HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-03-02, Page 6or 0 THE GODERICH STAR n'Itt31,51)Ann nfAitelf teen lann Staying Awake Health Service of ibe Canadian Meeical Association 1 SMyiug awalle viten yen wane to aoja One tlaIng, tat staying awane whoa you want to go to sleep ia an- ettlier, and it is most atilloYlitgWe - are apt to tomplain and to nainto foal rd we lie awante Uewe wane. initiates bezome habit, teen we oto $ To worry about not going to eleep is the enet way _ to keep awake. If the Wakefulness IS dile to pin or awes, this la a matter of some on corn, but. the LealtItynormal person sulners m berm frOnt his failure to go to sleep prounitly. Thera b laoliard ond fast :rule les to ltow much sleep is required. The yourta and the old require more rest than does the peratin who is middle" nand, . We ebouI4, seenre senlicienn rest so as to be ready to tent up at ineinentime, even through we maa not be anxious to leave our waren and emnfortanie neds. Fereonai experi- ence, -Will determine. iat the bed- timo sheold be in each case, so asto allow for eufficient rest.' It is the fear that be will not sleep Which keeps the victim of ineonnua tavola, and it is the worry over not baVing slept evbich makes bineel tired. If such a, person would not fuss anil toes...and turn; if be Would relax quietly in bei e with mind and bed' at red; he would eaeure suffici- env rest even though' lie slept but little. When the light is turned out, sleep is to be expected, but it should not be sought after, 'Relaxation and a qUiet antietpotion of Sleep 'help US to Iftlies the tittle Until We lose oUrselves in sleep, r It a bad habit Is established it can be broken. The Nal habit of staying IMO() earl be overcome by building np gpod habit of going to sleep. To 40 this, a new routine should be started, one whiele will facilitate and engnest going to A suilleient amount , of oat -door exercise prepares the bootia far rest. A comfortable bed, a cool room, quiet and slarlasees are fedora aveneb geuerally are favourable to sleep. A watm drink before going to bed,. an interesting' but not too exciting beak may help. Whatever the route followed, any ,,feav of not sleeping Must be banished, and any warty over possible ill etfeets of ineomaia May be overcome by an appreciation of tbe fact that ill eifeets do not oc- cur. • The person who looks for sleep never finds it. The person who lets steer find him is never troubled with ineoranirt. CANADA'S SUPREME REMEDY FOR COUGHS AN COLO "The Successful Management of Fairs' An address cvered by Dr G W. Alexander, M. D" Director • of District No. 2, before the convention on Hu occiuion 10 their annual meeting, February 2nd, 1933 it le a eaeat picantre for ate to be with preventeet to ten •amount Of S1358S5l snit Mid to Steen the petal= 07 arldree. real:eat tbe ilad by 0171.0a; increasea eine yea en Age gmak uu2;u4t='"4"aul°7'm• '1 For Feon may in S'OblETIONG TO OE I do Itel seY that we elnead so bant to• THANKFUL FOR the days cf nee excel. Yet I -da Utak owl fair bearde ebetal endeavor to protean. tiere. and oetactature. axe:enable taabli teats Mese to callea• FL• .7/•••• Pub c Finance H.. T. 1., X n CI 1 tit r I culture. relater.' a Mary at tile atinuat balleittet et the Ontario Asseelatlen IA Too litany Fairs , Tianitti0/1 1,1 Ontario Increased antra rind Exiiiblaarre. ef au Anterlean tion, area, And aseeceed value ef cavil 2800 Per e po ' lejcion nenneenerman ate bed recentle visitea 75 Per Cent. tel tile vrovince er Mania from the 'Wali referento to the aeoltiet Witten I C en, pu aave prepared, you will find the PopUlee Cereed.a. He teal Cel. KeraledY that W- ee -may, you will ane, see the number of Stetce was like "a glue:pee of a new life breath of invigeretine fresh ThLs newspaperman, Cea. Kennedy, went on to say, went to church in a emelt crossroOds town Jura to eet an idea of haw, Ontario temple were behaving un- aer 'trying conattimis--to 8es vita kind at elothes the people wore -to aPierane their spirit. Oontinuing„ Cot Kennedy declared: "He told me A was the ilret educational o.ntl aariculturois tions /moan gerlerallY a$ Webb, I do (Renfrew/ for ?amigo. We WI eeetPare la Per Ont. sillee 1904s5 the taxation time in emen Tears he had been in .To aen with seleet a oda live bbard not believe in icing them as epeciel church. lie stated lee littened to the Of direetOrs, them who will aft, Ma thoee awards. 