HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-02-23, Page 3*
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7/111tSD2.1,1"; .23rd, 1933
County and (District
D Iteberteon. tormerly en
Lentieneoze, is the new *Drunter at Ma*
"ten etatien.
" Si many at Winahava nontintm ta take
, the meaeles that the =Meal Health 4',He
near hae eland beth the High $awed ana
Public Seheal =tit further netiee.
A Vann was seen about See -forth on
Feiday, Fenruara 10th, the toltlest dey in
•Years, the thermometer reported to bate
erina between. 10 Ana 2n deereee below
DEATH ov ions' clays=
., The death occurren at tlee Weidence of
bb dangiaer ne Detroit on Monday, Pen.
13th. of Joint Clausen, a termer well
• known reeidentarralenenlie • • ne
.John Bern• who Sor ,nee pea five Vara
ea more Itareneen saline In Vie Cenadion
Banit CoMmerciat Sruesels. has re-
ceived a mave to the isranchein Tillean-
" burg.
Pr. W. J. Mijne, ot anytit,i reeoent-
tion of the valiant •work performed, by tlee
firemen at the recent the in• - 'Eurvey's
bakery.in ti .r, Milne block, entertain-
ert the firemen and their 'wives at• his
nalenal resinenee.
The aleafarth R3(iminten Club itaee
bad eingle nourt maraca in aria:am to
UIQ double court evhiela bee been in nee
emu) time area beth. comet> We nein tilled
evevy attune& ,trita OVertion. The Clubt
has a Wean:anent liet of en.
Ors Sundae', February 1201, tare.
!David, or 'Clinton, had the misfortune to
Lan in ber mem rend Ire:enured her bin
and lier am She le being eared, for at
the imene of Mt And Mrs. Janee$
by; vinare, she hen made her. laento tor
onto *ann.
Eire Mile/ Perelman, Captain. Tasker
antrieleut-Onekenbt atlynesertarle Ina sine
'epeetiort et all the businenaplaces in thet
towzt reeently eo, tabs aceituilreteil with
itairways in case ot fire.Seth fire;
man Will melte. these rounds erne a:
Fred Logan, eon or Mr, And MM. Iona
•Logan, of near Belgeave, paseed aware on
Wednesday, February tan. The deceased
man, who was tvganty-two: years or age,
centracted the MI, and later complications
Set in. He is survived, by his. paveuts and
two brothers, Clayton ana Clifford.
Mr Tomas Ste en of the Queenn,
satorth, on Wednesday. Feb, .8th, cele -
rated his 92nd birthday. Ma "Stephens
the oldest hotellreeper in. Ontario, and
spite of his great nne. is '$till active
n about every day, toeing been down
reet on businese one day evnen the ther-
erneter registered 10 below zero.
le. Erma -ram S
Late Souse Surgeon New , Yon; Orion, is
Marino rind. Aural Hospital, assistant at it
toorefleicne Eye gespitel , and .091den a
quare.Throat RanitaI, London, Eng. e
53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele, nu
thone 267.
At Hotel Berifern, Cierletlein froin 7 g
3'tkvic on the evening of the third Moue
lay «eech month until the followtng „
bay, Tuesdy aet 1 pan.
.. 1
. • —.......,
Gomm...a CIARBY, 0 t
nonsulting and Ivlutdelpal Engineering i
Dealnage---Larid Surveying.
Masonic Temple Bldg. Goperich, Ont• . 1
Phone 230
Barristers and Solicitors. •
le. C. Hays', In..0„ and R. Q. Rays, BA.
Ramtlton. street, adderich,
Telephone as
. .....--
' Barrister and Solicitor ,
Oiliter NORTH ST. • Phone' 512,
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Phone 282. leatErnTON Sln, Goderiele
. ... • .
--- .
iSareister, Soileltot Notary Publid, Etc,
Successor to X. L, Eillorala.
Phone 97. Office, The Square, Goderich.
