out r.;)V It oWY hast ,tu odd water hole said %110 country for ton, Miles on ca!�h 81do Ilowt 4, drop ot wAter and tbare vasn't a IW on a treel Saturday, Atarch 11-rit * I Z1 —­ -- . A real 4kAV41-4akQr saw * 744IRS—va- valota 0. $507,345. Two other 'cQuntles The poultry. Industry in Huron has ly Eucceeded In gettwit a 01,04 touch of In Ontario a%*. er. the Milliok Alark. forged Its Way "Industry In the past few the. sun 01wougli, the W$ 011ed eyed 1,066,51f ands rears, although the real -start fame ba* Ifullett Farmer namely, erf 0 stroke} which kept me M lie tent for 04 Lamliton VQ1mty, -Ith 10 ,192. In the ilate, 140's when the Dominion ZCS tour days. ue 47 after X got back to Don't. fall to take advantage, Ian McLeod, ittims county Agricultur- 04vorament built an experimental bread- i own I op camp, the -bas said * hvrg bkd,!.4een th sa Teepr"entAtIve, In six. Interview decisit- Ing station at nalmesville. Awarded Dianages ed that Vbflo the 6tati$tk$ for �942 h4vla MffQ 15. *Q� bette): jualttyof Poult'ry *' uat:night at, out, water'bole, so of e excepilOinfil values we TRIAL 'Ad bp *0.*M #We knom from, Ottawa, he any contre in . 'the OvincFk1ball, Ift, Huron TOXQ_%% we went out, just More ,w4w Arnily, convinced that last year's fig- County, Wd Mr. evince The maJoritY Mainage Refereo Sits 'at Cock r4o' Tile trial of 01'Art ',�64oks at Present fore breakfast t"41 onq:i4 ()0'. lust 4§ they Vff0rxn,&-.­f*- the iclos ares would ba as great it not greater of birds were'Barred R41�.and White serving a jail term, on a charge .01 per- were trekking back luX thtl "w", -are Ing US4 In 1931. Middlesex County former: T4e�horns. �Oi4es� Ju4smat on 4 -Year- jury, ury will take. place toniorrov 4priday) They take a "It of U1111118, these bzi; ly beaded the Ust In holft-as of poultry, "Tiao flock of Abl4ons on tho farm Old Cat bet, i' Judge Costello, Accused having It doesn't do to hit them an the too— t place: Then. they 4;o appeared and elected speedy trial with- the neolt Is the plo d4s of h 4.34, fo, t W H*QA County went to the -top when used to, be considered, the Jv>bby Of the out Jury. , Be was recently couratitted, by down like a ton of bricks. the number of b%tcaierjes Increased, farmer's wife =4- the children but ,ot A larga number o.f.,farmers from Rul- An t4count4m With x Iftio Huron County sled -heads the list In late years the farmer has realigod that Jett, M;Kiliop, and Grey, towaships Were 1�ta'I 8trate ltt'4 ..`the holdizigs In din'ks according' 'to 4 And has paid. in, attendance. at the Court House 1011 Io the poultry' -produces revenue Well, how Whout rblao, Have only seen 1931 %;oIstits, Which show 23,303, Hur- more attention to his flocks," said Tuesday, most or whom were witnesses R, 0. 1,1UNNINGS A l40'QUESSCItione this season. Almost walked, Into him 04 Was. third W the number Interested Ift.the action, of ber Of geese, McLeod. Mr. S. c. Uuntalilga figured out there ITt the tras 91 he Jumped up and, tore with 24,174 on hand, An Interesting fact, it was 'Pointed Out, Jam, t? Medd, 6th concession of Hullott, ought to be Ill.