'What X mean Is te inerease the einging, Ana to the talit About hira, otter who lean, It we don't put eomethina awards 4 your vomiter list by raising the ,the serviee: and that when lee hatt, ap- thine out of it. Jail hero may I sepeat invardS. Too Matey elleciala make extre people to Ale eatisfaction he 'scent ea* praleetl the *felines of them Oataelo Into ottr erOrk We eala blinel to eet any- amount of the firat, eecond, and. third a portion of a atuotattoo erom Ella W • -earl: for the „twig% and Us meny eaees is to lib ear and meetly preyed -for the 'Wilcox, eiititled 4'11filliot. Are Inner :Mt fair to the exbibitorte Tite only ope- fhat time In seven years too-thet the • ',wherever you ao you will flud the eiale that teaoulel be ghat), •are thoes People of hts country might grow to be like Canal:Ilene. in faith and respect ler world's incases are alwayo divided In where eeede are donated and theee should juet these two 'Classes, and Odaly be left to the secretarl to be awarded to iel ul * tilbleet vie the eatuater of entries; froulYC'35 'theta one fairs haat le, each county. peeing my are „ znat, elareneuene og entree, thetnand to GVcr theco thoirend. I gument, an the laets I:eatabled in the lalay I that ant on aline le realn therefore, eel-tele/a thet the Bandy wee bendet aud tallowina eaell nein to have the teak of the (Mario Committee on meant by the tam tIcct„.? .5 in better etantillea eve* way then a pepulation of 10,003 people. and on aeoaemy pewee, yesenea which ba It b not really the fad olonino 1 reeelved the alrileintments amend valuattort of $5,000,000, nave memberehip from point* tat oyer the Pro biof or ti n to pro s toent?" f a w. StAnaardising Prize List tame to the Conclusion that we have too lance, 01 munatipalities belno represent- ing a g pile Money n. elde eetratagantnattractiand Or Maine. ea. X Mention tine Prize list new? / many fall leire tho present tima My ed. The startling Information is given In An encatiragittg eign of the tittlee mono in order to draw a canal. What ain tater ee etanoardizing the net • reference applies ottlY to older Ontario. their first bulletin that, wailer the POO - da thinla b elleala be lamely ear es passuge, Regarding etteb, done. I will take the county. in Newels a live lotion et the province wee increesed only the acreage, population anti assessed value of this county with eeroe other counties, and you Will see for yourselves that X MO justiiied in .advocatasa the elimination of has Mereaeeti 2800 per eent• • atte Committee finds that in 1904-0 total. direct provincial taxetIon in Ontario :unmated to $1.129,860. • In a great many fair*. ° 1030-1, 'this lied been increased te the • X Ulla*, that the establishtnent of fairs enormous sum of $32,854,982-a month shaind b accoedloa to the distribUtietl of 2800%. In that same period the pop- e! population, and not 'aecordiog to tea- Mutton of the PrOvince increased less didn't, or the particular desire a 0 group than 410%. The largest single &term of of people, where the desire 'would coontaxation, in 1930-1 was the gasoline tax, filet with the neighborIng faira, even which netted the, Province $1131950,045, without the etatutory limits ae to elis- In 1904 this tax was non-exlsemt. Auto tame (20 miles) as established by the apt. licenses yielded $4,687,521 in 1930-1. X think there should be an advisory board Thirty years ago receipts from this eource •appointed, having legal powers of super- •were negligible. Sueeession clutles dollow vision. to wone. in comitnection with,. the closelo M point of inerepse, the figures local gaiety and boxing authority to being $9,504 814 and $6$4 176 In, 1930-1 