Barrister and Solicitor .
swi ,Life Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria.
telephone: Elgin 5301
•• Toronto 2. •
Equipped With clectrolmagnetic bathe,
Eleetronic eleetric treatment arid chiro-
• ermine, Chronie, organic and nervous
diseaSeS. Lady in attendance, OftIce
hours,/ to 6, and 7 to 9 am., excepting
reenidny and Thursday by appeintments
A. N. ATKINSON, residence and
` °face, corner' of south street and Brie
*Mania Had. Phone 341.
pure, wholesome,
and economical table
Syrup. Children love
its delicious flavor.
ilE cANADA Ark �X. warritwiniants
rich direct le its stable on Jatneenstreen
and in maktng the turn at a eornen be-
came mixed up with Seine tree and Wet
tbe eutter.
. _
Thomas Penhale, Vaneeuver, B0.,
passe4 away in hie 10th year, Felnittery
9. Ile was born at spasm, west of
ter, was a brother of Wm. Penhale. of
Exeter,. and also of the late Ague Pen-
• bale, Sodont In Me Jae , Was a railroad.
fireman and engineer on the C.P.R. and
litne•yeens ago retired. He and his %OM
visited Exeter a year ago,. He is survived
by .11/fxs. Penile and tout deughters.
Interneent was at VanconVer.
Attaining their 25th aimiversary after
qUarter, of a. eentury et work of nenevoe
nee and local 'improvement, the tuck
ow breneaof the Women's Institute nt-
ingly marked the ooasion by the hold,
ng of an oAt Home" in the town hall,
t which members, their families and
riends gathered in *large numbers to
etch enjoy thie soclal eVent,
A well known and highlY respected
meident 01' Seaforth, John Pinkney,
died at hie home on Gederieli street on
Tuesday nigbt, -last week following a
week% • illness. Saida,. Mrs. Pinnnee
three sons and theee daughters surviVe;
William of Hamilton; Mrs. F. .1, Lawrence
of Vancouver; Mabel, •of Buffalo, N,Y.1
Robert, George And Clara, at home. Two
sisters of a /tunny of eight also renaln,
mrs. Elizabeth Kelly of Stratford, end
Mrs, Warmington, et St. Paul, Minn.
• Bis Majesty's nutil recently brought Mr.
Willi= Rell. of Seatorth, a letter which
contented a cheque for exaetly.one cent
The naytnent represented a dividend on
stock. The cheque, which was drallin 00.
,the First National Bank and Trust Com-
pany, of Tisa, inkla., was drawn on,Pela-
ruary 2 and is not valid =less cashed in
10 day n Mt Bea, however, is heklina
the -cheque mid hoping that the exclange
on the American cent will increase to a
point where it will pay the *charges the
bank will collect for malting the cheque.
The funeral of James ManleY, former
steemed resident of MeV:Iron and Sea -
oral, 'whose deatti roecurrea in London,
ook place bn Tuesday morning, February
14th, from St James! Oathoric church,
Seaforth, James* temetery. Re-
quiem high mase was, sung by Rea Fr.
Goetz. Mr. Manley's wife, formerly Mies
Doyie, precleceaeeci liint a number of years
ago. They tarn no family. .
HAs ellteRtiStovvseir ESCAPE
When the, Widen she was drIvina
on Main street eleaforth. on Monday
afternoon of last week became suddertlY
frightened and bolted, Mrs. netoznag
Verguson was thrown out and dragged
for distance.' but was' fortunately not
seriolisly hurt. The hosee ran up God -
Again Pay s Policyholders
Over Hundred Million
Dollars in Dividends
Canadian Figures Itefleet
satinets the Metropolitan
Repeating* finaitelal poeition
and its enerations tor 1032 te the
hoiden's ot over 42 Million lite
" Life InSuranee C'onoiranee animal
sltrattrelnees, es'eale Streugale daul
•. asSeete were increased --- the eur-
atici coutinteriey funds were '
, The Toting ladiees Ottild meeting wee* •"-enantletlatne-enearteltelneoure foretha
Ile% at the aorne, of ntreelgthest ndoete. aear 1032 gained over -1031 rind
the president, en Tnesdan, last. .The' polleyholderS dividemie ept ankle to
lkik(IN nowt
Griatest Value at All Times
"Fresh from the Gardens'.
