HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 7'4111,1144LAY.,DEC. tie -me
ifiE 001:WHICH' STAR
PAWL klia
vie* be aeruoveddreineh etelsools aud„ conileutio017 roc 'WY losP440" la 4" 1141 AIKONG *.&&J4 cIWECIIES
- where a leacher la holding * first cline eatialtar of the Old Kee NOWA SOstd RiindaY. Dee. lith, Seleation. Ataly : The thiletian Strike Oroup *lug
canines*. we cennot concur in tine as. it of each enunicipalitY beNre Pernitel SWIM fervices conducted by Adjulten the piPel bonne "The Old Begged
too la granted reediusted. Carried, ; Murree; of Tereatte 11 alte, Wines' Crofts," "At the trees *here I saw the
"Waited.) the Wine of Utley:" 7 lerne
Made a public echool course in a §,2nao".s pensioti
ntra or witer* alloaante
will disorpnlie our preeent olden In or t The Crofa Servieiteelliurtlintited. Crera.
drastee.a manner but Abet eve Seeennirend By 4. W. McKibben end W. lit, Archie I Ineetiniet a pane 'Illearlity Scheel; 7 pen, light" $olo by Pastor. "At the Cress
(Coritintred erom, „page ,I) that more attention be paid in our pub- bald that this ceuriell desire to. piece 4x4 Salvation meeting, ' Voll are welcome. There's WOW Congtegetlen Wilt ante
incurred by pupil: te the individeal pli- Ilic' UW°1 'W434114 •cJIliEe. tg tricorn -eget reeord our ahleere regret 0 the deetli er Servicee et Ileptiet church SiltidaY "*Te41411_eke!R !le nee'r the
PS% boys end girls to sty on the ham. eevend of our old esteemed members or neXt. peter, Rev. W. T. Bunt: Bible olY 'woo to woeeo" 'Whe4 X *urvee' the
witee.reterenee to the ,e,e,eoutteees nee As to reefing the 401001 age from 4 former County CoMiell* et *hi* VetintY--
initted to u* vie beg to report ** rolleles; Years to 4 Irene except where kinderger- the Ude Wns. Isbister, former reeve of
1. Re the eeeolutha 44 mieteeeez ten teeeleers .are need we xternumend IlkOntia and. Winglison, 'Herbert Vr., lell, !or.
omens residue tweets or shetdieue tee this. (In cotrunittee title was elienged Doer reeve oe TOckeremithl Atifos IriPhog.
sliontrible, for Lthettulition crif eonnlis apterl. to 're" "II° ItAitOIVI- an ex -Reeve or Winglutitil Jar. A. Mor -
see years in aueneenee et seemeen, Be the mime drepreverfrents lobed by ton, who was reeve of 'Ningbo* telt,
ease*, that this be adopted. k pitblie end other eehool ,boinde. that Thee OrtitOrY ex Reeve or Muldoon i
Re resolution ening county ounces the tinge demands be dieenatinued during the john lebertreed, ex Reeve or Morels; 1111.
suet to -set a. rieldhtuth 4:0, whteh they time of depression, we neortrineiad thee lay Anderson. Robert Bliellallan, ex
'will pay Initintenance grants to Ingle On the recommendetien thee county Reeve or Eat 'Wtotainoshl surd J. Newton
nehoels 'and that for 1933-34 the male emb;V:ils be given centre), of ad High Campbell, ex Reeve of lCaet WaWaliOall
Seheol expenditures end that any :extra, and ex 'Warden of Huron Co., and Thee.
