HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-02-09, Page 7• 'fl13RMAT FI. adn, tin THE CODFAT STAR ews and Information or. the gittyl Farmer iFurnestsid by the QatarDepartment ot Agtleulture) „ through tins Association. aPProxi' ffer BAcicikaMES mated 125.904 barrels,. Tide year's business will show en increase of hays some 215,000 leirrelst, which ist most eneoulliging. in view a generel merket eonditions." Weekly free litegeet An inerealirtir **port *t4 Inends directly upon the timber of bee' 1 Ireldimend Coady was the *eerie honey ie Teported, over 600,400 teria preeeet mid thi* in turn depends of a, vale parebrect Dual purpose , Pounds having 'been shlieReil edreadY Von the thoroughness with which -Shorthorn -cattle recently et which t by the Ontario Honey Expert Assent-• dairy uteneils have been eleaned and the to price of inetree was eine tor Olen, sterilized' The use of it"nn °r bulls 'ina mom tor vows, %;'it.b, the to tot „„ efteetive wpritohVib°dimeilingityrsie:vribliwleillYain ifoor, cigiet:fnutz d„r„-Irti,448,-,„draz,,,„,„„ , Six hundred bushels of soy new GONE! Mainly far Women ottil Occasionally Some Me 'T OIL WARM AleleiltgeSieS 001011111Cle Fnsit*tJ.0INSTITCTS The regular roonthly meeting of the teederlen branch ot the Wooneets titte Was held in efseXey Sell on Yeb, with *spewed satellite -um a mem. ben. Some oew mereeere were also tne ronee. Mn. Iliad, 1st vice Mese, deut, was in the verde The Menlo; opened with *engine 40 Canine" and Pitting the tonnes Payer. The Institute are maim their inuelebirtluley gift et *le to the Almendret Xmas -and Gomel Molted to be Med to the Mehs . of elenstaare. A chivies of five cents I* being Mode for the tei serve* st the medley In veder to help to eceltimilete nun% The *Antal at "tome ter the members and titeir eamillee Is to Ire *Id In.*Liee lems Hell on Fritter eMulng. Itele tette with made and tonteete is entertain.. „ment, for which prisee nave elreedy been sioneted. It WO With a great deal ot pleasure thee we Interact to Dr. Martin in hie us - ',Toe iiklidia sweadyscito Jame, leak ffe sty sham Bletfes. rcalet be* trams beckethee thie I evsula fausi erisislass up are belug trashed elailY in the menu- sefliefetit volume, but se a general en. Thia wa3 eonsidered meat rre"4ee.! eel c°°°° a heetIattnee of MOS lecturing plot reeently operien at rule quantity available on the overture Lt... sarenactory by en -concerned. The net If* • *math wade a:efeet sistirtriv '•MEM Heal and oil are the main farm is inadequitte for effeCtinte re* sale was very well ettended and bid- ;tett e!lealnetentlet,teiretaareeknel duet* although abets sire , likely sults. It is for this reeson that the ding was remarkable- brisk at all , follew. nee Qf ehierine in eldtehle fel" le re*t times. Both lieldimend and Kent commended by becteriological er . copetieo. "port that ;beans wax perts. It mete rapidly in cold teeter, eenerig in jenunry, ninny Lamers Mirka For Ontario Celery than the hest treatnannt ireitorallY re"' to Weakeys retch up onthirk which least tO conk eyowl thiriltig advantalge of the mild Welither scalded tnilk elowly being- vereful not Cook in double ' gene la ltrevtaces and is elteePer and raore convenient n Sitipmente of Ontatio 'celery be commended. When properly employ- i delayed owlet to dry weather last boiler until thickened. Add Min*. , s wogg . Western Canada, fire . arriving- at ed chlorine sterilizaeion gives ex-. fau„ The wheat crop his suneree ir, ,Cool end pour into pan lined with the their 'destination in nest elm* , can- cellent restults and the Practice, el- „,,,, mune dietricts owing to unesual fellow,. ing enistl „ dithers end, betwesel ofe bite IA4'1031807 