HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-01-12, Page 5,a
� TRUI�S,DXY, 3ANVAItY 12,ffi, 1w.1
I i i mo Alro"110-- w. Ri I - - , I
—,. _ =__ � , - __ . V
I - I -, , ----. ME GODERICH STAR
M��������____ _ __.11__�--- —_-_--_--_--_---__�,__ —.--- VA011 I -TU .1
� In" R, ARR I `" . - � _____�_ —
NAUTO --�-- ----���—,���-.,—..,-�.,--.----,�,�--.-��'.. I
----. �
. .
I., ' - — Town Cound"I Moves I - I
� W,60" - - 0"', , For Reductions , cc 0 Jo$
". .., . . COLDS and INFLUENZA Gro
(ContinuQ4 *44a mge' 1) at -count Qt 4ei "Itt"'A Vftgi�6 — ,enter
AU.'ra =1011% Pawng 4ttotorlsta were Late 143 night *r ouly this Morning Ift AS A REME , Y WE SUGGEST - (co"Aint;ed mwa "go 1) �
R 8110alall$t was brought srota, zon C. U I
'wau at the S=e -V4 the IN VOQ% VNNSLAWS COLD UWMERS.-BATWS ASI'JWJI.64� hC CollZa do $a aml Ammer ar�,,,:Ut
. . , ', , � I,Ffd W4ort ' .4ou Re . made, tb�, malz Canadoss locaodine manufacturers I
'�9 9W'_&'i 4"TOUI(I k*95011*9 left eYo) *ad BRONCHITIS MIXTURE, GALLAGIflows COUGH To xtvjft $alak-,
. 4sd_lt�kl f;CaiU't,hWr.prC�AiIoJ%4-" position - . OUGHS USE PFANSLAR'S PNN.LT
. ind a* awbu4n,* .411foa. �. : , � " Oy%7 0000 13-Ultif, I � 4VOnUo� I Of foundation armento
I . , I 1. I lvto. ... �_'� i, !T11P tC, save �, ible ' 11TRUP � ' o, Hzer 114mber movea aua coun. 9
. , -3 " t,P,W QMor ricatwook 'afeandta amotion that I
,61 � ,4 "Ted" plaute� ft�t to re � , d " �, , - As JL� : tiko W
. I . W,ver fretu tile .�' ( 4 AMPOIX8 TASTS11"S COI)JAVIRit OIL ,� .
I Y , , '� Assisted the otu, --*-_-.*#,*."� .� I GAL16AGRE LUNG T0NIC., L PONSLAI%% Vwnl , t4o ftan'm Qomluittte 1tvipw all OvIi 0 1
. . .�,�. or occupants from I 11#1 LXHS fAXPARATIO.V of COD I, XVRI( OIL � 64010 and Wave Seale# with a view tot Announce their n4Wv"#.* I
: ., I �, ,, .1 r .
J � *e 0W ,44 telephoned for medic4l X , . � �
f, - I. 14 j, . , North st W. Sol , " ,� ,,, ! � , downward revigoft, '. . �
I I � "sistance, and the awbulgage. provin, ef lk 10D I "We wv UVIQ In Umea ,11 stresst Naid I � It ... 0
t Imt 0$ 40
1 1 10RE I c03u3,u,:.4o.r. R.um,,b,,,r,,,,-,,,t,,, 'woui,l Z'
� : I .,A41141 COW1010 U12COY arrived 'shortly JuStans Officer$ %eAMMELUS DRUG Sm" . a folir Ilyluiti, I " French Maid -, ine ...
I 4fter, I 00PURICH PHOM 90 41401014 but all our industries t�aye- one . .
...- - . I
. .. x4r4wo Through w1aaameld . Totid -of $783.00, IS, I I 10 �. b4vo made nducttQns and It is up to
I I . , us .
I . . * Roised I """""""-""","""""'�."I I I I I—- - — — PQ WNJI resocct to cl�'Jo employees. of
. . � z 23wgq at the 6449, Just after the Crash in 1 933—. Reporb I f0t 0 tF�___ ---- A dollar 'wIll 4uy almo$t twice a , $ 3auell �
. . . I 4tate $UQ't John 1?4045 was catapulted the Y4084r , much wailha 4eea at time$ as, tho tegW$. were evenly as it Vould % year ago, and 3ret there are rry r% y i ;
I I I - through the windshield and was. lying I L On the. PAY Tolb of our 4pendbair i
. . I . I tom and brought theta out %head� Who OM getting the . I
At thajanuary mVp -or th "me, or i
. UUA*�19`di 16Ver the hood, bleeding g.v. .t Q.W,M�0. As Goderich Wins 't"' " Luck w" "'Ith the v's" = CORSE I -it I
. . . . , . 1h . I . . - . of North. I Jag L Seatorth started ouistrongi playing 41, Pr4ctleally W, as they did when the cost ;
.1 ."I'vrely r9A2 814ss"CAPS About WOUQ�d and cars el �Atrcot"'tXn44 church the offi� . Offensive Same efliockoy, Qord RetmioI of living war, at its peak. I have refer. I
. . ected for 193a were Installed, and , 11, . I
'JAC0. Some,.oftu� cuts Wor (C�Oatinued.jraai pAgo 1) notched ,* goal utter 10 twoutes, of stren. ence to school teachoers.- too. many of �. —,
. -
. . . .. � . o' danear*Us- report,$ *f the Past-yqu,fk work'wen, 101" nous'plo. .Wtchell thew!vut Oh an at4, `thd41.Aft�1etthW,to0 'landit money. 1.1 I . � I i
. I � W V19ke- to theu 200 VY0 Andsome arixiety on., . I �. gight and turned In -sWilAr perfor - - tavit which netted theta A go% I I I I I � I . (
I . I to" tie appreciate that we have no ,right to 410. I i
was expressed by doctors in this respect. The Installation serviCe was poluduCted cc$. The forward., gave them fte anist- , I to i
.. . I . =21s. morning hospital ome b . I t4nco With their bg0k-cliecking. Doak thlogs; up, but OoM nenote beat ca$dj tate to.the School boards, but ve,cgn talk I' , -' In the's'e delicate Resh colore!d .garments, I . I
. IAIS said Ati; Y Aey- 17, �F- Ford, Who gave a brief but . I again 15 secoalls -after upparfl 6cared things over with them and I feel sx4re �
Very 114pressive talk 04 the paxable of .kicked them out frora ,all angles and �
124rsol,*' coadition., Was ver. 'good, 004.� the I they will be glad to meet us halt WAY.,,
. " ..... . I y t4e4ts, T the g0*1 for wtvIlell, with yvrlght� get. of fine French Batiste'and Lastex webbing, i
sideflng *bat.,he had-goie tbroltghL . he. president, Xh, ,,, several times savzol a counter after,the I . 9
� . defence L 15lat. . . I �
. I " .. . Hetherington, then took the chair and U44 iIfta bea,toxt, ting the 4& . A G000l idea . . . �
� . . .
