HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-09, Page 1The Meribanfis Friend, An alverfiser,'s message jit the 06de. i1z .h Star reache3 the reader on Thuti, Jay. tTie dav of ,p11J�)jc,1ti(ia, ift plentv , � CA iiwe for'perusal and for week-ellki . 6116pping. "I . I—- , I I 01 0, 10 .esj '&�A" Got Your Cstlendstr Yet *� " , , ,# W.M '1114� 'Mar still bas ,,,iiwu�? 10; � ca&n�'hrs a w ,� . � IN leit. Renew Nour sul�z4MPtlon 11ow I ) 4 Owt - 1 aQ get wv i061V vla,� �,upp%-: lasts, 1 , -,4 I I r , ,t) � Kric, , I , ar Theyar-a fvaufle,& I P* — — ------------- a ____ , _ — ' - L ' _ ­_: 11 I __ � � - �--- -: �-, ���- � � - =zr_ �11­­._ 0WENrvy-Fom,ai -X.V,%R Oubsalp": $a * yeog;'in, CaniaftL �� �-­z �_;;z�_: - 7 �;- �=- -_---z-­m_-.g_,�- � . , 61 ; I ,, . $2.50 a YOW tau. a. $Out^ GODERICIRs ONTAR10t CANADAo THURSDAY, MARCH (ftb, 1934 . I ! i , ;=�� , I I '. — ;::���­ - WALTia WA,VrXL-� PulalUDor , . -1 - .--...--,..-. --- _­. -_ - I ­ - P * . I 1: .. 1� . ' 1==�,;:_ 1 . i I .111101,1111111111 ' L I "�',, 4L . ' ! �':_ Ift 19,-1Vrn r% If i �� 1%1%k lu " It I . - " " IL Wit% Z"%#*;T Xot I .9 AN ,& W *4 ,a R S ! . .�, �It, ""DS DR " ^ IC Al"'n"O CvLLECT TAX ARR ' . OUNCIL, rAV1 L , *1" .1 I . I . . . 904r% . . . . . . . - ­­ , . � _ . 1. I . _ ., , � ­ ­%_�-_��m��_ __­ I -_* " . r Receive a I 1-.. I - __ ! ' '''''L. .. .11 ­ I . sl I I � . OUR LIM CANDY I - William Morrish . THIN(; PICICING UP., :�, * 'Ameri % '' L . I .. 10 4. w1se . )RELIEF BILLS ON INCREASE i , . cow Wirt, _R�' I I L I I I Cold Ducking 'a pet fa= lip KingA. - .. alm, p1widnir up In 0 1 � � � I #�u There Is' _', Wins, His Aipeal ' !Ld.� ' . . I I _ I � I brldgo way which follow,% its mas. . I — . . I Uwgs �Z'a_e- NEARLY $10 Q IN FE L Here For Money ' L BeC&UM , of 31cla ard Old Man )DaprkV_l0A)rtti– I . BRU R -- — _it. In Vt. , I , 'Thret BoyA H%vo Mk -as Would. a pot dog. Conviction Quashed I 'retre, , 'briWy last Spar )i­�'v I . . I . — . . I i , ^Cqlou# ter About lAnth - � . Escape When lee At Harbor Tue'Ohar day a Goderl'ah Motorist I . . , " . ... - -7- 11 - - - ­_­ a * � . thero wc-rp twice lks warz3r deatlas - *11tva Ju0ptid Six P014 Since L* . .1, I . . "king crisis i1ft U. S. *Ud its �, I : , L . civet. wiy caloo upon. the, mail and the deer Irrelevant Evidence of a - As there were butl ebruary, I , � R .1, �LRCH OF 00L0 I . ­_ . . — . � 11 I I walking Along the Blue Water . . .. � -1030'. : figi t1s" . . goberi Statenie)nt ' '01 � ' Rellercussion- in, 00444 . I . , On the - , aoR W tiao Conslable"'. �,.�. tila Arcs g reverRid. I 1.11­_,NOV�p ,_ '. '. . . I I T.ggat .. . _11y %PPM . . . I .. I I I I �,�. 1. I There were twic� as 4 births . , ows . 4_ . , . , .� .004 - �.-',$ I - - olue, , cAnva* , - to L U4.40 to , .. , 'r,hLit Welek --'-,- .L' . ; . I 11011t1w * . . Sh I ,.; L It or, t1ii Ve�4W L.I. .. ,Saturday moralria three youth$, car he aeer scooted ,%way, blit was - woko deaths, t4e I .. . I . ...-I 11 I 1. ­ ..- I 1. L . . as there , . — . S . UttAt . I I � . ­Jr�m, lauffman. uoib milott and = San- soon baOt at, ',his MaStier's h6ols. At . 1319 Honor Judge T, M. Costello handed I , . StorkZ � . , . . - . I I ... I 1. i .. L Frop store up the road the 4OW twpptn�, the orim Ran; - Tile- -OW 4' :' " 'd , I ; . Aers, received a cold ducking when they the er7 n judginout In the appeal of Wnilam. . lie�. , . . . FUNDS ARE. QETTING L 3110A Ina 0 4 UOWOA�-houso vanvasa, The '0ishif'r of 63W 111 tha �altcl* " � - - , - ( 1 deer laid, dov% at the, roadside I L ' ftu'v, 1. , . I . . — of 00die.rioli'llonaes last week and t1lis I . . went throwh the icip 41; -the harbor. 4N while the man purchased a beg of Morrish, of. OaderIch, ,against a polke I . 1933 � 1032 . . I I . offelting 'to L ilUy old gift. 'watches, ringo, 6tatea for $our dqs and the ConEe,litoot . : . . . 241raculousl3r escaped. 4rilumlrig� . . -court convittion, witla fine of $100 and SATtlis ................ 11 ....... ­ 0 1 Gaveromout Cheque . Not Re. bJ,Xk1js , , , , I .AvandY and he proceeded to feed It . 6 or other J job and I I vcsts or thme months in Jail, for -breach I 3 ceivediiiL However. � "' erablo Is iopart- AtUrY and confusion, bas li�d Its rtiler- . &­� The hid$ state they were After Thin- to, the deer, which apparently ral. a Marriages ....-.-11.-.. � ReCitskis Cd to ha�o done ctvn'! . buslno�o, vu,�Alon In 00derivIl in a r,moll we'v, . . I news at .1 point ,vcar the &torn of the of the Uquqr 4antrol Act. Tb "Deaths ..1.1 ........... . I..... 4 10 household, , . I I I I . "A" Help I M 1*911M UP ftreartled articles I I 17� Ished It Very much. . I a appeal . . I ed - .. i I Trc*htar Diahileconna I . I . (juashod. . . I i- . - - I I I . . . I Inf. personal adorrimapt and ,exchan,qla There are btuldV0110 Of XoMlor recIdents L. Lab the north, end I ' ts uphold �_ � q of Huron County UVA 0 1) tv � . I ,of the. harbor ,when, tM Joe suddenly I - I I I , I I Itliem Sor cash. ' n in 0 0't and . . . i I . I .PIVO . . . TheLca8e Was heard on OctobQr IOU last, ._-__� — To date a total of $di4s7.2 I way, 'precipitating All three into .over , G 1la3 been. i I , I . 