ready genera Among. milk and” une'r conditions, Oe the heavy 'etude aolue ' *144 t Gill 144P'es ly laneli quehty of thois Precincts t Isfo�d plantsasPree ing e rdl , Ilea taken,nisgs and the crap 14 cup, butter ' lessieg well reeeined. This woos ee- same, , , . , ,,,.,,,_ .,. ` disholored. Now .seediaka i li OUP SUP ' IIMileit-in a tekgraale tram W. Se, Tett thousand Tots of seeds Were et tumor have saw euteerea, Lemon „ esseema einnent - n Somerset, -eltstirmane of the Ontenle sent to approximately moo farmers cookr, roports oni,t essa are hong Put corn flakes: through a. food Marketing Bemed, whp hats been in oe ;Atoio lest essay by tliii_ExPe,„_ft predated in mu& larger quantities grinder, using guest cutter. Mix Western Cense*. mental *Union. Some of the week now that moving 11$ *pm:aching. thoroughly With suzette butter And ---- et"hte of leedine v"ttetiee have been. Ileteheriee are incubating vats by , einniiinOrt. Line bottent Of a cake tin . "la mesa ou Market Cattle, distributed through this • sigIORAY to thousands 44rd in a paw eases the arse (*boat 8 piehee square) or a 1M:40 frig t* beef • e if the Cattle: geisMer VA the inertia thie . • . are Mere enquiries now for paella, pie tin for the filet toe pin. *F11111, errtitSharVnithge t"oplieavobtleenneaninli rretioni, et: WAW;iren°.n" tithe° With the plentiful ettpply of feed, gain o the ariners. , 1 lots of eldelte fiaVe been soln. There .. *liter ehoule be Well -fleshed. Well- cetera rotate Grsdor , : tive breeds, namely purebred register. above custard mixture which hes gave * vivid pleture ot women hi the finished young cattle command a aemetishod at tome, ea eteele. Down in Peterborough cneled and top with the ft:41°1411g olden. does of elevery entl sthe ennui premium on both the home and he.f f r r meringliet uplifting ot women to their attlient 80 - port t the attendance alert marltete. The Peer quality, "Xs an, effort to offer the emoting,- w4rest Am valet train visaed teat 3 egg whites under-fleehed animals have a depress- er still further **tier -waft,* -au a. country recently showed that there is id teaspoon vedette extract °114 *WI us et. Po .)1t In ale vg**14. *ing effect Qn the Market. 18teerg or T. Caesin, "the Central Ontario . still considerable interest in bog. la tabltePoes Seeger He Winked oat Meta that rave taken heifers showing breedipg and type Potato Growers' Assent:dices bas nee rinsing despite low prieres. Eastern veer grains salt . WOMen thenearids ef Years to realize. Al- ' make good Use Of the home-grown tablished. n MOM gilating station, OntariO has tacked sinew and ntueh Beat egg whites until, they hold so that women are better dated to take feed. Time atone will tell what the in Toronto. • heaving of meadows is reported and their shape, but until they lose their their Mace sociellY than men. Dr. Mare . Profit will be on '', the hundreds of “OrOwere are new SUPPing Ma'" heavy ii:ram..ge for haY crop next shin)" appearance and add anger Vet. cattle going into the feed-lote thie takes to this station,- Where their enearner festred. Wood, en import. Beat until 'stiff. Add. vanilla • ' fall, But it le reaeonable to eXpect prouct will he graded Alva bagged,cash veep, haa been trucked and and sinned on top of custard. Sprine thee it will .be the deep, mellow -flesh- the entire (*oration being effected Isil drawn in wsoolis, kle with remaining Omens. Bake ed bullocks that command the top the most modern eraorliinety. - ' in slow oven (800 deg. Pi.) for 40 prices when they go. on the market. "In my estimations" eonnlientea 10. iya K AS YOU minutes. Cool and sem*. Inferler.feed ona slethipY ration does: Cassia, ethis , wile prove to- be the .. L .LIKE IT I: Yield: io servings, note make market toppers On even the nioSt Prati5Mi1 ,abep iri *MIA* the* --"------e------- best tYPe of Cattle. tOnStuner Of top • quality and unitor- dillY llARBeetet. B. BROOKS) , , • mity of pule' Even the best of us tire of eating 'EDUCATIONAL coNvENTioN Clean and Sterilize MI Wiry ' test the things that are geesefor us. ---- We are told that spinach was a real ,e, , e _ , _ ,e_ — felt what we do not emPloY4 hut to Itini , • Inerwils . . . British Meet iMpoeteglons treat way back wlien our gremlin -nth- eteregatee to the Rattner COMMritiOn de enis The keeping quitlite of Mille dap- eat Hem in ...rmoon ,roae ,ete, eniffht,. the first warm, brececa, of 'the Ontario Eaucational Aseocia- -,,,,%‘ paper on "The story of our elm" that uses what he has there is et mom, tion and the Trustees' and Ratepay- VAG* MTN Help a1 Teethng Time Mother Aftor Mother Write' is Milt Praha of Ihnaffts of SAP'S OWN TAROS "iVe hare *at lost one nihtOtt *Novae teething, m I elwaya, we Mi old simulby, lieby's Own 'Telikte, They sue worth Owir weieht Legeld," writes Mrs. Archie Bee*, Contecon, (Mario, Mrs. Alto* Percher, Glenalinead, Que- bec, Ayr "My baby Ites nye teeth and bu never bent inek GU day time birth,. *bade to Itilby's Own Tabiets". "fiaby's Own Tablet* am excellent sit kende* thee,'" *Otte Mre, Ilugh Mae. Ntiu,sydsaty, N, S. DR. WILLIAMS' "Particuterle helpful when the little lone* ere cutting thrir writei el13, A. J. Lbd uJ1 Quebee, Storer of ether Mcibeea lave written fa similar vein. Givo YOUR child Helene Own- Teblets teethiag troubles, upset stemeeb, theide leentes -colic, colds, constipitioe, elanksenne and uheaever be Is trone Aritira ond tretful. Cbilena tote ttre Tablets ae today ati c4.taly. They're ebsoluttle SAFE—see analyst's ortificate in tech e8recut package. Owe 14.$0,1060 park- $eld ia 93X. BABY'S OWN TABLETS Moho anti Kike 44 A‘i Mothars know pranksfl domialera world 'without absollitelY. 'The Cheer% le the eentre or e"' Amen. this kingdom. Ito U&n sea the eatest. ote . The Btitisb, Weekly. seedo and the growtli to widen it reaeliee nnfiSON Felt won. to, 19st os at'enr4tO figOrt) Ot tlie re41on ot rAiwon. „repic..„Jeem ,ruchust or pa., Jesus Christ when eonskiered in tepott eteee-oThe Growth et The Kimplent. Walla nossegere.Mark 44144, Ontillen Text...balith 111.19. to its spretteing titer all the earth. It. has been sometimes thouleat that tbero Um an evidence ageinet tbe divine origin. of OluiStiAnity, in the fact Of the incon. Again we reeve eesite using as an illus. tsiderable progress that Went ninteetion. tiation in his discourse a very common • Made among mite We thing thee Chrks- household artiele--a ilehted candle. benne ne soon as- p1Uthed mignt hare From it he went on ta talk of hidden beett contest to start into unlimited em, things brought tnlight; of secrets re- vire. The imagery drawn trona tieldsend eerdens alwayo suggest tit() idea ot a 411 - noun Luta Interrupted erowth as in the ease of Christei pante% et the witeet and. the Tares. elliese lessees by iambic ' • erten. Men eurter the consequenees of liesus eontinued to deliver and explain to their Own nets, 'rhe twenty-ilftli verse his chosen apostles. ia fulfilled in every person's history. "For he that lieth to ititn Shall be givenmd - WORLD MISSIONS he that hath not. from hint shall be,tak. en even that which lie halt.'" We cer. and Mrs. tubas, Young were appolritect to Minty lose wise we do not Use, we for. tin strongly immtneed the merabers with mated and the eertainty of ail evil brine the advisability ef having woMen in dee:oven-a some day, charge et child welfare work, Seri% then proceeded to tail their