HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-02-02, Page 6" , ,
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TUR nmr.melf STAR
T11URSDAT,,FED. ",)Uj, 194
� V PAO* six _��.0.4-" 7 - I - - -_ __ �
k 4� �__ .��_ �_ - i �.W,A .�PuY2�-q gail(T ill -it tu fiUreirls. ., r-A""W 0, I . � I I
I *
11 .Seed Cleamag �
t P1211t for luluron!
" I ____�_ �
. I To 0� Locvatod at eemiller ontl�
, provirloo Will Foy Hau I
1, moly callyl.
03) Wa $119W.d, wha,t giving evtry I ���
Opportunity to lay.1atrious SU4 Awutally�, .
capAble louplis to obula cowlete won. 4 orancit Offices _
d%ry schoul tuit"Ort ilt pablif'. txpeuse.� ' � 0 I in I
04;pt X,eJU1At%i,US dir"UN( -the P0111CUt, . I . all Leading. ,,
of full or.r,artlal fcc3 by the Paretit�. i� 11 A-" I
i - -oxdrea are uat 044ying thein- 1, f"CIPEZ
1� Cost . 1883, U10 CCII- -"Pr:e W23, "iou tict your C-1?kq we 'W�ii, whoze � .
I I 0#-1 a nUnny 4,37 In June ee4vOc,3 With rCA,50114' .0 fAMOUITICA3 to. (lidis 1 : I
.- 1 4 . � � I D3,70. Ut ber gal" I licit work V re , � I I � .
I V ;tral vatt Of X:ot Watvanczb in 11U7041 %ha Men n:)W grat� 0;R bent Qua, . anty , - mrsis 10 In a, fourno . , 111. � - _ , .1
. '4114'. 11;� L�,�1:1� aft vo Could � C�.Vro tlio,i Vaa In a PtAO Of C.'PRIOMOUt. the C4U-to from %lif,,11 tll()F are, 0�Id ctly obtaInluji : I . 1. . I .. I
; . , . , I Is r.ccded 0 ret It 6z)
I . " �t 0 -fa- cca.� C can.,U3, Vlaut IV.,` .Cina tuat Joba 1103=013 Of tbu se-weath Ono "Vo ucavu - under it. .Uttle beneat. � k � . I 0
1 tzr.wc�n , q can be Viatica I , " " , � . . .
. ta., et"X.CV, �Z�� t2 L-Vatod at luonrolllor, 4 � =.,.,C�Ian %,;,V3 llaviv�; 4 catIrwinG *f M_q UlAt the shorc. i (4) We sbouldp tb^.u3b ,Vrltl�31, W . 11 , ,
= 191�'W=al V 141,31za to PIkC3 are jawxOd AU4 anather "yo heavo,, I
� ', .tr .1 ravwl,- � '� , .
vA!,. tiag tta-, ,tul. ^at 4r, WPM, I .7r,crda and not, A�t 't I: Avell-r#111ded t0waWls suggestiana lov, . I I . I .
I . . � -XI are in � � - -
; t ...2%4'q0 U !LhUd 4a 14441719 11 ". NVCT� to t111 frazrwworh of A �1=4=41= rcw Ueza It up plumb. "o wlrt M. wdlfiveUou Of tile Ecla�ol Qrgaulzation at ! . .. I �_ 11 . ,
i . , ts zzek. 1, The cast v r,l�_Itlon. bavlag gons up with tile bent, ,I - - .- iz . . 4 ---
� to,� c3tinty councl t%j *3rn. - I I I currIMIUM. r�Al.UWa,t4a,b$oadenIug an(I � . .
. . JL T410 ,stone 'waIL- on whl,u it waa ta, Dave's mpla male a perfc.-t 8.,=C? and, 11 .... ;-1 1. � .
. 0" too man*4.X3 =406 WAS 5590 QIUA' , Increasingly heavy -demands wlitipil 50.-Iotj : � I'll I . .
6115a And til , 3 ProviAto woula pay half , tor a '. plas veto driven In witu a ,couple of .13 wa%lug upon the jsghQ91% partfoulariv , .,�_�, 1V I
,: I . .d Vero Oml)lctcd, the Wilda. - _�2vWa � blowafrom,%aledg, A2hAInw�134u44K*i ,. .1 �44_1a,-�t_ I
0 lzwt of frovIlt jr�jll.aio E;MjtU ef �Plytb. . .. I I I , -41-
I ta-ca.c aud half th 'of ther secondary grade. i � . �, . io.�F 11 11 .
I I late W111CAJ, 4,41 1 , 0*,O' , I I . , 4., , :1.
� I -bed to the malu P 11 i !��p. .
. 7t�js woold 113udlo botil V4111 and Wtas� . viorquarea thilbera tor tito slits, posts W 3tta' I . 11-4., �
� hos rquara and fift�-slx Pat lon-�! - I I , :
. ' b I irs ,.,. I
. fccd. . 11 i 31.,�., ana. platCa bad bcon prep3red t 0 %'-a Ill^- I I I �, .-.� A e . I
� l . I 11 Ur. wt%d said u6 ,short tource WAIIJI�WQVI,Jw, �Vlvlter by tile builder, (keorgo of ro*;� olm. Tom illell yalW. "O" "v New'$ ,and Infoemation 1 $ L : I .. 4 ir"&r .
. . I. I
11 , F 11, - i� I I
. 4.5, with � Smell ana,bis gaug Qf timbor men, oz4 hc3rtICW' 1114tt 5WPY it wcat ctidwaya 93S. � . J,gf, � " &�� I .
juti� beina caacluded at, It= . . 1 .1 Z 1:. 1. 1,
ter than 13 lAaa tould walk, till it w= out for Me Boy. Former ' .. .
, . .. I I = attonda=o cr so wo, and 39 utri:1: ,mutea ta P, -vitdway tonveitislat'to a elto . t. i % W :;. ar I
i � the required dist=a1a, be raised to the I -1 , I .
� lo Ovour�o was i ,ice p kg��t." The lumber bad 11, P I � -, ; . . . . .
I I I.- _t ,-, -r-, ,.�. "',
1�1��..1111 :.1, I I f-_ v I � Vwi - -4 --%�, --�V�!"$�bed, 4iy.,t)44�,00tot;rlo,-I)Opsk,tto*ut,,�. � . ... � oll
, _.V_A4aP�J?4..1'zd4y a moth 'L,�07_t "'. _ y " -- �: �� , I I 6'.. -1.1 - "
I . � -V61 _1041wr�27,�"cut - from'. � trCes on -tile . arm 4na ,�� In, aw, twumw-w -0=4 -0 _. .