'r -----O-- .nearby Mlehigan points, many or, whom . ' — . I 11 . -EXCIJAP(GE ancl An appeal WaS.Aranne4lately entered L . have a4VIOUS accounts in L Goderjoh, I i � tv6htY feet of water, All, -are good swtn-� 'z'�4 WILL- PAT � I coatributed by jeltizens of Godgrich'to i , I I 'by V. Donnbily, defence ,counsel, , Pro- Clinton Passes , - � I Humb Opposed many of these transterrod most vt their . �� i I MM- Y0Z%9nffMAhrV"JV&tQUt,13ll . I - I . . . I . I Alle Val fund. er SWAhmilog about #1 the L ley . . . r. L . I tef -in addition. t4o,ritainir ar- . . I � , , Constables, In a. sea ticlei of - . . 1. '. I _. - funds to their *Aasidioz% ,ban 11 . . -water le0jing 004c'104 fWater And 1411t COmMiSsion 11111141 house. found a rch 4.1�f M * L - . ks liloatin I I Piet . , food and ,clothing, CUtL ill P0 3GO Whola, tho Michigan- banka became . As.-essed Total of $$7,18 per Month - MqrkWils ta,114 can Of ftom 0,11-A ' ure fr6m government som-ees has not been ly .1 L for. soll'a lee. Huflm4n gave niott it . The Mpney L L . . ' hard and wintle the letter , L � ... I tOL Llqlit Commission L bas alcoii4 In the coal scuttle In1ho'call4r, .. . � 1, , _, 01 Fees wobb 1113iny 10,41' 4031ing their doQrs; . � . wes sooklo- The Water and I . � L ' . received u yet and, tile committee funds _. .. . � � . . .. . I . L 1 I . Vetera L , � � , *he 1 is rescue $anders. the Ace a.gain gave * y iiagn AqtltlVd that the 13th power bill Xr,.Morrlsh, In.hIs. defence, vlatmed. It WalkertQnL n$, Witt the aro'doWn to 02,60, -it was revealed at aL . . 1L. . '� O� re finding thonsolvas without ,ccksh L ey a submitted an Vebrttary 15th, sh was.a. "Plant." I L I I ,41*4t Monday and no wayof egouring,any,. - .=4 3�lllotb'agota'went In. .. ,Owing a I I I I . - I . N�'Seconder But C 0 U n t i I 14, to I , . meetina of the Welfare Board Monday , L %liet'ro'llbeaL L . � I sto"114, 0.5-110yoper , have been L relativea there for currencyo. I I abo t and tritd another I , ere t daticit, of 4522-09 for the twelve roolabbs . ` The judgment - - . I evening. Total expenditures Gould Vote With Win. Out d0cultIe i I T from. a jondetion . . I . $2!4A2,(;0, but L have 5 ,� Wave prtsen'ted. . I I -war, able to scrazablo out, solid ip ' Crowd at 0ame . ilot L . .. . ,,a. ending October 31�st, tpok,ltita can'ibid- 4'Tbis Is Lan appeal I L i . I I Febvqttty bills I . — . . Tliere wDs no American cur I ren -,y in .l . . .. �, : '00 'ill efteots are report,eil, . . MUM, all VXCIAAAge no, New'York funds made * the County Btagistrate of, the, L I . — . . . been paid, CoAtribittionS of MoinevilAVe ' '* � . . . L , . , 1. . . . 1. I � I On Monday Captain, 1,PAddr, MODpa- as against ,the local tollinlisslon and that County.of L Huron on the fourteerith dayl ,.-Clinton Passed�oat Of t I ]%a . 0. H. A. ln� been draggy of latie, Tne lattist; state. PrIftr. night'$ meeting a it o . ". 11, . . � ' - � . . . * town 00derizh, It WMIOU44. It had all been , �- � st L� 1.1iday . shipped to � head office, it Was found and - . ' . ( L Old' of tbo tag Forrest, While fishing at montbl�'p4ymonts jor this Itg14 will here- of ,October, 1932, against William Morrish I termedlate picture lit �nlgbb ment Issued Is as follows, . truh0l); Was a ,brief one. It convened At . I I , �': �vp , fl , L . I ­ . . it was futne to.attempt to buy it, 1�q- . . . . / the end ,of the -plers, broke through .the after be $97-48- TIlls Is a considerable itir an offeree �'Undor , section.. 90 (2) � Previously -acknowledged ..... ... .. _'$1370,51 7:30 andLIn About an hour it ivas,ovaf liks, . 1. Ice for a cold bath.. Bob. Wilson was reduction from thQ firstbills received., the " Uqudr Control Act of 0 ften they went down to ,4cf ea.b before ' I � eXPress companies and the postaA.CC we're I . I I . . . TUL Ontario;' 6--4, Clinton . ' ree of I Young ladies St. ftterla ,church 7,26 slid $Ohio of'tbe mainber8, Wpre.011. their 10rbiddeli tO,Sell bank drafts or Inonoy . 1. .. . nearby With h sleigh, whic,h he throw ,to Provincial ,CoTplisslon havinf; agreed to ,,The grounds for appeal are (1) t I - . Fire Brigade (2nd payment) . ..,, , .. � I I . � ... � �. " �1. � . ,the '' capbala and -proceeded. I to pull ,him assume approximately balf tile Cost, 'Pay- the hat, I ;alkerton, I scorioR th 30-00 way to"Olintoll to W4noss tba Walkprton- orders. . TolvaraPh . comp4nica. Ai -ore stopo, I I . , , . oZ uZonaid , Magistrate at. the trial erroji0ously their goals in the last five minutes of Cagi jrtm,� recitals..,_ ....... . �: ..., .3.60 � I ..- � .. .�� . . .. I 'Consider$. :'AAhleclf lucky [k�g Its share out of its reserve � . ' . . . .. . i1Jton'hQCkoy,mfttoh. . L , � . , . Pod fmm telelirap4ing tile X'0110y. It, . . un,4. adrattied evidence of ic,omplaints Made Wplay, usIng :live ftrwards In a it crate., I ; Cl . . . . I � I . . thAt W11-104 w oil tile spot. And bed a I - - ­-�-­� —",— - .. "". , Such ele L . cap . I , - I 1 . . . I IM.Iin unprecodent sitttation. � I �� , I . venth-wh6ui iallk,whlch frovIded, tin . ­ 11�'­­, ­_ �� $1437,20 . . ert-son, tax colle"tor, r0part,.,d I . � 11 �, 1 - him, L I � . . ,. Olds fol� ,public � speaktng - evidence, riefus.ed'to �Uow the L afil a . . .TOUT to 4ata__ ' 'as Tallow$. : . ... .. ­ ... . Ono lady� with 0126�00oid Canadian cur. � . . , , f , . . SIVIgh with a# I - I XjYm ead ging police officers, ,and -having adinitted. - _.X.jj.�Rob I L � . . I . 11. 