HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1933-01-12, Page 1-19 : ___ __ _ _ — —,- __ . . t 7, , �,, , . T,W— wwqp� , ­­X—r-7917 - - - I , .: , � . � � _.a --------- ___________ ___ � - . I The Ma anCs Mend As adyttfiser's mmage in the Code. tich Star rewhes ihe reader on Thurs. 4ay, the day, of publicaiion, in plenty Of time for PC-ftlsal and for week�end allopping. . - - ­ I � � , - , I I Is I � Our 193:1 Calendam 'kite klt'w talcnun� rtApik"dow In IV$". I*" UtAv" *W are almiWe W V%W,VA�Adv&� kutwribe" Qf '41w *Ar- -TIwr# i*. a Of :five- Get rIXIM MW While tht, range * Complete, I �. .. ..­ ­_ - 1. ­ ­ -11 - - — --- - � -� 1�1 *"" `Mow "M aw"M -%Or a ,% -%,PA,Ab*f J&& 'I 'A NOF '%,#A-& a a X.AJ04 "A;0^0 't I . � �� 11 I I k , "I I I A�."­ � '�­� Y, . I I T ---- . , � oftt4...A.� I .. . I I Mr. ]Elliott L Not Sure ,ro mAn up s0owmrm TA � ,., � .,.. . . f, �­�_f ­ ... .. �.. � POLICE RUN DOWN s"'LAYERS, I �_ . a V W N COUNCIL MOVES FO I .. . " . Anglic;in Vh%wch to $760,000 R 'Three In Hos i al, , I - e �__ Aft�r FMtt1r%11"SV1SW101r . , i of His Nixt � , I I . I Pit ', �� It .., ��,, Circial"re were in th* pewa of ot - '' - , . � 11 I . . , I I — PLE " RE"" .. ft. blurney T sk k v s Omh, , of OF SON OF GODER.ICH COU ecorwea vIlumll. on sulidw. It ,Was Qtat- v &W OF CIVIC SALARIES After Car. Careens, � � I - , Q&ejr I lvvi�iring Thresit - �, .. . � I . �_ ed that the Second West aftor Emtox ___7_ . � st I * IN . . .- , , (April 113.80) lims, been, Select cs for the . riki' Big Tree . , . e � . . to, ujiwt Walt Mr. and Ms. Parxille Le*rxi STORK WINS THERACE Smoot apwaf- to the faymen of tio A LUCKY ESCAPE V^ 09 .1 I I.. ­­­­_......_­ .._­ . BOY's vemb May Be I . — � . . Angllv= !church fa $054400 to 4% Ilind �School 80,10U and All SpeAtling : �­— ... , , . - ­ ­ , . � ­­ - ­­­ -1 ­­ 1. ,�:,i��%;7�._­ ;;'1;�'"-'_1, �_;*,;.,�A��.­'� I-..!.,-.- . Bodies to be Asked to young people� f,�, ! I , . W. T. Muravy.'ahairman Of'i I . - A;- - ­"�- --- ­­­ ... ;!- "I WUP­�Moft AUtibs"n-Unw-i-1)"tbo-in�,�!O�t-OPIAP9� the $70,090 40aIeatIon_*J*, TJM*JX,�ftJ 'Ut..Car i � � . lier Water . IV0"w 1 .0 "� .- �= T.W_W;18AHNIA__M=_ . .., _ on W a YO, ,to, I __ - _,Z�NTA_ftr�a" ". __ -f .� I _ _ , ""... . 111: .. I , _�, �, � . .. . ,and Light Cominfolori, on Tuesday after- . .� . I OQ01orielt In. the Tear 1932 406", Ilt� 16rtirtruce. ri*MVV� 'ftext It $trikes Quard R%lt . ­ ­Rftwoo `1- - .. , " '�, ,� ! , � RupervaLaud. iniotteWhythqIVr1MatQ . 01ancop" M"t:1 With .- �� I goon took the declaratioil. ot Office, com� ARRESTED'IN TENNWEE, M majesty the stork nosed 0 f, of Ali 0=04% And Right UQV. C, A. TOM Vlsh�Qlr and his brother Wgtorl, of . . . �. ­ " , I , I " . , I . . �, 4 Rea, In S ; I Ing to.tho.Tawa Rail to 6*4'the doou- . — . , close, victory over the GrIMIA . Bishop of Huron, uYinqu are Soltiord, inewir escaped serious 1Wur,v BROWN REPLACES HUMOER . misfortant , � : . i , 00derich in 1932, there being 87Z 1� on Tilesdity atternotm when tile Taillua � . . .M_ I I . tbg -e 'to OR their wbole-heart-ed sup. , I , Went, Soiwawbat *&proved In health, Viet Urg - . . I . �fin Was Shot in' the Buk As ,60milared with 76 deaths. in the port to the plan, 1 wd.ot their car snapped, the lll3ehh)OL &r. Murney tr,eikted Ilghtly Vrauk VIllott's , For M montyp - Same period there were.31 MarriageS, I . hOpping th,. cable an SaItford Hill At a As Chairmen of Fin4rlce__fqo,Ve WWII all obs�itreperous cattle . . Klk , The Most babies, 13, were born Do L Sop_ I I i . I . * � �� threat to Unseat hiM. lbe0A100, he has A I 'I — b0ast escaped from a truck In , ilk � Police ftkte I � I point Just at tho last curve before reach- Causes P140Y at Mat . : � " � I 'toAtract with the Commission 4 which . , . 1, . . � . I tember. with April and August next, + I . Ing the bridge over the Maitland W100. . -meeting . � Which It Was being driven, to � I . 7 I L June, ",w The car, an open In . . . . I m 27 he is a meMbor ,to supply water to, b* . I 11" Ith thr e, wAja low. August, and. Goderikh. Saft Co. D401, Without top. In L � '. slaughter, and Wand I . . ,stock f4roa on. tIx,e Paylield goad, outside Word ,came to Goderich On. Tuesday to. not. moxithoof roses,was the favorite ered out *o1l, , I I . ... . . I � I Tf,g� I � . Bome manner jumped the heavy chain � After formally tmIung the oath of ot. to MOWRY No� 8 a sQrlous� auto, I the towAla limits. I W. and Mrs. rarSiile. who resKe with Vow go, - mouth,. with SIX ceremonies. P � and plunged down, but �booamv bung up ,lice, . . . -*lid 4oughter, Mr. Arid The vlorgy'did not tie one matrimonial . 11 ... . . Mr. Uuney reforred to the Uuntolpal 614ir 6031,111-�A%V ays 38 Pet.Cent Administered bp'als AVorshill Magi. mobile '46QIdeRt,I -injuring five �, . Mrs. Pred Toole; th -th Janua V, April'or May. . . 0 On a Cable In its descent, With the Urst . . . Act, Which P14141Y states that the meria- LAt .e allegod'alayers knot 14' .r. Most, I . StVatO C. A. Rold�,Qn Monday morning, Goderich. young people, was. , . I ,, I Impact the brothers were thrown clear the 1030 Town Council WEI$ not long in I I � I . bgr of a vonunIssion May ,enter.,tato a It their sonValter, murcittred last Oct,' Pdople died In V,ebruat7 and March. while , I 'R.011 and escaped serious injury. There is 0. gettli 'Tile large , ." . ' . 