HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-02-23, Page 1.........................................
1 The Merchant's Friend
.. An advertiser's message in the Clode-
rich,Star reaches the reader on Thurs.
.I day, the day of publication, in plenty
of time for perusal and for week -end
• : 04"44,4,......41,00.00,00,4~~~".4,•„4,4„
•P MT.
eloulimmumsormadm1111.1111=mmillutummunirrad'allo7- 'Tea_W
Got Your Calendar Yet?
The Star still has Scaliae 011 .Calentus
left. ‘ltenew your ,cminciption now
and gel one 11. bile the suppl:i 1309.
They are lieautics.
ublicription: V * oeer in Canada
4.11,V,i iv year to IL S. point*
WAL4hit NOVEL Tohltrther
Clinton Ties Round With 2-0
petted* Hes No Cause Be Weighed
• JURY IS DISPENSED WITH DUWIL Wit4 till"' 4:VC-14tt'11611
Charaeteng a reeent Web. by Pre.
--""' •Orient Hoover buiadetest by radio tnen
Action Viral save County About , Now York. ss the werst 110 bad heeed
trent, the point or view of it gleiony out.
$i,000 -Court °facials look on the depreesion, D. Barnett,
Curio' peaking to the GoderIch tente last Fri.
• n day evening', At their fertniglitly lunene
MAILING NOTICE IS STOPPED eon, sax canarts. the hno tau% to be
welohed down by ad gloom of the dee
for her wealth or ferest,fled
Only One Civil, Non-JurY Ach10-.. Pegetilnom' d mine and Ito great %Alta -
Mons of the home. the Schools And the
eleureh, were her guarantee that she
•would weather the storm and come
through with one leveleheadee apprecia-
Mon of the important things.ta life. •
" Dr. BMW, was weIComed ley the Lions
with the :,"roltr" and, along 'with De
Wardlaw 'Taylor, was invItect to attend
the meeting of the den as an bonorary
member whenever he tett inclined. Mon:
Meakins lcd. in singing teevertti songs 1)O
the den. and ram S. D. Croft made a re-
port on trIppled ehildrep's Work. The
long work being eitriled On by the Lions
Club was referred to and the following
anntillarY of the 'Work of the Ontario
()rippled Children% Society was read:
There are 58 different areanizations co-
operating in the work In 43 different
countle.s in Ontario and in 1932 1318 or-
Salaried Officer
Needed For Relief?
Councillor G. P. Gould Throws
Pr' Up Job -Early Eittitetlettelt
' Are Asked
Inatial30•611 fr.= Councillor Cleoreeft P.
Gould that he wished to resignAs cheire
men a the Welfare Bond because the
work was impairing his health, Ieatured 'Thompeon, woe in 0o/deride this week
laet Vrtday evening% regular session. checldng over, with ovu. Clerk Baum,
the town 'contra The Work is getting the mtmteipal relief bills for October,
on my nerves it double what it was November •December •and •• January,
innountbag in an to about .1300. There
were somesnartor items disallowed, while
on the other nand o.eommts not hereto -
fere <Included in, •relief • were allowea.
Under the arrangement with respect to
direct relief the town will receive, after a
final accounting, twiedinins of the
azimut spent, the Provitaelal and Fed-
eral Governments sharing this.
Town le to Get -Cheque For Two -Thirds
• of Amount So Far Spent
An atuntor from the Relief Depart-
ment at the Ontario Government, Me
last year" stated Ittr. Gould. "There is
• a It of secretarial wee* to it, andall
limits of people are seeking Week.• ie
• not A tounciller's work."
tounellior Seabrook said that anY
member of the counell should not nave
to 'spend all Ins time on relief or any
other work, He enquired tf the Ooverne
• ment orsould peat, tte share of the salary
of a relief officer and received a, n,egetive
Opurteillor Brown, wlio was ftlief
ehairman last year, oleo said, it was not
fair to risk any man to do this work for
,,enee mantle,
Councillor Humber saki his "conception
ot the situation ans that Ur. Gould had
been appointed elutirMan oe the Welfare
hoard, but ttrat Councillor BrOwni was to
issue the orders. This Point, however,
was not deem& up. Couneillor Gould
(Continued on Page 3)
,rjrnn ArtusTntesTd VEAL ESTATE
For (tack Sale --200 acre farm, very
cheap, easy to pay for, good eon, no hills,
:gullies or waste lend, Yeti row stones.