� ctartlnj� at XabdiiTZ�*:f6 161a I , .Y� Of AX11110"Iturelt, � � . I 1P � , �?? I ,
I # J�
I . .. - I I I I ,-I I Ot 0.1"--
� I . mta vrun CountY. Zoe pro�pwtb� Vera. brZoaht hame Stem the caWmill and pro� proper position. , . 0*1 W, P , , F�
� I as to be dry when � * 0 ;�V .-- ,,
I . I . . . . . .� *!v ,.�,
, pf;a -1
�k, .4 ." L
. f34;4 ,W.th 4.0 or more boys . and 20 or . 20'p,rly plied so roquir. U.ot it hitch O'Courrod. soma men when . . . Corr , ent , loventsO I � I ." - . . I . 86 1 a - X ._', .. ;
0 th.,Y tried to, ralso At to the beatil WON � I ',�...
I .�
. -
", dirist 11,4ql� to trivell. . mectijig� I Cd for UV. J00'130firld doing the team- unablO W 44 SO,. Others -hurried withl , Feb. 100t�rlo Plouglimou's Associa. I I . I I . 0 11 - . . A , 4ALO' .t .F�
, I ,
. I p .. . MAt , . .
, . Ov ,, -.4�t
J � rar. U.L%d fvferred to the I Intl. Dy the day set for the raising the short woarlL, to ayslst but could not raise I tion, Toronto. . , I. . : . I . I . . -eQ7#,',(X!T 4. �� .1 �
� , ,entllV UcId At 00011ch 4114 10111101) j t' . oil ready a . .1
I � I . .rq,. .mbcr bad been well framed a It high elloua;h, Dick wlgbtma�n r�gatug, Feb. 2--Outarlo, V1014. 40rop I 4 See O � - � . I -
I I . . woa the Idea of e5tablishinG a ,central to b* assembled and made into beilt,5. - . I . I _.q� , re . Olt I
1:1 . Growers, Assootatlon, Toronto, 11 � � r ,, .. . rV*,� "Zp 4 " AuAti
... iz.
. tha '41111oult.v Ocomea at a. lolah 'speed, � - , P. . I't
,� , . � , a ".. .,--- e _"p i
I . I -- . . . . Z'10 � I
I 1. ,I'll,. action of the Department In d15* I 11,14 been askc4 to come and nasist, and ,�', ... �. g: '. I i , " F., ;I
pazidua plant in tile 0ounty.. Por several miles =Uacl the nelgIV301's springs to tho 014 and geto ,his broad, I Feb. 2 and 3-OnUrW Msociation of' i
r ,
� shoulders under the platQ and Up it go � Vairs'and 190V.Xtious. - � . �, 4'� .
I 04 I I 1, t . � 11 I " ,
I .. . ln-SU2.of iveda was largely I as b of this 4ature %veto 100304 upon r I Fob. 7-40titarl Vegot(lble G9QWarSJ . . I � "'T 4 ? , I I- ,4 , . �V V 9 I .
; r �� .0tittinD.105 tile Ges .. . .. Ar.:S:1 Is .
, . �
j! . I , I I tissvovi5ible for the' redlictloli of school ase $60131 events' rth'i' 'Ver' Plent.7 to landing oil tile b -4m. But moio. troablo� . 0 1 . . - ;� � gf)� �� I �
. f . followett, The o,;icr end was in 4 piece TorontoO. . I -;,,- , " - , �
fairs th past'�*4r, . r . � . . � - "k * V ", �i
��' , . � I help. .By noon there ;,veto a goodly ruiltl* . I � I � � ., -"?V � I
a I I __ I ,_ I, r
. J"t"w". , ,
, : I ?Ing started In;-I)cr, of able men -and ,01,bOY of zolt ground and w,tis souck. . reb, 0--nolstela-vi, . lestati Assoclatioll I . — - ,I:. , - I- . r
. .
, ,�,�,,
� i I . . . . .. . r I I - ., �� J, I
A, new project was bc a numll2r* .6 I r I . ,_ .. �
� : r UmVoitum 0, wltWv�ilo bad come'ln the morniva, The A ala cii a ..0�1, I
I course 11 , t JacW4 side .showed th.-re Anrlual,� Toronto. . ' - '11-1--r - - !.'r . r
se I r I �� . - - - I � .. -1 . ;1 .,J`..4r,� , I .
corn�povldeoc, . liad, a I Fab., .9-10-04tarlo ,Uorticu1tUr,af;Js,- .. � 12NI, kl-
� . . ' ----OT',, , .�1�91 I %f . - .. I-
r � . r I -r ' -.1-1 -"�-
I aud the thuber utelde the � , - F I __�___ --- � . ..*.* .1;7_�v %
� : . n ,list) ,was dllllaulty� The girt-mau, . . 'I �'�? .,j4,,�
I I ; I , I . � -1i �w, 4'r
UL- foundmt!W laid and the- lumber r I . . � _', 7-_ , $V . I
, t; to batches of Instruction ,0614119'bv,d t miss , r *nt ,u vlatlm Toronto. � I . . i N �, . k
, &4 the 0-A. Q,, OuOlPb, The c0urft rady for irbe 00kranon's W03`4. I . I I . .. � I . I � , � 1 -1144 -, -
. -
t I . . . I ugge. to be heard that . — . . � . �, � . I j t .. r 'I -(?W'
. -113 � . � . - r . I I I i -A��JF. W-1,
. � I 1. � i44.
. I � .0
, � It move- 1 Dinucrover men w4r,e to be seen t0ro Post' co"ElnV� it% * . - .- SA F E �
, r wra., Id Imt twelve Months. T) i lt,� It .1
� I � I was not loarst- 'ir Vatuabie . - . . r A I ". tr _
i �, =.at darted in Peterbeto. and 0out halt I Ing. from 411 direct.'ons lmd On arrival at adju Sunday school. I r . jExblblt I . I . .. 11 . I I ' F '4 . I
: �i N 4 ry oly Ontario frogs, and vegetables r�_-elv,64 . :14 - ' f, -
I . . � I . I . I I. 'i , ", . . :
, I . . . � . i . ) . ' ' I N V ' � � .
. I 4 0 -m -n county representatives had taken I =ca set .to ,wor1r t10 qsslst. Many of tile Me"WhIle jhnm�P ot q and I 1 ' E STAAENT -
� � I 11ollabani ..Zoe Gratlat the other green, . . I �
r ; . � . It Up. r I valuable advattsing, In the oplaWa of -
. � . r . Jair sex were there also to help Mrs. UW� . . , rto . ,,, I I �Ik .
� � , I ru,�hcd I,to.o the 11)og. Crabbed the bomir . leatl I �, 1. � 0 r
le. I . r I � , �AA
F I . � - ve it r6port of the 114vou � net prepare'the supper which was really I ad Charles E. Broughton of the IXP3 � I I , I . .1. .. . r
i i i .. Mr. M,Uod v,a . J�n_ J?late and with an Irish heave released it, . . t 4. . I . - ,� .. i .1-1111, _._._1-. _ I 11 " I I'LL �
p . . . as, -a result of the -K)nJ%rI0 Growere U=- I 1. .. ,_. � ,.��..
