HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-02-02, Page 7TarR$DAY. gat 1931
11)4 one request to make, tin electric
, heater l'or the loath row. which the
Icommittee recommended, In all other
MADE AND DEMAND reepects the committee foutd uI
VI y satiseactory.
Num* COrhaty Council Woods ferOnco oh Eel). 15th. at 2 ))4 Me th
Return to Statute tonovring Were appointed
Bellantyne ond Meeore. MeNable, El
Labor Mower) Hutt and Aeeldbuld,
Wants Statute Leber Stem Anon
ArdurisT AwaLGAmajori ,The tenewarm motions were ear
MO Grant to the Few County
'The Eteentive committee reeerao
Pleaded giant of $050 each to
Wilig:eara, Clinton, Godevieh and
a Seeforth hospitals; thet no grant he
made for flower toils around tne court
tlorsrrau Lever Gob T. Cundresa
. Job sti Io. C. la.
Following is a report of the re-
mainder of the proeeedings a the
January, session of the Koren Co.
Council, completing the treport eeto
published last week :
stsletter;of -condolence isebCing.sent
By ltleenrs, Switzer end 'lemming
way taut we petition the Posit:wee
Gevernmerit of Ceoterio to allow um
oleipalities to _rovett to a eretein
etatate ltdme, based on the intuit&
of the oia skstera. and that the same
rants be paid .by the gove'tniteiont on
such work "Vi ure paid under the
present urrangement anti that a eoPY
a this resOlution be sent to other
•40 '0 'WS.
Viessrs, Doughie mid Scott that
Alm—Nee-A oefendleehlIPhluttlnKT.
^ by the elerk from the county to Abe, Gundre, sr, special officer for Huron
• Jobei Taylor, widow IA *elate john, County under the Liquor Control Aet
exonoXiber of' this comity council. By Wilmot Macke and ,T, Wright tr/PttPe c‘,111431ederettign 11e4itrt 1:%; and Wingharn dhrillrf 1,93a OP, rtnitittntoth4vIanit ,t1=1,314 the
•,eiven to the Rensall Seed Auto ;
Lydia E. rfokhatule
Vegetable Couipouud
rtti: Witt ret thltt 701* WA* UP*
15.4:14-* akartitiall * • this yew ON
10'; stcorselet te your wore
Weraea who exis weak and mellow*
alzooW RAI,* tcr,, ouch se. 14-illa IAA
Ayslittir-esi Ve/re Geoixand. Reed -
actin e faehrrizes that Sx4 the melt
s, *end, lowdown totetilion VIVA
Vet to l'Zt,• taarleions rtealciao,
ta out et cure•tea venom 'oho report
• t) vs ef tbee they see benefited by this
that 1.0(i' be granted to all agrieul- tee,Ceine. Bey 4 how% trent your droite
tural soeieties bolding fall fairs; that 'OA loan' • • • on4 ShO reciitem-
$80 be given to melt sing fair; SO
each to North Huron and South
Huron. Plowmen% AsSoeiatiOns ; $15 to advantage. This io nrzeM 'Ox"
to each school fan"; that no grants ample ef High &boot swamies.
be given to pulslie librarlea thie year; protests &negated othoutioa
that $1fi0 be granted to the Salvo,
flan AtinY; $150 to the National In- The following is thia repat of the
be paid. the :era bore) iruliner:ecetV11, bire. legisl°11°° Ce7:IntlYitt:Inttn , Wine the eistrriution 8,goo mar STORE AND COAL YARD AT rot ARBOR
ti (ritUln.".""'USI° 4liza CHAS. C. LEE
h I i
o irms s ern r
t ansportetion, Be motion of Meesto. Seott one i ereoee the siseaboes tot' $4, eeeeee
„ oyeeetepereea ,the ,ozenntiza..,4%,1737 Goldthorpe that this council petition
nuttee was the occasion of a stoXini °Iteeirttnceelete'lleifettrett Deen//Yesteinieret. -‘1Vrart91_5 teee*,;11etnates_,UrsiePeu7.-evelleateeree°f:vV4rameml,
-• " -
Rad Record Yea
ad 282 hieesims And Spot
AD Its Maw
Thw. isehual reestine of the Gookrien
Ilertirulttwel Sesixty was 144 ell Tests
der evealng. Jen. 2itto wall culy a felt
atterelaiese but the repert$ pteseeted
!ettewea the largcot tromberolep b its lea.