regulate grants ete.td male regulations as and X904-5 respectively. The corpora - to the distributicn of fairs in such 4, way' tion taX yielded '$51,829,736 1920-1 and as to produce the aeat rests both. edu- jotate5 only aea5,688. Tine, increase eationally and linancially, the said board has been a severe handicap to industry. to regulate the number of fairs according Fees, fines, eta, brought $3,951,254 to to the Population area. and value of the the treaeury in 1939-1, against $741,578 in • preperta set within a given dietrict, and 1904-5. Reoenties front the public sita •'as° to ntake available increased attrac- main increased, from ;2,280,817 to $4, - tions suitable to the on the ch'- 839,262 tn. the same period, while rals- • cult Plan, oomPattble with athe general oellaneons depa.rtmental reVenues grew Agricultural development of the area con- from $475,109 to $12A70,675, This. tee- -earned, meadous growth is attributable largely to With the advaneameut of the times, the reiretzuesof the Ontario Liquor Con - via, the bighWay, the automobile, and tree, Board, whtch 1930-.1 amounted to the trock, it demands the elimination of approxanately $10,015,000. great Many fairsi, By the reductfcer in The Committee makes several cons - the number ot fairs the department would tante on the situation; • . be in a better position to give substantial 1 It will be noted that while the taxes grants to the temaining fairs, and als.o have increased over, 2800% the pop - be able to give grants to the field crop ulatien has increased. tem than 75%. eompetitions, Which / think are one of 2. The cast of living weed up from 100 the Most important teatures In the Thee in lam to ego in December, .1931 of agriculture. (36%; increase), declining from 161 While I have hinted at many lines of in December 1121. Since Decem- thought which A fully deVeloped as they ber, 1931, the cod of living has gone elate well may be in the discussion which down. ta 12as. • 3. As demands for provincial expendi- tures have increase, tatration has • had to assume a larger share of the and order." What a tribute. this is to God and tellow swan and eonstituted law coouah you Will tind too, I aware t* exbibitore tekitar tile most points Canada and. Canadianel should. be, — thankful we aye he this great.province, the foundatione of which, were lain be godly, industrious, ,eolid people :whoee traditions, ond particularly in rural ona twin have been coatinued to the present day. Nes may think we are in a bad way and. things are not bright, but we are fertunate, indeed, compared with the re-, public. • We doubt,4aftets ails if there in a spot on the globe tedast where tonditione are any better than Ontario. We are fortunate. also, that we live under Bri- tish ideals of justice. law and order. BAND c INSTRUMENT, opts is Goo*, Roes' Muskat inatromente at pricel vie never dreamed rosaibio-Tnaleatta Trombones,. ifooro- piton ase 'montane Promo sanjoir-erne tormaaparts and sundries tor ail lotrumcol% GIFT OF OM, Tom In your old Instrument:a wo eromeo a sod aiiovranate- thisadverthennalsweetk ems en any rieW 111,11.1‘Sond roritiestratatcata to ea anti Free That Faroe • witiTE NOWT: enekeo this. advertise., went In your attn. • s, there le only One lifter for twenty the different classes. This doM away - who lean. In which awe are yoU? with the printing of an extrit Prize lisi. Are Yon easing the load of overtaxed • and in that WAY saves IlloneY. lifters who nal down the road. or " In the &penal features of the fair, the are yga leaner who lets others bear directors should eater as far al possible your eternal?, on lalior and worry and to the lecol exinbintr, and particularly • to ehe'exbibits bf the boys and girls. Select Yottr direetors within a radius Yaa call have a nonn 'rase, a Potato rata for boys. For girls you eatad have prao- of etter 10 to. 15 MUM. This, groulaelmuld tical 4arninn and Patching, aleo potato be intelligerttly selected., tUat le to say a peeling and setting a table for four peo- cemmittee on aorees