. 1 4 I .* * 7A the frout seat With Mr. )PA, Called for reports froig the Various Score, L The team plays Seaforth, here on I-lrl- rhe second period was rather slow 41 think Councillor UuMberIa sug�cs. both materials exclus4v ' ith Gretiier,.. yoti I 11 I
I .
. . "'(1135 tarje& . . I d I I e W1
I 'W" Miss VOrls Platte, daughter of Ur, aY tight and Is sure, of a big crowd As With neither t4am PlOY41% their. usual tIQA that We Mect the spending bodies of i
and 'Mrs. .011tiort. Plante. ThO -IM00rding ' 4ftretaM Mrs. 'Win, 4 tribute to the fte victory ill Clinton, brand of hockey. MItchall re4elved the the town an4 talk things Over I$ a good
I - fte received rltrAlall-n, gave in her report An ,-oxecl- 4SP001411Y go as ther,were minus the, aer.. brGAks, hOW014t. when CU111tort scored 040." . said COM-4111or 13 - have potect fitting, real comfort, combined i'll
��� I ' L � rawn. "The SAI- L . . I .
, I
. severe cuts About the ilea lent a V on Wr4bvs pass.' Tho *rlod ended 2.2, Arles, andolvio grants should be ieviewoId I . I - �
. . . d and fate when resume 61 the 'work of the -past Year vieds �of ITAOX WOOO, Carpenter 0.11, fO I . with �style,. at moderate, price,gii j
. by, 1111C.1tiontioning especially the Visit$ ,of two the greater part of the Same, macKay,- L , .
shot through -the WWdOw glass'; Better hockey atr the begInning,of the year, so that the L I �
. L , wa. ,
. I ning �of the , s, Veen at the 4egtn� . . I .:�'t4::, . I "
Impact, -, - , � guest speakerp,.kis. crow of 'Lucknow, The boys ,will be In good shape for the third fram6 and the teamu work Can be lined Up, I knoW it is going . I . I L f
I ... I . . and MISS orace, Patterson of Kharna, SeafQrJh game. L ' � I . deserve prais?,, foi their' Combination ef.. to be a, hard thing to do, but 0, general . I , , I., I .
I .1 I Miss Pr3tels Thoms0a sustained 0, bro, India, uni I , ooderlob-0041, . x R foru on Aliorl soft ire, re I duction, shoUld be made All around. . . I . L . . 4 1 $
1 1 also tit& banquet ,given to .Mak: defence, I QQr4 Renato . . . : I .. I L L �
ken right% arn" "ung Vdmea of the congregation, re- Wood and i8tooldart, cantre, Murney; left $00rool oA 4 4010 eftorb 20 secenois after Expenditures for relief are jacreasiog; . . . I i
�, � a deopL 'Cut- acros her L 1, , I � �
I a 'Sat'int in the IMM"lo'n 4IT -A 14i'4i', wing, 'Uac,Xayl� .right, ,wing, X �*Off-, EepPard, of Mitchell beat they are belag held down to a minimum, L . i
. forehead And lacerations. She L L . cl)on%ld; the face rhese new garments are now � on -
I , alibi, Allison, Newepnabe,, W. nobiwont Muir to tit ft, score after a nilnutes but there is 0, Point i
was "' tarole, 'She riPOrte4,' lkith 8�rrow, th Ix . beyond wbich.you ...
the rear. AeAt Witla OTecr) Plante, briotber' 10USWVdf two lite rqd,ra U. Robinson. 1. � . . I of continual rushes. TWO In I . . I �
, 4ers gad.oAe.44- . I . Illutes later, etuinOt 90 When CItIzeAS are hungry and . .11
, � . Of 360FIS, And Clare Badchlor, son of Mr, ZMal WzqUitoor In the persons of Misr, Eli� 0 It n t *4-Tw7ford; defence, Rea- Herbert .scored on a long shot that Muir In need -11 I I I . .11 I �
." I did not see atall, . � . drFsplay at ' I I .- I !
J it, . . � C -;JIott� I I left From. then or% th The Inotion was . . �:
4124 Mrs. J. X. Baechier. zaWtII. alapbell nedy and, B Ocrdrc�, 01bbs, . ere referred to the linanza .
, Ted" sustain- . 19. Z. ` , 'Mrs. Thos. Wootton, ATA04wari; right � wing, Raff, sobs was MU( � . I I . I . I . . . I . . . �
," e und Via$ TiMn. , I Wing, .111 shooting Up and down the COMMIttee and c6aforenoes with various ,
I . S I
thena� dressed lit- the hospital' Was able. to ,son, -rupor -OtIg ,mount Xe. ' Iteforoe-Boroleh Norfolk, I p an 'on . I
, I go, honip'L'M - .. tea thAt the '. . PIOULL the 21ins with some of big decls.- hd1d�'COUnCM0rZfMn-. A need. I. . I
. r, BagO*r hact his hands mltt�d to the 11resbyteiidi'tieasouxer Was L . . 11 iQAS b4t�owjag to the Condition of -the SYJawa Conflital. L various app In
, I , , d facial lacerations a d after h%VbV. . Th treasurer, Miss 1 1 A: Smart'*10tory " . L , 09 � O t� Fo, Ee HIBBERT I �
I I a e Margaret nober�_ Streets, � Glidden, Pickett.. t � - 1. � length, of the rink, The referee did tot spending bodies of the town axe to be, �
. , .