tory. 262, arel gaoa nse was made of tie
funds. all but 4.3.74, Ow be ceerleO
ever to next tvar, iota the eceretary Vol.
linfarilit to-orde $35 of ea heeereritun
foi Olave of $50. The Soeiety has
bit fit spending an Its money. the Winne
o start 193e twine only 1247. Aria tbo
teeretary did o lot of tvork, <MO iron ortiD
Coal! Coal! COa
carey a to nee ef Atithracite. BitonstroneJ aeel Pootnoetoe Czal
arel Ceke.
All etie eeal sweetie:I ea yoar own cza3es Cr'ne Martlet Soalcoa,
We carry a tali hae SI1ELF oral HEAVE 114110WARE. MAIO-
1NG, HEATING and WINS311TIIINO GOODS gua weeeeeizaareocatalaetico,
We have a MX cruevora snow:Inca CAR vitztelz .ciee cello
tested trite a ;pea trusk, for sans at a ecre reasonced mica
's I 1
Taylor an eX-redOe. of Exeter and an of Ontario be repealed. tee sale a these to the members, winch
time in the•cooneiL !Reeve Gold. cial Highway No. 4 between Clinton
;Ave, la atm. ASUS 0:Yea bath, the text and the aerator:. sereiee, to tha y.„cizere recently came te
UI te represent the council.
and alr. Francis attehhed thetfuneral that this Hum Count' CeUheil hey ItIllile tspit:le"Was fought grant the demessir is °vet, W"e".°1*. -Society practicallr the whole a mot
assembled wishes to place Seelf :on masurs.
Vee amount expended on the co . record as 'Wing OPPosed to an mai- Eelmt °IN' Switz" ihtt r"t!o'ul :: 6'oe 1.1.°eueleter our npproval of fees. Tho Legislative great of 4158 Woo
linty highway system, in 1932 was gamation or merger of our railway enee oeeeee „„A „„)i ,_. , the 4;13intigwritttiii resolutions or ex- within a few dollars of being. enough to
moved to leat,e the matter to tite '' .
031;127.80. • systems, Canadian National and Ca- ,....,., ,,., ,..,..., , en this was voted tracts front the rePort of the emu- pay for the °titer expensee of the soolett
an addition to the recommendation nadian Pacific. We believe ia the down, tried a motien that no grunt
Approving of ti. 20 per cent. cut in oid adage "Oppiejoition. is the fife of be givep.• This wos lost On the fol.
; mittee on memorials of the counties for the followine: Prizes at Sower ehow,
High School teachers' salaries the teeeee, There 0 ania be etliekat ,....A lowing donsion: Yea..—Beaeer, Done., ' ' $20 5$' spent on cede linprovernent
a ings 4 rear()
"```• hie, Eckert, Scott,. Stewort, Switzer 00 That the Province assume ' ' •
Education committee recommended net extravagant management. That the full •eost of the •administration of $19.85; expenses of delegates to provin.
against sending a delegate to the recommendations of the Duff eeport ' ' ' justiee.
—8 Nay—Arelubald Ballantyne • total convention,Judge's fee% $5 ;
Ihrwratiri, Cardiff, Consitt, Craigie, donate.
Trusteee and Ratepayers' meeting should be given a chance and leg•is. Denueelling; Elliott, Francis., Gum- Ot) Thet the Province assume 1""etarre t'airtrYs $20; Postage,
emel 'in !favor of the motion 'room- lation passed, impleinenting its *re- the full cost of the construction and erY, printine. advertising and canvasser's exPerime 33 a PraP3Valdla 1'4E3 nzeity i)lates. It supplements work in
Tine parable of the tewer mot the seed
belougo -over' kingdom that, to true.