mum *elates 'for teachers be $1800 for
principals "and Vow for Assistants; we exPenditUre made by a Ward above thet
reconatnend thives * step eu the lieet deterilibled by the countY mined be paid
direction to reduce the voet-et secondary by tire Ili& School hoard, the education
cOnitnittee recouunendect no action on
'That the course known its lower school n4/4 "mlutiQn•
The education cenintittee reeornmend-
Wc.cast*eles WC of I
your requirements in 1
unu ure
Stoves,iand in Tact
anything for the
On the Broadway of Ooderich
ed that if 9. boy or titl ts-vte-rierty eta-
ployed alter the 15th year he or are be
not compelled to' attend, Seheole,
' But moaiMended no action IA eaeh
county cormoil annoloting a committee
to attend the 1). E. A. at Zaster, to term
,a branch to be known- as the county
council seetion,
The following matte= were -presented
yesterday afternoon:
By N. E. Cardiff and Fred C. 'letylor
that the county council or Huron Petition
the Government to have township
-engtneeterfeerreduced bylaw. lere,~with
the municipalities, eeel 'that local engin-
eers receive ter too much money for ser-
vice rendered. •--Vartietl.
By Leh Cardifr and I. J. Wright that
this county ceuncil do not give consent
t* the C, N. R. for the 'doing -away of
catt.le .guards within the county as we
Still fee,1 that -they are of mitoh value to
cattle being &even along the etridee
Carried. • •
By Mtn& Matnieson arfd 0.R. Archi-
bald that this council recommend dis-
pensing with the county corn borer in-
spector. and transfer his responsibilities
to the loca.1 weed inspectora-Carried,
By -leolin Campbell and L. S. Cardiff
that this couneel ask to have It made
ex M. P. We efilsh to plate ea
record our esteem and appreciation of
their able and honest efforte for the Wel-
fere of the, t ounty,---Carried.
By W. Hooke and Wro, Sviltser that
the county pay Ooderielt Township for
thergesvel taken" from their Pit- on- thee - - • - --
BenmIller Road. wheat hes been owIng
since the years 192$ and 1029, end thef
this comeed go out and look the situation
over when we adjourn this afternoon. ---
Referred to Good Roads Conurrission,
By Peter W. 'Scott and Wen, Stewart
that the road 'between macerate= 11 and
9 in the 'PoWnehip of East Waviatiosit
running westerly from Belgrave be added
to the county highway system as East
Wewanosh has no roads on the south,
west and north sides of the township,
Referred to Oood Roads Commission,
4, Memorials
A - memorial eorning from the united
counties of Stormont, Drintlas :and "OM-
garry, was of protest spinet a move ot
the legislative "committee or 'the Ontario
hospital Association to widen the inter-
pretation of the word "indigent" to in-
clude all persons who cannot pixy for
hospital treatment which, it was esti-
mated, would add 2100,000 of a burden
on mimicipalities on account orsupport
of indigent patients in hospitals.
, A" resolution Iroire the Prince Edward
County Boe.rd of Trade asked that farm- •
ers be relieved from having to pay '
through taxes, rent, food, clothes for un-
employed who refuse to accept farm work
and wages. This was in opposition :
the resolution ot the association of numi-
cipalities (chiefly cities) asking that the
governments pay 90 per cent. of the cost
of keeping unemployed.
school at IQ ant; goepei eervice at it wernireue erase." Sennett. "The cross
tern-, „eubject. "littandlng in the teikeee tlie proof e)f the love of teed."
gespel service at 7 p.m., subject. "The e
Joy of the Decd.° 1 Mr. and M. John ilt. Young, COMO.
At the moral ineetIng ot the Woolen's Sion 5, WO% Wawanosli, inusornice the
Aeseelation et Berth itreet United thrnele
On ThUrsday Unit, the °Ulcers Were re.
eleeted. Upt. u. *r. Bdwerds 10 Weal*
dent, Altra."Viln, Rivers, seeretar$, end
errs. J. R:Wheiler. treasurer.
Speolel eervicee in Victor* St tended
church, anndaY, pee llth: 11 ante
entnigement er their eldest elsrighter,
liiingsret grace. to 'William, letaxehall
°Ibsen, second youngest, son ot Mee. (Mb -
son end the late George Mau% eonee4"
sion 12, Aeldield, the Marriage to take
pliree soon After the middle of Decentber,
Christmas Suggestions
New Hats for the Holiday Season
In Velvet, Felt, Metallic. Trimmings in sortrolorings
and cleverly blended materials.