at. A hearty vote ot 'Weeks was alloyed by terttion to the necessity of tsearing Mies Salleel4 and tendered to Dr. Beattie by Mts. 1. Bisset. It was decideit to draft some resolt*. tione taken from thie inspiring address to be sent in to the. district Monier meet- ing by our society. nee. T. Phillips ---- a. A canon Direct*. r arketa from the south, eagerly %eddied for erie Association ut Toronto in April was prepared by Mrs, 1Z 0. Robertson To him that hate exercised ins Inasele ee•enn-------,--------- Eranch, ,states that the import rof the brave sprouts of spring rata lome. are assured of a profitable and inter. and rend. by mrs, Girvia Young. The more musele shall be elven; but from meat into the Deetee Kingdom from ed for tbe day when they could -: e` "Ines° 43' r8°Ig g°, 'esting meeting. At the general meet- flat was itsed by men in olden thus first, the United, States, Argentina snit out to gethel him who hate not exercised hie muscle Denmark en particour, le a very (Grandmother new the vt,'honf-f-a-m---ii; iAnpgiitieldh,e'Predielerit C. W. Stanley, beeanie essoolated with the idea ed na- beld on Tuesday evening, as a means of signalling, then later flags ceneiderave item ,in ...Britiah foreign was going to feel better for eating of Dalhousie University, Halifax, will tienalitY Eind PlitrIOUBM. The paper also tritle. . them but tteire wee to coaxing j " be the gfteSt Speaker. De, H. d. 1' 1. told bow our nag tame to be built up ere eurther stated that reports in, Or father to try -Ostia ,No dotibt the former Minister 01 Education Education and eieeee elle mritieh Empire as -having familtes fascination for spinach -wee now president of the University of world's sheep, forty due in part to the fact that there were months when spinailt was one-third. lot the Teronte, will welconte the delegates Per 'cent. (a ite mattebut ao more man,' and tenaer a 'reception at the elose Do You Need COUNTER CHECK BOOKS? WE CAN SUPPLY Carbon Leaf Carbon .Back See Us for Prices ilkfore Placing Your Order The Goderich Star Phone 71 erper-ltression Report (vontlaued) There are sorae 760 patients lie Kate% • larost leper hosPital, and 360 leper beg- gars wait hopefully about the slate :seek - Mg admittanee. • A great dean of industrial work is tar- ried on by the petiente at come ot these than .be taken '4Wity even the muscle christ go out, into other leper *goatee , hospitals, and . many of those won tee evillen he began to have. NiVe v(wnnt and 'preach the glad tidings to others tie keep things• at a etondstile it is alWaY0 clistress. . . gaining or always losing. The,se lawe . en soon clam, China, some 100 pre-, tiente were:die:barged aii mires laeleyeere but tile majority of easee are too ler ad- , vaneed to respond to treatutent. The . elector in charge of ,this hospital has ' trainee Sorae of the lepers to take blood tote of new.patients and to report there*. on. Others have 'been taught surgery, and are capable of etteefonnbeetamiuitte. • tion, operations, many of which are ieta . mystery- of growth, . eessary ceche ever., ()theta busy thong.- SelVes in the making et ertlfielol limbs Ilenry Ward l3eecher has the following In Teughsien, Ordim, the hOSPital fie.- . for their fellow-sufferere. , to say in. this parable of -our'nord: "The eommodates 142 patiehts. • trisee ranee truly religious life in the soul of a Man, ,rive per cent. of these are advante cases, kitlgdoni a God, or the beginning of a eanaries en a means of support, Neste - nate be obseare, imperceptible and en- width tan hope tor nothing better them a wartime. 