HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-02-09, Page 1The Merchant's Friend An advertiser's message in the (lode - rich Star reaches the teader on Thurs. day, the day of publication, in plenty of time for perusal and for week -end shopping. ISEVENTY.THIRI) TEAR dobocriptiont $2 a :moo in Canada *tee * Year eo V. 8, Points, . • GODERIC - tric at - The nsw respondent in color, hove ertivea yea ere eeahao:e pakalreadvatice iorikgizkro a Tiu War, That Le a, ehelest Qf five, Oa wed now abet) tilt :Angel is complete. 000sssesew000etotooleroweemeesoweeNawsevesoweseseeveneeseel MARIO, CANADA, THURSDAY, FERRYARY Oth, 1933 WALTER RAMC.. Ptiblialter ZERO WEATHER FOLLOWS ON HEELS OF FOUR DAY STORM Welfare Board Has Cash Balance MI Bill* Heve Not Been Paitt—Fucti &manta, 'Are IleaVi Tao welfateeboard hetet It& repher Weekly Meeting en Nfonciaa aight. There ere now liftyeOne mWesreeeivieg asetee .telake fotateen partial and the balanee full. relief. To date the Sinn of $1274,01 le* been recelVeci. Or this amount the ratePeYers. through the toWn eettnells heve eontributed $100. The eleiZette have put 'up tae balance in voluntary mtbe seriPtiOns. MOntlee nightethe tenunittee NAVA on varioue avounte for payment. There ie et legume et 9300 In the tree - eery, but tfiere are bUls, Prinelpally a•C- . towns for fuel, one for nearly 1200, une NAL i1ia teltributeetts, of OM's% do not inehide'these from. the Pederel and, Iheiviactet (oleertunente, which are on the (JAMS of li2.00. for eve* dollar ePent aa- eordiag to regulations. The exact am- -mint ot government paments WM not there/ore he knoWnuntil kcal accOunts have been passed on by goverment ine epeotore. The fue bflL s mid to be ex- . teeding Its atiota, With the roodbW ess . than that allowed by the Government. Niouday night Mr, Ernest Breckenridge heeded, the board a cheque for $18, pro- ceeds of a coneed given by the Citizens' liana and.the Sunday *boot of at,Geor- /gets thumb. ' The question or a fulletime, paid. Meese eleator has been ellecinsed by the board, 'bet merelbere so far have beeu enable to agree on the principle or on, a ehoiee. It et stated that 4o tax there haea been few eoinplaiats. Some reportn of abuses have urwmctally reaetted the board, but no one as yet has beea cat off relief. Reads of families are wittingly giving their services to the town 'vitencalletlamon to do so, Chief Postelethwaite states, The ritteatiou ot a, louseeto-house eerie ow also has been discuesed by board, but the oakum has been terattorarily aban- doned. At Ntontley'e Meeting Mayor Lee expressed the gratitude of citiaens to the Lime Club, to Mr. Chas, Itleakins and Ca B. Davies forthsplentlid results aeltieveti at the "relief retital" in St. George's chureli Da Sunday afternoon. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE A,RMSTRONO EiZA.1.1 ESTATE Jo "'AND ;NSURANCE _AGENCY, intereseed Write to • • J. 'W. ARMSTRONG,' ehhee Upstairs, Rest Sick Square .0. Sox 89 . Ooderich, Ont. Real Estate and Insurance Properties sold, reuted and rents eolleeted. •Fire, automobile, hinge lam, &oddest and skittle* insur- ance, e-Book-keeaing 'end Auditing, F. 'WOOtECOM13E n,AMIT/rONT sTfreateT •PRONE 296 THE 0, F. CAREY CO. FIRE, ACtiDENT acid MOTOR CAR I Mature OFFICC-.MA$ONICtOPLE, YaSt AL. 000seice Photo 239 NELSON HILL, /tanager J. W. CRAIGIE Insurance and Real Estate • 001VIINICON, PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL BONDS, PUBLIC NOTICE 1933,Advance, Tax Payments Do hot faif to take advan. tage of the liberal saving on your" 1933 Taxes by Ohre basing Advance Tax Re.. ceipts on or before Feb. 15th. 1. H. ROBERTSON, Tat Collector PERJURY CHARGE LAID Crown Allegee Clark Stoniey Swore Poisele at Liquor Trial. -Now in joil h. perjury charge has been preferred he the Crewn against Clark Stauley, of near 131Yth, now eervine a term in the teunty jail here'for how offence arising