GoDERicu tr9wNsnir of Mr: and Mrs. Harty Pariv11.
The arecesor, Mr. *Harvey nteCaethey,
Dntrarinaking Nounda--.-_--n-
The 'farmers. took advantane ot the
A. deliehtful time wee rment en.Thurs-
day %ening, 'when friende arra neignbere
Wane at -Me -hat& nt Mr. and atm, Via '
Hese and presented Mr. ond. Mrs. Car.
heSfes6eV nvOraa4,11-%;,"-garYseantlie:;:•414 '•.---*-be-10-3•1•4- 114' 10a hrP' oVer.11.1e. eleighing- the Png Weel; tc'efq,Itt tIF.If Sea-erten:wait. mineellancouseteoWer-
eere. preset 'mini/is:. • ' ' - • ' - - 'nen ' ' '" died' latatark Ma.' Wel naj".:Seeblal: Eitrppryn or ice Ter allef arinettiera' • 7: 7:- -. '110ritir . a: their ,iezent ' rilarrtage. They • -
Maar& 0. Itutledgeelt. Echlin ana U. of ileteestaternent indiCate the ConMarlon Porter WAS a gilest Of ha' were tile reeneents oe many neepea guts
sueeteeslyet rats All tlteSe tentures •
islet -thews bieve 'been busy dowing an tweilen of moon oeneyeniere in mo- friend, Mies Jeart Hunter. of Celberne proereesive endive vine enjoyed, 'the •Pr1-
ter's term at•line wnere It re to be fawn. • TillhstusYranZeittounsatrialetlitiMoe.ttrell°SittatitbiCs 't0W1:111:01111174 ataeve'r At4t: loctCkl-nteeldt;ra corner '4Jc031`tha°141Cegg670611:11:30bEeeTartehnirrig°C4a"to424‘115tr
immense pile ot maple poles to the let
The woDd is from thd4.4401 of Mrs. Jas. Ming influence of life innernhee ill a chtunit Will meet at the lionte Ot MM. Robt. Manatee Mid Noes Soweeby
world facing eeonontle contlittons miter nada weeneetba march 1st, at Daneing then occupied the %lute unti
Pagan. . .
The 'W. M. a. Day of Prayer Valriele willtdn't Preeedent :. the wce eillit'' nOure of the morning. .
Auxiliary at 2.30. in the 'chinch, • The thereby continuing the posltion of , with tile Ladies' Aid. Society of Omar
the Metropolitan as the world's churCh on Tbureday atternoort 'with e •
eocieties 'of Bet:paler, Carlow, Leeburn
Oanuild diloalelil:ecortepanerdettellein.Y. thle{mgrrtLieettef, laasrtsst vsf.eltreneinlitelreittlissettiltUatitIOrnin- 4.9ite3se2 dent of the leadien. Aid, Mrs. Pick
geed representetion present Tile peesi-
There was a, good attendance at Nile by $170,216,771. The Company has anoint& the ,nteeting with a. hyena, to
Sunday .scleool last Su,ndtty and all ere
. . Always been MAO for Ito con- .lowed by prnyer be Mrs. Woetle.
Joyed a good fiesSioni with the aseistent 'ecripture letton was read snY 1Virk
superintendent, Harold, Squire, in charge. Co*. The roll eat' was responded to.
It berng Missionary 'Sunday • John Tab% a venni of seripture. The Meeting'
en, the miesidnary superintendent, gave thert. 'tended over to the visiting n
a talk ton tite ntimions of the eastern pro- and the preeldent, Ms. George Me
lames of Ciantine. took the ehair, The hymn, "Lead
Eing Eternal," -was SUng; The
ered from Leebitrn, Port Albert and Nile • lesSOn (Isaiah Si5) wee read res
ly, Prayer was eftered by the '1
. The young peoPle, eighty `atrolag, gath-
in the Nile,churell on rriclaY livening' of
last week, Loads cone by sleigh, cutter
and car tor . the thittl and last union
meeting of the season. ,Another fine pro-
arani was given. this titne lot port Albert
talent under the direetkm of the prat,
dent Miss Stella Johnston. The inspirit.;
tional -address was given by Ernest Sterart
and. one on $t Valentine, by 1V1iss Etta
Quaid. Ernest Crawforrl read the sertp-
ttire lesson, .and. musk Was furnished by
Mre. L. JohnSton, Miss. Edna Crawford,
Leerier& Crawford •and Erneet Stuart.
