HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 8Ce.."-eeee TEE GODERICH STAR SO, THIS IS EGYPT ! E. NeeCialelikeLL Vaz,u) the east $11cz to aeere Said, aireese lea mace theeuels eareal. noalla a eleyes me. A stmin'...r 1;45 to Mt etat'.ain two er threo Owe erder make waY fee others wirieh mey have rielat ef way b peel A wee- derful pleze oe engineering la thl5 "big ditch," fluet lip 6E111 and euterpri5e oei the Panels Ertel:seer, deLeafepe, baek- ed by Peeerie Caeltal. Deem in 1059 it woe einishea ten e-eate latex at a ecet of nearly 2e millions of patinas. Wile ea:. teurte aetueily due out. Wee 75 mffee and two swan /Ace, wistell lalt parte bad to be deem:tett. Melo up the ci,her mike, seme eeetione 15 330 feet whit) a the top, the sides eleping to give a width of about 100 feet t the bottorri with a depth of water averaging 35 feet, Eng- land now holds large number of the criginel 4100.000 isbarce, the acquisition of IF yr ILME MOTHER THEN TELL HER THIS bdra. M. Satderf, IN years eld„etill goes to parties and has 0. good tinle. She eats end sleeps well, tbanks to Vinol Gron 'MOO. Vinol givea old folks new Pep. CAMP3ELL/13 DRUG STORE. Me has eels et leistei,ele rumen, In 187O, cite yeam tater the openieg, UslaC21, whO wa5 the Wane Min/Vier of Znetencl, receidentelly heard teem the Mime' et tete Vali MzUGaXette that tile ICIedive of Egypt vale he ,177,00a shares wa$ hard up and wantca to sell. Ile had ellOrcd theM ta France for a little under for million pounds ba Prance Wettest. cd; Siereareis wanted theta tor Germany but the Khedive required spot ectsli and at mice and Ilismewele I -mallet -O. Lord Ezeby who was in the Foreign Office, a firet demurred, Whop could they find the cash et a feweeettre notice? Tide enor- mene amount would have to ge befere parliament. It was not ea eession bot the iCabinet eat alad after dement/on finally were in fever of purellase; bet how about the meneyi roar railliort ptimeate in two days tent, a v0444014141 mene t,Rothe- Plaid to tell letra that he wanted. our m1WxtPotuade the : bellowing% qfor. Rothabildeme eating Mute Panes wilen Intervieweci„and epitting out the kins Ise asked, °What s hie security?" "The British Government," waa the reply. "He shall have It," Disraeli telegraphed to the British Agent In Cairo and the traneite- tiers was put through in a few hours, There IS Relief rom In this day, no man oewomini need suffer veith rheumatic , pain. It's as easy to get rid of as a headache. Aspirin • disposes of such pain like magic. Two tablets with a swallow of water relieves any mild attack. If any pant is left, repeat every two hours until .the last twinge is driven from the system: Never hesitate to take Aspirin. is not a narcotic. It won't upset the stomach. It can't depress the heart. It may be taken days at a time, with- out the slightest harm. So, don't dread the winter beeause of rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago or constant colds. Aspirin will give you complete relief. • ASPI It N TreaturemAnk Oka, 15* Oarodia iiiiimeibistioneendeanwstedie Buy them at your own store The Hydro Store, at cost. All appliances guaranteed by the H. E. P. Commission. Come and Inspect the Stock Buy Hydro Lamps for Guaranteed Service Canadian General Electric ****009600.10~4400000000,- Refrigerators Electric' Ranges Electric • Washers Elec•trk Heaters Toasters irons Vacuum Sweepers Etc. THE HYDRO STORE Mist Bilin Slow* • Cottarich VAL:L. Tie Queen Wait delighted with the elev. ereees of her little Jew-Chreetian *Uwe Mitleter. When he came te• lier with, he news, erne Ifeeealve's shares are new