HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-02-16, Page 11041444/414.011$111~~4.4.0
The Merchant's Friend
An advertiser's message in the Gode-
rich Star reaches The reader on Thins,
day, the day of publication, in plenty
of tim for perusal and for week -end
SUb*ellPtian; *A I* 7e*2 C*14.4* GODERICK, ONTARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY:, FEBRUARY 16tit 1933
Sam a year te IX S. Points,
1 Our 193a Calenciars ee
Tio c ew eeter.aare. reepteadent Ea ley, Lave
E•illiThicel 54•41, an avags4140 b pail-beestazaraeo
eatreetibere ef The Star. `111CZe 13 ril ell&o
of five. Oct 3-011T,3 riow vela) the rattee ee
eernalete. ,
WALTER. NAtTiere leabbleher
Losses. in 1932
Were $70,946.09
West, Wawanosh IVIutual Nov,
Hat 53OO
„ Meeting
u •
the 55th annual meetirig +of the West
Wetwanosh Mutual Vire Ineuranee Co.
was held at Dunegamon, tPridal" P.m. 0.
Hewitt, the president oceupled the chair
while the e,ecretarY, G. C. Treleaven, read
the ntiatztee. Bert liflaash, one of the
emitters,. gave suiriMary ot the finan-
cial standing. 'rue net 44= in Or at
.the Old Of 1932 were 5002. The amount
• et insurance tarried la $1(4145,641. 'Petal
amount of less tlaines paid in 1932 was
S70,946.00. This aneetent eovered the
• . lasses paid for .25 barns 'with contents,
' and twelve houses besidea a number of
entseellaneous claims. Because the loss
claims were unusually heaVy, the policy-
holders were Urged to Use greater precau-
tions in order to avoid lirea It was the
general opinion of the policy -holders
•present that the Insurance on, farm pro-
perty slantid be reduced where necessary,
•reneveing policies. The president
vacated the chair for the second part of
the meeting, which was in charge of the
polleyboldera Mr. 1VecKay, lel.I,A., of
'Oederieh Dealer Preweat at Firet, Sheevlog
WITH EXTRA TIME VICTORY' ThetelTiahrzigsnofirr41319L Ford
IV -8 teak plate at Louden yesterd.ay with '
GOOD NEWS FROM HYDR& Sailors Roquired Overtime tO teeesea*, A aaleateeer de eau sedan was Say $he Suffered FromDeiuidou
about eighty dealera Preeent at the Fad
Beat Clinton---Plapoif on exhIbition and the new festurea were When She Willed PAM
Latest 18 Loeal Commission, Win Not Dates Arranged explained. The neW tar is letger by 12 to Mrs. Boyce
• inches, is tooraier and lower. It leas a•
Have to Fay $2400 SOL For
New • new VaellaPed, Streitin-Ilned radiatOr and
. "
Godereela atr an a Li ;let C mado
has all the fnew Wrnaatbekem'Tohre
TTTT may not be required, to pay $2,4110, our Pensive ears soul tills year is a, new smto-
expected that new eara Will he available
share af New yark exeuange provin, Veteran Circle* Net- tchell Mobile threuglealt. Mr, Jack Wood Vas Children Swear Mother Held
Fades in the Third pelmet at the formal eXhibition. It c ti with
dal bond,s, with which the local corn- tamers* nos
mission watt 'billed some Months ago and Period next week. ,There are Ieurteele body de- • Dead People
which it has steadfastly refused to pay,
At a
eir tenth
• signs. Tie ptiee is the 'SOW* last year.
Pccoo Leave Tare liatunins Daring Cold
Spell -Man Services he Town Fil
Cloderieb. phltnbers Mall
hareest daring laet weekte cold epthl,
many water Reale= being frozen, Malay
houeehtilders left their tape running Wed.
teestiaY, Thtersday, Friday and Saturday
nights and as a result much more 'Water
Was Inimped tiee nandeipal station, =-
vont show. Normal •aottsumption is
,recent meeting ut nig Cintati° Mimi" 'The Sailors chalked to th
tient Electrio Apsocisieiten it was agreed Argument by the defence cotereeel, 550000 gal -1°48 dallr' PPIWUtItY Ht11'
that the Prolanthel Conlinission pey 46 Weight victory at the West street via BADMINTON TOURNAMENT pudiey uoitues, that the aged totewnstasthirbtp: tohnC)tht°04401ti!ut,MoP/e040,010 Vitt, gaT11113rievaenr!
per' cent. and local coMmissions 54, Per last night, (ideating their ancleat rivals,• M Ann 'Stepheneon, Stanley
Cent. Since then iretimation has been Misses E. Cooper' soil ar. "mama, and I's' age tOr Julia the hattest mouth last year.