Religion ts it •Smotlkiug separate trout
Ute, Take for instance the kingdoM ot
enewledeo. No man ever went forth to
tem% hut experienced the very tattles
emus &eta forth in tlas parable, no re.
formcr interested in the redemption or
toasty but eould tiny on reading tide par-
able, "This exactly represents my .Own
nand. We regret that space deea not
ecrinit rceuleena s full, 2or it b
la infer:melon.
The object er the Miss;en, fa Le3er:4
to provide for aPirltual itstruetiou and
tonntoral relief of loom, mod elindrext et
tepees in many coUntries. It le not the
pelicYtof the mizaten. to send out inie,sien.
arise, but to vo-operete with atimionartel
el missionary aecucies already at worli
mendirig the depaetment to have the commendations. e, IlaaChel 3.°11°- maintenance of Provincial High- eeninth:510% 02,1 $70,64. • 01 tn famine
.year te Year, to 'save Mmils money. to the Minister of elailwa s and
same high school books used from A copy of this resolution to be sent eleetebb, eieeraile eme'see, wah.e.
ston Leiper -i on, lhieltibberi • I ese stoeohestse the premeut. emu, Tidhe:rse' aisncith4e8reaftolrecdnuoetahint4t.g°rnt iDlIffieeaPlc°2112ez%4; ,i1Chaercpae'stjTelecte'n'theehintleajidanIII!eta'resentatea
P That we protest against the .pled the chair nod referred to the work 'the' kingdom at 'elairna nt) 34°1.° er the mission referred to Rev. O. N. azId
lifr‘ Higgine (1031 auditor) :anil
the treasurer addressed the council
briefijr on the matter of debentures
and other financial matters. A
40ussionAmic place on the matter of a
,probable issue of debentures to pay
patriotie debentures maturing this
year and highway aecounts coming
due also this year, but further action
was deferred till the June meeting
of vouncil.
• Zn reply to, a request for appoint -
:meat lielegates to meet memloers
rof oPertit `County 1Coupoir in eon -
Do You Need
'Carbon Leaf
Carbon Back
See Us for Prices
)Before Placing Your
• Order
The &timid' Star
1 Phone 71
Canal% Geo, Smitten, MP, ael
Veoldinee X. P.
By Wm. Switzer and Hemmer.
ling that as we are giving grants to
lioapitals and all other Miblie insti-
tutions they be required to give the
counts; council a detailed' revert each
Norman Levet L.C.A. Olficer in
Tho. Gundre's Place
By Peter W. Seett ami Ohve
ilemmiegway that Norman Lever be
employecl to lay informatlen under
the Liquor Control Act. provided by
eouhti bylaw 5 d 1931' alcrng
with his traffic duties, this appoint-
ment to date from Zan, 31st, 1933.
That J. itlelhabb and G. W. Hol-
man_ be the members of the Crimina
Audit Board for 1933.
By L. Cardiff and R. Bowman
that we eend a resolution of this
county council that all salaeies and
fees in connection with the trimina
justiee he substantially reduced to
• correspond with the times; •
By J. XeNabb and X. J. Wrigill
that this county eounell send a reso
lutiou to the Peeme Minister, Hon
Mr, Bentiett, and to Mr. Xing, leader
• of the oppositiOn, asking to have th
geld standard put on a par with tit
pound sterling and that a committee
wait upon Xr. Spotton and Mr
:Gelding regarding the Annie.
By L. E. Cardiff and J. W. Craigie
that this county couneil of Huron
request that the government inspect-
• or of old age pensions %insult dist
rict members of the 'oge pension
oonurattee before any penmen, is
granted or adjusted. And that a copy
of this be sent to the Provincial and
Dominion old age pension boards,
and We would ask that we receive an
answer to this request.
By Wilmot Raiseke and. W. Swit-
zer that we ask the road commission
to Iity.out its work to keep within a
mill rate.
