The Goderich Star, 1932-12-22, Page 3TILURSDAYe DEC 22ani, 19* TiE GC)DERICH. •STAR PAO X mato County and * Diestrkt. SUMMARY CA.TFLE FOR EXPORT BRUSSELS 10AaTD BROADCASTS Two carloade of cattle for expert to On Stindete afternoon. December 11th, -Great Britain were siliPPed teem cee,.. the Bruesels Catena* Baud presented. 4 tralla reeently. consigned, to the male- line program oCer the 'NV:Ingham radta lien Cob, of elentreal. eeteelen 1011P under the leadership ot bandsman Schatte, of Winghem. BRUSSELS BUSINESS PURCHASED „et. The buteber bueinese tontliteted 11411M Brmsels by Geoev wets eee tee past The Public UUJit1cs Commission, of 'couple of yearS, has been pinehased cey ,-'8oter were eueeeseful. in winning first Burton atudey.. . eneee in; vonneetion, with a hydro lamp whelloW dressing eontest that was. held BUSINESS IS MAJI. . • , recently. 'ISTierthalebittreetetten, foreneuunte LutisorEss. cultism ,4,1, us ber of' yeent laas been conducting a but* sns ,*cher bueingeS in Seafortin has said out to A beesittess eleange taken place in Mr. Christie, of. Moorefield, '.eer. chrism, Brussels, in which Irwin Bdwatds, hara, takes the ,place CiodfreY Bowman . got immediate possession. the Ford garage, edit anvman has BUFFJ4,0 MEAT SOLD - rimmed, Isis honeebeld effects to IloWnian- Bmaaie meat was said by Seaforth but- ville where he and MM. Beaman will thee ehaps laet week. The meat came 1,malte their home.• from the. Wainwrigiat. Alto,„buira - CLINTON COMES, FIFTH serve and was sold, at 200 a ' WILDFONG,GRASSICK A quiet hut pretty weeding Was Solera- nized nt the Main St. United 'church pata sortage, Uketer, On Sattirday, Deo, let,h, the eaMPaign,WiU home seventy -live when Dorothl Evaline, only daughter of ohristinas gifts, valued at 02 apieee, te- ethe and Mrs. *Tanees Grassick, of mimroe, Ether with as many bags of eandlea and formerly et Exeter, became the bride of Inds fee, distribution to needy children ot Am -iirilde -'t - hi OS eng, o Hay Towne p, Rev. A. B. glilott tied the nuptial knot. , DR. F. 0. R. PQR$Lrac. ' EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT Late House Surgeon NeV York Orlehe tuned() and Aimed Hospital, assistant at Mooretield% Eye Hospital and 0 -olden square Throat Hospital, London. Eng, 53 Waterloo St. S., Stratford. Tele, Phone 287, At Hotel Bedlord, Goderich, from 7 o'clock on the evening of the third Men,' day ef each, month until the following day, T'uesday, at 1 pan. • ---- ENGINEERING , .....*•••. ........................,* ., e4oEsEt., & CAREY. Consulting and aluntcipal Engineering Drainage—Land 'Surveying. Masonic Temple Bldg- Goderich, OM, Phone 230 • LEGAL CARDS . trArs & HAYS. Al- — • Barristers and solicitors. ` 0. Hays, AC., and R, C. Hays, BA, Hamilton street, Goderich.• Telephone 88 .--,, DOtIGIAt R. NAIRN. — ..• . Barrister and Solicitor' Office: NORTH ST, Phone 512. -PRANK DOMMLLY, Z.. A, A. --- Barrister, Solkitor, Etc. Phoiie 281 HAMILTON ST., Cioderieh. ---,.......-------. II. .R. DARROW. .i.' --„, Barrister, Solicitor Notary. Public, Ete. . Successor to J. L. Itilloran. Phone 97. Mike, The Square, Goderich. EANEST M. LEE, — Betrrister and Solicitor Sun Life nidg., Adelaide and Victoria. Telephone; Elgin 8301. Toronto 2. CHIROPRACTIC DRUGLESS PRAcrriTrcoNErt, QUIRbIltiarcts AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST, GODERICEI. Equipped with electreetnagnetic bathe. Electronic electric treatment and chiral- eractie. Chronic, organia and nervous itseaSeS. Lady in ottendarice. Office mum 2 to e, and 7 to 9. p.m., eaeepting . . on ey and ZiUrsWLy• A. N. AMCINSON, residence and office, Omer a South street and Arie tannin, Read. Phone 34e. • AUCTIONEEIGNG T110111A.