The Goderich Star, 1933-03-02, Page 4PAGE ?OUR
Dry Goods for . the Family
1 ' ' ' The Sale Vou Have Been a_-
...„., . . ... . •. .. S FOR PARTICULARS.
,..‹..„ •
- first president twos Mrs: Andrew 11, Kirke, i the special cervico at Grace church. The$ l sL D
now of Seaforth, "Three of the charter 1 men's chair turned out splendidly and Mxs. David. Sturgeon, cf Credito#►; spe �t
members are still members, Mrs, W. R. the offering •'was very liberal fo an en-
�tnthexs, Mrs. Itebt. A. 1�eKensler 1Hlss � tiemesnateTntn avaa p � a �t�v the minstrel
Sunday is the village with friends.
Florence Duff (nsiw are. F. Ross), ln1 t xai. Mr. and Mrs; ,Pexoy�Westnn and Mrs.
at o e
Sill prgbttbAity the 20th anniversary of 1 band taking charge of most of the pm- Matins spent Tuesday afternoon G
,. its organization will be celebrated next; gram. The bandy Consisted. of tied Bell, rich..
resinuents were Served. violin; • Lorne Porter,, jews' harp;..Dave Mr. Bohn R. Cameron, our local asses -
year. Dainty ref • tier and. Everet Me- assessment a es-'
Davidson,sin, Arnold Po sot, is handing out the as
U*am, :mouth ,organs; Dien Is I art,l flees these amis. guitar; Orvii Powell, accompanist: These
boys with their black faces and red neck-, Several of our local sports attended tat
ties; :were 4utte striking- and put on a Clinton and Goderich h4clteY
good, program. Others =inhere on •the Clinton on Monday'Lon-
program were a Short speech by .Fred .Mrs. Qeeil Webb visited friends urned:
Elliott; reading, 'Bev. B. M. Gale; song, don the past two weekSand ret
Jim Stirling; reading, borne Elliott; home on Monday of this week.
Ver cellection t1194 'taken' The eVening mouth organ selection, Bay ,Cox. A.. sf1- Mrs. Murray h engaged as pause -
keeper. for �.. A3ex. Welsh fn Clinton
and 'started on her duties .last week,
.Mrs. George W. Elliott and son Billy,:
returned home this • week from a two
week's' visit with her, sisters in London.
Messrs David Sturgeon and Eldon
Meatier, hof Crediton, visited the former's
mother anti brothers here on Tuesday,: .
Dr. Newton Brady, of Hamilton, spent
the `Week -end at his home here. Mrs.
Newton -Brady returned with ' him to
spend this week. in Hamilton.
The local Badminton Club 'held a very
successful euchre and dance in the town
hail on Monday. evening; Prizes e
given in the euchre after which dancing
was enjoyed bY. a large crowd.
' T1 e• Local fishermen finished up their
ice harvest on Tuesday, the, ice being a
first-class quality ten 'noises thick. They
'have been very. successful this winter in
securing plenty of good ice.
Mr. George Sturgeon; one of our local
handy men, has just finished shaking a
violin which, when stringed up and fin-
ished, has a beautiful tone and surely i�,
does credit to the maker; being leis first . Geo ge: "And wale yon Seasick , r,
• •Sa
s .go sea
I. Iia yr .
aria •.
St Art- ata r three days in bed, . stagger-
' Mr. Rhona, tenor singer inh �
drew's United church choir here, sang ed acri'gss the. room and threw up the
two tongs over the radio broadeasting. \vindOW.
• • • •.
• 4 1
oxer:: - a..
Big av ng
ews 1Ufl,aflflO1Z
11, ,De• even by Miss Nancy Biefr on "How to
O, ii, Popp Was a recent vlhitor lti , g ,,, There. Will be a deiuoi stra
troit. dress well.
d was a tile. home. don of "Three girls, dressed torokspor
R. it hrOtt4l ' Bita�le, :send -firma] oocasiofs, and
C hit .Brother»lit»IoW, Garden 'Vim. Webb (Elsie' Anderson), Evelyn Dui-
Con. n Ashfield, .