I L ' Ied. it 'Was 'hard, to kdep 4 A)Joso, Check on mQntS were given their necessary road. . L . I I
Cut,Olk flying glass and his))aek inJured. 11 , **hidh ladludeii $76 for life mem. The - Sailors d . . . I .. . , �
I Hs N at I . . �betgliiVs UlAd $20 IrOm 'thank. -offerings efeated'Mitchon V2 here SQ1110 plays. The .first goal Scored by lugs, as *as a bylaw providing for trx_ . . I L L � . . . . , I
. 0 . �
.1 L . big home, . . . L . Friday night, but not before the home Mitchell was dftut�d but. after much terest Payment for I houe- 96. THE CASH STORE -� " . i
. ' Vrs,'ThOs. z6buston, $UPI 1033 on the bonds of , I I . .
� I I � . Ply secretary. tOWit fans had- been Chilled more by - An debating It was .counted. Leppard. looked the Diatarlo, West.shore nailwtty. ' .. - I . . 11
. I . The blooci�spotttered L Car was a 40riy_ reported. that two bales had I . L . .. . �
, LL .been , 0111131011S addend - period L thah"they were the best for Mitchell With 0ord l:tenAJC .. L Wa � I . I __ . _ - .. I 11 I �
. )OOkIn.0. Me$$ when viewed at the Scene AWaY, von%irflag. quilts -and seco -h the the pie 7 t tea . � at'a )rounger Atan - _
, , . . I I ndh� d by''the APPIng-lik8 Conditions Inside 'k of the Seat, L' I � - M . I . --- L'
I I � � th : � clothing; I I .. . I . .. . . . . r h m Seafortb Whenthot bylaw. to� Appoint a memb . I . �
I or c wreck-' The frOat-of Ae oar is 8X04a. . .. . . . . I er . 1 4 . I
- I �
I I � I stove 'in a ' ,Miss Annie David'1011 said that 48 T . hopes to make'4 different showing again.91 f0r.thrft Years to the. Colleglat i . 1. - e4 - . I _. . I . �
. . Ad 'lle engine dislodged and he Sailors got Away to 4r healthy. " Goderialt on Friday` 07oning, The3r will whs token up, Cou . v ImpArck . p . I . I i", - - . " ,-� I - � "_ . . —
L �
. Inembers subscribed 'last Year for , the lead Stoddart a L their regu . acillor BrQWJft L, Said . *a, L I I . I. I . � . I .. i
I I I.. : I driven back. The car did not tum.over Missionary . Montbl v. coring twice and, Murney. have lar t6aLtal then, , 'heme ,for, prapaymeat,of"taxes WhIL11 I . I �
L I . her , .130rd "Perhapg we. male,this Appointment too he ly give the Intensive, aggre,nive coverme i
'. . I . I �V�nd- the. body. *eSaa d d � . . Y' This iear t L e oriee' Mitchell Came back in the second Muir, their star' player,, is laid - lip a� julekly. Lilt . -ed last year. 00 nld. It was we need, but their fie I .
. . . pe Amage. ;rho are 49.subscribors. - � , .. � d� Councillor � Humber, I feel ly 4dVan- XIbUlty, and aplM. � I
I ... , . period, scoring a brace of goals wla� the Preseat.wlth the flu. His absence Was, . I
lights were -still, hivAling . 2C ary Of , 'a we should have a YoUnM orking W411 .elsewhere. Ratepayers, he did. cooperation
� I- , ii, ,.wrec The repqrtof Miss Drly'dr, a. ret blades of Chapin man repre- With
. I . en th k�" the Mission circ An and COIQUhOun, and *big fac - their loss last nl�ghLt. . .our� men in tboo,
.L tor In said, ,Could pay their taxes at - Any - time, .field, 01,110140 us to ta�,e full adv4atfte,of I
I .. , seating the town, a. man with a family any anlount, r I ;
, ero 10=0 to take It Way. A pair. of glas�. Emilie Buchanan, who . reported. thai . On R .: going to gtihool� L L Mr.. ftrd IS
I L � a . 14, was given by Mise generally rnaktnO things uncomfortable. Mitchel10621, Casey, def ,6, jr i m,llie .receipts and turn every local possiblIlty,, This ,13 a., factor
. �, . .. 5es ,were f0imcl In gowaver, the Sailors were the better bert, C. A very fine ithese it% L On due dates As Vash, receiving ' . . . i
, . I . the, back.seat, ' A since their org"lizatiOn, six meetings bad splashers. on en Stoneman; Centro, VV, Stoneman-' gelitler0an and has readered Valuable . . of great importan06", I I . �
� . .
�. . , d, XeXaY boating it up. wings, ()h4pman,.coIqqhcUA,- Olt the discount the. town had use- of. tfi Mded =Atked- . th L e WAnd ..
I I ladra Aho L I ornates. service, but I think It w6uld be In th� mOr,!,*. Xn this WatMer the town would i
. . . . . 9 Was lodged between thelmave been held Which pr Uton, LW e 'Tile Vat Just
. . Or- to windward and tho Mitchell goal for� Cul riqht, Leppard. ' to have a L a r
,, �. � tire and body, of the Car, probably Pulled estlng.ala,�00$he girls entered heartily in a pair L of tallies that_dettled best. Interests of ,the to ah
I . I . 1. �, the nAVAl L Seaforth-Goal, 0. .Muir, ,de Wil have less bank interest to pay . Aivers4rY .01 ,the adoption by 0 .4.
off, In the Owner to dU 15114ses, : df. their work. Bef-orl I engagement. ' , . , ,L . I . Hart, Wit.: 6 fence, Joe Un or And, more aggressive represents- pass this saying, on to he ta and *Olia loug Company of 13attle lareek of a* �"� �
. 6. 'S efforts, to 6trleate Christmas the I . arbor, centM o. Reanie, yo L g
. herself from the . . I .. . Circle 4ressoolLdollS for.ff The line-ups: .. . I . .1 . � I wings, E, - R t'Ve." L I .. . . .... . . I I . . . t L X-0 ay or ' ' hoar-da� Working shift. . The 000
. wr kA mission In Tbronto, elulle, TOM 011iff; alter ' Tile 1.106ace ,400imittee-was asked to
. . - . I I cc ge. . They, had raised Oil . a4tes : Mayor Lee -"The 'Only way to* O' front three4hirts of EINIXt, hours to
. . I L, . . doderich-Goal, r>oak, defence, Stod-t B., Christie, 0. Chrlifte . ver� bring 10 a. report on the proposed -plan., "Ott to L i
� . . r 11 , MurnL L, .1 0, Ail#ebrand.' ,come this I� to app .
