HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 511 eels. 'TlialitelDAZJAC.'Sth, Ina StwOots•••• .7.111,55111.2.1 PRINCIPALS SALARIES (Confirmed aosta Mtge .1) inCUrreC1 4* pupil: to the indivicluel pse. plis. Witte -reference, to therreeeletiotre sub: Mitted 40 as we beg to reportas follows: I. Re the resolution Ar MiddieleX County' snaking pareats or guerdienS re; sPonsible for Like ttuittolliijjwirer ail eolsYears in atterldanee at Secondary pott,,,, oho other sehoot hoary% thot eell, that this. be *donted. RE GOD:ERICH STAR VIA.M. WTI west bexemoved.from aligisSehools ,and tompuliory for auy lasPeetor or old Age AMONG THE -CHURCHES Made public bawl couree in all szesatee IStrAleinere or loather.' allowance consult where a leseher Le holding filet class a mosilser or the Oki Age Pewee* Ward Sunday. Dee. llth, Salvetion Amy: certificate, we esinnot ceacer in this, aS or each asunpality befere siny peasion Special eersicee condueted by Adjutant wLflellsoeganise our present gate's in too ix *rented er readjueted, Curried. Murray. a Townie, 11 are. Henault draatica Manner hut 41nit Ave resminend By j. 'W. Mcleibbon, And W. Re Archie Meeting; 4 pea Salado leehoel; 7 p.m, that more a,ttention be paid in our pub e bead ihat this rennell desire to place COI aalvstiati meeting. Viz are welcome, de ezhool tovhing centre tO encOurege record elm eincere regret at the deatll Qt services at BaPtlet ehoreh Sundae' boys and gide to sto on the farm. severe' or our old oteemed members or next, pastor, Rev. W. 'P. Bunt; Bible As to rang the school sem froni 5 former County Couuells of this Cten4Y- Yeers to ti years, exeept where kindergare the late Wm, Istester, former reeve of ten tertehers are used we .recommend 'Mord* and 'Wingate 'Herbert Udelltore this, (In conlmittee this was chansied Iner reeve of Tuelteremith; Am'Os TpUnL N reed "no action"). sea ex-lieeve of Wingliam: das. A Mor - Re the miner -*en:cements esked by ton, Who wait reeve a winsmai los; Re resolution giVing county counells the"leZ"Knan° 1/4"19rIttnued "4114 the itsatt to set s, mount= 00 wistett ow 'eine of disereselon, recoillmend USW will pay Misinteraince grsints to hig1. cshools and that for 11163-34 the maxi- mum Salaries 'for teeehers be $11100 for principals 'mid 41000 for stasheints; we t.ce this as a etep in the tot determined by the cotinty council be paid record our em nd ateea evommenePPree140011 cit by the High School Board, the education their able and honeet ettOrts for the Wel-, direetion to reduce the cost ef secondary edUcation. eonunittee recomMerided. no action on fare or ,the eounty.-Carried. Thos. GregOrY, uReeve or WingliaM ,Tehn ethortreed, Reeve Or Meats; VW- sleeted, er, =weeds ie weld" ae ley Anderson. Robert Ituelsalein, out, NEWT wilL Thum secretors. sod Gibbon, seeond youngett, eon of Mrs, (Mb. On the recommendetten. that comity ReeVe or Fait WTe swenosh; and 1 Beaton Mrs. .Wheeler, treasurer. son and the lete George Gibsers, eorieee. Voursolls be given vontrol+ Of all High Campbell, ex Reeve a Best Wawanosit Special servicei Victoria Ste United 'Elan .dablield the martiago to take $211001 expenditures and „that aillY lextre. and ex warden of Huron Co.. and Whop. ,hteh, lltii; rch. u lessee soon After the middle of Deeelliber, vetheses, the House Mercy;" 7 Pine Tile NrOis Creers. The Christien Service Group will shig the gospel hymne, "Ilse Old Rugged Craps," "At the cross. eitere row the light," Solo by pastor. "M the CM'S Theme; Roam,' Congregation will *lug, 'Jesus keep eller near the erase," "Nearer my Rod to