HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-01-12, Page 41. t ; , if I= .1-1 � �� , I � , "" , -1.1� I 1�� ��. .15 1 r, '. f'� I .. t ) � 1 7 ; �.�,l I 1. � I .4 I i I ; : :, IP: " � �, I I I I , � I 1. . ... 10: ,� , 1P . it ,��;", , � I � � , ��q'.� . � , , il I I , � � �., . I I � , L I ;.? I 11 I . , I I . i 11 %i . ,�. I � I � 2 , �'- I . �, � I I . � IT i� � ��', i� t is - ,,, ... � 9 . 11 .. I'll - I , 'ji I I � �!:- , ,,, , ;J� , . , i ,� :�, . �! � I . .1 i . . I & I 1.� ? ;4 i, , N .� I , i I .� . � C V I, ,., - I :,�'j �, s I � �., w .,� � I I � , . I ,� -1 �1! I I , �� " �. I , f"U':: il I. 1'1�' �1, � 11-' . P � . �, 1� �, J�: �. �. L I , , , , , �y 4 i !.� , �, ,� `�i�i , i. 1! " ; " P11 I J, ; � ", � Al 4A� - � , 1, , i 1� " t V� . I - A�,, , I , 1. A . L �1' 11 I �.? _. V 1�_ I 'I � .. � .1 , , � . .1� . . . . . T11 , , , � . .A. 9 IN 2 4f I 11 t . - I i I � � , hi )" I " . I , - I . . I' �,� ,� , , 1, � I 1�. i .� I it- I 7.1 ,17��, ?I . `,'t." i� 1�6� ; �,) � i , 10 I I Ir I i I �� I I 1. � $` � I , I � ;1 � . , I I'll %. if I �. .1 1.al.. 0 � a I � FAUX FOUS I I . JANUARY 1.t:", 15'5-1 _, I __ --- I -_ ­...­ ,- - 11 - ___. --,. �, ,___THE WTIVRICIT STAR � � VIVILSDAY, " I I I I . ­ .1 __ � _____ - � ----��%__ -_ ___ .- �1. - -.-.----, I . .. I pmu ot AU &V"t=X14 0a aurou work, - , - __ . 111.11 � 11 � . ���__ —_1 - A - 0� Will be ,Vrfienta 00ca. X=ipbrey, cheep Claim, $53; Reir I , I , �, - � -1. I 0 'O'"I'l W , Goderich Salt Co. I � . Y TOM( I S I , :cs of the clww� ag suc-CA $7,20. Wes. St.-. -"%- .. 11 -T H A W � ,� I . iizivrau for me vni= racett" at V. vaiuf; 0- , I the I Stuxa. I youvw; venx� doo tax error, 42; J". umer. d%V i., EATRE - "O 1111=11 Pays 38 P. C, Wages taX error. #2; 14, 0. TbOMPS04. seb , A �1 I I . - _ . .1 In Vort .414'a Church on Friday . _Wj (*-� ' Eurp,l) flATHUP.- A i . ics Tbe ya Now playin an a Sn'Ex"M A" TO 11ltw*1)V,%S* fXOX ertnIX4 of thw 'Weei , =W people cehslu; to I. P. O., 42.%; R. Q. nomp� . ,4 ZAZU JA ourcIMP � . � . XO"ON and, the2r frleads Uve good tunc-S at , 180n- special VeVQrt4 4W, Harry U Salkeld, M e of I . I , I . . � ,The 'CUUTch Woulwa Gund of 1M Ajaslfr E4%est $r�,,�lzer. Miss Audrey these gathetinp. This 4- to be, no ex. (Coutinued from PgRe 1) postage, etc,. $10; Sup�. jVay VOIACher No I I ­ 10,p- � I Oeor4es chtwch bad aalf.enad year lz *-4sher qmd tbrco SloonjUeld Days, ­Tlie cepwo. Pawl SULSS 4t. It has to halapoo its budget eaCh I 11 *27L27. MON, TUES. creon at la3t I 'i 103�. After m4nw $500 d0t 0% 010 Happy Vivo." wol b-,Vadcast, over ViCAC. A� zho last meeting of tile tm­tee board �Ometbing se'riogi 10 � year 01 The courwil then adjourned to Met The,�(;,aely d" ed story oil thO S 14 I going to. occur. 10F 1?44�,,u U3110 Vicy sMI 114ve uea;47 *150 14110n, U04 WcaUQsdV even-ing, of,jille, ebu�vh Mr " , 661 '14. 1 , . , . . , , I I .- ,. Wory Mtthews was Salt Sawific" prawrous 'Veb-al, at 4.30 pjn -, ATIENT WIA 11 . $A I tho treasury. UQ "mo 2", a PAVO Made * MeiuDer� Mr. Samuel, Shoperd U. O-, T11OWSON, Clerk. e ! i'ar the "Eft is logro*TM, - ��t , 1; . W" X 60,retkrysbip for "Pot MY r0PQVt Qla t110,#l9ht!Qf the _4 ------- �� I �, P . b1fa rL-VIC-00 by vwlamativu , ftitet4l to the, the - With 11 : RES, XA'E CLARK -8, UNX MUR)W�,*,A'Nl)V- " � im*" 1year. . Tht, tueft of two automobile Ure an(t fortieth I.ear, rzot .tbo - t0qrth #S It ap. riciminations, I luafl U'at racelve4 the-dq- I p I e - �, �','. � ... . V i DAT. I I I * I �, 'i". , ,,VIft and JQHN HALU ,;,� I *0 IREPA ,PXAXN ' - , , a bag of oats is rop��Wd by Re,j4�t W11- pearcil by 1 -bp jp#prr Ust, week. taned report 01 the (3040*4 �aalt �;� 4� . 1. *ant ;Sound Xe,WO�44 ,ettes .- . 4 . otbjer FeatUT . . . I On , . Ila$ I , . , I J. '. � 1-7i� - —:=:. �Z;���7�­ -on HamiltolA -CQ ch was co"tted 65we tIM0'TW4_AdAy le'J'*rS into Jbis part of the CQUUtry IS banded Me t4a gollowino report* Dhitii�'� 5 =iwf4i' Mr." 111ilgh . � XX . , on MachinAry- awt,tfglu Avenue. Who c A sp!eudid opportunity tot rellilons P"Y, 4=qe then, Mr. 11��'Wwila 0 i T* Gtom sewer str t , , : J"V � . . .L , - 1ho, Vzolghborbo4d, of Warrener's cent"' ulght or early Wednesday Morn.ing, to, be found In the ImiderAhip ah -Vag I IIT4wre L* a, toAdqi1ey ainoxij� the people � I ljnes,�ta a grand tr9at for all, IQ'vQr$ 11 Of . I . - Owaerl.v haa Wen blocked. for vmo time ; ,. Of Ooderich to lay stress upon the bar. __J� i WILWAN I I I I I *41 " O' he ftparagzment of ' ... . I U I * ' achocitD be held .4 Vangannim, "'�40 XOAERT JOUNSTON -Adv1Q .� J - I . 