Clinton, 2-1, in an extra period, It was
given varlaus loca.1 cotrunissions that the mot•her of• t•en, ha• diabOred Under a delu- was a• bout 000
• Provincial bodY 'will pay the entire the third overtime game these teams lie Nairn Itrat O'agraeont ' g 011018,
•• eion during the last ten, years of her life
amount, from its Surplus. L. L. Knox, halm played this Fear and, Goderich has WletneeS
to this effect, but that he would not be regulation sixty minutes. These teams nament on SaturdaY, reb. nth, with bah and that the delusion. was in °entente
secretary, states lie leas no Oficial notiee won. all three, .besidea a fourth 'in the Goderich Badminton held a tour. that het :children ere illetreataig bet,
einpriserl if it were true., wilt now meet in the Plaaa;off lor group
honer% best •two out of three games.
RELIEF SHOWER A SUCCESS vie itrot will be played at:Cioderich on
Monday night February 20, 'and, the sec -
Badminton PlaYera Are most Generous ond at Clinton cs:t the following Wed-
• eefamokes" For• Unemployed
•• Among the Articles
• 'Me Welfare Board held its regular
weekly meetin• g on lvfonday night when
•Bruce Courity, was elected as elneireteara two applications ler relief were vonsider-
The Jbusiness of the Company was freely
discussed, after which the election of
• three directors took place. Oharles Heti-
itt, 'Pim Griffin and Robert Davidson were
• the three directors to retire at this meet-
ing. Each of them weee nominated for
re-election. As there leas opposition itt
• each ease, an eleetion was, necessary and
• A, Er. Pentland, Thomas Websar, ok.
McKenzie ana Bert Marsh were appoint-
ed as scrutineers. 'Charles Hewitt, Kin-
• cardine, was opPosed by Dan May
reipler, Tint Griffin of Ashfield by Frank
Johnston, also of Ashfield, and Robert
DaVidsori ,by John A. Johnston, Ashfield.
• Dan lVfoltay, Tim Grift3n and Robert
•Davichon Were elected. Donald McLean,
Ashfield, and Bert Marsh, Auburn, were
re-elected as auditors and the meeting
• dispersed. A short meeting of the direc-
tors %Its held alien Robert Davidson was
elected president, and Ernest Ackert as
vice-president. Tile other directors .at
the company arm •Tim Griffin, W. P.
Reid, Witham William. J.
Thormson, Harry L. Salleeldatraest Ack-
ert, and actillaia tea Watson: The ire.
tarY 0. a Treleaven, aad the tree,-
• surer, Thomas Strethers.
For Quick Sale --e00 acre farm, 'eery
• cheap, easy to pay for, good Soil, ao hills,
gullles cr waste land, very few stones,
About -125 acre •now under cultivation
more ready in line 'condition, mostly seed.
ea down. Over „50 acres timbered enougb
to soon pay for entire farm •if properly
aandled. Geod bank barn, line stabling,
cement floors, story 8 -roomed house
In fine tondltion. Excellent water at
house and barn. ()tabard; well located,
close • to sehool, large village, Good
neighborhood, handy markets and about
12 miles from' Ooderich, Price only• $22
per acre, small down payment accepted.
Immediate possession. If you want a
good very cheap farm do not miss this
Als3 other farms, and a number of
houses, very low irt price and easy terms
for payment, better than renting. Ask
about them. • ••
Residence and office next door, west, to
sun Life Ofdte, 'West street, Gederich.
If interested write to .•
P.O. Box 80• / Goderieh, Ont.
• Reit Estate and logirance
Properties sold, rented dna Tents
colleeted. Fire, • atitomobile, burg-
lary, . accident and Sickness
ance. •1300k -keeping and Auditing..