About 125 acres now under cultivation
'mere ready in line condition, mostly seed-
ed down. Over 50 acres timbered enough
to soon pay for entire farm it properly
'handled. Geod bank barn, fine stabime,
cement ficors, le, story 8 -roomed haur.
in fine condition. Excellent water at
house ,and barn. Orehard; well located.
doze to exitool, large village. Good
neigithorbood, bandy markets and About
12 miles from Ooderielf. Price only $22
per acre, Entail down payment accepted.
Immediate poesession If you went a
good very than farm do not miss this
Arse other .farats, and a number ot
hettses, very low lit price and easy terms
for payment, better' than eenteng, Ask
• anottt them, ,•
Miss Jean Robertson, daughter of
and Mrs.C, Mnebulae:it, was it, Brant-
ford Friday, where she +entered the Sen-
ior' Girls' Oratorical Cmitest of the Wossa
Group composed of Xitchener,' Stratford,
Brantfordand Goelerth Conegiates.
Miss leoberteore-won third honors. First
place went . to Brantford, second and
fourtb to Stratford and Kitchener re-
Douglas Johnston, eon of Mr. and Mrs.
Oeorge Johnston, And Amite McKinnon,
daliehter of Mee eitiel Mrs.' Neil McKin-
non, eompeted in Sarnia In the, Junior,
Wossa contest, beth, Winning Second lileoe.
tunity awaits your; •Lneestigation.
1VXust have own ear and $250.00 cash. In-
vezement eecured Salary $25.00. and 5%
commission Weekly. •Adelress. Mos 182,
Is Ready For Trial
After +consultation • between county
court officials, ineludine the Crown. At-
torney, the Magistrate, Clerk of the Court
and 'Sheriff, with the co.operatIon or
solicitors, there Non be no jux7 eaten
crIminal or cvU, it next Monday's sPrIng
Assize court, At which Mr. JustIce Kerwin
will preelde. There are no 'criminal eases
on the docket and it will be he order to
present His Lordship with, a pair of 'white
gloves. Yesterday he elating dt notices
to sixty-one jurymen to attend was cart-
1This action will save the county
of Harem aisProximaitely $1,000. The,re
was a shnitar settee by 'reason of the Any
being cancelled for the pedemner sessions
and altogether there should be A coneld-
erable reduction in, the cost of adreinis. tn°Pasdle. 'noses- awl 1312 lion:orthopae-
dic eases were dealt, with, 803 tbildren
tragfhonwoef dhjuesstdicaey,forarrler93300-ostating
Ftwierd ed odtePatieots• APPInolaes were sups
were adznitted to hospitals ancl 600 treat
either court oflieenr -Islagistro.te plied to 927. Tlie catnips of disability
eommitted Clark Stanley, the only crira- were as foliates: Nose,e, foot and ears,
A6sizes' t° the $84; infantile paralysis:4 491; 'congenital
inaohalecreeste soslaatehidstfeoard.thw
e i
h the „consent
deformity, , 32; ,
of the solicitors, the jury was struck out 400; eyes9tuberouleols
in one civil attion, e slander case A eue74'044:elndheen..ts0'3180.3; xiekets' 711' ut.ter and
divorce action which it was expected
would go to triel vats evIthbeld. In the
Glazier vs, McDonald, et al., the jury
also was 'withdrawn by consent of solict'.
lveason vs. Webb
Notice is hereby given that all unpaid
_taxes for 1932 of the Corporation of tne
Township of Ooderich must be paid
forthwith, otherwtse dieteess warrants
will he tented. Mitten wilt be withheld
until Monday, rofarelit Oth. 'Taxpayers are
requested to govern themselves accord -
Victory Over •Sailors
.t *
--- A Vast Ammo a Provisions Pre.
tented at Lions' Club Recital
at Knox Church
Free -for -All Maws Second Play-off
't Gaunt Fi)r G r o up
Players and Spectators Fill Air
With, Fists, Sticks and
Illits delegated to APProaelt IL T. Etheseeda
•with a view to having blite take over the
• The winner of Fridoy night's de- Iduties of reiiet effieer, but Me Edwards
claim game here with ellintott' viii :has since stated, that he will not aocept
• I
MgaeinetesWneart woolki,athheoMarose-andica-melionttoo t,‘11130,ey peorsilltieoupayuftder any eensiderat_ion,
be lewd em Monday Malin 1 When tint Welfare /loud was. 1irst
iFtl'epeeindween*ixtehlt.ivsergaonif e.0alt will referee.. fohned Mr. &Winne' name was ouggeate
eet for the position of relief officerbUt
porno opposition was rad, the boardran-
trig tir agree, He now naturally feels to
Mter five stralght defeats at the hands fin the job he ehould have the Meanie
of the Sailors, Clinton bockey team came Inoue support of all, and that offer now
back last night on their home ice, Wine is belated.