10 I . . VQAtrACt WAII the M00folPallty,. when the'; 646r, tod been Arrested IW'Tomiessee py August w4s.low month. The ilMea., , of TOWWS . ay drop Of about twenty feet At this point na dowA to bUslaosp. The roport of caused last night. - ' . I � , , . . � . SQ1111MOdity involved Is gold bs� Witt. ilnuo., the,,�Wyak,r;�ao,a446'(u%bt.'Mlkk Police. Tile . . . I i. . . and what Might have happened Is not the Striking commit sedan of Mr.. G. L. Parsom , 41W. - I : Births varriages.Deaths �, . . , too brought onor.sur- � , drlvbn . f I , . . I . I , � I �" c1pality. 'Itt wouldbe ridiculous to t rested men. w4o Are to b; la,tradlted January ..... � ... � ...... a. 0 , prise-cQuAcillor N. 1), Brown Isupplanta bY his Son John,. N�bo is tho I , . , . ,­ . . ,4 ' " Pleasant to ;94tertalrl, The oar, of on. CounellieV . most � � I ' 1, ,,; " 1. .. I gould! net get watev. just becciuse.1 am arid taken.to Aftolit= for trial. atd �kebruary ... ........... 5. . . � 3 ,.�.11) Letter Read' by AU in "' 0. a, H - . . . YOF I is olant vultA80, Was extensively damaged, Umber as ,fillanco serio.usly injured, .plunged into _ � � :, I , . I .. a Member of ther commission," he said. . Y^onli4th UO'LNLA .44a, big $On, W Warn. Ta h -:: 15. 2 . 10 '. � : ' loaqgW44 Address to� . . . -.1 ; , I I . I ,chalrM411-4ud ome hard 'Words were tile beast,.. � killing it Outr;ght and - . W. ,Ulliott, when Informed that Mr, News �Ot the 4=40 of the su4p"te6.. A,irfl'�4,;,.: ­ in this oor"ett"'ll- hurling 1i into tile ditch, The ' - . I . I . . . I f, -blUrney bad taken his oatb of oMog, said Mur -(10=41414,n0 inq.go M, ��::::;: :: -:.,::, to ,. . I . . spoken by the latter 'Co a surprise to MA V * . a : . � I Town Council . . AN INNOVATION U0 ,charged there, WA6 u llfrarac,_Up�­ . * . * 7 ...... .". " . I . . . I. I I . . . � . 1�11 I I that any ratopayer could now asl� for aim the aged parents bere, for they h .. �7"�� ". " (0 I I . . I I ,Q- W46 c Sideralole d1scusstall; big jlia6lne, with its hunlan car"* � , �. I I V t4 I . . � .. I � 4d're� June ...... ...... ::::." . . �.­4 4' . I . ' There Air on . , . I . Iceived a 'letter a 44o# time ago stating July . I I . . .� . . . ...— - . � over thq APPOIntmCAA, *1 ACV. .1, E, F I � 041, . � ml - 0 �. 4 . . �. : Members of Municipal Council Are Sworn , go, then careened along'the high. I . Inv . 2'11� 1 � , qrA I _V:ts YOUP Ze# move?$ -be was ask-] that': the. Identity 09 Vic m1loged killup August ...... * ... * ... ­'­ ' . . . P0111tilIg put � that $18,741.08. less in , . to By' Atairlstrate 0. A. Bold to, the Collegiate Board, for a - Pirtbei IV the road and * : ' , , " . . - I . a I ,ay fo '�, , 7 "I. I � I . . . , Was known and tbmt.tho� 0:KqNMt1o&­ *.ero -September *,,,­. . . .— I r 90 feet, left ! : . . ,ed., , , ,, ....... I., .... � ... 10 I . three 3wars, It 111110,11Y went throuah. ,Coljkled head.bil �Vltjl I 1, . I . I .�. � 11 , -, 4 8� - , , Os was paid, into the town treasury . I . . I 1. - I arge tree . - , 11 . I Coulloillorli.*Humber And S00took MOV* is, . I , vx,m Just waiting for news from. Tbr� ont,he trail, - � . . . V . Ali innovation for rec I . . . . 1, . . . .October .................. 4 _. , I 3 � 6 " t;�I�ImA t I _ . , 1� I onto. Z am getting loguj,,Advice,�"he re- walltei Parslll�, a bachelor farmer was November In , 932 .� F, � U.- the Previous year . 1. . on year" � was led for A T4V14'W And. d9WnNVUd'VovWou � le, inlPact was terrific.. . I I , � I . " 0. , 1, "We. have illne -home and $hot down In 9 , , : 2 . 4 _ 1. ble the, taking Of the formal doclaration of of all *14'and 6,411001 teachers, salarles, 'Tile Inj h I . .� , � - . gq at. his .Cabin doorway.. P His Decembor -*i""- a di'tuat it had . -ieenA* . Plied 14"t Impost ­ I. . . .... 5 � 5, .0 � . . . , . � tbings'limis; been beld'up,ll . . .1 body w4i found by 'neighbors; shot In the . . . - . . . . I -o town ' . elolllce by elected members of the Town The 11yowe.1 and "Ilay4l, \Voro.q � 6� T04 I . �. . ­ �� . _ o educe t'4 ,g: ON 41104 for Plant% 011ate Baetblor,' U ­� . ) . Xr� 1311tott said, It was not ,� back by abuilet Irblu % 30.30 rige, pAr� ­ , ��(,Niwt ,�h . . twice do 81he two-bour session. � . A t i 'er=t` �gs Doris plarltd. . .:, � 40 much the ' : - 87 . 31- .,76 ba4, Mayor C. C, Lee c prlbelf,od p ' ,1�4;,,Ouoll before Magl�tr4te '1161d . .. rill and - Miso. Frances T ed 1p� � . c6litraot which W. XurnOyhad with , 7o 411110 Wag In tile -habit of ,carrying large ,. 1. ' _. � � :. .� , , 0 * , � on gon- . � I I � . I . : , betrisola. T.he MW003 � . I ­� t � � . t . � � bJco-.ot..the-StrIct.6st o0onOmy $1, � � '�itx �'Irntng , Tile . I What's tile I&A? I I I . . . I I 0 commission, -but'Its to Sumk.�Of money bec4itze he baX dur 1933 '" . *ath 'was 11rat lid- � � I � . Planto and Tllomson and Mr. parons . . " " � 1714S-WhiCh, bo� big . no 'faith —�— in big Inaugural add , , I , . . i "1:� opinforl, �xoqldred frive In. banks. . .1 . I I stigatioll - . . . I . . ress, Morift.y 91norn- �� .. ayor Lee, then to tha,tWo Hardly had the txchmhso� of 111004103 Apo in Alexatdr' H . , - I .. . I ' . . �, . . lie gala � I � . .�i In 0.� . . . . ..- between Magistrate R01d .arid Mayor.Leo* , . 