4w4 efforts to locate, the trouble have so IN NO 1XIMIKY ' � 1�. . �7 . a�bi; . . � far u,,t been successful, At Mandars I Uwaings Ah.4 Oternoons Of three I , I .. At OOS - I The Water and vailt conam ther industries JA the town, They Vill, Robert Johnston, pioneer )resident of . Top - uangural meeting of the town Council W%QA ,will 1.0wavy ,au to gth inclusive. Turee . 1, imr=RIS R I Meet today and -fty formally declare groups on ma Study of Ora a 40000t, be surprised t.7 jear ­_ . . i . wing Life," , a thAt 38 00derl0b tVwMblp, died On ftiday,, ,Tan. . . t of FOX F^ I I I , . VtpUt,V Reeve Moser. ,chairman Of %1141)M�r, VA­,&Ut the seat Occupied by t 4The P4 =t. *1 all. tho industrial wages paid 6th, at the h0me, Of his son, Counellor,j. I with, a sple _volito Players, I L I . 'Worigs, Was glveu authority to dig up the, W. T010r,DU . he late J. "The Principles of Leading" and 4 4n Oodorlob, in the year Ion, Were paid 'Ernest J011W94, WOUrth concession of ... '% C,AP.P1sT,4QA1RT()0N_L_C0ME1)T � . , - 111"(A" . . . the COMMISSIOn- AVAIDi It Lite Of CIWISV M tO,T= consecutively . � ."." *Ala for a stretch ,of 10Q feet or move may 320t, for it has three month$ t* (10 and be lea by 101111stm ot the commun. by the OoderlcU Salt Company, . GoderIch Towu4hip, in his `85th year, - �. .­. . .,-P.-� .. .... . *ad the work Is to be undertaken at orst 0. The procedure 1% to do so by.mgtion Ity, . 'y 4'Tako the "talls. you gave with refor�, after only a 140i6is Fou'� . I I favorablo opportun . , anyone May. register U, oneof these , . few dAys, Illness, HQ was 1. 6mini_�"4 I � . ' - I ­ ,--. -, ity - - 11 -1 . - 7 04 'apPlIcation dEe-to- the bu§t4es4,,qr thqpoder1;1,k,Elq­ born on a farm on thk Sayfield road,. od nd Saturdsw at 3 V- In- 1- I � ­ , .. 1. I .440 Intorm, tho:toiwwgouaa,�� Air. mups, and -for faithful. Tem�_, Matinees- --le a GOD a VILUIS , I , IrAU994104a for la0minations and a' Vator Ccor-$l boats, bringing In 3 460 now"dec. Upleit by��Wliliam `4e gap and ? , . e ay, - . __M . . )MIC palook, I . 4 elec- $6 cvrtlnote for thot unIt 'in the , , W,I*h 'Was L . At, the weeklk brifoge tournament hold, t1on, If n"essW, Would then be -made. cletlazard W.ainlnx Course. There. ure to carjO,ads Of graln- Wages. paid for un- homesteaded. ,by his � father ­ I I ­ . - ...17-7 - 1. 11 _.. — , . . 1 at MaeXqy Hall Tuesday oviniag, thirty- 19"orAl A41110 Ate Mentioned f4r the W no fees ]A Connection 74ththia WmQ01. loading a boat Would, not exceed $230,00 wh* Came Out from Northern. Ireland In ' - - . � . . � : Idx. playgro participated. The following V20anCY, Including F,, R, W41 - D . and the 31 boats would represent appro. the 0ArlY Part of the 19th centur,y, 'ae� . be, Toronto. 'Tolin Kelly , , . L ". .1 . I , Afternoon, and '140 '. pIqyeea attended Harold Newcom *Pro the w1uners,. - GAIlQW And IL I &. WE � X - . x1mately $7,000 paid In ooderich iigos, sides J. 4 Johnston, GeO ibeir di 1:,._"jqi Voraften, Dun" � � Johnston And rge' WildMan the funeral In A b to pay A . last Dgvld Jarft*41 , ourg" Jim Mayor$# And Peter MacEwan, W1 � 10 was Love of Beauty I n - a*,.,,q_ -troon;- MW Alll� l!",$, "C613 'llorth and South -%at, Ms. V. Satin- ex "AROWIPS'll-Der*4 for salaries ofman.' a daughter, Mrs. job, respects to a me,u. 1, . f16), 2U4 � -Porter, all of Ooderleh towaW . .. 1. 1. P40r, lb*l . I 4ors and P.,V.Vjkrvy ., Mr. and nominated for t4q,post 143�,Jte4r noement and Staff of the elevator, the .p,.M� , , hips'they had Tigork Oalt, I I I � - , stepping aside r , , he� I I spected and whbas , GO, Saj, Company spent over thre , , . .. I _-q___-_ Moa. for AO, TAY16r. Abyone ,, vlve, Tile decossed was.fk ftes' . . . 'Urs� Jx ,U. Johnston (ftj; 3rd, 0. i . hytet*U, ciierlobed for M Cows., The funeral - I k Must Be Cultivated I e r c IES - -4;"� ins and V. ,Donnelly (6). ,of the four geut:40w= 13 Said to * UQf . . times the amount pald out by the`�Eleva. lAtterlY 3 V01ted, church man, a st41M h se v1 e was ,cond d by Uelf. D. O', AMONG THE CHURCI % I - East and West --tat, Mrs. (Dri) Field Adverse to 4.ocoptftTthlo� position V, . - I I . .. . I tor Co. for w,%ges and salaries, and In. Conservative 444 an Orangemarn for so Laiper, of Knox 111'r erlau, chUr,ch, and . I �A ­ . I � , . sdid Mrs. W. 4 Horton (10%):,2nd, ),MM, URGENT NEM,,,*O1 : 'T��. I . 1 1932 .were not, much below the amount years., He was 9, very successful farmer. the Impressive W Q ritual Was Xcad Serviges at saptist. church SOW , If, 1pwg�$L r . I*S , Interment was made , , . - T Bunt; V011Z . It. V. Dunlop, and, V. Saunders (516); The welfAro. . , I ', . L L J�U" QV" F�mo paid by tho Mill, 'I On Sunday,in Malt- by Wor. Bro. Fro 0. Weir, W. V. Of next, pastor'. aev. W. . . 