2ning nil; PSrecee;d1taotfinStdrd
thea grolupd apnlay-°Iinfrasl, peuoViiritujae:o:rcdbfres' Mruntilaplataisd alvtieinceCSse6nrtiniStlettiP-4
A *
Residence and. office next dome west, to
•Sun Life Office, West street,' Cloderich. HOWARD STIllepar, Collector.,
interestediwrithete eeee ene-e-enenseen ' ,
e, AetecoreeoNot, •
P.O. Box 89 Goderich, Ont.
TTop'sE RENTe-rd you. artIthirilt-
'~o- Mg of -moving to a warmer more
central house with garage and garden,
see M. W. HOWELL, •
PHONE 290,
Seflslfl$uratiaeid all kinds, -Get rates
from him beeore renewing er planning
new.lneuranee. ' •
rvtianiTIE2 A Vene •
ornechtiesomenitorts. weer ST.. 'coined
Phone 23 . NELSON HILL, gamier
Insuraceand Real F$t Et
• DoBtimoll. ritcoviNciAL,
. =swim BONDS.
poR RENT. -Four -roomed flat with
convenientes. Apply at mASSEY-
• r.AlteleIS SHOP, Kingston St.
-pion iiiALE.-414pderil brick house on
d• Britannia Rd.
. The only action which -will be tried by
Justice'• Kerwin is that of 'Mr's. Jennie
Mason ef Orend Bend vs. David Webb,
of the same village The plaintiff is ,aek-
ing• $2,090 for damages' to be credit,
character end reputation. The worde
complained. ef are; "ft, 'was Jennie
maeott who handed 'the money. bacie
me She gave me $10 in the store and
the halarite when tine returned home. I
am not saying that She. stole tile money,
pAnwr FOR SALE. -Forty acres, more
a• or less, the property of the late
Ve. C. Mittel, situated at the end of
South street; on the southern boundary
a the town: of good clay loam, large
house and barn, drive shed; workshop;
heri-theuSe; artesian well f135 feet), the
very,' beat of Water: good fruit trees.
Ideal location, close to schools, and
ehurehes. For further particulars apply
on the premises or to PERCY or WILL
wpm THE nic soCK
Sun Life ilskranoe Gompefig of Gouda
'There are many reasons for insuring your life. The .following
are av few of them. It creates estates. It proteCts.the deperalents.
It lifts mortgagee. It cancele debte, 14 brightene old age. It is an
asset of Inereiteing value. It pays one hundred cents on the dollar.
It develops thrift. It provides cash for emergeneies. converts .?+
doubt into Uncertainty.
phories (Officer 115
Residetice 540 H. R. LONG, Diatfief Agent
Purple Ging Essays
Strong Man Stunt
0. T. Edwards Dots Net Want rosItion
ee 'Relief Chairman, ray or No ray
At Monday night'e weekly Ineetino el
the Welfare Beatil Cinmeillor' Go. T.
Gond, ehatrman, reeigned, His regent).
• non was aceepted. E. D. Brown was
Prue in Gederielt rridaY night to decade
which team -wilt enter the 004 'Play. *-se
downs. rink and rontained there for a full hall
Displaying a burst of speed and a fast hour,
taming game which surprised even their
As for6rhtte leallOcrealleriP°11:lizte1; on the
most erdent,suppoeters,' Clinton ateept to .
victoetrand on the night's play 'deserved waterecovered ice woe out of the ques.
to win, God•erielt f•onts eideattteanteds-• at thin The Took rolled badly oral 'was very
the linal gong. .lust what wet haPPeto handle. Clinton tvere aggres-
here on PrIelay night ts another etory. sive from• the Stat1. and ball any throteth
It Was 0 brinshig, battling 'gatew, 'feat- the. first period nPtinch" Metweneepok a
ured+ by a miniature Dennybrook MidWaY pass 'front 'Gables' to teem the Ant' vaults'
' in the thied period,. 'For•ten Miraltes ter.. Ile had only Doak to beat,• Then)
lists, stieka and 'toes Ailed the ahe „ Play- wet more eithestort to Minna:es play' and
Ors paired off, likewese the opecta,tore who their. forwards worirechin closer. Meet of
tionPed the' boards. The. two police eine
'cers who foiled to the scene were power.
lets. The referee stood by with, folded
arms, !Uppercuts; rabbit punches, flying.