1 I a , 03PItal. All "I re- .. , . I - � , C -7A, . Councillors tn.two hal bover., Facial ,arid head ou% ,Dfy '' . to'tho, Mur the shooting. Deteotive� . . . . � . . "In my last year Ifialig r4ev4p, been I arytoo I he doubted if -the ,extension Polloe took u after Clinton Wiens Both "' u's wo'sh' 42I4,' 1...�� I I . P. the trail illortly � . . 'm , '4 �, � ney ,stork farm WAS Paying the required . b(irp, .ri�%Tlk . ­ , I . I . . I RPal address, 1, i 1, , , . . . powPleted, find after the Mayor 41 d6orce, lr�trt brolt q I : ,v 1, . it 4 . � I t �rc�,hl,4..congra-',dellvorod his Inaugural address, thm , Zl%%, . I . ­ .retu,171 on outlay and sold that'oltiz lis aft Sergi, B. Ai Itap stated tfi. 1 .� e � M v4ip su'stabl'! , - I AUSSell arid ISt . Ilad. hoped -to reduce the groups. Mr. �,, , - * .% c, 1 . , : , 'm e. of , . ' bank I* 11 o $30,000,00, blItowing to the .. _1 , .0 thelF - Basket t tulations: and t ,hope ft)r a CQUUCUI$r HuMber rose to p * I . .. . ".. I with PrOPaet,Y'=4Ch closer to town � .4montorl, d,tachni�lit, wore'assigh..-d I . ball. G , .rotest agal ii . .4 . . , th4a 0 I list ed by,' all, , ­ . 41nes t" . . I I I . *Mr. Murrny, and some right bl_town, 'lueS Were I meagr% but . . I . I I 1110,S) WO Were Unable to X03fth��WW'. *�,4hank- tile -personnel of the , t Mint; committee, , . 1. . I � I , I I " �, , . - , to the 'ease. . . .1 � , 6 do ,go, as there suceessful� year, . Rq wW Ar� t�KA;;��, ,*,!t, s r . . .1 I , : � I ,, , On. WAY to Danoo . .. . . I , , refused '�.wnter . le4d and the . � . � . .. .1 . . �.. wet $13'741;08 ""As talies 0110W this ed by Mayor. Lee eA behalf of '�04k* i't: ; 'C I ­ .RQQVO oral. . . , i. had been o , '91jel4tod of the Mayor, % � � , ?,�� I; ..Tills . .*tensions: � �z � I Year than in,1931, Had the am . ung� '��Lllth , � Vie ai6cld t happen . � �1 , Only one = a tortuous t all Which toolz tilern BOYS' Get Seirere Druhbi , . I , � , I ISO , Pt:a -dozen tblrigs�.jjhlch ,r . me amount The ceremony was quite, dtgnigpo .je Uty Reeve Moser 41%4 Coun-Illdrs �gn Qd About 6.00,p.m, � , � 0 . I ng But 1); tiiXes boon 001 0*t0d,, We Would have . _ P� . ... � � � �. ,I � , 1 , . , said. ,. tbroqgh EasterA,.SXskmtcbeW4lian#1 down I * I appropriate. .. . 11 4N4,1".0ould. . I., A few hundred feet east of the CX'S.': , need' Inv-sstI.&atJOh,,, be . , I I , I , , . 011d . I I . . . ' ��, . ,",I 1 Mr. 94110U. said Ile �dtd not feel. like tlirough tile Southern states. Gjrl� Show .,Up . I aU6111PIlshed what'we had Set out to do� - The. ftclar4ticri � ...'Wonell afti", ,�. lqear askod',Counclllo� trot�hla. I . . . . . . I . . � 1, I I I . I "The pa,,t yeAr th,; #tbqo�49;p. pf th . The, young people were on � . ,��% �� Spending his ovm money. to press his . . Grain Thresilers' .. . . . I Much Better , ,, 9 - "I, (Blank), , of OlAce reaft: ', 0 ' 'Wilat's. the ;'I"41ways ,4cen tire ,on$- the . I . I . . . . � �16 solemnly.proullse and umber. ,,,It h - -i ___ ____ - Ir Way to �ttend.,m dAnoo pit : .� : ,� � . . town .w,as f I , � ��' u I , tlie, h6iner . ' Point, a'Ad it May b . . I care Ul Y 10,0�-bd after 4nd a� �Joclal:� that I will tr as � n. kjjt�M preterenc� , I 0 th4t the matter Tile MOLeans, lb.js le . I . — . I , , _,bors � -J �' Vill,be dropped. ' . I . ArIled, workid, fev 1. * . I *1 . I. ., I . - the end of the Year we Vero W611 uly, -faithfully. And tom to,gtva the older i i I -- Of' Mr. nuohnill, ex-toeva Of colloome, 1 . . � ,��, - � I � . I .. . , I � I ...] I I I � I I I I James Stewart, a farmei* (it the Manville On Friday evening,lialluar, I Otlr estimates, X feel that't under Impartially, to the best of nly know- gn this columitt ,,,Ir,,a Ir . A; � vie tOW%1Sh , Others were'L to - b%ve . i ,1 �. . - I .district,' who had corit' . I y ath, -a fair to vr Ps L b I his Year th-a ledge mnd.0111�i, 03ret4te4he omce Of ,,,P?" . .ee..� U �, 4t I 11) . gone ­ . � t �li, � . I I . . I L I .df. Collegians watched JZQthl ' Nntlo-, alqlle to " . . MB�WTX L I - racted to thresh 'ZL-ed crowd " " 0 will be,PequAlly as well (Mayori It,,,-OV.6 ' . I I 1. , I I Valli Oft the Parstilo farm. At t4at I , . A ..0 tr' t -ha 01119 .40)L "but failea b6 - . . � I ANNUAL . � look�d lr�ior�egs � 'D.,P10Y.11000 01, ,0can- ; Vgy3; �:J6 the only rT� ' ` . .1 � .. , , . . INGS I �4100, , _� Leo T11100 to -.1—­­;� I re . basketball I 'A C14D "ted for I IJAV�4. x i ,�,J*r4dy in, arilo And, RrMlliO4: to , * an- �.. , . 0 . . 'I -,-- 00 . � 1. L, __1111��� ' . "I", 11 MM04 0YIng that every ro. umtl . 1, a 'L .. : , I tbAk' lloweve ' C -IV 'and boys' to, whl�h X have been al _', , � , k I t,' they we kn the ,T- 0-1. 911 , . . . I �Wo L L , . I . L ": CE OF A2M,UAL MVT=G. -of parsule was to ' I Clinton, I . I Humb . " r vehicle, It was Anowhig 444 &Av. ! I L I . And they disappeared, . . the darkest part of th . er-'.'Who, wrote - -I; L , ,,-' '' ,a4me Of, Shea. Sh r y - afte the body '- from ,the v1sitirij ver Ofaing, and z ,feel that -13POInt'd) I the Town 0f'QQ40Lch,.nnd CoUllollfor ' x I ti �J`V'fA'by the te4mi. take & beatin 'JouA a a SI , I 'NOTI, g . 'ha "' ' -, �1' 1 Colleglate aggregations, , - '� , � . bat ; have n1t'T0ce1vQd and Will not a I �. �a . I . � I ' ' evloud bus passed e, , - r - I . I ock., . . I L I I ), — L ' -Out Russell and Arniltage later Picked up The V'Wtihg lbo or I . that the sil , .payment or r, . . 