Scarfs, Berets, Baby Bonnets and Costume
Kingston Street Goderieh
Rubbers! Rubbers! Rubbers!
When . it is RUBBER FOOTWEAR the 11)01W:1NR:ter, BRAND is the •
Choice you can make . with safety and confidence. • It le a complete line-,
the quality of metered and. the workmanship are thoroughly reliable ; In
style it embraces the newest up-to-detel fashiess" ideas. These 'qualities
alone should make Drerrinionyour choiee.
DOMINION Lead in itiAlity, 'Fit and Stile
North Side
lA• r HERN 1)11"e 43-W
Square Goderich
Agent for Dominion Robbers ,
Beautiful, Practical and Inexpensive
rc• •
:0;•••• 0
.?„), •
Dainty things Milady hopes to receive
For this Christmas Season we offer
a larger and more reasonably priced
range of Ladies', Misses' and Children's
Silk Lingerie than ever 'before. .
You will be amazed at the quality of
we are offering 4
39c, 4e and 59e each r
GOWNS and PYJAMAS we give you at
$1.39, $1.89 up to $3.95 each,
KIDDIES' PYJAMAS at only $1.25 Suit
VESTS and PANTIES, 75e pr.
Have your Gifts neatly boxed hi
dainty Christmas Boxes, at
hone 86 Goderich
• • •
Old Park House
Igterior Has Been Made Over
LA* Into Bright, Attractive •
' Tourist Resort' .
. Since Mr. -and, Mrs. T. M. Turner, who,
'came here from Thornhill, have been in
charge it the Park House a 'wonderful
transformation has taken place in the
interior and dingy walls and surround-
ings have given place to meat attractive -
1y papsred walls and artistic furnishings;
With a historic background extending
back to the days of the Canada Compel:1Y;
. when Part of the building Was the office
°ti nb sf stage. that.00u gi a i 4rit trocoan°: usaeni3tyaoh7e v it' cbc i soteihos ier6t uebss tdeUh,ei ised jar anbnedug.t 0 baswtihdt heicgolomarnasret_.
a new hardwood ffoor in the dining room
tive tan or buff tones. Blue, gold and
and Mrs. Turner in charge, the Park
ering the building throughout it: attrac-
Shafrinatt of parks eonunittee, itt charge,
has made considerable improvements in
Rouse bids fair to become a moat nee:t-
ier tourist stopping -place next summer.
the building, putting in a new cement
and one in the upstairs hall, and repap-
. The town council, with Reeve Craigie,
floor in the basement and a new furnate, .
black have been adopted by Mrs. Terrier
1 tions and curtains, etc., for the dieing
room, while rose tones predominate in
the living room accessories. A very at-
! tractive apartment upstairs is for tent.
'We consider that the town is 'fortunate
1nel-raving secured Mr. and Mrs. Turner
as tenants and we confidently believe
that the Park House is destined to
achieve a new record in service to the
toured public with their co-operation.
What seems desirable next is brighten-
ing up of the exterior tq match what has
been going on inside of late.
It Is probable that a forinal opening
'will *bearranged in the near future with
'earne zladies' organizations in elunge,
whieh will give the public a chance to
beceme acquainted. with the new Park
House. •
Congratulations have come by mail
from several places to Ronald Penning-
ton regarding his broadcasting over sta-
kion ire.10C, London, a week ago. We
understand this was not Ronald's first
experiente in broadcasting as he played
at "Stratford during Old Home Week.
Ronald was invited to play the guitar and
mouthorgan and also to sing two point -
lar numbers. his work has been much
appreciated as was also the Harmonica
roup, of . whieh Ronald is a member.