' .-Cin �`uesda�*. February 28th, to berg. • and Edna Crawford. Miss 'Helen
Mid Nits:. Harvey Andrea's, foiteession Andersen will Give Johnston."adCurrent
on "The
..t: aw nosh, ti daughter. Life of. Paulinen"Current :5,WealK� Wawa
�Tf,. A. Medallion, : of puntyannon, Events" will be given by>aCe'1 .,Culbert,
v Y" G. Shaw, Nile, are at 'Tor- The hostesses will be and Mar-
.Ra . \ G
onto for a fear days this week, in attend- Laurette McClure. DortS•Smyth
. 'ance, at a tempet'anee eotivention, garet Durnin,
Mr. James McCluskey?, of G•oderieh, had D iintson School',lteper.
a ituinber of horses delivered for him 'at, I,t nes Young,
ailnon en :Tuesday, he having par" Senior aeons: ,Form 1 -Agne Mines,
clung til;
chased them Prom s north of tier, - 04„. Gertrude lFinnigan, 57; Kitchener.
Mies Thelma Johnston,nsondmutxhter.of 61; 4g; asst.,
and. Mrs. Archie Johnston, Ashfield, has Finnigan, 49i.Thornton Eedy,
*turned home•fofowing a visit with her Whyard• 41, i orzn Vein aeth trnders Park, 82; f others f a similar
.niece, `Miss Belle Swan, Myrtle caldwel , , nature.
been assist- Lucille ''Sedy,' 53; Jimmie Million, 45. Sr: At' the morikitrg service in Dungannon
•11dwith a t re a moin, whoha has 1; Donalde. Jones, 'United church, the junior sermon was the.
tng with a three. Months' •course 1n Flome 19".—Lois, 'Treleaven, 3. g, Viola Young, B nitec church,
the on Cigarettes; and the
t l61lklumY,' returned : on 79; Fred, . W Jove igitt, 96; - e ,
R picture 'was the cigarette lace, g
da to her Bone West: of. Dungan- 65;' Bertha Jones, a3, Willie Reed, L the ward 'e, using the
7'u4s Yletters .comprieing
on. 1%r • .IV — A1rna; Anderson, 76t Dorothy hY rle: • th sermon was based
n : r euchre was Hash, h5; Madeline Caesar, 11; Murray form the face.
la the Pa Progressive ball i1e u ss 68 violet the subject of "Hretherly. Love;'
held In the Parish ball Friday mewing Campbell, 61 Donata Curie 661 Ms►•1-. use from the -text .found in Romans
a =tuber of people being present from; eoringtan, 67; Alberta Currie, > token
"- .inter were Miss calm Mackenzie. 591 Harvey Culbert, 591 13:10, "Love worketh+no i11 to his neigh
Lncknaw The pr a -t ' Caesar, 58; Verne Alton, 551.: Irvine bor, therefore love• is the town;tof floe
• Eluttg ss, aWuoknow, and, Charles. pundit, Billie hard Park, 51; filbert Rivett law." .