• litAlgtrarnNe :sorstutoT
• PRoNa 206 .
ed and passed on. • Tins brings the num-
ber of families in ,Goderich on relief or
partial to tifty-three. The Beard passed
a vote ef thanks to the Badminton Club,
whiele held a "relief shower" last Satur-
day afternoon, to which there was a
a splendid. xespertse. A check-up by the
Welfare Board shows the following con-
tributions to have been received: One
piece of fresh- meat, two 7.-11a. packages
of lima one package breakfaet food, one
peck of potatoes, nine bars ol soaP, one
jar preserves, three packages • of sager,
three packages of tea, three packages of
macerate one paper. bag' of beans four -
tech tans of poile and beans, one can,
tomato juke, fifteete vans 'of tomato some,
four small cane Of sallnon, one can of
Pea Sputa three •packages of cigarettes,
two packages et tabaece. six cans of
sardiae,s, one bundle of sweaters.
AU retorter of soOirS, etockbags and un-
derwear are Oaeetiede also men's and boys'
clothing. Ida= all parcels should be
left at the Towle Hall insteadof the Pub-
• Cash donations received since t14 last
tdal of $1354.51 was aeknowlecigedi are:
A friend $2,00; Rebekales $20.00, War-
rener's Bakery, 100 bread, tickets, value
$5.00. ••
ornec-MAtONIc MANI, West d3t, AdeltuitCu
Phone 230 NELSON HILL, Maeager
• Nattce is hereby given to all pereons
having any claims againet the estate of
Anna Bradley, late of the Town of Gode-
rich in• the Comity eif Herron, Widow,
Ito died on -or- about -the Ith -day of
February, 1933, to send same duly proven
to the undersigned on or before the 4th
•day of March, 1933, as on and after that
• date the Executrix of the said estate will
proceed • to make distribution of the
assets, having regard only to the claims
•she then has notice of.
• DATED AT GODERTCH this 15th day
of February, 1933,
Goderich, Ontario,
Solicitors for the Executrix
therein named,
Insurance and Real fstat
WANTED, ---A dreeser, preferably With
v v large mirror. Write Box 14, STAR.
nesday. If a third game is necessary' it
will be played at Goderiele on Friday, Misses Catbetine Ilaya and Beatrice Hun
February 24th. It seems ridiculous that
ter won from Misses OW= ateynolds and
a teen.; having won ten of its eleven Janet Martha 15-2. Misses Phyllis Gras
group games, should be required to play sick and Jima /Tamale= Von from lVfleees
off with the seethed. team to enter the Grace Watson and Anne Wartele, 18-17.
play-offs, but that aeis the arrangement .2nd Rounde-Misses Evelyn 'Cooper and
made at the start of the season. C11 Margaret Watson 'won from Misses Cath -
ton erlaY yet win the group, . Funnier erine Hays mad BeatrIce.Hunter, 15-2,
things have happened en hockey. Misees Grassiek and Josie 'Satin -
Last night' witla the scare one -all, after dors bye.
the teams changed .ends concluding a MEd -misses E. Cooper and M. Wet.
ilve-minute overthne peribd, eButch"
1Vlurney grabbed the puck, skated. down
the left boards, tircled the Clinton net
and poked the puck past Twyford for
the winning counter. It was. a. thee -ef-
fort. Prom then on the Sailors resorted
to "sucker Creek" tactics shooting the
pee& -down the ice fel kill"tirae.
There was little tO choose between the
teams on the night's play. If anything
Clinton showed the best passing' gain%
stile Goderich was best individually'.
The Sailors still, show eatendency to let
Th puck carrier hoe his own row. • Time
she disinherited bee children and
ladiesand rathes tionbles, resulting s When
a left her all to her sister-in-law, Mrs,
talon: erne, Bennett Boyoe, of Goderiell, With When*
lamtnisesses""4_xree: •cooper •
twoto months, was rimin
st rouhd_
Margaret Watson won trom Mrs. Gladye
atert •
Beacom and Miss Jade Saunders, 15-3 SCourrsteolgloeeseQrevu4Monday. jt lag
edea°4gra entw,weon s
John Thorne And James Stephenson, A're
seeking to upset their mother's will, made
Miring a visit to Goderich in 1025 when
the testatrix was in her 87th year. She
died in June, 1932, at the age of 92, The
case had been adjourned from February
lst. The sons alleged undue influence
had been used, also that their mother
lacked testamentatory capacity.