mit De the interest intsethe death a the late ;lima Twain. At the summary trial be- fore •magistrate* Reid- on Jannary 13th Stonier testified under oath that he did not know .".ty sight, nor Was he acquaint - ell with the three Crown witnesses who swore they Plirehased liquor from itim. The eneu ere Clayton Petts, learvey Devia and Oeolefe Cowan. Stanley Ituther eaid tinder oath that these Men Were not at ••his plaee for three months prior to Janne arer 13th. Ille Crown eharges that these StateMente are false and known to be false by aecuettl, extd were intended to Mislead the court. A D. McLean Reads Board of Health Several Mills Vendors!, Are Told Their Samples Are • Unsatisfectirr, At the inauettrel meeting eif the Board of Reath, held on Monday afternoon, A. MeLeati was named - ebairman tor 1033, Other meneeers present were Dr. WI Gallow, Dr. A, 0, Hunter, Meas., and Mayor Lee. Tie board will meet regularly on the lirst Monday of each month at 4 Pall. • A l'epert eieted Deeembei 3, 1932, from the Depertment ol Realth ,of Ordeal() seowitee sample of Water from the town system tee* '"A" alass, was read and flI- ed 'The repert eri n1Uc aed tream eampiee is AS follows: KIM F,*; Bacteria Butter Count Fat Ryah , . , . . .. .... ...„. .,.. 1,100,004 ea gelvlanus. 100,000 •e,95 Baxter 156,000 • r..o.o- .Tohnston 15,009 3.25 011' . . : .. ... .. 450,000 3.05 Beattie 25,000 4.1 Gederich Dairy 1000 4.0 ellset,t, 15,000 3.1 ' Ryan McMitritie Baxter, .... ... .„....„.„, 9,000,000 29,0 Johnston - 60,000 23.0' Orr " 909,000 Beattie -; • , ' 700,0G a • 164 Xiaeatt 25,000 ' 24,5 The M. 0, R, verbally reported onthe visit of •rion, Dr. Robb, eilinieter of Health, to Gederich, and ox tlie public lettere 011 eancer givea by Dr, a. W. a IvieoZ lough Diphtheria toxold la being ad- ministered to the school, obileren, the M. 0, 11. reported, RELIEF DONATIoNS Additional subeerietions to the Gode- rich Welfare Board are as follows: Previouely acknowledged 312701 C .„ E. (third payment) 61,50 Goderich Band 18.00 John Marriott • 4.00 CREAM 1,200,000 28,5 •• 100,000 38,5 31354.51 WANTED "Ft! pLIABIZ IIARTY needed inueediete- °`°' ly to distribute Watkins 100 Petro ous Household and Perin hecessities te establish Rural trade. • Car needed, Cre- dit fin/tithed. •Apply quickly, N. ED- MONDS, .1. R. Watkins co., 940 XosPeo, tor St., Montreal, Dept, R-115, • FOR SALE (JR TO RENT • Tr01/011 TO AgbIT.—Xf you are thlnk- Ing moving to a warmer, more eentrel house witir garage and garden, tee M. W. ROWELL F'° 'MT.—Four-roomed fiat with tortvenientes. Apply at avIASSEY- :MMUS MOB, letneston St FOR RENTaR-ouse on Pletan street. • All tonveniento, hardwood iloors, gapage. APPIY P, 71,MAR'15tet. OR SALK-eModern brick hou.se on Britannia Rd. PiANX 11. uAteror. ARM FOR SALE.—Party acres,- more or less, tee property Of the late ft W. C. Noftel, situated at the end of South otreet on the southern hotmdat'y Jr the town; of' good clay •Iperno-orooto how and been, dtiVe *WOrES tzen-liouse; artesian well (135 feet), the vete beet of water; 000d,. fruit trees, Weal Ideation, close to tehoole and tharebes. Pot further Particulars AM* on the trembles Or to Paler Or WILT. NAPTEt, C. H. HUMBER JEWELLER THE SMALL SI ORE WITS Ina ato atonic iln Life 'Murano Damao of ON* REASONS rOlt INSIMING Thra are many reasons for insuring your life. The following Cirea few of them. /t &odes eltates, 14 prottet8 the dependents. It lifts mortgages. at eateels dotz. It brightens old age. It is an asset of increasing value. It pays one %mired cents on the dollar. • der, oloPs thrift. It provides cash for emergencieo. It converts doubt into uncertainty. bov,e1: °Mee 213 ilttelddence 24.* II R. LON� Markt Awn IL J. A. MacHwan on 1 MOTHERREMND SIX BELOW IN GODERICH MacKay Hall Board' etykr liketheitt of Woodotock .Are Grant. IS RECORDED THIS.' MORNING ta WEek"a Hoist ou ROW)" *wino • On Saturday morning Lest Maglatrate Town council Asks He e.