I 'Y' L �
I . . �., ,:� . 1. . Beast Esftped L . to 'I'd 'gont to the -Presbyterial treasuieri da t.Aid J. Wood; Contra, . 0. Beeves, I ... I . I oint, Mr. rbrd And let � Council adjourned.,shortl bOto four shifts of oil hours,: waa InILde On . �
.. , I � . .. . ... : -ThQ' Mission .Band. report given b -v Allison, motay; wings, . I , L I him mRke his own decision *about ac. pi clock. . : .1 .y ore one Decembei L More than 4W L L
. . ��f.. I I 'Zhe' cattle, boa ''Mrs. 'Andre* i subs, H. Wood, - Nevi- ROfer.74-4,aLzuglilln, Mitchell. L cepting. . Thai is , , I 1� 1930. L .Pet- �
,, . L Is- 84;d to belon ITowe7d au9t0ned iateiest� cotabe, -W. n6bWoa, .p. a * I . . -� .&� 0 . I . . .
4. k to a . _ the decont th*, to do . I .. 0, ,� . .A— . manent Ilew job$ *Were Created. 04urly
.. I � � . In the work, tbouoh�.the: BgIld . 6binson . . � Reeve Craigid.- L.'Mr. L _ , . I . .
1. , farmer , ' � , -, . L I . �. . ; � ' ,
. � . py the name - of - --d L FoXdLIS One Of th I - Wage rates were Increased to gIA dnj�r
' .
. . . ' *as'delivoilne it, aloa,g , P'Loughlin, .16 'fefiug through the long -was suf 446hell . CAI, Casey', defeAQ . C. . , . , L CREATING NEW ion$ ploytt thoL $41110 .
. With two otherS.7 AOSS jdf * . .and serious III-' StoadzAart �azid'Rerbort; Centre, W. S' - I A0P)RE0JA1TZD . 1. 11 . -most Valuable and oldest ftlembers'of the .1 .. 'a 'Purebasina. parar a& 1 , �
I thdir )J,Roved leader, MIS � I . L . .
I L .4. :Sub$ L . . boardi also one 0 � — . .
L. . I , , gl$fg man; wings, Chapman, Coluoiliout; tolle Xditor Gode I - f .the ablest; Rd: may .. . .. lift 1928,. . I I . . I . .
I .
. . to. tl�e ipzomlsot Of Warld "WeLean, but- Bradford. They. had stUdIed,LXore1i./Jb Cull rton I . rich ,Star � ' I. , . bd old I Newspaper Uvertisilig Gave xoIldXg,s . . . . I �
, I I
. I I I . ,e . ,.'Wr1ght,,-LeoPard,, -, - : ' After renewing .Aly .Subscription J, A years, 'but 116 I$ as brightand At the pieaelit time the Xon -'stjvw . ,
ids, * scene of the 1932 And this. year &ve 0,egua -thd'.'at� . . , . . - Intelligent as, the' Aver , �Ti of DePl"*rk hour a �
I I � . . , Cher, Who . , I re Peak BmInct. me , , ow,
. 11� 'reO 3 lioar the . , , 1. -sum ,Sent to the. . pre d ' V _ . .. ep,lved Your L 11)33 Calendar, and the beau . ge manL. half big � I in L YaCeni � I$ being L Closely atudie;J a, ' I t
. . Aeclden,t, and In, some manA ' or 'Xfkica. "The . .. MITCHELL 10E.&TS S19A;V01t " Yea-, We'are. perfecta . . . — . . I . .
. L I , I . an instance of what the shorter Wftkjj�g L L �
� I Let, WIS statr .teflal tr,da Wer *was $9S. L I sby- .: - - - ,... T11 t1ful cake plate, for -;*bich r RM greatly ly 'justified In aP' -London, Ontario Jan.. 5--,HavJ6j prov- day �
. a . t4 - Staforth J31 all, ,0 ,obliged. � . �r , I L .. . I . . point hita"' ,- ollistry Can -be tX,Aectool i0L
. 0 dd, the b 4t. escaped. �t was VeXY, Wild, 'The 'Baby '33arid, under the efficient 11; A-.'gaznd at ' -L i� business could be ob. tribute toward thff soIUtJ6ft'QrL.th4,,CUr
.. .1, . " ' . d . I Mitchell defea d * Thootyjaw - ed that volume ill in . oclin - ' L
11 .el I 't Se4forth on Tuesday night . I. ours', trulA Went through withoutL fur- tainled throughout 193Z _
I I ... . I . - 44 As OfterS Witre, socking JieIpL to .Can. superintenadace df.Mrs. T. J. AAdorson; Soft lee was . the downfall ��f the Seafol'th . I th.er fteuslilon,' . I . . I I .... . . � the Xelloalg real unempigy , ., . I �
, ... . ZL �L�. ill -s It vilien, "ill, ' . . mT)erf; .4 . edL the a . A M -S.', -0. L ' . L P00104137 Of Canada Limited London, has . locat I !
had 22 me � roypod , . � OPMLI). . p oblem. .
. L 11 L. Aft Ula 'boys. However, some good hockey w.ag Dundits, *5 163.1.4 11 L L .. . ..-- ; I . � LL v
. ,
... I . . � : . aceldent bappeined, 3 of $5.11 ' � . I Jan, i , L Tax rMpayment plan. '933 . I I .
, . . V0A&1,ar&,tb4. tb_..bc"t �1�ad Tdiield. . 1. . �. . 1 . . I . pleted plans, to Inake *� - Another . '-- ' . .; . I
�� . I given kau� Woman's 'AUXIffary,' . tlf� L '' , 1 . . I : L I . . . [ Councillor BrOwn,again bro L I 1, ,
,I, . - ., 10. . , �, UO: A' * � I'lle ,'To=4 , . . - IL .. .1 . . I . I . . light. U0, thel'iaZ40trry. Year' acOording to .W. X, . CUMV. . I . "I
. 1� I . . I
I Wa� :particularly &ttreperoas, �aught�r aoc)ety,. presented, thrpugh thei, L '' . -- - --,� . I and president. QfL 'the . ' . ' . I . . I .