§ GUM:4M as Stec ' Live Stock and Generel Auctioneers, Slain'Ave. Goderich, Sales mode, evers4here and all efforts Made to give you satisfaction. . Fanners" Sale Notes discotinted. . Phone 119, • NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. liArat, , NOTARY PUBLIC General Conveyancing done. Good Companies Represented. .Phone 291 GOdetich, Ord, • , ae_.-feeee.=reeeee.,..e. INSURANCE 1WICILLOP NIUTIIAL R1 NSUIL- ANCE COMPANY, • • , num Atm ISOLATED TOWN KtOe INSURED. 'eine of prorate insured up to Jatie Very, 1910, *3,a48,075.00. OFEWEllige-etehn Plerneewite, Paid - dent, BroatUragen: Conn011e, Vice - President, elodericit; D. P. McGregor, Treas., SeefOridi. DlittoTottS—das. Shoulatee, Walton; 'Vbs. Vi7r111, Cenetance; George Me.,Carte lacy, SeafOrtri ; riot. •Ferris, Harlot ; John Pepper, Brifeelield; A. liroadfciot; Seaforth. AGENTPez-W. T.VtOr R. IL 3. Olbaton; Jas. Width Illetle; Ed, Illechley, sea. forth; John Mara.% Beltforth, lkilleyheiclers tat& par their assestie tricots at Citiviet Vetthisttore, Clodetich ; 'The Myst Itardt, Ciinten, `for 'FIRE INSURANCE • floe Itatteeded tollthe WAWANOSII,MUTCAL FMB 1NSIntANCE CO‘ ° itstablished. ICS Head OtAte: thearannsa. Ont. 0h.s.s. Hewitt, Efricsrdhlt rrelltdent . Bea.ia1dofl, Dungaruion, Vite.Pretb dent; Pt addition to the President and Vice President, the following tee Mee. tors: Wm, Watsen, Auburn; W. 4. Thaniltan. Anbatill Wm *Willa% Lueknolvi W. P. Reed, RR, 2, Leftnow. Inate7 L. Sallied, Ooderkhz Xmas Ackera Ilelerood; Tim organ, rt. a, No, V, LWiti16117. ThittrAitrg, Pitt*. THOS: ISPOAHISItter ° • Clinton came fifth In the cigarette wrappet contest which has been, mining for eome weelm pest which means that the ?Legion, whiph has been eonduoting HAND BADLY CUT BY SAW While working at hie fectory at Wing - ham Mr. 0. Cook had the misfortune- to have his right hand come in eontact with a power saw. Ills thumb Was ent to the bone from the fleshy part to the end and the next three fingers were also severely cut as was the lower part -of his little Anger. ' • NEW HATcntnar AT CLINTON . The Pleteh Rabehery of Stratford is opening up a branch at Clinton in a., Charleswortkes Feed Store, next door to The News -Record and Is Metalling a Six- teenthousand egg capacity incubator. Mr, Russell Jervis, sort of Mr. and,..Mrs. Oliver JerVis of the antee -Line, who has. been connected w1th this Ann ••for the. Past three years', has been aPpointed manager. • , DEATH OF GEORGE T AITCHISON George Tesdale• Aitchison, a mue.h be- oved and highly respeeted. resident of ttokrtow, passed, • away on Decemrser 12the death being due to a heart attack. Nue Alteleson was president of the Luck - ow Table Co, math Which he has been aseotiated for thirty-four years, and also a director of ailverwoods' Lucknow Creae mery co, He was a member of Old Light Lenge No. 184, A. P. at; A. IX., and d the honor of being District Deputy rand Matter of North. Baton during !INSURANCE The WItitual Life Assurance Company of Canada ESTABLISHED 1860 BEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. MOONEY • AGENT PRONE 250 , North Sheet , • Goderieb, Ontario JOHN FINDER: PLUMBING, HEATING SHEET METAL WORK Phone 127 po a, Box 131 .1.P.7.........rommmerametimmose...m..m.rommomodsmore DEPRESSIO.NS ALWAYS -END.-- WE HAVE JUST REPRINTED A CHART MADE OVER TS YEARS • AGO-CALUNG EVERY DEPRES- SION AND YEARS OF GOOD TIMES FROM 1i16 TO 1990 - IT IS CORRECT TO DATE. 'THE MOST INTERESTING READ. MG AVAILABLE - GOOrl TIMES AHEAD -WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY. WAVERLEY SPADISA AVL COLLEGE ST, TORONI*0 !Imre tee looses - Brophou BrOS GODEHICH -THE rAziannmi- FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMEBS Ar.to AblantitAllOB MIMICS AT Att: notrus--tanarr °It Da &sit. Slgal Dar IN/ Wheeler Funeral Director and •Embalmer Also Ambulance Service Ooderiob Ontario Micalls promptiy attonded to •day of night thanes Stare SSS„ Maisie S5S1V. • ClIAPLE$ JENNINGS ANNOUNCING UD 0$*IMA$401.44:110.