„ bud. Reid, vented another weelte" Chairmaut-.-Session Leib Till Midnight Elooldayor -IL J.. A. elocEtvart hay. been etosen by the town eottnell to 1111 the vacatt4 on the beard Of truefeee Of MAW- iroo COMMlalitY Hall, aused by the death ot the late J. W. Taylor. The aP- pointment Le emmteined in the repent of the spevial committee, &denoted last ThilredaY night be open ettiutell. 'Me repart Itirther asks thet Me. beacEwele he xuade chairman of the board. The eotilled held ha open SeSsiOn at the eonelusiou 01 he committee 'sessions. There were so many affairs scheduled ,for Friday, the meat Meeting night, that Proceedings were set alieael mie day to Permit membere to be present. A deputation amen the Public School Board asked for 'better drainage facile. ties me Brice streee, alongside Celitrat *hoot, This will require the installation of a new catch. Witt, and while this being done the tielnetation askea• that drainage be also, proVided for the wheel grounds, for Which at t preparea topay. Tile matter was referred to the publie niece :committee, with power to ace Kitchener city. Connoil asked. endorse - tion of a reetilution providing that only property renters be permitted to quality for municipal &lice. The special 'come nattee Was asked: to bring en a report. •Ali rents owing abe Mien were refer- red to the' town solicitor for eollection. A list of all insurance polkies on 'town properties is to, be prepared at the request of 'Coimeillors- Bumber and Seaeroolt, whe Sponsored the motion, It was near- ing andetight where council adjourned, . The cemetery sexton • reported that there had been nine 'interments , during the month of Janerary,.. • Two building permite were referredto the fire committee, *One. 'lints trent Ger. don Tebbritt, v,vbis is bonding a vertedith on, his Trafalgar -street botise, and the .other from R. E. .Tenner, who Lesteariag down the rear section -of his' house on laritennia Road house and rebotildbag. It With verandah and sun rooin elCest of 330.0•., • , • 'red wconcombe, iosurence tweet. wrote asking -for 'a share of the tOV1/04 iniuranee busineso. Be' states that. he has bean a reSlile* aud lex/Ayer ,ofi OoderIch for ativenty- Years and at the ate -sant 35 pot fevered, with any. beeiness, The letter, tras referred to the finance. contaittee. George MathOeson wrote asking perxrda- sion to rent the .,fronapart of the garage owned by Mr. lekitlittal Bell, to be used as a weldeig them.' Mr. •Mathieson states that' he IS starting in*bu.siriess foe hiM- self.' The ptiblie works Committee, wiil dealewith the letter. * The. total *debenture 01 Goderich, es on December 3110,. 1932, as illed in a etat,e- meat with the Ontario Mitnicipai Board, Is $338,661.39, divided as /allows: . Wat,e1 department, 381,440.89; electrie light de - pertinent. $52,280.20; bonus • loans, $/113.41; public schools, •$10,123.54: Col- legiate Institute, e60,215.97; local oIm- provements, sewers and walks, $91,240.91; general, e46134.47. Laet year, on printi- • (Continued .on page 5)* NOTICE OF SALE XD:1—/isATE17117sZr.-- 1 71 Under and by virtue of the pewers con - tattled in n certain mortgage, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for Ogle by public auttion, n SATURDAY, the eighteenth doe of February, 1933, at the hour of three o'elock, in the aft/ernoon, at the °Mee of Mead. Raps mut Hays, Hamilton Street, Ooderich, by Meeste. T. Gundry and Son, Auctioneers, the following property, namely All and singular that certain parcel or • tract of land and premises situate, lyiug and being in. the Township of Stanley in the -County of Unroll, and Provence of Ontario and being OOMPOSed of lot mune ber el*, south of the Bayfield Road Con- aession in ,the old Township of Stanley, containing eixty-nine aeres of land Inore or less. TERMS—Cash. Por further particulars acl conditions; * *le