. Ad' , --�':-.- twl , 7 .. I 11 Kellogg, L founder' i . 11 .
. L, : . � . � .
. � ,
:�-� -4 . � I . :. ; dWIIi,% lbiliing' operatl6as, J.ug�,- how it Past preAldent, 'rjra. L -D. I D. C;kay. 9, mo�t .. . �, ' ' ' . " L ' . Cereal, 'Manufacturing tIrra" .. . I . L MISS Llmlo. Matthews, of' Ullei',V . i*ed I .. I
I j : � Oscil)id fiOni the. truck has net ,been ex encouraging. report, .Th I � I . % . I F L . . I . I . . I . '!Early Iti 1932,11 said.Mr, Xd1l6=,,,oWe ,her cousin, Mrs. Dave McWhIA44, Jimd I _;1
. � .. .
" 1, . ley have 46 mopi- � . . L . � - I I I
. I ;Abi6d as yet. Tbe ' I . - bers, arid by .,voluntary glving� 'have . 11 I . . - 1: . . � . L� . . � I L I .. 1. . . .- .... : . .. . - I . . . determink'upon an aggresSly6 morelhan. LUr'L XoWblanoyj last week, - �� . L,
. .1 I L . ,. � . ..
,, beast apparently raised $3",r,9 of Which $330 I' . . - : . disinS and Advertising effDrt on a nation� The Annual meeting of the
� *Wromew Its way. home, for - . It WAS headed 'forwarded 4 L, .15 has been I I �. . .. . L I �.. . . � . . . . . I . L tion will be held at the churo "a I
I . . wide 804le tet keep Our . t b
in that direction wit I to the trtasurer of the pres-: - . - L Plants in full hot :( rJs P_- - . )
, I
Crash L occur . . (dV-R.. Piesident Pohl . . h day 4ttdrft0ni - All tnern Are rc�
L ell the . bYterIal Society. ,T0 St'SkAtchtwan they I . L ts to Ma#Y X011AU1 'Pat : . OPciati,011,' T�: this: end twe undertook
. red . . � I I I I L . tors. I . J. . the largest advert I Isla, I g ea , nipaign in the I sent. . . . ,�
. 7 1. . I . . . sent a boile valued at $67; to f3yp3lan- . 'But nt Ne ' ' ' - L I qtIoSted to be pie' . I . . . . . : , f
I . I . . L . � I Sa� �41:� Adjus", CeSft,fy . I I I I L
. . News Of' the ilcoldent spread i L . � V1116,'Man,, a bale valued at.,$27 WAS sent- . ,W. L . ; . . . . . . . Company's . history. As a result -out, The regular meeting of the W� M. S. I k
, I 11 %. I . - -�hield-,at-t.l*-h,Drna-of--Mr,,�.. 1"tt_ L. ,, �
.'aid scoi , � . apidly An urgent call frDXa'LTbbermdI. sulte . tO C631JEIP10-te Re-establ ment. OQ4.. �
I e$.Of peopl& we . I I T. re r, 1. L . - . .. . . . . . Plants have or=Lte4 full time thr , wits I .
I I ad'�, ., . re soon at the in the .sending Of � a parcel of L, Infants' L . . I . . I . I . . . I 411h, I .1. I I . L . .1 . . but most of ple. _iear. with. . employmenti Shackleton last r-riday afternoon, wlth� a, . �
' I . . .
� I
A- high wind I t L . . .. . . .1 . . — . ., � I . - ' .1. . . . . L. 11 I
. . .. was blowing *,�tnd wear valued,ai -$.20, and in the tali gn- ' . I I L I . . L I . .. . . 1. . . L. . . At the,11191109t Peak ever recorded, good Attendance,. 'L I
the night was'bitterly cold. . ,othek bAle was prepared for the hospitw. 'T HU *11ftetWIV�r ,period of ad. PeOP1e,df!Cau&d& Would bc willIzw I;OrY M114h fUrthep ind"d than ' "We. areL *aow entOring 1s33 with Ali The SYMPathY,of the communitir 13 ei.- L . .
L. .1 . I I . , ToRrat. wher -1sabel 'Moffitt. Iq - JustMent through wbich.thts, th Z hija yet been L out Plans made to carry on with our Inor- tendell to� the relAtIves of tile, late MM . .
.. I .. I at I I e MISio to accept rather than. Upon
. `AJ0 big aytoniobile' of expenslydl-ongageti. . . I e considered by a great Percy Maw ' 11
I IL .. I . . � = Is'90ing Is still Short Of sters necessities of the case, Nor Umber ,of our people ,Whey it 11; ebandigIng and adv�arttslng Activities up, . Lgan'.: of bunga'nnoa, who p=..
. Mallufaeture , 4 familiar vehicle an the dra^ts fro5ta letters from Miss Maud". ' L Ion,"* says. 1P.. W. Beatty, was :00 the same
.. , I Ex U . It the apparent that conoll-I Only fair to stkte, have notL. bad . scope 'and basis. Again we �Pd awaY at a London hospital PrIday I
I R"Well and Mis mc., In. his AnbMal" rovieW "but I tions that " ,� evening last.. . L .
,Streets of - 0 . MOMtt Were read by .. had br6tight about hope to give the ret I
odericto, WAS tOW6dL aW - the even a fair opportunity of ijjfor�m_ , - Oiler every possible L
. a'Wrecker 'and taken to th ay by MISS Buchara-a.LSMts. Howell, and mr& would add the positive,aggertion Immediate need for, eff6atiVe relief, IngtheniS61veS L I . ai:sIntancP In increasing hid sales of,Xcl. Tile' regular motlndL Of. the Y. P. S. �
. I
. that,' Unhappy as 'the past year tot Upon tho. situation. - . %
. Q,a. L Ms P a situation that threatened For years WO buvd been Impelled lopg pnldt:ict,% Again we liop to I.cleo will. be held on Vriday OVcniniT un&r the I '�
IL I , e garage Of C. M. Robertkion. givinrg the mexnber& an Mak have,been and as lacking in national 'bankruptcy would be- towards large Capital 'ex enditu- I , .
