HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 6PAO* POUR 411444= •••••••••4,.., Town Topics yor44.....44440.044.4.144444. O. Is 10 SLUT OPPICEIRS 'At the annual ineettutf t ts fP. No. 10, Ooderich township, .on Monday nig* of this week, the following *facers were elected for 1033; W. X., /truest Sell; D. 31., Reg. Johnston; rec. sec., OM. YOUrig; chaplain, W. Barrister*: treasurer, T1*'. W. Bell; fin. Mos 11. Powell; D. Of O., IC Young; ist lectUrer. 0. Powell.; aid lecturer• O. Paketter; 0011., M. Istdeaner; 2n4 torix.,10. Bell, 51'd Writ, X Powell; 4th Coins W. Johnston; 5t3 COM., Gee, Harrient, 000 SHITMINTS FOR MONTH RNDINO OCT. 31, 1922 hogs 78; select baeon, 10; bacon, 0; butchers, il. Total hogs, 37$; select Won, 13S; Won, 217; butchers, W. 3.4c0stwrobi3 201; Select CO3ba, IQ; bacon, JOU; buten. ers, 30; hooka, 4; light* and feeder*, 0, Moen Co.localts--,- Total hap, 3310; select bassen, 082; bacon, 2070; hntoluilt,t 011; heavies, 43; extra heavies, 2; lights and feeders, V. Huron CountyTotal hogs. 8794; select bacon, 2034; butcher', '377; heaviest, 02; extra beityleti, 4; light* and feeders, 03. 0. C. L volute *WAKING CONTEST The Collegiate le &Oda indebted tO the generosity of the X. O. D. X. Chapter), the Catholic 'WO:4We League. the 1.4ons* Club end the Literary Society for the prises 0 be given 0 the winners of the Publie speaking contests. The senior contest, for boy* and for girl* of the Middle and.Vpper *boo', Will take THE GODERICH STAN CAPITAL THEATRE Now PEAVINGsslissado 111411-4111e Crowd Rearts" Mod qtromeir. SONDAY, TUIRMISAT gad WIDNIMMOAT JOAN VRAW0103• and 0.03MMI" 311(ONVQ0M100 NILS AISIIIIRR, MAY 1102030N and ISZWIS STONE In the show• you've waited for "LETTY LYINETCON" $TAN LAVBEIL* aud mann went in "COUNTY HOSPITAL" Double 181.11,,THIM., Flgits 8AT-U.bIe at 1.710740R M0iN, CONCIIITA, MONTIRSIXGRO, 0/0011,0* O'BRIAN offer a, happy Spanish story Of daring and romance "THE GAY CABALLERO" 3300TH TARKINOTON rotmds ont the program with his a, great huntor-yans featuring the fantorar 44134,11103615 Sind Pleaeoreu mix nixass. with JETTA 001IDAL and J.QM., MeCl/Mg„ **Owes tired. and $at *4 30 p.m. Couring-Eddle Cantor 1st "Palmy. Dome ^ WATCH THIS SPAcE NEXT WEEK FOR OUR ANNUAL • Pre -Christmas Sale MssouogiossiatigtoogtooOssogigtougseoglool0.104100PmemPolimmo M. ROBINS • Agent for Tip Top Tailors One Price to Vour Measure,Suit or Overcoat, $22.50 Phone 384 sadatabilealinstMligaiggat plaee on FridayeVerlitig of next week (Pee. Ilith) in MacKay Mali, beginning at eight o'clock. A silver collection will be taken to defrog expenses. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE METING' %'he regular rinuithly Meeting of the, Goderich Women's Institute watt held In Mitelf-itY Ilall .on Thursday afternoon,' Dec, 18t, and was a most tnteresting and , IsiStructive meethni. Mrs. J. Bisset oc- cupied the chair, the predent being ab -1 Sent through illness. 'The minutes of the,' previona resular land special meetings were read and adopted. A letter was$: s read by the refer -treasurer from Spanish,' Out, thanking the Institute for the bale l• that had been sent there recently, and assuring the meMbers that the elothing was heeded badly and would pe properly distributed among the needy families UP there. ldra. .1, P. Memel' Rave a report Of the Lrelief meeting teld in the town hall outlining their program of work for , this winter, The Institute then voted 820 to the cIntral relief committee and , also exPressed itt Willieglie50 to make over clothing or do any sewing that would • be neeessary, Final arrangements were made for the euchre and