„ tackles, head locks. and what have - you
. .... •
gladiators apart and .in some Oeeee thein
Plays Two GartleS in One Nigot were all .brought %tie pie . Dozens of Re dralaine the 'boys, play -emend. of
' -Sets Mark... , speetators busied themselves tearing tile Local .1,1o. spital
'rile Publie School Board are 'to be
And ..seek, Thir4..Andiin... . hats wore treatipIed oee. Cool-headed the Central Scnoal • '• ' •
. geed' intentions Wee() •mistakea Med they,', Itecei*es Gifts •
' hand thiS Year thid WOOL ' • • ,
. .
+commended for their decititele to take ,irt
1 ' .
but she is the one that handed 11back;tient. With but shi "80 -minute men"
'the future ,+greatsd'Of 'the Winter 'sport, 011 a less than twenty-five feet square.
last Vrid.ay night entayed 4..`strong rnan" Stiacies of thirty years ago this month, ' . 0n, 'Use:'nent'uier14.1: rutty .lic,ca.loon 'work. . • "" - - . '
when these 'ancient ritens did Moat ovell-
thirtg but tear the Clinton' rink to pieces. , eo.. To loot; the Celltral 80110el IlleY tiretilltle•
' Ae. del!! pee.seneeel :::ejlne:oitiiinda, selto0YteilieentileceseOzezretticiteetadathe'ise,
. . too, were Attacked. More than a, score!.
. The "Purple Gatig," Ondeeich's junior
etockey team, vthich inoludes several of of fist fights were in progrese at•ohe Mlle weenie
to me." , • , - (no subs) they played the Itinkey Oinks Laif Thursday . * ' ,ro' c zr Autsrtozemereeer. trihrsileailltitghl Zits met .1 . eel, inue'dve lee. red: pi un enti Ie.' whe shoyo r a:pull raoei.ti •• .
, '
. Players are Banished •
. The Words are Alleged to have been to a five -all. tie' at Goderich. 'The game
mtee', nf,-.4%anVas,--16rehh-i'4210*-etatereellt 4c-i1.1-0-10.-0111.61221414401101)eft4hii, June banished. 'RAMA Robinson of the Satiore dra Marine 4IP4 0,eae15l liosPital la, US tin Play anteriett of the yeor..
spoken on August 2oth, 432, .inethe pres-i wen Played tient 7 te 0 Pan. Then titer Order reetoeed, Referee Janes of GuelPil toile .eightti anniversary. of the Alexart. venues 0, fit, pekoe fee 0Ornboye eed.enee •
of 'claim sets. out that the imputation Is toM„ef that town 10e0. ' dt Was only 0.30 and. Dona.. Kennedy of .01intort for the present location wanliappily,nterked Iasi YOU' Will note I say our gide 'and boys
that ' MM. Mason '. had stolen. certainSeaforth Junior
l enrOCit and the.evenirig being young, they for a game 'halanee of :the game. They ere the play ,Tbureclay,. ,When . the Womeree Hoz:pital tto• plaYe Both sides badly' require atol-
. ,
moneys -and a cheque from David Webb, eelePhoneelers who are said to have firstdangledlike AindliarY held. the Ottetontare birthday tion and there. are different reasons wily '
and as a result of his statement she has in that town, eitery player "mein' to go," a Pair ofOdakeinlY tat% Prepipitatihg a party anda large number of useful artthe girls' lade shottlet be done firet,
lost . the association, . hotpitaiityand but Seaforth backed down
strong man ef-
• tree -for -all. /Wilted tempers were in oh- toles were donated by the visitors 'that • LADIES 'FIRST le still a good axiom
friendship of her. friends And neighbor's, The 'Purple Gang'sdemi all evening and 'the ffsrce waa gra- afterttoon, .Mrs, W. L. Ilortert, preeldent to %edit illto our • boys,
Frank Donnelly for plaintiff, Hays and fort was a commendable one, but heree dually getting fivsy , from .4ones, litleks of the 'Alnilifery,• Mrs. C., .A. Reid, etre AN 013SF,RVER.
Hays for defendant. - • something 'tez sheet at A 1011aeney /Iv. were carried high, the soggy ice lent it- preeldent, 'Mlis MedinIiindale, the relit,: '. -'" • '
, • . • to Little Current one winter'afternoOrete Alf to rough play and. much tripping. erintendent, and Mise' Matheson ' night
diet' elteted la miles acrotS•Oeiiredan Bay .
The ease of William_ It Giesler vs. Al- few years age. At Lithe .cuernet he iiNgu:tiehrgotisthelii7dtt-ende put the players in ettpervisor, received and. Mrs, ik. ID, ml... 1 .