" 'Bright and Capable"
sort won from, Mieses PindlisePras,thek Evidence was given 011 the first day of
and J. Saunders, 15-11. , the hewing that Mrs Boyce, the sole
. benefithary, had accompanleel the late
mews peabies
est Round -D. R. Nairn Altd. E. C. Bea,. igra Stephen -an to the ollice of Rays de
cam won from R. J. Osborne and P. P. Hays solicitors on the day on which the
oarey,15 4 a Baker and 0. It..wattei n
was made and Mrs. Stephenson had
her ten children and. Willed, the
won from 0. Ta walker And E. F. ilfty-acre homestead on which they were
18-15born to a stranger -in-law, There WAS
Finals -D, R. Nairn and 4, C. Beacom
and C. NAM had taken any part in the actual making
no evidence, however, that the beneficiary
won from M. eealeer
15-7. •
The Club held a benefit for the Oen- of the will.
R. C. Hays, jr., who executed the doe -
WANTED. -Dressmaking and sewing.
Miss Lacer, Cambridge Ste has re-
sumed her work at dressmaking and
plain sewing. Telephone 72,
TIOUSE TO RENT. -If you art think,
ing or moving fo a warmer, more
central 'house with garage and garden,
seeelef. W. HOWELL.
VCR RENT. -Pour -roomed flat with
•-5- tonveniencos, •Apply at IvIASSEE-
tassotiq SHOP, Kingston St.
VCR SALE, -Modern lirick house on
-a. Britannia IW,
tral Relief. Committee and collected a
and again last night it lane a case of geed tureoent of foodstuffs and. clothing.
every man for himself and, of ceurse, 'Afternoon tea was served by the ladies
this sort ed attack will stover get them A aourat-relein tournament will be held
anywhere outside their own groupthis coming Saturday, '-
Maw= scored the first goal for Olin- -,-
ton atidit was, not until well on in the A Val6ntin'e ay
seeond period. that Alltson evened the , _
count. There was no scoring in the
third, Theie came Murney's deciding
goal in the overtime to decide the issue.
Ten penalties were handed eat, six to
Clinton and four to Goderich: /gurney,
Wark, Allison, McKay, Kennedy (2), Gible
(2), Elltiott, leeavean. The teams• :
Clinton -Goal, Twyford; defence,Ken-
nedy and Elliott; *centre, Rath; wings,
McEivan 'and Gibb; subs, Pickett, Glid-
don, Nedcliger, Campbell.
Goderich-Goal, Doak; defence, Wink
and Stoddart; centre, McKay; wings, Mt -
Donald and E. Robinson; subs, Carpen-
ter, W. riebhison, Murney, Allison,
Referee -Norfolk, Stratford.
Ument, sveore.. that the aged. lady was
bright and capable- and that elte. had
asked her .why she 'wished to disinherit
her thildren. She replied that they had
her. Mrs Montgomery (nee
Vaola Allen) etenegrapher in the. law of-.
flea ut elie time, gave similar testimony.
Two weeke after the will.was drawn Mrs,
Golden' Airedding Montgomery, had oetaston to visit Mrs.
• •Stephenson at Mrs. Boyce's home, Mrs.
-- Stephenson had said to her: "You are
. .
Mr. and Mrs. William Sanderson the girl Who drew xey winMrsBoyce
has been good to nip and she has been
well taken care of, tot I leave left her
eierything." Evidence also was given by
two doctors that the late Ma. Stephen-
son had for ten years or more suffered
frein Senile dementia. •-
• Receive at Saltford
The pretty Mole • of Mr. and Mrs,
James Bisset, Saltford Heights, was the
neecea for many ileitors. on Tuesday af-
ternoon and evening, when, they received
in honor of the golden weddineof the
tatter's parents, Mr. and airer. WUhiain
Sanderson, whose marriage, was seam -
razed fifty years Aga in, Pickering,
Dr. Clark Retires
Front Fair Board
He Was Seerataret For 25 Years
'1.. Howard Robertson
Sueeeedi Hin-i
At Meeting oa the direetore of Getle-
rich Industrial mad Agricultural' Seelety
held Tuesday atterneon, J. Howard Hobe
ertson, was appointett ecceetary-treasurer,
eucceeding Dr. W. E. Clark. who leas beld
the oftlee for teveaty.lbre years. A Vote
thanUS to the retiring secretary wati
unanimously passed and he wee neade au
hortetrary president of the Society.
Dr, Clark eeporteel that the receipts of
the last dance. hoiden February 10th in
Oddfelleava' Hall, were 546.40 and the ex.