Thee," "When It Minty the saw as a411,; papa gereke rke le 'wondrous CLOW" Sermon, °The eress cns,, subject, "fitriedlne in the owe, the pm); ,O the love of 0cd." • e, ge,spel eervice at 7 pm., subject, "'Ilse Icy of the Toed." Mx, and Mrs. john B. Young, conces- At the monad Meeting or the Woolen's ,e,eueeekeyen eeurrei twee units ourox Slim 5, West WaWaisolh, $11110usice the 4* 1en, Thuriesy utat, the olikers were re. engagement of their 400•daMOtter. G e to Willimn Marshall e taiditure made by 0, board ahove that McMillan, =IA. P. 'We 'Wish to`pleetteon *reelltM4100014100,0,041110161MAIMAMMIAMMONOW07110/W10-7010-XIIMV00307104 1 Christmas Suggestions New Hats for the Holiday Season In Velvet, Felt, Metallic. Trimmings in soft colorhiga and cleverly blended materials. Scarfs, Berets, Baby Bonnets and Costume Jewellery. MISS. Mac VICAR Kingston Street•Goderich 1 'Plat the ceurse known es loWer Scheel 1 tbs By W. Hstecke and Wm. SWitser thet, reselutien. The education committee recommend- the ereinty ney Goderiela Township /Or ed that if a bay or girl is properly ens- ployed after the 16th. year he or ehe be not compelled te attend sellool. But recommended. no adieu as to each county counell appointing coMmittee to attend the O. E. A. at Easter, to feral a 'wench to be known as the eounty council eection. The following 'motions were 'presented yesterday afternoOns ' BY N. Cardin and Fred C. Taylor that the coiinte cbunell of Huron petition the Goverment to have tee/midis -entineerslearreduced bylaw. 'We,‘witts the municipalities, feel that local engin- eers receive far too much money for ger- vice rendered.-eCartied. BY L, E. Card= and 1, J. Wright that this county council do not give consent to the V. N. R. for the 'doing "away of cattle guards within the county as we still %eel that they are of muds value to cattle being driven along the road, - Carried. By Murdo leatbleson ea 0.111. Archi- bald that tits council retomuterki 'dis- pensing with the county corn borer in- spector and transfer his responsibilities to the loos' 'weed inspectors, --Carried. By John Campbell and L. E. ardiff that , this counell ask to 'have It made •••••••••••••00, /.VC.CanArkill. We, of ,1 oar requirements in ' 1 Furniture Stooes,cand foal anything for the home. WE POSEEIVELY SAVE YOU AIONEY .Blackstone'* On the Broadway of Griderich' the gravel tskeri from their pit en the, Beruniller Thad, which ha* been owine ;ince the yeas 1928 and 1.29, and tast tuts cotMcil oUt and look the situation over when we adjoern thee afternoon,.,..., 'Warred to Good Bowie Vonaniesion. By Peter V. Beott and WM. Stewart that the road 'between eoheeledtme and 9 in the Township of Fast WawanOS11 running westerly from Belgrave be added to the 'county highway system as East Wawanosh bas no roads on the eouth west and north sides of the township. Referred to Good Roads Connaission. Memoriels mealorial coming from the malted counties or Stormont. Dentists and aen- garry, was of protest against a move of the legislative vommittee or the Ontario Hospital Association to widen the inter- pretatiors of the word "indigent" to in, elude all persons who ca,nuot pay for hospital treatment which, it was esti» mated, would add $400,000 of a burden on municipalities on account of support of Indigent patients in hospitals. . V r esolutiors ems the Prince Edward County Board of Trade asked that fawn- ers be relieved. from having to pay through taxes, rent, food, clothes for un- employed who refuse to accept .farm work and wages. This was in opposition to the resolution of