The Goderich Star, 1932-12-22, Page 7liRV, Una, 1932
Splendid reports et the year's work of
300W church. auxiliary W. M. S. were
presented. on Tues.. Dec. 13, when
mai Meeting was held. Tile total mem-
bershiP waa 64. An increase et six over last
year and the meetings throughout the
year under the leadership ot Mrs. R. J.
- Walter have been bright and interestIng.
Bele& Of elothing were seat to the Untie
school and to Fence Coupe by the sup»
ply committee, under the eauveubralop
lZ Mrs. Murdeck Macdonald. Mrs, Stirl-
ing.MePhail reported sixty-one subst;rip-
lions tiO "Glad Tichnge"
Between 70 and 75 home helpers. con-
tributed. 45440. The efftelent secretalY,
Mrs. Thomas Oundry, in giving this ,re -
Port, anneunced that We amount would
be increased. ,),Ess Porter, life Member,.
MembershiPsi had 'been presented. „A. box
ship seeretarY, repotted that two life
Of books bad boa ehIPPel toPauze'
CaUpe t Ms Hasel Mazdeaelet end stye '
ersil eops of the Study Reek wart hold, 9
Was tbe repart given by the literature
and library eeeretary, Mrs. Austen..
Thirty -*tea: bad beet) made by Mrs.
a It 131 welzome and weitare
retarYt4 the. 131t cr slout-ins and te
Strangers. •
Mrs. P. J. Lene brought in tree rePort
of the ntaninatheWetalinentee and eider
neargatully dedicated the eerwho
liortoraty tires.. Mrs. George MoDen-
aka airs. ft O. lielleresid; pzeS,, Mrs.
Riehard 'Walter; v1ce-pv:16 airs. P..
Lane, Mrs. IL 0. Diann. Mr* la R. Red -
date Mrs. Wardlair-Tallew; see, Mrs.
Sterling atcPballt and. Me Mao A. Me -
DOW; trees., Mrs, Albert Taylor; key
Woman tor budget, Was Porter library
and literature: Urs. ?Alden; Vle mem-
berdlipp. Mrs. 47, H. Barnet:, Wine help -
Mrs. Thos. Gundry. Mrs. Quest*,
• with Fisher NO.E)RAF'r
V entilostiogi Syit,emi
For Months, Chevitelet and General lVfotors asked auto-
mobile owners—"Wiiat do yen want in your next carr
For months, our engineers planned, improved and tested
—with the results of this Canadaewide survey to guide
them. Tomorrow, we inriate Von to get full detaas
the new 1933 Chevrolet gis—bfacie to Order for Cana- •
diens —styled, powered alld raiccti to be first Choice
=long love-prieed cars!
Its the most exciting 'Tut in Chevrolet history—with
the most revolutionary development since the closed
body Fisher NO -DRAFT Ventilation, individually
New "Air-Streainn Stylhts . Anti -Splash Peniers
. . . Larger, Lower Fisher Bait; . . More Horsepower
. . . Cushion -Balanced 4-cy,linder Engine . . . Shatter-
proof Windshield . &kid Second ,Syncro-Mesh . .
"Starterator" Simplified Starting . . 14,Tiw
-OetancSekelor. EvenGreater Economy.
•.-0114 :DISPLAY so:4;44,i_
GEOkGF G.. MiCEIVAITffeitch, Ont.
L M. McKENZIE, Dungannon, Ont.
ears. Nairn, Mts. Eandersen, Mr& SeardY.
Mrs. Oliver 'Clerk; supply. 11.91. Mordezk
aillaeneld, Miss (faders, Um XCIOAU,
MgQuin: Olati Tidinqk MOlieer
Clark: wet:Mae and wellase. 41r4,
lIerelel; eezial coolant -
tee, Mr& C. A. Nairn, Mrs. eaateld, Mts.
M. j. H. Meltsee Mrs, J. M.
MI, Mrs. J. E, Wtt1y. Mrs, A, O. NW -
Fenian lira CO* UM
Houle, Mts. Weir, Mri, McNally, Mrs,
J. W. Freeer; prover% Mrs. Walleze
Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs. Wartilawe
TaYlor, Um, A. Herten, Mies Ferguson,
Mre. Barnett, Urs. Gundry, Mae. Mee
Phan. Miss A. SC:Donald; pm& Mrs. Jas.
Bisset: pienlet, Mrs. Gordon Bisset; Mise
son Band president, Mies A, McDonald.