• peneee 340.47, leaving a balance 0 35.93.
• It was resolved that elle executive of
estate settled. the Societymeet On the tiret Tueetley of
eateb. month at 3 pan. Bath eommittee
ber Was best to get the
up, but we coUldn't get her to, under -
is to be requIred revIsie Its department
stand. alotilina Was 40110," mad witneae,
•of the prize list and =Port to the central
execUtale. •
'Under crSoosne-01)xtetWittotr Orkharles Ste- The secretary was instructed to Iceer,
piteneon told Mr. Dannelly that his hr0- register at all members. • W. U. Robert- .
ther, TiecinueS John, the bachelor with son brought up the emotion, of limiting •
whom the mother lived, did the house- indoor exhibits to tounty ettliibitora. The
work and ceoteing.
eAnd you theught that was a sultable ing
matter wil1 be taken up at tile next meet -
Place tor' YOtn mother?" ask,ed. vounei1 esident' William Oren gave a report
A.-"1 dott't know1 think it WAS It of the deliberations of the 33rd amend
might have been better 1! she had a little (Continued oil page 5)
more care?"
0.-aYou bad diffieuity remembering ---
how many brothers and sisters you bave?
CA Eell tS
ere is thee dead and got twisted ' orrzinV
Witness edmitteti that he received 844
from his mother% bank account:at Varna lese Leenolcis to prevent that disturb
without his mother's knowledge. It was lug couah when. you are la Imbue.•
Leeded for his mother, he said..
• !.-"td. she realize site was giyiag
someone power to draw her money?" A
-"she appeared. to • ' •
Q. --Did John Thomas have serlotti-
aiffereeces with his mother?"
'When mOthar had evens he would leave
tar alone, sonic timee for days at a Una.'
rhe witness denied that there was an
trouble O'rer liquor He eaki his mother
would become huffed and annoyea tenti
nobody knew whet it eVes all abeut.
Very often his wite went to bed sobaing.
'The more you did for mother the less
she thought was being done, for her," he
No'ghbors Give Evidence
Orville McClinthey, a neighbor, was a
frequent visitor to the Stephenson home-
stead. He said Mrs Stephensen would
not talk very much. • He had noticed that
on the night her htisband died Mrs. Ste-
•phenson had gone to bed and had refused
to get up until trimming. •
"If you asked her a question she might
answer you eiviity arid she might not,"
witness said,
Milton Polleck, another neighbor, gave
.•• Jcint Saving e /temente
' Monday morning Charles Stephenson,.
a. son, told of taking his mother to the
bank at Varna after prevailing Upon her
to put her savings, 'between $600 and
$/00, into a joint accountewieh his (Char -
EASY FOR PURPLE GANG The house was beautifully decorated lie's) wife. This was • done, he said, so
with •spring flowers, lovely,. 'bawls and that his mother's business could be more
After taking it on the chin twice from easkets of yellow roses arta daffodils eally- transaeted. The aged lady also
the Collegiate Institute the Purple Gang
t being placed attractively in the living had a 8400 savings account in Zurich
came back with a vengeance at West roczn, halls and dining room. The tea and this as put into a joint account
with James Stephenson's wife. '1'1ie wit -
flees said he had tome across a bank
book of his tnother's the her dresser,
showing that she had $400 in a bank in.
Goderieh. -He prevailed upon her to
transfer this to her Varna account.
street rink Monday night, walloping the
students 18-2. The game was a complete
table, covered with an exquisite lace
cloth, was centred with a powl od yellow
rout, the Purtele Gang scoring six in the roses; four tall golden tape= and silver
first period, seven in the second and flea ;being mattily arranged.
in the third. Hasirvey Scrimgeour scored I MraniviesSanderson received in
Peie eiVarnoele x. •Ji•m tsheardown • etie and were th cipie ts
•.ny g
gifts and flovv:rsrn
two, Clayton Nivins two and Arnold Doak .
sexdatives of the WIVI.S. and Ladies' Aid
two, Pat liege and Bill Barrow scored of Knox church came in a body in honor
for the Collegians, The game uncovered of the event Mrs, D. J. Lane expressed
plenty of good junior material a,nd it to Mrs. Sanderson, the appreciation of
looks like a junior 0. IL A. teen% for the W. M. Sain the loyal, self-sacrificing
Goderich next year. eCooey" McDougall
refereed. Teams:
Purple Clang -Goal, lelero; defence,
Sheardown and Nietins; centre Doak ;
wings, Scrimgeour and Warnock.