3rd, J. 9. Taylor and H. L. Watson (0). the tow h board held, a ra�ejlng In . .. I y fr l0e, at, 11 I � � ,. I a . . AA&e" Sdore . klollie "The - railwa . eiglit. on 0,250 cars Of'land cemetery aft -or I service At J* sOn'S Maitland Lodge, r. & A M., And At School at 10 a.m.; gospel am . Ali On Monday evening; who;r . �, a ,Shlppe4 by the Elevator would be hQ-0, conducted by Roy. F. W. 1.0ralk. t4e graveside by �t..Wot- I .' sUbjg I 1 Bro. 9. 0. *M. . Ot, eAll Fear'Remaved;" VOS- I XVVINO N9Vk XOMERS I . . I and SeN abdtlt.070,000., ato Goderich Sal . Was. very largely� ' - i . P.Mi - I Accounts Amounting to nearly 4100 'Were , .0. C14 - "' . . t .Com- The-1tweral attended Dunj ealt 9,t bca.4tiful floral tri- jet &=Vice At I Subject" 10Aost I . I Issuer James MaoVloar toports tiMt Passed and ordered pgli& . . � . . . , I 1. t And there . Co. A w . I � ... I I . . pally'g freight business was Worth'4$0o . were Many besua 1. 0 cap I no', total . 11, . . fUl gora tri. I ; sklit, 'and after round.-, . . . . . 103 aitobooWe' Markers - are selling amount Pald'out Is now $k.o with total There was a6laroe attendance on Tues. 400 for 1,300 cars, the frelght.xAte 1but1s, surroUndec ,,, , *ill . be bold In V1004% street - . . , , . I , bn!butes, Algniticgut Of the high esteem in the service Were �Arrlqd #Om tha house services . vqu4y as good, If not better ji,'A� jut riOcdpts #770,45,, TAO BMOU;t �ek salt,.ciO � I att*moon at the meeting of, Central . a), etC., being much. higher thAn.'WhIch dweaaed was held. � Members of I by the f01lCwJ ,a- church Sunday, January 1'01z, as follow$; � .4ow. day employees of thq We , . Oar, some two. hundred L having pnr� lodged UP to last Week's issUo. of Us Star Horne and ,School Club when Mrs, Z, L On griju or Aour, . . ,- 4 0. L. 14-5 attended In 'I turn *,Va I Mills. 'I , L I I . . , a body, Three Nwarn Som". -it a,=., ,subject, 'fVailY Strength' for ' ' chased them, The prioes this year are WAS VA4.45� Since then the following Knox gave an address, on "Art." , ' '01te Goderloh Salt Company Wao, the' nephews of, deceased, Messrs, Robert I erville, . igallout4, AdaM , 004, Daily IN12eds;$4 I P. ". 11 , The , ni,, snl)joet, "The Ne6d - alightly changed.: Four Cylinder cars, aVe Come In, Firemen, Club has been privileged to bw somo LOWY, Industry. in town tl*t .Made any Davidson, Robert Johnston and Ralph'Fre I d LQVQL WillUb Vr . Reserve Force." Toun . . Subscriptions b , , V11j,% Clifford Webb, ,of . I . g people's 49- $7.00; six cylinder. jUp to. 2.0 h, p,, $12; 0100; Meriesetutig C4AQQ Club, $26, Mrs. excellent talks during the 'year, but extensio a in jos2, this -adding - largW Nixon.acted. as pallbearers, ,4 lout with I Alex, Str;ltop, AWOA I . 3roWnlee* SObert clety Monday, a , past 12 , ta P.M. : CUtt� 4ocond &Ub*JP L L . I over'20 h�p. SO., eight eyllndorup to 28 R- 0- , Uoj), $10. nono that gave morre, `PleasWie, Or was tO` the OMPIQY-04t given to our fellow three brother Orahgor _ . I I . , . aen. John The. regular me I , I . I .. . Mecluri6,1 Bell, lqorman SWAVloy, N, Wilson, Jas. eting of ther ArthUr . � ILp., $15; ,over 35 hip., $20. Early silo There IS urgent nOed for more ItMda and listened to with greater Intentness than Citizens. I .11 L I 1 Thomas Bell and Miltor, Woods. . ,I Wilson, Josepli gull, 'Charles Edward, OrCIL_ Of Knox -Cha rch will:.be held -In. ; I I , L � is probably duo to the absence of, snoW. the Welfare iboard,,will appreciate -receipt Mrs. . Knox's address. . 4� The.00derlou Salt Company did not Friends Present for the funeral from a, R. .Livingston; .JQ]%a Wiggins , WMI Me- the lecture room ,on Monday, Jan. j6th� . -, � Pebruary Is always the big Month for Of assistance, - -NO additionat families The. Speaker said thiA art may to 41 I v- C100 .down at 4nk time d g the yea distance .were:. L Mr, and Urs. ='be'L I 1. I I I I A: , Urin Harry Lean and Jolift XQWCO At's P'M. Mrs and i the purchase of markers, after the allth.l. have been added to the relief JjS# In the Ided Into, three: classes: Tha r LLogah, Teesw4ter, Mr. and Mrs. GiiDTgO I . . . the, casket Was LAUaWay L Win I ' , t,which , , and Was the Only OoderIch Concern that - report on the Pres- �" lig . Aug. . oritlos have fixed a time .limit for the Past ton days... . � . � I .. arisen from one's Practical needs, ,such ran straight through the ye= As a Baker, Tiverton; Mr. Jas. Me VO1;0WJUN,th6 service mpeting.lield, recently in Clinton. . . . I . TCV, TiY71,borno, tbroUgn,-thiaDrg0ks-Of MOn ft,013i bytOrIol use of the, old numbers. . . � I . L as the art'9f sewing and Cooking;- the matter' of 140ti our day staff ran some .. erton; Aft. - and Urg. T&Usagl n4bortson I I . . -M" And"Of the 'Masonic I The regular meeting Of Knox church. . L UAY01% EXPECTS RESULTS � 1,11,01CROW, Mr. andL Mrr"'RAIP4 Xlx9ii'l,the W. C. P, ' . . . ,. -thv VASSES EXAMINATION . . . art which Is connected v)Jtk pieasur�. pi four night$ a Week overtime for over Six I W, 14. S Vill JW held on'TuesdAy, I In Connection with the e0ort being amusemelut, stfob. . Soul L mopths� I - Luck 4 .Lodges, and thence 10, Maltland�, come- , � . . as architcAura, _ 131-- , . 