The Goderich Star, 1932-12-22, Page 6WAGB SIX THE GOEIRICH STAR SASKATOON BUILOS A BRIDGE AS A RELIEF MEASURE • ARCIA, Althetiels. the mein Christmae ethezer Ill Irish tee* einntanen Althea. esetlent Vary. rots -ems vain esse- (l whole etevee gently reek enrarise reeiten ee thee this !id peekeeo nate Enttipe a4et14 aesseet elemer a! =nem will live a novelty •or 2 llanCit 161=031 . tr63. VolICW cae Or mare a the eueeessel cap hot prune Wee Mane given betow and tee, how please -111S to le eim brea'n 'sugar leer lanhly and etleete will be: • Se -cup manse Wee Have yaii made a beaday eUPple a 2 tableepeone lemon Juke e.entliee %arm and lernen nail Teal i 1e cUp elbee lige esiediee. pee Is on ineepensive cenfection I re cup medal raisins altela u'z's citrus frua rinds thet wouie !1-4 cup faired citron etbeinvise 1)e. di dad. It lo a clelbenre' Se eup ehreddea ahnende . ecsocsnpaselment for tea or similar cervere Soak pronee in er.ough water to i oovere et• Any time a thele yoer but It cape- Add einnarnen and cloves and ic& eelow- ' etally weed nem elan it may be Inca to ly in came water Until eat. Iterame /me. flavor to fruit Qatwe, plum pud- pits and step prunes. Measare 1 ello dines% Owl:trims eel:ea ond eczokies at prune alive, heat to bothrta. U auk, a trip of the candled pee/ Dissolve quichezettine gelatin in prtille tray be used 14deeerato Cluistutis Juice. Add sneer and orange and lemon Jam. Cbill unta mixture begina te ' thiellen, then add chOpped prance and remainine ineredients. Chill in pUddlne mould until firm. Serve with lee cream mane, liavored with, erated armee rind. Servee 0 to 10. eeektes. The tasselled peel is also a de- lightful additIon to Christmas elft atecee • aste basket% . Omelette Orange or Lemon Peel Remove peel from e orange, tor. 4 leme Ioneibeat:nacre. (The meet et the frult te, of t traree, used for fruit elen, salads, deeserts ante bevereees, watch Are espe- . 4ttlly nesseed to 'Detente the )eartier tyees of foods servea at this eetieon of tlee year). Ccver peel with water ,to waleh 1 tea - teems emit his been added. Boil 30 mi- atms Drain. Bail 14 freth water until Wer, about le liour loner. Drain Bring 1 etip suer and le cup' water to Add peel. . Boil gently until syrup Is nearly absoited. Drain. • Roll in sugar. Cut- with seissors into stress for terving or into tiny bits for • cooking Pere • rtes. . • . For 'Variation roll, peel in eOlored Sugar. • Or !Int peel with:red or green Vegetable oceorisig added to syrup in final -soiling. A. little einnamorie olove or ginger may added to syrup to vary flavor. Add as •wierile spices ,tlad In -cloth, to Prevent •derkening in the eolor of' the peel. An- other variattota is to eoat tlie• strips of ,erindied peel 'with Melted dipping eluieo- 4.t.e.. • Teruel- Croquettes 4 tablespeens .quiekaeookitig tapioca teteepaon. salt 1% cut* hot turkey or ehleicen stook '1 vim oaolted turkey linely elan:Pee sage beaters with:3 tablespoons millt o reeeek,. arid -teespoon salt Sifted breed. ennui* , Add quieeetzaolsano tapioca. And salt to atoela and opek. in double boiler 15 mill- utee, or until tapioca is lear and, mix-. tura thiseened, diming freeuently. Add larkey end coolc Irdnutes longer. . Clint Slangs Iato. cones; etip in egg, roll •in ameba and ery in deep fee .deg. 1 monde. Or until golden brown e Drain. Serve Witt . tart red Idly.' Gareish wttb eamleits • Makes le to 12 croquettes, .. -Christnial Relish - • t§l'irder, Relish) . dewhote eleees • 1 pint boiling tater peerage lerneneilavored gelatin , teaspoon salt . 14 tunvieeear feoM .6weet Pickles IZ maraEoldriO.vbeteles, sliced sweet pickles, elicea Roll cloves 14 water a Wades. 