'When a Mut is building a years of suffering welen Inuet culininete Walton Presided and Mra, 8halt al t hoose he sees i as it goes on. That is trt death tepees, however. tetmonda No, 1 .gratie in sound hard emmlition. of milk and talults anywhere from a we'-nvoeatinn MU, the Ontario eere- 0! the an outside matter. A Man goes Into Ins quickly tO the ClosPel dote,. due to theee ' 't1.1 the devotional exercises, 'rhe leaflet on!, ' The Domestie •gracie should range pint to it quart each day. catioual Association is. putting on a "The Ideal Woman oT the Bible tead be' garden and plants seeds. lie inay sit up fact that they are deity t,auglet the Word, . from 18 to 24 sbilliegs, according to Because milk is so important. for a ---e all night with spectacles and a lantern. the amount of 'color and attritetive- good health, we often overlook t , he dramatic night in Hart House and IVfxs. J. Veagan, Was very interesting. Ph but he will not see anething going alt; very few church. people reline' their - • . winch giveth light. 1ft musical night in Massey all with musie was inspiring and a Pleasant its tluin four. per cent., of 'its pigs, not to be had at any price. Still, of the meeting, Hon, Oeo, S. Henry, hetet it possible that everyone liked Premier and Minister of Education, a — it better because) grandmother prizea -11 a r 44 will 4 .. et, Mt a ress as W3 s ' °Stittai AP* Market ' highly d A ''' 2 will e n, it so wan served it as ens- Honor Lieutenant -Governor Bruce. The eurte newsletter .from u Of extra • te ear, M. A. Campbell, secretary of drew Fulton, overseas feint repre- Fend ean be miesidered' from many ea the Trustees', Associatiore bale with Maple leaf Forever" atter which ad- sentative, states that the outlook ap- angles and what a difference it Inneen the executive, mapped out a splendid Jouremeet was made Mr tea. Mts. out - pears more proniteing for a steadier liotteone Woks 'at it"! Let US take Milk rogrant makingdue a 11 o w a n e e apple market in the United Kingdom,. for instance.. To the nutritionist, milk as tbe indicatiohs are for supplies to is an essential which surethes to the for diseussion of questions vital to ratepayers. The met of secondarY be slightly lighter from North Spewing child caleinin and Phosidlerne education is bound to be a live topie America, with better. regulated dis- .11.! ,jut the right proportions end- ef4n.: as it was lest year nand delegates will . , tributione It is 'the opinion of the InnatIon for bugging strong s.trelget •gain valuable information with re- Nile W. X W., 'which met at the manse on VitednesdaY afternoon, Feb. 1st, was trade taint good oquality red desftrt hence and sound. teeth. /Its Minerals, gard to the apportionment of grants well attendee and great letterest was apples such as Baldwins, will continue vitamins, P10 ems and fats are need - from* 24 to 28 shillings a heeeel for children should have itt least a quart h • second • , oratorical night . ed told that h -S" being Present. to be in demand at values ranging (!,. .xt every diet. We are On Wednesday evening instead of shown •in the proeram given. Mrs, Wm. from the union of the three ountrie.s, and principles• lieve been, regarded tee England, Ireland. and econand. Our nag great mysteries, whereas they are among ts associated witb, limey thousands of the eommon facts of Inunmt lestory. men and womert ot air race who have 'If we elose our eyes and stop OUr ears carried it and reverenced it long before and fin our .hearts with vauities and hes, we were born. 'Canada 4184 Marie many. we tamest wonder that the holiest rove-. fitting Contributions to the UM= tnk0C. lations tall upon us lIke rains upon the The meeting closed by singe* "Tae wilderness, or pass unreeognisted la the titupor of our sleep meet the Mete -Mier: of eur worldlinese" VIN 'ammo, Press !Secretary. . versos 26-29 Jesus speaks ot the • f t ' 1" If the- et. re s 0 e ru • Russets are meet 'a u-stOrns 'of 800 voses from the wen as a profitable afternoon area spent. 