eielole• to HAYS and RAYS, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for lvfOrtettgee, or to . TelOMAS OUNDRY & 810N, (*deride Ontario, Auctioneers. DATED AT Gonotron this Ilth day f January, A. 13., 1033. ADVggaIMIMENV OF SALE. tinder and by vietuc of the powers con- tained In a certain mortgege, which will be Produced at the time of sate, there Will be 'Wend for tale by public auction, on SATURDAY, the eighteenth day of 'February, 1932, at the hour ot two -thirty o'clock in the afteriuton, at the oftice af Meters. Hays and Hays, Hamilton Street, Goderich, by Messrs, 'I'. Gundry ahd San, Atietioneere, the following preemie. namely: All and Magritte that certain pared or tract of land and premises !situate, lying and being in the Tenet -Mae af Stanley, in the County of num and Province of Meatier auel being eoniposed of West pert of Lets No. 3 and west at of 4, Lake Road Eat, In the :Aid Tottilthip.of Stan- ley and tonteining 133•0:1 acme efe land (Lot 3 c011tairis 40 aerce: Let 4, elhe, teethe) more or lets. TERNM-Oselt. roc further particidaro and eonditiens of vile apply to VS and IIAVS, Cladesteli. fOr Moetgagce, or to THOMAll OUNDIVE ez SON, Ooderren, Ceitarlo. Anttcamo. DATte) cgopturcu tutc letit C."se he!_ daetiarh. 11, 1933 went in the case or tiliiinee Mid ,rgivin Coldest D a y in Three Wirt,. Toler. brOthere, Of eitioeasteek ellerged • tru and Colder With robbing the Crierad.1 Purnituro fat • - tom 14eatorth, of belts, Wyse ete., Veetted ZalittOreetW at over WO, Mr. Reiter, the Illght Watehman„ secured thealkeneeenumber SNOWFALL IS 12,INCIRES Of what le helkeed to I* 'Melt ar atter • the accused are alleged to hoe treed ta Roods 'Aro sadly Drifted and buy material which was not for sale, • • or the stolen tortiolee have Since •AUtO • Traffic Ahncist been leeated in eteetindhand stores in at Standstill Lmulon. "rile Tay/or brothers are out on bail. They are saki to be well Cm., fleeted, One haVnig travellee for the Sea* forth firm.. 'Phey deny ithe eitarge. POWERS CURTAILED •••• •curdy Old •Ates Eetwion Committee Can Ne Loner Flo Armoire „ Huron enmity Old Age Pension Board 7644 led longer fikllio itineUrteof the-perrh• rim• This rests alone with the inspector and the Provin031 controls:Am rno county navel eon only recommend who. thcr or net the pension obeli be granted, autI even that is not final. These neW regulations, Wen In effect since the UWYO J. W. Fraser Chair'n- . ,,, :::0117:44:taanTHEldou:rr.1.471:49,711.4:to::::: tar:: :On, ti .b t lb f bath In falls or flurries. . ere as eat Some a o a x g touray WOO altogether and this latest Strong weeterly winds, Cloud% decided.. 33"t` ox the Year' C°tintY Clerk 11°1/444 points mit to us mar. ,of a C. L Board wid. 0, foot of snow bas tnuqn...tno mez:. cUrtailMent ot potver. peinte In that dire cure this (hatirsdaY) snoriling drePPeil 0 44 4 . .. tnaustaria Meeting ot, 8011ra For .f,..„ sl* below Zero, tile celdeet tOMPeree, ej wiors Annex , Year Heldri e b . 1 Isure recorded einee hheruary (ithe 1930, When it fell to . 7 below Zero, 41 8.30 - •Tvvo More. Victories aere the thexmometer of O. H. *Niutah, , • .„ offielal weetikr observer, read two below, Win ItstridilY at Seaforth, But but private instruments, .exposed to the Astt.chat . is...To• ugher • Wind, recorded four degrees lower. Cow- 1:1here, r , * • * .o, . pled with a. biting West wind, it la subleP ryic k i n g NO 7 los' the Sailors dent to sal that the Otit-ef«door atino is hitteclad« Chelit upvictory Trafile is altriost at a stendstill, se bad « Tuesday night thee Mewed through the ly have, the reads drifted, The :garages ono* to Seafortle and they Plowed beek are Crowded tothe proverbial roof with about midnight ivith, a 5.3 victory. tuldel the care blestorrabotind travelled mut the their ,beitta Incidentally, Seafortit el the tweeters have been: very busy .PillUng male team to beat them tbia year. The autos .out of drifts, A Provincial -snow- eccosion was the at .gant0 of the sone- ders, O. A. Reid„ T. PI, ,Mitchen, and m n.. Naloo,w8 eautaMsebetelinromus:ttaro:edsitnraatf.ord.ina:ne:-. dele, With seven victories alld bin one Somerville, repreSeathig, elmter II tardaY Morning arid trate on higiewtte defeet Cioderich is now sere of a place hi the groilP Play'orta. . 