'Strain.. relseetve gelatin .in .141 Miele -of thia iiq • Aeel salt •and virregm. Calla *mu slightly thickenece 'told In cherries . mod pleklee. Tium into individnal Melds, selling them etefulL Chiltegail Ilansold. Serve with eowl or hani. 'Mena lashalferciolds. xima,4177 vat' Pudding • Paturd prunes vivo:nail, $T. W. M. 0. 0111ICEttS ▪ The annual meeting Of Veetoria street Woman's Missionary lSoetet31 was bele on Monday, Dee, 6th, The Mee Preoldent, eers, Byron Wilson, conducted devotional exerelees, after which the following aft- eere Were Appointed: President, Mrs. Syron WIlsous let vice president, Mrs, R. Phillips; 2nd vice president, 1Virs. S, Allen roe. secretary, Mrs. R. Postletti- walte; 0Orres. secretary, Mrs. 0. ler; treasurer. Mrs. C. Young; see Chris - tam Stewardship, Mrs. IL 1View; finance committee, Mrs. F. W. Creek, letre. T. Tabb, Mrs. B. Wilson; Strangers'. sepree tery, Mrs. A. Smiley ; MsoCiate HelPene zearetary, Miss A. Hap; Baby Band secretaries, iStrs. 0. Baeohlet, Um. 11. Sanderson; Temperance seeretary, Mrs. R. Phillips; letiesionary Monthly -seere tariee, Mrs, G. Buehler, Miss A, Hayn; literature secretary, Mrs. B. Wilson; pianiats, Mrs. •IL Sandeesen, Mrs. Crate; Press secretary, Mrs. F. Crane It. . VICTORIA HELPERS' CLASS The annual zneeterig of the Victoria Helpers' Class was bad Tuesday evening, Dec. eth, in the Sunday eehoel roma of Victoria St United thurch, with the pre- sident, Mrs. Harry Sandereon, presiding, Mrs. Its H. Mew lee in the inaening prayer and the president read the scripture les- son. The roll call- was answered, bY a scripture verse contairdoe the word, "Truth." The, usual routine of , btminees was gone through, followed bit satisfac- tory reports by the seeretery and tree- surer, The president then declared the • , *A. ' • 4114**4 A-41 4aw":7;1‘ ••• 4114,ww "Icie 4 • .4,r ' • ' 4, 41. 010 4. St, : - - 141'; " 1. • .0. .AAAAA060 ..A....0-400 • • , Nor • ' • Also. • V- =Llano', me. ‘9,24 1030 teat Vast* wee Grt peepliee tho° not so great as Monseninert." Winie wale& eaceemeser aquae() ter zegiesering tee hoght a the Water en the need meaelse this guide pointed out the place we Mews. woe found in the baseee wrung the oulrusbes, I Ventured to queetiOie the Identity a the spot, bue he leo/Mee olet the lettineshoe, they Bad "MWaye been there" and there were "aa bearMelee growers!, anywaere •else ler mike /along , tee Nee" Ws argurneets Isere mean- ease etveraine . We have eat entrauetca all that es to te gun in Cairo, out we Must leave it and tho zlamer of he arzeitent areattiess and ite aftergloW—the eity t -bat ' bas a. spell. wonaerful, faseineting Oahe • ' —aud pass on to alexanarm. A tram. Journey of 150 miles through flea delta country brings us te tile city reuaded isy es.lexander the Great about, 00 B.O. In ancient times it was a splendid eity, the eentre of 'Greek Icarne me with its famous tibrary a 709,000 wimples foundea by Ione Ptoleniy and. =strayed, by tne Arabs under Omar. Ws - tory recites thee he decided, "if the book.% agrea with the Koranthey are useless arid need mit be kept if they •disagree 'rimy are baa aud stiould be destroyed." the middle ages the city was a ruin , and today the °ply relic of antiquity le Pompey& Pillar, a salita.ry colume tete wibb. an elaborately earved cape 4ta1. It, however, had nothing to, de with e'ompeie wile was dead 350 years when the pMer was erected. anderto erse knowe wey 11S mune js essociateri with, it un - zees it marks the at where he was tea- asereuely .killed. Modern Alexandria witee a.'Wile million. population * the aeacipAl sea port of Egype end Le a theta. •eogozereial city with a large arid. varied trade. Ita growth and PrOsperity maY be Said to clitte. gnarl. tlie ineerven- won