dance 30 30 held on Friday night, Dec.,2nd. Mrs, .1, Sal- keld gore an excellent paper on ''The proper feeding of children," outlining the I proper care and feeding of children from birth to school age, arid eiplaining the "QIJ GQIEUQ°N A BIG UR SA for CHRISTMAS " -Fur Coats and Fox Scarfs at the lowest prices in years Chooseone from our large display on FRIDAY and Dec 9th d 10th SATURDAY, • au Fair allowance on your old Coat and Remodelling reasonaby done All goods guaranteed perfect. C. A. & S. IVIcICINNON None 155 Millinery Store on the Square 000"404"0111~400000400°""Vols."40.141.0•10".0044 A Practical Gift HOW th,117 Praldifla 7411:,be aPpreciatedsby every MU Who re- ceives a Bolls Rams Give hint this shaving luxury -the lifetime of freedom front dull blades -the af a perfect British made razor with a, keen, honed and stroPPed, and, manufactured to give Years of sutlailing seryiee. The greatest Razor ever made. Nickel, Silver, and bold, Plated Models. Price $6.95 up F. C. Robertson DIAMOND. MERCHANT end JEWELER Phone 156 Coderich Acquitted of Conspiracy •Out Jobniton end %Us Go Beck to Jail to Await Othor aloe* After a snrsday trial, winding two night siesalens, J. XL I'. Johnstone, Tors 'onto broker, and • his associate in Con- :selidated and Ainalinamited CreamerleSi Francis B. Byles, were on Saturday night acquitted by ;Judge 'Costello in **Ay court of conspiracy W defraud. . Johnstone and Pyles, hoWever, return- ed to the county jail, JOIlleitehe has yet to lace a cha,rge of cOtaversion of fund amounting to 488,000. Byle$ lacea charges of conVeraion, fraud and theft n4.4djuprne4 trials were fixed •by 131* Honor Judge Costello for December 21.'s In giving hit decision hist honor said he PerPOsely refrained front 1=84 c0,..04* aunt on the evidence beton* of GU charges 'which were still to I* heard Argument of colinSel had been waived. Judge Costello said Gat itt na time during tbe IffnilresS ,of the trial :had 1M. be able Vd-SentrfeeNMfielf that johns stone end Byles are guilty of conapiracy. 4C)hitzzary, ••••••• necessity of regularity of meals', sleep 1 After on illness or only a few (105' 'IltitSsd care and the manner in which duration; Mrs Angus Gordon. a life-long il this ear and will influence the child In resident of Ashfield, passed away on later y rs; also of teaching them clean...Thursday last, the funeral beingheld on liness of body and mind go that they will Monday afternoon from his late resi- earry through life a cleaner and higher , dente, concession 1, Athileld, The ser - character. Mrs. II. 'Ilchbourne gave vice was Conducted by Rev. W. J, Gnaw, some hints on "Diet for the sick room." of the Nile-teeburnsPort Albert circuit In view of the fact that Mrs. Tichnourne and the, pall -bearers Were Messrs. John was a nurse these hints were very practi- Quaid, David Omen, Nelson, Graham, cal. She said, 4/tiet is of vital import- Harry- Medilar, Thopuis Dickson and (*nee in sickness as Certain types of dis- James Hayden, The deceased, who was ease need different diet, and we so often born nearly 66 years ago in Ooderich neglect to ask the doctor What diet the Township, near Clinton, was a son 'of the Patient requires, • also a small amount late Mr. and Mrs, James 'Gordon, who daintily served is much better than a Came to reside in Ashfield Township, larger amount nnattrattively arranged." near Sheprrardton, many years ago. Current ()Vents were given by Mrs. G. Thirty-one Years ago he was married to Young. The meeting then adjourned for Miss Mary Dunbar, Who survives. Sur - lunch, which was served by the hostesses, viying also are two brothers and three MRS. cs ysystssss press Secy. sisters, William Oordon, of Norway, .