composed of horse- pie. These lad four to ae ,dernonstra,ted men who are interested in horses. wile on the eabibition grounde, own and raise the same, a cemmittee on Sonia Practical. Attractions cattle to be eemposed. et men laterested In cattle raising, the same opplies to Boys' foal elute exhibits in a horse :Mop, owl* and poultry, as Well as breeding district are very attractive pro - grates and scale, &mars, ladies' wore ylded the competitiort exinelned to the and doraestic science, crowd. A olub suoh belps to keoP Secretary and Treanor Two Olen up the interest el the fair tita year rtum this group of directors chocse a round, Calf and Pig clubs may' be or. president, one who has the qualitiee en sauteed and 'exhibiee brougld to the fair, leaderthip, oleo a secretary and a tree, Scbool parades, ehampionthip contests surer, X do not believe in a secretary- open to salmon taking part in school. treasurer as In most eases this does not fairs are a useful attraetien, MA com- petent Judges mad be obtained in order prove satisfactory, The secretary mist keep oneek 4:in the to carry' out these competitions, satisfac- treasurer end the treasurer on the secree toren Speelal work Must be dime by tary. Each should keep a separate set the board to ensure a satisfactory num. or books and should be ready aral willing ber of ecilools taking part There may to have these books emanated by • any •also be Need farmers' grain club exhi- rriember of the fair board tir any mem- bits, The grain clubs are a great benefit ber of the Moiety at nay' time. 1, may to any conerourtity if properly earned out ralr that the presid'ent, secretary and the • treasurer comprise a finance committee for the board.• ' To be a good secretary he inust ae truly consciettious and tot lock too. Much, to the terntmeration he is to re- take; to apply Idroself in every wily he possibly can to make' the fair success met to be ready arid. wining to answer any (abalone cheerfully at his busiest moment, plan ways arta means to rane funds for dolog you get, the 'people In tile netglibor- Is to follow, I letve not completely cover - but the mere fact ot an eallialtor, hearing, ed the ground, MA merely indicated some say One-nelf bushel' of Ptckest grain, doe of the main avenum of approagh to the not improve . the grain eau:Oates of the cOnsideratioa of the' subject ai:a whole, country, It. is quantity ot goed seed we With these thoughts and suggestiora, want There might luso be a 'boys' and leave the matter in your hands, assuring girls' public 'spealcirtg contest, I consider you of my loyal support 'tor whatever de - this tom of the greatest accoMplishments a boy or girl ean, have. There might also be sirtginte contests for boys and girls. The Protessimud -Exhibitor Ile should be a good organizer Vie directors should try end be original in Ms ideas in, order to, local exhibitors in all lilies and by•so len, to nicoitrage 'Pereobal eat/remit= of a Personal opm. Thank Youl • • • • velopmertts shan oonte out of thls paper and discussion. Mt Presielent and friends, I thank you tor your extremely eourtsous attention to Ithe luiprovement of the grounds and the in g eorriMunities interested, The direct- ' Obituary advAnceinent of the emit have given tors most not be discourteous M the zo- . • You the qualities of whet 1 think should Called protessioase exhibitor Irene a dies • Make a good s tary. ' lance, but they should. eat Meourage hint • Sas describ X do not pre utile to have the qualities to come. It is a Matter far consideration so -a -e'en -ea° .• be .:willing to make a geebie attempt. ' In make any effort to bar the professional In the. passing es Anne Churchill, . s Jartuary, 1929, 11 bad' the mIstertune to exhibitor. The matter, should be entire- widow of Jas. It LindsgY, Which occur - Canada Mem; by theelfley'e Maisano (triple sttettgat)-sind buy it Oat/ time they need. in . 