erste minion," it was a, ateeke of bier. oseeleees for the canal haa revelutleniee4 he trade reutes ef the wesea and bad .. Neese, %Abe 6,05a miles nearer te ciecat Belief's. Nearly three-fourthe at U' teenaee paseing through ts end the annual ;Weenie b about 12 mil- lions of pounds. As tho rIlli) peeve viewly through meet of the country on either 51ele Le a vast ex- paneeoZ shimmering sendy waste and with tire ceeeplian of a few ocea•elentel Arai/3 with &trIPiis of QasneL along the hanks lao living creature Oen be etas un. NI remelt le reeeited but half way through • Port Said is a busy town, r?lying oxi the paeeing troffie and the offices at the Suez Canal_ Company or IM exist-elec. The" railway journey from here to Cala Is 150 Mlles through flat desert, until we aPPreacle nearer the Nag When we are In the biblical Lando Giestien intereeeted with many caritas and largely a cotton •greWhig distriefwell Cultivated, and close. ifeettled..• • • .. And now Ca'iro, Egypt% 'capital, with its million population, the centre of EgYla's eulture and civilization, the city of matinee and minarate, overlooked bY its lamest citadel, olty o nitegnificent Madeand royal palaces, city of wealth and poverty and MotleY eroWds of strange peoples, And this is Egypt, lead of Mentnnents end mYstery land Of the Pharaohs, the Pyramids, the Salsbnc, pro. bably the. cradle of mankind, and of eternal fascinetion that tails you even aeross the space of the woricl'and he who visite it once is ready to come again obedient to its summons for its memory never fades. It is my tefth visit but. its spell atilt tivalls me, • • . Thera are two Cairo, .0% Cairowatt .rentnent still Of -Its .arieleat. oriental aspeet and modern Calro• yeltie its wes- tern civilization, ;a mixture of east and Weat Xn Shute. Kama (the street Of the Camel) there. .are several inunense hotels and numerousbusiness pines eoMParing .faVorablY With those of any 'NUropeari city but the quarter meet in- teresting to the Vieitor is the kaiski—the Part liter* the bazaare are.. Here we are In .a Mead of harrow, .ivizicling streets or passages among the opert, exposed stalls ,jewellers,, gem merchants, #silic mer- huntsld and silver ernithse at their work,: carpet sellers, • amber and Soffit mereliants, shoemakers; curiosity dealers zit' vendors of all kinds of nicknack eo •numerous to mention,: The dealers' re _all keen eellowe .fer sheer uairiesle; they meat yen in the street .and ?nice you to their stalls ,ivitli something onderfid to _show you:and you -gener- ally .eozne away after a, lot afhargairling tometbing . you don'f. want but you pay less than half aim Price: asked and think You- have a bargain, The perfume g("ellers, are the Most persistent; • 'They seat you in ea easy thair and get you to pictures. or emblems of faith are permit. ted as in seine Cluistian 'churches.. Be., fete alluring the Mosque the !faithful sample their seents by rubbing them on your hands, sprinkling youe handkerchief muse repair to a neer-by fountain en - arid Yain garments till you reek Willi the elosed In a kiosie--a.perfec.t gem. in •de-. odors r)f Arable and metrediffusing fa- ' game to a tertnight. •• elan ---where they watt' their bands .and re - The 1=1Y strange Place ever' vi.sited .motth'will:terebm40e47n4theIrte4eisra 143or miisthe tcal hat estials the Muskeiti. point of Inter-, ice st Was 'tn• the 'Chinese vita of -Carden. sseerevalsv<ievrYSinZifrri aoandd un1nsthe NvphiroliengrtrVOic.st -here,however, "the foreign, devils" bad Grandfather • Clock $.99.50 • Authentle reproduction of fine, old Grandfather Cloek, she feet - tall, in genuine beown Mahogany eabirset, 1mnd rubbed. Ali -electric synchronous motor, perfect time- keeper with large. otter lame. Balanced Superheterodyne •Radio, Seven Tubes, Pour Pentedes, ee- ro-4yaam1a Speaker. A beautiful. at, giving double service, Priee $99.so Talbot& Cornish On thn Square Phone 81 1 to be aMerapanied by a special govern- not Christian but then the Christian doe:: understand the ritual and the algid ment official at the time of my visit for fication of the raueh bowing and the In- - occasionally a foreigner had lune:vomit- toning la Arabie. ably disappeared in the narrow streets The Citadel is zi fortress 'nearly 800 and had never been heard of again. At 'ar that time it was risk" 2014 up ta Cad" fiseetles, oIktte ia)suiltatow44tuse-S4ad'alitas a °Bfr4rusaltiale ba- ton on amount a the pirates that he- racks and libmIloh SOldiers guard the feaMd the mouth of the Vearl River on enormous entrance gates and salute as which Cantori is situatedShortly be you enterwear the rear of the citadel fore my •visit a British ship bad been is a deep well evhich tradition attribute boarded and in the fight that followed to Joseph of the Bible. - It Is useless now two Brit,Ish sailors were leilled. A de- for it yields no water. A short distance mend was made that the Governor of 'Canton should bring the pirates to ease which. the 'Irene the Citadel is a satred spot Irma Elswa or sacred Carpet starts dee. Speedily eleven were laid by the on Its journey to Measta camel to - heels and executed. My visit was 4 day gether with the carpet is Officially pre - or tiVo atter tilts event arid 1 was taken sented yearly- by the Khedive as a 'zie7, to the place of execution and saw the pgious observance.. The carpet is coo..,- gliastlY evidences of -Chinese justice— veyed across to Arabia ivith a great deal eleven headless bodies lying ori the of devetion and font r aroompanied ground 'with their heads beside there. I by a caravan of pilgrims, After being Was told the eiceentiener made them Presented to the Shrine at meeca n Te. kneel with their hands tied behind their mains on the Raabe for a year and 13 backs and With one hand holding 111) the then nut lino small pieces and zold to pig -tail he flipped off each head with a pilgrims at exorbitant prices. Stroke ef his word. It was rumored that Cape Town. Nov. 4th, 1932. net one of these pirates had been With- in twenty miles of the steno Of the piracy but that was a trifling -matter in Chinese RUSKS, AND 'ROLLS JUstlee, the inexorable demands of Eng- land had been satisfied and the execii- Ily 13;"—ty•—BarCiay thins Were considered a deterrent and not a punielmeent. The bodies were left to Ruske et' rolls are always in order for lie expOsed for ten days as a token of cold weisther lunches or dinners, Pallow Canton's reaclineav to comply with 13ri. these recline carefully and you will be ash. demands and a 'warning to evil- delighted at the results secured: a . But to Return to Ernst The population of Egypt within the lie Cups special cake ffouresifted. last forty years under British proteetiori 3 teaspoons Wang Powder and With English enteeprir.e has more le teaspoon salt . 