------.------• sMan,i,t0Liekt Alex. J., of Watrous, Sask.; WON 'PRIZE AT 6 6 I .44rIifritss' It. clataobert44311, IlItttn' *Tr, ,paakt*liatc:''heUvtanani",41.bnda; Congratulations are extended to Miss Miss Mary Gordon, Cloderich. Interment. Bather MacMath, who was presented with was in Clinton cemetery. , .. a :special prise at the Clinton Collegiate ••••*••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••1.4••• canimeneement on frriday evening last. This fifteen -year -told student won the LEEI3URN poke for the best essay on the history - °wthitChheaCny. Cli. CL. II9,11st-u3d2e'ntThmaeyPcritr4orn'peft°er, .L. u.WMoknedbisodw.inOgiolvebeestrrinsuthtare weviese7a.etinntdh.er home in Wa.s donated by the late Mr. Strydone, a . former member of the C. C. I. board, Father Chisholm, of Stratford, spent Her older sister, Miss Helen MatMath,a day with his. parents. won the ' same prize last year. Both IVIr. Itad. Bogle girls are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and nd mzs,wisvisitinginitunaoisparentsgieh,eterhis S, It. Machlath, liohnesvilla summer on the lakes.: TYWNSDAY, DW.Sib, 1032 FLOWERS are the one Gift acceptable to every one. Not only do Flowers interpret the enthusiasm of the giver, but they add a bright note to the Christmas spirit itself. Put beautiful Flowering Plants and Cut FIow:9rs on your gift list, and order early. Our collection of Flowering Plants never was finer than this season. Send Flower Gifts out of town. We deliver any. ° where by wire. 901111019111100019KIMIMMIMMI O. STEWART Florist Phone 105 Goderich, Ont, 'answer to a question ot Crovnt•At'orney. HOlines. 41.44,1410 ' $penrl Own Money Johnstorte said he had not only spent 41 of the investors' mOney on organizes tion Of Consolidated Creameries and its successor, Amalgamated, but had spent all his own In a, last-minute effort to keep the project from going to the wall Be put two. mortgages on his home, sold his personal effects and borrowed 311,000 from Ids friends, • Besieged by people who had lost their Money and threatened by Some, Johns stone saI4 that in a few 'weeks preceding liquidation he went to the office of the Coatarlo Securities Commission and laid bare the faets. Se received advice along gertain lines from Col. l)enison, he said, and acted upon it, but the financial des bade was on, and things went from bad to worse, In the Consolidated statenlent there is Named Manager That through careleisness or neglect it was not ineorPOrated in the minutes that he was appointed manager of Con- solidated Creameries, Ltd., or empowers ed by the directors to spend some alliss 000, proceeds of stock sales,. om the or. ganization of the coMpanY, was. the plea put forth by Johnstone on the stand. JOhnstene stgcl. be wefl remenibered the nteeting at which he was appointed manager and given authority to spend the company's' funds atbis owndiscre- tion, on organization. He said the dir- ectors, all owners ot Ontario crettineries, knew what was goingon and made no abjection. If be -was doubtful as to Ere propriety of certain expenditures h0 eon ferred with his dhectors, he said, but he t 30*8 mill° instance, in t I • , 'en :lient 83,300 'for financing Tam. worth Clay, paid out of• • Consolidated shareholders' money. "It's only a matter Of a feW thodsands, but will you kbadly telt me how that got in there?" avid the cream. 