14,1iiint - . . I AOW; Mr. -and Ms. Wesley Ritch.1o, � tow ��. L C 17tji. at i Am. This is, the Arst meet- ' . I Miss Florence X. Bunt, oldest daughter Made to locate acme of Goderich's; un. t=,L or tho #rama, and lastly �apo.jjg"'F-_ - . her, Wages Paid our workers bv.e 'LucknOW; Mr. iind Mrs. Mwin, Abderson. , _ , imo,L-t��.�o:�A,olez,,rj,,,M4Yor . a large attend- . . ot Rev. W,i T. and Mr$t Bunt, Lot Gode_ employed slaf;le- men Izi northern .road. commercial Art she , -& , g ,Act been cut one dollar . ., London; *a, W_ J. at u,"KC. 'Lee. Town Clerk L. L. Knox, Elford, big Of the new year And . . -putp9sod- Alin . ev,enson, Wf­ , M,iweii, j. 'A. Mactwari� j. Willis ance, is requested. Mrs. A. 'Taylor Vill . , * . " I _Lr�ph'has been, successful in aecuring bar CAMPS$ Mayor Lee . told L the Council qu with the'ge4ond Of these cla , asel And It OpThese. farts and bgur�s will, no I . sor­M$ a Helen. Davldson ..w:T,ondo*`Mr. ff. . - I . I L L4 -W..., I I r 8 �'­ Fraser, Thomas -Ss�dy, hnd Dr. A C. give -a report of tbe.,=.nuil Meeting of , , : � be of into L, d � Mrs. Frank A . ad, Mrs. ino. , ., .. : : CoUnCil I ' . A , � . d - L ' . � 4#WL4.0 OtAeXIAtored,Nurse, her'pame, ap- ,Monday Morning that ,he - 4 . . . . . . . . form . rest to your and. to the p.0 . . � . � wu in touch place in school Work 1�k I Hunter. I Ruron ,Vve4byterial held In Clinton O 1 J00228 41, Alogg: list of successful. Crkn� With both the ,Federal and lFrovincial this art may take tberb Aft" I I People ovooderl'b.1i . . . -�, . . � I 1. � I . L .. . . day, January 10th. - . L I , . . . I , . . 11 *F I =6head,,,�-t-UM" . Tges � . ,r�­ Floral tributes were L recelved from-. . "4�oMmezitjng ,o hir 3411i ,�-- - The direCtOrS 'And Offir . W. 0: Saturday I I #0*0 vublm�d In last' Saturday's Tct- members of 'Ut 4-44 ... - . CRAIG ,Ial$ Of the .., Jan 7th, the Mkcdlllivray . : I Sbortly� L one of the'UA. 11*0, rbytbm,' form,:._.b - " . � "Commen4� - , tAt - erich -Salt I - . . . I . . - , .d action 11 .1 ta�, ' I '6h I ' NaSS WINONA" . . , - . 11, 00t , Aewspgpera., . Miss Florence K. PatlIAMs -that he ex. Acteristica that b014_9' rA -11 n tbp,,, i - its, f , .0 I ' pacte, I I . ,, %d A well known and dba . M., Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. James Mission Band 'held Arst Meeting of . � JW4, A.U.- started her training 0' 'k 1;. I I that Un.,,%*�­t'4 �'h;� handed Me this! L ervedly popular'V. . .. . UrSe In COP10,yed men from her* wrote'to tile bility. The love Of bta � it, . . . . I L .0fo,ato OenoralHospital BoMet y �. , I Taylor (son), Toronto- Mrs, and'Miss 'the new-,yoar with An attendance or� ,. , I . I ­'z� I 1� ­Pgri and, ho,dotibt, there are very few, ybilng.. lady . �f Goderloh, MISSL . Winona, � Daley, I ,ear$ ago 90VOOUneut employment agent at Strat., cultl�4%on. , 11�fie sch ", �u , I . I L �. E, ,gin Tom and forty46ur,. A� very interesting, progtam .. � * ' OVA b or Course ford and the lotter Was referred to auth. Ito cultivAT-0 � ­#;t1g;i;t?� ­ ,� Of us who reillie ,what, a valuable asset �Cralg, Y'evenIng after An L I . . , .Ad L All but compiptod.ii died On Satufrda Toronto; Mrs. Was given, under the- leaderphi -of MISS � . a , I wer tA .extended Illness. miss Craig wits hom fafngY, Toronto;, Opderlch Water and P When take down With Illness.. It Is on- oritles here, - but Was not .read at coun. IrecO9410c beauty ,v e Ooderich SMt Company is to the, Ida White. and her Able assistan.to.., The , - ' ' L ... or. . , th . 1Y ftceUdY that she finished and wrote Ablit Clerk UnOX stating It wa of a ri J04*10 s. but In J" ".L � Outing Town.of Goddrich azd­ I personally wisli � and, educated here and was for fifteen Light Commission; Goderich Town Coun. - . bW# theii" " " , 9 L . Band meets *r examinations. fsu� IS now- ongag Q - "JaLpoetry, In Ob7 yegri a mom the staff ,of the Bell - 10;-Xiss Jean . , just Once a month, the first 'O 1. � , ther tog 'a,, It Ila JeCtS � � . him a; verr. -Prosperous yeav, . , bet ,CX c1l; X. A4 OIL M. 9. l4o. . . ed Vate nature, % � P I �� �,'I,irnr,�,,�fL­ . . . Lawson, Mrs. D. J. Jones, -Dominion Saturday of mah month; so kieO�jh&t­ ' ' Z J. L sstui , "K , . I . . . . L I I -1 '' . Telephone. ' Company,' VhoreL her unfaill- , in Aursloo in Toroatb. , Her GodoX:JVb PoIrijed Lou MMUN-t *�, ;0;-* . I I , , ­ t, have been Succe - ,;�,,J I I I . . I . 