'lug a geed demand and Ben Davie family does not choose to aril* milk, eenoois oe Toronto under Miss N. E. At the close of the meeting a tasty lunch will be wanted as red apples become the wise another will not say till() Todd, Music supervisor of schools. was served by Mrs. John and Mrs. Tim% more scarce. The above prices, Mr. much about it. Instead, she will set before them the best Mil . ii, carrying There will also. be a number of McPhee. We extend a cordial InVita. Fulton remarks, are givert only as a novelties, meluding boy dancers and tiorkto anyone Interested in W. M. S. or gitide, as neire'dy ean foretell exactly foods and recipes with an nen a ear' a" double trio from Hamilton and a what tlae supplies will be between er expeetancy just as did grand; Ladies' Aid nark to meet wis ith . The has it e regular stages, end one wu ill it of latch a work unkelinely. for we realize now and March, and suleplies greatly mother with the first "mess o'greens' vallegiate orchestra, Admission to the entertainment will be free to rtadies' Aid Meets one bent later at the precede the Other-11rd the blade, then that the disease of the node in only en 'tnfloence value, . 0/dark shippers of the season- held tame mace on the tame day. Next meet' .the ear, then the kernel Itt the ear, and evidence of tee disease of sin 'teen% tate 0.E.A. members. No eonvention . a dvised to keep their apples move At breakfast,. one to two cups of each persen's quota may be taken in the province is so vital to trustees Ing willbe eel(' !inthe church on lb; ryoucannot make one Of their andelpate out the life of men. ing regularly melt week to the mark- the others so that they will not follow in From The Outlook. ef ma March. -- e s es sub, or the varieties and . aselleati Ponaresnhotsulads endeavor to EtOverYsesnedh°°a1 arstwednadto urnoii tm *week. that eequence. sizes. available in order to realize the .1 is, no better milk carrier than ' crisp itkontersion . L5 Often' an IriMerceritible' ' --*-- best average:pi-lees. ready -to -eat tereals. 'With a wide representative. •' it is ustany safe to say that when a choke of these made of whole wheat, . eonditibn. Unconscious piety Is simply The Hydro Store , ...y. xced a neat Hese crackling grains of noareed biecuits; bran, corn or rice, sheeddee in flakes', "Dark and *uncertain as the out- by your surrounding cirmrinStanres into this, the being trained from your cradle child is pale, sicklt, tieevish and restless, - COOK WITH ` li g e s While there are mny ath t evenY. factors a fled and bre len st eed individual taste can be satis- vx " h wider field the year has not been , eerver'I still think that hi this eriou ss disorders of the digestion and those ver preventing the infant Irons deriving y moodand Into that s very pa r - pose of life whieh conversion means. It PILES look may appear to the casual ob- the came is worms. These parasites range the stomach and intestines, causing there is nothing that monotonous. Withent important develooments is being. inwardly thamied, away from ELECTRICITY lnntltrY thick, will bave greater influence on the Mk dishes for luncheon or millPer leading toward e ti stabilise cor, f animal teward spiritual life; away front ^ zustenance from food. millees Worm c (brick, Clean, Eciarconica than the Way in 'winch he houses his to plait and to eat. Either in soup, Beatty, N.C., Chairman and Prose. rects these faults of the digestion and are quickly. poultry raiser's, alretesa