, I 03,,;.11ty qeaut jut yeari the grant being i a banquet. Aboat four o'clrook. �the U . . ! � 1 . I I-, 1._
...1. - I I . I & �,J
. L -
� . . 9 � . � . � -54. ,
* I . � . . . K .
� r al!ino. . a15 � I Ian t0rult, -4 , � � I -T.
I SONi and 1110 balance IV= 1931' WAS:bers were sullitilently asi.sembled to begin It was o0ou-'sitting Orn.top pf,t'40 Poatalkets 'Coon'211 1notallin r �' � I . � I I �
I il , � booth A�t*tho I
I,. � � 1 . i I I i ... X 1.1?" , .
1,5.1$,,r .. . . r I)Vao a ' I p4,nued�* . Tfie so, r on th' , i
-i �$30.3.31, Total� expenses were $6 .. . I ,.a � m 0 cariald . nd VegetAbldl Jol,*ers' ' -
r ,6 , . I r . . - r --- � '4, I
; I I . Ing Was doull - anwillie bewn. busy f 40orivention,- hold In the Roiyal Yc 'i �, " I i __ ,_ -.---, � .N7
� . leav Illative on hoald of $240 T , oded and Jack ,loor had rile. and ium ,,, A.., I I I , % .,t
I I 1/. k I
And 0, r* . .. . I * 4 W
' .
� : : r . , -; I . A ' .10. -he� usual race i ,, nuary 4 . �, '.11 -1.1 , , I I
. of the junior extension �-,Va�Donald and. David. A.r D * jo. tit. t1i e purlinsi. plate and kept. It moving , igi, Toroixto, Ja ,, . 6 Tho, , . . .. M.Y .
I r" . Total expgases . . r unbar were I . . . I Markets .,, r I I . I 1. � . i W . 1, . . � - *1� .' . �� .. -
� , � i , , furld �v.-ro s$02A#� on haxid,;'4t, the be. r ,,so that the tOop-men were able to pull i I I
,111, OlZplAy served' tor give I , . I I
�Iv.*ed oaptalus.to chooso sidesr. Jack . . oun,, I I , . 1 0 � . 4,41AMU Ir I
� ... � , I r � I . - . . I I . I . � --K.V�., . le . I
kv� . , tjuniag r 0. 19020 $T1.77, balance at.the "nut' th6r tross, Of tile chip and sele oted the up 'thO Ws# And bracts for it, and. taisc r broke" ,and jobbc4, from all parts, of tha� i . I'll ,
A. , . , . I r .1. 1, 11 %"_;_;:9V T 1. r
�i' O . . I I - - I � .�. i
, . � Dominion, a sple #,A,.X"* . I
� ! �, � 914 ot 1002, $02.64, .1� lorth side for th� raco. bav*a having to .it without delt%yO' Rafters were hurriedly nald Idea of - the pro- . . . 1. I .
� � 1 , , . I . I . . Iled lip .and put In position, ` . I ntArlo.jwtapable of prodtleing. ' . .' - ' ' .- . ...., 1. I . .
L I I . �.; '. �'Jter the &oUth r . ,� I 1 �
. I . . .... ,ide, ou whIch was the Ou ' 1, ducts Q � I . . . � . ... r I . .1 I .tl I
; � "" t I at exott4id Mari, �rqonln- - _ ' L . . 10. r . ..
I � 11. ! I . Vitt r, Grip as thi Tbrcat.-For a dig. �. 'J4oW.rVrjborJ$* t I b - q 1. . "i- I .:-
I I . . * e . ... ,
.11 OO Pan to with ita, extra plat i... . - � , , I . . . t__r-U 1;'
�� � I t . . r vase that Is not classed as fat3l there is r . � �111 1110111109 along tile PIM0 , Ohl It's . Thu to Xlut6aso . . ,r =11- . " " � I
I -� r . . I . r I , r Jaelt; was olsp lucky in the t6ss, fat first r 0 . Seed . ,� �m � , ".�� I
r .. . r . - . . � .. I � ' r
I I c,tl and ilent. r . . , t .
� W , . probabi I L astliola. � . V ls.� Tommy Belli waving his hat, Und shout. . ,,The quali . ty of the 1993 potato 1�
I . , _y none iv livib. �auses move top . r Edwards wai his chole r. ord,11 "Will , I I trop Vf ��, - "'.
f � . 1 T , Kai . than 'Sleep, is ,lt.:r In .. "Will, you w4it. for the w L . - r . . .. . 'if f -
r � �. r4b s� suirt r-*xve t�dlc Tommy Be In rapid , sUe-r I 81 . . � . said, a,, T, canin ,at the vbpa�tmentj I ., I It" �
. t . � . . I - r .. .
� � ,I . : Impossible. tho.suffereir 15otionles exhaust. wait for the Nvord,11 and again he re. . rr I I � ! I 1! .1� 91-� .
, . I . -e��,�n Ban Ed WIghtman, 401� Vol' .. . "wil -.depend to -a largo, extent, on I I I
- � . Taylor, - th': t$�UJJjln6.qkJc4tloo. � r 1 r I ; .
I ��.. , . .�
r I It. .
- i� I I '00,i,rd " . , . ed, r . � I I .. � I . L r
i!_,f t , ea a; finau, , � I � I .
. id r, thoUgh the attack passes, ant p , Y
I , , Is,'* roli.,aadhg� dies Tayl=,Qeorge White, Big'rd Taylor,olfflr � (lupiltts"of -seed pi � 7 . .
I .
t, � .. ,.It Jor d of its return. ; N, B ... � 'Aftera moment her says, "Boys# pullout I I ----- -----. '... .#A..o I . . .
t 1. I . ��C.Jilluu, Billie a Goorat. rrothor- . � 410rovers, who tv,�t mot' selected seed i '? I -
11 , ,4 4 Dr. J, D. ]��2113glra A$thnl% Remedy Is a - I I that leau-to. plate. We'll, Put it ,on and 'not lose I r I .,� I �,.,�
;. ,.; i an, 4'nd . . . -plaritluga next,sprind, should � . ... ., .