4r , �� - e, PI&L -A. q given -by - Mrs. Khox' ad. .1 . . date free and be loyaL to your soclets, . .. . . I . . L I 1. � I � Cad Camp, �;�I- s c who' I . I I . The Salvation Army, Sunday servloes . S , -4 -ill-- p " seV- I her many frienO. Her pare�itj, Mr." 3" A. P. & � . 10pht will- bs plesua to he of her CaUng men In the t %*IN . I a�,�� ..: I I . I-Ing.courtesy and Cheerfulness won for Road Machinery Co.;. Ooderich Salt . , ' L, _. . , L . Cral,from here are L a . 11 11 I ,��. . MISS Shaimah, keri 11 , .I',.- k Works; Ma.ttlan.d -Lodge, ,No. 3 . . s"Oe"_, �7, _ I , . " �iefi I .4114 A. M.' ,'Captain and. Mrs Ed. Robinson, hool at * . . I : . � and 6oard. .- vote OfL L Inaugpid - - I Mrs,- William Craig, predeceWd � her . . ,. at It u.m. and I pan.,,Sunday Ao eL I I � pay is $to a; men us 'to .go. The moved % . thanks to tha 18,004 . W03WN's XNSTIMUTE *Evs . . -�_*.F.��,,W' ,. ITW was. seoonde&'by . Mrs. VranX $sun- . , And, &�;liy; L W. C� F. M. Power' Plant; 2. .p%. * Special Ottage Meetings .wW'b L !to regular Meeting of the QW4,ich ,�JM L L ;� *1 L . I ders. And heartily endorsed by all ,_ , ''.. ,� 10P . - I., soniq years.- Foux brothers andAhl-ce a - . I conducted every night ,next week as fol- , . ON ' . I . L I � . ters surviver . Harry,L of c MacKay �Hall. board of trustees, W. C. Iowa: L __ I . . : . . I Ward , Detroit, hicago"L; E& , ;R. .J WomeWS Institute WaSr held in Uac%j%y - rZVWt6_fS " '� ' � . . . ont, , L L . L .. 11 I . �. . . - - N I . . .� _Joseph and 4L F* ,M' " Goderieh . �, MCgq,W And to&. Monday, 0. p.m., 4t Mr4 ' Moarles, I XIMI, On Thursday - afternoon, A ,16 aratio , . L I � AP00. wTOWNs'llm, 1� , William,, of Angleseai strelo; Tuesday, 8 p.m. In S. A. . `f . . . . . . In . I . Godorleh;. miss May Craig, A , A4. -Chrystal i n8l Ore being Made for the Tho Progra ' 113r, Vancouver; Mayor Lea, . I . oth, with *Mrs. 4as. Blaset, lit'vice, VIG"teyo-1 I. I he program'Mho ,At the- inAugural. meoung of Asmeld I , t home.; And I f4mllyt Wallace Taylor '(soa), Long Citadel, This Service *ill be, Conducted . I ..*tY third onnual ',,At HOMO" of the . L Burch OldBoys' Agso�iattdn of;t1oren At the beginning Of t Towaship Coupal "�eldon Mon4y an im- Mrs, Harry -Sturdy an . . .-,: Hunan C L by Rev. P. W. Cralk, and Servic Group. . L dent, Ifx. the ,Chair. Tho meetlai ' L tO, orliHarris was Introduced d �461T,__, a, Blackstone, ,of Goderich. d -Mrs. 1, Harold Ih, . . . Institute ' *� I Beac Cal hapter'L R. A. .M.; , with 01rW49 the , r,�**�Ort_ie the:Arim- D L An -Poitant aanje,'.*0. made.wher� the Sal- L Capt. M-eintyre; Glep and, Ed, L . -gels6n., of, V160rls St 'W 'o Lorft PT4yer,L . %** The At-HOMe. Is. to -be hold'in I , ., church; b0nesday, 8 * Atpd ii4d. the dlan Court, R . inembers. of the *lob her Plan The funeral ori TU . I � . rope . Obert ' L ed for the . L arles: of all tow,h -officials we� 'cut io I . . � . esdiy afternoon was HaroldL Muziney, L Fred Bridle, . Bert And P.M. ,At the bothe,of, Mr. a. Homey, New- . t �W,A I Slopson,'Company-Ito, Open I . , ship' Was V � , I . I StL; p.m, at the home . . V"U`�`Isofi,, - - per Cent, in die Ifitirests of'ecorroroy, MCDO gate . Thursday, 9 so.Ovtary's repor. ': to, The - classsa� for �Voioe Culture, vxpres� , I very largely attended. St. George,s ,volyn '*6rftspo,n.anCO3' . - 1 Bay street, toront6, oii Fibrditry % 'In ! ilo I and - public speakini, ,,At, the'close L . church -being Wen filled for the service, . nald; Mr. and Mft� I ,� -L I - I app�f �, 114ard": R,uo the the evening. 'President LL U Mr. Murdock Matheson took his,.place as L V RCV�­J. lf"H. -and sons., Mr. and Mrs, . I _ T'he nd - the of. jof " I L , b, of Mrs.. Lindsay, Carneryl. =d Raglan "Ilet "as a report from the Beers of L the' , the moeting Some Ofthe MO ' therS'Met , 'Which Was Conducted, William Baker . . , Association have spared L reeve, and 14q, Rlobard Johnston as de- I . Thomas, . Sandy; C . *., (Rev. J. E. *ftrCt will be'the spoaker.- , I I �e�_ There wasi.all Urkent Miss Harris to.obtain further informit- . l I . . Uills. During the hours ot thd service uncil of N. A. of, C!S4a4*,aWA,k0- n timof nor Cffort in making t . - � - 0 rriday, 4 p,m., at. the home qf:bir. ,grfd *1 . � __ . either he : tion. .� . . . I puty reeve for the. Ifirst.. tirne at this meet thO blinds, of - M. X, lqo.' 19, �hdland,­W. C..F. M, Salt - I VibVIOUS , Cottag ,4� ., - xc ,clothing for 6 family and. the Arran '13 I ' ' . I . . , , I .the Boll Telephone li�x - Mrs. Kay, East SL 1�ff , go,,, ta Ing I I I . I .." L Block;' Mr. afid'Vm. Chas. Straohan. . L'd , I - the responsibility of for the - annual ,event I MAss Battle r . itia that milk 19 served . ' ,change, In which deceased,hik&, long , . . I ­ Ing$L held. -h prove to be a. soUice , . ' - , .