^.04+4*. "RINOEFI and his VIOLIN! 1".. „. and then a thin, golden thread Or eausie, leading .unetiter good Sunday evening proeramme eat of Itadieleach Tbirty., toureyear-Old. Reeeelan-bora David BO* Ott Procialme himself o, master every fide I* Playa fim- Clneldn loves it. Quite Attingly, they don't mit Riebitioff to ilea jet own ids epealre for him, is part of lelm, al. ways has been eince hie ,mother bought 11/ea hie Arst inetruincnVtwO years before lie .left for America payeng for it the Rifest= equivalent of $1.76. Jut for that, Eddie Cantor ehould some tine re - ler to him as "adrs. Ilmblieoff's, little boy." * Radio is 'a Sabbath -keeping Institution, as a whole, and that is as it should be Late in the day a listener t an. etart get - Urn' into gear tor a secular and even pro. lane atondey morning, but dUring Sun- day afternoon and evening he can turn the dial to symphony hems, Qattledral hems, oratorios,. . .. Ernest Dainty at the organ ..the York Bible Class.. . . book reviewers. . your choice of sermons. . all these ,ote at least one CaAf nadian station. ter yell have heard Schubert's Sympheny to C Maier by the liew York Philharinonie Samphony Or. eliestra (Columbia network) a lot of WeeketlaY Weariness has worn olt. Iloekey 'broad -este are a new form of radio drama, enjoyed by hundreds Of thousands of Canadians. No American influence In this 'form. of entertainment. . . Goed Canadian stuff, Ay the, wae, who 'listens to the nockey play-by-play programs? No, don't jump at conclu- sions. This eolumn made the same inis- take. The Ianletters—and there are barrels of them now in the hands of one Eastern Canadian sponeor—show that the andienee Is NOT composed ot conArmed hockey fans at ale but largely of people Who never bothered' to attenh eames., .. didn't know what It was an about Un- til hockey went on the eta. .. To il- lustrate—a meeting of the Ladies' Aid in an Ontario town was adjeurned one Tuesday evening tor a full hour while the members at around and abeorbed heckey broadcast To • these people, hockey isn't a eporthig event, but 4 two- fisted, he-man radio -drama, being acted out to an anguessanle elimaxand without rehearsal That's evhat beide the hockey audiences. Are you listen:re? . . If you ere, • keeps you busy on Thursday' eveningS, .Fleischrnann hoer Canada Dee; program with Jack Benny a enne Ted 4.0,1103 Weema . Brothel's . leueltY Strike with the Baron Aluncimusen. . Neilson hoer . and Cap'ti Henrys Show Boat with, ite gorgeells mtlatO and appealing &Mita Get - atarted on this last one in time tocateli. the "plat" Dramas eeeMe fa held theTiopiniffainey just new . nearly everybody's listen. ing to Sherlock Holinee or Pe leainehtt. e You remember the Canedian drniasot the air last yearwritten by Merrill Den, ison? Wen, Denisen has gone to New York, where Ile is writlne two series Of historical sketehes tor the bie net. works. , One a them is "Roses and Minna". Heard it? One of our triencla says he guesses he' is peoullar, because he likes laze orches. tra.s and eomedian.s like Ed, Wynn, Weil, so 4 we. We laugh right out loud at Ed. Wynn . . also at Stoopnagle and Budd. Al jolson,'M Me Friday evening broadcast, seems to be wood. Ile'd letter , he, according to the rumor about his sal* t ary. .But that's Al's private life, and I we're not hiterested. A lot ef things don't interest ite. We doret are who the mystery woman is in the life of Announ. t er Eddie Splvins, or