. -�; r 11111, Bill Jobuson, Vick'Violitin I for . " . r";, "
i " �
, . I won.l." "'U, remedial agent. It lmmediate- . still, beat them.,, it was no SOUL= twAd i I . - I ( ,
11 :, r,: � . I . I ssages. I as V,,11C4N8, were tallad alternately 11AW every . . . , any time in doing go,, as the supply. may,, . I . ... . 11 I - ,- . ,,,,,� - ,
'! � I ly r-'UeVeS the te'stricitliCk air r Pa I by the Enan done, I 1. . . I r . I I I .�..0` 0
1 . . 4 1 ill .r 11 I
, r' r . . . . . ,be - . I I 2al W�ffftv - , i�':._J. I
!, �1� ro�n r and boy, bad been aMej. . limited by that JIM. , � ,�� �/ "J. .. I
. . a #urral% ,boyal. Get to supper," and ��, , . 11
I q I
.K! .?,, &,
i I .1 �- ,thwusanosoa testify. Itis zold.by deal. '� � . I . "At pres6nt,. tne supply of'Irlsh ,�.,b i : A 4�.. . � .
t; era eVr,t.n1r1:Qrt. . I , captains. . . I I . ., I I ,� � . . I � 'J", ,�O.` ,L�k,�_ . ,. I �
� t , . .. . . �*on Davet'is zica. vy,ore zeated around tfte i , . " ! ., V. k, �.�, .
I . , . . r . I . � . . blerr� -As amall. * There Is considerable,, r. .r 't(- '. �
i, 11, : - �0-6_� . r All belpa ln.readlh6s.the .men (or iable on the - lawlit, . enjoying 'the, ftost, . I � � - . . .,
. I 1. I . � i - I
" . 1i ... . ., ,� . . . . I . 00g,tity of Itaral Netv V�rkers. (Dooley).' 0. , � . �. t". e � *,j r
. � . . 11 . - I
i I . , � . . - I hands) wars summoned to their respect- 6ts pr6viii�d $y Urg.'Uenn�r,tt ,and Uk � r" � ' I . . 0 -
i - Quite An Riaht, Diner, O'I I see' $11atf Ivi sides� and the .b' variety. It should be. remebibere4, ha% , 1. , . I , .$y 1 �`." . I . . . �
1,� r , ,,,P, r foriliddeji.h�re," I . excitement egan,.: A in'th'ar r . .1 �` - . I OWN—o" i , . _-, . . I ..
I are Watt* "Tior, ,,..,., . I . . qble Assistants All were rao0wed much of the otrtifled ,Do ey - � , - � "." 11111OOOOOOO � .
'.r . ill lwa� that. I I '. I ; . . "I
L t: . . j -, n wAs backed arvUnd the toot of eat I I 01 ,1, . I '� I -j . " I
I � J . 1 3 inner mAn when the other side' bad onl� oto Is being marketed. fo;�'table etbaW - I . _1 4' !� , , , , , I .. 14 I � �� ... .
, ." %less yer, �mum, 0. w lip es to. the . wall -post, the lease' QA�a 'I 1. . I . �� � � I � I
. I � I . OaM'ea of r . J'en'�'r � . . . . I ':beiag` ' lowteep �Jrawn theW, xgktots� , � .1 I r . r r . - 1% I . . .. I I 0 I ,,.,,,,,,O,r. .',j A r� .
.r I . . r I r I . I _ I , I .
If . r I r I through the fioor ivue.re tzreful� men . . - . I , I . .� , � , �e,_ I 11
I I. I I .1 ; . I � I . I i . . ;,��., , � 4;,- 'r, 5r., , I , r .7 L � � 17, ..
. . . I . . At . . � . � . ! . L . . - ". , _- " , - ,,, �, r I ,,,, ,
. . . t ` .0 fi;) ", " �
I !, I v, I . as tossed i ;P. �
. �.4, lot of OoRd.natilred ba, or w . . . .1 I I .1 I 1�1, I.
, . '
,� , � L _!�__. — . —1 — W"'re gtataued to �hold I -firmly and pay . �� I r �;�Iir - ,� . I
;. L , � .r r between the il4org,mid the, vanquished, r,x1pc2!t. AlArUct, As,"Ured I �'. . ... I 1�t , o��.. ,Z, t P .. ..
I . 9 � . . , :, ." ,�fte.;,v . � . I I .
: � L i t.but,thei b.e,o L ' . I � . - � 4 I
. I � 1 it aut as the timbers *tro, rat ed. .: ' 11. 1 . 1�. - ,I' - I . ,
I . r it 'of � feeling preValled through, . I I 1?01, ont. nUit. GAW.em - ; , � J . , ..
� . , 11 ,,�,�7,-` .� � .
.��14 -X noi -
� I � T . �
r r . I Ut Loss, Mr. Steen,. new. asked, "Are .out. r 1 .: .� I . . � .1 . � . . . r.. I . . - , I ,� , ,., . - -�� . .
. . L
� I . . . I , Great. Britaltrof'v. r .,. M, � I
I "Ontarlo's expert r to I . 0,111,�" 5. 1
. ; STOMACH,' :Ili TOdy, men?"L. A4oud,"yes" Wds tber -or being over Itwaspropled that I �:t� -a I V. I'll. 0- I I
r . I � . L . I I Suop . AU4 plums, I ,* . .
L ,I . .. � �. � � L' . L . . . stozu� frolts sUch as pears r . . . . .: ', ;i - .. --- � .'I-,--- '14. -V -11
J a i,6W r . 11 I- . 1, - .� .�
L . n . . . I I . I . .1 ? ,i:�-,7 g -... - ; ',41-1,- . I
L I er� r . a dance be,held, and as there were seir. ' L a - I .1
.. . I . I
. ,
'es eStAt thiS was 'agreed to, 11,adgkW,, direclot, $ruit B�r ch. O,,TlI S ' ��' - 'L �'��'� ' � ,o-.�"i - I .
I Uligurs,well for the. future," stated P..'W. � _:",r�t _r"P 7 0, I � , , .
i I L .;. ,W,- ., I
" .
. t All men: 1"Yor ,bcaVe" and the bent M - eral -fiddlers pr ari I . � -1 - - � . . r .
I ULCFRS. - ;FrJW'k .A "I., ... I .
__ r . . . L
I thraQr "'Zo be;%,Vett� Ind - t6on tll*� Str I r . L . I ... .I- I � r � : ... I
I I Of. #4SddIcrs'LJoy,`O'- ' ";46'..., " . — . , 61'1' - I
. I - feet at the� Arst lie0e, . . r t ains, . . . ysal� for the fitat time. 113 ot1ro of. Ptar�L . J : . . 11 , , , .. � I . . ." .'� , .( " ' r
I - . I .1 . r
, , I ,�_ V!
L � " � !$, � . 1. L . � . L . I . , , � , . I . .
i . Your outL Of ll�te 11 L again And. now It is breast high, and the 441qowsrS '01 Eftbargh"' "Motlay MUSI� " 11 . L I , llw 11r, I - .. I" ; . . I . � I � ,� ,i � I
.. L tooplo have acid aod� 'tas ,were, exPerted W, 33ritlift : � � . . � t". 4-h.." -411, , ., rr . I I I _�
I to . - , ' . %�U 0 ' L' '. I.0 - I ::: .I . 4 ��_ .. �; '. . ; , , � , � . � .