91---- --4‘ • aeil employees heceetary of the Bard, Last Mahe the bus made a round trip eo Tuesday aih ees game WAS elOW and ./../e num; 11.401410o. .1. 1.1, ltobeitson. e Stratford mid the uewsneper tatiok came .lininterestinfi, aeeording to . those athe , x p. •srow34. representing .the btr*:_w4,.. vtteoarsougheitti:evsligherititliinyrlaigoute.Very however r,yfetvpri-, eraved the elements, Cloinil IMP tile council, w.altecl On the Ilneed esking them East ef Stratforol. the snow 'is even Ode- ttlieirlaPmerlrellai°04, ehrainlel, leTda3ey-0hamelndmintcahd to do everything. poesible to, keep expenses down. It was Oendltiona on highway No4leaguea leading gOalgetterseach had A „rly made a per pointed. out that the ere • In feet the lightest fall is saict by the best 01 :territorial play,- "Elosoi Boarh .1.iadolree" travelled- to be betWeene Goderieh end Steddernd. kipper" ItleDonoldthe t ri' 5 .p.eerie, Mein of two teachers at :ddlieed ealarie e , Clinton to London, are very bad, present- brace of geais, .Ellemed Rebineon, landed had already effected a savengeof 000 . . , „ -, "S, -cut lir aalaries,,telnett, eviththe .appointe Chattel Innumerable drifts. Country roads the fifth counter for the Boners. * , 32, , al .and t.,,b toari71, inumato it wolza, tn_ are .linpas.sable for autoniablie teaffiC. Ooderieh let up in the lima etarize and deavor to keep expenses down,' The high and low temperatures for the Sectforth ran in three goals in • jie tline, . ,m dret eight days of Februery. this year but it . was; hie late to. de any serious damage., ,, '• .• The sailors lilted up --Gaal, Dome; de- fence,' Stoddart and Kinney; centre, Me... 2 . 35 , ao 40 . 29 Icay; wings, Warlt and leleDonald; subs, " 3 ...,.... 31 • 25 •' 47 • ' 37 W. ,Roblueon, E. Robinson, Allison *and " -• 4. .........:.: 31 - in .4a ,, .32 Newcombe.' . 56. ., .... 2107 , .1103 .. 28 , 22 .* GOOERICle 3; MITCHIELL 2 * • " 1. •37 " 11 35 22 " 8 18 '...7 . 27 • 18* At the ineenordi Meeting Oe the, Col- legtate Institute Board beld On Wednee- day, Feb. 1st, f. VV. Fraser vvax. eleoted chairrian Of the.Board for 1983'4114 O. M. Robertou vice chatiellan. The fele lowing committees were appointed: •Pro - Parte Pe ee, 1V1a0EWan, .1, 4. Robertson, Rev, J. E. Pord arid Dr, Entmersont sun.: ply, W. A. COUlth11264 Ter, j, W. Fraser and C. ea. Robertson; fiaante, J, W. Ftaser, Dr, heennersont P J Waft= and Vie A, .bcelltherst: Industrial and Oornmercial, or. Ernmereort, W. A. Coal- thurst, FraSer and P. J. IveacEwan, representing the Beard, one V. Z. 8aun • Twilight Iteatal and last, are asufaoxl.low,s;th. p,b,uary 1 48" ,a2 38 28 Aids 50 Families . , Artho'y 204. ana Davies Reisrardeci Generously The MOM 'Club roller twilight recital held' in ht. taeorgees church on Sunday afternoon was not only an artistic treat, aut productive of splendid results for the purpose for which ik was held, nearly a ton 'or groceries, fruits, . vegetables and clothing being contributed, and which Sas week was 'distributed among some fifty needy :families in Goeleriele Patrons of the • recital, some 250 hi number, were greeted .at tbe church doors by ineMbers of the Liam, Club, who re- zeived the parcels and thanked the don- ors. No colleetion Was taken. Lion Barry Edwards also*exteheled tim thanks • of the elub arid welfare conuaittee at the Close of the program. • Mr. 