•Eedll, b4; Ree a .'Brotherly love means bearing the
• iC Yn . It• IA• ¢ . •:Doris Sa.ati, 45: of our neighbors, our brands and•
i Harold Fhttki8aii, 47, burdens
tint agr u1- 48; lI
Mr. 13. s native, Clinton,ssts ted• The duty
tomb representative, tmab Cyis. Number On soil 34. PATRICK, our lfellowmen,af the cchurch cis combating
f the iodivi.,
resent •At •tile: iregutar monthly I>AGMER dust
W be p 'Club ' Temcliee;•
present' evils:•
The cliuroh is ilio
Is of the lustier a rmers re4eat 8 day ev S spiritual •rah la the
bice being laid on Thursday evening Vomen's Institute Mettfnr p • ... the 'present age
W\ and charity. 'The sin of P
of this wecir, o Tate regular meeting:of the Dutkgannon is uteg..'of syltipathy,: resulting •.ikk beeirt""
Blyyth and d °Mira: Heavers Angtisrelat f W::X, held at the Home of Mrs. J. J. Ryan breaks °and failure iii: church as .well as In
on Monday, coon to their a ovallvo Thursday afternoon was one! of the.most
r fit ble meetings held forsome time: national lite. There Is need 01 the re-
on Monday, .prior to Rlteir removal to'vival.of the Spirit of Clod in our Hearts
ac opted it on sition A where have . M mVItathnt Irbitt the 1°1'6111°4"h to
lloat'fisp elle a position as assistantsMr.'at the join with them in their summer meeting And lives so that we may be doers of the
Steerrt Nurseries whit Mr. 'and - .. 'in May or June, -when a speaker trona tht, word tinct not hearers only, 'We shaulcl
Bfittate - ; , ' n Department is.'to be present, was accept make this not only our own law . but the
At the 'service in BrakingPre�byierlab ed. A letter from a. A. Campbell, src. law of society.. The evening service was
church, Sunday afternoon, ;tet, Chas. Ii', tress. of the School Trustees' and, Rate- sot the young :'people, and ntustc was reri-
Mfdils occupied the pulpit, choosing dere& by n young people's choir. . The
aro lits text: the words found in Revels- payers' Association of the Ontario Edu subject of the sermon was. °'imitators,
tions ' 3;13 .to 32: --the latter which St; cations] Aesoel5tton was read; requesting copyists' and mimics," or "tho power of
a delegate to ihs annual convention in example".Man is s, mimic; and we be-,
John the Divine Way dh..ea ded ta.awrito It�ronko at Easter. This ted to a aiscus-
to tho church at i acdt:". Sial ot, ways hi which the lnsUtute may Dome like our environment. Just as illi,
xt:ineeting of the school board of ISunnature's creations imitatetheir• surround;
public school was held :at, the be of assistance to the schools, the out- j (rigs, Fo we .roust chcaso our "company.
eotto of which was drat with the consent 1 Sin is more dangerous than tiny 'onto -
gannets .
eider, of lifts. Davidson... ;ecretarY-treat .of iha school board, the teaching ofd
curer, on Mondays evening. Ameut other music. (singing) is to be commenced im- gliaus disease. We .should build Dux lives
Matters of business dLntts ed -vaB file mediately. in Dungannon „Aloof. under so that. others can find in us a right ex-
' Crooned lceriug of grants to .ttttioin the dire1ntet tion of Miss Margaret Pentland.: aettP]e. No. one lives .to himself. The
bathle. by the Department of anttssliian, .a local music :te,aelier. The appointment text tuns taken from John 3:11, Beloved,
(lath legislative and tatveisltip grants bah* df o. delegate was Left :Diet until .the follow not that whish is, evil, but that
reduced, according,, to press reports ce March meeting. A vocal duet by the which is. gond."
T'rcmter Heni7r"s retail tninouitcement. des Claire Penland and Margaret
Senior Institute Meets . Ryan, �t'ith Miss Margaret Pentland at NILE
The regular monthly+ meeting • el the the plana. was •enjoyed•, also an h Tatra- urn. Dan McPhee.acid Mrs. J. H. pea.
piano solo by Mrs. G,, C. Tram,-
relea- land went is for tti visit on Weld-
on Junior Institute will b3 held. 4n Thur n wen.• Mrs, R, McDonald gave .an inter- nesday..
day, ih1 ell nth, at 3.3t) pin, 'T9io still esting aeecnunt of tiled organization of the Mr, and Mrs, .0. Stewart attended the
Cal] v�ill be answered by'° uotatitins trti a Dungannon branch, Jan. 21st; 1914, Tlie funeral o£ Mr.tThomas Strttughan, of
Pauline Johnson., An address Will be Auburn, on Tuesday. .•
;sir: and Mrs. George Rutledge had the
misfortune of losing •their newly •born
babe, Wilford George, on Friday, Inter- '
ment was itr.Colborne cemetery. on Sat-,
HATS. uraay.