er failures tire •perhaps tbe most satisfying both . ton and encouragemente',--E. Si 'the law of celfishtiesS tis the law of Powders, by destroying the wornis, a true love. flock. Birds of good breeding , u0 main tourse, salad, dessert or bever- dent. Canadian Pacific Railway. servee to restore the organs to healthyI. age, abfficient milk is added pleatiant- in his review of 1932, . matter now well 'fed, will not return action, Ver es 80.34. Chriet in ti verses Satithedittlealid inaidninm prssfits unless Well housed. ly to take eare of at least another • and yet .there is pomethine going on responstbility to work like that ot 'the • . • which. is vItalty Connected with the whole 'Leper Mission; It Is seldom inellided In • • operation of vegetable developinent. Si the budget of,'chtirelt organizatiems,, • • it is with the ,spirituat . The Were of though it works in co.oPeratiou with ell • - Gad in the human soul inrradual It denominat'ons We cannot read a, report.. 3 '33 t net forth the doctrine of the kingdom The POidtrY hnnse in the hen's home, ciirs of the individual requirement for "Terough Intelligent educati= • 'DI God. It It. not the church, but a far BY and to be comfortable and%giee good the days There are still the extras to the eeonoinie and "social futility - g 1 production,: the house should eueve think of such as milk used in breads, or war will eventually be recce- , n • prtmer ventilation, insulation and eaures, ceeI ,Sunday 'Afternoon . vates omnipotence and wisdano-tvitts,ein in beverages 9r on fruit nized," iS the view ot Sir Norman , wider,vaitt, outlying region; where Jelee atitation• Moil, British economist and dis- fir i M. riAMILTCIV - a d. Or indeed, all leis granola ottributee—retens ' se o cation, amiitsimuld havty of light, be dry aa Proper lne . and desserts, A few basic recipes for -milk dishes roller of war illuelons. He sailed have =pie floor leilaeta may be varied arid -enlarged upon to recently by Canadian Pacific liner giVO endless variety. Milk toast "Montrose" after a lecture tour in. God is workirig Nis purpose wit, / As year soceeds to Year; . ...--........ the United States. ') ereard -soups, creamed 'vegetables, Ontalio Apple Exports ' - creamed fish and Scalloped dishes ate 1 Clod is working His purpose out, ed into a white Sauce, thick or thin. • --.--- Of the 4,046.612 pounds of can,- I And the tins in drawing neo.r Show Appreelabla Rain all good waya of putting more milk ed pineapple consumed In e - Nearer and nearer drawa the time— .* a4dit between April I end No :mil "One of the Ibright ffilotS ift our into the daily food of the famine agrioulturel oituation, ifs the inereass- The milk for all of these is thicirein ber 31). 1032 all but 168 693%; ' came from ,tount 10 iihi, h.. The time that shall surely be, ing volume of apple export," stated r .0 w ri t e , When the earth ghat!. be Ailed Pe W. llodgette, Secretary, Ontario THIN"WHITE SAUCE . Empire, nearly half the totalbe- With the glory of God Fruit Grower' Association, ret.. .... ....... .....1 tablespoori Ine from the street: Settlements. As the water eover the res. , A. C. Ameer. , zo eat° approximately 100,000 Flow , ....1 tablespoon berrele Orattrio •apples tare gohe ener, „ Illiteraey he Cda anais near the abroad, while 60,000 mom . will he Salt.......... „ ... _ ..te tett!pilg enelshing Point. According to tee MAYER , ' .. ehipped in the next tew weeks. Five MEDIUM. WRITE SAUCE lost census In teal, b2.34 per rent. we acknowledge that It Is tetough Thy Hereto e eit Quick Relief thousand belittle have bean oolcl for, of tbe population of aiteada over l• words, 0 (theist, and Thy get,. and 'inn "'''' , Fat 1 tablespoon . eve VO 110 of age couid einue.r reati I through Thy pinaion .of faith and hope 1 • Ile,h,rupentreSti edueolievrterYabinplemnante• a laot var., Flour. .., ..... „,.. „ .2 tahiespoon5 or write. Snolente enrolled in 1 and love, that our colds bye been re. • ' 1 cup c aii:! Then nebeele tit Inn 11111 . r dined, and that our feet hue been • ......6*.4.1.1,........e....... u.............