'Charles Meakins, popular baritone, who suggeetect the novel idea of a twi« light reeital for relief, wile in splendid voice foe the occasion. He has never bee rt heard to better effect and bis ren- dition of the varlotts numbers, with the accompaniments and *reale selectiOns al Ur. O. Te Davies, organist of $t. Cteolve's, Were thoroughly enjoyable. The pro; gram: • 1 Organ Solo --"March *A!" Pearce 2 Sacred solot• — (a) "Behold X Create" freer. Ciatde (e) `"Th"iti7Lo°sittcih4orndd" Sufllvan 3 Organ eolo---"Berceueee Kern Knox Congregation Raised $11,723.00 Minister Volunteers a Temporary • 10 Per Cent. Reduction in Stipend •Despite, stormy weather there was a eplendid attendance at last evening's an- . nual meeting of Knox • Presbyterian church. Devotional exercises were eon - ducted be the minister, Rev. D. J. Lane, B.A., after which prayer was offered by Dr. Wardlatv Taylor. Mr, 0. K. Salm. ders presided at the busineos sesslon, and notwithstarlding economie tonditions, re- ports of various organizatiorts reflected a most successful year. The total amount raised b3r all soeletieo was 311,723.00, Mr. Fred 'Weir, eirianeial secretary, stated. 01 this amount 34,690 was for missionary purposes, leaving $7,033 for current ex-. pens*, APait front extraordatary out- lay, the balanee • in current account is 313.84. It was announced that the minister lead volute:Sly offered to rebate ten per tent of hie stipend, or $250. Mr. A, D. 4 hatred Solos'-. • Mal.,eatt and leir. Andrew Porter expreeted 00 ehhe hee4,..tii or wade , the apereciatioh of the board to Mr. Allitsoh Lane' 7 Organ solos-- 5 Organ Soloi--"Allegro Pintortil" •rhe eenf3reg 0 Solo hymns--• (a) "Abide with Me, • (a) "Elegy" (hi "The Star of Bethlehem". tohr (b) "Sun of My Soul" Reynoku its budget allocation Dr. Wardiatv Tay - 0 . !should be cretilted to the budget P fund, 1 by the "Ozie Step 'Forward" movement itor explained that 'the sum of $5,21 raised Itied, 12a4 really gone "over the top." k and that the congregation, with thee ad - Although the annual report thou that ation lase year fell sliore on (to "Roman March" ehre1,, A motion of appreciation to Mr. C. le. There were 52 parcels, tontainine 104 Saunders for hie service% as euperinten- artictes of clothing toritributed, including dent of the Sunday seheol was weenie thee& runere, overshoes, stockingsrlinmlY PdaPtl" The four retiring moneyed of the board men% wnined's and thildre'rell under-, Wear, -eto,, mitts, eaps, Ccarto, blaneeto, eweatera, euit coats and vette. The ar- ticles were eorted out in the baL'ement of the library for distribution by a wonletae committee of the welfare boatel, healed by airs. A, Taylor, • On Monday afternoon a emendate in chore° of Lion Hater Edwards totted out and commenced dtstribution of the pro- vision. The taintell thamber took on the appearanee of a gleicerY awe loe tin*. The contribtitioal inelnded: 3 packages flour, 8 parcels sugar, bag and 1 basUt ot fittatoes, 2' lbs. butter, 2 Tee, 'Meese, 3 rolls pork, 1 dean tei‘81 Of managers were re-elected fora three« year term. They are D. Marwick, T. H. 't Gundry. W. O. alaceitean. Dr. Barnett and Dr. A. C. Hunter rnov- ed And ceconded a vote of thanks to Rev. and hire. D. J. Lane for the wide ranOe of cetvice they were giving to the church. The .rentarke of thoe gentlemen Were heartily applauded. • IteetlectiOne to Melee incltuded. ltfr, An- • drew Porter as treaourer, Mr, Frank Saundero, eceretary of the board of M,in- agets, Mr. Peed EL weir,^1hunicial mete. tary and. churelt ofiltarl Capt. It. Mot- tisen, eliaffnian of the bUdeet committee; 37c4" 0 . Woolley, in her 80th a parehs ;mime. 4 bege curet, 4 bar Mr. n. J. MeeEtvall, dette of the nee- IN MEMORIAM tabbage4 1 loaf wad. 1 bao 61.4 ooto itscuoia, thaittan OUI3ALDEn047.-2n lovher ittemory,of osnczoup, cam peas, ,e3Ioaa tytrinvae 0 osoti..0t, me board ot nutnagettimt. mcssra, a dear hustana and inther. itiesanur t 11, C. , alimmeptoa, tam vx....ced away otte yor 1 tAite earn, 37 t am pork and Wins, a r. kh rAr4i.' IL" V. °Panic* and V711* ago' 'CIWtt-lt7 9114 1032' OStS fish, 15 reetherhe ech, emto 460, haat leiteet are nein trustcce. Wo aro cad within our memory, .tuculrp,tewleeeterett netettle:meh, Imujukvi4e2latj$4.7 rnclr,ctit.efrcaltiremstrea.triglretti /to% rd rece71. 