Case Is Settled
secured ahand cos, which. he pumped 41 ' , Breaks Out Afresh •
C' - "
onzinA bverz is
miles to Espanola, walked half a mile on , e - Leau and Mrs, John Mutter. were in
, . . frig broke Mit afresh near the entrance of ,
charge of receeving the gifts. Tea was
eerved in the women's solarium, the ilos- •
I.ymoids for. stepping that trOubleeeane
e ediateiY the game was ever fiehte
utee of noekey and' sceetnese: goals. . Tee. - • being Nem B. J. $aults and 1VIrs.
..ave Salkeld edited lit' Mre. A, 0. +
his elates to the rink, played, sixty inine
the Clinton •• dressing room, Spectatm - ' • ' ' a . • - i tickling cotIgh.. ' '
Butner Mrs, ' A. PoOdie Mrs. Beatt e •
" . 'S ,
Mrs. E. lidetaughlin, Mrs. MuriscaCAMPBELLmoo STORE
n Mrs • . . .
rleTeelbolfeservery attractive with noette.l In Tdonareie - Wye a- 4to-efc: ' Sprine
A. V.+ Sturdy and Miss Semite. The teaEverybody's knitting. elVer 20 shadet
cOrations .of daffodils and Ilehted can. shadee in andalusiandi
,ne two-ply Zenker
diets. ' . • •• for dainty pullovers, lenittlini Neediest on,
The foliewing le the lett, of eliteleft at sizes, .alect Knitting Books.. Everything'
the hospital Oft the occasion; •, • yOu require for knitting, at SCHAEFER'S'',
Mr, Geo. fatewort, 2 ferns; Maple. Loaf
T. 0. b. v., tulipa and daffodils; Catholic
• •
Were a collection taken Up at the
Sunday afternoon reeltele. Veneered het
Goderteh Lionn Club and idit'ert by Z.
Meakine and, tiro organtet et the vedette
churchee, in, which elle Monate We held.
•It is extremely unlOtelY that elsewhere
near tho, value -of the Previsions that
have poured tit Mild be reelized. The
first recital was beld in St. George's
ehureh and e. lame amount ot provisions ,
was reeeived. The eecond Was held last
Sunday Afternoon in Knox church and,
e vest Amount of provision% Was reeeiren
• ed, includine a whole Pig, vitt Up and
parcelled %to 87 •breadjes. This „Pared
frotn the Bisect Time. and Vitae lofty
artielee of clothing were rent by A. Corn-
• field. Just about double the amount of
Material +contributed two Weeks protons,
was brought In on Senday last, The
tbir4 And tencluding recital of the eeriee
will be given by Mr. Meakins And Mr.
Player In North street tinned Church On
Sunday afternoon, Mach 5th. e
•The- &acted eottga and b,Yroola rendered'
last Sunday by Mr. Meakins were *lett-
didly sun e and everyone appreciated the
grand musio of these well known cured
eones. The organist of tite ehurch, atr.
N H. Livens, ably eupperted Mr. Mealrine
in aceortmanlinent anti (neve a %%Ober
of delightful numbefe on the organ.
At the eveuine service Chief Edwards
or the Monti Club expressed the thainee
of the Club and or the 'Welfave 'Board 10
the minieter, ecaelon and coneregation
tied the artiste and public, generally for
the success ot 'the event.
the Ooderleh shots were from lone rauee
The Sailors gave their test display in) FIXING UP PLAY GROUNDS
the first ten minutes of the second period
(0outinttea on pace 6) ro tho Editor of The Star.
We are back agaih at our old stand with the largest eitoice
used cars in town and have the following Cars in stock:
31 Chev. Deluge Witt 29 Oakland Dame Coach
31 Ford Sport Road. 29 Ford Coach
30 De** Coupe 20 Chair. Coach
38 Pontiac Sedan. 28 Chinr. LL Delivery
30. Essex Coach 27 Whippett Same
All of these Cars are priced at very low pricefor cfuick slier
and may be had on easy terms.
• We are Able to offer you a i3 -plate atter,y guaranteed
for one ear for the very low price of KA&
See us before you deal
Ian MacDonald, Thereat Glazier and Dr.
J. M. Graham, a dispute over the settle-
ment of the estates of the late William
Glazier and Tamar 'Amelia Glazier, his
wife, has been settled.
William 43Iazier is to be paid the sum
of $1500 In cash <tut of the estates lie full
of his 'Claims and. the action 18 &missed
without nosts to either party. William
It. Glazier 'is to 'withdraw the caveat filed
hini and coneents to an order being
made admitting the will to probate, also
to Thontas 0. Glater acting as admin-
istrator. L. Z. Daneey for W. U. Ola-
• zier, D. R. Nairn, for executors, R. C.