1,00. An. the barbor -is 'no In -eris -at IPAMP8ELVs DRUa.STop.Z. . . I "r to Only. thrilling. hockei Of the levertag. , :Tbo Central Relief Comifiltieg, mot.wIth I . rcricy 14 bet. hands Mod tar hatnu to find, ­ ­ ­ ". ''_ .. � nger safe for . ', - ...-�. IL, � . . .11 be,oross-pxamlaed " to who -bid madelWalkertort won at home 3-1 And thus the Welfar6 Board on Monday evening, "The total oollected oti 1933 Advan,.e Fz:me. wa�, ,of � L . I - . .. . travel, altboug'h yahturgsQmg� People,' A's Two ' . . 1. 1$110h ccraplalhtt; (2)L thAt'the Sald Jiidg' oeptUre ' . . L � taYinelit plan has 4iliounted to $$,155,04 In D L 9CIMMS It to her dauahter I b . y0ara ago We �-Olcl these at a9c . . d the round 9-6: , ,when L. X, .Knox, town, treasurer, sub- . ctrxt.. She went - to her. banker. . - _. .11 Uto as Tuesday, Were 0 be seen on it, T ant was contrary to. the evidence 11nd but At is, prob.aIJIabelare March 16: 6 con" where she L,ept 41'er a c u t,, 0. t L . L .� . I . each, WaS, by ,buyAug a quenti '21 . .t The .01intan rink -was again 'filled to �ftiitted the following ,statement coverina . - , pot . � , . The lee has. became ho . . Q a 1% t he I L. .. ' , . nbyCombiOd And are able to. sell, A first qttallt . , I . ., , ,rich the perlid from February Ist to March sIderoble aTnount ,wIlI be pald: . L . . You, eavy against the ,welglit. of evidence' and (3) capaotty, .inany Attending from Oode $4-0821" 0012e and to the expross and tellegraph . . . � I . with a. ,strong ,jifi4 bl*. ng U breaklzg . y L . . . . I 1,ted. on a lars and draedc ollip . . . Rubber Apron full size�'fcir 290. -that the magistrate ,did not take. latol . - � has been Colle., rre . I See 1. . I n . . I . .. 11111- � Open, :Water Iis� to be ee a d_other. gaighborIng to�jjis,. Tbe dole.- 4, 1033: - . , ns, but ,.could got no satisfaction, . . ' ... 11 .. . from J, L (in A : I I ree pay- auged to ziu)nd ttlo. mopay � . AnU� -L� . � I . � �:.L L L. I . � an,betwge-0'th1s'sPeqIAI-At SCHAV,M414- consideration o ie eight ,to the I gati, tartan was partic 'R, ,a ary 431on appiars iwas,var3r to c iro L : ' , 'larS.. � . I ,.. P .. I . L .; oh .from Wall ularl� =iptg: . Balanc . ! � . . rnna*. it. wa a arr, . . JbOLP , � . I . , . , ... . . L' . . * I ment." .. L... .11 1 .0y I . I � I � � I I .. L L L . 11 I .. 1. I . . ­ L. I I . L 1. . evidence prezented'vo - behalf of the ac ­[large ind'noisy, . . I bark) $3D2.49: teaphiors of dolle�laie Ixv- I . . reft18terQ4L:maIVtQ thO 1)�Arcilt Addre2q. - I , . I ! ,. 0 � ­ . . . I , . * * aEked that tho TDII be Ot ier sit . nu -of Malley.% . vere j%ired to, L I .. I 1i 11 . I St, Pat ards'and Laura .Ord clited- The Objections, takell iP Para- � r. ' I.tit4te,1100, - L, Doan..$5., Mrs. M Mr. Robortton . I . 11 s . . I see � I AuOerior weight and -expe-'�aacc, 'Oarti- . -.4 . ..61. . . L L I . f the marketl,l Candies at V44MEW a left.wIth him to continue c6lie, li)nq jnO Wl6dso . , . . '. � "Tlle,'Wage eaMer Is Illmsel . L I S, DuTyq STORE, graphs (2) and (3) can be summarily d'. - Ictilarly �W&�d th tot, e dadd� vin Clark, Colborne St thi L ,It . . . L I . __ . . .4 .proved th I .' $5; C. O� 'F' NQ`L r. where.the 02troltevs called for I .. . -- s; was donei Cduncillor.� Brown. *halt,. it. . NVII . � -of the natipia's ------ — ... I i� missed, There U no evidence to 4113W, logL factors in the game. A teurn at 32 Ord, Payment) $61, ,Ood' .L I I tit oxchan3e, they' had to ,pay la, . L , . . . . . . . . . ... � . "I I � far tho,Tnajor Portion . crizli, band . ,. I L . . L L I I . . I .. . . I EVOURE, PROGRAM AND DANCE that the learned * . man of the, Ananze cb,minittee, nylnrl r.�t knolvn, but scing I �,v 1,j . .11 L I goads."- -'Edward A. Filene. �' L' . I magistrate did not tak6 geaseined canipalgaers, Walkerton match- tparl�h ball co,.-.zert) $18 -_ I 0 ail a T4 # ,., , ; , " . . L � L . I John Marriott. that the collect-tr sbould liaye tl:16�whzqle�- ,r it , it I I I . . . �, ­ ___ .... 1. 1L. I I L I.- O. ')�. No. 14.5 vill,hpId a euclije, Into tousiderstion'the evidencer of the ad speed' '�Ith the Beat Clhtt:�h kid an Goderich Rebekah . . . -ept.c. . . . . . , . � ===._­--- . � I . s a 0: A Friend, $2; 1 1 wiih their trierehants toac, 1,�Iadl,,)n . . . - . . � I I . I - . . . . hearted 6iiPport, of,tbe w6le 'touncilLir � funds, during tile crisis. , ': , I I .. J , , I , I Pro"labl. and dance in their hall, Tdiarth accused and I do not think I can find raadL, the most -of their, i)pportuMtJ0.L L^'dac' No� 89, $20; Young la4les of St. I . � I I . I : . I . -,-* ccnc,ess1On,,'GGder1ch'TWP,, Wedngiday, that the Judgment -of th 'learned -Mag backlit hini.tip Ali 'the lcalle�tloh Otl Today, whirli .4. supp;)se-,I jo L . . '.... I I abrowtodge flo 62, LL .4 gl�-. when ihey were, presented. Peter's church,. $�.25; Obderich Fire, Brl- . 9 . .1 . be tho - . .- . ­ ­ ' .1 I . � * . . _NT-,.trch 15th.1 EV611ybodyL welcome. . -&irate -was contrary ta the eviagnCa � . . I I ftaxes � L I I L . 1 wt day of the American, bankln� holl-w �- . : ' ' ' - , : - , - . ,. L 1: .. . ..... ; ..... .... . . � � . 'a . Lgade� (2ad paymqzit) $50, total, $662,17, - - L , , ............ __ . . . L . . I L . L I . . 1. 0. 0J. - I L I 11 I . I 0 , � a. matter of fact I think there Ives ovi- .. Off . With .IV l3ang � I Expenditures, Chaqu& -to to'�,.,�,trp�41 I Th � c.0racterY sexton Tepirtdd. five in- dayi restrictions aro hij,hiee, that, ever. :. I . . L ,.... 