1,01' ont sti 43v;c0:.0,4:"',0:Lon ec,Tarii "cal taii: order fr eleLliroci'lwriidj,r.: 2731.1f4elitirwirlecs:" dr$5red 18151.4:79031ifit9wbaee 571 02 fr°4.142 Utt0231011221. o tiliTo;?cltiyoltinary/er;, etecie:". ant paotago treavaares aeeettat, 41000 Wag trartefere 821c4 ecald a70 thcet. C Cate, 31.05 lircaellVistt a Dr" 4 12'c7gt the eavInsIrle°1113 01261 "S:11134?“7118i1:1341° leOnthiiCa Ca reho 8) wow stza leatlelentleD. In a nip-ontlotttek hockey battle in West street rink ,,on 'Friday night lest Ooderieh emerged, 'victers oyer Mitchell by 3-2. It ons the Believe sixth straight victory and altheugh they hedathe best of territorkd play In the lirst two periods, Mitchell proved about the toughest. DP': position cf the season. •They flashed a • emart first string forward line in W. Stoneman, Olutpman and Coltrehoun.that acedett constant watching. •, The feature of the game was the clean play of the Sailors,. they having but MO penalties. The veteraa "StIteh" Mur- /103r,_Wke 46 -captain is 'constantly preach- ing "stay on the ice," himself went Summit hia second straight game with - Five Mitehell C out. e mark ogeinst him. ()Minh Events AND BUSINESS BRIEFS • Lymokis far that husky threat at •CAMPBELL'S txtup STORE. Ooderleh Townehip Hospital Amato will hold its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Ieaac Salkeld, Montreal street on Tuesday, Pebrtutry 14112, ot 2.30 o'clock. • The St, Oeorgee. Church Womarec, Outlet will hold their annual high tet and sale of. work itt the parish hall or. Pebruary 28th. • Goderieh Lady Nears Century Mark Mrs. Jame Donaldson, Sr., Ob. strvea Her Beth Birthday Quietly - An event of more_ than peeling interest Ale tho oltservariee last Peiday by Moe. Jalnea Doneldit' n;'.81*.i. ()Cher — - day, spent. Mdetle et the home of her tan, Janke, en Idarth. etreet. Deepite het ittleeneed age Mrs. Donaldson. Woe UP end ribolt tne lions% did soneo knitthlesnct revelVed the congratulatiOns of friends Who called. APsot from iinnalred mght and hearing she is eitioring fairlY Pod boalth and is mentally alert. les. Donaldson eame to Canada with ilor POronta. Mr. and Mrs. Jowl) Uhler, front Tipperary. Zreland, when aut two Yeers of age, atte has lived in Huron - County to innety-two years and lies. Ot eouse, seen many cbanges, She can ree • meMber, to instance, witen the etittre Huron Treet was bush, and she whittle Mead all the hardships Of pioneer life, Her parents eettled In Goderteh towiteltIP and -descendanta ef the family are tW residing on the homestead on the 9th ooneesslon. After her marriage she liVed In Wawanosli and iitanley township, later removing to Daylield, whe,re her .hushand and son operated a aawittill and electric light plant, Pourfeen years ago Mr. and. Mrs. Donaldson came to Gado. rich, Mr. Donaldson died in 1925. Happy and contented, ales. Donaldsop takes a philotophicol view of life. PIM the eallway locomotive, then eleetrie automobilee, airplanes and redlob have tome and the world otauds out to. day in striking contrast to the Primitive days of her ellildbood, but she takes Merit nil as a matter of eourse. lOossesSed Of ready Irish. wit, she daily enjoys the evenine meal odth the family, She la well versed in the .111.ble, havine tnernor. feed *favorite passages when her eight. first began to fall her, She is very fond of knitting and, mucit ef her work finde way to the hontea of fainilie$ In need, Beside.; her two sons, Jenne of Oede- rich and Cheri*. of Ottawa, Um. Don- aldson has two sisters living, Mrs, Eliza-, beth Perdue, Cierieeich- township. end Mrs. Jaime Churchill, of Staadon. A • brother frorn wham she has not beard - for many years is