40tion?" L , . I I . �� Z ItIona were nob tile lbzf. .Added . . I � �� i3le annual meeting of the Masonic -cheir trAll At ,Vast � g4d, ozsk� " � r ver lining is st ,ward or promise . "OdUoIllor Browri�,11 did,. Xt is there In C -. A id WAS the fact that tbe, I . Lf", Tem � I Ys' tesn' I ollt-shone OVO and ce va any. I _�d . : Pie Assoalati�xi of ' .1 ti I I in smooth, fast coAthhos- Ing to show. I hope at the :Qnig . art- of such for tile exercise of any partiality ... ling c ,C%t_i ., . I'LLL.. ., 43oderfch, Limited, . . . for you to $-.a It ' ' ��� to the h . . I � 4UAI p, 'be I'014 W the MhOute Lodge RodAi FrOm'-this P*I�tbq:�Urned Into ill 'm�s_ 1'0'� acurate shootin- that our taxes w -malv.� atlon,.. or ,other . ,jet bIA01t. Vollpo -Afterward 'S' " . I I will ited States; j tl n 41, n . , Ill. he 11 Of 1933 or f L you wish to.n - � ... ,6 1 e .. 14 the ,nearly l00% �01. tion o ra . undile excoi�_ , Collnolllor 10 I I , . whdrg t_or.a-timo the trail , Cllnt6A,,s shifty forwards r,An the Said office, and that I - have Walk lub" left his Beat - And� tie bea.q w I . N . L On 441luary'23rd, l9a�, ,ot 11 6 half ' * ''. lected and �hat. our bank overdraft wu ed to the, Mc;ybj,s tdal I . . ' k; , 8 o'clock p.m . , for the transaction of general business' Was L f6St� A�cntha �Q� - tedious - t 11 n ij the. score u . L fteasared ,tile Skid marks L . . , , I the election L L ra Ing . P to 21�0. ill t,bQ' IaStLb If be very, materially rc, " I not 113Y Myself or partner, either dimetly_In ' L S to read the ou � . . . �� , � I I . � , need. , , . Con* Yeoatlbu for himself, ,He iolled for .the Iminegi *"'�*qd determined, that . � '. I of oidebrs And dlrortorg for "Mught their rQWar4, howeveri: with the the* ftltqrs, content' with their 'I aul, !The taxes �llgcl , d or indirectly, 4fiY Interest bi any � 0 and L . looted as ,on D600ml' , uay�. L The result: . I I on the I I L I met le k%, 1 1 . . . ton 02 _ ." on save and except at arislng�,qut . I . RAYS , �� - tile car.. LL . "�'16A 51 I! ko Y , . L I, th� ehgulng Year, arid any ..otlie.r matisri arro# Qr,,U�Lc3n. 4nd, this soll ill th�. slowed their ,attaci, The score at t ' ', '1032 aniount0d to $4 . * � be I I ,� L . '01 tract vith.pi On behalf, of ,the . L dql � fast. I that may, properly come ly;�'Ore the -hn�ss L lie r 319L 1 3116 .14 Said- ecy- Y4AS . 'a t�, �Pr , .. " :1 � I I T. ea t0W11-,'9Xf;�mditIor1 procee 8 , poratf ; . . ,. 44 , . I . � Goderich D., The .1 43 f I . ZQ�' ,��a 1 1 meeting. , I . ai�gs ,end was Clin . Pnlq 0 these date bacic to 19,20. 1 .th �0� ' L L r 03 Were, � * I b=.zd- oll'an Zast Znd 'burglitry i!ne_UP: � , _I I . I . I I . L . . . 11, . know 0; my L . � $ .. . C�4141011 . I -11 I t*11t w . Ith . I I I � .: 11 " . nay be office I L . . Ilumber . � t,," ", , � 0 . I I . . L that the Incorril I L I � I L The vlow Is hoix _#,�r6v�,. :;� ,, , I H'A"ALL I , GPO- P, GOULD, v P100 0.tated, .' . . � . .149 council wIll'back tho . � : �, I ,,, . ,. Worsoll I Seabrook I � � . .. ,� �er0e�t. I ____� L -2 , looked from the � "�$ * , ,!A ! . I Secrota . � I . 1. . I . . 00derlob-Ceiltre,., . . . . . .1 . . . I I . � . � � -LI.. ., , ry� I . L . .. . Pi Page� forwards, tax collector N�, uOUraid JRobertson) in . . L 1 1 . BYOWn. � Ifte of jile Wjk,,;�� 'L L e_ ­�L I .... I . 1".- L " I I ...., " ,­_, ­ , I J. Johnston; LT. Page, guards, X. . Crm,.W_ � � . % . . . . , _ I . � , . . , spare . . . I L. I nn., J -1'' al �K 914ett, n. Moser . . . L I �� V � , ,;V � L' � , �­: - � I Volalt a4e0tored. I . :, ' . ills,efftIrt W get the taXes Collected). Ili . Gould ' I the *beagt "a the allto Out L of '00�1�'jJ4 -.1 1,1�L . , ' , . Itaoxvill-, 'Te 10r� D; Middleton 13rder ,L. ,,� AlImma, .� . . Robbed Man . . . . . Just 4 f . 1;7�, 44 , , , , , , � - " <W- XUA�ON , 11. 9 (AP)­W41- Errhigidn, R. pfrimirl 'to"-fleIg Wf44n*rtaft off to arl . . . Provo . 1 3 .ew toot east of , I . I COMITY Amni 9dLean, Torino a Wilkins, 9. early ttart, to get (wt, big W noti .1. � I I I . I '� i ��";�: � �_ 4 , Z ;��01��, . . I I - I �r, .14, . Where � the Mg - . - . , . �, __� I . , see youth the Royal X) In. , I . . . .. � ,,�­ .�: . I . . .. , Cos. I L 0017,041-4 . I . I ,. � I the'tree Is r,,,cW#,,A 4nd , : ., '.. L .. he ,. ,�, I � 'm .1 I ' ' I . , L . . encountered b, . . i 1111T '�& Huron County COIRIVII Will Meet n an'llivestigation Of. the ltrO, , 410$8;� f9twards, C6ok� rig -Reaf-Belftefactor Strilting Committ,&q.Relwrt had this. been . r tiI4 im. . . . , � :1 I I . .., I . � .11 . ... 1-lauadlaii ; x6tin e want A differeAt vvor�mftte6S machine struck .. . , IrOnx , . Canada I ted POIJ�s trahed herel 'Clinton I ght ftWay to .figure '%Vh,%t,L to start I . � . �t I 'I, L I t .a County cc - G " are gOlng,to requir ' M64or they I . . . ,:L�. . . . . u,41, adjournment I Of twenty I � I. hmv� beer,. L .. , ( , . until Chamb6rs, �court sl4ying of an Alberta whegb Tgriner,.has rds, - Holmes, Joinsu - I . Aft x;� CalnpbellF��l on , . - ffDuSo. L been I � . I I . e' -so that we Can Strike I I I : lite , min- -controllable Par rozijjtj I�Ijgh , ,,, , . ,Goderlch�_ o . I Me$' Dale': D' Smith. L ' ur estimates -early in the y4ar, L, f, I. 1�1 . . n Tuesday, the 24th roeapttir�d. - 4fter. -an escape 'Spares. C. *101 O . � . I s the, striking en . L ' I , from . L . . I . ,he I 11111,11ittee br o u t.In I . . .. . 