the association of muni- elPilities (chietly titles) asking that the governmerits pay 90 per cent. of the cost of keeping unemployed. Rubbers! ,Rubbers! Rubbers! Wlieti it is, RUBBER FOOTWEAR the DOMINION. leRieleD is the choiee you. Ban 'make with eafety and confidence. It is a complete line; the quality of material and the workmaosiep 'are thoroughly ; In style it embraces the newest up -to -data fashion ideao. These qualities alone should make Dominion your choice. ' DOMINION Lead in Fit and Stile AND OUR PRICES ARE RIGI-IT NorthSde VV. HERN amea-W Sguare Agent' for Dominion Rubbers islimionsomm „Beautiful, Practical and Inexienifii 4 Dainty things Milady hopes to receive For this Christmas Season we offer ' a larger And more reasonably prited range of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Silk Lingerie than ever -before. You will be amazed at the quality of PANTIES, . BLOOMERS and VESTS we are offering at 39e, 49e and 59e each GOWNS and PYJAMAS we give you at $1.39, $1.89 up to $3.95 each KIDDIES' PYJAMAS at only $1.25 Suit Also LADIES' SILK and WOOL PINK VESTS and PANTIES, 75e pr. Have your Gifts neatly boxed in dainty Christmas Boxes, at it F E HINE TS F. E. . THE Girt SHOP Phone 84 Goderieh Old Park House Transformed Tateeicr HaiBeen Made Over WI). Bright, Attractive: . Tourist Resort , . Since Mr. and Mrs. T, se. Tureer, who; "came here from 'Thornhill, have 'been in. Charge at the park House a wonderful transformation has taken place 40 . the interior and dingy walls and...surround- ings have given place to most attractive- ly papsred Walls and artigic 'furnishings, With a historic background extending back to the days of the Canada Coinpany, when part of'the building was the. office or that company, the indicting hasepee through many viciesitudee but the last stage is one of the best, and; with Mr. and Mrs. Turner in charge, the Park House bids fair to become a most .popu. lar tourist stopping -place next. Summer. The town council, with Reeve Craigie, 6hairmary of parks committee; in 'charge; has made considerable improvernente In the building,. putting in a new Orient floor In the basement atid anew furnace, a new hardwood floor in the dining reign and one in the upstairs hall, and ,repap. ming the building throughout in attrac- tive tan or buff tones. 'Blue; gold and black' 'have been adopted by Mrs. Turner 'in .planning the .coler seheme of decora- tions' and curtains, etc., for the aiding room, while rose tones predominate in the living room actessories. A very ate tractive apartment upstairs is for rerit. We consider that the1 town is fortunate in having secured Mr. and Mrs. Turrser as tenants and 'we confidently believe that the Park House is deserted to achieve a new record in servieeto the tourist public with their co-operation. What seethe desirable mkt ie beightest- 'ing up of the exterior tq match what 'has been going on inside of liste. It 'is probable that a format ppening will be arranged in the near future with game organizations eharge, .whieh. -will give the public a chance te become acquainted with the new Patk Rouse. • ' BROADCASTING ApPItECIATED Congratulations have come by snail from several places to Ronald Penning- ton regarding his broadcasting over sta- tion C.10c, London, a week ago: We understand this was not Ronald's first experience in broadcasting as he Played iV Stratford during Old Home Week. „Ronald wasirivited to play the guitar and nsouth.orgasi and els() to sing two popu- lar numbers. Ilis work hat beetle much appreciated as .lee,S also the HarMOMM Group, of which Ronald; is a member. Ronald ems assisted in several prograsne given in Goderich and vicinity. • • BRIDGE CLUB UNDER WAY Last Tuesday evening the Goderich 'Bridge Club , got under way' and played their first game at Maclay Hall. There' was quite a good turn -out and the stores I were very elose. the following'Were win- ners: 'North and south, Id, Mr. end Mrs. E. C. Deacom. (21)! 