- egp In the 'tee Press" around,, but as soon As rhl;nos lose ones ,"Evemile dom not reollzelt. but POW. is, that at the,. eat tiM6 Poultry 18 ggUi&t tbor MtM1cIP,%1JtW$ of' Mt=op basket and wa4.tho lucky, winner or the scent they forget.wh%t Its All about, so,, try raisim In Huron douAty, tsone el'tile marketed- each �Ploq Were this one, stood aV0.uA0."hbbUt ten yards VeN, wheroa% in former and Htintitt, In A�iblch the plaintl it Asked = for the Orto# guess.' There n rr, b0slo farm in4ustfles. Farmers leave one years, October, Xavember and December' $1,100 damages for the'tlooding of- Ills other close guesses, but .11. C. was the array. Thq bo7s were, draped About =2 plione IlL Fo'.Te MIBBIR.1 square Into the Poultry business and each year Were t1WOUIF Wont viii, allege4ly, duo to, the faulty von- only exact One- qhest branches of nearby trees and 'I they pay =to attrition to I . hs When there was fa . was behind one, all rc;.tdy to do some the ­floclig, Imuch marketlog Of poultry 2truction 9f a,municipal drain, 'After ap 0"VE quick oftblAg bup'the, rhino decided It 34atpherlo.,,, have been started and, Huron all -day hearing, Qeorge X Henderson', INTERESTING "AVIELO. THE CASH STORE .county turns Out -thousands upon thou. referee, Of ottaiva, Awarded Mr. At a well Att.eftded� gatherin was, 411 a lot Of nonsense and ran off. drainage refer 9 01 the 09Wt care mugh about .,one. 8=5 69 WOU each Year w4ch find a $420 and costs, to be'. assessed laymeWs 0 casts 0 gounds. 'ready market in widely distributed Ass6clation of St. George's The ,,special � li..eftt c ts I naUlst the dminago,,5cbeme. vifits.11 said Ur. McLeod. Vebaie. and, ifty Featuro lsfeetjnk� "day, oburizIl oil Monday night In * the Parish Schafer, With whom. I'll, tvoxking, sari pointo, 'The actlon was started In 1928 in b4 -9 Mr. 0- 0, Aavleg gave Ws inter' Into VAlt, in the bush the other day and i out that av^.ordL-:ig to re, of Last Wetk countycourt -but was later referred to the eating travelogue, "The Amazon." w1* -h got s=o still 'p gy.'eVoiling J�jlocft :C,%rIeft'draJna4 .40ut Went I Fild , Ictures. and- also Mme tomtho Statisttee go ref X MedO.maintained:* .0AVIea has vWt- movies. That's all for toni3ht.' Its zoo ba emr, to An auto trip across the United eree. r;, nanas, This letter sure ae at Ottawa the laoldingi, til Meat, dressed 11rat vivepresIdent of the 0, C. L Lit was Much oftJOY04. � Me Ig You Statea, groin Jersey City to Oakland. er;. 'bat In the years 1927-28 thirty,a-pres- of ed thi's r4atando oUntry and his views which Is post My bed -time. 14dras out gayd �,etter. �,las4. Hoph POU14 d d submerged and oxii 10 0 Nvas wAde in 80 hour -4 and 40.0 ininutes .7 An eggs are down as compared Ory S�Doi6ty, Presided first lit" Of his ftrul, li� experiences .. IN .411 weil, arlug crops, Were were. g�lnod' first hand, •*as tin -der water becaUse of. the lootlotive- Uor's Do'n't Itcar elrl*ed time. the 1933 term., The assembly, hall youm filled with students and frlouU "built Them are tons of � lions ground bat Qfto ass of�the Milburn swamp drain, CARZAT $UNIo4.HOCXEy BOYD. Arte 'Jokpane'" silk A chorus of eight Cdlle�giafts of -.the.falr by the townships Of Hullott a)1d Mexii. . never sten them., The natives at V. S. Imp A large numW1 of GodirIvItit e &'Waysf PS`Moy 96to'S' A'1ae1`i'Zk after I All- The United States imilorted nloa- sek opened, the program with a, 14ting lap under the Drainage Att. es, in- telling us tin stories about meeting 110119 -ish tbls job and have, a few weeks In Cctrl- Itlign $180,000,000 Vo of r4w Wit DV' tOuding. hockey players 'Ili the first In the busft sonlo of them are true, Vada, May ftot,tbough Dont knotir, i.INEIN, A song' of welcome,, accompanying it with Many witnesses OAT e evidimee. one Of tile junt r.Q. 1r, A. finals at Stratford from jpau in 1031. ILL trielty dance. A little later this same suppose, ii;W;eir rvo walked ever 70W, (summer testined.tbat the w4ter was so deep, on on Toesda� night, the laomo team win' miles In the b0h,hera *and have never including'all the.new, styles of group, Mary Baeobleii Warms Hill, Alma a portion of Mr.