911 L ____ _ . . , , ! � �� day of January, 1933, at 2 OWoOk In the' ills county Jail h I . . . � neferek-M ea, ,Clinton.. I I I Asks Leniienty For - - T. h L I e - 011owing report. I - . ___ .., ,. .. � I , . 1. . . . . .. . .. OYU . ' . .. I . 1. afternoon, for I ete, . I . .. . I.. . . Fraises Wolfmic Beard ., . ' ' . -1. I I... .. I . . I L I , r , -� its first, -or statutory meet. Railway 0111cers Arr � - , or .� . I 1011NANJ14�,.ue6 'onflnued o � , . L Ing of .tile year, ,. . . I I ested McLean- and , . .. 01rig?. came fil'"11 ,, ig ' ' .. I wa, fftlmbgr,� - Moser,. (C , , : . m4 $ 1 1 n pAg-go 0 k., I � I 010 � . . ,,,!gardl, anomployment, I want t Two yt Uspencled . �, . , 3.0. . I 'I If I I . 1. . � . . . Sir way Th6'&Is' ga . Me Wag much clote . , 4 tile Public Welfare . . .. I . . - - ­ - - L L Z . All ndtie�a of djput4tjoj�­O I . Walker, wh . . y c gra, 0 60c, . L I 1, . Portant m4ters r � 9 had sawed th I . I , tulate I . , . � . . Worm, VM1410" . . . . . ,,�� __.� ), .. � other Ina- out of the jail, as they j r. BO . Sent :Wo .. C�, -, , - I �', . . . ' ... F I L I tention Of the to be, brought ,,-to the at- freight ear yeiteraa libillid -from a teAms piayed good basketball -and t th 1 3302 their splendid efforts andsu& � ' - � -_ I . . . , ,'U,31-ko WONX-2-Rosae � r&ell,. .--W1---*_W;;;.� . . I -_ -1 ' ' L I , L . I'll . Council must Y. TederAl charges play Wag I L he I CS . . . I I In tbe However the, Q.,C I . Co ill,6 .. �. L �, . � handi of th� Cle*on or befo , h . Ung Seaforth - - a _1 _1 - . . cess�mnoatl . kpl6ku, jlllmb�),, crallgle, . . L airly fast. � I � PeCIA11Y mention the c VAr. When ,WAltef S�ott, y( ' . I day previouk .. . I Ire", .1. 1. I 1111ilrLig bonedict l3rawn, Cralgic, 1 fit . . &J01,2 w . I . I P65sessIng all Automobile stolLn from Girls, though Vastl 'nail, COUndill6l; nrdwn, for th2 I ) UPJ�CIAL A -RD i?%-L1Xp, I . . e M60" a � ,Chlncck�. Mont: Y I I Gould., . . I '"' " , . . . over former th*;Ilt and effort that he has given and I ' Pleaded . guilty to two Charges L WA,1 En Humber, Moser. I I'$ .. : . . .,Local,�Uunlclpal 4blerks . Oa , a . e soil jo_"��jdl'ftfrajri-16 1. dopier, have 'been Years, were .not Success . I . . k I d- . 14. M-4c.an.` L - 1. I . fill. The scorq:.at is giving to this work, This . Of theft before Mag LIOUT AND I EXARBOR_ AND AV$Ijqjoisli awnr. a - . In by . mail previous tho, C t .18erg.L ijobtol the ftal Whistle v&s. Clinton �9� odde- 'Out . mo,t was brought , Istrato UsIdAn Tiles- Worgelf, Kiosor, .Sproul,. . Brown, Seabrook. . __� r. ! ; � . . � I 4on, Alta., Ro, I or In the .eft0e . . I I - � � splendid L .Of two Years CEMETERY AND L. abuldi Ctiltral school A concert . on . . . .11� - 110tiCes of the of c oil 01' rAI Canadian 'Goderich­deritre, Madeleine -:Nafi handled sentellm' was meted ' . 13-00tOolt, Worscll� Brown k I � - �Cbunty Council ti 9 Of L I Atnlftage� -of the Zdmon� rich 2.4. The llno�.Up: - I 1. notIcelbly last Witt "day 111041414, a, sent . . . I . . their respective. Zeeve!.�, d y a e out. In Mounted , . Manner 1 PA11MA,-Cralgle. to 'holding . 4' Proper farm, � L I I -t'01100 Post, zZ U 'mn, 9 native of fdrWards, MarjorI6 Da I I 61; the . n jahich he suspended I but, . aLL division of the labor Olt the sewer Arnoni; th . ' Thur$daY and Friday, Feb. . . . . , . , . m: W. UOLUW, Scott County, Tenn., was wanted for Ruth CurWen; gu er� Ruby Errington, among . 050 Who b4d asked that Ion. F I R Z-HUmbs,r, - Sproul,' S 2ad and Srd, I . , .. 0E 1. 'Itiestfollint, I , L . L the UnehiPloYed. , r wan . . eabroot, F10=3 l[COP this date in Mind. ' . . I . u the slaying of W, , ards, XMe Jewell, Ruth Make . t also to lency was W, . Worse I . .. . I .1. , . I . .1 county 010�k, �nle, ,of Alberta. .: I J. Pat- Murney; spare, M, .Mason. . sPeci4I mention of Mrs, A. Crich, Seaforth bak* 11, Gould. 'Ahmeelt 0hapter'. 1. 0. D. V., NVIII hold L . i � - l:)ated at 09derIch this Offi'daYL Of . . . .. . 1. I Redditt, I . or 1.14-IR70TRIAL AND MA . -1 11 jAnilmky" � 1033, L I I Cliatbri-Centro k Manning; the, .secretary of. th,01 Public Welfare � and confectioner, - the Mali whom Scott Gould, tralgipi Moser., AXr-T-Sproui, Its Millar meeting In the %)r4ry on' L I ------------------- _- . wards, it. picketti' ' bbed.' A friendship Of long standin iaotyj%ir OF HE;V, Seabrook. I d . I � I in th L exists between tile. two familles, - a , SrOX " S my � . . 4: " � � � � -- -:== - --,,.; = , , ANNUAL IMEBTIxe, - I __ guards, M. Tasker, U, -Rog$. nergy that they have 40eht; . e Olt, o'clock. I . . . for- ]Board, And Mrs. A, Mon aft H, GAndler, 1. Zolm I es; and e Taylor, for the time ro abro erAO011, J411 lft, at four . I . REAL E , - . I . is Thq BrOtvri; SPFOUI, Humber, aould. . I . I . I . L I � �. STAT9 A" rNSURANCZ __ ..... ......... I., ...... � Refereq�_I'. 'Dale, Go regard. Allyone �IiOfts, ip f4Ot, 'Were breaches .of trust ,, Inio nrst rIame The January inecting I ii � 1. � --- �_ ., L I derich. hO bRS not Undertaker, d on each . . I ) I - - —1-1.1-- kviFft _Or I this kind of wow . of tile W,C L , , 4 �, HE I AU . . . ulwTING. I __� I I-,-*,,-*— . I rk. do and frieridship, f9r ,accused had for years ch .,committee Is w1II be held on Thursd ' ITZ. . 