that Georgie Price wears a double.hreasted vest . More- over, we prefer to think we are hearing the skulking Fu Menden% actual foot- step on the gravel, rather than to be told that a sound -effects man gives us erunelt-ng gravel by squashing dry breakfast toodI under an old boot. merryville is an up-and-coming name in Radiolend nowadays. That's the Canadian village where the Bitokineham Revellers put on their TueSdaY evening show and thenee to a Canadian elan. . . You know', 'Colonel Forbes and Private t Potts and the other IVIerryville 1011M? This program is one answer to Elie 'wail about Canadian offerhigs. The series e was written in Hamilton, Ontario, by a Hamiltonian, Claudius Gregory. . And the Reirellers have good vocalists to help them. , 0 . Oath! Darn that twinge of lumbago! No reason in the woeld for It, either. 4 Simply means we haven't been, getting up r early enougle to keep in eondition taking the morning exercises trom the remote P.T. instructor, It Is said the r.e- t Mote inetructor has the mike beside his bed, but it Is also said that's et lie. .• • e ?CHARLES JENNINGS. LUBRICATES PERFECTLY AT 20° BELOW ZERO meta* to give you the extra lubricating efficiency you need for Winter driving yet it costs no more. EED MOTOR OIL low rtmistrwana ....TEMPERATURTESTED FOR CANADA Crown.Dorttinion 'On Co, 1,11rotte3, DIstributor, Hannilton, Toronto, St« Gethorines .mangoz,-rwrar..., tile 4s-t1*Ition= as very often enehl Poetutter Groat and wlse thins pentlea hateno meiltng lists of any value which, thee' do not theniselveS under - and their' pamphlets in most eases did Litand. ' -*- not reach prospective. teurists. The Blue i Water As:se:dation% mailing list had been' inT:j3tult4allmunc; 1,107 Ilt/unirsant uttiuM4n%t3ti's.rnNt caretully built up over a number of yearel and was valuable, Le answer to an enquiry from. Conn. eillor Turner wleether any word had, been reeeived about wortt to be haat on the highwey in Northern Ontario the Mayor and the clerk both eald they had no Many el. in- timation. The matter ot a community- Ohristirmei Mittee. tree was referred'. to the sPeclul eemei Bylaw No. 10' authoritsing the sale of Manitoble bonds- 1947 and the purehaee of Saskatchewan bonds. Bylaw No, 1'1 , almeiriting A. M. Robertson and Ie. R. Long auditors /or 1933 at a obey at; $2120 eaela and 'Bylaw No. 18 setting poi.' ling places anti appointing deputy re. turning *Macre andpoll elerks for- the municipal eleetions were passed. The standing committeee reports -were adopted as follovts; Finance Committee We recommend that 113 siiggested by Messrs. McLeod. Young, 'Weir & CO. Limited, in their letter ef November 20, the 630,000 • 6% Proviace of Maeitoba, bonds due Aprii 1, 1947, as held by the town 0.W,S.R. 'lined, be sold at a priee 01 e100 and accrued Interest and that 032,000, 5161/4 Province •of Stialcatchewail bends, due October 1, 1962, bp purchased at a Price of $92.50 duel aterued intereSt tor this O. V, S R. fund. This ex- change would zesult in a decrease of •on- ly $40 per year in interest, but will glae an increase of $2,000, 'in• principal amount held; :that the sum of $208 be ransferred from the Cemetery Perpetuity Fund to the town general account os payment for costs of upkeep and eine of nelowed terneteryelots during 1931 We have received a statement tr6in the *minty 'engineer showinga rebate tf $1,88138 due to the town on 1931 and 1932 county highway levy. = We recom- mend that the 1982 county Tates, emourtting to $11,353.9d, he Paid when he county sends the town a cheque for abatedue. Public Works • We have nilde the neeessary -repairs o the'skating rink: The keys have been handed to the tenant, Mr. Chisholm, who has made a .payment