-�Iii�titute i undertook, SUChre and bridge Will oeoup�r 'the early , epo . ..., k . I � . . given meet ove . 41 1 11, � to Afty-flVe Pupils. and that there axe 0 JiV44*T­T6.VWSHIP i and faithful service, were '��i;�. In Out-of-town. people here for the fun- at MUCjI..blessinj . . I . i AU& WC"bX,e,=t1dVat_ L CloWng. 'It 'was wltlh 4 great, deal L - few m .h4vo, It, but that At -the ina;Uggl pd-oting, of th&,munk- i the church weror velt4ens of. all donomift- oral . were )Vel_,�_ L . , :�L 100419 .WS Particular fOLM11Y With Part of the evening And su - orchestra w , ore Who, sliduld . : Jftni,gs' Taylor, Toronto; in good times together. Everyone 'i . . AtiOn ' t68tifyin ig'h . . I . $6 , g to -theh egtoem Id Olarehee Taylor; 14�ng Beach, Cal;; Mrs. , ! lika Vqiguson,'Vhb gave A, ,.s%soriablo re. 11 �. 6 'the Township of Hulleft, I ronto, Jolm.Page, gen- A. Vanderhelden, � Lieut . . . , . Of bLc�jn attendance for the:bonefit of the". �theLmhk fund at'last has bien exhaust- �Jpal COVIjoll,'o I 9 plosure, tholastitute Welcomed Miss Lil- .who sh to dance' . come to attend-. A, X Uden, LAdJt.; G. � ". � . W1 L . The dancing will 'be ed The club voted fivo . dollars. to � held on 'Monday, John Phigiand,' havingi whigh deceased was hold' , Among the Jean Lorentson, To . And both Modern: and old,time,. The invita. pinish the milk fund. A, sum was �also tendered Its, res I k and'floral tributes' Was. a -be ' ,wreath eial" manager, W. C'. F. M.j Iroronto- L I I ovidors, In ', , - I . I I l4apdring. paper on "L�ooklng For- t1on4 are. being Usued At the Present tIm2 I . ignation as cler autiful I � . I charge. � L I - I . I - . . . I I I . . � I . I . , that tht , 'L 'iL !from the telephone staff.' The paUbear- I . L Sho impressively -that we an voted th'Lthe laelters.for prIzesttor sue- troasuier of the municipality vn . .. . . L I I . L L 1. I . . � , stated - 4 therO,ia every, indication 1. . . I - L5 prii- . . I . I . ... . . =4" look forward to the new year With numbo . - I I I I V.V - were - thVieo brothers.'William, , Joseph : - , I '� - � . 1� , r. attendinS will bQ'O large as it ,06ssrUl students' � I I I . .. seuted. *1th. a &U�e and I a %WL�� .'Cird.� i irb Craig, L Harry ., . . . 4""l- ' I . ' L on behalf of the wol4ro. committee ,ed address� from the, CIA,,= ,=e - mid Edward and Alfred * Stiffered � FroML Hea ches . - � ,,Vjpr � faith ancl'anqfance, al"p, looking for former yearp, ' I . L I . S., qves , � . ,now opportunities. and 'uchlevements. . . . 1idlp was asked in. Obtaining clothing for and - memb,ri of the COU'heift. act- ,Sturdy and Harold Bla�kstone. Those . I I . . . . . I .. . . leaving behind the old with its sorrow, . . . � I . I . . . I some, needy cases. . , 0095 was, Agried, by Reeve � James Lolper.' I from out of town were Mrs. (Captain) , - 1. . fflbi.�_ .2 . � . . . ' � JOS, WlUres OL b0coes, looking forward I * 1. � T r ,Ingland Was presente& aptain.) . w1a" .. � � L . . . I . . N UIE I Miss Gertrude Ha4st :tendered a Vocal Mrs. p with a cas- I Ner1roy. Cleveland; . Mrs. (C I . . . V.and I. . . 13111ous: Attacks I .1 . . .. I .1 . . . 11 � . .. , 1. ­'. .1 ­ I . -.1 I , , , , ,tioi *better thlogS, Mrs'. It, T, phillips , . . solo. In. her. Usual pleasing matUer-and* ser6le. . I . I Imambers. ,Captain Raudill, Port Huron; . . I I I . . I . is& �gavc a splendid Mr - � , Mri4. IL E. Xsvw A qhi vB= g PaPer'ba ctlrroAt,evonts. .; , Duncan MoNee has not been. so Was warmly appl6tided� . .. . 9r. Finglantl Is relinguishing his , dU_�, Mt. � and Mrs'. Barry Sto*e� Tbroxio: Mr.. . . . .. . 11 .. U . �. , , , . .. ... ,> I . " ': . � - N.B.,.1% 9ticor y ,.jL , I I . . I . fcr� L after xr: an4 Mrs. Edward Cra � "I ' The, kitchen band led by *Mrs. paimer, Well ther last tow days'., ; Tile bafinor having, . the largest tlea�. dua to. in�iftorent ,health, .19 afid son, Detroit, , : , . = froM headaches izrA bid . .. had to be posiWAe4 on a"qunt ot,go There tire, to be three annual congre- number of mothers present 'Was 4gaIL' years' Service to, the. municipality. VLhe 11 W. TATUORIS rU.NERAL ' . bilious attacks, *L. . V I . . . . much illness. Roll 9 . � I � . . I a* class. L counelli.1n, exope Ing, . appreciation oflils - L . . . I tried SeVeral Idnds .. I .0411 .was ansWeredby 03tion0l Meetit it .On ther Nil� circuit hext won -by Mrs. Thorn,61�W L I L ,.' of tnedl&i% L I I 84 I I Me L ' . Ang, tay. .or pay. - The meeting' then DO, weeki namely: Nile on Tuesday, Leebuirn , iIbe sinaing Of the Nailonal, .Anthem effibleAt services, expressed the.hope