� . . I L r . . �, I �
I .
1,1 . . . rUldmaoti, Whether tlkor.lalow it or � men . Who have Well' wait 9 "t theit' ttc,.L *ere heard, Da�a 400k,', w,bell cal' p6rts, whish-�ili,reselots.-veiy- oonsider . � . .� , , , ; I . .
I ., . L . L Abi .. , . . I - 11 I " _: . . . I . . .
. �; :. : th ' I , .. . . .. � . � . . I , I ", , , � I �, .. : _ � . . . , r
� lnot;and abOut one 6ut of pev6ll with � , ., _ �, I :,; , il "
11. L � ag(3 tjiortis ,under the bent And 'ollovr a L .
� , L ; -.lolll t4tomat L . . -ied Upon to $110* the 'natives r"boW ta . r L L � . . 1. I . L L
I � . I . . . succdtt�l.v�,iOtiiil.':sbiome:ats, � . r. I . . . 1. . I I ,r I . . .. .* I � ..
I a , . ,of vIcers. Wbell You liftV0100 I - . L L Lrt, it.r.. Sst,Sf8&. . I I . . I , . r .
I � muou It, %V".1ght, to re6t,on them, clogw-danoe,: thorg� than' "'hood At dowrV� L e whole, we � 11 . Q* pimb canal 349=4 . A" . 1. .. �U L
I *. sto.1430I.Val"041OF: ludi- . L . all return$ "Plues, ,bh . cit � 1. enm. - L
r I . The pike-polLs, are tIrought forwaxd el 1. �Oti., . . .. I �. . .
; . . � 0414' la t1lo r ,,, gaa, r giddl � t � o0ept in the 4a$�. sotn of. the : L I . 11 I . I LL WaN � I I . I .. I`Oj� . L
. , .
L O - � beilchir I Aboli thiftigbt � ta .to th r . . 1 7 . L I I I '
. 1 nest; r . , ,. r 01' L ' I r . I . .
� , Rostlon, eet!, I � - . � I I I . . r . r . % I .1 . .
I � %ln4 a dro�yfly '*dcad on Your 9 and jabbed Into the posts, And- beoints and h6lutis. tired hot 1101)lho� that tfiero. would I % . r . . . I . � . .. I ' L . . . Lr 1 �'. '� * .
to #91dIng thtsm Were told to L I 1. . . . . I . � i . .' :'ItO M- 010 . . I I .. . .. � . I
L I I tooling after 1"eals - Idol( Olt -1 thol� I . . k0l) be another raisin in th,ii: tie future, later pear 4hipments." .. I . . . . . .1. � : . ,. I . 13VWA%#J* *1*109011" 2%0"' - r : . . op" xe"A,%�' r' . . I , I ' r . .
'i ; . L 9 , ar Mr. llqdgetts said that plAng .are rtow, L I r ... . - I .r . I . . � I
r . . .
r . L .
1� I --tomak IA. -a . I I . : L r I
�J 1� ,u ulterg may result. . . I I .
P ; . till you Ample tbom L red on ilo. account to let them ,: I I - . . . . . . a I . I . . . r I
� Any AN8*61st Will t . .. .� . . I . � . being 1414' for organization ,we,*.,Um0l2g . I I . _. I I r .. . .. L � I Ir' * . . . L
ir . I . ..
. llnlnurftted�Uagntgla will correotacid fall out, . - I 1. r 1. . . L I �, . I r I "_WP_Wt_ ' � r' , i � 1. . ;. L
..L . L . I . . r 1: . I I ! � .1 . r. L. . 11 � . . . .'r .1 � r . � . I 1. . r ...
. � .. L. I . 1. .L . .. . . ' r 1. . growera�, alizo, to arrange lor.tho dentral :L . I . . . . 1. �, . . I 1, I L.. I � . . . 1. Lr I . I ..
A :.:. L Momach and houl stortlach 11106M . Agalo we lizar bar,. Steen shout "Yo ary_ . . r . .' L- ' . . . r I . �. L: L. . .1 .11 I Ir . r I.. . r . . .., - . I ... .11, .1 ... . 1,
. ()a$ 1. tilts ajo.mach, ind L I ,packlhg vml cold storage, neqessirry to In- L . I ; . . . . I . � .
� iq0stl9n, Stiedod � i. . .1 - . L I ..- Ir .. . I . I . . . .. .r. ' i
r - � . . . . - '
1 L , . holollthm. . at . I . . . I � . 1. r . in of R ' L r I . \ lt� On 'Alfalfa ,ob, -bath light arld -the Great Be�0�4r tWti1fy.yeA;S . . .
, I ;. id dlzilIl66s:-UI 31018 tit heave" and the 'petit continues to go up, Seho6l. L r I creaSft. t1le r ,,,,,,J,t fruit OdUrin r cehtap at. butch�rs.: The,. butcher best X's$d- - Dassed to - .1
. ch aa*-'atti wilelt I per.. . I .
1 oxcossilve, titoma , I ., r in steps as It were, at 0,itill, "Yo heave.' ' . L : �L .r _- St I the oomi�ies�son. ' I . I � . . 11 lagO ago, and Joseph ,asdL Itl the GreAt. War. % L .
L j. - I . . . � Q . . . . . I grade as, Vaded,,sho*04 Ons r4aing 101� � eavy solls. With -PA.dtoes the � a;ver . . I I . .
r r � . . I C . ' L e L her , L , r
, ly o.oirected by Blauratod Afagntse a . r. , L I breedingL in & large per-' ' L a4 four - ly eight years. r .
I - Ina : ullto.it is almost piumb. ,Now Mr. Steen . I � L . I — . L, . Increase from fertilizeri; �or the. past , Mr� YUUI predec ased .
I 111 � . . I I i . ,
� L � It''you isofter from oeld $to . . . . I L . I fluence,di barion . I .
, Add'(ndlgeatlon ,O,rL .have symptOms - I , r . . . . I . .. r . - - - I
,"L calls a halt; backing Are called for and � I : � , r Orvategs r,xport lacrease oentage of 13091S. The years Uasbein 41.3 bushels: per:acre., In: SUrlAving atc Mrs. Reg,, Sturdy, ilth ton
i . I . . .�. r. . r . . I . . . laverago. wkghtL Of � . L Giu�b,: ' at ;0enMU_ L
4 ", r ' of atowaoll-� uloort, trs, Bfsitrat,04 the best top man too up on the bent .r I . all, �hcg$" Was approximate y r f. po do 1032 a 1-a�10 fertiliteki-at a cost of V.42 ;rge. . .
� � r magnooln, today. nig patUagop flrn;L,1I , 1 . I . . I ,, or on L r .L I �. � I . cession; Mrs. Go � tie L L . .