Heys, Jr., for T. G. Glazier.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having any claims against the estate of
Anne. Bradley, 1410 01 the Town of Gode.
rich in the +County of Huron, Widow%
who died en Or abOut the 7th day of
February, 1933, to send same duly proven
to ',the undersigned on or before the 4th
day of eitarch, 1933, as on and after that
dere the Executrix of the taid 'estate will
proceed to make distribution of the
aesets, having regard only to ehe claims
She then has nOtice of.
Drier= ca,togium this 15th day
of February, 1933.
•'• Goderloh, Ontario,
Sollettore for the Execidrix
• • therein named.
. ,Notice is hereby given to all pers. ono
having any elahrt aertinot the estate of
game over ne 'returned nerne in the
eame manner in which he canto
• We neglected to mention that the In-
dian is the father of eleven papmes.
• Use Lymoids for Clearing the throat
and voice.
who figured they had tome eut seeend
best in the first melee were out to square
matters_ Ivlany blows. were. -rigairt-ex--
• changed but little damage was daft,
Pence cleared the ice and dressing rooms
of epectatore and edmoniehed people to
go to their lorries, • Notwithstanding.
hundreds of people gathered outside the
No Need of Assizes, He Says,
in Asking Trial at
• June Sessions
afternoon, will be tendered it ouPe and ealleersi Mrs' ,I. IL Taylor, 2 Call and Simplicity patterns in stook at
Blyth Man, Now Serving a • Term, 1°ndtlY
• complementary banquet et the Bedford eupe and eaucers; Mrs. W. McEwate 2 SCHAErEft'S.
Hotel on 1Vroriday evening by the Huron fruit and 3 jelly; Mrs Beattie, 1 jar pick- The regular meeting of the Cioderich
Bar Association. Iiie Lordship will speak les; Mrs. Hunter, 1 jar fruit; Oederich Wontors Institute will be iteld M. Mac-
on "The Days of the Canada Company," Township Auxiliery, 18 jars fruit, liatliet Kay Hall on Thureday. March 2nd, at 3
an appropriate subject tor thie settler), apples; eters. t Sallield, 4 jars jelly; Wise o'eleek, Mrs. A. Palmer' will Dive a pi-
- Mr, Justice Kerwin is a former law parte Noble, jar fruit; Um. Ches. Lee, tea pot per on home and -schen work. Omelet
Cehael:ertIdk as8er:manillorit6eYegaerotelfornittrleecakituargaslr,llilla7tre'of"ttch:Ddre;- the Supreine evert bench only a few (Dr.) Hunter, 4 eupe and caucerin Ma, favorite newer or ehrub." There will etto
tier of Hon, Hugh Outhrie, minister of and my; Mrs. II. MeCreetti, centre events sell' be gleert by Mee A. D. Ittee
tiustioe, In GhelPh• Re W435 elevated to Piece; Mrs. Mtirteort< 1 Jar fruit; Mee. lean. /toll <all to be anstvered by, 'Afy
eta% etneged to have been oommitted at Months ago and thts p his firet official McLaughlin, 83; Mrs. FowIle, jar frult; be a spelline mateh, the words to be
his firet hearbag. At the coneittelOn of vent to Goderich. Mrs. 0."Williame, 2 tray eboth., !dm 0. veiled baetronirds.
Mary E. Morea, late of the Town of the prelltninaty Magistrate Reid tent ac -t
Mrs. C. Saunders, tea towel, doilies; itles 'CARD OF THANKS
rita.......*......,-.,,......,..,.......-.......--., -....,--....-......,. ..--- Green, jar fruit; Mut. °Irvin jar fruit;
ed up for
Goderich, Widow, who died Mt or about a: trial,,vezeevin late decielon
W. F Naftel, 16 cakes coop, dain Mee.
the 15th day of Pebraary, 1933, to fend
to whether It would be the Spring Mr. Donnelly-"Thre Le the financial
t f tine Ti i yeone men - . _ 1, Mrs. A. Mudge and family evisit to
same duly proven, te the undereigned on 0*' the
zink,:hg,r),:nn.s. ive....onxityrjoiondathy4 aspee o e, tore are 13 Ut
on the jury paneL grand and petit, TO e!