that, One of the largest funerals ever hold in but none of- them seemed to do . .. Jourrxed for lunch ,served by, eight, 116 ott,Wednissday, and Port Albtrt Olt FVI- brought to. a Close & very successful most-, hd' would a 'L. I Goderich was that of the late J. W. L. ­ a . . . . I .. I oon, be restored to health so . , ang 900 . , tes$m MRS. 01 VOVXO, press secretary. I day. All the Meetings ate,at 2 11.14. . Re- Ing. I . . . . .. I . I L I . . I I . . . . I - _� . . . .1. L 11 . . L � .. I I . that he might again take part in the"'Chlef" Thylor last Friday afternoon. � . As day a friend Advised me to no I . . I I . I. . I I , , "., ,,� .., L� 1. . . ... L. , i I _ L''. ! .L 11 I . . . . .. I work In Whliplt heL had been so intare6tea.'Mr- Taylor died very suddenly the pre. , .. . I . Milburn's Laxk-Liver Pills, and they I I I . I .. I . 1. - I I . I .1 I . .1 . . L I I I ,� . .1 � . .L . . I Vlou!r Tuesday mornin after Only a.. few . .. I proved to be Just the remedy I re I A,;,_.� io.11io;14.11�i'' - I - � I . I. L. . ___ ____ ­- .I _­­ �1_ ­ - I 1. ­ - __ �_ ---. __ -1 -­ ... . _­ I -_ ____L ­_ . - __ '. . I 9L . � I . L I , , - _ � ?'' - � � . - 00;��4- L--- , -- -,- - .. I . , . � , . TAW"01W hours' Illness. The- plant of Wesbarn � . quired.11, , . .. I . I 0i A - 0 , If pft- - I — .1, . I I ifor sale at all drug and genona stores . ;.put up only by The T. Milburn L � : 11, 0. , . __ .. w- - . I!- A� . anada Flour Mills, Of Whtch diseeased . 4 1 . . . . . . I . L 1. . . . The. inaugural meeting of Lucknow C 1. . I . I � .L . .. . . . . . I I I I � .. council was held on Monday morning with WAS chief engineer,. Was .closed for tile , , Co., timlted,Toronto. Out, I , I . I , . . . I L . I . . I . . L . . . � . I .- Ik , W L I . . I . 1 . . . . .. I . . I . . L all In ,ittendance � except, A. Hamilton, . I - . . I I I I , I I . .__ . . ' . . I . . . I . . � . L . I I . . , . . I . I I I � . The business from Dec. 16, 11932, to the I :1 � I I I . I . I I . . I I . I 1 4 .- L . . I I . I ___ - � 11 . L . ,end of the year Was attended to and the - - - -_ - - I I I Aw AiN . . . . . I Council And reeve for 1933 took their -oath . . . . I I . . ; . . I I I . : .. . .Ne' wL . Dresses. I . I I -A . . I . . . ­­ . : I . . . ;-. I. I . t L . . . . I L of office, The reeve Is Robert Rae, and I I I I . I , , . . . I I , . I ,.. . I I . . . I (I . . . � . ­�. 1�',*'� L I L 1. 1. I . � . f 8 L . 'Councillors Stewart, Robertson, Wilfred . I . . L . I . .L L. � z.:. I I . , . . I � . . . ' . I '.. ''....L 11 woe-bringin,g with .them a .breath o pring Anderson. Robert' MUM, L and W1111,M. ..S, � , L' .. , I I 11 L . . ' I ". . I ' . ' 1. . I'll. L L . . . . . I , . . . . I . . '. 11urdle. The meeting Was then adjourn- i I 0 . . . . .. L L . I.., . , L . I . . .1 I . . I I . . . - ... . . . I . 'L I L. . . . . I . . I . 4. 1 . ed until the Oenlh�; qt 8 o'clobk. At the. L .. � .. q ' I . . . L . 'L.". L� �. � 1. . . of "' � ' L . . I . . I . I .. .. I . . � . � . . . . I., . . I . evehim meeting 'ihero -%,vas ,to, soppoint- - . L I � . I.. . . . L '# S t, e trancing materials suc'*h, as sko, ,, crepe, 'made with the exception of S.V. 1 L I I . Vely, ' ' 'pecia. . L, nnauncemeLn . L16 " n. d ' ' I ments , .. 'L -A , , � . t ; . . . _12-1 . . I � L I . � I - L . . . . � . . , . I I .. . . .L I . I - -W., , , . . . . . I . ... 1. I . L I I I ' ' . . I I 1, .L L - . . I . L . . . I . Douglas, as6emor. A motion t�;as Passed, . I . L. . . . I ..� . I . , L L . . . 1. . I . .corded. crepe, and L , . I I . . .t_ L I I . � . 4 .. prohibiting police digs, from riuming.at I . L . . 1. L . I I L . . .1 : I . . .. .1 � . printed silk. .. . . . I 1. I . I I I I . .1 . L I., . I .. . . . . large unless mi(�szled. If found unmuz. . . . , I L I . . ' . * . . . ILr,r atroyed� Afa h .restriction was placed . . I I , S T1 LOES th t Will take. YoLur 6reat e o or ' d . Readers, . I � 1. 1, . � . . L I . . a I . L L ''. . I I., with th � ir . .disd running at large they vill be de-, I - . . . . � 0 . . I I I L L 0 aw�y . , L L on the Oafo prehlbiting.the playing of I t Sbsibe s. an . I .. 1. 1. I L . . I I ­ 'L , ' - ' , cards on the premlgw'. -It tot adhered, . I . . I . I . . .L I I L . . L . . � � i .. newnl�ss and'ch'ic.. �.. TI-mir smartnesis does :not, raise I to the penalty 11111 W, the vallmllina of . . I. . I I . I . . I I . . I L . . I I . ., . L . � . . . I . I I . ' I .1. I .. . . . I I the lidense tior tho re3taura'At. A. r0- L . I � . . I . . . � I . . I 11 . . I . I . . I I . . L . th6r cost. .All "dresses reason,�,bly rpriced, � . . striction Was plaaed on team8ters Coming . I I I . . I I . . I . L . � . . . � . . . . . . I I . L I . . I . I I I . . I into the village 6 do work Unless they' . I I . . : I I . . . 