of $125 due Deo, 1, e per. his leage. John Graham has given, -the town a deed of a strip of twen. •y feet In -width off the narth end of lot the, 1931-2 term. Ile is survived by 'his widow, Florence Edith Trevett; one son. Ford, of Ham .; and • one daughter, IVIre. Jas¥i e a) of Toronto. An elder son, 1 • ave his life in the Great War. MeRENZIE-DRUMMOND A quiet weeding witnessed by the im- mediate relatives, *as solemnized at St. Paul's Anglican, church, Ilensall, on Sat- urday, Dec. 10th, at 4,30 pm. when Mar- garet Netterfield, eldest daughter of mr. and Um. T. E, Drummond, of HinSall, becarne the bride of Orme, youngest eon ot Mr. and Mrs. William Meleenize, 01 leineardirie. Rev. M. A, Parker ofilcia- BLOCH ENDANGERED BY FIRE Aefasteleveloping roof fire in the sent eection. et the Cardno Block it •Seeiorth about one. o'clock -On 'Tuesday' of' last Week was fortunately -discovered in time to be extinguished by the firemen with.' out requiring water, the chemicals onthe truck proving sufficient., An overheated stove aectieining the stairway entrance to the hall, started a sinoirldering fire in the partition .between the front and. rear rooms and it eoon rim up into the root • VICTOR/4 HELPERS' BANQUEV • A very pleasant evening wa.e Spent by the members of the Victoria Helpers` Class on Thursday evening, Dec. Oth,nt the home of their teacher, leers. R. If, Mew, McDonald St„ when they held. their anneal *banquet. There was a splendid attendente. The tahles were beautifully decorated with bouquets of Sweet Peas and were bonntifully laden with 'good things for the inner mane The grand feature ot the evening wee the opening of the "Ohriatmas Pie," which was thoroughly enjoyed by ail. The remainder of the evening was spent in dog song, eentests, irienelly chat, etc. Four Inembers who were unavoidably ab. sent, were reillembered, each receiving a • Plate Of the goody goodies. A vote of • thanks was tendefed to the hostess, tie which as given an appropriate reply and all returned to their homes feeling thee had enjoyed a good time. C. O. F. RELIEF FUND rinancial Statement of OM Time Fiddlers' Contest Lack of space In Our last insue pre- vented our publiehing the detaile. of tho linaneee of the entertainment re* coldly !held, whigh tve have pleasure in doing now lieceipta Geo. Spotton, M.P.,donation.$ 2 00 P. E. Perrin, donation.... , 4 15 I. O. 0. E. No. 02, donation, 5 00 Signal Printing:Co, donation 2 00 Salo of Admission tiekets... /8 50 Sale of Draw tickets'...-... 140 45 .„ • Total ..... ... 038 TO ,° • Expendittires reNvl .11,.., Y 4..4 fg 03 , 1o00 505 Roll rent .... ... 18 50 Fiddlers' prizts "WO Printing draw tickets, hand •lit 50 Postage and. telephone. . .. , 97 Admon tiekets . ... .... 1 2:.`; To . . . .. . ....$ 77 g0 Dalanee for ref. ief purpmes..$ 101 Go Catoraittro in ellarke of the evening, wore: Chairman, Ernezt Dreeken- ridge; printing and finance, A. E. Barker; rnssie, /IatTy Witmer; 'on - tet, W. F. IF. Price, II. G. Arbour, Ilarken tickete, It% Barbour, 3. W. Bell; entflnituncut, P. E. Fa- ,. A. E. MIXER. R• 6, emicession and we recommend that ehef Sewers Vats be accepted and Alake street from Cost $16,001.4311 outh etreet to McDonald street, be evid- he town build 4 lieW fence for Mr, Ora - am on the sOuth side 01 1.11aRe Street 43 idened. • The spial and relief tommittee re. • orted: That the two new uniform over - oats have been reeelved by the Police arid. are quite satisfactory; that the sal- ation Army be permitted to place some hristmas boxes on the street for Christ - as theer collection. . The Industrial Committee recentmend- ed that Enslow AtInns be sold reed at the Artoraft Factory at $16 per cwt.. in, 100 pound. lots only. Net Cost to Town Was $8,501.48 —Another Helf-Hour Se*. P Ilion of Cdunen • The total cost of the relief sewer work done= last winter In Goderich was $16,- 001.41 This •is the 18 -inch main seWer on Nelson. Church, St, Patrick and Wat- erloo streets, wblch was estimated to cost • 915;000, ot whleh the Government paid $7,500 (halt), but on account of the work exceeding the eatimete, the extra 5! 