- View th6, Wr L, ManY curious sought to IfiSight into the ,work In w h t e e - ing factors -as I All Of 0111' people dalploye& .' On Of the President, Mrs. IJ�rt
. L to EWAn. hie h S . - I L 1) dirctAl U-1- �
4 1 1 . . CCk tot the, garage, but we Young filelids are chgaged_ - I re-assur the iralnew come 'still more aggravated as r0s, WIUIO at the same time COW- "We, have I proved th,tt, In our line Of Whinnily, All young people ari- heatily . �
L L. .rof A splendid I I . diate lubire. may appear, 3992 has bUSWess Offering for the �ailroads potl , 1IMIA28S, Ulf aggre3sive tl,.p of ,,low,, Vr Invited t1j 'attend. .. 1, .; . 4
1 . � . denied admission, L � dI20rus was .411ag by a double seen definite. and cimstractivo- coati I tivO transportation agencies, i i pall ,.
I . � . I tilled to show drastic and UtI- railways, highways, alid cattals; alftcrtift; is a ino-it pffc-,tiv� yaran�j 01 - - � I
. Quartette. composed of Mesdames 0, M.. ProgIrress towards Improvement. Precedeated declines. That Is have beetl,bulit up and maintained . In tarnoest I �
PQIIcL last night stated that there was Rr!,%t-rt�,oil. I't. p, piayor, M. . 1producing restilts--even In times like .1 . . , ;
I I I to Ovid . . 11 W, Howell, We see on every side the effect what has lhappenod� ,r,Tho decrease out Of Public funds. iteepi;Ig these I L
I . ... �O.Ace Of ME.093nce on anyone's J- W' M')6re, J- 'Barbour. M. Hewitt And L Of JOQXL dra*ji�out v�orld trade . I ,�,q , . tlic..z. 1)3VtJr-What Is that dreadfui n1)Iqo
I . . . Patt, that the accident w ol -missies X Buchanon and M. Sallie, Mrs, I depression - a process, of er A - ,1*_, 1. . facts In VIOW and baying In mind 'llo for, 1033, our plan.q are to Colltinite IL �
. I CO - LL ....""."..".. L. I . . I L
L . I . ,avoidable. Mu -.h con . as Wh 'Y un. R' Rend r-=, atcOluvanying at Jhe� , omic defl6tio L_ in I I " "X;"?:.F�� I the probable r . witt . I've been hearing all day� I I �
CerA was felt for piano, 0 1 11 gr din� slowly, . ,,:.,,.,�����'.,,..��".,�;�"".:�,�:.;.,.. ,,, . . COU So of economic .1 A('w3PAPCrS AS the - backbo-lj* of our I Nur .�--The lIatIptil. will, tIe,,pIn1'* - r, �,�.
. . I 1 . ..". ." the ne�r _
. I tle 0 . . I forward! and 'leaving behindL it a . ,w-1R41W._` I events over 't few years, Promotional efrorts. Newspapers not� 011� ! P.C.90 hag nta-ted to snore. . .
,;,�: L.: , ', I . .. L
� " :; . gency of the need for fun- I — I I .
. 01101tica of the InJured, all prom- The president thanked th . walte of human unbapplao .. �;?,., f.il*.:;� the ur, I I �
, I . -.Z�:, .. �':,
.. . I * , e memb,�rn I as and 11 1, .�L ': ... �` :1. —, . . .. . .
. ... — __ 4 _� ____
. Inent Members of th . .t?�. . Ow- . ___ ___�____. . . L
.. I . � , �.�� __ R , i I __ _ � __ -6— .
. . even rllJn In directioag W .:..:�., I , . I - .1.1 I -1, 11
i . ; a youn,-zr set, and for their One co-om=tlon during the .here it , , ::. � �:.:�, daulentaFebange in our railway . _�, ------I',.,.--
. ,
.. ... I " "
. , "
I � last night a yvar Just.tlo,,wd, and prayed :1 , . .:1
I Ad this morning many. to . " . . I
. 3 Crod's bles- Seemed least IlkoIY- to be p . -,-*,� 4?3..... Polley ShOuld be Clearly apparent. .
- . I ;, '. , �.,�,�,��11 , '1� ,
I . o9sible. . , :;:.:�, �111 ,,�8: .
" e� a'*" on tbo"r 1* , . I
" .
... " . ,��,., ' � 11�. nk that in I .
. .�;.. . -, ?,;," � I tbi. I 11
L' 'efforts In the, 00mino Haying go Clear vision of A defin, ., I:; �-:, IN; ., . ,the Wider field Of . I I I _"
phone Cilia Are L . I.. I. , P, ;� . .
.." . ,
. . -�ln . Answere , L . 1` "' -, "'. , '' !
� year, I .N.,�,'� -ii., ,
. 9 d t - ,k---. - - _ L ! ,
. . I .: . . I . .;; ,%'�,:."�.� L' ,:�? I
. � , S closed with the - - Ito Ond L, to our troubida, :' -L 1.`:;..'., �,,� 1� ... . Worldeconomics We have Wltropsg
; , . a the �- The meeting Wal I . __r .�, �
� .L41z. .:�."..'..'.".;j _ _
� tOSP;t;l and'at the- home . I . ve are rr� I I .1 1. 11 1. -.1,11., .
. . . 11311 bMediction,' - ' -' L . - for N -1 , 1 ..!, .i� - � ed Important developments load- I .
, ..i� , , ,,�, . I
� -
. * . $ . .. . . tempted to.,despair or to look . 11: ��'11, I 1'i� I . if T -W%"""
I remedies to tho, 1. ". ,�'i� Ing I I �
I I I . so ,.Who L ,� _',,:�.,."`",�?-� " - .1 I L
. ,,.'',.!, , ,, ,I,h - ''IL. .
I ------- � "r ,""�'":',';-,.1� i� - I 1. I. . ... I
An; tTnusua --y L, .;*I " �.,. nd I
. . ��, I.P�..'� 1. � towards,tradd stabilization .% .
I preath . ��` In ! . i I "';
I An�le , - I . .� ,,� � - I-, k, .. " �� encouragement, ' ..
. . . . zhort cuts to economic securlty, -_:1 � ',.00�:S�`?',�, , I a mprove- . . .
. I �:,,. ,-".-;.* 'LL '"' I
� . . . . . Oil its Jvay . . I that Arb as unsound and as surely 1. �:�' . ."_� . _� . ! � I._ Lj,_ I? montsin the altu,itinti with regaed I - .. t 0 . .