-I- bank. 50e; MM. A. D. Menton, 3 Jam; eefj pluton her minter. the fate Mee
Tiller. Pau Pliterr onPaf Mht I:kora:lee thank friende and nelelefiere for the Iiirid-
Par out, fruit; Mrs. I: Bowler 1 &Zen egga; Mrs.' tc-Ica dt her Innen% and tor stmt.
or before the Ilth day of edarclt, 1933, as only cant at the A9912a0 arecidueirinsiregto4.jcuarvyi; aeh011ounttyscriedilormuretqhuisreidiirotors two days
owe at e4.00 a day and mileage. The jury Melo 25e: elre. A. Haven, 25e' Um,' ' ' -- "'WI
en and after that date the Executor of file Worth!), tepee=
tributiort thereof, having regard only to $800, by aniline the can to thi) June
the end estate tell' pintail to make die- the county the expenee Of a jut7, ler nolds el* Mtn Vireller 2 Jars. frule
mrs, I., sandy. ban!zet opvic3: mrs. J. 13. Iplaele,thiy::tenirelyeti at the time el her death.
has already been structi out .in the only, t I alai), to, aelinewledge to :dentin and
nppreelation of their eind-
111)% a°tleattlincat'ahltVohdeicrlitolllletttlias 11206thieeaar 01 seellions, for which a considerable derelict trot rival jury eaPes."
Magistrate Iteld-''The finanelal (Ion 3 pee Inuit, e2; enee 1/almang, 301,-. Ilea • .I mr Mar DI a
IttlitaY• Ph' pillow glIP:II Mr+ It mhote nee during the eichnez and death of my
rehrualiArleyAs.tril,old93713A, les, te expected.
50c; atre. M. J. Ainslie, 2 deur. Iler daughter.
, inn lir. . 9. M ore .
It will be rementbered that Stanley le Intwennti AdheeOludheitonmotorernot:rasintt: :tishichartouralit. oraY,
Goderiele, Ontario, and alcohel to oraneee, marmalade; no. lee Craiele. jar mn4„ a IL lefeCAULLEY.
Solicitors foe the Exectdoe herein
teltrialeMpleriyaedTe,ainatiwwl17o'diettile:;fclirunoVeng anleolYthbelleglIeroae- t win ecjizinliNte0t10Q11u1letY:'Stire
ollilV Orli lla Rct'ehltier last' Stanlel/ Two nilyth youthe, jam; Lire. Coultburete pair towels; Mrs." Lerner. IL R. 2, =eh.
' Walter Vaults, 2 jars fruit; Mrs. E•.
Was charged with matislauglner, but tho Clayton Tette, witneceen at the Taman! :mit; lltti" rield' ldt` fruit; 114k4 nnYg' 2 HOYeeM AlesiBanOdBraNrfospital, on rzl-
Ram, Davh and 4 cane alai peppere; Mrs. n: a. /lays, jar •
eltarge was Withdrawn when. an Analesie %emcee and. the liquor trial, again heed Vans Veectablen Mrs. Gorl, bath towel, day, htbettary itith, to Mr. and Mre,
of the litittor Oltowed 't to be ea potton-
cont. Jals TIOele. oar +Nal 0,AM '-', '"4.--•'01, JOtIttenTON.--At Ateenndra Itespital
evidence yeeterday, %icy were a little' C0*; ItIra' Ztien,n' 131..14V; 841'n13. en' Claret:eel Hoy, Goderleit, a deughter.
"I ask that my elkett be emelt for tall ware eate3 chhan. dt.oco to stontey,o SalIowes, Jar pretence; Mite II Mettlear, ues wile= ,youm.ton. ohh..,,tteb. a
1111.14270 tioigIntetleottaillhe. e4tunIttflerth2nadT4trieet,itaittlere 2:06;:'2:1°'01:17C3: d'itit29lavvtli. nla::: I: 401:::Ittei::ihr• Fcbtliarr 18t1*, to mr- az4
"%mem itot Consideration
heengtir dJeftinenotesOsiocethurtsec, swartlearttahnokmaDostxt: pwlahlecehantuderpordreirreehic derv: betattylaceeel 4.114mr:.;nerci: /Ism. tob; ths,3. a. 4. Ahtchn. hiby
graid eonososeed nu intention to con. nereh tem of snatch eeneng Gut ter tee Manila: atro. W. Tebbutt, 2 jam plettleen e eh
urro. Leann. fee eche; ugh en ennte I' dilifee2e-- Lb Weetrnittster Iteeprial.
it the orttiset house, returning 'Mtn a lantern, sohtg to ' ILtr.don, ea Monday, Feb. 201I, Fred W.