Ily J. M. 'Eckert and Jas. Leiper
that this council vequest-the delega-
tion appeinted to Confer with the
Perth County Council to take up the
question of the 'cost of criminal jus-
tice and secondary education at that
right, Goldthorpe -2Z
Then Messrs. Cardiff and Haulm
brought in a motion that $.400 be
granted to the hosoitals. This
I beetloht both 'Reeve McKibben, of
eWingham, and Reeve • Craigie, of
Gederich, to their feet. Mr. XcKib.
bon stated the Winghom hospital had
a defieit of $1700 and to make a greet
of leo than $650 Would be praeti-
celly expression from the oeuncil.
that it wished the hospitals elosed,
while Mr. Craigie pointed out that
Goderich hospital owed the bank
$2000. at the present time, Messrs.
Smith, Wright and Eraneis also spoke
in eupport of the recommendation of
kthe -committee which was carried.f .
The tenders of Wilfrid McLean eV
meat, J. S. XiEwen for graceries,
1 W. XL Wood for bread, and the Sea-
tfeortptbezExpositor for printing be ac -
New Salary Schedule Makes
1 r Further Reductions 1
Tha : the -fallowing selariee be paid:
'warden, r5;. clerk, $1200; tresiourer,
t $1300; clerk of the peace, $750; en-
- gineer, $20001 jailer, $950; matron of
*225; jail- physician. $100; turn-
key, $900i manager of House of Re-
e fuge, POO; matron, 700; assistant
matron, $38h; inspector of Rause of
Refuge, $250; physteian of House of
. Refuge,- $360; aualtore, eech $43
ottninal justice, auditors, eaeh per
dieni $OS; chaplain House of Re-
fuge $200; caretaker Court House,
$900; county eonnaillors $25 for each
regular session of at least four days
and 10 cents per Mire one way only,
most direct way possible to travel,
and all committees per day. $4.2$ and
10 ftents a mile one -Way most direct
way.. •
The new schedule means a cut for
the warden of $2$, for the clerk of
the peace of $250, for the engineer
$300, for the jail physician of $10,
for the manager of the Rouse of
Refuge of $20, for the inspector of
the House of Refuge or $25, and the
county councillors get 325 per ses-
sion in place of $4.50 per day. These
in addition to cuts made e year ago.
Objection to Petty Accounts from
Provincial Ofhces
The finance committee called at-
tention to the many accourits coming
in and paid by this county which are
contracted by provincial officiate as
upkeep of offices from which we, or
the taXpayers, reteive revenue and
to which we make no appointments.
We are of the same opinion, reported
Fix Blinds to Keep Sun Off
Judge's race
'The Property committee reported
having visited all the offleo of 'the
court lionse open at the time of their
'theft and that they found theta fab
repair, eireept that the window blinds
of the touncil chamber should be
fixed as requested, These are the
blinde .ort the west side of the eourt
room, which are to be put back on
the window, so ,that the sun will not
shine ou the judges'face. •
At the magistrates °face they
were greeted with an 0. It,
The comity clerk &aired a new
typewriter as the present one is 'worn
out, being eleven 3rears
At the regietry °thee they found
that the inspeetor such offices de-
mand a new steel ohort rock to get
away fort' the fire irienace. •There
are otber repairs that must shortly
reseive eonsideratiOn. The eoni-
mittee recohimeaded pUrchase of the
At the jail the committee was' re-
eeivect tourteotiely and found the
jailer's requests much more modest
than the the domande of the ins
specter. For safeguara against fire
menace, the jailer eekechfor e, O12,25
fire extiriguisher and case a fuel
eqahoritizer and the eommittee re-
commended the purelicise. . •
At the children's shelter *toy glad
the display of vious
*km. and makes at
. Tie Hydro Store
We Hydro hadbe for '
. list. They are gssowart...
gest Material end Latest
Expert Workmanship
All Work Guaranteed
Prices Reasonable
Your bushiest: will be
P. Co. Box 1$1,
Pal Ion of the Heart
Nerves -So Bad Could Not Sleep
hfra, hot IINtham, Swift Current tlask, 'raw —
"I warn bothew with palpitation of the iwart, end
my wires were so bed X tonal not sleep,
A Mil several operations which seemed to make me
VrOrOgetem time.