1 cost, ,,tr . J=ottjyo� - 'r. � L I carrying the .pike �Ud 'of the pole ou I (Continued. fronlr page 3) I - I . I Shavm in oata*14 ToWca -ret, ,,gave au'lucte.= or 41*8 blsll�- loi, and John . I : L,
, , I stus, , year. Tile an dc at home Ten grandebil-
L I . . . hS �to ofdc figures, - export heavier -than the pXL1V1 .
_ - L
� i r - .
,� . r . 1. I . .. , . . I . . ,their shoulders,, Whou high endugh to Acadoml-. tP Alto* entire I IY Tria'aUar, but. Acoortdl L 141 , rie��hlghett taere!80, was,m�de with dren aj,0L survive. FCkUr Sisters,, WS, . ,
? : I I r . L It r woqI4 ailoW Pupils t r begid .1,ularkettAgs of Ontarto tobacco, last -year : p.,rceintage of Ulitz was reduced frOUL Tile .
, I � IgIve, 1, *1' I 4n'.0_12-10 fertilizer. G,aina with, turtalp., jobn Blair, '*QdarJcJL To =a ; . - I
r � I I I. . . I ...� ,ri i r,� , �tr 'a r r 0 the$ he greatest Increase of perlkap3� 9,42 pervent, to 5 r I fr�=. I to Aih L 04tS , Wm, ,C;Uvry,' and . waghtp; . .
. .
I . . L. r w I �howed, t .
� �, . — O ti � 'r .34 per cetit.., The per-
. I . . 11 9 ve tr 1 'C%3av;t$ 'Dar - r . heavies and extra, ere _ Met) d, of .
, j! , " . L . I IL 1. r goodr Jab Men. That, woW�t 0, 'U ly enough to reap.1011 advati, . I .. I . " -cent%K6 of, hwka w" V mads at x cost r Mrs. anal . . .
. ___� '. now yo , tage P I r . � . I , , I r
., r I L' I 0, any farm crop. . Juter4sting datM Woo r. also. . r
" I I.. . . ,I .another. ThWs better, and fromL them. AtAdOloigallY-101nded it �' ' 1,oxImate-. oW - 3.49 showing that farms�s are -mar. r Per bushel. Vargas., �Xorbb.Dakota,'and U6. Marshall' . . L .
. I . I I . .
. . I gr un!yluell - stay with W11 � Aga we pupils could begin =� foreign: language. I - I ' : � r
j, � � f4 'in, expo s Were apP L,$
. r I I I . L ' 4 .given con9orning mangels,.orn .and oth4 . of Vulcan, Aga., aod one� biother, Rich- . r r I
. � i r . I I b It , :ly 6"600,000, putids. !'The total thr' 102 )ietIng the great majority of. tholl, 'bog. . L . .
g . .
� L' or, 0 t - - while their vocal �M4 . . I. .: �
I . . 'r DEPRESSIONS . , . . eavel 130 Inow.. - .� wilbsi - preferably Prepch, L Will probably be well iti excess of 10.�- within the Odestred Weights. . .1 � or crops, , j, , .1 . arit #Orter, ,of Goderleh TbOwnship, also .
, L r , Still A . I . L IL L - I . . .
. ! � . . . . Awad I 106t the 18taylig loth$ nolled ,oil., Good, ,tan$ Vero exible ,and, their. role . � Q L . I I IL I l... .. .. . r. L r 1. 7— ,. L. .
. � I , . ALWAYS END . ,W$, Pick r. Its b�stt pupiN who lel%trl 000'000 polindt. Prices t the Engliab. I . I — , .. 1. I . .. I I I . r. I . . zourn. the lam of.'a sisto, Mrs. Y14111 .
i -� I . ment, 10w got in the lower I memo* at r . . . . �, . I .vas; a laghful ttlember of the United I
� ! I I . buyer$ h2ve ;bffto about the same for . . I oldeetr menibir of Vnion.
I i I . it up now boyst Get .th7 brace ready, chlegy by doftiS bould beigin vocational' L Work UtfceW&, r . r I 11 .. r church, b8luff the, r
�I � .r .' r WE HAVE jUty 9EP.1INTED A .1 I both .ra, but returns to thO V,t6ducem . Club . r L ,: I
� I . . � I r
I , . 11 OVER 73 YEARS" I I (inter tbe tennon. - Say Whs,t's the Matter courses � in Uwe to . prevent the Attitudes . yea , sne"'attell- church, and a, life member of the Woltl,� 11
� �;'L ' ' ' (HART #AADE . - . show a. dWease,.:1argLIy- crL awallat, of )nve points iclilchreocist. I .. I
r. . . .
.� I __ 4 . with that brAto, , tUfn It - end for ond; of f4flureorld ludifferenoe. And a more . . -0hituary , I en's M r . . . �
� , . 11 AW-CAWNG MAY DEPRE9 .. r toon_ the fluotutitw exchange situation. . tion miectidn with a%%, and, Girls, . . I . losionary Society, The -funeral
. I r I �00�', Mars 4etter, noW L driVo It ondways.li� 'etiltlent system would be 4 At In Ice I . . . I _ '.L. was held Ott Tbur_b4ay, with Rev. V. W, L . :
� . ! ' SKIN, AND Y A 48 � Tl in club work In tilt ca *
r .
I 1. � . . F Its CF < . Sho '14 up, , ,,Now give, Us a pla -, here, o1oleal L sydem � Woll. I , be.trIt'sh marltot, dUaL t* �hs #;ftXi' SW e r. L trying L .alit of '' I I I . I
I , �, I L I . I IWA FROM - IS% 10 I ' . I . Sion of the DrItish,trapire pftferenoot lot which therfederal and proylucilal Depart_ . � '� L M".4 . AN" IMAL .� Cralk -in ollaf4e, Two familiar hy=%-
. ,wgh that comloartOderl ,ZteiNdy." , TUC (a) 010ally, and X think the reader shoWlug L I r . I . Were bunt and Mr, Crilk sang % 4Z, ��,
/� . . . ly tS Ot.ORRECt TO DAM . . . . . I A ten, $earperlod, Is an Diereas- ments of AgridultUre c6-0112ratp,. are 40- . . . .
r . . .
. .
il:,�' , . r. I . 11 . glil.,Is pinned siftlY. I.. I will eeo that this follows from our diS- - . . � Theric Passed away at hs� boind on. -PhXdo"�" rd(illrstedL * Mrs. - 1
I I . I I . . . . I Ing tendency to absorb larger at4lirgdr tolled at follOwA - I I .
I . .. . 4 1, 6 � to Tnesdq evefilng, 4am 94Mo an aged- rest- Mr. 10ralk spoke briefly. on the text, 4 - - - I Y I
., � . 1114ow, with' that top'alft" Up At rlZC3.1 Collision of the basis for free .00ndary . * I 41,1111411
1 ; . I . 4 ties ot,tanadian taftm. 1. 'The location And. diiitribution I .