1. than doubled and now exceeds 14 ntillions 2 tablespoon butter or other I Of whieh about one minion are Cbristielie shortening I itea , d . —mainly Egyptian Copts—and. le mil thirteen 46 cuk (about) Millions Mohammedans. The many I can O. cups) red cherries, seeded beautiful mosques in Cairo are evidencee - and drained .pf the religious eeal ef.tate people, 'When Sift Omer once, measure, add bakin vielting eSquee it lnecessary before powder and gaitansift againCut hi g entering to put on slim:40re providea by Shortening. Add mine gradually until an attendant for a small inicksheesh as lseft dough is formed. Roll lir inch thick, • it is hot permitted to walk osi the tatered Com with cherries. Roll in long roll, earpeted !Mora with shoes. One of the proving edges together. Cut into Itfl in. I 1 UniVersity with 15,000 students from an oven' (4.25 deg. Vt) 30 Mhultes, tbaeting Most, important masques is El Aellar.i Slices. Place In greased pan and peer Connected with It is a lamette Islamic chemer sauce over them. Bake In hot I Parts of the /stelae world, Egyptians often. Serve het, With settee poured Arabians, Soudanete, Persians and In. around them: and a, tablespoon of whip- diaAltreuliar feature bete got followed by G. .., ped Cream placed on each slice. Serves Western universitlea is the -daily distribu. time of 25,000 entail. iosves of bread and, Hee O'Clork Tea Rusks a deity dole Of spending recaleY of smell Vans antang the ,students, The young 2i,1 culls eleeeial elate tour. sifted • 111ii---no voneene-are groupea 'In senile el teaspeotts baking powder tiales eitting on the floor en Mats while :Ili tepteaspoonson. Sr:131n16m, on their teaeher tits- with thetn imputing • knowledge largely from the Roesol •and li teaspoon: 1111tEneit Ita eerraltentarles. The full curriculum 'Ittnebipelesneseabutterpeanshraworotherholgr takes .ementeen seam and Many grow b gee` hi the Servl-._.e of the examiners be. shottening fere they are pasted Arehiteeterally the finest M Cairo Is L3e1CUPllbeaten rueilittterWater r(eked) tile Sultan Itteenkil mewl% About 600 Sift /lour Once, nieestsre, add baking years old, With its high and greet wide and sdetit ooth staltispel:ihresaeendtbubtescw.ndrugaut hxr, dome with towering minarets nearly MO feet In height it 45 Oho of the she* Ihe')It„enillit °malt** tlitt and Itquid- metquts of the eity. " They tell you tbet .4tma _tallidd.,_ egradnallY 'Mtn soft &Sash le the arthiteet who deeigaed it was de. Vrznee c'u. ,4•-meell *21. enedre_d„beLeett Cut in • prived of his hinds ao that he could not L-H2e" 1We'3. omAlle into mum e'Mte produce another like it, - . .1 tegether In well.greeeett shallow' pen, he outstanding iandinatk of the ay, Brush with trililc, sprinkle with aticlitket. is the graceful atehettemed An nitagnti oatleetet_44" gar. Bake In trexerateL4vet alth its wndeeful taperingminare, ,er. e,.le etewtee8'"4" leltuite4 within theMatel eeteple4"1"44e4" ee_WI ' seemly ort An eleveted neetition te11la,Ad.1 •• ----------a-,-------e in IL Msgeiffetilt view of the city, the remit* 1%am—the One toilet requisite !NM the teraMils and eurrouniting for the Odra,' *Mtn: Deightfid to Use. telintrY. It Is celtsliaretirely Modern and Leaves no etickinese. Eiglitly abserbed by he teessatt a ptlfett, 36%-d. The ratertet , the tissum 4341cately ftagesrit, Int. tred with tide thick and very emelt len. Penes tlis the *In. Soothes *MI walls are of alabaSter. the Roars am tor.'llaft3 a VelvetY leveline,* to the cerilldexe empets; lia eeeting •aezesnmedetien, Is berisitee an unpleaatut reughrite or proeltied tir all acirtImera knee], nr alt theling .tanzed by wind and Ober we*. ion tte esrpett what,- the mien rimA thee conditions. Makes hands eoft and mend it6m a high teeteheatee !ego. The white., ereltte3 Ites eluerre, erantielly Intetkc h tildey tit by brims and tepee ,fcminint charm, Vettla5 ROM is !Adis-, than/R*11 01 MAW Arable deeigns: ne.Pelesehle to women tsf ratlabinenL • Cherry nulls Goderieb Township Is Highly Praised Sets Fine Example to