1 , T . ___ . - L . es not, I am sure, ,been airman and tI10 Second -named vlce_ Iiiih at I "ASTRO110 RVAL ZSTATZ - 0 annual Meeting of the A , L I fully 4Y, oveninq, xta", , ': AI -W IMS17RANCr, AGLWcy, %Ili - * realize the Amount Of time' and CriebPermitt0d to have the "run" of the ,chairman. Each , th, ho= of Mrs. J. X Colborne, % I , . . . r cult ' ' NEW BOOKS AT *thou I member Is on jive earn- St. Patric a - I L" L . � I , . . Saturday, - Jan . I own Hall � . I . . . ..� . . "I feel that 1933 Co . I Pouches containing money which IlMd 11 . � .. I I .. I C> - Society will be held in the T, g 1 , I L113RARY . ght Involved. . . -store' 116 stole, On two Oeoasfons, inittoesi Its street; at 1.30, . . � "if . .0 I . ' be GoderIch Tolygailip no Ital. Aux� . : I � � uitry 21st, at g P,m f I I Interested V�rlto to . . . 1. . I 1. . I rece 'r The 'following now books have .k up. tb� unall IS going . T 11`11119'11nano . 0 record to AtIvOr$ had. left In Mr. Cfldh's desk. Iris . I I . J- V1, ARMSTRONG, , fficera lal statement, electi;'n of - pfic - beon o'eP _of th&L lf)�Z Council All Art rZabcd I I iliary will hold Its regular in Sp for 1033,.and general businer . ed oil the shelves of the pablio Llb. by keeping within'their ostirrimtet " x see *the if eetlng'at th - Office ----. _,; gs. rary, . "OUS8 was that he Was In need of morley" rried 11OM6 of Mrs, J. n, Whitely..Xolzon street, . ... . .. tairA, Bast Side Square'. -_-_--I- _"�=_ . I '. 1. L . . vame-up,_18 being ca 0 11 110S . , trying to materially redilee- our present in . the two t Some $90 was Invol %:d COUACII]or V 16t , at 2.30L I . P.O. Box 89 1 Goderlib, Ont, ' WANT �________�__ FXC770l't. . liability, Xt I and, Although only through," Said I I 11 pm I I , . 1� I I . . . (- f " _ . . . . I . I I L To BtM ED , L -_ 10 A true BAY1119. that nOL bee hCfts, And restitution "Members are being pasFog',L Humber, on Thursday d Janilar, .. . I I 0 . L I I . . * 11 business con stand stil n made, there were other thefts not . 11 tico in . " . 7-------- -------== "as 1119 Worshipla All arc, invit' . . L t �,�, �. .. .11.1 I _. ­ . I I I A1Nr%%D _­� Connor -The Arm of Gold ­ 1; It either has to . suggestions. UP to meet . L . ,,,, P* I . e. , , �'IIF . I . . . .1 � , . I. � il "Zecond-hxng desk Opperiholni­�r S. go ahead or fail behind, . tt Is.up to this Yet trued On October 21th aot $15 in the Mayor's inaugural address , Tha ,regular meeting of Victoria, Home � ��, � . , 11 I .1 . he '04rekoff L Jewell. . . LL .. . . I . , _____,_�, I - With filing c4binct Included, 'State BrIdg � . evells. , council to see that Coftleb, Moves for� American 'SlIver arid a $20 AL erican bilt, U cillor and fkllcul -014b - Will - be. Ildd L Thursda . . I M Es I gtloe. ,qply.gox ,a, Goop &--Peking plerile 1. BrOMI is given wonderful, prals . I'll - I . . .;r � .�Rlo . I L . ward. A corporation Is Ilk-' �. Is has not .as .Dfl)uty Reeve Mozer, who I orb -v, - evellfu5i January 20til, Ili tile kinder6ar.' . R- ­--__�-:�- ­� I . H STAR, Clivet-ThO'GOOd' Shepherd �, anybaineso, I beestolon from the store, I .1 . L We and Insurance . ­.� ­­;�� ­7____­�_�� traced, although the P twerlty, Y00 fifty times LIS Muc I ten, ten room of the school, Tile Spoalmr will , , I . I . � DOugI"-.V,org1vg X78 Our Trespasses LL I e , . __� . _)14� rented and. rents Von SALE OR TO P . Richmand-Zacholor,s . I (continued Oil vag'e` � t ' . .. . . I % .10 n3t Mentioned at 411, Worlr� be Mr. 11, it, Long. . . . I . Properties CENT lue. ' , . I I 11 . . ­ collected..'. " Ile .1 urg'. � Ifial . � -- Xdi!rlf�-Tree Haven Bounty. . .. - . . I . . I can See 1112 J I . . . I I ... ". ­Vlrei AUtOMob b Fol - rage, bell . I . I . through It all,*, � . . � . -VrIc-a ob re . . . . . . I I I �­---­� I . . .- unlor Mile Spealtfl)s goiito'st4 . L' . 'IarY,A0cIdorL0 And��sfp.kftosq'-'Insur- WUXI * Mao.:- *0113fir,-The. Gold Comfit Box ' I . I . Mayor Lee said', htk 81:1004 out 0oun- , held in the . .*VELY, a t to SS � 111T — Of G, C. I. sttidout3 will be .. ance. Zook-keephig 4&' A . hat. , beOPIng-Shilth . I . NU villor Bro ASCerably HaII'tOmQrrON%r (Friday) even- .. . , I . I . I I I Udit. . L I 11 %. . .. . UH WULING IN '' " . t,wil. b0cOUS0 of hIs being Chair- Ing, begfrinin . - . I F. W-0( FORSATA.---A buffal . Bentley-filberhante, I 11 CLINTON A Mon of . A 0 far I � SAILOJRS L , 'a relief 0111mItted-and the Im- lect 5 Pit 0 o'clock, A. silver Col. � . a good Wodehouso_,_�not Water . Ion Wilk ve taken to ho . L)14LCOA413 ondltlOn, large size. nq to at 0.1a8gow-The Sheltered ','Ife I Ill'ilf"O aln011nt Of %Vork the position In_ , L 1p purcliaso � t . I 1. P110k1l'I 296 ­ . . . L - � Noiyed. 1119 Worship said 110 had pralsed zes- for the coritCotanta. . . .1 I . LT STAR , -or - " 1'�" prj . . 11, I I . � 1319gers I I I I I L � a I . I � . 11-041 ON 8VIWWr . = 4 L COp OVER 4 VIC TOJR�<o ful 1100yo Mager on Various Ocert. relief tulitt tile sun. - . , ; . . . �4______ 1 1 -­T11P X,oper of the x6ya " � . . L' TIME, , Xu ,,lid of tile civic . I ..w, . . 1� .. LL I I - _--------_ Roberts-41)eaki; Against U,S . 'is ­_ slous ar I St.. U . . I I ..� . I —, I ' R '-,L rouge 'On PletOft stre6t. . I ._ .. . 0.0, I . . I FOR' Walla k' per" MCD . I ----' " Ali co I �d Ill his Inaugural had,compli. day 'Cho I I corac"a church Jq ar� - ), L . � I I I ___�_ __ ,sr.'e rlvenlenOes, hardwood 110arg, ce--The -Steward . .L I -V Onald becides -tho defenec. Xj Was a 12 mc-Mcd all Inombera on their fine r,orIj.,, ranging for a band Concert to be given , ,� L ) L Tft.R,0. P. CAR'' . . . . 