-Medd's falln during the 4ing from Newmarket 3.1.,,the *. season, VA as heredre day'DMrien� Au Y, Wieland. Irene Pellow, tefeit ohe,lft the -time, A year goo, In Of 1929* that cattle 1144 to SWIM utoome, the are divided on this final 0 the Loan Me '1"��ACQUIDLXN�Ffl. Patton WorAh, Costello, Marjorie nqel�, and Mar-, to, s4fetk�. The defOAC&, sought -to shOW second e 6106- Ohedule4 for Zorouto P.Wa Valley they Used to keep.wi HAT forAhe Matron and. tlie, garet� Sandy, ng that. -popular ft�g� that 1q, gain awakeut night put ji�ere they 9--on't'voAr Iff W"'. Medd Purchased the farm, for Saturday, Afternoon. .00derIgh' 'players r "Ju.s in Valley., 0 1 o At all. About two weeks ago Nj were at the proverbial, sen And, that he knew held the view that XeWMJtkot_jn ti aro oxolustve with us, )Moon 0%ileft, gave. the Customary estop OL bit away from bete. Two sac- 1 C SALL PMPM PAN" :.for the juillo -art E,6ho. leniatY *10n, he. sowed crops on the area in first game,. was.. ;,Pulled SPE 1A ItEmbaKING and- chairmawt. 44&ks and "announced the UP"� Tliftealone 4doS#V,0 eVenhip' elephants I trekked was liableTice-win meet the through, and th quedlon'that . It lloodiolg� v9I tell Th guVrs will subject of the debate, '!Resoliied that Tbi. ,for,, e nMt alghtv:l woke I up Ca ­ . 1. Canadian: trade should' be . early latinuiLted, that Mr. northern champions. W the first of. the: V01111Y �On4 reasonably done: encouraged about 2 pqft., heaA�zg strange Uoi�c$, Modd was entitled. to some: damages,• but UeMorial Cupplaydowns, Though 9 With Other Parts of � the "r .. a" EMP'tecontin.0 taking' evidence to determine t � it 4ophants, drinking %at tile• HOSE with. foreign countries," how much. lReews idUnibillors of, Water hole but finally decided, not, a, caric, aud;;,flatndhWar.. GM4,01 �GOLD' STit1PE7 . rather than uli and PUT THIS: MV6104 PIPE �Se�lli some various townships Interested 4% the dr Som in all the new .8 The affirmative side, Marjorie Proijsi� up with the ht �and saw ng and Vera McLeod r6presentluir 110,• won, HThe i0ne&ralac Council, as told 14 better, -0, lions had 1, Over t,o The now "OOTIJAM)KTTE resent, as were road superinten- ' t S" ilihoilgli.tfieir-.�pponeilts, Marlon X.4he- "' P the Revi2w�Reportei,�:'.'qulckly kat on, tt.lfteait,tabld about 100 fe r e to t guaranteed runpr6of. deats and other, olliclals, ..on And Lenore Stottiers 'of UA,' put • up ment er I And word having'a fine to, ..alono Ing. a• Ifte T got my cook to! hold -the b of that Will, made"t e sugL. - Wd invite your patronage� good 'argUment. The judges were Mr. R C Hays�* Jr., was counsel -tot Mr�'lgestion thAi, the members be allowed to at the tiftie.so� Smith' Miss !)Urftlft� and MISS John. Medd..M G, Wer of Seafotth-44ed for Indulge lit the -weed.durlog the dlscus� flashlight along the gun'sights ancle start. vr-as Ca! A. McKINNON Hullott township and J. C Makins, KC., signs and. Arguments, What to do ita ed the war. oot one And wounded ani ston. pikone of. Stratford, for M"MiloP4 Squire The storA In soilgi of,the-110ourtin? of rurham?' We ivedld hate, to. see our other. At night. when A,. light is thrown Pogg7`0 (,MAXg. POrgus occorunt And dig- on, a lion, facing one, its eyes. just staillf, .0 oil) by legislators ground tans'4 Stubbs" -(I)orothy.