1.1. . . . I � . I "'Thd days before the war, is a n dance upon Which the The.game got ,passed .� j terments made In rcbruary, - .' . . . I , , , ,, I . , . I . I phrase lip ew .. . . learned Magistrate away Oil -114gh gear With gurer to 'Cover accounts �6.-� '� L - . . I No U. 8�'b,%nk drafts, or �clioqtio$, can, tie * "' , , 4 L I L '. : I L "I . , The nlei)4�9rs of Ht"n Lad . r -"*title upon, a Ume" --Sir dx eiciusive of that er_� Clinton f6rchig the Issue. PICkEtt w2i fare Soar,d L to . . I I �­ . ge, No. James X Barrie, . 1. . nftlit �bwvo foun . be pald-In February $6 IUUC Vli'at": as. A!f0hW4y Link LciWzed here or elsewhere.. Ainericalt Zx- I . L I � . . i L . 1. L � d"2.I-Q-0-F-', are ie4uftted to Attend i ­ �q­�__;�, I -; . I roneously admitted, that thi� defendant right Inside., as was. Nediger. in,the first 0; balance In. bank, $32,65� � . . . � . L . _ vrcv� �0'3.L Money brQ'r.J. end' traVell6re - I � I .� I, _,:Z�" . _ * I _. ­ - -__ � hirig � ro, The Blue WW,er Highway, or Part of it i , - _­ _­ -- ----- - - — ' -;L ' bad liquor Upon bis I . L , , . . . . L I Aierr lueetingi Monday night, March ' "L . ' . ,4 premises contrary to few minutes of . play and �Qberle Was . Theie were 84 parcels of *clot to S L chequU., hz-Ave'ver, are. bcir,g ,cotived, but I . I . I � .. � I AVCT N . � at least. front Grand Boad 11 L 'Lloyd Audson, 0 1 10 SALE - , haw.' forced to 'Come' 'Out of his net - . Quthftlhp�' only at par. . I . . - : , ; ... I.Itl), WhenL . k Ile'risall, --­­_�,�,_� the Provision 4 this Act.. I believe, . , . twice to �eived.. and 300 Individualparicels & 00- tin, appe . '4 � L , _ L I . I I . I I ,. I 11 L D�D,G.X, vviii Pay big i6ifficial ,vis:t" A UCTION SAL'E. . . , ever, that the evidence of previous cbm- s4ve.. Raybduld,, a crafty player, tested ' Als to the Glencoe ,council as a , One Odd-rich!to bid .a'7 e - tiaxi a ox0cr- . I IL C Progressive eacbre and a 'srho, -.IL' I . . . , cerl�s, atilk.tIckets to the valueof $8,do. necessary link, in a.cross count Igh ay e 8 I . y hL W c L , , . . . Plaints' to the bidders should not have TWyford sLveral.,times and gave 'Cliritan , I Ace. llc,.roeelved a shipinant. from. F , I Rer wilt I L � I groaor�.orders.valued at $4,50, and.broad and has: passvdi a' re4olution asking tht; . I I L . . .. . . $e held aft6r the meeting. Visiting 'PleArIng AUctlon SaJ6. of Farm Stockip. In any way taken. Inta.constilaration by fans heart failure very time #a -secured tilkets at a S L Tjzitod States -an Tuesday, draft again$t I L I ' . . . I brethren aro co jally iny, e . . - $3shoWod'th splendid respon a Dep�rtmuut to tAke it .over. The vecr2- �� I . rd it d IMPI90104U, OT4in, 110 4ad other artiole.1 ,been, admitted:,and If ,that dvidence w,as the puck. Skating behind his- Own net I I . . . . I . � WED1194DAV, AMRCH. 22nd , ,- I , given by ithe People of Goderich at the - bill of lRditig,-,or it other words, O.O.D. I I tars, of the Oloneoe Board of Trade wratc I L L . OSV . :1. PERC - the learned Mglst�ate in Mailing a After a Walkerton attack,' IvAck" killobt re-dtai,glVen On Sunday �in North str at t the dodericii coun,-Il 'in , ". co-appri- Ile bad tlit-llioiiey to pay it, but. thp 11 . T I BARIMR, X, G. - . ,Property of Howard Cox, at ot$ 26, 27, vordic a 0. . I . I . t .-thoi there -was a m1strIAl. and the Carried theL rubber down the rIght boaro UnAtid ahar�h, . � 11 . . b It ... I I . Con. 1, Ociderjoh Township, . � I : . I I I � tIQh Land � I � An here. rcfused to take payment forL . I X W, NVWCGXBEI It., S. , . sale at 1.30 ead pa8sQd to C . I the letter was referred to the t i;; face Value,, of,thd . ... : ; 1. . - '� . '­. I I � s4iiirpj, .: � ,4 1 � .1 :1 ponvIetioli should, be. Cjtjafihe�L The,xule illabo, tR; the first caurt-: , "Thr�� ma . I L .:. L:�. i , ' ' - __ _. . I . . �. ,�j�� , � �: � t L . f the same .'L have been added ;spe(,,1,jJ vointgItte% . - . . � ilraM because there 11 I I � — - . � . I I L. . �� I . . . ­�­ . . . I T, & SON' , a- be followed is clearly get out Ali Rex V,s ,ter 6 xizaiiid bilutows hopes to, the relief list. 'rhe total amoun , Ivaei. r a - Quotation on cx.labah6o and the I ... I . . , , , ! . . REAL , . I I . . ts,pald Xr, Uticki _,.��L �STATE AND INSURANCE , I a I ns Wishes to be r0lavcd Q1 - ;;znk oldn't know bovi much to dein'trid. 1. . . . . .L. Auctioneers. Lapointe ( 1912) 20 Can, CIA.' Cas. 98 it they. continued. t ,ess, MWkerton .out for February jvere; Food, $404.07: the b finall-, al, end of hand I L, .1 I . I �4­1­_ I— _­ � - — I . I 0 P' � I usinoss � and I . � I I : L .;-�­==_":x�_*4___� quoted In Rex vs brolvin in 3a 0. 'b, R. took to shootbag 'the puck up the Ice to f�01. $377; iclathil , ' I 016fit 401fttd'�aft ftl4ft03r to. . . i M. ARMSTRONG, am. � '_ _11K, ( . . � . I 19, $14.6N, rant, $95�37; manager,, . . I . � .. LLL . � . . .'OR for ,(jump "' - ' L ont and a Tdooting'llaSL becri 1,1111ally su I M L L . I I I . .. STATE, t IiA JR TOARNT ' it - 231. in Rex is Melvin,�: �Qlute, ,j, kill time. Xefter wAs chased ,cover any contlaaQft .Was Accepted L and ' � . ANO XNSURANCS A0L,XQV. —.-1-111­1'�—_ .. I - wo,tor,and light; �12L; riediol . . ; .. " . I I S, , I �-----� Aft - .. . .11%:50c; total, called for Mar�b loth to appoint 4 busi-I .ey . . 