President Allan Innfield of.Leebtien con-
4ucted -Me' games and President Beth
McPhee the. serving of retresinelents.
- The Nile, Pert Albert and Leebutli
,ehurclies were visited Met Sunday by the
schalrman of tbe temperance .forces' of •
introit, Mr, Gordon Lamb, of • Goderieln
in, the interests, of the Ontario . Prohibi- •
tion Innen Convention to be held in the
kixii Soar& Hotel, Toronto, on Mann
2nd and 3rd. The great speaker of the
•cenvention is to be Ur. Reaert Corradind .
pf New York, itto ja the 'ekecutiVe seore-
tary of the Nareetis Iteeearch rounds,'
'lion. The Convention. is to be received,
by Premier Retry at 11 o'clock at the
Parlitanent Buildings on'Pricia.y morning.
The sessions Of the eonvention: are.to be.
favored with ' musical numbers by Miss
kathleen England. and MrS. Isabel Wray
Jenkine; Arraligemelits.are being made.
for inexpensive tran8portatiOri pr dele-
gates to Toronto and it is hoped. that the
delegation4from. Miran will . be . a large
one. the larger the better.'
2 eSelock.
'Mareh 3rd. Le being obeerVe4 by'the Nile " The W. af. ,ot Union met
company% assets stood • at
S3,709,312,42a . on December 31 best
Live Stock and General Auctioneers.
Elgin Ave. Goderich.
Sales mecie everAbeee and. all etrorts
made to give you eatistreetion,.
Farmers' Sale Notes discounted.
Phone 119,
• •
W1V/. 13AltiE,
General Conveyancing done.
Goort Conmaties Represented.
•?honta 298. Goderich, Ont.
iferguitot, NitrrtrAt.. VIRE THUM-
MTV' INSitlftEnt.
Value et property insured up to Jan -
nary, 1910, $3,648,975,00.
orrT0E.Pos-,Iohn Benriendee, Preei-
tient, Broadleagen; Jae. Connolly, Vice -
President, Goderieh; D. V. McGregor,
Sec.-Treae., Seatorirli.
DIRECTOISZ-Jate Shouldiee, %Vattern
'WM. Wrin. COnstanee; George McCart-
ney, Se -dottrel; MM. Ferrite Harrods 'I
Jahn Pepper, Brucelleid; A. liroadtoot,
,ACIENTS-eett. J, Yea. H. it 3, Maw;
Jas. Watt, Myth; Hinehley, Sea -
Path; John Murray, Seatorth,
Policyholders can pay their aasets,
Aleuts at, Calvin CUtt's store, Goderielt ;
4the Royal Earik, 131111t011,
Reid% Ilaatield.
Simple Remedy
Por 13acIStorliach
Gives Swift Reiief
No Need of Strong Medicines or Piet.
Safe and SimPla RaaTe..,15,e6F° was stricken With a, eevere heart attack,
StStomach rn Phi° `,,Ainumm I pa,ssing away Tuesday ,evenifig, The
ceaod. whose maiden name was Martha
If you are vietird of S ornach
Trouble --Gas, Sourness, P:in or Shannon, was a daughter of theloat:
easneine-you truly have quick and James Shannon, and was b
certain relief by following this
71 years ago In IVIcHillop township. She
Next aundey the serviee will be iteld
as usual in Union church tta p.m.. Sun-
day telmol at 2 pane 'Inve pastor will ne
tharge. There will be speelal Music,
Mrs. W. J. Stevens, lett.on her" retUrn
trip to her home at *Windsor an Frielaa
atter spending several. Weeke visiting at
servatIve investments p011ey and the
statement beings out the high ea- tbe'llothe a 'her lmenta Win and Mrn.
Robt. Davideon, unti with other relativre.