believed to bo somewhere in Colorado, Mr. Charlet Carruthereeity editor of the Lawton Pree Press, and well known radio an. nouncer. is a nephew. .1 CARDS OF THANKS The brothers and sister$ of• the late Mins Agnes Finnigan wish to extend their grateful thanks to triencts ond ueigneors furtiTttYkgZesiuggeisirit of.ypt yd ti:ir c rttr3 bereavement. They also wish to thank all wbo sent flowera and those who loan- ed their ears. Mo. Robert Brownlee and family wee: to thank friends and neigllbore for the itindness'and sympathy extended to them in their bereavetnent through -the death of husband and father, for .floral tributo sent, and for the we of tare at the tiro of the funeral, ****004r.osatim playero were penalized. The sudden cold spell made playing tobditiosse ideal and come nice combination was uncorked by both teams. Considering the nameer of other attractions that evening the atten- dance was, fair, Mitchell drew first blood, Culliton tak- ing a pan !rem Charlie Stoneman after about ten. mtnutes' play to beat Doak from elose in. Ellwood Rotation soon evened matters up on a pees front "Skip- per" McDonald, There was no further tearing. In the eecond "Rosey" Stoddart added one to hb long string of goals this yeer and etarting the third Dori lacteal' made it 3-1 on a pass from E. Robineon. Coletthoun scored Miteheles second end final goal, taking a pus from W. Stone man. • The visitors pressed hard in the dying moments of the game, but were held at safe distance, Doak taking care tf the long-range shots. Owing to the Innen of Jack Wood, reguiar defeneeman, there was a eltake- up in the Gotha:lett team. Murney was moved bac% and Don lefeetay Shifted 19 centre ice. Wark going to lelt wing. The tearoo: - Mitchell—Goal, Casey: defenee, C. Stoneman and Herbert; ectitre, W. Stone- inath left wing, Chapman; ?Wit wing. Colquhaun; subs, Wright, Cuiliten, Lee - pard, Ooderielle-Goal. Death defence, Stue- dart anti filurney; centre. MeEtty: left wing, Work; right wing, McDonald ;fah. W. elobinten, I, Roblarati, Allison, n. Wood. RefereeeetTorfollt, Stratford. HORN rutratmort—at Celeaey, Mts., to Mr, and elm A. L. lercrcton (nee Mabel Docthe on Sunday. Jan. 20t13, 1033, a daughter irrancee Eleanore). IDIED IrRADLEY.—At Ooderielt. on Tueoday. Pebruarp Ith, 1983, Anna Cox, welatv The. regular meeting, of the Vietorie Rome end Sehool Club will be held at tile echool Thursday evening, Pebruare 10112, at 9 o'clock, as a birthclay party, tieing the tenth annlYereary of the or- ganization of the Club. Laura accord e Candles on hand 01 .0/telPSE'LL'S t) U0 OTORE. . • ' The C. G. 1. 41. of Knox Presbyterian chureit will hold a homeagating sale one a la -cent tca in the Sunday settee! rooM of the church oe Saturday afternoon o: this week. • The fail fair board, is liolciine a 500 euchre and dance In the Odeltellowe' Hal, mt Friday evening. February leth. The W. C. T. 'U. will hold -16 reclaim meeting at the home of elm J. 11. Col - beetle, ea. Patrick's street. on Thureday Feb. Mb, at 7.30 p.m. .C.lear your throat; stop teat ttelding with Lymoide at cAtIvanr,vo DRUG STORE. The Cloderielt Township lIcepital Aux - Mary 19 telkethlft a 6h0Wer of theft em the hooplial birthday party on Februare Ifltit. Any prawn wahine 10 contelbutt May leave it at Md. Breeree. amen Pot. or • fit Mrs. Jock Jelinston'e, Eiritannia Road. • SPECIAL OPTICAL °Erin; rtigh mettle, iltylNi and nuot uP-to- date Wareco, rimmed or ritteices. Vont eltoice la obeli, white oe pine. . • with lensen complete. only 80.00. envie. 1140 hieeeale with +choke cf frame ceeli. Vete, cede 81e.09. Yellow eeltheillcd With het epherical leneere onhr e4.e0. Teeeee • prices include a thslou3it euaadeeetlea the Our Well Impale epeciallet, 1kt. 3312. Oeer 20 yeara conlitie to Gee:ere:Se optteal wee% ta 0chle[r.cd and 03 tee eaveltlee. VIUT::::.!V 7.ZetexameeW12, letet ta clx'a eme aleee T01212. teeeeetele,