1, , I 1JOUSE TO. RMT' or reviewing the authorities says �Ift Ing Raybouid and while he . 'win off.. the $908,44. the ,lit sent released by the rallw-%�t, .,� � . � . . I latter took a pass Xro;n Dudgeon I for a -Amounts to $2,41g.go, made Up As f _ repre, after much red.tape. , ' . I . . . I . _* . I --4t, YOU are tbink7 that - evidence wlilch . The grand ,'total of relief ricss ftlaii4��.r, The'�tovvn council will bt I 'L Pl . . i . I I . . - 11 .1 ... 1�1 , ddence and office noxt door, West Ing of mOvInt to a Warmer, more I Was held, to to in- 01 sente . d;, the . . . I I I . , to, central house With garage , and garden, ad1*68ibl0 had auk, effeqf upon the mind shot,,. he batting In his ,own rob 4P._Ial CO L, .matter being referred t c I aA . . I I L 121fe Offloo, W.fd street, GodarG, . . . � . ound to low$-' 'NOVember, $126,18', * Deqomber. tA, a , . . 13atik managers here gay there. lies be ' ' ' ' � ' r . � I L . . sea X I ttoe, L . . , - W. Howr � . mail . I . . I L !� . 'I, . , � I . . L .. Interested write, to I,— I -1 'LL. ,�, I . . of the Magistrate in reaching a conclii- tie the saorie� and put Walkerton 'two UP $606-85', Jftnuar),'. $770,631, February, . 110 rush tit former Canadians to deposit .1 . ' . I , ..", . . - the *,relgdjad�,:. th . . i I \* , - . J�L slon, the Deferidant -was a round. Rath tried . a'b . The' O. C, I., asked to. � I L W. ARM$'J'hON01 - ' L , . prejudiced In Oil th ackliand, ,$903.44. . I . I . � , L eIr ino.my herp �Inco the pl.os6ri . I I I . FOR SATL�E, 61' Vt , 90011'ej ' . I i , t, crisis . . i I . I P.O. Box L89. ' Opp . - a saved aud.a, moment L . .. L . of Its 103t lev wli the ,filw�120 comm!'t- ', - have num- , ; : G.Oderloh,'Ont, Enquim at 10V Pelt his triali The Magistrate ,be$. not stated shot; but Oberl I I : ar6t6.,11ie_bank& 'of 66derich I , L . L . . . ; , j .. , . I . . I I I � . . . . I I . � L � . I- . . . ., I � Whatb, . ir it - had Ok had hoot ...... �, ,, _ later Kh,ennedy Intercepted : ' I A Mrs, T01710r, Who is In ,charge Of the tee Will deal wlth the' reque.q. I I L . *qrous. mounts, of Auier4ahs hov�,ejror� - ... I . - . . . I I ___ I L . . I -it is & pass. and 0 stribution. of clothing, made the jjn�. The She,, 0as, .C6, want . # . L . . I . I . . . . �. . .., L .. t L . ­_ . I ,. - - . � 1. ]FOMU. SALig. .Ina hous sufficient -that the; defendant may he .s ciear Inside the . to greet .two I . ., ... I I a Tot sale.or to � V6 WW dofence, 15ut fumbled nounclo clectile signsi': one In front qb,r 0earge, and st4tln�, months ago, they have b�aan . . . I . 1 � . � . L . . Mont that 11010 articles have been I . . . . .... A— ; , I I 11 11 i .I— ' e a I 11 t - �=l J1 I I I L I I � I I � I I - I I I I L - U' I 1� I I '*''� 8 . I I I . I I I . I p. WOOLLCOM ]ffl ,,,at rent,,at a. bargain, eas3f terms, j,ocid been prejudicially affected it :the Tesult a love v 0hati0e, missing the net entirely, . more Active. quite - of U; S. . . � ". ' ' loz.� . . . . , . L I -given -Out; of this number, 700 114�e. been ' a number . I 11 11 . L ' . . ' . L ... ffAU1MO1%T taTp 13 Taos, YoUxa, ,ftuth at" by the a I Johnsiaii's ga�aao and one In f .01 11 1114 also have satotX depailt boxes In . ". . 1. . 11 OL . . .. . . I I I dinisal.0ii. of irrelevant evidence.- Clinton had an edge on the play In the given at the three .recitals, . I : J. righer,6 Phol), , This re rant - � CAW . I . . . .. . . .. . 1, . _ M L I , . - I . I I -a . I . - I I I I , . I I . OR R914T.—A I- I I L 11n the case before ,ta , ,the :learned kagl- first. period, .1 The representation at the General meet quest was to"' Oodo.ilcln * Institutions, in ,which both , .. .14.1 L � . . 1,% ,,, . . . .1 . . I PRON9 206 . . F roomed -brick ,apart, StMtO In- his Jfidgment* uses: the Words, The ,,second frame ,was Oaggy;. .The Ing was very small, The - tarred to -the public works committee.L IsecurlOoti an4 ou it I . . . . L ' .� s:.�' . I �". L � seils In. ­' . . . .1. . InAnt, moderft Conveniences. ,,South ,, , . . . Welfare Board The ftaftce committee will � . . rro oy ar� 6toTed� .. : I . I it . . deal .with .- I . . I I L . I - .. . .. I .. I slW9400 Of all )dnds. Getrates. St. ,darag6 If wante I 'Apply, to J.z. There 'have boon 001100141nis for,some Bruce County Ilds seemed 0011t0lat WIth met at the close of the general meeting. a letter froth the McLean Publishing ,Co. _11 . . 0� L . P ­ time that liquor. Is'ln t10 place.,' 7the their -lea L --- -- I I' I . � ), L. ii ' 'from him before renewing or planning HA ,NAVI�a, ItgaY8 � . . I L .. �! at, I I . �, that the 4 . it unit refused to play skate -out When A vote at thanks Was tendered the eolleitIng advertisin . L . L . . . . . � I I new insurance. ,. . .1--_ — Ahterence,, Is clear evidence of hookey,_ nor could Clinton do much, I aritstsi the lions Club, 'to the ministers portualtios,,, 9,.In "Industrial 6 . p- , 01 , I .. ,. I .. L . I - I . I I I q.: ... . ]POU SAVK.��­Moderh brick- house on the former ,compigints; may have liad against '.their back-cheeking. I . . Lin ,a I . . . ' I 11 � 11 L . . . . I . i . _-­ ', . . .. Britannia Rd.- - . L 1. I . : � I Roth 1 and Osslons Of 4nox church and Ndrtb . . -com ut; Events ,i .1 . I . __--­�._ . L. . . . . . . -some Influence outhe mind ofthe, learn. - I . I I L . , . . . I . I '. it .. I . I L IMA*fftr tT '�4­�­ � . (Continued on page 5) I strec,. United church. . I . I � Comniltilce Rfport ii [ 6 I � I.. . � I . I... . . 