Letters or sympathy were ,sent to Mize
Gerdes% and airs. Alex. $tIi. The loos
the eeelety bed raleteined in tbe death ot
tha benorery president, Was Margaret
Fraser, was recorded,
, "Saved My Life* iltit.:rect Upan his mission sla a preaeher
Ibti; Intt in the eeheel ot OW, When he
liro.Youoter fxplaiso Why She Solt 't vetE'Y 7:4,3T4r2,,e w" "u13" -e Imi
Gyidiy kocomininas or.witiwi. ing, MN:adoubt 111s6-9r7j()paCt delitvreerY 41:04:st;
Koh Pilio for Roo.Dowe Wont.* itother that eli()'hae. :1%74-ware:tin thtir
1 judesaz vei04114 cut Qt the wilderness c!f
4 haa Weak:a Werda it waa warth
• .1while to beer, elle Alin seealled Isaiah
Their Price •
Plak Pills Prawn (,Ariel as Pharleee ana sSadduCee, Scribealid
tierenilitia.")°Pimtaiglishtte hnettohhiSat ivy'ruirdIsle.teligrilelliaittetiVIZItleletrUtiglte
to be et eUcli greet i soldier, priest and eltralican, 031 thronge4
W t Ili= „a- thy his expressions and, 11,13h. by his lite.
1 Worth
To* Tin**
2,./Nraineud than inteusely•praetteal, painfully heart -
feel it my duty to eels ever the eemee MS teaeliing was
to °Ye* tt°14°.19°` aearchina, fearlasele dot/Aright They
Woman. I aro quite sure Ulat et QUe talie listened with •rieeusing eonselences and
the pille eaved, My lite," Writes Mr& 0. atriekell hearte: and aince he heel ellesen
•Younger, Medicine Hat, Albert*. "Dr. baptism as his eeneete of their penitence
=tow eta r Ms 'helped me keep the and purineetion, "they were bapttsed ot
•health that % 119W elliel and Made me syehiniultzhosJ:rdwah% colorroin4t sohmitheirt to bb
gleoeull4throtlifbeibOW:htth flionts itiblnet:11: baptisin were yet "waling for a season
YFIELD °'Irche:ffeftivttsbes otwria"Wt illtlibet rosin:: Pink ,.robn did net stop ivith the Preavhing
to reJeke in his light,"
is et* to their rebuilding e)araeter.,of repentance and baptism, he had an
'1nte/4a to last Week) ' The ereate int abundant stilaffir Of redlother and Stranger Messege to dellver :
Dr. Renton &Way 13 in Toronto this wed, eelle,,ana these Xeaeh. and reetere for Mellott he weldit clean1 tna eathority.
WO* ale: beelbaat . exhaueted- nerseS .and run-down tissaes. Ke was but the forerunner of another.
' Willlata 'Nerd% of LOndon, violtett Mr. 4. new vigor reSUlts, and Me takes Ma a Neither did he claim any value for his,
rind letria la. W, )alliett here tin. Mandril. different MOM*. Give Pr. Wi11iaM3' baptism except as an initiation luta the
mes. Robert Fulton and son, of owe, Palle Pilla a fair trial., M your, dreg- kingdom that was at halide,
suk„ ore visninw ber sister, mrs. Percy lest% 900 a package. Re Was "a voice in the Wildernees" and
nothieg move; but sifter Ithn—and this
We.stoin here, at prefeent. •
- Was the annoulaceinelit that stirred most
Mr. and Moe Alex. Sparks and Ms. yoking dish tvith 1,19, 140110! water in privierzuny tbo hearts of men„atter him
WvmeattebteaLQ,runde°11404"lettinggn forltenhatas lu,wetet 4,15ottomIltotclitest p‘anoiatIlealtoeutiftita :vloenw
tore binl—one shoe's latchet he
eavoect11,1% WAS tinning One who wee preferred be.
bytleryet latmee' ting1";inGar-SmOndle attenvilidede It/Prenite4d- ma°33 deealirenoirrge a 5P"111111. (If InelIngue ev(1:41uadlinb:p°tIzrtheY. itot4t evituah 1°w(Iirer, rut wwihtho
•elarreh On TuelataY of this week, I 1 egg white, stillir beaten• the Holy Ghost • The hour for the bud-
• Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weston spent tbe, 1. „ _ , _. den coming of their longepromised long
past WO Weekss visiting friends in Kit- 1 SPrmitle meringue wAth eeenunt *nu expected Meseleh ,WaS at hand.