I was getting desperate and confided my trouble to
a Mewl who reeommencled me to use Milburn's
Wart and Nerve Pifle, 1 purthaird box ea4 got
*telt relid 1 *odds gladly recoatatend them to
who Ikellt 460114141110 I WIC°
Foe *de at droc and pee& deem; put UP onlY
by The 1'. Milburn to,, Limited, Tntonto, Ont.
'tion so often heard of abolish-iof the soeiety the pest Year. four ;tower than ah1r ether. tingdolue Melt in Ca sers. =ankle. aceemParded by the 'Oen'
Bider the county councils, owing to
their heaenese to the people-nre the
best *lees as to what the people
want, end how to stitisfy the present
ing the 'county- eouncils, as we con- i shoes oaks for_ daffodils, oho for tulles, far aa Itself is more, Tile fete or. t e
upper kingdom Is the rate of every tines, eral Secretary. W. II. P. Anderson, visited
dcm that is good. . -os forth with ti" work 1» C/13441 Korea °.°4 4311'
ruks and ,anparimenti:a-rnd emu— e412--a--c---It mwhisesriemintlemonjunactinourtnlowitvitrkthemehijuerantelt •
with disappointments and eatisractiene,
. The mee, of this Parable aro the men *°3"d 0» 4111121 th° l'erg*and In 4 .
of today and the iriti Sof evety day. These b" itierVillW t11:1;" "n16 itle" tlicj
ere living tome. breathing Itin, 1104 magiottitie or the tail* that Iles Wore
women, sittin3 in chureli pews today, and tri,elanhultroerheain,„ Be work ammo thff ivem
till the bell of time announces the day hie three large leper asylums. 'the lar -
saki Mr. Konide, "there
who will eit in the peiws of every' thatch
gest of Which is under the Jurisdiction of
the Australian Presbyterians. There 'are • ,
. four. hundred and fittY resident patients.
tied when the delegation arrived there
hospitals as ineligente before firet ob.
2. That no person be admitted to 1 .slielsind: vt:e_.:iestritilereeme, - -tillt:tlittplttiejl'ibliid.r.. .. IWYortd.."13t;tijettriee ovivheirlare;astttwerrd ‘bv4;thhee •afv01;111; il:Pe3errvbe'eriC3a1r6 2"eilillICI: 41.4°1 to i134. . .
Isirot vice.pres besieeed with an arm of 20o .
taining the consent of. the Irtayor or ' wanht 411Yeatrhethdeecewitofr°dinatagt.unrdicolrirta'htdbl 'rem"a'nci4ftoerdtl°tuum'ausiturYeier n;ht 1an55arn14.14 . • ''
Reeve except sin urgent cases; whee , rerectors 0.-933-34)--4. W. Moore, Mrs. ,,...,,
missiort be alwArs Obtained before - OThe dleeetors elected laSt Year, . for.
shall '' Z. Evaris, Mbs Elizabeth Salkeldeeleerge ""t". iPew in. gl'eat Plentifulness Of pre- tked by the multitude of Oltrietien enee
Chita) One little leper hirl about eight
the ,Xedioal. Officer of Health
have suck authority and . that: ner- Bowe. te, R.Greves • - Mous fruit. . It is not aleng in the thureli and omen 0030 name - the name Oi '
• ' • •
that these resulte are seen, .Take • the - '
the trander is rnade. • . . 1932-1933 are' II. T. Edwards .1 tr, tick ease of , any mantifecturer or thiSinees Vara old followed the delegate!). hatk : ,
one for roses aud peonies, and the znain
(bow in MacKay Rall). Trie beautiful
float in the Dominion Pay parade, *hien
demands for ecenereie_leoieletiee, itooe erst prize, Was to a tonsiderable ex -
(d) That we bee to register our 'tent the work of mro Pred Barker,
protest against the inereasiug cost of Tie Seciety has last its seeretary, ote,
the tare of indigents in eur hospitals IVO, by removal from town and the ap-
and especially the transferring. of; pohttment or secretary -treasurer to
these indigents to hospitals outside ;take los Pine was left for a diroters'
one °wit county, and we recommend meeting early in FebruarY, AISO the mat -
these amendments to the hospitals I ter ot, bee th r in of doom We Imo In all agest tho e "Li
I. That the east per diem far Horticultural Convention Feb. 9th .and near the ezord, and Understand it not,
g represe e e rov eta ^ .