0 'to shOt' Mactwan, - 0011111-111or number a3 . . . .",I, �� �' I ,� _ F . .. L . . P Y V� H. MARTXX� WoIIS­nFullerls Earth . l"Xu WM Sparkling L Clinton rtar, evened the ,Count five min. tbe yea, min Called for, In the part -1h hall oil Monday 'Overlina I I � I I . Jy L ­.. , U111 -The P0011'Of Blue Cold' L Wes ,before tile period C108c?d; �' and Slays on tile motion adopt. January 23rd. A v L j L - * . . 11 Co.� FARM ,FOR S . . ari,.,d program wII1L tg . %.,, ". , 'T. i. ,; � � . . ALEi.-Porti acres, more Xyllt-Tvvo Rake a World I . . .. . . . . . Prom Ing the roport of tile attildna com given, Ineludinz Vocal rolog, rceltationa, I , I . . 1, L . I . �Or loss the property of the late YOU139--Je4hy' Wren I 1. I .1 I LL . . . then -until one 1111111101 before the t'103P, The result.%raq th., it I 0 S b v MIttee. etc. Tito admic$ion �,Vlll be 2Uc. � . e FIRE. AlIC100T.lod MOTOR CAR ir. W. 0, Roitel, aftuat ETY'A0 -after almost three overtime I I an a a 0 0 ird. I . . , , South AfSO4,6 on' the 1; ed at the end of Massey -The otim, in the ' ININ Periods had, ej. ­ reec . I . I 13oule I . NUTES OF hOCKE Xn Played, At W30 a ding-dona battle, Laftnt. 112tion, Just received, availivile, � _" _411111 �Avlll R. " OutkOtn boundary . 1�ard . . I Y be .*1 : I - '11 the town. of good clay loa Raspail, . I . 1. Appetnimoi.. JO 4C'cnImittCoS lat DuWopls J)rug 8tare brmll2h of tho , I '. ��` ""' -ft""""'"k"Li, �ftgibl,. Ob"iji - ftoil$e atjT�.b`4fft ,,&I L' I M. large Warldn6ton-W . . with 73UI Drew's boys always In . the tray, � Phoiw 236, , gm hen-hou8c; arts # Ve phed; workshop; Wren mAtOh Mally , Slush-v-� IC6- 'Made tho_(Z - and -Until M004nald broke- tire goperisa . . - I I Ne.LSON 11ILL., M� - Man well (IM feet), the ,,,,,-V.aMnt Dust' L , .6ing It WAS anybody's gal)lc. ,Xbo CIIC_ h A " M&t' 'an wa,q unullioloWly adopted I Wcfld-"Ii Holmes" Lending Library: t -Tho . . . . ­ I I Ang6r b of *ater, Lord f -Mystorfou,% Wo 0 HeAVY-­Stoddart 'klu&, X-Aff tho fir8t and third Vrjdays,of each, Surprising hlarrlag4 .... .. Tile Collimbirlo . I .1 . . I . . . ­ ,� rdeal be tion, rUlt trees Y . . Stands Was close Arid hard. No quarter waa Cabin Alurdera,­ -nefort, the ract'., . 1, "I I � 11, , I . close to ,schools aria WIIIPPIO�Orcenbanka I , mouth' '"cePtinG July arid Augu�t, ag L I I ---------- t ry further PArticidar$ apply . out asked' and 110ne Given, IMere are 2�1, regular Meeting rllgilt3. D111,11 I "The Broken Men#" 111aho!a", oaad,4� , 11 �� I �­ ,- ­ � 0 OX011114132--Oplendor Of the I)awn August cou, , 111 July and ClearinC 113usq.,, �nd other - bo�= ,by, . . - __ Orr th C4 or to *43EMY OrL Mfirl PollaltICS, About ovenly divhled, and at 1�11 %vill rne,_t ,fj 1. " - . . ! �--,�-��­t�� . Oxerill4in-Thc Ma,4tet'g PbldOft Years riTall from their 54 Victory over Mit. ofle, titage Referee Norlont had road th-a Friday only. n the firat ,*, . --t--_�- �­ . . 1 XON-VICTION lbon autli�rs. ?1hilmum tharge, 10 Cents, I . ,-- � I -11. LL rJOt -act, 45 11110.10 %vero'bviii Th __1___10_______ I -­ L .�. 1. _. "boll On home Ice GOderich O. Ir. A. In. I appointments Were , I . , L I i' Ctarried )11811 ? folt6wing - . I I . . I I We CRAIGIE I Morton­xn ZeAroh...!# W -ales . ermedlatoo ttopped Into ClItiton. on and %ttt-enda were p.,e�,Itlfrul. Ito b -d 'Wde. . DIED % .(10 � * . . Auling-kilgaIVI " -I... Tuesday night and returned at, a I fouir Players Ili tile bolt at one time. " I . I . I I I ate -UOARI) OF IMALTH­A. 1). ItcLean I JOHNSTON.-At. 10 Zon-The Glory Of Scotland hour with muell covet Vie ice tvad 1), Marwick, Dr. W, V, Gal,,Ov�, . I oderich. Twil., on' ' InsuranteandRealSitate. 0. ", kumeen victory under ed 2-1 ovortiale la� to in terrIblo tDildfflon, O',01- 'A Friday. January ath. IG33, UOIII.rb Johno I . . I JtWEIILL ? DAVIOC--The Charm of OttaVva their llelt,q, afte thO Mild npoll, 4rd Puck -carrying 'COLLVOIATV 1xZ,X-X,,r1U,,r,r,1 .atoll, In Ilia Gatti Year. X- AtOVINCIAT, . t - , minutes of aruelling hocke r nfilety WAS diffitult arid pa�31ng almost ilnpj�>. 3DGARD�-_ UVW00 . . I Ito. Tile , IAZ BONDS, � It Covered tile gurItite , ' 031, I 00MR10 W nalliburtib-The lnyibg Carpe yon soft, Illually 41ble. GIU's Rcv. J, V. Vord. jillree yra . I . . .*I � .1 T14V SMALL $1 Oft L 1tilight-ThO fbiludirig of Churchill vietory was *011-04MOd And . w, 103S.34-1 IN 2M81101trAst � . , wera 'if4r "la STOCK . Durain tho meaning Of Lift) May U0 4 10119 WAy toward deeldhig Croup UCAIS Wero Alt Good � Plt,J1t,AD0._Ja loving =1110M of c I - - . "'Ert"Y '130,41ZM-11. a, Long. 0033' de I . . ! ; I . pringle-VU41101ttO Ili Canada; . bollorm $ti waa a great game to win and 34 3.5t. IH.a� %),111,cr 'and boloved wife Oi, ,03 at 11 � rltb d) 4 4101 .. 11. � I I I . I . a tough Ono to IM Clinton took tile TeamlhC with -U- 1VOO115 On the sailor IIOU-9190 COU I 'he Va_­ed away on�F V,�-Jjr tV' ' 4 - Veris0n-As We APO A��­�_­ -- ­ ' . . Willil. . � 'UrOSIOZ-Dt., A. it, ago, 3anuary 14, 1%2. � .4 � 01ult fiGhtift 6 per4tely to the la�q. defence Was Bob Gtoddart, tile boa man Macklin (1033-34). . ., ­ _. . -Tile Afatadam Trail I on the Lee. Ito playett nfnet�l InutI05 At=ANDIZA 110P,PrTAL ,0 tborl tot Ill peacel Af __ ­ ____ " .. Gufllrle�-,Vow Zealand Memories 8pe-Itittart, worked Just about as hard, t,oAt,, _ Thy Coma and nuirerinq ol�or; . . 