ot the British. in len when it nees• Heombardedowine to. the massae ot aurae:aria toy the Egyptian/a This, Ied. , tee military °Napoli= ot Egypt. bY iGreat Brita,tn. attcl was. $ollawedby peace land geed. gpvernmente One «an visit the :Point of. the peninsula, once ah esland, wnere stood :the ramous Pharos, tea aigarieuse whIch ineaneient time& wee ^ozie taf the severt wonderaof. the world. '..leiday a very line modernnigethouse, oc- aupies, the site and nothing cie the au - cleat WoneerereMeinse-en fax sa•anoient sahtuleatits are concerned Alexandria is tdisapPointirig. Otie sees a fine mcidern ;city with whie street e • ornamented •equares tiecoiated witl . statuary, big, 1o. rel,, line Ptiblic b'utleinge. and. Attractive lentenees houses. The outstanding .rom-, :antic helve. In its early instore was Queen • Cleopatra but one leeks la .vain for any erace cif ber eccentric reign. For the. 'sake ot. publicity .to attract touriets one would- expect. the authorities. would. bay* dimovered theold.ralace to which she. lived.. and eould show the roome in. whieh she heldrevelry and'riote where Caesar and Anteey were. entertainee. They Might also display the carpet in winch. she was enrolled and. esereely, eortveyed Into the presence" of Cemar on the °Bea- eion of . theirfirst. meeting,. Hisitorie eenei whensetwas unrolbeleCaesar. wasefas, This new Saskatoon bridge Was Started in December, 1981, as a relief work project, and was completed and opened to the public on Novem- ber llth, (Armistice Day), by J. T. A Anderson, premier of Saskatchewan; C. .T. MaeKenzie was the designig and consulting Bngineeae Geo. D. Arehibald was City hbvirineer in charge, The R. ..Te 'errand Construction Co. had, the contract, for velem um W.WheatOn Was Supertintende ent and A. E. 'Walker, conatruction f oreman, Mr. Walker is a brother of IVIr. R. C. Walker, of The Goderieh Star. The structure is of reinforced concrete and tele a total length .trom abutment to 'abutment of 1,200 feet, connecting 19th street of the DoWli Town District •vvith Broadway Nut- ' aria. Great interest is bell* token in choosing a suitable name. The new' bridge is one of the direst spaemingthe Saskatchewan rever and is a credit • to Saskatoon, to the engineers and worione.n, as it was all done by Saskatoen menThe) cost was 'shared by the Federal - and Proviacial. ' goveennients and the cite. TREOURES 'IN A TOMB Th. E. eleCONNELL hia sareopaguse while the queen's was illeinhe among 'hotels -ea veritable palace. --eat in. epees , and smell tasks. No in ita hpMry and Amgen:licence. Another ..at 14 one time in, the Valley of the ouildieg ut etrange Deportsh design Is the ' after the time of pyramidReinan Catholle riburch, domed and tur- le:g there wesa scores ofroyal tombs all vetted ,toid •einliellished with arehes cu- eantabelne• rich treasures, for the kings' polaz, porticos,' lattice windows, scroll - vied siete tine emitter m elanerete fan- work and Many coitus*. In 'building teal trappinge and display cf wealth but this eity ane •could imagine the Areair the :tomes were all euresa vvheri • direev- zees oorapeted with one another in de- -tired:An niedern times; thetomb of eignitig tented* isizildietes• Mid had, al, Tut -ankh -Moth as -the only one thee lowed tee* imagination. to run riot, Tee • cineted With the:spectacle of.the beauti- eiened any rith. eeetelts ,to .ezt.avaters. town is • armed by the rieneeleliopelis dui woraaa.and. he. tellsta. h: charms as, a meseth discussed questien the eouree Oases ,Co. and everything petteinieg to did• Antone and many eTheys which' the 'ar4,,ients got their sup- minding and town panning is under eould, show tee remain. whicli.Cleoaa.tra. plies of