�,C nitY, iblit'lf. a a spit *Ill Pack Out like. the healdlighta of A, baby Au,.5ti WRINGERS, Etc g) and,,tbelrq�sub�- a, tl CHtkt Pa es Fr6in them up. on'efficlency, bring rft our tax rate The eyes are set ,ver *Ide apart 11, F I sequei� 'ry the �ago-.by he parson (WAItor 0)11 S8 Hunt) was very spleasingly told. down and. solve a lot more of 0iir,trou-,bowd- and the pupils, a ht -are 4 Afterearrying, on a -special canoaosi file bles -We would say to pass. the tobActo Jorge. 9 ulte, -0 . pace p CANADIAN. Ray vei%n read, a Particularly. Interest- go. It Waswt as excitin - as 4 aolnid& of-Beat.tv -Woshiri, we, find that our loace Ing jo=al. In. view of the fact �t 0. IL A� Pidure and the matches.--chrouloW They never ev hat en: roared�, -grunteat: or in Our flow store on West St. is limited IPACIRC "Tiechnocraw? liras. been In the public charged, I've lost a. lot of respNt.1 NILE :for lions. Maybe the next ones will act and eye, he explained Its, meaning. Those (Coutinued from page 1). �TR!PAY;- ,MARCH 17 prese�lt are "Ili won�oring what 11V0,01 ififterently, These were the A.rat I'd seen, brought Oberle to his knees three, times . I Ail I I ­ 1 � ` " i '; , . " . Mf, Sam:'Uel Sb�pper­d' is. improved. 49 Maybe Illerawoult be any next. Have. A to I quartet, M414 In a row. Finally Walkerton came to in sent the skin dOV11 douth to--be'br' COOgIblencl ys ay, Hetherington, ayed F.Way, N rd I Jul tt h. Jim Redditt, Xelth Uttrison -and Herb lite, "NIV Walker securing At left, wing health-' and am .having. it sent to: Xen, to keep "The, Example of Jesus-� Ift S�Ir�Denlal,ft; '011 offer s: e n R66rn: Glee4e, sang the,ever poliular,son and waltzinX Around Elliott had little for Ole tM I got back. The leopard skin sprig, "It's trouble beating TwYtoid.to make it 3,1. Is to: be the theme In Nile We om We derful. Dargms tp Just 2, Little Stet' Where, 014 Vrlend.s With 'a f our,- e W1 :MONTREAL. Meeti" and sneered whit „Cabin four. -goal lead 6h the round next. 4" Y� md Wal� Sunday at 1-30 P !'here a% plenty of Zebra, here. Their In the kertoft.settled, back 0 defensive hockey. The Voung.Pieoplols Society is arr4pg-lstilpels make aft id Me'se must be"seen to, be apprecidied,, as some Cottons," The Play, "Biislneu and So eal oappouflage, so they Ing for a ,supper. and entertainment tO" are very difficult to' ej:14 the bush Got are a most as good as new. Portwl concluded the meeting. It was a Play Ol iftr tile one -act eomedy farce repiete-with 1933 be held church on. Friday, March two last Widay. Tile , game - speeded up In the third I 17th, Talent, from 06derleb, and, local as Came WWratka. The - 86orr concerns the trials Veriod arid the � rails got. something for talent. Supper will be served . from 610 Shooting rictUrw as WeH Special - Terms may. be arraur d for ReEtexi and tribulatlops, of a young. lawyer, Leo their money..Trushinski speared a loose to 9 p.m. Bought a JuStOphot A while ago. &.1s in 'securing secretary and P just *'small Instrument for ftleasnriiig, 0 tick and sailed in for a goal.. With OU&I In contiection w*itl% the arst.serlei of the Radiaij. then the problem of teaching her to keep don off f6k tripping Walker split jile BI- a dramitio contest under the auspices Q:r go, hat one can QUEBECCI TY intensity 0 A fall -line of Now rlecf ri WasAers, orn -. Goderxick Walton an4lhi� salesmen •, 11=41. The cast: Attorney liatt-Nodiger defente and easily beat the Huron Pries exposure when taking g� Pr bytery Young People's So- pie the .6rrectf light' so - t I ., Electric Refrigerators, Etc., also may be Lse Gitimate, Ueg, Asquith, Anne Twyford. Clinton sent. eve ture- Since then *have been getting termediabi points. 