Per. liansents, Legislatures.. Etc., Soy* Globe Widespread ecianwhdatery omincnt • has been made oh the splendid- financial •f bowing Gederichtewnslap hes made Shia year In redueing ita tax sate and having a susplue, among other things. The township /a held up as a model munielpality 15 press eerament, &Mae of which is herewith produced: rd.axEs GOOD itEaDING • (Stratford Beacon -Herald) Conelder for the moment the case of Geaerieh Township, •In 1932 tbe tax -rate was reduced by $1,7O ant cent. pet:ad:ie. and wages were reduced ten is Not one dollar was pent for relief. Tile township la free of debt. Ihere le a surplus tho treasury of Is viisiting at the lionie IVIr. John Mrs. Menne vnicesa; or Collingwoed, e Royal Winter Fain • • . pent land other eriends. • Ilse tax rate will be further reduced fees In 1932. fox. 1933. . • R:ilrio.nafel Mrs. W. A. CeMpbell and There was not gne dollar pold in legal A , • wan:Weeds mother, mrs. Barkley. oe =- family v1sIted On Sunday with. Mrs. There Is leas than $100 ta =paid - takes. •• The ninny friends will' be pleased tO When 1 canfirtintii for nominations to know that lVflss Mary Rodger is recover - be placed -for the 1933 'Council Reeve ins nicely from her °Penal** and Was eiedats•bckyo aancediam.ItstioeximM, acuilldorsthawtereseermseturnt; aloe t:oarie:turnmmlinegome.•. joentri sdaanir.d babe, have heart the right and proper thhig of /windage, epent few days lea Week tO do. .• 'With the lady's parentsUrand Mrs , , . The .only fault that eau: be found with IN= waien. the pro4eeclikgs is that these men from I k Goderieh toWnship are necessarily on NreSs18.',Vreci Coble and Qeorge Snell fined tO their own bailiwick.- They znast; motored ,to Ifamilten and Toronto last govern Gioderich township .and none 41- ether. According' to the IllidtationS '11;ee'r, ylVieget4at tables,7e9toki.Clad (1. potato49.' 8"g1.413137 and al allaga Waidd tOdraft this nat be Mr. Delbert Brown, 'hie son Mr. Wil- perinitted , -Godericli town- ehiP vented and cause it 0' bg intnred to, tohtteasweata of government hs Teronta or at We have no financial statement before us on which to base this conclusion, but twhee atreeetPetreuhatiadtedbetwereerinistITrtlithien 119e--32 tax rate by 25 per cent.,' and the pro, Spact for another reduetion in 1933 is closely ;elated to the entry .Whien,shoWs only -$100 in unpaid taxes. - "rhe ability or the .peopie 10 Clodericll township to pa axes has been re.dueed;' of that we are sertaln. Portunately the amount 'they have, te pay has arse been reduced.. It is net often that these two eonditiona are touzsd to be allied in the same constithenty. ' • • • Pe.olile in &mil' atozninunity are ha an enviab.le ...positiori. wiles' things tarn once more toWard better tlayS—and they will-,-CiOderich • Tewnship will not be weighted .clown by debt. Its fatenere will be free to 'go ahead and recoup, their fortunes from the effectsof lean years without having to be called upon te liq, Mciate the obligations of other years: Perth County 'is in , the position 01_ being abie! to congratulate the Townthin of eloderich. t, too. has no debt. -It is in ,a year like 1932 thatthe full forte of that standine beconies. almarent. 'There are .niany cities which would be :delight- ed .to be able to 'say the same thing—' we have zio debt. • v.soivoa s 41,10 "CROWN BRAND" CORN SYRUP csikans sl'AHCIS CO: 14ficaut A Trod' *ribs whoieFonellip- ant Excellent Food, fir GROWING CHILDREN C4r Trqit. To-dagit WBS.1 teoLD (Intended fax laet week) "Mr. Maitland Henry spent several days son Brown, and Ur. Teter Dries% of Ens - comb, spent a couple of days the latter part of last week at the home of the for - flier's sister, -Mrs. 