HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 10*AWE MeV I(2411InirarD Mr. Pczey letnieblet 13 on tha eiele Het this week. aTr. C. a Erratt .13 /2aotc•„T a ear el haelewheatn tho etatien thie week. Mre. C. Williams vititeil Tier melher, Mrs. T. 5traleehan, one day lea week. Mr. Willem ILewlor ezegaecel with Ada Harry Yuneblut ter the winter menthe. Meet.Claiie, el' Car Lae vlsitea er.th Zr-. John IIeueten eauple of days thts week. • 1L PuyAndereza eateetained etveral friancle at tea lett, eVedaceelay evening Ikass Jeeephete McAllister, of Weet e• preeent aaststing in the care a Iter uncle, M. J. WIE:on. Several treat the villaue attended the silver weddite, anniverearY et Mr. and Z. Jae. 'PlanaMoan last Saturday. V. Dr. blortini!ere t Mr. Wm. tatraachate attended a Preebeterst meet - frig of the United church. h; Egraendville on Tuesday of this week. A young son arrived at the home of fr. and MO. Daewin Macklin b„et Thyrday We, Polani, of Wingteen, fa taking Caro el hes daughter ancl pen $geandlexa, ceenintelatty waa elteeked to heae of the cuaden parelog of Ur. Ifelwig, whe wa3 found dead in hi3 bed on Wale ceaSe /Kerning. M. flelwia. thexi.gh tn early1ffz hae been auffering from heaet trouble foe cevcral yeers. an Open meeting a the PartnereCleh will be held in tha Oran3D flUon: Fel- stay afeeriacon at 2 Dan whenI. .Leeott, peetedent of the U. V. O., will adareze the meeting. AU aro weleerao ta come arid hear Mr. Ccott die.eues the queetiens of the cleY. The annual mectinee of the. difteren branehee of itnen United cluervii for the eleetion u officere for 1033 have been held tide Week. The Junior Bible e1ee3 met on Monday evening, eleeted their °Sleeve and opent a E2ria1 hour together. On Tuesday the .W. M. S. lead its annual Meeting, deeded officers and at the close peeked a lora° bale of quilt, clothing, etc., far the needy fielde of Northern Ontarie and the far Wet. Thursday evening the Sunday echeol will have its anneal meeting and next 'I'uceday the loallinlinaniannamm -•••-ea A'•* - Mince Meat Pies . .,and •what pies the Goderiich Bakery bakes The Kind the Folks Will Eat -"crust and all." •Light and Flaky. Why bother with' Christmas Baking when you can get everything you want here? CHRISTMAS CAKES, MINCE PIES, Etc. • Place your order now. The Goderich Bakery. Hamilton Street Phone 106 THE GODERICH sTA 1-41U1z5M3r; DEM Ott; 1932 - CHRISTMAS GIFT The most beautiful array of Gifts ever shown is now on display. The prices are very moderate, Bring your shopping list and browse around at your convenience. See our Book Department ehelves loaded with. good beeke sultahle for everyone. Pewee the beautiful Leather Beene'. Bookie to the lovely dieplay for chlidren. Random° Leather Hand Bags for Jodie s, 'Gentlemen's Bill Folds, It'ey-talhere, Tie Racks, Etc. Parker, Waterman'e and Schaeffer's Pens and Pencile in all the lateet color's, at 0.25 to gimp. Dainty Boxed Note Palm and Correspondenue Cards priced from to $3,00 per box. • indian and Eleglieh Ilraesware In all the tneful plecee such as Vases. Trays, Not Water Nettles, etc. Don't forget 31"o ut Christmas Ceriolles and Deceratlone. Cello - Plane ht all colers tor 'mapping PIM filfts.