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. T. re Patterton (14); 3rd, Mr. and Mr5 X D. Eastman (5), Best arid west; 1st, Mrs. Baker and Um. Whately (25); 2nd, Mr., D. Meakine and Ur, D. D. Moony (1916); 3r6,..letre. Vie IX Saun- ders and Mrs. Johnston (lee). • A tourne ,anient will be theld every Tuesday night IVLasitay Hall and all 'bridge playere are. eordially Invited, It 'would be quite a help however, If any player Who in- tends to come, would phone Mize Ginn, at the Dank of Montreal, are; let her know, The Chriarnas Gift Guide answers the gift giving problem for alt the L members of the family ---gifts for evelyone Our store is literally overflowing with Christmas Gifts,! -Your as welcome to look as to buy 4f. Nottowevogieweivectoomitipoomemetiotivoivetioteittommoitiviovivomolovrotiotwoomwoompoomi“"Kwitivikoptivarcitovo Christmas Greeting Cards en assortment range of Cards with the Christmas spirit for 3 for 10c 5c each 1 Oc eac Pt tottn6 rtxhnax givixt.5 idimatiseramtainan Waterman Pen and Pencil Sets for men or women in newest designs. Sets Pens $3.75 $2.75 : 1113 Eclipse Perm $1,50 PEARLTONE SETS the gift supreme for lady friend. Quality at Bargain Prices Set $6.95 up ,„# KODAKS and BROWNIES at low prices $2.75 up Kodaks $5.00 up LEATHER GOODS Billfolds Coin Purses Collar. Casa,. .1Iandkerchief Cases Book Givers And many other Leather Gift Articles, • 4 INSURANCE The Mutual Life Assurance Company of Canada ESTABLIStrE0 1869 MO OWE: WiATERLOO, D. D. MOONEY AGENT. MIME 250 NA Sired :cea& Norio§ Yardley Face Powdor Toiletries in both imported and domestic lines of weliknown makers: Yardley fludnut's Dubarry r Rubenstein's Coq Dalcross Jergen Bourjois • 51.00 Compacts • ,. $11.00 ,Bath Salts . 51.00 • ,Lavender Water 35e to $1.50 Complete line of Yardley Seta Rubenstein Face Powdsir 51 to $1.50 'Pasteurized Face Cream $1.00 Bath Salts A blig assortment at popular prices Dubarry Face Powder • $2.00 Bath Salts . ...... 51.00 Dubarry Set .51.00 Dusting Powder .. $2.00 Dubarry Perfume 51.00 flubarry Cleansing Cream.51 to 51.50 Dalcross Dalcross Gifts Bath Salts Compacts Fancy Bath Soap 0 Dalcross Creams . Houlmgant • Noted for elegance of Perfume Perfume .$1.00 Perfume • $1.75 Compacts • 75c to $4.150 Face Powder .... . ... .....69c •Jergen Face Powder 25c and 75c Jergen .Cream . . -50c Woodbury Soap Three cakes . 69c Lotion 50c Gift Toiletries for Mennen Shaving Set. Williams' Shaving Sets. 50c to $1.00 Dalcross Shaving Bowl .51.00 Squibb's Shaving Sets, .$1.00 Jergen Shaving Sets...51.00 Mitcham Lavender Shaving Sets en 1 Yardley Shaving Sets $1 to $4 Yardley Shaving Bowl.$1.00' Palmolive Shaving Sets Rolls Razor at bottom price. 50.05 Smiles an' Chuckles, Neilson's and Moir's Chocolates, .. . ; ....25e to $2.00 MOUTH ORGANS 25e, 50e, 60e, $1.00,' $3.50 tttco.v.vvtv ,rettoA"ttee VelesDeNterererbAXWAXVCISX•ri • Gift Stationery All Musical Instruments, Ukeleles, Violin Sets, Banjo, Guitars, 50c t1s 52.00 Radios, Victrolas Portable. 1 VICTOR BI.ACOUSTIC RADIO $84.50, $180.00 Campbell's Drug Stor Phone 90 rtertiCWiaritlictfittfialiaZZAMSgAittiOtiM$C5gAtStifia5Mrsc. rawevt. retwatts, ss• iimakagristryiamangar 54