caring for indigents be materially re- e"tit" htliatly4inVnilo° io3olnilljthr°e°M:31sveelvtesh,e'enwd°urdre' aorina,
Officers were elected as follows
3 Th t LI
1R forth, pleadind • to be admitted
About two ralleS from this particular h41.
eater there is a colony of lepers 800 In
number. The -canto was triode possible
by the gift of a Mete or land to one
leper, who in his compossiorr for his fa.
lowmen allowed one after another of his
infeeted friends to htrild shelters on tiro
land, These ere treated at the outdoor
department of the hospital, And End thsir
own support where and how they can.
n *co P. Gould, Rev. D. J. Lane; George
the clerk of the local municipality .
auditore--44 IL Robertson, J. R. Tay-
coneernecl instead of to the eounty
of indigents to hospitals 'be sot to symenclse
4, We fuether recommend that to • go Out and In a short, time have forgot -
secure greater saeety to our bridges I ten; and are there- not those who AM
man who employs his fellow -men, What
about the workmen. therat Do they with
equal ease see the points and receive in.
struotionst Are there not men who see
fOr a time and seemingly understand but
the Government be _requested to
. Wed inAs ' .. . .
amend the statutes to limit the gross' , - - - - '
honest of head and quick of mind, and .
• • who take up the instrizetions. and repro.
' duce them tn honest, labort. 'The tesutts
e--0--• --e,--• — 0. ‘,.. w' it,"oan be tested in. every Beetion or the
.4"1"1".E11"1"--7—• . humeri faridly:'*heY are to be found in ,
Miss Jean' Alexandra potren, daughter eery tunny.. The 'teaching is one the
'of Limit. -Col. and MM. Alexonder 'Cowan ieed igi :tile gum. tie: ore taken of elle
ot Barrie, ancl mr. John Gowans middle, tittle rnembero Of the home is the SAW.
as we are now eating for inane :who ton, eon of Mr..Justice Middleton of Tor -E . bone le esteemed-. above Another, but
11,4.vo. htttn. returned ' tes.' ue froin Pro- Onto, were married: on Saturday in. $t , the sane eetienee and re and. emcee&
vincial hospitals as fit to be enti•ust- Andrew's Presbyterian .,ohurcb. laiirile. • tire .expended izpOri, the whole, 1400k . at
ed to IlVe safely with Rouse of Re- Itev. Dr. I. ,S, phortt • officlated. 'The.
fug e inmates. This was done. a few. bride was given 'in marriago by her h.tevel:lai2-4no'71rin:trUertitebri,ntnotntaMyhtiliseeing. :90
J ----
weight t of all tricks and other velneles
using township) *beide to five tons,
0. We would further recommend
that counties be paid by the. Provin.
'cid' Government liberal grants for
the maintenance. of these etennuitted
to our Houses of Refuge especially
years ago, .but the grants have since
been diseontitured. father, and she Wore a gown of eirgellell eareless and thoughtless to be, Another
shows up so differently—the seed was in Thoinitisn.