'elleter.• • I return oranges to oven to brown. Serve
•• To this maaching, to this baPtisan.
Vir. Lauder Beeman of Windsor, le / hnt or .e°1(/' A hia"liniiii°w In* blcame jeeus from Galilee, John was 1113
visit his Oster, Atrs la wW I nu:rdo
inne.to1). eaCh °ran" in pia99 9 kinsmen by birth, but the ehriuMstances
....1.........k... of their life had entirely separated them.
Mrs l,lllen
sareonns,rtasee is visiting her niece, There was however, 4 something in the
..a Wise, on tale 1601 eon. ootterien Cumberland Sauce for Duck'
personality of the one who now presented.
(Serves 4-6) himself for baptism, that eitireed Jelin to
Township, near Clinton, at present. . - cup oran_ge J .
A,4 uice bow at his fret as it Were,' and 'forbid the
ItiThcltue9tAo.nYor.,, Pv.t,l,it ottuBe actrealogeld,eVuatirea hanel le oc:pppolewmdoenretdeiseuegar _ purpote of Jesus as we read, in Matthew
3:14, lie W110 had received the &Wes-
reeently end was 'visited by the Blyth 2 tablespoons currant Jelly
and Clinton branches. The president, Grated rind 1 orange stens ot others, now reverently and
htunbly makes . his QW11. "I need to be
Carl Diehl, called the meeting to order. baptized of thee. and comest thoa to
A di'letien on" a Inel4 A- 1.• P• A• ser- . 1 ?arbalteedepererInncterietleemd lemon
viee and also a deanery rally took place, Mix ingredients; beat thoroughly ; heat
Jeoue esco
In wheal the rural dean, F. H. Paull, and serve • . So dended intthe waters of
Jordan and there the sign was gieen that
Urged the forming of a deanery AN.P. •
• this was Indeed, "Be that piloted eome."
council. ' Rev. It. MoGoitn offered the ,.....-------,---...-..-.
•Throw OFF That
Some Men and "Mitten fight colds all winter long. Others
enjoy the protection of Aspirin. A tablet in time, and
the first symptoms of 6, cold get no further. If a cold has
taught you unaware, keep on, with Aspirin until the told
is gone. Aspirin can't harm you. It does not depress the
heart. If your throat is sore, dissolve several tablets in
water and gargle. on will get instant re1ef. There's
danger in a cold that hangs Non for days. To sow nothing
ot the par and discomfort Aspirin might have roared
yout All' druggists; with proven directions for colds,
headed" neuralgia, neuritis, rheumatism.
110.0.0k,MAVOS Vice. Of ou9vana
use of St Pattre -therein Clinton, for the
deanery serviee. The local A Y., P. At
•service at which the officela will be in-
stalled wM , be held •in Trinity, oluirch
rreeeniber Oth. Leslie ; Elliott and 'Alvin
Elliott, delegates to the Conference at
Conference The Blyth Soelety took
olearge. Ot the 'education period. • Mils
Margaret goleineme told ot the We of
the late 'John McOme . and recited his
f2Mous 'Mem, "In Flanders Fields." • Rev.
M. Poeock gave a talk on Remembrance,
Day .and brought back some of the mem-
ories of that day fourteen years ago and
all. 'that *it 'meant to the world.. The
Clintoneeranch took the social period and
ander the "leadership of Miss Guthman
several interesting contests were 'Wen'
•following which refreshments were Eery.
ed. The meeting closed with the a-
From the' cloven beavtin Streamed the
Sunday Afternoon ,
ait of ed ie a dovelike Inalance that
. . evamea to hover over his bead and. de
By ISASEL HAVitliON. goderith oat, mend upon him, 'Then there came a
voice front heaven, eayintie "Thou art my
beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased,"
Goa wM not change!' The restless years WORLD MISSIONS .
gainilton. gave interesting reports of the .
Sunlight and shade—the gloriesof the
Dr. A. J. Hunter Writes from Tanen,
spring, . •• e Mahe Another school year is over . and
• '
Toh; rniellxenedt gwl..othontgGiriefue-enselessarpwintriteorrrishl)wuritsh;
their homes, 1,9ife 'hare a few still with as
most of the pupils .have gone back to
. fragrantfiwers- . . who have no homes to go to, the one Or
Earth:lights may shine .a while and then the other parent dead and so the home
. • grow .dim, - . - _ . broken up :Some of these resell* we
But Ood is true! There le no change have had tor 'a number of years; but the
-Him • - ..• . ......... - ,.'., : • ' older members are „gradually' finding
;Rest. In the Lord 10 clay and all thy days, places in the World's work, • .