Mr. and. Mrs. Elwyn Anderton and MISS
Helen Davidson, or London, inotered •up
and spent Sunday 'With relatives here.
On their return they were acconipanled
by the ladies' parents, lVfer. And Mrs. R.
Rev. W, Oral% occUpled the pulpit
of Union church on Sunday and deliver-
ed an interestine eermort en. the subjeet,
"The Cluistian Gosper ham the text,
"late beginning of the eoenel er Jesus
Christ, the sins of Croda Merit 1 1 Dur-
ing the service Mr. Dave Davidson sang
a 801o, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer"
Whfsh, 'at much appreciated. *
lib** and derersity of its invest-
ments. Tbey conStltute a great
bulwark of strength to Metropolitan
• Early Saturday morning, Feb. 11th,
the spirit et Mary Stanley, widoW of
James Brabant of tIlinton, slipped into
the Great Beyond. Mrs. Graham. had.
been in failing: health for a couple pf
months but had. only been .confined to
her bed a week, her death being the re
suit of a, break up of the system. 'She
was in her eightteth year. arra Graham
is sine/bred by two ions and one daugh,
ter, Mrs. Ellliott,, with whom she , made
.her heme, and Henry W. arid -Harold S„
hoth of Goderich townsltip
Death carne suddenly and most unex-
pectedly to a well known and greatly
esteented resident of Egmondville en
Tuesday, February /Atli, In the nerson of
Mrs. Eenry R. Henderson. Mrs, Sender,
on had •been in her accustomed good
health until Monday aft.ernoon, when elle
Don't take Strong' medicines, are-.
deka digestants or Pall down your
aYstent with starvation .diets. For
within reason most talks may eat
What they like if they. will keep
their stomach 'free from souring
acids that hinder .or paralyze the
'work of digestion.
And the hest and easiest Way tO
do this's to follow every meal with •
• a teaspoonful of 131surated Magnesia .
. -a. pleasant, . 'harmless, inexpensive
prescription that 'promptly 'neutral-
izes steidity and keeps' your stomach
.0tVi''et and clean. "
A WOWS trial* of Bisurated Mag.!'
Imola which any good druggist can
supplY. ShOttiti quickly convince you
that 90 per cent. of ordinary stomach;
distress is .absolutely unnecessarY.
. sure to get..Xlisurated 'Magnesia,
. .
111110 it attended to by the
reteblithed 1878
Hatel Dinigantten, Ont.
Chas.. Hewitt, Kincardine, President r
TUrbt, Derbteen, Dungannon. VicesPresie
dent; in additioti to the Preeldent and
Vice President, the format* In Dime -
tore: Wm Wates. Aulents; W. J.
Thomp8on, Auburn; WIti. M'cQutaikn,
feleknow; W. P. Reed, R.R. 2, Leitintoier
tfanter L. sikcid, Gedericht 1r:treats
Cleft. lionnrood; Tina Grind% R. R. Nan
trat, TlfZiarAVF11, See.
DUSK, aromas, Veit*,
The West Street
Electrical Shop
' We carry a good stock of
Electrical Appliances
Fixtures, etc.
We Specialize in
-Wiring of All Kinds
Entinaatea given on
All Work Gnautnteeci
Frank McArthur
Phone 82 • West Street
is survived by ber b,usband*and a family
of two sons and one daughter, Mr. John
Eenderson, of Icippen; Mr. lienry
Ivison Henderson, of MeKillop, and Mrs„
Norman Smith, Of Toronto.
111.121V11 D. IVR/GRT -
Third Vice lirestrlent and ;Ilan.
oiler fur Canada, Illetropolitan Life
Insurallce Company iclto streisses
basic soundnesa of the :Dominion as
reflected by operations, Of Ma awn -
patty during 1032.
lintring 1032 the cash income of
the Metropolitan was the largest in
thehistory o the Company, being
•$021,033,100, an increase over 1n31
of 814,850,229. Of speelid interest
and significance are the items con-
cerning the 'mob payments and new evening On Friday evening at the home
I • t ents made by the' ComPany
The February meeting of St. Alicirelv's
'United church W. M. S. was held at the
home of Mrs. James 111cMillan; Mien
Mary Cunningham had charge of the
meeting. The meeting opened be sing-
ing a hymn, followed by prayer ny Mrs.