'every- Mari up tlety a inening Will bo -hold In Xlle,Unit� ift urchased on easy terms applicant. for secreitaWs i Audreyfront o much bettor. pictures. We've been- eco.- p sob, xtept their goalie. 1147bould hung ed church on Priday, Match 24th, At a olnizing he so now rve j on -C fer ust been, git. ooing.-, VOelandl, Bee Shapely, who Q6 hired, around contre Ice looking for his chance O'tlojk. Our- own $roullg peo le �%,nl be -Mona Uarrisow-Aell M,Faotor, an Ins and it came Presently. He 11ad tln� one Print made of each negative arid, ..Returailaff.- FMrn Monjrdal rile to surance salesman, Doug. Miql . clear In contest. with a company'. of Young puttine that ll� the albuni s etWi; Alt calling Twyford was helpless, Dud. people from tlyth. o can't send any just note. There is-pletity 6f.de..; HARRY' V STU R Murch 19& TillerY, u wisecrAtking salesman. of Var• gcon pulled the same trfqk,:a moment Gordon'Smith antounces that he is Pression In this ciuntrk, even the natives; Fidl Particu6rt from any CVm- IOUs later, to one 54-1 wasir slrallair: pfoxt P -M -01130A Make It 64, but;ClintonCII11tOn fought 010shig his store- Votinestigy and Pri. feel It. Lack native has to 'pay a tax of am Pacific Agent, or, back gamely', throwing def4isive, tactics day -evenings each wook, 10 9111111119� And since pulled et f 01A. the feast, I•was country Is iQ the Winds. RaYbould.. wai-chased. for or Your 6 e there Isn't Much 'E Constantly to' live f cro are plenty, Of tax J. M. HEATTI one of the most vxhbLusting things I know picking up the puck with his hands and work to be gotten th P14ONE 6 or 1621 or, ­Lady. Astor. Willi; he WiS, Off �Rath took a �jss�-out GODERICIi TOWNS131P defaulters, However we'vo'been Workingi from the corner fo: a goal, The puck our boys pretty hard, "pretty hard" .as Mr. and Mrs. Xd h nm ani Maly, f natives think, -31 work the,, only so we CANADIAN. "The time to baVe,pr Ad go sooner been faced than Gibbs eaebe4 economy get 0o much labor. However was'during the iboom from 1926 to 1929, landed A, counter arid just before the 11,1.1 Holmesville, v+sited on Sunday at the don't We ACMIC 11OM0 of Mr. a solved that by getting the Native Com.! P: inot today.117--wAoger W. B�Absoft. gong Sounded Kennedy scored Clinton's and Urs. Victor fourtil, on, a solo effort. These thre The Young People's Society of Union illis-41oner to rend us tax defaulters andl 14 e3r%lActd �dlg Afa�% church held their regular meeting In the we collect the ten shillings And send it I PIRM I 'In New sha&5 In Xaymv ellifron 1,011 tolvne weight hose, fho4 out5tAnding * $1600 nar rhonkry value, at .....» .. pair Stow G04 1111. SCHAEFER V,,ol,,,, Tel,-Aiond 56 I appear w rume WhIlfiA611 Much, for the tile yreast and they were still sitting. pretty With g IfOur church. on Friday eventing with eighteen members present. The -president, Nora in. . our carriers get eight shillings I a month—la other Words this tax Is live goal lead on the round. The team$, Sowetby, took tbe.meeting In the Absence iftg opened�wlth the singing thollynift, woke work, it seems high but o remember