Let Lets unerring hand direct thy ways . It is more than a ,quarter of a century
Through the uncertainty, and hone, and now since WO began taking, in children
' fear . ' • • . in the hospital and aimarleg theni to at-
. .__ Teat meet thee on the threshold of .the tenclesohoole Our Boys' game has reach-
eiewerr enleya.ble-everarig witS4aDenv in . year; , ' ., ., . . ed its' majority. With, the; Girls' Home a
the. basement Of St Andrews '; 1:Anted And find while all life's changing scenes iew .years behind it. Every •little while
climate •BayileId, Nov. 20111, when those pass by • . - • we hear a of some of our old aigs end
Thy refuge in the love that cannot die, girls, nearly *15 of them' doing well. One
"Edith Hickman Diva% of ourold boys is now a Dectot of Laws
, • altayen. and here must be nearly a dozen Doetors
•" . f Medicine already arrived Or prospeet
. At this the beginning of a netv year of 0,. .;
study we humbly crave •Thy ..
gui,18,tme ive.,.,The girls reMaining. at the Rome fcir '
the summer had a few days in camp with'
One We may see In Jesus, the Saviour of
the worldour personal the .0,(11.T. at the beach which they
, . Sa lo v ur. Ia His
Mune we pray Ailleg. , enjoyed very .much. ;They have also in -
gaged in alarming enterprise. 'They „are
uzsen . ,ropic—john prepares The .wae, raising. a few chickens, the proceeds W-
S. S.•
FOR JAN. 1st,•
1333 '
' tended to go to the purelmse of skating-
Le,- son Passage --Mark 11-11For Jesus.' . ,e,
• rink tickets next winter. Naturally the
e. ,
• Bread Upoa the Waters
present partook Of a, very bountiful
:spread prepared by the ladles of the con-
gregation. There was everything to tie.
light the palate, even to gaggle, Which
was epealialy for those of Inore. pronoun-
ced Scottish tastes. Vie toast listevaa
eaceented -after supper, Mr. Gale, the
minister acting ea toast ineetee. •edir. A.
E. Erw4i responded to the toast to the
g,. After the National Anthem had
been sung; Mr, E. F. Merrier, "Our Cohn-
try;"'evir. Colin Campbell, "'Pm Church:"
Ur. James Sterling, "The Ladies;" Mr.
.Don Meltenzie, "Scotland." The and-
ierme Joined in singing • patriotio and
ether ntunbers between' the toa.sts. • A
Stotch aprogram •followed. wit Erwin
•feang, "Annie Laurie:" quartette by Ides-
srs. Rhen, Gale, Engin and Sterling, "Ye
Banks and Braes," "Oh where tell me
1 where is yotir Bonnie lAddle gone:"
I Mrs. It Scotchmer and liar. Gale sang,
' aleruithig Tower" and "lViatrinionial
"Sweets:" Mr. letten rang, "Lasele GM -Me"
and "Early in the morning." Ur. Jas.
Sterling appeared with klits, lull eve- testimony of the early chinch Idarle was
tameand sang, "1 Love a Lassie" and the Interpreter Of Peter, and wrote &ran
'The Reason •Why I Wear the Kilts,"
Mr. °ale played a feet Stotels numbers
on the violin. These numbers .were in-
• terspereed with short addresses and hum-
orous etorlee from Mr, Edwards, ,Mr.
Cameron and Lgaris Thomson. . Miss beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ,
Otago Gale aeted as accompanist the Son of God" The Encyclopaedia of
throughout the proemial. The evaare Religious Knowledge says of this Gospel:
closed with singing "Auld Lang Syne," 1—"/1 brings out the divine glory of the
and beeedietion by the minister. , !person of Christ, ite divine individuality
• "There vassed' away on Sunday evening and sublimity' with which Iris incornpae-
• another of our most esteemect residents, able and superhumati deeds impressed
in the person of letyra Galusba Ciairdneta an astordehed world. The discourses of
widow of .the late Rev. .1. Charles Gaird-, our Lord are not ignored, but it is the
ger. Deceased had been ailing for the i daily Weeds of healing and power which
past tWo years with diabetes and gra- a second Gospel eMPhasizest" .