Dickson, The seripture lesson was tercen
by ivire. Nelson Graham. During busi-
ness period the ladies decided te aocept
the invitation of Nile W. M. S. to join
G. R Gregory, a Mauer Exeter boy, With them for the World% Day of Prayer
son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ore- on 1Vlarch 3rd. A letter front the Presby.
gery,*died last week itteaskatoon hospi- terlin supply secretaryy was. read, asking
tea following an, attack of flu and puma for secorid-hand eiothing and. quilts. It
morga, Be was in his 53rd yell; and was decided to herd ei concert in the
unmarried. The deceased man lived a church basement Mareb, 17th. .of letter
ueetul life. Zn 1900 he left thete parts
ror the West, where he taught school a
few years after which he became inter-
ested in envernmental wet& and wasenade
Irak in the Pablic Works Department in
the Saskatchewan government. The re,
maize were laid to rest by the members
ar the Cartadion Legion, in the Soldiers'
Plot in Saskatoon cemeterin His bro-
ther, J. A, Gregory, was .1)1 his bedside
when° he •passed away. He is survived
by new sisters and three brothers, Mrs.
lVfiller, Detroit; Mrs, J. Oakes, Chicago;
Mrs. W. Cotter, 'Foletlo; Miss Stella,
Stratford; W. A. and J. A. (mayor Of
North Battleford) Bask..., and W.. He of
Stratford. The deceased was born ited
• educated in Exeter, attended Clinton
Collegiate Institute, and 1V/oder Seitool
and taught ire Huron County before going
BrOntlen BrOAS
000E1110H •
-Tine Marva—
and VM/3.4.01
.Sisiti 217. -- Oa 120
J. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Also Avalmlasce Service
Goderich Ontario
eldlg rtettiptly tett1ndea to
day or tigbt
Plumes Stare 33A, Mate 335/4 •
et appreeietion trent Mr. cox, minister
of Niplesing for a quilt sent for relief by
our We/LS, was read by Mrs. 0/no:Quaid.
Mrs. Harry Lednor addressed the ladies,
taking to her subject, "The Spirit -lined
Lite." A selected xeading, "Temperanee."
was given by Miss Eliza McMillan. An
interesting account of softie of the good
work done by the start of Ethelbert hos-
pital was read by Mrs. James lVfeRenzie.
A dust by Mary and Dorothy Manila%
atcontpanied by Miss Eunice Long, was
enjoyed by all. A hymn was sung arid
the meeting closed with prayer. The
hostess served a dainty lunch and a so.
eial half hour was spent.
Quarterly eommunion was observed in
Crewe churth loot Sunday.
Mrs. Hobert Hasty visited her daugh-
ter, arra Dave McWhinney, foe the paet
two weeks.
ewe mice Shackleton, of Mafaltiagr
visited a few daya last week with Mrs,
Mat. flheekleten.
ate. Vitra Shaeltleton, el Dungannon,
ent a tatv days last week with Mr. and
. Mat Shatineton.
Mat Sheekleton took a sleigh load or
about 28 youms people over to Illaire's
hell Saturday evening last tO a Valerie
tine totteal and all refrbit a gaad 'HMO.
A pleasant evening wee epent at the
church laet Vendee evening under the
autpices of the Sunday ahool. The pro-
gram ot coloe, readings and conteste tend
debates was all that could be desired.
"I always me BMWS OWN TAB'.
LETS to break up my baby's colds,"
writes Mrs, Wllbett Coleuboun, Stur-
geon Falb, Ont.
"When tee is cold coming on, it is to
turn," •write5 Mrs. Robert Greenhorn,
Philipsville, Ont.
Mothers evcrynhere report in tike vein
of the raft, tore mutts that follow the
(mating children's eold$0 ICCthing
ttOnbk.1 airiple fevers, &ordered
cteenatb, Wier comtiration, 25 ante.