G. C. L-eGod, Maley; defence, John-
ston and Taylor; tentre, Pat • Page;
wings, Art Doak and Barrow. •
CiODERICII -4, mucniri, fi
tlrARM FOR SALE:ea-Forty acres, more • rn what is described by loeal fanr, who
or les% the property of the late were present as the fasted game of the
H. W, O. NOM, situated at the end of hileum the Sailors defeated the Mittheli
south street on te southern boundary
if the toenia of good clay loam, large sextette on its own ice Monday night by
llama and barn, drive shed; workshop; e; score of 64. The Score is not indica-
hen-house; artesian Well (135 feet), the
very best Of water; good fruit trees.
Idea/ location, olose to schools and
churellea. l'or further particulars apply
on the preretines, or to PERCY or WILL
sirrin int MG tart;die
Talked With Dead People
• "Mother wasn't very good physically or
mentally," the soh. testified. "She meld-
n't walk very far and used a cane. I
cetvice given by her in the 'work. Fol-
lowing the address, Mre. R. J. Walter, ori often noticed she would forget what had
behalf of the Society presented the•bride happetied the day before. If you asIced
of fifty years with a Life membership her a question she would answer tome -
Certificate, and on behalf of the Exeou- thine different. She would take offenee
tive with a gold life membership pin, very easily. I have heard her talking
Mrs. Garvin Young, the behalf of the with people • who have been dead for
dhe at Ocorge's church Woman's
Guild will hold their annual high tea
and sale of work ire the parish hall on
February 28th, '
The regular meeting of the SaltfOrd
Hospital Auxiliary will be held at the
home of Mrs M. Jewell on ThursdaY,
Feb. 23rd, at 2.30 pari.
Salvation Army, Friday, Viet,. 24th: A
young people's demonstration- vatted
Program, recitations, monologues, • con-
certina • Raps, and the "lady • whistler,"
and what not. • Admission 10 cents.
'WilY lose your rest by coughing at night
when tymolds will stop that tickling.
• 1
The Ahmeek Chapter, 1. G O. a. will
'hold their annual meetina lie the bray
,on Monday. afternoon, February 20 h, at
4 • pan. Every member is urged to be
present, as important bueiness • will be
disemsed. •t°
Euchre, 500 and dance of the Catholic
Women's. League in Masonic Hall, Oodee
teen op. the evening of Tuesday, leeb,
21st. Tony Parr's orchestra, good lunch
similar evidence, stating that, Mrs. Ste- and prizes, ,Admission 35 opts. • Every-
phenson's eons had ahem treated her body welethne,
well, but that site was hard to get along • numoRovs eleme
with. 'rile testimony of Thomas Reid,
The Christian Service Group of .Vic-
Jatob Siegel, Lorne Armstrong and Mrs 'torte street United ellut•eh will present
Orville MoOlinchey was much the same.
mrs. mrolinahay told Mr,. Bays tae, the platy, ellign 'Brown Breach of Preen-
"' Ise," a court scene with a cast of colored
two years before her death Mrs Steph- distracters, in the church schoolroom otg
.eneon had told her that .her son Tom Thursday evenimeloebruary 23rd, at 8.00
was good to her. "Tont asked me to Something new, laughable, and At:
tome to court and say he was good to the right pelee, Don't COMA unless yea
his mother, but that if I believed he was want to enjoy a hearty laueh. Tieketa
not good to her, to say so," said witness
z0 cents, children 10 tarts.
emphatically under cross-examination.
WM Boyce in Goderith, described Mrs this means
' Mrs. Stokes, who lives next door to M. D. Sprooluleaxnpdrel=
A Fine Old Lady • •
Stephenson as "jeet it fine old lady," in thanks for the many kindnesses e1
gilytri*!sirit Sincerettak° ..
eommand of her faculties and normal, he time of illness and bereavement- Mid
MIS Stolm said she vietted at the Boyce fur the many beautiful floral tributes
home almoit every day during Mrs. Ste- and for coriveyaneee at the time of fun-
phenson'a stay there. eral.
Judge •Costello -"What • kind of a
woman was she?" .