'dually lailed tin the end came tieceas- In. verses 2-8 there is 'a description of
ed moved here with her late husband t1M man—John the Baptist—and
three Years ago train Rochester, U.S.A. Work `he was to do and the message he latter .many daYse•
the that old s-61pture text, for thieivncident was the confirrnedion f
as truly
little io
of her'husband and his two brothers and at a time describedesta "an age of transi-
now .1teree1t, in eeventeen months, item tion, et uncertainty, of doubt" At an
•the °airliner home. The funeral took ePech so troubled and so restless it might
plaza on Wednesday atternoma
eereiee almost seem excusable ter absenting one -
tit 2 o'olodk conducted by th6 Rev. F. H. self from the society of man, self-depen-
leaulL of the Angliean church. She was dense and subsistent° uPOn., the mere
(1. ill nw,
oxim to pu our
t.)04 V./14os f'6ra
Morrfarisimas dfl
Prosporous NOW)Oar
4,0 7,1100,1 ank
of ganatla
.1-10.••=90-440w...,,p44001.4 4**,4 isor4
chickens are well loolred after.
°eldest Text—Mark 1:13.• • The hospital has been quite busy tor
The lessons for the first six months of some time past We have one or two
the year are taken from the alospel writ- etar-boarders--elderly folks with incur -
ten by Markable trouble& (Inc dear old lady, a
surnamed• inMthesrposic,atollo bcohrurneh, in bed -ridden and very weak, but she keepe
Jew, Member of our local W.m.S., Is now quite
°0 mmJohn,epyo V iwletwhBarnabau mid Paul, about jp.kes and everyone cans her
bas, and he is veiled by Peter "hes sam" Then there is an eld Swedish Wan who
the year 45. • He was a cousin of Barna- the other patients laughing with her
(1 Peter 5:13), *Inch makes it probable Putters arognd a little when he is able
that he bad been instructed and brought Half a dozen little strangest have come
to,the faith by Peter, According to the th the hospital this month so far, and
there is always a variety of Injuries, poi -
need wounds and the general run of
hospital work. The eountry is looking
very line, crone toming on nieely, gar-
dens flourishing. In fact, ite looke as If
there wouldbe lots ,;if everything this
winter extept money.
For the comfort of those who think
that our bread on the waters will Inver
return again, I have a Wiry to tell,
About twenty-eight years ago a little
French baby arrived 115 our hospital, r
remembered the cas'e, but had. quite for-
gotten that the baby had neVer been paid
for. These French -folks remelWered
however, and Just a few weeks ago' a
YoUriger Slater of that baby came to pay
the debt. What pleased us most 11. t
aecurately what he rememeered do that
it has been said the "Gospel was emir -
posed, Peter relating, and Mark writing."
the purpose of the Gospel ot Mak is
best expressed in its tirs words, "The
A -Very trange oceurrenc is the passing was to deliverBe came tete the world
By Betty Barclay
Dainty bites to serve with tea, coffee
or fruit punch—after Bridge, or when
laid beside her husband in the family ,necessitiea of life se.eined preferable to the Ladies' Aid meets at 'yew' home I
plot in Hayfield eemetery, 'the noise, the meanneee and the malig- Here are; two recipes that satisfy:
nity of men. This, however, was not
L. 0. L. NO. 24 held their regular meet- ,
uMiVe urging the yoUng Nazarite, 1 'cup sugar .
' Chocolate Macaroons
Ing on Monday evening, when election
of officers took place, the folloating ofil- J'uolirt 94-1nth the tenderness, It was the i, teaspoon mit
tens being elected tor 1933, namely! '`c°1*21.°1-15"ss 61 a Omi°113 17131111-4t 24 egg whites. stiffly beaten
was from the desirto fulfil a destiny M- ..
W. M., John Gestic; D. M., Walter West- , e .„,_,_ , A tan ccconut.,113outhem style
lake; rec.° sec., Malan Reard; fin. secY ., DP" eu l'uuruang noPes• "St. John W3/ 1g.6 tqUarets unsweetened chocolate.'
a eller w
hi the ilderness, Only that he
E. Featherston: chaplain, A. E Erwin; dw
treasurer, Harold Minton:, niarshall, Oeomight thereby become the prophet of the 2441Vatseptiocu vuluiiu,
Sturgeon; lett:twee, W. J. McLeod; dept. Bighest4" Ilis life there reflected itself!