We hear that our goad, friend, Hiss
Taylor, .has taken unto himself. a wife.
The bride b Mies Pearl Lawlor, of Ault '
Olt ", where
the ereablay
Thus the
e ranks a1; the
aecilitele they axe supple, soft and #latter
Nile bachelor fraternity are* being titin -
nod cut. Weil done, Roa-,1
'lug spring hots are Mote becomingThe GhrisLfart Fellowship committee
. than they have been for, at least the . under the leadership of Harvey 91e,Phee,
past we rfell13bt15, was in charge of the Meeting of the
ons. Y f IGETS �1F THE Young Peaple's Satiety on Friday! orient'
NEW SPRING RATS Mg last. Mt* Hilda Fln¢� Jan gave the
address and Miss Florence •Grahskn read
P'OItWAItD TILT • the scripture lesson. The society is art
,SWIRLED EFFECTS ' ranging far a social evening on take 11111;
" STYLES (" They have also begun practice en a play
(United Church Notes
The first of a chain of "talent" teas
under the .atsspices of the isadies' Aid
Dungannon United churok was given at
the. parranalle on Tuesday afternoon, and
was a great success, a large' number of
ladies being present during the after-
noon, Mrs. Jean MacMillan,. sistero
Rev. 1).' A: MacMillan; zuld, Mrs: George
Irwin, were the `hostesses,.. and. Mrs, Don -
old Fowler poured tea, being assisted by Brought to a :close with singing God;
the Misses Celia Pentlatkd, Marjorie Me -
the King, 7,unch was Served iby
Donald, CIaire Pentland: Marjorie Mc- .the ladles. The result of this gathering
Whinney, Melba Fowler and Jean Mae- along with the Sunday offering, has paid
Milian. The Ladles' Aid realized a neat the interest and set things on good toot
sum as a, result .of the afternoon, and big once more. What 'thankful people
their objective o1 1Q0 members is well On we should be.
the way: Announcement will be made,
as time progresses,, o o ers o lar
By Betty Barclay
No need to apologize for left -overs if
you understand how to serve them at-
tractively, In fact, some of the most del-
Iieious dishes • imaginable may 'be Made
from .left -over foods. A touch of sugar,
improves the fiartor of many a .left -over
meat:. or vegetable combination. It
blends ,the d'ther. flavors without, actually
'sweetening the ' a, 'whole; Here
are two recipes that you Will appreciate;
Chicken Orleans
Out :left -over cooked chicken in small
pieces, To two cups; of the chicken add
i^eHoplied which; t� it p.ffnely-sliced car-
rots, 2 cups canned tbmatees, 1 teaspoon.
sugar, salt and pepper. • Simmer all to-
gether until 'vegetables are tended,. Serve
With a border of boiled rice:
ing for
gate Playing—An entrancing'Chinese mystery romance THE SON -
DAUUGrHTER" with Raon Novarro and Helen Hayes.,
famous, writer of nlystery. dramas has created
til its super-thriller
n a talking picture, will hold you enthralled until
it revealed; }L,
Great as a book, 'greater tin stage, (greatest on the screen(
At',l k. The picture you have ,waited tq see 1
ash li
CLARA BOW clans as even
role: Still as viva
newand delightfully different
in a- displaying
new talents and supported by
but displaying a varietyr of SLEY '
,C%i,USOE" with Douglas k"airbanks.
Dating - MR. ROE( 3 . n►, .'
from the Free Press station, MOD, Lon-
don, a Monday evening In fine. Voice and
was ell received by radio listeners -in.