go:a. The word gold in tne their eontrol. , esseroglefilika is "Nub" arid it is •epniee- emu the new :eity to old. Heihniells le twee that Nubia wee the sourc5 al sup- twenty minutes ' drive Etcept a san- ely bue tedae little pr uo gold isseeitued in tary obelisk nothing Is to be teen of the sat oonetry; Some thine that the Sine' old city of On which at. One tent was the. eient geld-weekirtes -of Rhodesia Were warke.d by etie E,gyptiane out them Ls, no direct evidence 'counectirig Rhodesia or eolith Afriee, with Egypt,' although it is letasible the eamel loads of eplees, gold and precions stones presented te Solcinion by the Queen sof Sheba emu. from Rho - °laces vacant and Rev. F. W. Craik In atte14i6g to describe the wetter- teok the chair andeconducted' the elec- eollect tion of ofileore as fellows: Presicierit, letate•um Cairo, =eluding teteee knewil Miss lean MeCalle; vice president, Mrs as Xing Tuteantei-amen's Treasures one -Reg. McGee; secretary, Mrs. .7oe .Allison; is eonfieurea Wan, the ditiouay of de- ereasuror, ernes Hazel. Hawkins:. pianist, ciding where to raga arta where to erica Mrs, Berry 'Sanderson, teacaer, Mrs Rs there is so mueb. to be seen oath for the le. Mew; dower eom., /sere Frank Dunn, student of Egirptolegy aid the entitle* Mies Hazel Hawkins; look -out conte Mrs sightseer.. •musettra contains the Ogle. Mrs. IlarrY.Senderson; press meat coanziete eolleetion of adYinicia, seoretary, Mrs,. Stanley McMullen Greek and Roman anticalities 'in the world The 'buildieg is a tune Modern etructtua oostiug over a million dollars, • The use of miller's WorM Powders. in- - - zituated on tem- eanke sit the Nib near sures healthy ehildren so far as the ail- ' the bridge leadixig the Peranilds • merits attributable to worms are ton- • . cereeds A high neortellty among chil- The treasures &zees/ere& in, 1022 in &tee* traceable to worms These sap the tome of an =aerie Xing who lived the strength of Infants se that' they are about 3250 years ago, are ehown tbree enable tesseeateee the battle fee me teat rooms epeolallY guarded. with heavy steel stiectime to tivealmees. • Thee Preparation doors and bafted windows. Tivo explore gives malaise Of health and keeps it. ' ers, Lord -earner-On and Mr. tlowaid . -Carter, hid been excavating for Several seasons' in the Valley of the Kings, a meal burial Piece a day's Journey by rail eouth Calm They aad met with little euezess and 'were about to give up the search when their workmen came upon a slab oilstone and, on removine theeand, discevered a flight Steps leading down- •warci. to e passage at the end of watch was a door sealed. witb. a royal seal bear- ing hieroglyphie wrtting. on opening the 'door a, vast array of wonderful object.% in. three vaulted chambers met their &stone ishecl gaze. The disccormy was reported to the Egyptian. Govennnent and some delay followed before the question of ownership was tattled, but Vas. decided the treaeUrer should .reinain M Egypt. h b was the tame - Ufa -sized stathes supposed to be sentries tt of objecz.5 in. tne Iseymean 'it guarded the door to the •cliambe&. ecr.tabileg the mununy, They • are of wood, Tainted blaole. the eyelids and eye- arows gold,, the &Instals of gilded eninze, Therese -are two chariots and a :lumber of' chaact wheels, gilded ahd carved, sortie of them with dint attach- ed to the hubs with long projetaing spates usede•iio .doubt, in battle. -Near these is an assortinent of harness and. •decorated eadd'as of fine weremensnip. A: glase ease displays a 'colleen= of•geld sandals and,gotelen lifter -stens end toe - stalls Used to • protect the king's hands and. feet... A' very attractive ehow case exhibfts 'about two dozen large ,translue