Witness -"Very bright and nice .to tall(
to. She.helpecl about the house and did
a great deal of knitting. I only saw her
annoyea once. She felt badly because
Ladies' Aid,. read an address arid pre- years as Illotigh they were there She her son had not come when site meter
eented Mr. and Mrs, Sandefson with it held itnaginary• talks with her father and him.,,
g . • her sister, ea nearly years. . The argument of counsel lasted ,ttS'S
Mane • friends called during the after-
hours. Beth that of Mr Dennelly and Reginald!b
.1 ' h Bell son of Mr. and'
non and evening. from Mitchell, WW1, set places at the' table for them, saying
. Mrs, Ho err Jel.) Ilete(if Sederielt, ait the,
London, Goderich and the surroundina that her father was at the barn. doing Mr. Holmes acre able efforts. that of Mr,. Manse. .Cloderich. by Rev. D. .1. ant,
country; to offer their congratulationS to th, chores and wouli. soon be in. This noimt..,,, particularly to, court habitues n. A.
was in 1926. ' • eteting lie had never 'bz en heard in bet- DIEH • . ,
ter form. Mr. Donnelly argued that the MOREA.-At Goderich. on Wedneeday.
Left Home Suddenly
February latit, 1933. Mary Elizabeth Me -
Toronte.• on Jan.
28111. 1033. et Wychwood .0hurch • of
Christ. lorede Biggs, daughter of Mrs.
Lillian •Biggs; of Toronto, to MelViii a
otnita. son or ivirs. Abe Smith, Goderich.
• nEti,-mAsttnta...-.... On Wednesday,
rebruatie liith, 1933, tephrt Mary Orate .
Maskell, daughter of Mr. and alas. Ed-
ward Masted!, of Colborne township, te
the happy couple, who thrthighout their
lives have endeared themselyee to a host
of friend.%
tive of the play. But for the stellar work telr. and Mrs Sanderson were married
in Pickering on St •Valenthee's Day, 1883, his mother left the home of her bachelor
of Doak, in the Gederieh goal, it would After their marriage, they reekled on o, eon, John Thomas, with whom the resid-
have been much' eloser, some go so far farm in Nowak, lived for tovert years in I ed, and came to etay with Mrs. Boyce in
s to say that but $or Doak 'Mitchell Harrietofe arid moved to Goderich in 1 Godericli. She left, during her son's ale -
would have tvon. Ile had one of his 1907, where they have eince resided. I eenee and did nottell him. After spend -
very good nights, time and again beating Five children have bleceed the uniona hia tWo neonate with Mrs. Boyce she re -
p15 teetimenv was net that of eg-
The Ailitnem related that in June, 1025, - -- --- • - ' , Phu. %Wow of the late Jacob More, lie
pats and that bachelor %) quarters were
her 88th year,
net a fit and prope rplace for an aged JOHNSTON.'-At Laura. Scree, on Sat-
lady. Mr. lialmes maintained the evi- Way. February 11th, Elizabeth McKee, •
was of an eccentric; turn ef mind. that her $41h year.
widcw of the late Samuel Johneton. in
deuce showed clearly 'Mae Stepheneon
ettildren when the WAS not. and that IN lerk:1110111,01
ehe fended she was being abused by her
Me deluelon was reflected in her wM. VEAGAN.-In lovinc memory of one •
the !mealy cirele being ,twice broken bea
death. 'Their only non, wimm, imzettiturnea to live for fifteen menthe alth her de ae dad. James Pea ea it, a leo dted one
atvay in 1913, ealei a daughter, aere. at eon James. who is married. Here she
PreCedellts in Judgments u ere quoted ex- ' Year ago. February lath, 1932.
Caldwell, 13
QUennelL of Shaunavon, 'Seek Mr
yeare ags. mill Lome' was ill for ttvo months • Mut en t
e a. itte ehe Went back to live with her son.
1 rerover-
in recerving judgment, expreeted a desire
eneively by both ethane! and His Honor. IlisArremailipnigeet5euarye atondrepealeirant fate,
• the smart forward line of W. Stoneman,
Colquhoun and OnapMan doev-in, sin.
(Continued on page 5)
ittASONS FOR IN141141.1s1G.
There tire many 1.01-10n9 for insuring yOir We: The following
tire a kw of thern. It e'rettte3 estate& protects the dependents.