'W. E. Campbell. - Don't be without Douglas' Egyptian Liniment, 1Ceep It always handy. Re- lieves. tqatliaehe, neuralgia, sere throat,. eItitnsy and croup, Iavaluable for blithe , - sores. Barber's /tch and ,Ringworm. Cenral Deafness Can Be Removed Purcell -1 suffering from catarrhal deaf- ness or bawl noises due to catarrh be gladtc. know that this distressinrat- diction cell,. usually. be suceessfully treat- ed at home by an internal enedielne that, in many instancee has effeeted relief after Otter treatments have failed. Seethe Irian yet= druggist one ounce of Parrish* (tititeide Strength). Tuitig tins home and add 24 pint hot water and a little- sugar. A tablespoonful four times a day shoulsi stop distressing eaterrhal head nedses, improve •hearing, make breathing easier and dry -up mucous dlettherge. Ail catareh sufferers need 1441inint. Coal Brovrersste Complete with motor and aft gall/ Rodeo, all !dung Oh Ilk. Mars Med' promptly. Write Mara & Trob•rnkOnt 98 Erie street, Stratford: • .em•••••••••••••••••••••immompowaie. • ROUND' rRIP BARGAIN FARES , TO TORONTO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 17th RETURNING: Tickets eood up to mondaY Dec. 19the Tickets • good' isa egaehet only. No bag- gage cheeked. - Lee Generic 11--6,45 a.m..and 2.30 p.m. , RETURN •• Children 5 years, and. nnder 4, half are Buy Tickets in advance frcat Tcwa and Dret Agents • CANADIAN-NAilONAI.:-182 • Half the Ills of Life . Are Caused By Constipation constiplition is oho of the most frequent ills of rnankind;. and one. that is only too often allowed to go, unlooked after uistil some, serious, eOreplication sets in. 1Ceep your bowels condition by thin a good, healthy. e use of Milburn's, cid Lau-Liver Pills. They regulate the e to act properly on the bowels, making them active and t s In Stomach Sow of bilregular by remeving the constipation allied troubles. irr sale id all drug and general stores; put Up Way by The T. Milburn Cause Indigestion MIIBURN'S LAXA-LIVER • P1LLS• Create, Salamis, Gas atid rain. Row ti) Tftat Medical authorities state that nearly nine -tenths of' the cafts of stomach trouble, indigestion, seinness, bmning. gas, bleating, naUsea, etc., are clue to an excess of bydroohlorit acid in the stbna- ach„ The delicate stomach lining 15 irri. tided, digestien is delayed and food sours, causing the disagreeable symptoms whien every etennach sufferer knoWs Sa well. TIrtiflelal digestants are not needed in such cases and may do real harm. Wry laying aside all digestive aids and instead get from any druggisee sonic Bistirated. Magnesia and, take a teaspoonful in waiter right sitbr teeing. This. Sweetens the stomach, ivelrents the formation ef excess acid and there is no sourness, gas or pain. )3Isurated Magnesia (In powder form---frever liquid. or milk) Is harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and is the most effitient form at magnesia for stomach purpose% It isused by , thousands of people who enjoy their meals 'with no more fear 0! indigestion. SPECIAI ORO; A-. .The Go4erich Statfrom n'olv . Subsc•ribe now and get the full benefit of this offer. A haridSorne 1933 Star Calen- dar with each paid in advance subscripr tion. (gribrrir tar 4.. Make Your Christmas6ifts This Year • Something of Lasting Usefulr.tess such as a Kelvinator Electric Refrigerator ORA. Locomotive Electric Washer • OR AN • ELECTRIC RANGE WE HAVE A FUU. UNE OF Electric Appliances and Electric Lamps • OF ALL KINDS • FRANK MeARNIIRf .,e(60,rielj an Nat Polli Office, Wed& We &A Wranice fleet NUM