� � I . Im )A0500SIZING READ I uanti . �
. r I I . "put upt a pikepolo on -end . . � %. dent of Oodatidh Tawashil?,in th6 lous in ths,.Sight (it the Lord Is, the death
; . I . . . � . -ING AVAILAOLE-4300-1. , . . , to, steady it, ,��-.hcolbig. though it Is ap3rt itorn the I . . I .1. . tlub members of young Pigs of good b, lierson o . . . � I
I . L I . . r - rh .
� I . FOR L 110W is site, ,Aenp ,& .little. higher On it 4llbstlon ofpogts, it is suggested that the, I . � I L I con type and breeding. Of these, many of Marp A= Porter, Woved Wife of ,the of ills salaWy (Paalm: 11G.16). I e num-. .
. L .5 AWAD-WPIX � L I r
. I L I I WE I batk.end boys-, now otidwiya, raco." Tho clatal# of ,thei. 40041 solone0s ,should re- World:s Grain Show at Begins of the best'lethales tkrii.kepk over tot late James YUM. 10, btr 72th YdaZ Um. trails firoVers bespoke, ther high esteent In I
� ; . . � . . . . � . wilich I
v .
i", I � I F � 1 - colve, gtoater redognition in aft Ul8b ' f�oreea2t,.Aq ftq�otfe' Srtieeft$ breeding vurposM , r .s . I Yulli, halt not been in the best ot health the,decessed and the fanifty ad �
. . . , brace is put in, the plus driVevii and fur r I . . .
. � I . . L . ; . � . polat Vcr$ definitely to 2. 'The giving Of -Pr=ucal wstru,$ioil, for .the "Past two years, but bert Ur In. , Were MSilr& r L
4 , . I . , tber preesotion, stay-loths are nalled to School cotirsft . . . "tudleations I . . . held: T11i vall.;bealtn . I I I
1; 1i . . .1 the free crids of tho girts, to hold the ,at citizenship Olt the Tapt, that thfS World's OtAifl. ,$how to ,club vitembL10 $it. their heroes or� ftmitielt Wft ChthtftA fOftU&- Me Adbtrt -6avwson, satou
�v I . EL WAVE . . . 11% , To r"k,, ItitoUlgL . i vr aMd Will L 01 MOcuath, Jas,
' �� L . $PAOMA AVL a (OLUGC sy., , pasglolc,'�Ader the prtSbut ochaotlo Oev , and Coatorlince at Regloa,. " U to through lectures at club meetings. yme be Mc011tskey, John tutr, AAam Robbiton, '
1,� I till, tite next. bent is alstd. L I . . , r .
!,� . . . The second bent I� raised In much the ()Into and biternatiotal 40anditlons, over$ August 9, will be,an. on M-VadlZig ftwes$," 3. The distribution - of I priAtact or ftllssed,- froin -the community, Xn 1887 and Charles Mug, Those present f
. . '(0001470 . . .
i r . r :1 ' L . I fitst. No, batking is ,-t-ondary ttbool shideot should turely s .11. MartIft of tho Depart- mimeographed Inforioatlext regarding the thor vat trkn,ewd to otaxites Vold (it Godt- a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Adam L"
. . 1041ft Wk #040to - r Mine Alaritler as the aid Arthur rich Township and Osettled on the farm Robin, r L
, L
% . � .i" ri�" cd�d, hoWow'.1. but 183he b6ot, beNts have tho,opportunity 'tot, ,Much in, are , mont,, am being ask,oct .about, the VMVOcts brooding, feediti9t Invin6getiftto Judging eon 4%0d.
. on tile 4th .Ocoucesslon Vhore she,resided Vulll TeegWater; W. McMurray, ,Joseph .drlL
I _'� 60 plutilb. trien are mut up .to enter tile tonsive, training in t1he studies which dgaz for the lotthgoraing Vithibition. and market -Ing of, ,TX,tt*., , r , �0 L
. . on '
'I I . 11 .1 __ Oc Three WlI and Wm. King, 'Brussels; Mr; avid'
,X_ family,'Witigham; Mr.ja
, ! :Sr
,. .� � I "Vilder the obairtariabliI of 001.r the .4. T1
". I - 'ends of the glrts Into the Atartit"'ok of the � Vftb tile relations bc,tw�cn' the various . it. Uratigoinclat and - conduct Of .tit 11or death, girls ;Md two IL L
.1 , . �
't. % I . � I --- 011101--w- � I , . .- Xcrmedyi,, I
I rmt�, Ana got tha 'Oracos pl%cm prverl�. caolal groups. 'At thit pre�.etlt t eks U ,41r.� jaltin judging ant, other.. AUMS of 14emonstgx� *Ioys Vero born* three of whom arL- -now MtS, Uine Lovs, StrAtfctil�' Ifttertne)%J� , L
11 - Tham '.
L .
" � . . I rtr . . .
I I 1111111OS &13, 4 �' 11 Who 100 t-110 0' �AVXPIW, VhU0 MUDIX IMIlC1)Vtd on1at1n1;1:co,U1,tl=tef, ."!M6, wwo, vorldis 'arain tiau$. . . . . .. . living in. GodOrIall TO""p. UAWO was .made In Maitland cemetery.
5 . U . woc Wttlt� tht MD, . . . I . . . I .� . I L .
�� . ; I carwof IShoW Committ4o has its plans, w0l In 5. The wturing, of,.g,iod bation. lopp - �, ___� .
J . L . RANCE got ,outsIdo tho post, U%1ea4 ot.AA the, only a one-year CoUtst,,81WOUgh JM*0 blutt, and 13 ,confident that the products bottrg, for ,club idWfift. _r . .1. . . . I I . . 11
. ..-
I In - d0Vel0VMM Into A Mott VA111016 � I � "r . I I I I _.__._.� I .
.1 ni" .ttltal Ito Won't bo c�dled first At the of ,.,,Il. 11 1� " 11
,;( , � I ___lt bfta r3hlue�- 110MVel' all 900 W011, Wt, (114MOUtIVY C' 011110 Is lwau of Ontario tarmg Will not be 4WPM80a , I .1 . I. G . r .. . I .
. . Wa $we . . . I . . 'I 'r
� � � L . . . . . I I I t�)AL, �61tts a" pinned. , Then the backing only to thote pupils in the Vso%tlibual b� ftsv or WW dl*r micrtty. . r . jp"V L if 41 - , or I I
,J Po Ty . ,CV,,avlo As ptanuing to dispUy the tia. I .