that that is the 0 ST RES Walkerton --- Goal, Dbcrle; itiolonve, ITrUelleaski and RaybouK-, eehtre, nud. : Of of the leader, Lena Colwell, the plcet� 'Slest only Wly to get natives to work. They -dan't, need Von,' wings, Walker aAd 91uhm.,, sf1b% Broder. Peningeri Mullin, Tanner be the, tie. that BIn&$oo , followed with the ttpeafftig of the Lord's inlayer �Uoney.'mucil, They raise all their awri food—and on bit Of 1,V occasionally buy WE�'K•�END.arECIALS L 01111611­00al. TWVford, tie defence, Ned;- in unison. The scripture lesson, Und cloth for 'their women or shorts and shift goe And VIllott; centre, Pickett; Gibbs and Merwell; tubs, CargWp1bftkg1`s` Psalm, was read responsivoly. The hymn, "0 Master letme walk witli Thet" for thomselveq. They dofi,t ever, ileed, these, They used to and some still * FOR THRIFTY RW Itobhody, Rath, Glidden. was 8 sung. The topic on ,no pace of make shirts Xrom Pounded 'bark and Aeferee.—johnny Jones, Guelph, irhrist,'k was read by Everett mellwatit, The Harnionfea, Band gave two selections Allorto of skills of small bucA. And good shirts th6Y Are too.' As a matter, of fAtt, If ft true that'tho. good die young. this Present generation, ought ,to be bore And Dave rWldson sang two solos in his US usual, fine style, owing to Rev. V. W. Cralk being a, Piece of clout wrapped around their. es most '01 the middles do rn -and dow n here !n the Valley few CHAT -EAU r --CHEES-E 10C quite a. long time yet,. imable to be present the a be4d�,Tservoa the ,for "WO need to start tit the bottom.: which 0=8 (14 don Was not. held. SOuld, business was 4,1scussed. AL hymn W" sting and Ptirliti�e., I I i wart Hog Pit", Veet I . ... . .. . . . 1We have now appArtntlY reached, -and build up-"—Vdward A, Filene, tho-MOcting tbsed with the Mlzpab.Ban& iubtion, nu=-sawlng wood Is the We had pigs' feet jellied today (frowl Watt*hogp. but It Wasn't Much, Had lei. led Meat of road antelope KELLOGG'S LQ. ALL 'BRAN. 17c order of the a vvlwe ago It PKG. day. and w4s goad. '. Marvel root Products. The Young; people of Carlow Itilited .1 Thanks for the snap. it 15 good. I! RASPBERRY 6r. STRAWBERRY 06 GARLEV Church Avill Present the throe -act play, "SroWn-4od Betty,". lit _• trillon ehuwh'E-%w don't think I'd know .any of the kids If 1. t11041 now - 'Well JAM V001 COUR94DW10SIST on Wednesday evening, March 22nd, un. Prices MOM 0 s here either, Al. L 40 oz. Jars arge And ;faker of Poather 1Velght Arch Supports to, Individual Impression. der the SlaSPIce-q of the Union Young though 1`111 glad about It. A fowl, a MMYROWERS (ProcoSS Patented) Ptorlela Society. nverybody Welcome. _4_ cents; I egg; I teaspoon Cilt; 4o bananas 15 cents', 30 Pound$ of - potatoes, 25 cents; {Shite: b60 Addaldt'St, LONDON, Our,neWspapers A great deal that ig most Important in 25 pounds of rice, 2s cents; 25 paund3of TOILE''T SOAP 5 %Vrite ter Intotulation or phone Fair 3409 Is unfortunately read 'dillyll1eanuO. a by very few. 25 cent*. not right now� I'd Mello'! Haire a couple of 80ai1 apples thall 6000 5 STRING 'BROOMS #0 ELECTRIC 30Ak 60 WATT' LIGHT BULBS 2 FOR 29C The 1"Ord V-.4, 110MnUl %1WIPMASC& r fthdAr4 eo'ape ffito 'Win With 75 horte powor V.,q pnpive. C,;Jr,able of a zzst IlzE Dr4tC4 Of P# ClikQ OU ZIOUV. AU f&41, 1C -pr for rjr 0 1 04" TASTY SWEET MWED t"CRES LARGE 27C JARS BUY I. TIN OF LIBBY'S SAUERKRAUT AND I I.B. WEINERS all for 25C WE SAVE YOU MONEY Ji J. MeEWEN J. CALVIN CUTT. Phone 46 - 'Phone 116