4, Otte little elis and tbe oral:tent mugh ee t to say the least wottld by any fair board wh tea• they h• AIRS. JAS. LINDSAY j. e er quid be al/Pointed secretary of the North Rene ly in the bends of the board. • red Tuesday oftemoon, Feb. ilat, at her • Personalise' a ant hz favor of leaving tt eheine, Prineaske gtreek • Clinton, in ter open to any 'exhibitor, 1 am of the opirt- e4th year, Cioderieli townShip has lost ion that there are plea in every cona one of the earliest, pioneer settler's. airs. 53 gone. n tett, doses and that tough on:lithe popition as 1 knew thiage were not munity quite capable -tatanclaley and aindsay was born in Lqndon Eng eb. honaorm tOugh la heard no More- its i any toe arenteina, to ..werk „nine otherwise of emimethoe with any exhibl 10 1849, and those who are familiar wit,h Wondettill, to watch bow speedily bad, gltend Co. Grant on Improvements tot All they need is eOcetirageneentIn aOnglisit history rrtay recall that it was `lingering Colds are aut out of 'Wetness, • After due consideration I decided. to 04 laaalltY •we have a man breeding the late Queen Victoria's wedding day, eedale horses, we are,neVer troubled Bei parents were the late 'William Char- .It's the same *with ,brombitis-right accept and helP out only under two conOlyd e away that ttghtnets loosens op -the bran- ditionsthat there be a taeaserer ape with any outside exhibitors in the Clydes. 01411 and Anne ((otterati) Churchill, his lohial paatages elear-you're .tet your tees pointed, and that 1 might be permitted dale class* The man 1 have reterenee to wife. Ninety year ago she, with her to deVise tome plan t again -happy and breathing eaeierraiee funds in orhes sold animals that bait, been winners parents, came to 'Canada. Comlog as far . o - - And here's ennething elsen--Buckley's der to make improvements on the at tante of the big teamsas IlamUton by train. the rest oi the jam , We inIght Say the same of the Beef ney to this section was irtade by ox - stet -Le at °ace to fieUtralize the add con- grounds and building which were in need • ditiort present and that helps too, , repair, also there was a •great. burden 'Cattle. Last fall we had a truck load of team. ' Ort their arrival at Cook's tavetn, Y nu, neenonny eattle ethie in and Otte of our ioml ex- Mr. Churchill had otte shilling 111 . his ou may heed laucideSall Mixture Ai- Of nebt which ehould Manors carried ote the mod champion pocket, Which be spent at that place, and night for .Yeurself or the oleadren-eso lteen %Ala. A Meeting was ealled md all ad a bottle one' keep it hotly -acts Ina 'agreed that /Alai be allowed to try male nr126, The aline Might be said of relatingthe incident. years afterward., he a, flash-a single sip vroves 11. For your my plans, X call lie all debts by in- sons tit the Poultry breeders in the locale said it was the lest piece ef money he ity. 'Ohe amateur can always learn handled for meny a day. They took up health's sake,. demand littleMey's. Cheap serting an ad. in the locanpapers, I got lailtatione are reamerona, • • bony on a popuiality.aeateet and at the Something from the professional exhibi- bush land in con. 11, Goderich Town- freve Agricultural Society at the Lemuel ratethlat alien not being Present at that 'meeting; was 'undecided ea to aceepting DEPRESSIONS ALWAYS END. - WE HAVE )UST REPAINTED A CHART' MADE OVER 75 YEARS AGO -CALLING EVERY, DEPRES. SION AHD YEARS �f0000 IIMES FROM 916 TO i99* - IT COMET TO DATE. • THE MOST INTEREST*40 REAM ING AVAILABLE...60On TIMES AHEAD VMS FOB YOUR FREE COPY. HOTEL WAVERL Y 10A0114A t COLLEGE ST. TORONTO wittl• roe rotate INAIRANCE • The Mutual Life Assurance Company • of Canada ESTABLISHED 1860 11200 *Mt t WAT2400. • D. D. MOONEY AGENT MORE 250 ,t CASA, %DM end of a period of erwea weeks, I had a torship, when Ms whole section was "for - trust acceunt at the bank of t12811.00, Eueourage School Pale cat primeval," On one oceasioit her after peeing $160.00 to tlle eandidaies It bas been said time after time that father, returning home trona Goderlch, and other exPenses• I was Oble oil june we should enceurage the smell Lair, that where he was workhig, was forted totin in Mier couree:ai°11° itling with mew Le ere he rentaall night other LW of the larger fah I do not climb a tree, whined burden. 