4,2 dispute the arrangement of some o•f those items although 1.8* not dispute the total," replied witness, HOLIDAY SALADS Apple and Orange Salad Peel and slice manses, reiecting all white Membrane. Out wedge-shaped slices from red apple,s, 'Without paring, arrange on lettuce -covered salad plates, using alternate slices of 'orange and ap- ple, • - • Grapefruit Salad Peel oranges and grapefruit and divide into segments, rejecting all white skin. Arrange a circle of orange segments on a lettuce -covered, salad plate and fill cen- tre with grapefruit segments. CORNFIELD'S NM RISTM S • • • iSt Gitt Season is Here CIIVE useful gifts—vvearables—articles that are al, ,„.•w ‘,.A ways welcome. . 31, • FOR LADIES FoR MEN awl LINGERIE IINE SHIRTS UNDERWEAR PYJAMAS TIES SOCKS GLOVES SCARFS 'KERCHIEFS SWEATERS BELTS FANCY BRACES „HATS and CAPS . 3010MOOtadediatlatiada100018000 , • . • • HOSIERY' 'GLOVES SCUPS 'KERCHIEFS PULLOVERS ' DRESSES LEATHER JACKETS,, LINENS BATH ROBES TOWELS LADIES' WINTECOATS COATS AT CLEARING PRICES Our entire stock of Ladies' Coats offered at less -than cost! A -great opportunity for you to secure a coat at a very low juice. ,R 1 MEN'S OVERCOATS Overcoats of fine cloths and tallo'redi by experts. We are Offering these coats to you at unheard of prices.........$15.00 to $11.50 Come and see them and be convinced of their vialue. • • • CORNFIELD ESI SQUARE: -PHONE 41$ .411.1110r A . 3191011101 Robert Stogie returned home on Satur- day from sailing. Ail our sailor boys come home for the winter. The community received a shock on Thursday when it was learned that Ur. Angus Gordon, oflaeppartiton, had pas- sed away. M. Cordon was well known In Leeburn and much sympathy is ex- tendedto the widotv and brothers and vaisters. 0 • On 'Tuesday, Dec. 20th, a play, 4q)ea- con bubbi," will be given in litaltford Hall by the young people of 5 0 NO. 9, Colberrie, besides the children's Christ. Mas entertainment of *swing and deriding, The teacher, Sliss Chestruit, *Pending a lot of time on the program that is being prepared. Further particu. lars text week. ISE Stop Spending Start Investing 4 Good business men often forget, that in clothes, too, a low price'never means high quality. fland Made Clothes $3900 up SPecial Order Clothe $25.00 up. Alterine and Repairing FRANK II. MEIN :4,TAILOR and HATTER grmmonitioninoninnomoomioninuintunommontiiirsom Aiminnawmalwasnaammemeatomi 1.1aI,-04likt reguiat .prices. these 'coffees oritsell any, other brands.' ue ". At thee sale, prices theyoffer the world's greatest •coffee These great coffees' .liave- brought a new meaning in cof- fee tomany thousands 'of people in the Dominion -and their fast-growing popularity is but st• repetttion of the • public favor they instantlywin wherever they are intros • .iced.. . . . . . . . •O'CLOCK is ' 31 1 . ' ' . ' . lima: . ''.. c E J 35c . :.'3Ci:t71;°g*a. kEMEMBER,The ,.,..,.:like,.:bfor you Most Sensational Poultry Offering of 13110 Year MESH -KILLED, STRICTLY FRESH. • hitkeints l1Sb.. BEST, TOITA'sa. TOID,IGZ ROASTING POEN • : K.LOt S .1ba 1 37. mdmmrkeramormom*. YOUR. CISCICE--.PEAMEALED ELCH. 011 EEEMWAST STYLE ' Sliced 11,5. - , SENSATICII/114 VALUES IN REEF THIS WEEIS-END--SHIALITY GUARANTEED la° •-• Porterhouse, Wing your sa, or Briar .Prime. Rib Choice a". A - Thick Rib or Blade' lb' 10 • . BRISK Fresh Cuts lb.6e SMOIIEDI FANCY BLIIEPOINT-47alt/i snout Fillets 130 I Oysters 32c FLouRPASTRY 3 Olt ATIANIIC 244b. Sag ink BREAD °MAW 2401b. Bill 450 - itriVato rag ib• Print CHATEAU CHEESE tiant 2 gal 2 RED ROSE TEA 61A" lildti2341 omar IN:34 QUAKER .OATS taam Lane Pkg. 21° COMFORT SOAP Ilit COUPONg Ito sues 3541 YELLOW COIKING CRISP,. MN( Kliattl duce 2iing Ile1. Turnips — Ent Mynas PAItirff 700101TEE5 ROE .EGGS. Ask trUlt MANAGE*, 29. THE T GREAT ANTIC & PACIFIC I ` I • •• is • TEA c0