48 was spent and bad to be paid by the tOWn. Tho report of Tawn Engineer Johnston presented at last regular meet- ing of the town -council, showed: Pay rolls, $7,607.11; relief for inspector,$102; • materials, $6,382.10; miscellaneous, $1,- 910.22. Tne report of the tax collector showed $1,838,49 collected since olast report, of which $107 was arreara Two application3 for building permits were received and referred to the fire eommittee. These wee* tram George Gould, to repair dWelling Elgin avenue, recently damaged by fire, and from c. Spain to ereet garage. The Hoard of Trade munnumed the collection of. 9120 for trio Blire Water IlighWay Aseocietion, which may yet be increated. A eircular letter from the Association cautioned against the placing of advertising with parties other than • THE ews .9/ Dun, annon In response to an appeal for ObrIstmas cheer for a school of zome fifty -Ave thlie dren in a distrlet in Northern Saskat- thewan, which this year experienced the fourth crop failure, the jUnlJr and senior Institutes of Dungannon sent a generous bankmoney order, and Mr. McDonald, secretary of the Senior Institute, receiv- ed 'the tollowing reply on Tuesclay: Dear Mrs, McDonald, Received your letter containing bank money order and wish you to thank the Junior and 'Senior Institutes for their gift It certainly will gladden the little hearts of the children on the evening of December 23rd, which is the night Santa Claus will pay his visit to our town. The season's greetings to all. -0•DERIcH.Igrgye arecittlega m0fagerf:dsedtharonudgriloluvet this district this week tor the Christmas • trade. !Chummily low prices prevail HEAT FOLKS CARK CLOUDS Iti THE HEAVENS SNOW y%), Tht Ata, Pon bus' ceel by the ton hut eent eitevel It into tho furnace accorditag to the heat you an get ette ,of it. Poor coal is a bad bay at any pelze. Wats Yeti are ettre pin' coed will Meet the emcee geney of a blimrd, you Pay double in dliltittY and discomtert, can for the ifeat Fake and your cares are aver. let the wind reetri tat the etow &MI VA tho niereurs break the bettera old of the thertheMeteri Von are Main' peettyeritt eat temfert, CALls TEE ttrAtesettte B. ftlitRecoriatLy 11 lowerthanfTanyYargkvliVz11r:adisappoint%etto the ioulty1a .e? The services in Dungannon United church oh Sunday were very intersting. The junior sermon was the story of the journey of Abraham from Ur ee. Bethel. The -choir eang, "Sweet Hour of Prayer." with Mise Margaret pentiand an control - to toMist. 'Fite minister's' eubject was, "Sabbath Obtervance," or "Shall we have a red, white and blueSabliath, or a con- tinental holiday, blue standing for W- elty, white for purity, and red for eacrl* liee—an cif which go to intake Up tertian ideate of Christianity." The eyening eer- • vice was a song eerviee and everyone en. • tored heartily into the singing of the old taVoritea. elev. Mr. lafeltfillan began a tterese of talks on "Hymns And Hymn Writers:" using the hyitut, "Nearer My 000 to Thee," as the subject. Ifinrius •offer expression for minds and desires of the human heart better than •prayer. Hymns often express the heart when words fail to do to, and the awakened cool desires And veeles nearnez to °oil, and find that nearness in every day life. The Y. P. S. met in the Sunday tehoof reem ot the United eliuteh on Wednee- day everting with the preekient, Alien Margaret Pentland, in the ehatir. .4 very tplendid topic WO given by Mee Orace Jewell on "How to ehere Varlet with the Individual end the Praully." eteeteing Particulatly that a man earieet live un- to idnitelf, but is eenti with ottunz, • A. grand, tech e end)00nee meta reraheni No. 140. Canatilea laelarl, Will l)e held in the tawri hall. Enfield. 011 Man - 5e0 mune. Wt.. 20th. leriverse• eleitete tra oill furnie^it the meste. Cards- frent 3 to 10, deneing alter. 03Ga peites. tekete 85 cents. ecrb g into -toed .to tenet a r,ort ron fie ent Vele e:e eeseeseeee renesset, wonnui Misted her erdi- &en into the :erect and her hu 1514 Ln - lo the publig hem. lst-othere of laree latniliee et boys have nothing to do but make peteliee for elething. And cow on and sew on, - G Ot:10,'"'""""10=ike 0=0 Guaranteed 50,,e fuel saving with a RAHN MEI. HAVER in your furnace or hot water heating plant. Thertestatieally e ntralled, Thirty , doe tree trial, Put a BUNSEN OIL ItORNEn. In your range or he teo live years'. Prices treni 327,20 ene. EL CLEMENT MASSEY HAMM sitor,luNciftos STREIR Open evenings Guaranteed • An Attack of kidney irr I Back Bad, Could Iiardly Stand Don't neglect a baelcaehe, but treat it before some serious kidney trouble seth in. Mrs. M. Golightly, Alta., writes:- "Wbea I was teaching school I had a bad attaek of kidney trouble, and my back ached so I could hardly stand. A friend advised me to use Doan' s Kidney Pills, which I did, and•beforo a month had elapsed I felt like a different person." Por sale at all drug and general stereet or mailed direct on receipt of prim by The T. Milburn Co„ Limited, Toronto, One IIANDSOME PEIEMI Derby Colorings and one -hal . Inches .s.(1. tie*. re "STAFFORD" CAKE PLATE One of these Beautiful Cake Plates to eacli.subscriber to The Goderich Star paying after this date in advance for a year, together with all arrears, if any, at the regular rate of $2 a I• year, Plate will.oe mailed securely packed in carton to any address in Canada and this offer is limited to Canada, Or, in place of the premium, any Subscriber preferring a straight-recluction irt subscription -price may pay for the cont - Mg year in advance at $1.50, provided all arrears, if any, are also paid, and providing payment is made on or before Jan. 15th, 1933: • To United States subscribers the rate will he $ 2. PAY NOW AND SAVE 50 CENTS • This offer is made in view of the rather difficult thnes we are all passing through and will be withdrawn. RENEW NOW FOR 1933 and receive one of our beau- tiful 1933 calendars Free. CLUBBING OFFERS WITHOUT PREMIUM The Stu and London Free Press......... .. .... . .. $5.50 • The Star and The London Advertiser 5.50 The Star and The Toronto Globe ' 6.00. The Star and The Mail and Empire, 1 Pilemium above included for 50c extra • 7.00 6.00 The Star and The Toronto Star. r (6tibrortni wtar • WINTER FARES TO CANADA'S • evergreen: 'PLAYGROUND • Return PARE froth Goderhicho Ont. To VANCOUVPR VICTORlisi SEATTLE $111,05 isj4m011fos /fors Reduced by to VANCOUVER VICTORIA, B.C. also lo Seallle, Washing:off Vor healtiunid *Wire =ape from Winter tc Cattada*t "nerereen Playground on the amine Paellic Cemat—to 101my dep of galf and Other entrance aertivitiee, with wet:ter eperte neseee audel rneUnteln grandeur. Pares tide winter Us A2Droosau3ttly 450 lower then ever befere and ecolueat eatee at hetels Make Mut holiday still mere eceneMtcel. Tioactl te,ed ecIng until Feb. 28, Ream liadt Apell e0. encreue atep.ever privileges ese bleat. a mediate peintt. f» cd1nt1t Tkktts sl e. int se* wow nee, a'a to other tad& Cass( palms, iaologlat CalIfctala, foam limit Ian, el. CANADIAN PACIFIC