1. . . . � ' L , I I -- ----- - -1 ... i .; -.-. -11. .. I .1 .. .. Pay a 0a fee' I - I . . . .. g * ith the St S$ft1l't*Me thL t * e. I", I . ,_­*� ­1� - ­_ _____1_1 - L L , -IN 6e0in W re I S �1 M . � . . . � , — 11 I vi%mair,or noornicu . 1. . . . . . . I I .. q . I . . h I e coundt',met. on Monday 'as 1)�r . L . I . & # /1L 0 1 . . . . Ta . . . Which the.' 'country -is passing N ' . . � - r L I . I ot declarations of L . . � . s . � � . . offito tho raemliers cave.brief inaugural. . . .. , � I . es .1 .1. ' lit . r, Tho - "ta� Dale on Dress I has' decided to make a s ecial snbs,tr pti ; it ,.emcg, advo, ,ill, I � . P. I , L . I L L. I . . 8 L . I . diL mtina etonoms With L . . . I I. I I . . . h . . . I I I . . . . Cleat .y. Vach e�pressed , his desire to I . , . NIEN' I . mt?,%8uro up to his'duty In spite of.the . I offer good' until January 31st neNt. U115L to I L I An assortment of dresses I . . dWoultiz-a caucea by the prcs,cnt mone. * , L I .. . L L ' . . I I 11 r . tary atrIngen!)V. . . I I I ! . . apply on all clubbing rates, paid in advance . in �lovely , I , L 11 minutev. of last meetingo wero read I L . . I . . I . I .. . . d%d% ,and adopttd. A letter front the War . . . . . I ial's offered at a clearinor Mcmorlal, Obildren's Hospital asking n I I , and new, subscriptions, only. . ,, - I .� . . . . . I in � I % Over%.Vats I I ... I arant, vma ra'ad and Xylod. The Ontario I . . . . . . . . I . . d 11 price. . . MunlelDal Assotlat;oa and the Good . . I . . I -d m, ' . .. . . . . I ,�� . L I a . . Rcatig At' =,,115don. cath callelt., aMber-, . . , I . . . 1 $4,95 , . . N I I L tbip iew. Tuq itterg wetc fiviij. Mr. 'r 11 9" I . I � . . I . I )3UV tj neW 0`velreqat no�V and . Daniel ollddoa, ar., wag ro-1ppointed 1� I Per Year $1 0160 I � !!!�"�!6_r_� , 0. 11 I 1 -0--3.*_�___Vr_%0." 1 11 .. . mWol attondavee6 ozator. Mr. T. M.; *"WON-VANOW"" L I V41conor wano alcm reoappalated t* his of. . I . I , . � I � a savo money; the ovore0at that fi�a of weed Impt,ttor. Vie cleric was . . .1 -i L hztructed to order tile umal number of - � . . 0111111 1-1.1 I .11, ­ .1. ''I 1, I ­ 'L. Aw.kkowwft:�*"W.Woft, -0W.0.0WA".*AWW#0* I V,1p;'03 L Of fh�_ Munlj�lpjj World. ay -law I T�� � 41 # - - I ­ _ . . . you've needed. fox- to long. We . Na. 1, vottlng,t,h3 mlarloa. Of *MdkI8 tile I And your choice,'of five beautiful " I , L � tamt% aq IoMt pt:tr waz read the third; I . I Clearing Sale on All Invo it foryolt, at a low -price. t1wo. 11�41W $3. A. AppolutIng tho same I I .. 1 1933 calen4ars . I � 11 - I 11 omdah as latt $0ai., 'Wig &L-0 wtmtt. I � % . L � F, 'L � - , M0 to , , 11 lly-law Na. 3, to borraw Monty front tht . . � � 11 HeYA Bank for eurrent 6krnffiturts wmt I , I -erhy L 1� . i I i i n e# r yr . Or a beatitiful Cake Plate *n CrOW# D � I rx=d, Mr 4611n Mu%olftandi6 ,offt%r to . )� � rca the Nh So vier 81kint. pl�le,- as-lim, il, � ,a, I I , ' & . . yCar Was ac-,,Cpwl� T'he 'Collectoes time I . Colorings, to -arrears � �. t � i I , C V -3 $120* all'snbscribers paying . 1. 1 98 en'L Va., cxo=64 to rebtuary 15 .to covect ) 11 I An OpportLonjty , I ,-��%L, %Mp,AI4 wes. at the 611 rate of " a year. , . L to buy a chic hat at * V � . The reward for sheotiog,60*8 'While ff* I . 10 . I tow cost to you. . "fqlng sh"p, wag lowero-4 Itorn $15M �,''�,_ . . . . "I 1. I . .. . to, 0-00, A ,*light adiatment in tl* pAy . L I m� I �. .4 ­­ - �44- -­-_�-­­��*#.Nklifft�*­ - 111. - tol, mth 0*4 tftmlg *0 **de� being � P116ced at 2k I*r hour for Mtn, and ae I , i I I , I . . ; . Otr h0ur fft te*"v_w,, AU WOrt *Xr"fA tbat 0 L � � . I � I . . I � . I I I L . � . � I I ; I L I: 0- I I M" " * I " e" — 1� � . I I I I : . I t I I 11 I 0 1 1 1 . . 11 . & . I . . . : . t a 9 . I I .. . I 10 . L I . . . - I I' , I .. . . I I . U N I 15twiteis -keV-" Wtt pits in pnVex The Gode rlc.h, Stak " , ftr*� . . As 'OR"' ELD ' th-""lt'tefolr'%'vtllml*'*r"tlxt**'o , I "* N%vtflig #"M% wire or&rm M2 , 11, I I ' Vild'. I 0 ON , .%R,L,w , r WEAR CORNFIRLEV-S WEAR *nd.SAVE MONZY -^� xcw� amd, printow, W,14; BOX 671 .. GODERIC11 ' * : ' 'all' "I PHONE 7'1, ' I woot side 540ara 1. PAWW 41's lymn of t-fttft� "ft V6"ft or dtfMott . � ,-_ft $# 06:1 T. T_1tur0'r, diVislarA q,4w I I ­ L I - � .. L 'L I . ­­­­­ .­ -1 � . .. ­.­ ... I'll -LL' _. ­ " L, " ''LL L ' - '' ­ ­ -1-1 1.111. ­ -­ . I I 01"k. Ot. ft, Oft, i0mom towi %*I. — - — ­A�­&­­__Ah�,_ ­%�­ Ab�­ _ - _Aw� — . _.� I . 1. I - ___ 11P7 -A- - - L " ,W- -"-L---'- ,W_ _____W___ ---"-.--.---W- -, ­ ,W- -----Rw- 1*11" Aoti, r—oft, MOM. *A@* tub& 0; , I . ­ 11, __ _­­_ li I .1 A - i . I IL