lietommotido Abolition of Grand osottineg,gmaheadue iodneel.onag trevse,ilwlotxh tityloguwetaste
Jury System . ought Witia orange blossoms, and she
The county council of Elgin resort". corded a shower of Butterfly roses and
mends the abolition ofthe grand jury Me -of -the -valley. Miss Eden Allen,
system, the placing of the CrOWn nt. *satin of the bride, was her attendant
torney on ti salary instead of fees. wearing 14 trook of poudre blue angel -
The warden of Elgin in his address skin bee, a hat of pink,vflveVerid tarry -
sad Members of the, council should Ing Briarcliff rses. The 1)04 man was
do everything possible to build up a Mr. °melon Cook of Toronto, and the
tradition of prompt and tight en-
foreemeet of taxiog laws. Do not ushers, 'Mr. Itoss Cowan, brother of the
bride, and Mr. Guy middlemn, brother of
encourage ratepayers to think Other-
wise. We heartily crofter, says the the groom. Aft e- i receptioe at the
eebort. in these ' sentiments. especi- home of the bride's parents, the bride
ally that of the abolition of the grand and graom 114 for a -cruise to tbe Wet
jury, which system we believe has reales and South Americe, and on their
Mt= will live in Toronto.
outlived its usefulness and become
the committee, as the vast majority too txpensive,
of the people of Canada, that those
officials should pay the upkeep , of Not Yet in a Position tte Advise
'Wortn$ in ehildren work havoc. These
peas attacke the tender lining of the in -
their own offices out of the fees or Against Coltstruction , testines and,lf left to pursue their. ray -
,revenue of their respective ofnees The county road commission re- ages undisturbed, will Ultimately ',error -
and not impose the purchase of n commended the examination of toad ate the wall, because these worms are of
paper of pine.or a box of paper, even, No. 18 east of Brussels as, it is stated
upon the taxpayers of the 'collate. to be in bad eohdition, and also that the hook verlety that elite to and feed
We furnish the office, light heat, the road mirth of Pordwich I:e ex- :mon !exterior. surfaces. Miller's Worm
water and caretaking,' the official or amined. • The emumission stated it Ponder-, will not only eXtermiziate these
the government should pay the un- was not yet in a position to advise worms, of whatever variety, but will Arlie
keep of his office. . OS to doing no eonstruction on county to repair the injury they have done.
We do protest against the exorbi- reads this year until an' examination
tant hospital bilis coming in to and of the roads was made, 0 reemn- Douglas' Esyptian Liniment IS unrIval-
being paid for by this county for in- mended the examination of Atill St. led for speedy relief in inuseular rheu-
digents, eepeeially for those-bing and Queen St. in Ennis& be made . mamma lame back, Inflammation, burns
constantly eent out of our couty in when it le in Brussels; that the reins and felons. e
spite of the fact that we have four ister be asked to give further ton -
well equipped hospitals just as able sideration to the matter of o,pprov- .....—.
to look after arty such cases as any ing of roe& asked for in bylaw No, ,
other hoepitale of Ontario. We ask 20 of 1030 and No. 12 of 1930. That 4,5tanda y Ail, ',noon
the ithruster of Health to enact such consideration of the resolution. of Ea
legislation as will ptoteet the tax- Wewanosh noising the restriction of - Sv IS,AbEL KAV$ILTC.N Gttidi 107. Ore.
payers of our county as well cot indi- -county road expenditure to one 'mill
gente and medical men, who seem to he deferred until there de an 0131301- 0 Lord of hosts, the right le long,
take a pride in patronizing outside tunity to- examine the toads ; that The ehjr le dark, the Lo' b strong;
hospitals instead of our own. Serne. the engineer he authorized to attend Temptation wail ite fkuning brand
times these abuses are dee to medical the Good Heade convention on Feb, ' Spreads ruin through our 'happy land.
men outside of our county 'corning in 20th. .
and taking. our siek and indigent siek At the Friday morning seeelori Mr, OWe to our land wi.se laws, whose forte
tale. We aek our, litinister of Healtb
out of otir eounty to outside ho It. B, Lewley, on behalf of the( ana- ' Mail' steY temptation's ruthless course;
dian National Institute for the Blind And fire Thy Church, with love's bright
to enact such legislation as will cheek o. reesed the council very atily on
tide abuse alga.