1�. I 1. . � I - I . I F101- . I I I 7V . � � , . . . . : I � . ,,, I I 1 I . . � . 4� . , . � I � � I . . . . . ed Magistrate in coming to a decision - ' . . . I . . . a , aay "UNIN".4 ORLEVA . . . . I . . 1. The fi;,­�.�e committe'er6ported as,101 . . ]FARM FOR S4LE,-Forty Acr I And If that $3 801he conviction. must.60 _-­­_ ­_......... .1 ,. _., —n—. �_� . '. . I'll . I , I , . I .1 . � as, more . . . . . laws:. . , . I .or less, the pr6pbrty of the late quashed If the authorities Are.tO be fbi. � We recommend th etbri be ta�en P 4molds with you to .stop that 1. I .. I -Ill loy opinion th BOYD A.LO � TE . � v6ith reference t . 11-119 fr. W. 0. urttel, situated at the end Of 1OWed. tick, 19 -cough, .. $otith streat on -the sOuttern bo 0 ,,conviction . TAV R . ,. LLS ABOUT.. . I . :2*c ase of ... . 1. L . I . ,� undary should be quashed. This Is not a case ,4A . , cating machine; we have exam I . 0AMPULL's DRUG STORE. I. . . I Vern, drive shed, workshop, tion, Is .ad, the USUal order.for protea- n tax collector's statement of r6b.. 17 and,l The Arthur Circle players purpose put- . . .Wthe town- of good clay wtin,. large for costs and I I . . house and . .. . I I I I ]RHODESIAN -LIONS, RHINOS,, ETC6 recomilicnid. that tile tax collector be in -1 ting .4011 a play, "Tillie of Bloomsbur,y," .. . . . hoti-h6u6e; artesian ,well (.13& feet), the . . . . I . I . . . I . I I I . — 4 . I _" It I . very best of. water: good IrUlt. trees. DAM AT GODEnIC11 this seventh- ,rutted ,to enforce the ,collection ,of all AP 11 27th and 28t . . . ideal location, , close. to schools and 'day Of WaVch, A. 1). 1933 � Boyd.Taylor, a former 0. 0. 1. boy, a 'VENISON IS DISTRIBUTED I . . . r . . I .. ,.�. I churches, For further partMule- - I . . . I 1,raduate rnW I en-ineeW who 11�. ­uj . arrM4, and to take court attlon where( Inlaid Linoleams; at a ,new low price of . � I 1; I � . � �. P � . r. I . . I I . : . . issary: that the Public Ubtary Board si.2s -a yard makeG t value outstand,# � � .. 1. . ; — Oil the Promises or to .PVXWY or: oWftj I . T. M. COSTSLLO, a survey for,copper in'the Lo ­ I . I nem his 1 4 . I . ---------* . . I I ongWa con- . . I :,; '. --- 4 --- __ ,. . I SAIVIM. I. . . � . I . ., Thirty Pounds Wet* Distributed , has been paid a further aunt of $300 on big In Floor Covering. . I � I , �, I . . . I . . . , . Jude., Huron, cessions, Northern Rhodesia, write's some Amtn$ this year's grant,, ,that no action.bo tak- . Visit 04r house . . I . i't W. . . I I 77, ". - —__ . ::-- = ----­�—, 6 I I _:_ - IfurnIsItings department upstairs tot your I U_ C =:, I . . . . . F railles on Relief Last Ttigsday � . . I _ . . . __ I �_ . very Interesting letters to his rirw,lyes ,� I . I ell ,On request of J. A, 1-,Chigholm� for a � want,, for spring. Vh� new tPring . I I I -L � F - .1 . . 11� - "' I— � . I . .1 4 — "The beat Mains are more likelY to .be here anii je are pleatied to be permitted Some thirty Pailn(AA 'Of Y0118011 Wore I rebate or r�du.-tjon on ,I I I . �, ,. � - CRAIGIE .1 . I � ­ - . � , I � . . I � I sad than glad..,-2dria St, Vincent ,,Vt,_ this week to publish. one of his letters distributed Ili Goderich on TuodaV W Ing rink; that a rant of the skat- wallpapers are In at SCHAF,tl�R'S, , I I � I late � . . Q H. HUMBER , � lay. � . describing the climate and weather where the Weipxe Board, At Xingsbridge the, amount ccoinit"t Welfare Board, - A new play Will be pre-ionted by the I., . . I . I . � . I ; that the Victoria players tinder the direction of . I I I �­ � 10SUM0.2od Real& . ___ '"' . . .Ing to $1,132. be Paid, . . ;I . � JEWELLEF4 ___ . he Is at present 1004ted and telling in- day PreVious a deer became tangled I . . V. . . � . .. .. .1 . 1 -7 110111re insurance on the following plants be Mrs. J, 9. Mutch, 14z�ervo Thursday . . - _;� . I I . � I I . 0011MOM "O"NOLALP i . � NOTICE !rO CREDITORS teresting starlet of experiences In. hunt- in a barbed 'Wirt% fence and sw aome fran. -reduced as f3ilows- National plant � � , , THE SMAhl. S1 ORE . . . i . I ! I � Ing big, genie. Oil and Friday, April.20th and 21st, for this : " I � AWM01PAL.SONDS, � I I � . . . . 4P Taylor Is *6rkkg for 461! broke .A leg. Genie Overseer W. A. Brock street on all buildhigD from $1,600 . , "s . . I . � ,;�, . . I . I MIA T"ir BIG, $'rQCK at English conipany,prospecting, And, as I . I 4 , I . ; . NOTTCZ TO CRESDITORIS, Met-ean was .called in. He shot the ard- to $4,066; oil contentg, $4,709 to $ , 0 ; play. � I . � . . -1, I 1".. I I ­ b % * . Is I . I _� ;1, ". _" * _. _� � � - .1I � latter, may to to r,outh Mal. brought the, .careass to 13 14 Use Me -Me -Cha. the herbal opAun: * .. 1. � I � I .. —.I— I 1. . he cays An hi� 0 dorleb, atlunal PlAht Oil Maitland road ,on all � - �t & I . - I � i I � " ­ — - I 1. - - . . . . , I Rotice, is hereby giVien. to all persons America after ho finishes his present: job, had it drepsed and cut up and presented bullo, � tonic. to tone up your 8yotem. . . . . I � - � I ­ . I !. I I . ­ b. !_ -.-.- I � t1g, tranz, 010,000 to 0.000; 1 � I I 1_0 - I . ,. ii -_ . _.