1. . . b removej� avil �sycd on tbo ROUIld AW partMenti 04tistilt Th history ,*Ali Ift, , , 19%11f�ftftt Work he uoaerten Star's ��
L r I The Mutual . kife I 1111� Ulm ptetccd to raise the third bMt, t1liatiOnal TdatIOIIOUP� tan ,bO d'Alt, tUral retatiroft of, tto VX01nee in U 240 At the rneent� 54th annual Intetwo of''I I . . . . .
r , . vv;AJcJ1 11 dauc� In short order. All IS UOW with ,only hIMMNUtally, OZOUDIftlat ;in- I Lot exI1.1bit. Ort, WOW Will be the pro- tile Ontaflo Agricultural and kxperl- i
I . � . 901aly ter tile 10A MIMI I � fts arene8le�tad- WOO rettJgUlto tln I duats'ot farft, forts& alld mind. Tourist Mt,at.Al rUniorj. at th" 0, ,&. 0., au0ph, la I ' L I
. Collpa , r r r "'. , '� .
i, . 1*1111 %#U �, 1panibilaw" 410, Val �* foAtuted." W., I Squirrell. rf,aftstor Of rit'l(I nus- . I .
L I By � %aa .bttg then called Jack and Mve -4ahns Of the Othst great d0P1k%'tWeUft at
ti t , - . I balifty and fictketSrY Ot tile 011%]. AA- I - . . - . . .*_U..W*1.%.~1 I . . .. !,
A . , )Nrellm I I -1 to CAM& fr Nodo
!� . I t ft a C=t'altatrbu, to me it tiloy ,WL-alcd tW, owt.mium-11cal - -, rdu�a ion rag
. of cautda i, ta %An f=- tilt wora 01, go as Ust " they lish. §�4tnml, mathetnatles, titiurkeed tbAtZ500, Togulated,00-0110tAtIVO 'djoat PreMl%ft Tin ,
- trot 4"My toptov" . _W1
e � ESTABLISHED 1969 Q3141 Dave sw;st, "Ves, Well walt for 1116 gug" and the VATIous vocattoost 0,t�Vrlments ln%�)Jvlug the distribotton. .. I
I VIAO Office - WATE400. 0% worX, hT. vnine of JohIt's roen $Cql ,q;�)l .Wt!% but Jost a CliistkS *nd ... 1- Ift gradins stathtits shoir AU Invreate ct 10.00 14ft of *veto. were canduettif .
: � W for ties h-%Ve bad to thlart the honotfA wltb ncon hogs ft!�� pradtWed, throughout Ontario in 1032. snd tit& per. The $tar and London Prea Press # .�`O. a. 00, #I -1 41. il 0; 4... 46.00 . 11
� ,� th6 mo ttarts now; *6 wowt V Sz,ittuce wad Uodtftt. so Vith ft ,ebu- III callltd4 in the star 1031. Ilogs As ttbtoge ot good results teeditil *Its 1111A Tile Star and The London Advertiser. � , % # a .... 6.00
. . D,D. MOONE.Y. I oinythlus-11 I sftutly br1aft-Aft OfM040A of U10-1 ttiar)ttted thro4ghoUt the MM11110a h*k"t in the history of the Aseoc%tlon. The Star and The Toronto �Globe ...... :. � 1* 4s. * 6.00
� xldttment Is h*b,, thb MUM atoty- tagetton's of st,43ndoOrr O'datation. 411.1 thowed Otousiderable itM""itient Oyft. ,OaTht distribution "d tht IWOMONV4A The Star and The Mail and Empire. . . . . * * w a . O, 6.00 '
I Aot%'T rtt P*An of b-avWg the girts ploned and th"-e subjetts In turri 3nUSt Y14d to ft' Noy Previous Year. 140tL " VW therb ot tbt �Wst seed of thi6 Most 60%blt The Star and The Toronto Star. o'. - OO A s . . .*,..,. 7.0&
1 MOU'254 evcrAhing toadt uter beft booted. lhvt. oft of stlect bKoo vskidko JA lutiftMental; to SWCMfol , Tile Star and The Farmer's SUA ............... 3.00
1 "ki t my 14MIAl belm"es a VISX6 lIefitting their lm� An lhprftm In the Iniuml I .
. $04 � WA . : . , I ,001 . r� grits bb tteh and. mys. "All r1sti be%% poodoeed, but there Wa% In addlitift SakUlture," ftd. Sqot"Il d"Uted, The Star and The FaulilY Ileftid And Wftkly $fait. . 2. IOS ...
- I .... � .1 ". I ta"I!, The ve� 1wtMe! in the preoftt seliftle of thin"
- � 11 - . 1. rl%% 0 0 t"t #& " L ' ' � - lWt *6 bAtA wabdeted sm our M� so imrft* In Woo lfts�*Ud A 10*to "M It"ortock 6r rAnkM IWWVft0eftt I The Star and SaturdlY Night .................. . 5-00 1
-0 *- =P��. � . ..... . ..._�,�� b$etvi af''11141!�"dary Kw,et�� 4:6 lwn* ___ - -_____._.__ ..... 1_�. SM tan reach AdtiMt6 40ceftS Uft� The Star and The New Outlook. . . . . Ot .. , . O, ...... 33�o -
itlude, vilght we Aot A04ftalthe M fol- , __.L_U%110. F,M %W. We nd " z%iiatila. but tontinUt .
UW We Us of LONO ; lowv � MT FUMV L the, yield P" siere, *ad tim The Star -and Canadian Homes and Glrden$. . . . 6 4.100
1 . The Star and May Fair ................... L. ok *. 4.W
. AM, fta"d * ^�ii_ n fl)� We mat titi0e, to offtr it" I The Star and The Catholie Record. . � . . . . . . . . -. . 3.50 �
Cons"000 IS 1ANILY INER ""T"b" " P'" 'v- &I
� I ia* is O" 4 tbo wag "ItwoAty R to *11 r-t*WtIOt# � eotutk *Of~ Vt 'ChmWry *t : V11 The Star and MeLel"N Maga"Ifte"L ............ 3.23
COMO* 011S #A " w* en4*4�,� to I Wake no yow Uvot Us b*ft tottillutd, some exper mt
,_ eltwis, M lom
I tot Ot 9k of *W*kW, *Ad ,** tbig *AWtol* #'X*a*ftt of &*W -W _4660A caumd %tth fertifbtrs Vtkh bm been tofiftt- I
"i is OMIT wo ohoa 46*od to go tic govemwnt� I Volt &-a `km*klil f-JVkk11 AVA* A*ft ed Oo"r the Uat rmr yors. ftftg *bleh Goderich Star's Premium Included for 50c -additional _
Wo4od ihw "atil ~ WiDia r"iWt""ti%41,f%qUqW#*b1)ll*"A M= time afttly * tMWW*A f~rX ha" I
oft 1"� t2� Wit owe it to tl* "W, *hn )*� t1=qtf,1,"%v�t#_,#0U, )*ipVAi4%A*At##%l_ t1k%* Call at The Star Office, or �Phofte 7 t, for any information.
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