It lifts mortgages. It cancels dolts. It, brightens old age. It is an
a5set of increasing value. It pays one hundred cents on the
develops thrift. It provides cash •for entergeneles. /t converts
doubt into 'uncertainty.
/Wee lies
(Thrtiticnce 640
II. R. LONG, District Ag t
1933 Advance Tax
Do not fail to take advan-
tage of the liberal saving on
your 19,33 Taxes by pur.• ,
chasing Advance Tax Re.
ccipts on or before Feb.
Tam Collator
Howard Murphy, New Westmineter,
and MA. JarAtS Bleat, are the remain -
Ing chiltiren, There are tWeiVe grand-
John Thorium
"She would take epthie and the Maple
who Were (bine the most for her she &O-
ahe Sanderoon was bora. he Peel Town: liked most," 4..aid Charles. kTiteee spells
would het two or three days. I never
8414' CauiltY VI*Ilingt°n• In 18U; 21a4 knew she bed made a ?moos s.111 or
Atm sandercou, who is irt Iter 72n4 yefir
seven ,days Ufteeher death, when lifla
Ifays wrote di a letter. litit4 Beate (niece
is a natiVe of afterkhatri.
-need ene neiehborhood, a Italf-rulle
„'? 'frotri the 'homestead. Mother viclteil
the--*-03v,----g-rou-rt;.02n-po"-seg'-oi xtviile`hclarr. therealoutt intot.. very often, atid never stay -
Stratford, 33rantford and Oodelich g •
• legiatet, was held at Str'atfeera yester.a "You hover acted in any other mariner
day. Aleg. lgaeVicar, G. C. 1. ettletent, hat that of a dutiful con?" "to."
son et Mn and Mrs. Geo. afacVkzer, Wan Mr. Ifolmee---"Did aon ever give her
third lieteers, Fleet piece went ta Ken- any caeca for awing you bad in -treated
ite-th Cleater, of Ertelltfeed Collegiate and bell..
second to Morris !fay of Ctratfcird. Goo. snuit havo recoved
Mtn, of ICitelienor. was fourth. Ala%
epo!ko on "Tito eazo for no CaliCC113t1011
a War Miele," It was iii5 fiat out.af.
tewle effoet ngaitiet, the beat boy azataze
01 Wcacen Ontatia and hie niteetlaa te
eeeditelge C11.
. Ile had a latully word for each.
to further coneult theee authorities.
CONDUCTS CLINIC AT TOLEDO To clasp his bond in the better lead,
• Come day We hope to meet him.
• Some day we know not when,
Axed died beloved by all.
;'11;erkill,eliaridliPti?;e11131.7111:11tiriCifjtigt;rinttealtrcalllet43idrtt.gtirlaelP6vhOh.°11111:Inlol'. 3.41:17:1°'431.
epaltryt, octoviulDicetztolit.sgolmaeleerceldeinaleir oters ..8c1111781co,rbaerl Perk, elglerell, I: vd"assed Tx -1611 l'elnliarY
Week." Several Bulgarian children are
thoun being weighed and meaelred ley
Meee Clark. The event was eponeared by
the Y. W. 0. A.
Your tender Emile, your cantle Coke. •
'Your heart co kind and trite: °
1 luta you In such countlese ways,
0 laUeleend dear. I de. ' 0 i
'Ilie Wale of We but trilling teemed '
Witaa ;you were Melt to eleeer;
. 'lite retaa alaaya ifid the thane '
• When yotte helpful head wee tear.
- - - - r • MeGELI -In lovina Memory ea Jacob
•e Weathe Sadly neteezel by 1110 WIVE.
McGee. %IL, pactzd (reap Febettawy 14th,
little Maio attentiGli, Nit 0110 wae Ieaked lee',
after Rom' weed. On ezeusisns cic, had Wtc111 Ol'auto - Tnns'clbSt• ftC'1110ial eatv the read aria Getting roe3h.
csathvx.L-2, wittd.‘.4 fair 354 eetaperatieely . Tile bila tem hard to Oulu.
hired girls and nurtcs fez 11(5'."
°17,1tri.o: dica aittatue a aill nag Jim, raltel. Feleiteyaaetly cloudy awl c.?.7.1 ‘. r3tillag ‘?.$1(11i^,CI,3c.`,7117.,p‘lc.C.:0S7 igt11111.11 „
Teele aced I felled fel arena. We talclirellat eeXcla 'a, 3
i SONS and DatO0t31=.0.