Willioest tee
A reading, "The Reward," wail given b:
1VIrs. Sea Jolmston, ,A cola "The Ni
ty antt Nine" seas sunt by Mrs. Ceram,
Orr, Roll tall was responded to by re"
lleatillir a Ilene of eeripture. The bytent
-"Tenn •of Our .Fatheran wee sung, fol-
lowed by a reeditte, "When the (nrcit .
Entertained." by Mrs. G. Iterwood. Mr
Clain elms a sera owner° the Qate
Swing Outward Notes." Tne effertne
Was received and the Creed repeated
Mee. Geo. Wilier= reed poem, thflat
Need," The nymn, "Lord Speak to Mt •
That May Speak," Was sung. •Rev, Mr
Craik closed, the meeting with prayer am
the Lord% prayer in unieen, Lunch wee
.servett by the hanteeses and a eticial time
enjoyed by aU
In most pleesant Valentine eater was
held at the bonne of M. and Mrs. Cleo
Mollwaln. en Friday evenine by the Y,
P. S. ot Union chureh. About thirty
were present And, progressIve crokInole
oecupied the early part of the evening,
The 'prize winners were:Mrs. Wan. Meta
wain end Norman 'Puller. Two eontests
were then held, after which lunch was
mead. A vote or thanks was tendered
mr. and. Mrs. afellwain by Rev, F. W
Crailt Inc tit* kind hospitality. During
the evening the Harmonica band. Ineyed
several selections which were reuell en-
joyed. A sing song was entered into by
everyone and the evening was brougbt.
to a close with the singing of the Nas
aerial Anthem • •
(From enotner 'correspondent)
Mn Chas. Worsen, ol Goderien, was a
visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Davidson Met week.
Mr. Alvin' McAllister, or Cliriton, wee
a visitor at the home of Mr. and Iva&
RAMC, McAllister not week. s
• The 1n P. S. intend holding a social
In es ni
during the par. It was pointed out ----------
by Third Vice President Wriglit, •, • '
Manager tor Canada, that the Cone Could Not Lie Down to Sleep
pany's Income averaging $3,032,740,
a day, afforded ample means for
making current payments to policy-
holders; for necessary Additions to
reserves; for current expenses; ann
hiso provided a Substantial addition
to surplus.
Cash panments to poneyboldere
reached a record figure itt 1032 be-
ing well over half a billion dollars
and being paid out at the rate of
$3,850.04 a minute tor each burdnesta
day of •eight hours. The Met that
living policyholders received over
$400,000,000 of this amount is signi-
ficant This was more than two and
.; • . '
Wake up your Liver Bile
-Without Calomel
Vour liver's a very arnall orton, igut it rev,
ona pat your di/valve and rhaduatitro
organ!) out or kilter, by returinq to pour out its
.iintly two pouatia of hquid lino tom your bowels
You won't conoletely eurrect otteit tt condition
by tatine nal a, oil, mineral water, la tative candy
or obeisists ante or roonier. Wnon they've
mow -4 your nreeoa they're throuttly.-arld You
ner d a itvg r atimulant.
Corteno Delo tee r PiIIi w59 soon bring back
thc aumbuto into your life. They'ro purelyveze*
table Sate. Sur,‘. J1.ak for Mem by tiumo. Refuse
.ubotitutru, 250 At All •
drAflaiatfa, , • 48
rt half times the amount paid in
death benefits, which totalled $151,- •
6.Copany made Inveetmen
(hiring the year of over $300,000,000,
in hand from $3%710,700 to $64:- I
tted increased the amount of ('18811
An amount of 820,550,000 Was
Witted to contingency reserve which I
now totals $43,01100,000 anti surplus
funds were. increased 1.ty $13,541,502,,
bringing this item un to nearly a
-quarter of a billion dollars - $240,-
- 811,730.
Commenting= elivitiends for /nen
cy holders, Mr, Wright said "Poe the
second successive year the •total net .
• aside to Pay these dividends is over
the imutired • million dollar mark.
This constitutes •ri, record and It Is ,
made possible chiefly by tieereasvd-
expenses and favorable tnintality;
Including, tbis distribution for 1033,'
ti... amount the Metropolitan has
.G,.. O. . . . .