Ronald las aogisted in several programs
!Peen in Ooderielt and vicinity.
e ' •
Last Ttlesday, evening the Goderich
'Bridge Club got wider way" and played
their first game at 'MacKay Hall. There
was quite a good turn -out and the ecores
were very close, The following were win-
ners: North and south, ltd, Mr. and
late E. C. BeacOn1 121); 2nd, Mr. and
ears. T. It Patterson (14); ard, Mr. and
14fra, r. D. Eastman (5).East and west:,
1st, Mrs, Baker and Uri:. Whetely (25): 1
.2nd, Mr. C. - Making and lir. D.
•mooneY (1014); 3rd, Vire. 'W. D. 11
ders and Virg. Johtleton (1%). A tole
stment will be held every Tilesda.y nig
dt Maehay Hall and all bailie Pia a
are cordially' invited. It would be 'quite
a help however, if any player Who in-
tends' to come, would phone Min Ginn,
at the Bank of Montreal, atd let her
hri rria
Gift Guide
answers the gift -giving. problem for all the
members of , the family"... gifts for eveiyone
Our storcis.litorally .overflowing with Christmas Gifts -Your at welcome to look as to buy
vompitopticieventippeetwovitiocipoopeogteitotboottowticouttioxvortoctoppeceoppowootsmogioctecimitimpimpopm.00 . 11
Christmas Greeting Cards
an assortment range of Cards with the Christmas spirit
2 for 5c 3 for 10c 5c each 10c each
The Mutual Life
Assurance Company
of Canada
ESTARLIStlE9 tfig,
POW 210
Muth Street : Geleckt, Ortistie
Pen and
Pencil Sets
for men or women
in newest designs,
Sets . Pens
$3.75 $2.75
Eclipse Pens $1.50
the gift suprerne for lady friend.
Quality at Bargain Prices
Set $6,95 up
at IONV prices
$2.75 up
Kodaks $5.00 up
Face Powder ' $1.00
Compacts $1.00
Bath Salts ..... . $1.00
Lavender Water-. ... .35e to $1.50
Complete line of Yardley Sets
Coin Purses
'Collar Cases
Book Covers
and many other Leather aft „
Toiletries - '
in both imported and domestic
lines of wellknown makers:
Yardley Iludnut's Dubarry
Rubenstein's Coty Dalcross
*. Jergen Bourjois
Face Powder...........$1. to $1.50
Pasteurized Face Cream $1.00
Bath Salts ,
A big assortment at popular prices
- Dubarry
Face Powder $2.00
Bath Salts $1.00
Dubarry Set . ....... ....... $1.00
Dusting Powder $2.00
Dubarry Perfume $1.00
Dubarry Cleansing Cream .$1 to $1.50
Dalcross Gifts
Bath Salts
Fancy Bath Soap
Dalcross. Creams
Noted for elegance of Perfume
Perfume $1.00
Perfume .............. $1.75
Compacts .75c to $4.50
Pace Powder 69c
Pace powder .25c and 75c
deigen Cream. . ....... ..... .50c
e•-•° ••
Woodbury Soap
'11.:1(1rtie(em cakes . .... ......69c
"fQr Men
Gift Toiletries
Written Shaving Set. .$1.00
Williams' Shaving Sets
50C itt 040
Dalcross Shaving Bol.v1.$1.00
Squibb's Shaving Sets, .$1.00 [ Yardley Shaving Sets $1 'to $
Yardley Shaving Bowl .$1.00' b,A.* •
Jergen Shaving Sets.. .$1.00
Pahnolive Shaving Sets g
Mitcham Rolls Razor at bottom 'price.
Lavender Shaving Sets 1 . . . .... . .$6.95
Smiles an' Chuckles, Neilson's •
and Moir's Choe o late s, '
........ ......250 to $2.00
25e, 50e, 60e, $1.00, $3.50
Gift Stationery All Musical Instruments, Ukeleles,
V io li n Sets, Banjo, Guitars,
50c to $2.00 Radios, Vietrolas Portable.
10` 'rvliziro,imsmcr,iogurjgtiocstisceittigeiic5gArsovr,rivsior,itsttiivimtioc4s.icrrszAx
- -
Drug Store Store