• . See our tables of English China, specially priced at 25c, .35c and 50c Don't forget that Doll for the little Girl. •COLE'S .BOOK STORE Store Open Evenings Until Christmas. Atimosivisstosovisesposisissiossiossigosososionsionnisesicesictswor Ye P. 5, will hold its election of officers. • (From another eorrespondent) • The Women's Institute will meet in the Foresters' Hall Oil Tuesday, Dec. 13th, at 2.16 p.m. Sidelect, "Christmas Message," Mrs. W. Robinson. Boll call -Exchange of useful Chrestinas gifts, Hosteeses- lvfra. Mrs, J, Taylor, Mrs, John Wileon, MRS. 41. J. FERGUSON, Press Secretary. The Ladies' Aid of the Baptist church held their naontbly meeting last Thum - day at the home of Mrs. W, C. Robert- son, with a Rood attendance.' The presi- dent, Mrs. C. A, Howson, presided over the meeting. A splendid program was given, Including a talk on St. Paul by Miss Margaret Small, after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. W. 0, Robertson and leers. A. As- quith, ROLIVIESVILLE Miss, IL MaeDonald spent Saturday in Stratford. Mrs, Arthur Fisher, of Colborne tp, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Irvine Tebbutt. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Biggins, of Strat- ford, spent the weekend with mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Biggins. Messrs. Les. Jervis, Wm. Johnson, John Delnpsey and D. Gliddon were in Landon on Sunday and called on Mr. Ernie Ell- wood. • Rene J. W. Herbert and Mr, W. Lobb attended the Presbytery on Tuesday, .zz,==e,vampodotadomoatlitalt.vmtx,,Nralamovam4uaammattamvotivotioax4004,,,w3110Azoolvisoodoav One of the greatest pleasures is to make the other fellow happy. Accomplish this by selecting from our stock of - Useful . HERA s fl IF BB441120lhilithdatithadithiliBlaBOtlit,044011)diedidoli 11:1042Otithi40421.10:21EBBIsialaBli Always 'useful 'A FOUNTAIN IPEN 1Ve hive %%Humane; and Poker's 2 Cakes Soap, Lavender Toilet water 85 cents FRESII 01111/S2MAS caNnt Berea tee. 75e, $1.00 For Bohr BAlli SOAP and LAVENDER TALCUM LOO Christmas CUTE X SETS 63c, 91,00, $3.00 For the Smoker ° DR- PLUMB'S PIPE • $1.44 ASHES OF ROSES TOILET sou, Cake 50e FRENCII PERFUMES • The purse site sac, 41,04, $1.54. $1.44 HOT WATER BOTTLE Two years' Guarantee $1.50 OF pLaymo autos 500, 75e, $1.00 COMBACTS All the well known makes 75e, $1.00, $2.00 and $3.00 CHRISTMAS CARDS ' 5e, 10e, Lee earth TOBACCO • n: ond 1 -Lb. • These holiday god& are on sale at the four Ooderich Drug StoreS, C DUNLOP, •• • RENALL * 1 A. CAMPBELL, PENSLAR 4. IL LAUDER, 111/t, BROWN'S E. R. WIOLE, CIGARS NUL I 14 for $1.04 Rath Supplies IttATII SALTS 'RATH POWDER' 13ATII BRUSH BATH SOAP 4rouvr WATER Tattler% Iladnat's $1.441 each PERFUMES If yea have a taster twttle the Pethitue 10 Salk. MILITARY BRUSHES tingle 4E34 air% IFILSO, SSA. Mail UN Williams' Holiday Package for Men •• $1.00 FACE POWDERS Imported and Domestic . 25e to • OAS LAVENDER ELOPPERK In�k iskylaraereaa.eim!Weimmeakaa....• Va !LAWS SHAVIgtili SET $1.04 SMELLING SALTS $0e, $1.44 1 .BROWNIES and 1CODAKS $2.25 to $15.00 Milos Shopping at Your Favorite Drug Store. which met in the United church at Eg- mondville. While working on his farm one day lase week, Mr. Irvine bbutt Was for - tuned° enough to see at close range three deer pass hie. way. The leader of the trio was a particularly fine specimen who carried his enassive antlers proudly aloft and stamped his feet in deiiaxtee at what he evidently considered an in- trusion on the part of the land owner. The W. A. of the Ebenezer United churoh held an evening Ineeting oz Thursday' at .the home of Mrs. Vaeom, The president, Mrs. Ira Merrill, tonduct. ed the meting alis.s Sinelair, RN, was the guest speaker and gave a very in, teresting address on the work IneGymp- soriville. Messrs. Irvine and Cannon Tehbutt and Ur. Prank Jones, coatribtit- ect violin musio, which was much appre- elated. Miss Edith Patterson was the accompanist and pianist for the evening. Daring the social hour, a nuerdeer of the ladies assisted the hoStess in. serving lunge • , • MAFRUNG 33ert Whyarci, iaf Dengannen, was a week -end• gnest of Richard Hilpatrick. Mr. and Mil. Joe Day, of Hamilton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Herb Curran last week. Mr. S. 13. Stothers, of Arthur, visited his sister, Mrs. -11. Hatton, Tuesday of last week. • Mr. and Wire. Wm. John Hall visited Mrs. Iran's mother, Mrs, Little, of Fein - loss, lifencia3e- •Mr. and Mrs, Ernest McAllister spent a recent evening, at the twine a Mr. and Mrs, Herb Curran. 1VIt. and Mrs. Itenneth Campbell and two daughters, ot Detroit, visited rela- tives here during the week. Mrs. •Richard Johnston and Cecil Johnston visited Mr. ancl`Mrs. H. Moffat of Sarnia, over the week -end. GODERICII TOWNSHIP • Mr. and Mrs. Ftobt. Sowerby •and chil- dren and Mrs. John Sowerby spent a day last 'week visiting with friends near Lon- don, ee .Miss Marguerite Falconer, of Goderich, spent Sunday at the home of her pare ents, Ur. and Mrs., Geo. Falconer. Mr. and Beers, ieeith Ross and Mary, of Holmeeville, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hose. Mrs. Jas. Ross, who had been visiting there the past week, returned 'mine with them. Next Sunday the serviee will be held as' usual in Union ohurch at 3 p.m., Sun- day school at 2 p.m. The pastor, Rev. F. W, aria wiIl ocet(py the pulptt., Praotise has commenced for the an- nual Christirtas tree Med tontert of 'Un- ion church stuiday school to be held In the chureit on Thursday evening, Dec. 22. A good program is being prepared. The regular meeting Of the Y. P. S. of Union chureh will be held on Friday evening in the church. Mr. Arnold Port- er will have tharge ot the meeting. All I young Potpie are cordially invited to at- tend. • P•avciss Ruth Evans Was able to resume her duties as teather of Olden school No, 6 on Wednesday ef laet week .after • being 'laid up for a few days with a sprained ankle. There was a fair attendance at• the service in Union Church on Sunday. The PaStnr, Itev. F. W. .0 relit, oecupled the pulpit and preached an interesting ser- • mon on the subject, 'Illeaning for Ood" front the teat "If any of you do err front the truth, and one convert him: let him knoW that he which converteth the shatter from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall iilde a :multitude of sins" ---James 5:19-20. • 'rite recent Lund weather le weic01ttn1 by the farmers of tills district, who are busy. getting their fall plowing finished ' (Prera artother,correspandent) • Miss Clara Hariller and John are von - I. fined to their honte with meatlea whieti are becoming quite /preludt. " alicoees Pearl and Davide •Itatigede, of • 'Ooderich, were gnats at the' home of Mie Wad refre. O. W.. IfarwOod on Mon- day. ATESTMLD Am, Wm. Crozier; ot Crewe, vent last week with her parents, Mr. and Atra. W. 11, Campbell. /digs Ohn(vs Stoi/orrell, of Cioderkit. openf the weekend with her sister, Mrs. John Cowan. 7 MM. J N. Campbell is spendMg the winter in Ooderiell with her daughter, Ntra. Stortehouse, Mt and ttra ant Vincent, of fiel. grave, vitlted an Sunday at the hems of Mr. and Mrs. 3, I. Mel:My:eh, Ur. and Mrs. ton* Itemlniva mut et °Match, wrere visitors at the heron cf Mn and Mrs. Mantin. McDowell on &nub& SattisdaY little Victor Caletphell was playing in the stable white his father, • TM; Itoward CILtepheli, was up in the hrtti. Diattint,down tem. While elleahing, Jot $ kitten whicir he hal been playlnig Lcith Vletor fel% het/tang his tongue so hally55 hal to be tam to the *dot atd hart a mkole ot stAtehes Ilut hs.' One ot th opper tetth svis &so itneked nut c-Xews Dunhannon iintencicd fez bet week) , Mies Mary Jane Hebb. tee !eft for Lan - dm, where she wail rear.ain for the win- ter, a guest with her sister. Brier to her departure, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rebb en- tertained a number of neighbors sa her henor. When a eumedueens clalekela dinner ware enjoyed. Diming the evening music was enjoyed, the host playing the violin and being aecoMpanied by Ws elatiehter. Mies Dorothy Hebb. The max., meeting of the Y.P.El. of Dungannon United eiturelt, was held 1VedueedaY. With Miss Cora Finnigan in charge. An infermal -debate was held on the subject, "Are Leaders Born ,or Made?" This was introduced by Rev. D. A. ,Macivillian. EVeryene entered heed- ily into the discussion,' taking Napeleien, Laurier, Lineoln and lelaseolini as eX- aMples of leaders. The need of leaders in church and connnunity life was etres- sed, also the linpqrtineee 01 trainhig the young people for leadership, This dis- oussion was followed by a Bible study lesson on the contemPerary Jewish reli- gion at the time of the eon/mg of Christ. The Junior League in the after:mon was splendidly attended. The spechil feature was a mock Wei, when seyeral of the members were tried before a. tourt of their peers, the •accusation being "un- kind or imgentlernaraly behaviour." They were found guilty and eentenee was pro- nounced by the eudge. DONNYBROOK Mise Della Plewman, of Forest, is vat - tug at her home here. Miss Verna Chamney spent a few daya withher grandmother, Mrs. 4. II, Mills. • The Young People's Society well meet as usual on Friday evening of this week. IVIrs, Wm. Crazier vistted last ureele with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Campbell: The W. M. 5, will meet in the base - Ment of the eleurch on Thursday aftec- 000n of this week. . Mr. Geo. H. Jefferson, et Clinten, was a Saturday visitor at the home at his Mother, lefre. C. Jefferson. mr, and Mrs. Jas.Plowman entertain- ed a nurnber of their friends and neigh- bors on Saturday, Dec. 3rd, it being the twenty-lifth anniversary of their wed- ding. ,POR1.F,R'S--11.114L An epidemic ef Measles has•struels. this iNMUntinitY. • Bell Bros, cement eontra0tors, have received a centraec for butaimg a large biedge near Orangeville, and have star. ed work on it. • , At the regular meeting of the Mens Club on Tuesday evening, Dee. 13th, Mr, Frank Powell,•councillor, a•111 give a tam on three years' experience in the wilds of Northern British Columbia, and win touch on missionary work in the ear •north. This should be an interesting address., All inert invited. Refresinnente will be served, • At the it meeting of the Men's Olnh, which was im open meeting, part of the program' consisted of an oid-tinee fid- dlers' contest, at which the prize win- ners in professional -were James Varrish, Colborne township, and James Lindsay, Bayffeld, and in amateur, Mn Perdne, and Peter Young, Other numbers were piano instrumentals by Eimer Trick and A. D. D. Pudwell, v1olI sales by Rev. R. b4. Gale and Mrs, Maitland Driver, reci- tations by -Geo. Elliott and Mr. Patter- son, Clinton, address by Mr. e4efferson, Clinton, saxophone solos • by Master Jackie Perdue, of Clinton, and selectiots by the Elliott orchestra, of Clinton. The was occupied by the preslitent of the Club. There was a full house, and the ealleetion amounted to $10.50. • CARLOW STORE • sure, we have bargains! M. & N. Tooth Paste 19c Bay Rum Shaving Cream 19c Candy Bare 6 for 25e Beechnut Gam • 3 for 100 • Gar. Pail, special 24e Everything froni Soda Crackers to Shingle Nails. • FRANKLIN McILWAD; VROOMANS • Where ale Particular People go to have their Dry Cleaning done. Try us for. your n'eirt 'cleaning and pressing French bry Cleaning Works GODERfag • .._......_ - LILA/ROMAN * WEST STREET 4 t Sind) S' . Art Store Ibis a beautiful showing of the famous WEDGWOOD ENGLISH. CIHNA for Christmas- Glits.-arult At such bargains. • We:figs/60d Cream mat Sugars, Mic, pair ; Cups and Sanders, 85e; /late% 33e; Bea Bons, .43c. 'res and Ittridge Stia---And Just POPin and set the loveliest 34-p1ete Weston:et Dinner Sets at fob' WA* osisspitta tet. Boy Mother a set for thriskass. Geei Brie et Chehtituts Cards alit Gift Pictures, STORE OPM MOH= Smith's ArtudGiftShop The Howe of Beautiful Picture, tiat St. Thane la All Wool Grey Blankets $3.95 per pair A Canadian wool mill gave us a price on 100, pairs. of Blankets.. We ordered, and. here they .are -pure wool, 7ablankets, size about 66 x 86, and note they are splendidly. finished and whipped singly. Recent1P. sold. at $6.60. On sale at, per pair.. enman's heavy,, all. pure wool shirts$3a.n9d5 MEN'S SHIRTS and DRAWERS P drawers, sizes 36 to 42. Reguraa1.66t per ,• garment.... . KNITTING YARN Scotch Fingerihg Yarn in black, heather or grey, per lb • $1.00: Yard wide Factory Ciotton.or. Sheeting; yardlOcz •WOMEN'S WINTER COATS • Beautifully fly trimmed and silk lined', new. materials, andlatest styres,.36to 44, Vatues • V2..00. to $35.00, . $1.7:00to:42500) Hutt' erick Patterns are in stock. . . W. Acheson & Son •'People Know Mrs, W. B. *reliant has left to spend the wiater months at Toronto. Mr. arid Mrs.' IL C. Young and son of-Kitchener;-visited•svith Itrt--att; sure YoiL dry rae well, SO'S I shan't get Mrs. Thos. Young, South St. • Mr. and Mrs, 'H. H. Schumacher. and Miss Laverne Schumacher, of Buffalo, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Young, South St:• "Mummy," said a wee boy, as his mother lifted him out of the hatli;. "be, We're a.Glitter and.a-Glow with Our Christmas Show 4. Give . ingerie • Few gifts are more popular at Christmas than Lingerie, particularly when it comes neatly packed' in an attractive Christmas box. You will be happr to give or receive any of these claihty.pieces:. Dane Sets • Ve3ts a'nd Bloomers •t-• rrr. • 444. In • lovely crelie de 'chine, white, pink or peachsYna,lr, medhiln, large • $1.45 . . • Superb quality, care -- fully cut and finished, • lace and. a p p liq ue • trimming, all, ss. $1 to $1.59 set Gowns tand Pyjamas .1 dI A lovely range, including crepe de chine, plain rayon, extra quality, all lingerie shades, sizes small, medium, large and oversize $1.00 to ',$4.50 All in Christmas Boxes -certain gift successes. SYtturreSCHAEFER 61 Telephone 56 -5.