1 • the work of that institute in teaching
. the blind to work so as to keep them
Objecte, to Ilse of Outside Hospitale from "idle dieeontent," and eaid that
by Illidigenta there were blihd men from !Aaron
1 employed in admitting indi- goods worth half a million dollars
We also proteot againzt the me- under their care. The institute Made
thod e
gcnta to outside hospital;. This was Met year,
rereived to in the report of the legis- The following resolution gent up
lation committee but eve wish to add from Welland county was adopted :
this word of emphaeie to theirs and "Tbat the Lieut. -Governor and the
join that committee in thelt proteet, Legislative Aseembly of the Province
for it is an Melee of privilege and An of Ontario be and they are hereby
irregularity of business procedure, humbly .requeated to amend the Mun-
this eavors of abuse of authority and, iciest Act so that one of the qualifl.
should he remedied as seen fie pox- cations of a percon for electio to
sible. The top:yore of Any eoutit any nmuicipal office 311.4 be that
are the Imekhone et the country and such pereon ehell be rated on the last
these nietliods employed to ocact revised assessment roll of the Irma -
their herd earned tiotes is a etrioue cipality for land held in his OWn
Aimee ef Dritieh fair ploy. right for an amount net lese than
To save the lost in Christ's dear name.
E. S. Armitage.
omit unto an these who servo Thee
Patience end the assurance that those
who sow In faith shall reap abundantly.
S. S. LESSON FOR rgn. 12, 1632
Ltssert Teaehing By rm.
Ales—Four *Inds of nearer&
iterzon *Image—um* 4:We, 13-2e.
Golden Text—John 15:8,
"The tame day went Jesue out of the
home and est by the tea dew Mid great
nentitudce were gathered together unto
eo tut lie wont Tato a ship end
Pt. and the Vellokz multitude stood on the
This matter of reducing teXation $1000 in cities and towns, and $000 Com. and bo snake Many filings unto
beconfing a very mute problem in thilagee and townships, in addition Mali iIi Parahke flora we Wad " hb
and engaging the attention of all to any other qualifications required tpeaking manY things to Many licarera.
municipal bodies and should engage b,te the Munieipal Act, a Yet the :my tbinge were nimut
the sittenticn of veliO01 hoer& and The- intention of this. is to wool.- ttag-trio subject usver chanExd. The
other epending bodice. Yesterday, come the dioadvantage at which- pro- olio gibs Was the kingdam, of beam, it
attached to a reso:u.ion of the Leg.- petty otynera ate placed ZIA tOMPAred
committte Vta8 statemerit with tenants.. The tensint may be Tie sewed toms the idngdeui of bonen
ti..* t1,11 flaintes Wati, titO many parables.
that itledetich Co.11egiate Institute owing rent yet rimy qualify while and iThrtAtions Iwo br,142/4 teem
paid salaries to nine teachers rang. thei owner ot the mune property may
Mg from *NIA to $1700 or averag. Nrreti it his taxes ate not pekt. evetY1112Ytel: ,,°„f !ntl, !le ttlre's
ing over $2000. Now this does ap. The ler ldity afterno„,_
on session dos- Vire"-e "°`w
whore the paring knife rould he wed• Anthem and Avidng LaSyne,
pear to this tommittee to be 0, case ed with the singing of the National lowe over Isel otilerk tot tril hi" Mt
Gnily the perable but the eatp/triatiou
Last Sattirdav ert,ernotat, three deer
were seen quietly grazing in a field On
the back of Jim teddy's farm. -
ltrs 3Ir. Mills spent a few days last.
week with her datiehter, Mrs. Itobert.
elhamneY, ' •
W. M. s. will meet on Thursday.
Feb. 9th, at the home of Ws. Norman',
his case zwa In good ground, and hal The Women's Institute teats en We4-
ilo4daY, FPb. 11t, othe home of Dere
Deve chimney. . •
A hick town a o. platx where the
posttriasece „witty!) aunt tor your
mail after closing time or just tel
you what -was on the card.
brought forth an hundredfold. Won.
(lensed Prorn The Inner Life of Jesus)
Stift They Come Beseeching
TM fifty-seventh annual repOrt of the
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the first symptoms of a cold get. no further. If a cold has
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Is gone. Aspirin can't harm you. It (Ws not tiepre the
heart. If your throat is Sbre, dissolve sevcrat tablets ilt
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