0 In dividends •and leutitees shire or- ;
gattization totals $823.137.177." '
_ • Paid or eredital to ite PulicYlwiders ,
.. . . mfttropo,.....2,161,131; nre in.. .
HEikT Fnt gc, EiPirieregx,Tig;;;;„1:?rigivii,:ov11,1;t;
'1'0. [..JKS 11.W . Gf any insuranee company and ito '
E DELIVER oEsorre wow'
r OR lite 0 9. LoAp �F
STOReD Por,g4iN i
, • $
You'll never hatch the Heat Folks
napping. They 'hail° a full winter
Equipment, inhluding snow -a h 01
They work. by the rule that a elm}
tomato's needs Must be inete-weather
or no. 0 the home fires' are going
out --they'll come on the run.
MUSTARD COM, ga',3 1),Z
operations, in the past ye.tr refleet
HIP bask, of the eountry.
Over $222,00iiniel life Insurance wfts
Wetted In 11)32 bringing the total ,
Metropolitan Insuranee In fora. ill
Canada to *well over billton dol. 1
tars. Inveetmente in Canada ere
now over $241.0014090 boxing been ,1
Inereased in 1032 by move than $10,- '
manor). Operating through itri etin- 1
adian Head Write in Ottawa and
101 brawl! offIcee. and having 32M0
employees In Co nada , Metropolitan
Life ntairee it real contribution to
tile econom ic progrene of the 1 wine
Itilon. Insburcemento, paymente to
Canadian polleyholdero and invest-
ments in Canada, exceed bY over
S1000000, the amount Of pre.
minims Nineteen in Canada since tit
Company Mat began operatione
here in 1n72.
Continuing Ita %Mato activitfes
itt Vanada Miring 1932, the
politan made nearly 460,000 itirce
nuroinn violas to Its In ue-
trial nntl Group polleyholdere and
the field *force dietributed Over
0,000,000 booldeta dealing with
itealth toplat
tSce t•iage
Etr Strains and 1iftlf.e3/=-Tiivo
innanne War tee 0:,-1125 and conitalene
than Dr. Tleamee' Vicente, Oa. It eeill
ft dune .1.7,c21Mg Mat fellenee eneain
will noel tine inflamed fttsa and draw the
nate. It eall take the aehe Gut of a
She Was So Short of Breath
Mrs. P. j. Chernoff, Shoreacres, 11 C, %tam-- •
"1 'had been so troubled With shortness of breath
could not lie down to sleep,
1 couldn't do any hard work, or limb the Oaks,
and had nervous and smothering feelings, and beeame
very week. ,
I tried all kinds of medicine, but could not (set any
relief, until after 1 had taken three boxes of Milburn's
Heart and Nerve rills, and oinee then 1 have Mt
better in every way." .
Por tale at all drug and general stores; put up mot
by he T Milburn Co., Lunitmi, TorontenOnt.
To mate it easy for subscribers %ho find $2,00 a lot to
pay out at once The Goderich Star will accept a six-monthst
advance payment, (S Imo) as keeping your paper paid in ad-
vance and ail who pay on this .basis will be presented with one
of our charining 193 i Calg Wars free,
Or for prompt payment of a full year's subscription a full
12 months in advance ($2.00) together with all arrears (if
any) we will also include our HANDSOMH.PktiMIUM •
Mailed (securei,r packed) toany address it! Canada.
Or, if Preferred, in place of the Prottlitiin Plate, we will allow
a cash discount of 50c. This offer applies only to subscribers
paying all arrears and a full year in advance, and only -to
Canadian subscribers. United States subscribers paying all
'arrears and a full year in advance, if payment is made prompt*
ly may pay at the rate of S2.0o for the rear in advance, $2.5o
a year for arrears (if any).
The Star and London Free Pres .....,c;i6.00
The Starand The London Advertiser 6:00
e Star and The Toronto Globe ....... ..... — (we,
The Stu and The Mail and Empire 6.00
The Star and The Toronto' Star........... . 7.00
Pretiiiiillt above included for 50c extra
Ittirritil *tar