When John Pareohg WAS Carrie �� ur R1
"And what il an ,g ; .. I ,`�; ' � � ': : N�>'. I . . .
d into . . ::". _i, � .. � . ..
: ., ,. , I - . �
.'' . L . I . ,
,� . Alexandra 144,zpItal'Arom the a� IMP" ask!?d the, mig. disastrous as were the extrava. , ,:,. .to international ivar debts and tho .
.C!dent ell r,jonary, W1.10 wa's t�st I j.-v"'q, _� . ",_�, , I . .. .
I .� "Lj�,",:"'�-,'� ?,�,',��., , I. . I . .
. . '. M hope cantaine(I in the comini; � ,. . .
7i ', �,� 'A.""" �. . . -
11 " a - .... ., - .- : �:m� 1.1" I
�.. lnr� his hopeful pu'6 . gant and wasteful raethods ofCon. � . '� . ,�. '; �'.�� ,"?,�.'�,�� I . I . .. . I
� I
� . I "I :: L7 �',��' �"'�,'�L_'�.".j� �",�.; . . cer- . . ,
, '�;�*Y,,,L_ , I 7�,.::�*-.: � . . I ..
'�All e-��,11 zajd�tho 'JI3y, , , - � , I
PC=" Par,00ns wag'about to undergo . "is a ch,�ken . al business which brou t ,��,.:�-7 " '� , _ � .... .. �, � tainly be rogareed on tho brighter . . I .
I a ,,froveher las,, night, h.la , 13m, = national, corporate and .
geter, Miss "W' knrivIolre, of. dish. L I World Trade Conference can
I I I . no I I . L .gh , . _ , _�, N I . 11 L ZO) T 0 Ar%'E S . I
t yev, .. about. present conditions and tl,e , . . .. ,, 1, �.�. - "`�"" loide of the ledgor, ,while the fit. _%:
- ,�k:,,,_'
..",_-�- :�:,� - - -, - I
� on operation. for appendleitit;1 She . 1. !%, . .. ........ ��. L ' -, st I
I � Was .. I . I .11, �,, , results from the IalperJal I I
I . are likelY to overlook evidences �, � -.1. _: -_1 5 ' I � Trade — I L_� !
1. � I , - -
r_ I 11, ..
. -Oft the operating table, b�j the operation . . -1. - �,:.:, 1�., .� -1 Conference at ottalva In the Way YOU L I . 1 i
. � :� . �, �, 1� .
� I . Of Progress which justify the be� - � :, I , 0'�.�;. - . CAUT HELP I
I .
11 ; W43 POStP040, and ller brother john I - I . I., , . ,`� , loved fatra-Blinpire trade, I � . I I
� �
ILI I �- too .- - I . 110f that this transitianary 'periodL ,,,t_'i��:L'- . .1 '' ' " �� Of 11111).
I 1. _ �, _, I ,11. - vrovi do, �
L And received the attoA. APIT X�;l - Is taking Its well ordered f,,�,'�:'�,�11-- 1. I � I honest ground for quiet I .
I .. k: hor plam, . L I I . way t...',,--,,",,":*"4�, - � n_.,., .. 1.1 . 13L V ;
tion of the doc US 'TWO-Vocki' sale 4 thre I towards bettor.times, "'_:,.,:".' , I I htulation, I I
-piece . '. , �F-�..,,<,: ,; f Congr � L
, . I , 1 li��,,�,
. .. :L;. !:,_��
total . Anklo e . �. lz_ �., ;- . .. great att optiMly;t .L I
� - � � , _ �
,. Slilts, and', A year ago I suggested that t � , - 2: aw still as
parents �;, I Room L I
L he , 'i - ,� . , - �, '
/&. �� e Dresseso Call, or,zend I .,_-'.,z,�?� 7,1 , ..... �5_,j'L an, ever on the olibject of Can- I SAVEN G
. were. in the ho,t:pItal tp awalt th outcome a ;aa 1130YOWunt toWards ecoAornia read- :_�__ _,, ,��!- . E .. -
Ir 1� of Mbs Peggy's operation when their In- rd and I will 'call on 'you . 113stment WbUld go furd � The Inho- . � � .. '.
� ., ,?" ,
. with samples. . I . ler, per- . � ," �, , ada*z 111tinlate future, I . HER I
. in., Miss", L . . '. L . . I I . rulu& �110 Ir . ' I I I
... . M 'SADIE F A 9.41 811 . mental tnstitutions.. I tup ton-, Mr. N., W. neauy 9 Ine in this, Opinion. I
, Jurl-d son wag carried haps even Into public ottid. govern. I 11,11114cf:8 Of our coUntry �
- . . . fro#j OWL . L Vy . I stren thens - . QUALITY — PRICF. — SERVICE, .
.1 ParSOng had Come 'A 'So d on , Waterloo St. � : Goderich . Mairmou and r I resident . I'do . . I
I . . . ,. . un I . . L I . othived that fallurG to bolilly meet .not thinlo: that,our bus ,*� �
I! I I I . iness , , -------*-agmkuvA.--�-*w---*�.�-*.*-�—�'---*- I
� . , . - I .- I a,,,,l , ,tisbetorily deal "with thla Canadian Facifle. Ity. � . recovery will Come With a rush, RD-VAL C . " * . �_t_111-b*-4�1.#_ I .