4.1 don't 4ffr ,H eaid Crean Attorney the barn and reheating With to bettlee. Inap:o emu: Mre. Wean, Jar lifaita: tfro, heehte. 1G lith sohl year. phinomi, ,fronz
ulle'y Holmes.1 Vaukr eress.examInstIon 0 Mr. Don- vA1t18w Taylor,. $1; AlLts 14. McDonald, nfri hto thhhcnco. south Gh. on Thuhle
Magistrate It ttle-"It this is the only %wily they admitted it Wa$ dark and n. eeftee; Mee. G. W. Mack, 4 lard day, Fen, eeee, te meneene ehueteey.
ury ease fa' t$ Afeilte$ Z doeild, be in- that they .44(1 ,only a Ept..akir,g acquahrt- flit" Min 11. litiTtviell, 1 dv, Onendrat IN MEMOSIAM
eltneet to coentitt thn to the &Wens." ahce with Mantes,. It was posgble Still- .Iro. Hartwell, Ge::: Me. C. A. r,..out. $2; ,
Crown Atteeneyreree etin dora agree, Icy dt3 not, keoW MOO, they testified. r. Denten, $1; Miro. Gee. Williams, $2; tymxga•---In iottlEt inen417 02 co
This. Iti-oes tt-m, ci/ owliz, IA a mot% .1 it*Itid 130 tn. cznunit, Els mug, Los, Mos , moue. eoee ette80 crema. tee. doer hen. Gcceso Catiton. ady ehlid ed
The AttZtta Matt eas Wildly and tee can,tr/41 cm UT 0141 ctIdcrtee," Cala. MIS1 es:Cs? Deoksteee, I dee., tumbtors: ItIa.f li.1.,t ,4, IF -185,, IL 10,,,,. WdtiTictP„';14,5 (Iti
clean the When teteg tip before thsthetrate WU, "Itto has etiesen teat Le nta Lcts tta,A(.1.11, 1 Qtr.114 crcalm aine G. Mee h, ' '' '''''" - -
tinse, Otheretto Le Ion Lao to I -maw mt LISCO arav cet-.23 shatecw en tte HinOsti, baby vc,ts; Mra, A, rotten rue; "1"20 eicl'izlz c2 1022tv '1'0 camst tell
in igia until Juno:. 4004 a irje,,:ctut,fi. 2,:j, that to ad 101 Mrs. W. 8.1acitt.c, 2 teea fenit; afro. Gen °Z t423 l'-'3 CZ c2e " 18."11 c') ttell;
ties etipplied it tiefene" ,
use *31y-' Re eine eteeeth nen, be t58: 1:44:rn,:::.414 ho huvo Lam? jtoyi 8:44.:2Za:z0, $2; Mrs. C. WbItely, Mat; it:20141%.,14-gflyt,,c0:^eisrvater,-cslckecfcl,6'-c°
i Mr. 110"...n.C',:-`14 I'M a111.91." este. 1 anl ccliwis.ccd Eta.° tvas zqusz mco. Wcdenee Meek. fan% Moe tharne.; r - /tenni er
fruit: MX. J. Da7i1;!, $1. VitaltKR Ana 7.‘tornizt.,
it 'i to? 1-C.A.,.--,. .i e---.
Wernen'e League, +carnations; /Surma'
Alumnae, daffodils; eines Buchanan, -mar.
in the puelle library board room. on Mon-
malacie; Womeres Institute, china for tax d• ay af ternoon, Feb. Olth, at 4 p.m. A
trays; Miss Morrie-. 11.X., cream and full attendance le requeeted.
sugar; Mrs. A. P. Sturdy, baby blanket; ne
etench Nuerb to tone up your system.
Mrs. W. L, Horton, Chalet Miss Finnigan.
WILL, TENDER BANQUET Rre„ baby blariket; Miss C. Crawford, CiiMPBEIESS DRUG STORE
Re14,, baby +blanket; Mee. Greenwood, $1; tAW
Mr iitayts hebriltheitngeoltorheednSefikthrilnatildle fut
enstece Kerwin to Be Guest of Iluron Sanford iloephal Auxiliary, 14 jars fruit nen
Bar Aescciation cn Monday Night 10 lbe. honey; MM. 3. B. Sallits, 20 dile eeparato blouses or jumper combinatione,
pars; Mks Z. Saults, 7 infante' niehttes; See our epecial pule el& crepes in•the
Mr. Justice Kerwin, who will prole% mrs Felker, 61; Mrs. 13 3 ZaultS, 82: neW Spring chades, full 30 iriche:3 wide.
at the spring melees which ope11 here on Mee. a A. Reid, 2 jars fruit, 8 tumblers, Wonderful value at $1.00 a yard. Me-
Lattra Seeord tandiee at Caerohcll'a•
The regular monthly meeting of the, +
Women's tropnai auxiliary mil be held
Committed for Trial on •
a Serious Count
Brought from the County dall, Where
1933 Advance Tax
f)o not fait to take advan-
age of the liberal saving on
our 1933 Taxes by pur-
hasing Advance Tax Re-
ceipts on or before Feb.
t 5th.
Tat Collecto