cent alabaster perfume •vessets, some 't?t them two feet high, fienked With beau* Pale/ fanned lotus' hearers and decorated with, geld and, esery; cither,s tan life -like engravings lePresenting !bib attaelthig bulls and dogs ,eliasing antelopes One of them 'eontainieg ointment or perfume remains seAled arid all are ,Mounted on arttstieelly carved ebony' sena/Mts. . A carved chess which tvleensfptind cone tented the leing'a elething and sandals Mpresents lis Pallets scenes. showing the -king et war killing as: northern enemieee the• Asiatics. time .seiithern enemies, the Nubians, all very life Me. In the largest of ,the three rooms a. very miseellateous collection *on view inelticling furniture, carved min chain. and fastateole, •cliesteecabieete With fold» ing deers deocrated with Oriely Wrought znerne representing episodes .in the life of the king and gegen; perfurae holder shaped like a .goate with movereble wings; a.dzlger of lion with a gold handle,' the. only• artiele al iron in the collection; vied& ofeboatee °strict feather ter* with Ivory ,handles; stone and bronze knives; doze** of cereinonial 'welkin% sticks, seine of them like a mayor's mace, SOITIO With inecriptioria and one with am beadle formed. to repreeerit A negro with feet azia hands ot ivory; bows rind artowa, come ef theist. finblied in line fillagree work; larripe in grateful designs: a great num- ber of objects of unknown use in ivory and wood; many workeien stools in stoae, vseod and bronze ineluding axes, ehop- pore, mallets and ePadee. Returning to the mem oontalaine the eofthiethere are eight large glass show -eases containing the jewels 'et the 'king' and queen. 'The queen's ratUmny was not found with the king's and why her jewels were eneomb- "ed with his is not known. one ease is' a large end varied assortriae.nt ot Mete: lacee made oe dims of gold Inlaid With aMetbest arid polished 'Eames veried colors; 4Inger-rings finely engraved and Eon* with settings of laptelezuli. in MI the display tee fated no preelaus stoztee correep0 a the polished die- Mondernby Or era' rald of modern times. The cettings were all in semi -precious - atones. -lapis !Amine earinellate antetlayet, turtjuois' and green felspar. Another ease contained bratelets competed of Many small gold chilies r.couresi by medellione, factened with 400 of lapis arid elintounted cearabs *natio of graen stones. The scarabs reprezot beetles which were venerated be the ancients as writhes of tho resurreetion; gold rotted protectort for which ladies teday, told, 1.1Se the Erenelt Word braeelette Many othaineetts Were Vert scathe terehead with catmelieu eettings; breeet etseementer * great variety or tetrikka and 'pendants in gold; sMitil Pethune presents eherniing reldleitie &sena the. irxes ot gold in fatlstio de8igns mat earns en With * vale in her hand dandling • titling enguived; the lintels's geld-nefinger ..kle the King seated mai with her hand dells and toe -stens; golden bens and on his shoulder She seems to be gating elude's; various trinkets the uses of no his eyes, The tpletute is muds after which ate Warm. another ease 016 At* of our old whiz/tett photograph fine speeitoes of workmatis.hip, eole here the 'wife etanda:1y the seated htwo lafette ,et gold with SI views &kaki and with her Marl on his ahoulder gag. linked terming the e*panded 101*g * tng at hira affeztionately. A peculiar oh. flacon *X 00E111111y hash! with Pnit- jeet Is a large earved *Men bedstead dimwit polished atones. asked my wife covered with gold lett It Is supported if the vteuld Wee to wear It but the reply bY two faritaetle to.