�� � I
. . .� --.-L. � . I I m.ttJo may easily peit Uatl , elnee'tho teffiII)tAtion to forget tll* Try This Deliciotis
' L' Onal 14 freight car loadings whiph economic le!,
: ---. _ _ . , �, .V�c have le r d . . YORK OFPEP�
I . __ 111901vencY and Will cdrtainly ro� b a tie L ' Blend * PdAb, " C -.11 ;
.... . i . egart, in 1930 has continued would' be too, 13trong. rtor One, . . I �
.11 . . .. I ta"d guy possible return to A, rea. almost uninterruptedly. - ! ---.f ��*�_��_ I
l 11 I CHAMPIONSHIP 0. If. A. . Gorlably fUll m In 1931 thii1g, I do not bc,qltato�,to rjay, that —�_"w..:�..-, �
10ki- , up to the end ,Of the first weelt of If wltbill three years we found ' I :
. I ,� "I . ' Ity- Nothing that the troubles of December, .U58,359 I I zle i
% , ft V the past year have brouglit into leGs fret, -,ht Ourselves agaln�ln ouch 0, period
�11'w I Public recognition Is. no 4) carip,liad been loadedan all Cana- of economic inflation as We ex_ I.I..." -;k=*.=4---A1-_-_-*_ . 41�*L����__
NO , utntand- than Tfallways than for the sa. , I
Ily mw. " H 'wo Owl C am K E Ing 49 Is the need for curtailing period of tho p 'ion perien(q_,il AI)OUtL 1928, a d if I F-MRST MM -
FARY'S COCOA 1, ib. ti..,
I . 7 to vC,
. I . 11 Public expenditure and co-ordin- Ing the, reviolto year. Dur- bad,not thon definitely settled the
WEST STREET m Wing and to-orgailizi 3aftle period tlils ye�tr rallway ppobleat on round and CANAMAN ESE L
" Ar Nit, GODUItICH 14 to - '
I '' L . nz public 1376,016 less carZ Wel*o loaded than L pernIanoCat economic lines .We CHE' 2 IbF.' 144qtr,
"I activitloo so that they May be m . � - - - �1*__-w=="__ I I. I I .
I . FRIDAVVy JANUAF-W 13th' r placed In 1031. The deellno in pagsen�,Cr WoUld axaln be swept o!f our jeet .
I I . L . 0 Upon a basis suc)l as this buslaostj has I)Ccln 11elattv61y the by th('.fJO0d Of competition and i .
ountry' of ton million DOOP30 ,call Cattle, The resultant effect upon I PURE LARD - - 1 th print 2 lbs* 21C
S e 9do P 't h vs,.,' Godepich I h,vakall afford, Courageous &-tort ra"w" earnings has b competitive extravagances. This, =*��
. AtcollnPllsh6d real progt,eos "a uatU- I tblult 11PPIles With equal force 11 L
I The Sailors all).4941113 line but much reniallia rally arie tTOU9, Por the first tPli to all forgl,, of busineas, ;.
. -showed flitir calibre at Clinton Tuesda niglit, %�hen tjlo� CASCADF. I lb. &� 12
1 y I Of 1931 Canadian Ilaciffic : Referring a year ago to the SALMON, ! ,
. %VOU a 30-minuto OvOl'time battle 24, They merit your .support. to bo done befow oUr national gro,sg revenUe declined 22.1 p-:? ROYal CORIM1501011, on railways, 1, . .. . C
I . ADMISSIODT * - _ . L 4ftairs ar, . 0 ,on a nou,jd oC0OaOA)Ic "I
... t09t as Compared with that of urged that the people of Canada, ., 1. _,_____�,��__� I
). I I 641-41"olo 11 I I ft..4.",.,�."_ . 3,15c. 25e. lu basis, The nation'sanal)al $nter_ 192(), pop the -w�,_� i ,
U ow -m- - —_ � . firs I
I ,� 9 � � ed bill I t ton months of should meet its suggested solu. �
I . t ,Mounting nteadlIr and this 'Year noW, closLqg there was a 110135 tot our problem %vith earn- �
] _... ! MACARONI RV.,ADICUT -9 $ s. 1, 4
.1 .- __... � ., I __ �nt. il �1� .— I
1, , elst 00tialderatial of their eeon�
- * kks$ doft " for many ye4rc;, a further decline Of 15.4 per cr A, I C I
:;=1111w#=� w=14*11111111= - , .'' __ OtAMMellt tbat.ls equallS, true of Tho decline et)wjnues, .
z'"1111= 6 F . I
� I . , : and thore Olaid Values U11blaned by political CRAr
polt6tWAnf'((4)lilrlalPrOV'HeiaI AUd In"fel' fertaittlY .9ppears to boa no tvid- CoDlor or proeouccivcd prejudices.
. It JS thOL"CorDOratOr oneo LU sight t R NUT A 2 Ag
."'L : WA NK Y 0 (J I h1t for AanP varn The queotion Is now Wore than E FL KES ,s. 2,3 1
1 � taxpayer *bo has We gail too t_hoM iDntlrely off -a. ever a mattor of Urgent pUblic din �-
� � Lto,all �Vho llaVe ContribUted to the Anti hnwro thanka. , 10 Day the"I"d 81noDO ft 0111a- 101tood ilild our carniaga batk monioll an4 Will continue C I . �
On behalf of those Uhdcr 'Our Cate', Ivo extend our 01 , C
, Md individutt i %wo-w-wwwww I , � L _"=*�_,
11 � � _ 4
_tnberetdoSis e4U6
I � 'Annual christm as "o ,e itt ille 1939 � . 0 for . anted � .
1, a] Sale. Wb� are d(?,epl.v grateful for di" PAC'fte Iial'W3Y MOP ytarb' wher() they Were In 192g,. It it, MnWr montho. it camnot .,. I Tile Bat . i
the, eountry'a largest tAX bill I true, tt satir CE i
) , ; all do. .tat the rallwayD have ,,�ffcof_ faetorilsv bo doalt -with in a %va7 Broak(astifo -d , 8r, i
( I nAtiona, Mtge ttad zhjAllo, slid for .rtile tl1OuSanJ3 of kind 1oCtkr.q and I 01AIr bO 211OWCd tO laY ]DArtieftlar ed d=9116 CV0110MIC0. As com. to traVe tlIo o isd -0, I I i
'01105. ogir6l
I good wi �S Upon this pollit which I ,):,rea Ivitl, 1g, (*aiiadlan pleltf,l _OtInfry reoul diftater . ! . I ' ' '_ ' ' I
I , I I I f
1/ IF YOU it NOT SENT IN yoUg ,C0NTRIUTjT10br, Olt r-OlIsIdOr Calls for earliest 8ttIdy at 000ratin6# Costs; for tile 111110C9 It W eosOldorc-d " an, NFAWS �
�. I' MWIMED , SRAW, woxv YOU PLEAS19 Do glo the vreneut ow. , montifa OZ 1132 Wero I u fir4t ten etanowle quentlon and tottic_d in DELIGHT SOAP -3cakos I," . ;
11 '. W V. 4 Der eont accardanvo vith tbo temowle *6 Wh 4 00 -m.*--=-�_� woo o �
NOW 7 Your 1p id so, badl ' Th6 MIW457 01ttlation retalv.,j lower, and lie
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