___ ., _ — . having any 'cialin agetrist" tile estate Of Ile is a nephew of Mr8. Goo. Stewart,, . it to the Welfare Board, I contental 0AMPOIRLIVS D9UQ 0TOU)B, I I . W" , . . I- - .. ­ - , , , ,.., ­­ _. Mary X Mokea._%te of t�W,:Tbw,n. of � , I frord $5,000 to $9,500, Art Craft factovy�' . I . 1. ' I . - - � . . 1.11 - I . I ! � � I - 11 Goderich, W1410tv, Who died on or about . Loangwa Concessions, —,;--- !_ . on Maitland Road. on %ill buildings fromi The regular meeting of the W.O. T.11. .. . I I . I the 15th day -,of Febrtmry, 19sa, to ;3arld Broken HUI, 9,R., I I . .. . . ... . .. . I Nov. . 12. ll)32. buffalo Ilons. gabra, roan, cland, Imodo, $ 15,000 to 0.500. � I . I ,,, 6.1burne. ap. Patrick's stree� bit Thura- . . . - � . . hatitebmtd, ,.vilapbuste, Impala, � .hu8b . . I . . I 9 I I or before the Uth day or March, 1933, as Dca�r r6verybody�- . MAYOr tee and Councillor Brown er.-� ay. March lilthi at 1.3op''t". oned on na 01HP BY . same duly proven, to, the, undetaig $16,000 to Vr-500', oil 9,11 'C-tratenta from '� WIll be .held at the home of ,Mrs. 1. 11. , % I ,t � , , il *ki . 80, Life ho 11 , . I . . �� . ffa 0 0 . pad . : _ Rf Be i a � '�, � . ­ I . _�_�� , 1. 11, =_�__� on and after that date,th& Executor of . buck, dinker, g7_,bok ,04 Varlj�us , pressed I th,,mi,elves as against. an d I I � I � . ,� the F UecolVed your letters and was very oth . y redue-1 Pleare r0erve-lftday, March Otst. I t I . I I - I . , I Aid estate Will proceed. to make dis- . or ,),Inds of antelope, DOWt 'get'tbc i tion An th� itisurouve ol; the tattary for comcdy drama, to be Preaenteil by , I � . ,�, . I � IWASONS Folt IX13U1t1X(; . . I � tribution, tharcof, hjjj�k regard Only to glad to hear from you. This letter I sup- idea that they are so tbklc . . I ,; . . . I I . . I I . that one Illust ) build](11gs o%ncd by the towti but :tile re- Clinton .Players Ili Macicay Rau under , . . .. I the claims Of which he bas notice. . PoPe Will arrive atound .Christmas tiMe ch a t1lehl 'Out of tile wdy, 'but Oe`04- part llapad as pre�,entcd. I . . . lip,- following 1011ted at God0rich this gotil day of so here's a Merry 0wistmas and Happy & " �tbo ausplecs ,a thp C. 0. 1,_ T. of Nortli, , � . I I 'feW of thorn. It eroate,q estate$., It proteeta the dependen . . . . or a -'mail eaten einted meat for months - Some of' . 6 . Th"O Ar43 111MAY reasons for insuring YOtIr life. T 211Y we run Into them. We haven'C Ili Are a . vebrUavy, A.D., 193s, NoW Year. 'You Inight, ship ov The SPecial and Relief Carnmitt(p, xp- _,trtct United. churchi " , . ts� , I � i It lifts Mortgages.. It etincels debts. It brightens old age. It ig ail I HAY$ and HAYS, . � parcel of show -we could,atand, it. I � parted: I . � 600 and euchre en Thunday. Uarch . I . I 00dedch, �Ontarlo, What da you vant to bear about? these Antelope are wonderful eating: but ,RCgardh1g tile request f-ir a reduction 2ard, under;t1te ampleeg of the 0!;dorleh 1. I . I Asset Of Inereasin' a meat only keeps, 21-.-3 da�s now. Zver .. . 9 Val 0- It Pays - 0116 1111114tied cents On the dollar. I - -Solicitors for the tkiaftrtoir horoln Rod,% weather, nativei ,or. game? At 4 -y' In the poal roijra 11.-je,agea, tva find that Ftcbekah ,�Ofte I 00ilfellmw Halt . i .. It develops thr9t. It providea .,,as' , ,._ :,-,- 1. - I thing Will run away if given a chance, it . 11 I doubt into uncer h lor emergencies, It convo-TtI3 . IN ljjjji(AifpTC_V - , - - Pre$ent I'Aft fed up with xWcs and natives even If Wounded. Have shot Aix buffalo'thc Pr,08Cht Re Is $40 for tile first table, Tony Vares oreher,tra. Admisniat 25c. . ..., r . - . I 11 � . . . . �. ,�­ . a 614 for each additional, ar( '"'Procceda In aid of Aollet Fund. 0 �' . i , tainy. I . . 1. - - . _L_L.�l 180 YOW11 ba'Ve to be bored with weather � since August, supposed to be mor� dan- an I % (' 1 a . I I - . additional, . I'll, I . . 114 TM MATT= Op GEOROV ,00nimend that tl Is licenpe fee be ieft,tdj " . I . I .,and game, . . byerOUS when wounded than lion,'And to 0� for the f rt table and $12 for ca,i, Ggdcrl�,h Town,chip, Hospital Auvillary �� I 1� . . I .. Phones . , I amet, Its A ' I . PROCTOR IN nANIMUPtCy, I Irons tay loolle'd Eggs wounded Moral more but have liever' �1 ,%Ill hold their regular mrxithly mceting , I 1 I . . kR�addtw 546 14, R. LONC, Distria Agent I" TbarO Is plenty of both here. It last I bcaU ebarg0d.yet. Have been ,atompeded Councillor Humber obyeted . ,at, the IlMle Of Mrs, Gea. Jyzlinst4i. . . 0 . IVOnO W, SALV,,or zPAL rsum t;)' tt'*, Stan!cy atrect. lliiurcday 1fr4r,oll lotti, at I . ­_.- "_ - ­­ .111.-.1 . . .--,. I, .1 .. .1 ­ . . rained In April to ,you ,tan so# It% it bit �but that la a(Icidental as far as the btIf. claiming that tho proper prmcdure,9,20 owock. A . � ___ I . I I . Of a drY 13101 We've been havhiG*. How. 1310 WAs concerned Ar4 one .can't buy �".,*Uld be for a notice of motio it memb�r� are requc3tod . I I , to be t,Y beepresent. �� . . � -=.= 'I. , , .�­ A."w � � - - SEALED TEUDERIS Wit& BE -ng. ever, the. rgW ara, ,due .Any tlnla nowimeal, here, (roor for our cattle-ro) we given, firot. and lie 111oved t1lilat the, � I . .1 � ; I � , .= - . 