**ta salt . . . , . . , ...... . .... 1,*k .. ee ....64......7. Mi teasPeo_n . planed.on the wayy of life. Whereto -A --"t-4 "----"* THICK WHI'llE SAUCE I ta 'Mee do we escres at is ilv)....t meet MONOMEN AL WORKS ' 600E111011 vAt ,, ...,,, rlotir. ... . . .... ... — .3 tablespoons-, f .,,,. .. ..„-.. ' 1 1 tablespoon 11.4 it111,11IN 81. Salt„.. . . . .... . . n.....,e teaspoon ,, : ' , Milks... ..44•1.4. .. 0 .... .;...1 OP #80,41 tioteriai Ind town Meit the fat, otit in the flour Arid '' 4 antwitoult EADACH E... 9 e the vaticaii „ styles, and mikes at The Hydro Store GODERICH use Hydro bulb* for light. fit& They are itistareul* - teed Malaise add Milk greduenlye Cook 'Until thick- NOXibOSt Export workmanship teted, etireing constantly unlese a 411 Work Guarentee6 double boiler to used. thing toa Four buttiviess will roe I CREAMED CABRAISE AND I yi RAU . , .t.rOdoir in Prices Regimental& appmeieted. l I rattail bead cabbage, 2 elli33 , White ft A. SPOTTON : ranee, le pound cooked ham, 'e cap 0 Eliettor .•,•. ONTARIO i corn fiskes, I teaspoon salt. le G. Box 161 uttered From Headaches Shred cabbage. Cook uncovered la boiling salted water until tender. Drain, Mix thoroughly with whito Imance to which diced cooked Mtn has been added. Put in buttered easse- role. Cover with corn Oakes and bake and Bad:111114ms Attacks kbout fifteen militates at 400 deg. Ft , Note; Any left.over meat or ettp grated cheese may to used instead of last, ik.13,;vaitari-Vo'ryi 4 the ham. ofared front beaded*. nod Wiens attacks, I Wed several Undo of atadlebia fart ridtle ibasit mined ta do. ria a Mend advkied tea to no Tadreelaree Pipo, loa tbsy* bo hot ik* rowdy I to. sto *ay by Ilas 11. Mons CORINT FLARE CREAM DESSERT n tablespoon dour 3 egg yolks (well neaten) te <alp sugar 14 teaspoon nit 2 -cups kalded flour 1 teaspoon extract MIX tI ow, sugar and salt Add tgg yolks and mkt until smooth. Add 4 your house Think el the met Stitlard'e hoots* Litti. lotto WI Yea ess *sib eta Poi* at Somatic Relioirs 1.1112111110-1116 Hed ter * Soto Skin,1Voatid, tete et Mgt. Clot tht Caret et IVeno. Stop Daodtelf. Ceetjert * Cough. Cold or &bawls. Conk*. Id hid, shit* imbibe Ilk* thio old forikr reeled', foe liotisieg yortedf mei reheat. In A.1 teesdideo. Ms& foie 50 nos by Min/NO Ilisiiteet CO,. Md.. Ypolottlh, N.5. s iitegAlphogit ito.1414itifthis 4 Co..14414ristiat. a 1110 WELIC.S Snitt, M. RoBINS° Iiten's Leather Caps, made eight. piece ttyle, well lined, Want only, Mere Gee to n9:1 79c Boys' Pullovers Fancy' patteme to eizoote froze, ekes 24 to 32 tiao . Men's Sweater Coats navy hit and splendid for Eur right now. Taey are a barsala. Ones 30 10 44 $1.20 M. ROBINS GEft tOft TIP Tor TAIILOItS 344 a lot or things can ealiSe a headache or other vain, but there is one thing that will always give you relief! Just take a tablet or two of Aspirin. Your suffering ceases. Relief conies instantly, tegardices of what may have been nuking your bead throb with pain. Aspirin is harmless —cannot depress the heart. So there's no use waiting for a headaefk to "wear oftt' It is useless to endure pain of any kind when you can get Aspirin. It is a blessing to women who suffer regular syStenak pain; to mai who mud work on in vite of eyestrain, fatigue or neuraigiL S P N 11100104ASIC #ItG.aMitti • 4