1 The only category' of revenue other • than taxation that has increased aPoroxiinately as fast as taxatime is • Departmental Miscellaneous ateve- nue. This la due to the revenue the Liquor Control: Board . which possibly might be added to taxation and would increase the percentage sef increase under that head. , a The revenue from public domain, has not kept up with the increase in other revenues.. • 6 The eorporation tax inereased over five times diulne the period. The Committees Recommendations Three preliminary recorareersdationis have Wen made by the Committee, as a genera/ basis for co-operating -with the Ontario Government with a vievr to re- ducing taxation, which in turn will netes- eerily recluire lessened: expenditures, .1 Taxes on Mistimes Corporations should not be at such a level as to handicap' Ontario) ihdustry in corn- peAtion with that of 'other provinces. 2 The numb domain should be• eon. served so as to greatly increase the • revenue therefrom. 3 • As increased taxes are caused by demand for more expenditures, such • demands should cease at least tor some years and let the ability to pay taxes catch up on the &mead ^ Sor taxes.' The publit should co- • operate with the Ontario Govern- ment in the endeavor to balance the Provincittr budget by refraining from demandlhg public expenditures pro - Delay Payable out ofrevenue and en- •couraging redUctitms in current ez- Pendltures. e Comirdttee pains to Issue further Bladder Trosibles • Bother Many' Past 40 Seven Out id Ten Are Victims But 'Writer Tells How "nratabs' Bring, Swift, Amazing Relief With • Rencesed .Vital Force • "No one knows Isettet than 1,1,3* hor- ror of :joyless, days and sleepleses nights Wh. There,liave been times en, X felt hope-. less aro beipless-and when MY weakness caused me the most intenee 'humiliatton, Only these ,who have gorTietlerough mica toitures, can possibly realize liny great satisfactime milers. Dr. Seuthwortha 'URA - TABS brosigin me auicit, relief. TABS are are truly wonderful, and give them full praise." Ouch amazing eeklence zerves. as oonvinciag, preof of the Power -of tJRATABS to 'relieve these distressing .ailirients so often a handicap to those in middle life,. • ' Overworked, sluggish aidneyen and blad- der weakness, bting on so many distrea- slim ailments which se often lead to ser- ious eitseasee that: effro .very suerer fm Lameness, Pains in ba.ek, ,atxcl: down through grotns, 'manta auterdnuent, urin- •ation. "Getting-up-nightia, .1sTervous Irri- tabintO and Lack • of Force -should .ery the amazing' ail* of Dr, SouthwortiOs ITRATA.1313 at ,Oneet Any good druggiSt win supply: you on a guareatee of set's- factton or money back. . 12th to transfer on the trust account it 4 feeder to the North Renfrew Agricultural So. agree with this Idea, as in a area many with the wane howling around belobelow.es e WOMEN'S INSTITUTE PRAYER tiety the sum of $110118. I may state cede the small fair is act worthy of th. 0eoni g a eelne 0 stene himse a hare that every dollar of this amount title "Agricultural Faire' 'what I do say the tree With this leather belt to prevent AS spent au iniprovements, Ineidental. Is to encourage the school fain for the felling anntak the hungry beasts. On ty 1 might enentton that 1 think tile following reasons. In these times ea Oetober 17th, 1806. Mule Ohtlachill was eounty grant should. be spent eech year worldewide ec000mic depression, it 15 vary Married to Jatnes IL ListasaY, WhO prede-. 1.12 Iraprovemeras tele' tni this way son. important that there is defintte leader.. ceased by her 10 years. They were ma- tinee to keep the grounds arid lad/maga shire and! do riot blew et any .4aeney tied by Rea Dr. McDonald, the first lia it fairly .respectable condition, so that tehloh alp develop efficient Isadore Mere Presbyterian *Molder located at •Dikiton, 'when visitors mime to the fair they may quickly than e.chool tare among tetra" TheY farmed hi aotleriell Township uns see for tbemeelves tile result of some ef. people. The Solicon Pair develops the til lknie Imideaan leading.