7 1 L I . I..,- 0_ "' did.the iplayolro. co V6 in . ftO­tV0*mftn1S Bible ,4t up was tbo " t1tilout relf0f, a "64bug man" act In Mayor 0, 0. Ue,(1033). And thou art 1=0 from troublc,5 now, ­ . r I Btlellan--sir WAItc-r 'Stott t0r;UG& and ontIlMlasnT, I", tho hcaysr gohlC. lie handed out fair WLW14'22 H0AJU)_COWltIII.9r5 BrMll, , T117 CaVO GA varttra no more. - . :" DMI and Truw;er. I Tb 413rd to lay thy doir. dc,ar form, I . " son Life houra 18 I, of 880890 Salwey—llow to draw in r,en and Ink 'L "ItrAn, 06ft 'Comebuk" . but Staddart liad a ,clear, V,, WN � 41 , 115 did -bb Partilor, . 11 __ I __ __ I Will ma W11110 Womb h* . rialt,V shcCt, ACSVC�10V, 4%1) Cot= JA temalued 10T dia rejuvo . , OTOV W10ft M1 cold, cold clay: - stamp -M, o V"U11101al Afttrulan, of tile tcd "Okip- ,_4. 11, Our tic3rts 11ro c3d rind tiza with V31n; � . I I I . "_11� �_ War n � . I , 141- &Ror-Joy-madca 119Nday . txt" AVV0laaIdJ,- Aft�t % two-year lay.161r, th6 liould .8bar04 10UP- '%O:L5Yf' a1:0 did ObtrtZA. -, I 01neo mulicr il=cd -away. I I SYMMATIC SAVINC, I of the mobing, mowd a 19ttegA116 ,311, 1pord'o go The IIIIA Iff roll of 6fartlinatt* Who ,.ha L to cc4rc thO Willift dollar Winning gogll. ROM and %els dangerow, at all tIM0.9 Counelilor IJU L rvko Wo clillavoll anti *us* ffload-3 Aro, cad, � is that lar*e � ve Rvtd afmicialy. 'NIor L aJhoa_Mr`th01lA�-En9I,AnQ, th--:, tJbkr,,3tW L 110 ' 'J"IlCd a 2 000 kif&WAtt 161&4 Plick Tho foriWard Ilao %vjl�le, ' Our Itoarn with grief aro brakon; . L'..", .. I U10 �11 ttar albor paid tf�buto to alo Ow Ohl %va think X1 wrong to WC.0% . I- It are *&fly who )iav,b bftn i nt orshifttegs dople.� In , Mar10- -Of U0514 -A Prlatc" in r,xg(, I I � t"10 Made UP Of eXtrAVaga M� Tovyforil 'IfOlA VIC blue 11130 WItil AtUrney. Mo,ep.,ay and 11CM11, ted WaS valuablo tervlca which XZ07. J. R, r0i'd %%lon thou- an tale' In llwaow . '"llr* "I a#1V 111011AY M dra* %Aide, th# 0"ttltirL, of tinle to� so mld.,,buit ,)On had give I . 'What "fe 11*1d in XtOte :fbr tbeni. old gge abd :VeAra e . 1111,q. Itats Vk;(,At dnto tho wr $04 and turlic-d in '0'10 grand Carlo, A!) did tj� tl1c, Z To mc-ol, dca W40M.2, 90,10 before, . : Difflizet-WIl3t wa tive, sy. 318ti a oil in WMI sly our llcazt.q 011111 SW611., ndu8ti"OVA &nd thift too. 'heir �nly nteson-vor sinilcm ,Only overti"10 Play to go. mderlell law 11e,14 to, ft".470. V11 P,Obin,-Oft tok 141 Vaeo yCars, olla in View of tho "ounCINT roques racol, dca . I ?1 0'e i3ne Minute of th* t1if?t7.WlUu`W W" Inl=4 ill tile fi?tt fralno Land .1 ,011 ilia V011041alo ba d, but Zat IvWn wo almlt in t1lat blxe" 1311d. * ... will c6llle- '111 0arly year -,3 plgn to IaV . 11 `� � �__ - I Allf-,lon. rt.1 hat, ada 1110 contleal.1il W43 j�ttlnar � by ,of dependence _� mmat!5 eing Cut lustily. Ito satDc-rL-e lwood, ba"ata f3r a dow Nor Dirto to t3y farawcslf. %8tlrA4C* VUr"A, This Will jhgu;� to regularly X Atfinite aunt for NO* SrOX80 X&I binken and aNapp, rlalft%a Ana nwora r0VL%"o41 02 doelioing y"V#, I r YOU , .L "10 Or s(I'lloot ,T,, VV" j "Hap" toa,�Ixra, rvar= mr. Pord n, Ight r, Cadly ml�-I^A by kl,asty W-Wtobvx. MMMY W02kc;1 11ko a trojan Cara to ac.& on ot J ti! ��46ct In your I 71!wUng cu Ithd wmst Pleated rglan in '0 �C'01124 of 1113 long "U38 -AND and rAMMIr, I . I tho alloyo, dMews Of tllflLt�yi�'r'lffo 01 an C'_ tha tin all tho way. t3w0a but 0210 $'02, Ila 'CL41!11n, a�_-O. 12�993t& ctat,,% Ll JZ6$ llvft�l3red' C)r auffi., �', Clao�,kcd ln�c 1.10 th V,�, 't an(a " I 4?ffite 113 .1 C?f,*6;J bjr tjZo 't, lia3l, tj,ld r tho f%4ett tf ­--antip. L ftme$ . _ , .eW _tS of b luath bi*-Clarving. 'CoMbInattoa was , C,::,J t a A 5u0lit MZ V,W'd 64,11,11d L -o 4V %RD or "At4g% I --1.1_--_-_.0_ J� ,3y6V, Cut, 40f t1lo QU,-61101�, � --- -, A, ;;4�1 . move I I I I I I I I ?olulln' *"* ' ' or 4 �, 'Was ' ' V_ ,_V , .5 in '1932 � 4 , that I I . ,and , 11 I I ' �' 20'., , �rd IV44 o and pavv I I 1:`1- NV s 'I I IL�l I I I . 0 1 1 CO In ci Th d - olle 4 I ., : I ; I � , 1, I I � i 1i � 1 46 'd 'SW5! . C=1 11�� a ravp& ft a , . t , -1 LR- LONG, Distri C'Mrslato tm_,nt f)��' -oh mg ,�a f&A-1de%ce 64t t CC, L- To [,,,mug am;r , _ I 1. let AV �111 me foolfilm Ithe i9rit.0cr-m Is g� y atca f6 '1110 thimly, (; nt Or . ,,.,� I ft)!� tot# &bw, .%,�, soon �4010111 I'll , ___.....- ,0. 110%,N,ug ts n,- 611, 25"4A ftanls moxa, "Aftvft wob nav ,V �� 341d 2)""no erarl'ca Oremaly rapo MP3 rMa"13 < t # __ - - N . . - , _; 4 X�Iltloiilng thw birt- LLL 11 Ut(� Atlate"IL, Aser all 41.0 fizr2v VN�I�J, m . t! I - ­.- -a"- dli= .ft a tlze &'L'061 8C2 '0 ai)oolnft�i.,Lcgj� ag �jg, razj, jg,=V0 thDDX,PfAn3a (f? t.�11 'no .1. , . . .7. W^_W-10 I "d ft 81IM00 ccaztgr- r3% Val% fina T%'Ou4Z lm�l a r)ZI - I W� - �v � 04�flw ­ -,- - g &rt fe? G, r . f4 ill , ,dc,�,Cjl C . ­ I 4,JD*tvZ_,4, ji is X@1W ft, % 'n _��";�� ,.7 lZe CWca t6 _28a aftcr 1,-,-:V,'7 I iL,=u vaML", ("211�X,�A2 t'.) fhtm L11 f��­�, , xn(t I .4 1- a6JD,W,C,Iy1C, �%, �,-t, . ferv� nkml ana c%c�,, fr'G.-d Cie C 6 �� -; "' - �� -- - vt . L �- - 3WA-4c4W, V IZZ-1 ,-, ,-n 0_�-_-.i t � t11:t1.1% k I , i I il� JCeratinaed (3n f�,So 3) , ,--"- - - -_ 1:,t, "vL") 1�3,�,,�J 1'.. . I . I .. �r_,Viwual cu pa- ttlz I C��, A2,d %0�4t who I I I 1) � - '��-,,� . a " 0) ct-It 2=31 fNi.b4!-_4, ". I I 1� � # � I '. . . I i I . � %