letterer, wine= wool; Ise oone, was. in his after dealinge with Men. COrsibine sugar and mat. Fold gra-
manifeetation and &gong," tli) ha', dually into egg whites. Fetches coconut,
vita, "he vas like a burriing torch; Ids
11 hos 13°e° ch000late, and vanilla. Drop born tea -
4'. 211Itott; 2tid coin., Sobt, Orr; 3M come
Chat. Cleminhardt; 4th tem., Harold Mc- e epoon on gresteed baking sheet. Flake in
vead; eth ewe, Wm. orr,, The raembere Mihhe hi° .was 401te an earthquake—"Ao low oven (270 deg. ,F.) 20 minutes. Makes
*re *mulling •tor a metre and donee whole man wee a sermon; he might well 2 cipzen :1u/tearoom
call ,litinitelf a voice—the voice Of One
rome date between Ohrestirsits and New
'Tears. Full account later, ewraligotinthtelieutrvidld4rtineteur, in'ir iptisaretyt, jeouthrue
3 etiC°cpe :illateutderennetarm Jumbles;
in lonely places he continued with the 2 tca_vuong bakirks powder
One Of the commonest complaints of propbeta through their writings; arid while
. al te:6no
altinfante la Wornt, alo he nest efcatiVO he Mued he tre %reed and lut •1 cup sugar
application for hem flo Mather Orteee thngs not voU,tared o OdinriPwen—
Worm Illaterminahir, attained not in the schools of the Rah- 1 cup uctm, cream
z.t. clin coconut, preminIn shed
lain. ;lour once, measure, add baking
powder and Salt, and sift again. Add
sugar gradually to eggs, Add flour, olz
ternately With cream, mixing well. Add
coconut. Chill. Roll li inch thick on
SlightlY &aired board. Dredge with
sugar. Ca% with large round cutter.
Rake hi ket oven 0120 deg, v.) ta to 10.
Mr. Nail Crenferd, Ifartiiiten, Ona, :nfitele;- hahmitel. Mao 2 dl2en 21-.1 1013Jutil"
art ping ehrtottitzto,
•Hy Molly Bevan,
Little teent of Bethlehem, with its glorious stall'
Shrine of Eastern Wise Men ridine from afar; ..
Freely -given gifts 01 myreh,*.fraokincenie and gold;
So they kept a Christmas before the world was old..
.0reat halls decked with holly, torchee gleaming bright• , '
Wassail slowing freely, huge Yule logs alight, •
Sound Of harp and siOgleg, knights and ladles gay;
So they kept.their •Christrnas a thousand years away.
*Sweetly .thirtilag chureli bells, coachesin the now •
'swinging down trie Dover Road a hundred years ago;
, Song, and feast, and laughter. wanders home again;
;So they kept their (Iluestmas ere goed.Vietoriaer reign,
Age ce age has followed since the angel throng •
Brought the Joyful tidings in their heavenly 'song.
Cares and attire arid dolibting, wars And deathsand fears,
Have folloWedon raen's footsteps for nigh two thousand years.
Yet Wise Men Of the Orient, Kings'of Middle Age -5;• • , •
Common men .of every,day,.knaves, and priests, and gage&
• Still fend .an echo in their hearts of that nrst Christniee Day.
Ann keep the sacredfestival each in hie own.gOod wayl
ecticuprotgoutsperegivgatroguacetcouPticior waccovienorogrageocceiceigicoMia,
duck) into small pieces and nsarthate,in
Salad Marinade. eel oranges and cut
in small pieces. . Combine oranges and
meat an :Serve on erisp lettuce leaves
with French Dressing. •
• •• 8 oranBg•easked(8°:ensge8)Ma-rie
8 dates, stoned and chopped
1 tablespoon coconut ,
1 tablespoon raisins
• 1 tablespoon chopped walnut Meats
Cut off tops ot oranges. With a sharp
paring knife hollow out a small portion
cif each orange near. the top. Then work
the knife around to lift out piece of the
remaining pulp, until orange shell is
clean. Mix orange pulp with dates,
coconut, ralsine and nut meats. Return
to orange snob. Place oranges in a
Douglas' Egyptien Liniment is re-
niarkable in its quick, effective action.
Relieves instantly, burns, sprains, leoth-
aehe and neuralgia.
MrS. A.. Cloud says: "For yelirs I had.
a •bad stornath and gas. Was mavens,
• and could not sleep. Adlerika rid Inc
all stomach trouble and now 1sleep aria'
"Welfare is the eontrol over articles
of consemption, while wealth Is the do-
minion over mankind."
His Nerves Is Bad Condition
Headaches and Dizzy Spells
"My nerves were such bad modifier) / found it
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