Th directors°of Bayfield Agricultural
;Socie'. are arranging to 'hold their an-
nual asked, carnival in the town hall in
Baste week When • good prizes will
given or best costumes. EUA• partic i
later. ;
Lyn! aids for the throat hoarseness and
ofi� e
loss i
entitled "He Lives." t
i'intniirlgft of ril3lifaits, eii ll! MrN, WM. Morrotvl who &leas In Oede
hotva and tidy feather orna" rich d feW class ago. was a resident of
Melds. Veaturc selling at Nile In her youth, Her niatdt (tame
$1.95 was retina t3:cafedv, being a daughter of
the /ate Jatnea Retuicdy. Atter marry"
in g Wm. Morrow, alto was ato a Nileite,
they farmed fit the'neighborhood far a
time, but left Wye for Dungannon Shout
.30 years ago. Hera Mr. Morrow kept a
store for a few years before taklu3 up
New dresses with all the interesting new features • their resid neee btr Oxterteli,
Necklines continue to he high; skirt lengths remain PORTERS `HILL
about the same; urge sleeves and wide armholes area
favored; the fabric's the thins—soft crepes, rough
erepee and printed silks.
n p
with Noir Fashion Tricks
ilhey're bard inew,.t..,..with' and molted sleeve*,
tie, !'Peter Pan and round "hug the meek" collars,
made in eggshell and white angel crepe, alio intub.
fait prints in coldle, red, blue, and green. 1
sped*, pricr"•...t..,,._,., c,C.uq..,..Du. , ..u.
Wear Oarrtf''ie#rt'a Wm". erred Sithe Mosey
West Side Square
Dress Fashions
of the Spring season
Menton Reid, Seaforth, has beer(
appointed, secretary -treasurer of ^the 14ic
Killop Fire Insurance Company, la place
of D. F. 1Lc0regor, who ,has resigned;
March 1, 1930 -Mirth 1, 1933
Meant : three yesr in: Comely.
Were not sorry we .came. Hope'
you feel the same. And Well. be
here the day attar tomorrow.
cclgates Dental 'Cream, 19c.
The 3rd day of the 3rd rn nth of the 33rd year of the Century a
Surprise—Sornething Splendid, Something' Epochal,
is Bound to Happen.
Sevens : or
re. Lucky
200 Items Reduced by this 3 cents sale- 'a special at every
3 ft, distance on our counters.
Sale Starts March
People's Store for Good Luck during
Shop. at the
this Unique Sle.
Spfii g LS caning. Mr. Deco Pocock
too tapped and repafts a fair rut dt•:
1 sal!.
On Friday evening the mite
frcm the itn1xl church %lent a cry 'seta -
sant acrd g at the Mese vt Mr, and
° Mrs. Ratty PorreiL
At the regtnlar ratting of the Men's
Clu! on T teeda4 a emir( S. Match 9th, Ian
a ldyr�Le0d., van
Clinton„ van � « « snook Von.
trot of the hNI o4 ,garble fbt" This
), should be 01 Interest to every Sumer and
the timeittrttenlianee la hopedtot Oil
'rite powder `red ler treataderii tan be
secured cheaply through the c'_nlk Ali
m.t wekofrie.
Mr_ and *gra, Lea. McMillen are
pants tit mere oft the fared into tom
Pelle expects to go memos once tolrt.
On O' it! a f(eed)s nUleber attended
At thirty-three minutes, after three tin
the third day of the thud inontlt of tile
thirty-third year of the century, Some-
thing splendid, epochal, le surely bound
to happen.
Seven threes are brought together isr
that moment of eternal time.
The war ended on the 11th hour of
the iltlt day of the lith month. •
The depression will end on the witch-
ing hour of 3,33 3'13;338
—.Star Weekly.
There is Mystery .
and Magic in
NTS s