* Afterward the fort ori tne part of the board, t also latent talents Winch every ehild pOeSeesee Widotv alld family moved intet Clinton. think that the planting of trees, and the in the line of pubac speaking and sing- She was PreebYterian in religion and was memo& et a tramber of Willie Presbyterian caUrch, POIlhal of flowere, ad& to the amear. inn It teaehes the childten arteee also good respeetable man attraen Showmanship and develops their powers 011atenboth the onion, when she and r - Ivo totraftee to the grounds is tagentiol. of obeervatien Mr requiring theta to eents hefamily beettrae Vatted ehurth sup Boca-iaecong system Pare their on exhibits 'With those- la Petters Mid Meznbere of Wesley Willie Rots' tornee a eUegestittra as to the S tern of beekkeeping, It is on easy mat- all rear,. an, , wen ane John a for the larger eXilliations of which, the farming in Ilullett and Makin* at lantlei to torreeptnid With reeelpte and expentla in 4nninne 1 Linde o, Lottdon; One daugh- ter to rule your btolt with the heat/logo - a - -..- ..-..---- .....„ ter,t$$$.... 4$,. t i our enuna Sermon who are established Anti most micceessur of jwntentbesne at noltie: atid or the end e years her mothers constant atteta- t re,a s ie f nu 2 eti 20 14A1 at the cloee ot the year the total,, eer„ for theinselvee, an lind that the boy or dant, five grandchildren and one ereat hop 3„,a,a in mug yaor rerat or ;tea:: girt who made a gOca allowillg in echool grandchild. little Margaret Falconer. The "4" fair wotk is following it up in later life T•nnern14 whleit wag private tink place • eial atatement, zuch as total mouth on your book on the left nand margin. then Fall fake its Ontario ireve uUderg0110 frem. the bank at the end Of the year, earns bee not been in 11=11104Y with the 1 tvlien the treaStirer bringa the totteltem an evolutim whielt in .st, great many number each vatteher to toreespend with slant of the ploneets who came, and year • the entice in the took. This tomb to after year eut down the forests to centre niunglia Mattera for the Auditoro, By lamer acreage of land which. with Rs mina this totem. that b to lame an or- abundance of fertility 'atin plant fend der eigeed by the 4:clattery and prendent, gave many crops of excellent quality ea the treasleen and the treasurer to Ware aga the fall lab was considerea an letue tete ebeetee en tho bulk. the eectee enzellent, nieetiag pleee for old acctuaint. ea mother one day. tarn the treasurer aro!, tho batik (le) artete Mid le daya out, for an owel "Were la:Ong elitirela" relined Jackie. bate n elleek on tacit other. therefore It Of Perrale. It is Interesting to leek over "Row Meal" ettid trtother, "but wore - totripention ' this therefore prepares thee) 'United* SdrVIVIag are tat St)1114* Charles, • herses, tattle. etc. Number eeeh Ron in Agriculture Net Vaudeville Thursday afterncon, Rev. ix E. Faster conducting the etervive. Intenthent was Made hi Clinteln cemeterja The bearers were: A. Tyntlalt aan Seat, Win. Grant, Guy Hicks, Robert Faber and John Da John and Mrs. 1.,ixWay same over from London on 'Wednesday afterneen end renteined far the funeral. Knows the Songbkds "What are you children playing?" ask - is impossible to have meta and not be the Pato lista. of the boards at Agricol- able te acute toe time, The Anly %Ay Staletiee of the '60's' and reed the more tars be naafi is by either the era. rellerte of their eshibitionS. Prises were nets* ae net treesenrer mates cane given for the best teems of osen, atet, /ess deflations eatd ingleeting to Pest theft in than ten eoket shown. by- any one towri. the books or by Money being pald tut' Mila In Poultry, liMe fowl iret e Very tor pmtate. poputsr, and the preetitt state:had breads man Nay neat earetaey eer zoo) Were slot inetitiollesi. Wild turkey e Isere and 100. in that One We made 3Me or. w.f. Long Stadia: Cough Was Cautell Relived Mr. P. itumeil, WO% writer.