-Aing animals about was ie very ret negative. IShe deelsred CAM feet long with very thin elender that only a flashy fliftvItat who wanted, bcdles, lions' lea and 'paws e_rid eteco. to be tonekItted "the glass of fashion. dilels heads., The iterClons mull% tetth tbt mould at tom end thc obeerved et and tongue are of ivory painted re& The ell eMervers" would want to 'star it. affintal sae supposed to peotett the dead =Med the gtuirde kept a Yell IssVhftil ktag and devour ce.eredet ts s eye on the 4TIERS ontahlIng thfrAtiet!1"8 tintitymg ebjeet and rte.' might bow deem jewels tot they were mirtognde4 to It *Shim* Wreaking the emdmalldment by a treml RAIN AM the Pads were tor at at me Menem of aestaing In the pecastblv errata theft, WtialIt be a ,,ilimsett' atom fhe tirth behtekth et the arid Irtrib' raid MeV were 1K1 toompttnit, :r . ItterhA rt the IthtlrajoitrILy aim trirltfr aOl2teeteetlidallellahlelleinalOtettnenreisenitialitlitelidelididieleatedineadidlee hem 0,..1y(?4, "Thilbitto'StoTei at. ost... All .appliances guaranteed by the Conission. Come. and Inspect the Stock. Bay Hydro Limps forGuaranteed Service adian General Electric Refrigerators Electric Ranges Electric Washers Electric! Heater Toasters boos Vacuum Sweep Etc. Etc. rs In the inner c am er phagus oontaining the mummy of the Xing tinder a richly draped tempi,. There were tato outer easements to- the Milan seed when these Were removed the real cOffin wee found te be et WM gold. The Mummy was plated en one of the outer toverings and was allowed to re- main tranquilly at rest weer° it, bad re- posed disco About 1350 BC. The gold eoffin and all the treasures were removed to the nauseate at Oairo and the eperitaig of them to nubile view ha$ proved a veritable gold mine to the authorities who +charge a special &drab, 11051 to the treasure rooms. AMOlig So army I tait describe only a tew of the most important objects and it is =tinsto begin with the golden aetilla It b kept in a glass case arid 1$ carefully guarded by two officials. ,It is Made ef teak lestes of golti Weedy Wished, Mid heatititully finished; the moveable top is elegtaVed With tetoll 1 work depleting hi outline the Iring with his arms folded on Me breast, his hands. holding a seeptre. The eleitiee of 'Upper Ma lancer Egypt made of plaques ef gold and Inlaid with 1 eardepreelous etories are outlined on the ehest. Two goddesses encircle the legs With their expanded wirigs. There Were artists in there') days for the outlines Of the ttinits figure. the head, tho tare, the • blabs were as perfect anti teenier no It done by it skilful etigtavet'ef today. The royal diadem Mind in the eoltin bit tha mununyes lima is a pieta heavy band of ged decoested with golden rosettes Whirl witli colored etones bearing the symbols et /Inner and Lower Egypt. &noting he was King ot the land Ise tar sonth. as tlindathe Soudan of today. The leing's throne is artttically carved wood ' covemd with gold and silver finish Inlaid IwitIt tend -precious etones in tick poly. elnerm deeetations The bat* panel aliere are many objects af great inter- est erhich we must ease for want 01 space but I abide mention one more. In a hermetically seated glees ease is a wooden statue bearing -the name -Meas.:el-baled: immortalised' king lared 2440 B.C. Not From itd appearatice it was believed to far frcim here is a tWisted and gnarled represent a village head -man or chiefold sycamore -tree known as the Virgin's It Is well Saved, the eyes are of' white Tree. It Is enclo.sed in a walled garden quextz inlaid whet' copper soeketsseat which yOu may enter by paying a small MMus of ivorY. It was discovered itt Sak fee Tradition claims It to be the tree Xara and ft aboat 5,000 years eid and re- markable for beleg the oldest plece of :carved wood in oistente, One. price -ass possession. tee Egyptian 31theulealacks, it Is the Ratetta Stereo' 'discovered near the mouth of the Nile 130 year ago arid now in the British Museum in Vanden. It has ati inscription itT three language, Greek, 'Demotic and ellerogleithic. After twenty Years' study it gave the key to deciphering the anCient hieroglpyhics, tin- tU then unknowe arid has opened up the myEterious past history of Egypt to the tsarist. , We spent a day at Hellopolis-ethe eity of the Sun-esituated an hour frozri Oalro It is a modern city almost on the site of anelent tity of On wbere Joseph got his wife Aseriath 'the daugh- ter of *the priest' of On. "elle new city was begun thirty years ago and in its architectural beauty is the nearest ap- proaoh arse can get to an Arablers Niehns VisiOn, le the borae of the rich people ef Cairo. rh tonna. romantic, Moorish style the Ilelkspolis Palace. Bae' stentie ros.de experimerits'with. poisonson het prisoners 14 tee.whiehtedison causea the easiest --death, They mialit even show tee basket - erhich.eontained the figs ,cov- ering the decialy„ a.sp. whieh sties embed. sentre ,of sun, woman), , Rare Moses =3 — .1 to Sang lier to deaele„ because. ehe Beide. instructed ia the wisacm tie the Egyptians. Antony had abandoned her and lived see and no doubt often guest upon the obelisk ,herralt pro plia.rese Ale thesa, ?shish had then beee etanciing for abotit iricideats and many more based more or 1,00 years et is it red granitemar le---- tree on historical fact could besProfitablep „ tapering froze, 6 feetemurre et the bale to a made use by gcod advertisers. • Na the pohtt at the top nearly 70 feet 11 .be,r 'authorities of Alexandria are not eully an inscription in hiereretyphies•etating that alive M the power ed tourist publicity as it was "ereeted by Sesestrie Xing of Up- shown by other elites eslitiveseisitedS per end Lower Zeypt, Lord ef the. diadems , • •• son Of the Sum Wheal the divine spirits An 011 of Meritor...Thentas" Edema of On—the city of the Sun-'lovehis tric Oil is not a Jumble of Medicinal sub- stances. thrown together:. and: pushed. by: , edvertisiege but the result of tam etirethe" inve.stegtitiern ole thee fielding ciardities pf ' • -certain oils as applied:ter the •Ittuneen body. It is a Tare combination .04 it won and kept nubile favor trona tilt that. under Which Abe Holy Pam* rested in Attila; 0! 11wili cirerstecorreittibin Me any their fleght feetre Herod. A small spring whcedesibt: ite pow to• repair anteneat is shown which at one time was bitter salt water but the Infant embed It to b0. Heal your hose while it *ores. Apply- - come fresh and sweet Our guide, an in-, ieseegliee*Egyptian thainent to sere telligent Mohartirilecian, sale it was "very' necks Old galls. A 'sure, speedy treat - true' alt Mohammedans bedeved it and incite ...wow?. Coil tith: 611 With) a I 7 Bad Cough • writest-entinse• rant. ago. dill, 5, hod Mrs. E. X. 113M ' vr mop, $, dreadful! cold! *Windt Ieft kea• ••• " & &eXY bwl C011101 that htthwrat to.herformootha. , I trie&emerer Mitt:roe Ocaigh Mixture' Mad think le until 1, ware adatieadi, lin4t• ftierak to try Dr. Woocrra Norway v rine, Stixtme. itztr two bottle* the co*" had oomplotel. anneh sant now always keep a bottle .theii house'', rieen35e4 ie bottio,,Ifarg* &rat'Wm 115c,; at all dnit and neralletore4 rot ujo WA* y The T. Milburn Co., Lnnitcd1. Tienatel. oilit* • • Nanvay • Syrup •1 Make Your Chistmas Gifts This Year Something of Lasting Usefulness such as a Kelvinator Electric Refrigerator • OR A Locomotive Electric Washer OR AN ELECTRIC RANGE WE HAVE A FULL LINE OP Electric Appliances and Electric Lamps OF AWKINDS ricARTHUR Electn *dm Mr: IN: Office, Gaerids: