HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 9THURSDAY, DEC. Ith, IOU
and Occasionally Sorne Men Teen -Age Weakness
The Party given on. Prid ey alght
Odd rellevis" by the Galeriai
branch of the Women% Institute attract-
ed * lerge erowd. Cards were enjoyed
•during the flat part of the evening -
Paps were won by Stirling Pulfarel and
MTL T. Baker a eleafertie Atterwards
a, Mince took plan, wizen novelty dance
Melee Were wore by Mies Muriel Panew.
berm; Ulm Cie:trade Evans, Ora. Arthur
Curry and 3L0 Ruth Wereelt The In.
actitute at its meeting recently veted *20
to the Welfare Itisteet. Recently acebale
was sent to Mb& IL Trowbridge, of anew,
Isla. for nistribUtion among the needy In
Northern Ontario. A. letter of epareche-
teen mad' acknowledgement wea received
froM WC Trowbridge,
Pertatents; Chrietien stewardship, etre.
W. J. Andrew; strairgera, Mrs. W. C.
Priam and UM Wilcock; supPly, Nira.
T. Johnston and Ms. A. 3. Howard;
associate ieelpene Mrs. V. M Robertson
and Mee S. J. Wok; literature, Mo.
Wen. Rivers; ladestenery Monthly. Utica
A. Devideou and eine A. Buenapen ;
temperance, Nine M. W. Howell; press,
Wes M. 0. Rebertean; eunerintaiderita,
Missies Om% Miss Z. Ruch:mina 0.0.
1.T, UAW Bailie and Cheer; Miseion
Band, Misses Oreelford, Andrew end
camper; IOW Sena, ligm. rOZOrd. kess
A. Jenkins Ind liErS. P. 4.
Manna atre, 3. T. Pell; aerators, Mae
dome Han mid Aitken; finance eel*,
mittee, ateseleenee R. Reim. Salkelci and
Oirvin; repreeentatIve to the oftleiel
board, Mrs, Hetherington.
After the eleetiou or officers lars, P.
•W. *erne took the 'chair for the devo-
• tional prograte. The scripture lessee,
Ialre's beautiful iset`Ount of the birth of
Christ, was -read by Mrs, A, Inchailatil
Mr& Watts offered wearer, end Ms, W.
I. ),IeNevin, read tins story of mrhe
woman who loves to radiate latIngfrees.
A chorus, "Joy to the World:11ms splen-
didly rendered by a dcaible quartette dine
sista% of Mesdames lbebertson,
• Naftel, Moore. Johnston, Barbour, Ker-
shaw aad Hewitt, with ears, R. Hender-
son at accorideardst, Mrs, W 3. Andrew
gave an interestbig talk on "The Blue
Hooker reading well chosen selections
from its wealth of inforrnatiren. The
closing prayer •was offered by Miss 3,r,
be W. M. El. of North street United
• chetah heldits amnura meeting or the
election of oineers on leoaday afternoon.
veport of the etbminatem eoannittee;
wee adopted , without change and the;
following ofilcere arin enstalial at the
January meeting: litimoreay presidents,'
aeeessaames Pod, Colberne, Stewart, and
Tom; prevalent, lira I. Eletheraigton ;
vice-presidents, IffesdaMee Hamilton, Mc-
Kay, Watts, GrahaM; recording secre-
Ivy, 'Mrs, Wm, Strachan, with Mrs, P.
'W. Currie as assistant; corresponding
'fteretary, Mrs. WM. Revers; treasurer,
Miss M. 3, Robertson; eeeretarles or de -
certuiciawi (mow and the aPeeifieee et-eng terzue his intenteau Of eaving the
' nom/ of the &Wyman Walla teazle hith 'Lord And taking his family along giciat
Mrs. Lust Tells How She Leered
'flutDr. WilliamsPIA Pins
Bee fit Crumb% Girls using counter maks has been trelnene
elm in past eeses. A itpetate bill of
lading ler awn culoa1 werrict greetly
_Weal' beeY 4-ia facilititte dionatution. U. N. Poets.
" 41.4" *' leigines fen:Wed be NM Walton reveal
Pme," writ" Ur** thee the British minket imPatteil. %Weer
Lunt. Ilranaafl. e49 owt. of apples. in 1031 as compered
elkian"ha*"Whee_eu With 4,001,134 cwt. in 1021 *ea 1,830,210
*VI 4_4,4 44`12;,724: MO. whis reveals the Petartia-
aim awa'"*"" lities et the British, minket for aboorbing
the aPPle eereertS of °Mario.
aireaa et the railearents te when. they
refer ; Mee timt counter minim en lava
bearer am alsoluteiy liceeasarY weer' *
shipment consias el more than one eat
Ur. aulten eiserme that the amouat
mvuey lost to tba ShIPPer. tnroudn ukt
Pelt Like
very badaf4 blood seemed to turn to
water. A friend told me to try ler. Wil -
lime Pink P1110. In three months 1
telt like a different Person. i have s
taken a course ot them PM* **eh
-t0 build Up my blood. and X cannot ape*
Mo highly of them.'
Dr Willisares" Pink Pills have emoted
an invaluable biasing to theUmnds 01
young women, by creating an abundant
simply Of new red blood cella Carried
to -every pert ea the neretersly mateusted
seetern, thie rich Mood Metals* and re -
Maker it In truly wonderful Way, ALL
run-down eOnditione are bent -
Bled by them Ville. Try tlean. At
druggists, ade Package.
5c to $1 00
To any ;person who fan bring in, fresher Spanish
in 'this quality.
This 'week we have bought alarge,quantity of the
to he sold at
15c pop pound
Do „not .miss visiting our Dress DEpartment this
Check und double check our prices.
Smart and chic styles, all sizes. The very latest
styles.. ... $2.95 and $2A7
Beautiful range of colors, niee diverse styles for
these prices..... ....... ...... $2.95 and $2.47
Regular $4.95, for, .... . ... „ .. $3.95
Here is something to catch your eye. Large
assortment, all sizes, at •lowest prices, regular
$1,95, for... ... ... .. ...$1.47
Nothing more acceptable for Christmas Gifts than
a box of Handkerchiefs, retailing at 15c and 25c
box. We carry a very large assortment for you
•to select from.
Before you make your selection for Christmas be
sure to come and see our gift counter display. Our
assortment is large and of high quality and at low.
er prices.
Our Candies alWays the best quality at the lowest
SATIN:MIXTURES, per lb.... .. . .....19c
• ASORTED CREAMS, per ib...............19c
NLAPLE BUDS, per lb....
CHOCOLATE DROPS, per lb...... . .. ...20c
COCOA1VUT TAFFY, made from the new
crop of Peanuts, per lb... . 20c
Make your Children happy by bringing them to
the store and visiting our toy land. We carry a
coalplete assortment of all toys. We specialize in
Chubby D 00* 6.660. 06,1 ..... *60** 41.95
Manuna Doll with wig..- .... 41.95
Mamma Doll special dress, ...
Mamma Doll with wig.. • .... ...........$1.00
Mamma Doll in Pyjamas...
Mamma Doll in dress... ....... , .49c
Unbreakable Doll... ,
Nen and Information .
for the Any Farmer
• (FuswiSised the Oatarm smare'vatect
at daricainno, .
• Red .Onions at lereeduna.
That Montreal and Quebec auerkets
are•Prepared tre..PaY a Premium for the
red varieties- of Ontario -grown °Mous, is
prove4 by the fact that in •both these
cities the red varieties are selling for op
to 75 cents a• hundred higher than the
• "Don't Want Xat -Sion
It is particularly difetult en these shwa
of lots of ffeed and low prices to get far-
mers to realize that the market does not
want a set hog, at least not a hog of the
fatted type, so ,popular derade or so
ago. The .1AOK that takeS the premium
today es the select batem,type, whien.
comparatively &Peaking, a lean bog
weighing 180 to 220 pounds off cars at
Stock yards Such bogs have a Jowl and
shoulder light and. smooth, a` back fxont,
neck to tail evenly *fleshed, a. side long
dropping straight, from.the_back, a belly
ehowing thickness of desning, a .flank Well
let down and Mine a tain .1 all, and a
good general finish with no excess fat.
The best way lo tnderstand the tele.
of hog that gets the Adler a:want= Is to,
visit .a stockyard .or abattoir 43r, grading
station where hog grading 10 being 4911e
and. see /for „yourself the tYPe of hog that
nets the dollar premium for the produc-
Item; and he called upon the caildren a
Israel to make a like decision.
Paul in Ms day teught and passed an
is teaching In watinge which ere in use
in our day for the guidance et tether*
Ilenor Mr 0, A. 0.
The rather Cup Offered he' the Saddle
and Sirloin Crlub of Ceneagte en their
Annual Senty Contelt, liag been won by
the students of the Ontstrks tiericulturol
College. Jae, Cullen. secured second WM*
ea an indivIcaral competitor, and won the
telvez medal. Ileatter place was won by
341m Regina Van der HoOrneenftle place
bY H. X. Jackson, sixth by %Wain Butt
and eighth, by X. CF. lieedinati. Thus,
0. A. 0. students seceded five of tae first
eight awards and, 04 tide basis WQ4 the
Grand Chealitenshie Trophy, The hon-
Btpeace be.
or Which ceases to O. A. through the eemea deal nations as being possible
. Paul In Ids day preached
tht5 tx410113t Mean* J1114 ik when should trown Jesus teal of all,
were In all 180• ceraPetitors froM shitecit around the mom of Christ then darn
little mere When it is known that there When they meet ea ceinnion supplicante
altrieultinal eel/teat. Pietas of these wars eeme and the world be at peaces
colleges ere irt the Uaited States.
Tire subject on whIth the essays were Nov• 13-1kreklek a tieint.
vnitten was "Factor:: Contributing to the -Awe 5:11-15; Luke 15 18-2*
Efficient Dee of Tads." The meccas of --Itemerus 12:11. '
the Students is a tribute to the Depart- The Prophet Amos, ',WW1'S: with e'en -
merits of Poultry and Animal Ilinben- cern the way the people about him were
dry, 'where a large amount of research loving evil and hating good, 'Preached re-
bels been caaled on and from which Pentane and tlle grace of God, hoPing
some fundamental filets have been secur- to stir them up to a better mode of Uv -
Sind children, masters and Sextants in
the way they Should live and make their
lives a bleaSlaig ta themselves and the
harem and community.
Oct. 34 -The Christian AM law Wow -
Weriel'a Temperanee Stereo,
-o-litemaell 1$:14; Gldatilalt 44-10.
The principles of Chtlatian eivairatien
are set forth. by fat. Peul in these words,
"Let every soul be subject unto the high.
er powers. For there is no power hut of
OW; the powers that be are erdalned of
In writing to the theatlans at. Paul
*eta fOrtb. clearly 'what; Chrietianity itt in
practise and in reward, "Be not weelet
In well -doing. kr in dee season, ye shall
reap if ye faint nut."
Nov. 1--Tite Christicta ant Were.. Peeve
e -Pea* 7$41-17t 11pbeebram 1113-11.
Mettisew 50t,
The Pialmbt foresees the reign of
Christ in the heart* 01 men and prophe-
elm Met 'kings and ruler* than come and
offer their 'crowns to the Bon of Clod, all
netions shall serve him.
ed, The English. Department, bi. which Ing. •
these students were trained, also claims The gospel according to Luke vecerde
mud:. credit. The students deserve great the teaching of the Master about the true
praise leetatese of their interest and In- object in lite. De expectations are to
dustrY and their ability to write out. look beyond the good things of this life,
standing essays, All the gifts with which man is endeered
are to be Used in the business of trading
In the interests of the Master's kingdom,
Nov. 2S -Stewardship of Money.
-DeuteronoMy 8;11-14, 18; 2 Cor-
inthians 9:6-15.
-Luke 12:15.
The Old Testainent abounds in refer-
ences to giving back to God a portion of
what He has blessed His creatures with
nuterially. Ifl todaya les.son. we read of
ciocies veiling Ilis chosen people to re-
member Wile -it isthat givetn them 'Power
to set wealthaa the New Testament
lesson St Paul urgesthoseto whom he
was writing toaeive generously, knowing
that 'Clod loves a cheerful giver. 4-, •
Nov. 27 --Stewardship of Life.
1116-201 Acts 28:12-19,
Corhithians 8:5.
Jesus having started on his public min-
istry called other four to follow him and
share his experiences. They accepted the
challenge, not knowing its f ull meaning
but they saw in it liew possibilities for
their development along hew ways. They
had been living useful lives but in a re-
stricted area. On the other hand Bt.
Paul had been active in a wider and al-
together different sphere but When called
hetoo responded and entered on a new-
er, fuller life.
Dec. 4 -Living With _People of Other
-John 4:5-10; Acts 10:30-35.
-Acts 10:34,
Jesus began the 'breaking down of the
Field Orel* Report
The Statistics Branch has recently is-
sued its sixth crop report ef the season,
overing yields of field crops for Ontario.
all wheat yield per acre is now placed
at 28.4 bushels as eompared with the Pre-
liminary name of 30.1 bushels and the
estimate of oats has been reduced from
33.5 to 329 bushels Per atre. The injury
done to fall wheat by lodging as revealed
tlueshing operations wasgreater than
at first belleveci. --Yield of rail was out
down Southerr: Ontario due to unfav-
orable weather at seeding time and in
other tions, oats are light in weight
due to too much raln and heat while 111-
ling. Total production of both beans
and potatoes Is much under last year.
The acreage of' potatoes was reduced 7
per emit this year but the yield per acre
showed a drastic reduction. Dry rot has
been prevalent, many fields showing as
high as 50 Per cent. rot. • • •
Late crops suth as sugar beets, turnips,
mangolds, corn and buckwheat benefited
from, favorable growing weather during
the Tall and Yields were very good. The
corn -borer was worse. than for some
Tears. .
illy and clover crops yielded well ex-
cept •iir the east where growth was
tixecirea by snicisuramer drought and
rains came too lete to prevent damage to
hay ',crops, but 4n tline tor corn and
grain. Pastures are in excellent condi-
tion and livestock Is going into the sta•••
oarcaron which b,ad so long separated
Iles en meal condition. Jews and Gentiles. ere entered into in
Farmers ge.nerally Sowed. fael wheat
later this year to avoid the danger of
Onta'rio. Heavy Winner at International
The showing made by Ontario far-
mers at the International May and Grain
Show. Chicago," said Arthur H. Martin,
Ontario Department 01 annaciature, •ras a
clear indication, of preparation being
made for the World's Grairi Slum, te be
'held in Regina in 1933.
'With the Judging ea. grain arid small
seats ettu incomplete, vidiiiiitOrs rr,om
°Marto have captured, already, two
• championships and two reserve' dlnun-
pionships. ,
"R. Lee. of OhatswOrtiz •reY Onuntir,
was awarded the grand ehamlaionSbia in
field peas on a splendia sample oe the
small yellow"variety, . . ••
"The second championship goes to
Mrs. Mary E. maytoek, of 'Milford, Pfince
Edward County, on an exhibit of navy
field beans. Mr. Maycock has won
championships at Chicago Tor the past
three years.
I '3 11. tampman, Ridgetawn, Neat Co.;
received the Reserve Championalilp in
Field Beans. .
• "In the Alfalfa Classes, Robert J.
Shaw, Motto Road, Pee County, took the
Reserve Championship.
• "Ontario farmers.' concluded Mr.
Martin, "gent upwards of 1775 entrees in
the Seed classes to Chicago, and have
won more top prizes than in any Pre-
Viotts year."
1,000,000 Pounds of Turkey Shipped to
• Great Britain
- It has been reported to the Ontario
Marketing Beard that between Novem-
ber 16 and December 9, over one million
pounds of Canadian turkey meat will
have been, snipped to Great Britain.
In spite of the fact that the turkey
meat originated in the western provin-
ces, this constitutes good limes for the
Ontario produeer, inatriush as 'mai
• nterkets will be relieved to that extent.
OF INTRUST TO WONIEF1-..i.wootropeseiwiarel*ked thee
only,tbe nfat of st Bridals -made, 5°' eluminune cooking eatoon for thereon*
°Costly en Oxo Cube Red Weappers. OXO Limited, St. Petit Streer,Mnotrial
tilliate tOsiversisticin With a Serwarltan
woman, and revealed to her the meaning.
01 tale worship. AS he wee leaving his
disdples for the last tinie, lie cornmis-
stoned them to diselple all nations and
in obedience to that eoramand We read
of Peter's preaching to a cOMPtiny gath-
ered in the house of 'Cornelius, a care
tur100. of the Itiditen band: .
Dee. 11 -The Cheicalates lese of Leisure.
-Ethane:di 8110-17* ltfark 4:30-3.1).
•Corinthlinii 14;31. .
After the rebeilding iyt the wall of Jer-
usalem, a time et rest was observed and
In it Vara the peophet read and explain-
ed the law at Moses to the people, Then
he Ontunanded there- to take thought
for their phydall needs and pleasuree
and that of others less ftwOrabbr
ed. They Were to eon tor the well -tieing
Of their aeuls, Minds, bodies and twist
and charitable aetivities and the result
west that their hearts were lifted up in
very great gladness.Jaw: tatled Mir
diseiples apart that they might rest and
take over their doings *net recelve
tarealith far Anther work. lite Weer
use of leisure side MI the rest of a Mattal
daily lite. •
An 011 without Aleoboe-Some end
many medicines have alco1101 as a prom-
inent ingredient. A judicious Wailing
of six asentlel oils compose Dr. 'Ilionuria
Eeleetrie 011, and there is no *lead in
It ear that 115 effects are lasting.
Greater Care Needed
At the toncluding session of the East-
ara Ontario Cheesemakers' Contention
D. B. Shirtt, bacterioligist, 0.A.C., spoke
en the further elimination of cheese de-
fects. In summing um Mr. Shutt de-
clared that there should be greater care
in the steaming and demising of cans
and utensils. He submitted the follow-
ing resolutions for 1033: No., 1 -Every
milk can, and if possible, all Will idea -
ells, should be brought to the factory be-
fore openiug day to be Washed, etesuned
and Inspected. Repairsshoulct be made
at the eadory. No. 2 -Steaming of all
cant should be conducted at the factory
at least °tree a week. No. 3-0ecasiona1
eats for surplus milk ahould be deemed
at tut factory before being used. NO. 4
-Pasteurlattion of 'whey. No, 5 -In
severe autbreake of fruity or mottled
cheese raise' the patteurization tenipera-
ture of the whey. ,No. te-Htrict earata-
Mon in factory,eoulproent.
'Hessian Ply. Though having less top
than last year, it is very healthy and
goes into the winter 'in good shape. ne-
ves received eter trops are generally less
than a year ago, 'although potatoesand
beans are above last year The total
value of the chief field crops was $114,-
073,408 for 1932 as compared with $125,-
221,100 for 1921.
,Rilab Apple Umbel
Mr,. Andrew Fulton, overseas trait re-
presentative, in a :recent, report, dates
that the prospects for good quality On -
fano apples in the United Eingclorn con -
thine eatisfactory. Ile emphasizes that
it is important that dectimaits aech so
1 Sunday Afternoon
By IsABEL HAMILTON, Godtrich Ont,
ei salvation take the cup,
On God's 118.1110 Will I call;
pay my vows now to the Lord
• Before His people ' all,
Dear in: God's sight. is Ills saints' death,
Thy servant, Lord, am I;
Thy servant sure, Thine handmaid's son;
My bands Thou didst untie.