-* "1 hare es mu& eremite* web Fa, mod tter• bed were tells and reuditt, gad wed to km* hiud time "Wow rid 01 Wu. I had trod loway=irratedir*, reurel 'yea 000 frirml room .itt.Wood's 'Newsy Piott Pyrep., Afro, the Reit brittle I frat huortruftest. the woad Wile completely tethered me et ay rad murk" • bettic lame Wg o" sive W.; MI dn. aul woe; up tidy by The T. Minmo tTok Limited. Totedtl, Nonni SYnIP also in competition. Our Agricultural Smertles Act ntyathat the object of Its oeeration es to promote Improvetrient,itt agrkulture, aleterticul- been dent:alio nide:Are. Itertieulture ritiOnhiatures and the useful arta We 1 agree thet the printery laroducer ot trains. butes, feedstuffs. and forest Peta dada la t3* neat peewit to StOte and start' the circulation of motley. The Agtkul. • tidal *witty encouttiges the production cf articles of high solidity. Wen at lhe precut da.y when prices ate low, scene fattens at topetier Malty ate cenovienttn ins rainy eani, pekes, * regretteale Met dating the Pelt tweet, ewe there hes been a tett4ettey 011 the pot (.4 tt fair bees& It Mien/ shaper* Sbouldn't whisper in church," "Wo know that mother." ft141 Jackie, "but were the cheirreaWatehmart Ex. Annear. p Mrs. Tremblay has handed in the fol- lowing, 'watch. we ,are pleasea to nehttett: • The followinO le a prayer pitted on the 1933 progroan of a certain Womeres Inetitute and is well worth Consideration of other bastitates and other organizatiorts and individual.s: • • Iteep ue, 0 God, from pettitteta: let Its be large lit thoughts. ill order Med at deed. Let us be dorm with fault. finding and leave off eelf-teekinn. May we put away Preterite and meet earch other face to face witneut ear pity ruld etitliout pre- judiee. MAY we never be hasty in judg- remit and aways getaertate. Let us teke time for all things. Make us to grow calm serene -and. gentle. Int in put into adion our tater impubes, stmight far - warn Men unafraid. Grant that eve May re.eliee it is the Ilttle things that create differences; that in the big things of life we are one, and may eve Strive to touch ana to know the great vonntiou woman's Inert,• And 0 Lord, let us not forget to be kind. Deities' Vayptian tinirrient relieves toothaehe and neuralgia. Invaluable ita Moe Of trolly, cote threat and quinsy. • Xeep it bottle handy, GODERICHI MONUMENTAL WORKS HAMILTON ST. • Beet Material and Latest Designs Extmrt Workmanship All Work Guaranteed Prices Reasonable • Your business will be • . appreciated. FL A. SPOTTON 00DMIC11, - ONTARIO ' 0. Box 161 • • neersian Balm is alluringly •fraerant. Ands a tharraing refinemerit to the most finished aapeaaance. Creates and pre" . serves compiexiout. of suraas.sine loveat- .nes,s and textures Softens and whitens . the hands. Cone end dispe* an irrita- tion eause-d ty weather conditimts. • • EhalftlY 'atnorbeti by the tissues leaving' never it 'Vestige of ankh -less. A peerless ' toilet requisite. Inveluable ta at' women wiio care for elegance and distinction. - , ' AKA Nnitik Sem er 'fitt Rom VitigittSt %IOW , \tilkY 41Ei iikt„ tiveakku .00/1 eloesiersee. • 1 JOHN_ PINDER • PLUMBING, tivarm SHEET METAL WORK Phone 127 P. a Box 131 • Do You Need COUNTER CHECK BOOKS? WE CAN SUPPLY Carbon Leaf Carbon Back BefSoereeligaoLiTietut Order The Goderich Star Phone 71 For 30' cents You an telephant Await 100 miles by txdang AO "A.Ar• tifies.' calf (station., wsistion) after $.30 NO. See fist of rtiet in from of directory. teThat's great, Bill —well sure be there" "rd.give an eyetooth to go into the city and see that hockey game to.. morrow night," )red said, "hut Vett never get seats." "NVIty hot get Bill on Long Dia, tame?" Hilda suggested. "Perhaps he could get yon a scat today." "By George, try k," Fred agreed. Two minutes later he had Bill etti the line. Bill not only could but would and, what's more, he had a seat for Hilda too. • •41 did enjoy that game,' Hilda said afterwards. "rni certainly obliged to 13111- and glad we have a telephone."' c l• . I