11 I 091V90 by tile undersigned Trustee in and tll,%t*a one reasoft Why Octobier ,And havO 0 13120at Meat and trade It for ineal lleen P-Oviously; No ne� . I . — _�eq be left 0,g A t1iree-act play, "Bro%li-Eyed Zetty", - � Bankruptcy for the purchAte 4)1 the real Novernbor ava such tot inorth,". on native ,villages, 150 V�e Make Our guns offered to Yxcond this; Inotion, but onothe, I . . . will be preaented U%Mnton churah. M&. I. . . I . r" ^ 4 a * 0-01th Of Mid bankrupt known = the the Plateau, lVa tot co tad but. -bQra . in 037 'for thelmelvei. Alto bave gotten Vote tOad,9pt tf�e report Count'illor 6.uldgich Townthip, JVedne,,Oy evening, � j . . 1933 TAM IW4 we' 't "balf of lots numbers 26 And 27 in the torangwi Valley we are Onto rovotal atuntc. wth at) talling tot voted Will Councillor liumbor and Coun. li"rarah 22nd at 8.15 Pall. by the young � . . It A,, . tho 4inth. canee_--ion of the, Ubwnthlp of 1230 feet: . i I i � , 11 I 00derich, and containing abotit so acre,s lower In elevation; land 1000 It. diftereove from V113� %V tltOO6 (except zebr4) and eillora Woreell and Brown, w-Puty w8ve,wople of Zaaw United church tui&r I � .. I of land. in tievatioll nAko$ abotit, 20 deg. differ. *OOd lard It 15 too. Did you. over take MeZci ,1,36 -Z of. thp vr4m Y. P. a. Nlwic . Nfa.f/"ar U-0 voted for tho re. � the auspice j , . � nb 'PropertY *In b� cold subimb to.an LInte In temp"Atuto here; ro we ba,ve to hurrow from tile bouc-'s of t'attlo? We part And the 13,wering of trao too ,!betwzon neta. A4nil�:)lon: waulto f!04-. ,I , eXUrtInif; 01ortgage of 0.0"; r"te-:51611 go*. un, early. ."fir AnIsh Work early, r,r And It W40 lard tq" to t1lie bt..1t Ono ,, noe,VL . � -?Amd and ,Roan ore tile, t,t�t brooke all, $Vrotil ,&�re 11 _�_to­ toul be givon sinintilIstely;, and thf),flItt�g hl'ontlLq now We 11:%ve, lxc,n Mt to C;M buY 'Cralefo du zot, vote'and 00=,onlo�.a G,�a. ellildrT a 1W. 11 Town of Gode n""ch 0 TrWt4ef IS WePared to gliaranteo to I - � au'_611t. I . I � .1 , VARO Olf OLILVIKS �� . # Pu0mw a good titto to 11gid lands, Work, Wore awlse and 9cftex*Ny to at tW. Z100 13 no Warktt for at)y of tj�a T'Ito 112duttrial 04MInIttw 'reportcd: I uo family li: I MftdOrs 11to to -ft Med 11,12xni. ,nw afittrJuxin wt ispend tq. J31110 We S1100 here, but tile nativ�es are UfWdln; t1ae renting og tile National .01 tho latt XT3. vmllcrt DUR ,� 11 I Wit" tht Un- I-,# to ktin) ,c6ol And,do repott% eto.0 t Vt* Eager to boy zebra tam WA, dealro W 04111k thetr taxnr frlol%45 for � I ... I PAY YOUR 1935 TAXES NOW'IN $10.1 - dMiltneA -on or lkfotc, tip-, 20th day -of 4 -SWItchles ,"d IM"Is skim for,C-Attigg A7 llul�fta an mawgatk areet U3 4otupledjl thelp, ki;ld *V,0tlW to .,*e lc��3 ol thelff -11 1.14STALLWNTS OR MORE madl, 1033, night When IV4 tairly,tool, We. LAV6 a "ho b5l W`,UC.%lwa% W grbrgn UathlepZ,,we? dcriir W&Mer. . . 1 T. ,;IV ,411�� I I .. A discountatth ' .0tathe PKfUMIM And ZsWtlen of 41dek of hen$ hett and 1115t, to 01V6 YOU Vety SO"OK b%bItS Kro uld in. rAM011114cud that W 0�11WAI2415 1113terK : iiiii 8� 6 I '41" 'it thtf WoMt:r May be ,hM on app*-Iitjoi� an idC.4 how -04M it it-, evfry &y tw,z z0friklo Are tot IALI the Anit-r-lesn W�au be ronow'd Aud M4 T)WIding reated to FIMOSIANt , e,lrate- of 2% per � am" Allowed 4b tht eifkLd Of thd ivade"Igned Jywt#4_ 1161f the eggs Ate hard-boiled And the rest, At all- 'I'lWY UVO VOrg 016A ltgg, ltrtor. 0 Wr wontif.! C0011-19 10,4va weatory of Edwam WA I 1 2"RS: VAtked flitqtlt l*Y,Ab'!0 tor,taft-b0ifled 0on 1*14, ConseqUently the tit" land %Nivy lxaft but are z3z rr, 011ezzu M , I . "I Cojjlffl�2'a Wr,rP11J1 ftk-d -to 11 -4�ed �$Wa MarCh $ell, 10�3. � Alook Interest is only 3 pet vwt� This 4di"Unt itt in : v. 1G. Wildlet,oft tor 10 lv-r �c,mf. ef fj,,ib took it" quito 4 tuite settitg qt% fc�r I 11MVP around t1to front . L wily tile GW4. Wl _:�_ 91 1 1;1, addition to usual ("f*Jisco0w, . laftiotmt Of tht* te-Ilder tilaq V"%mv, ,t,xj, Ift Im to tritin tht helm" to is SAd VLOVY W05 tisir r,n fit CC�raprr (114 V040 elcan tile 41dowalk r,ft lb'okk.l L- UZO tawny �i3Z010, . I I- thit" tMiler, b"t me to b6 p9ti in t 1. k11119. Via CIT 'ca me 440 Etreus and tile mattc,2, Wa3 &Jr dca,ft ono IIA3 V�I=cd away - I I -11a bod , A 'gA 00 01ftPletim ,oil tralLOAC-saft, ,y at rIght, Ws. you birlst ji,twtv is _,Od $We oft ftwd W-Igh r_C_f,,M,C,, to Mo vablZle 'WaTka owmltt,,�O, M'! -`d tram eattft wItEccaravy &azacw, 1933 Me V*o0fis"Awo wimw doit 4tu 0 ft-. 14011". , Tlze Itf,tris 401t- Otht, &-Za�� outz,r.H102. 110-lubtr 0_,kcd R C'no of We, 11 J)ATM at 00dakil tills ,ty ,01 01to A, PrOlt". An of %blich Ahtiw$ into b!'414 and Poldeet ,dAy. 0 M"61 1033. why Move W-Vxd 00 r10 dc-Xemkm In the tht ftt'11-104 In, 8, wide thieck ftWto and Mat Wa on Wmt lcc_,*,�� to t1ir4uWA . . etsks at ttv) wteraft factov �-3tdd tnt, Wo tile eraw of Ilditt we 15vta- . � .1 � I I . __ I _ I � 4, _RWRTAO-N, Tax colifttor. 0. 0. ?AWP1-rM.*1 , -Mlow bagcctl DMI, It srl�u COW14 sappjy�iolit 211*113 is* well 0* bit kv & Mtee-tina L�� t�­-Cj, to ,11W att=r's vft I - -1 ­ - __ _______ __ '. ., .. . - b zo find u1b 11170 to to -Vrc;m-C,l to rdcc.4 hfa�*. , - -11.1 ­ I -11 t""IL"I uft--% ZfmcfL,-U, W i3m. I twk as s witows head at itel tv,;�a,, a m1ka-'IM0 Thr. Z) tile ztelf,�? We'd abot-t*. - I I ,te"011ft"A on rraza DI W1401 " __ _. _ _ I.. -1 1n -W! -t4-_ At to Sme�tjltta, arc, e,,,tpf�Atts, t -It �'Hl ,L,o, ar�,e,'Vwa,�Ing 11 I iltio, 1, ir WAVE aad V1UG1rW,% I q � , � I 6 I