• Scottish Psalter.
S. S. LESSON DEC. 18th, 1932
Lesson Topia-Review: ChtiStfaa 814111 -
dards of Life.
Lesson Passage -Phil. 3:8-14.
Golden Text -Luke, 923. '
Oct. 2 -The Christiank: Devotional Life.
• --Matthew 6:545; II Timothy 3:
-.11 Peter 3:18,
We lind in the Bible and in other am -
red writings that "man cannot live by
bread alone" and that prayer is the
bridge that links up the needy one to the
Source of supply. It is, as one writer
puts 15, "the root, the fountain, the
mother of . a thew:and blessings." When
it is neglected Or only half-heartedly en-
tered upon the devotional life wanes and
WOct.is-DaThe Christian In The Family.
..-Luke 2:40-52; 10:3842.
-.-Paahit 10112.
In the flret part of today's lessem we
see a relationship of trust between par -
Mite and son, and ale° respect all4 deed -
!ewe on the art of the latter to the for-
mer. Xn the second part' there IA brought
out what fatally life may be and what it
'ought to be. 'Where any metnber becomes
unduly obseseed there is apt to be fric-
tied of a serious: nature. "Receiving,
preelng, Waking -these are the
alternate chords on which the mueie of
cur lives ehould be istruek."
Qct. 16-4he Home and The Coming
• Generation.
16:17-10; Deut. 8:4-9;
Mark 10:13.18,
.-Proverbe tette
Abraham was instraetecate teeth to
eticeeedbag generations &At if they were
to continue In God's favor it torrid oille
be threttgh. living lime ef obedience and
Moses teuelit that they mutt give dili-
gent treed to hear and observe and Id
elnk into their hearte the werd of God;
but they nicht teeth a efl te their
thileiren enel ter preeave ie frolic genera-
tion to generation,
Jean gave au object eeeterz to hie dio-
•de:es of the value ef., !little children.
When t10 niethere bretigirt Mem to him
he gene them More than they egateted.
They looked for a teat% lite gave an
embrace iced s tatatIrag.
Ott. tileerrebtersti ea The Medan Iltshit.
24:14, 15; Et:halal, 8:14.
1 ..lishtes 24:15,
Jotro,10 tat 4/sy =VIP kazairror 10
• Palpitation of the Heart
Nerves So Bed Could Not Sleep
Urs. Fred Bingham, Swift Current, fluke writes.
"I vase bothered with palpitation of the heart, end
my nerves were so bad I could not eleep.
I had eeverld operations which seemed to make me
Worse every tune.
I was getting &operate and eonfided my trouble to
a friend who recommended me to wse 1Vinbrus's
Heart and Nerve Pille. I purchased a box and got
mob, relief 1 would gladly recommend them to ail
who are troubled as I was." t
For sale at all drug and general stores; put up only
by The T. Milburn co, Limited, Toronto. Ont.
oil! Coal! Coal t
WO carry a full line of Anthracite, Bituminous ancl_Pocollontaa Con
and Cokee
All cier coal le Weighed on pine own scales (The Market Scales);
We carry a fullline of SHELF and 11EAVE HARDWARE, PLI/Mlie
. . .
ING. HEATING and TINSMITHING 000Deeand We. guarantec Satisfactlen.
We have a SIX 'CYLINDER STUDEBAKER OAR which Can be •cen-
Verted fnto a jowt truck„ for cede at a very rear.orieble price.
:Here 22
1$1311"1 Mouse 112
for the Home that vvill
Be a Lasting Joy to All
We have a large stock of new and 'up-to-date
Furniture and Furnishings
Hamilton Street Goderich
~flaw feaitgor pitcrionsi. fig_maispr. Tiaxanws --ece-earegres.