HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 4PAO* TOUR _ Town Topics L� 10, 145 XXXCE OIFIEWERS At the siirnial Meeting ofIb O. L, NQ 10, OoderIch township, on Merida lolgilt of this Week, the following °Mere Wm elected tor I033: W. M. *'flM ) M Sem Joiniston; Plc. $iC. Oas. Thee, W. Bell; etc., U. Powell; P. Oi C. H. Young; ht lecturer, 0. POWell; 304 lecturer, O. PalcOntri 1st 31 Falconer; 2nd Vorti., Ir. Bell; 3rd corn. It, Powell; 4411 torao W. Johnston; 5th cOm., Geo. Iferrison. 1100 fildIrdIENTS FOX MONTH ENDING OCT. $1. IOU Godericii—rMail hogs, 74; seleet Young; elioplain, lierrison; trealwer 19; bacoU, dal hiltcliera, 1 Asibuni Telall hogs, 375; select bacon, 124; two. dgi; butchers, 10, McCAW—Total hogs, W3; select 1ac00, 03; baCial, 140; biitch-1[ as, 35; hea,vieS, 4; lights arid ftvders„3. Huron Co. kica*-Motal b$i, Pal; aciect bacon, 053; bacon, 1070; butchers,1 NO; heavies, 43; extra beaviel, 3; lights! eM feeders. 37. Buren Colinty.-TotiL bogs, VW select haeOn, 2034; butchers, 577; beelike, 43; extra heavies, di lights and feeders, M. 0. C. I. l'IDEILIC SMIAIIINC4 CONTEST The Oolleeiate Is ititsin indebted to the generosity of the 1. 0. D. X. (Mune* Chapter), the Catholic WOMena the Liorte Club end the Literary Society for the Inlets to be given, to the winnere of the pliblie SPeaking •tontesta. "The senior centest, for bo)* and for girls• of cal* the Middle and Upper School, will MO WATCH. THIS 'SPACE ..:11gr:r...wggic • wounANNuAL., Pre -Christmas S ale 40140114141041410444410114044X44001414471014144004011401041441 Ft013INS Agent for Tip Top Tailors. One Price to 'Your Measure, Suit or Overcoat, $22•50 Pharos 304. .41144/4.490000311144/41011414tilitidalhOt A BIG TR GODERICI1 ern APITAL___ THEATRE NOW PLATING.A-Boable $iIt Craw* Wane and “Itraoilad" XONRAX. TUESDAY soot WEDNESDAY JOAN CRAWFORD snd RODXST 1401MOMXItt NILS ASTIIIM MAY ROBSON and LEWIS STONE In the shoW yearn waited for "LETT), LYNTON" STAN LAUREL, and MAUR HARDY in "COMTE HOSPITAL"' Waldo SAT.-mOstildst *111 vxmit madtorAws, comma mozastexeRo, 0100R015 °DRUM offer a balmy Spanish story of daring and roinance E GAY CABALLERO' Bovril TARKINGTON rounds out the *Mon "Ara hs a great ltumor-yarn featuring the taw= "BUSIII01416 and _Pleasure" WELL zooms. wah. Jrrri. 00=016 ilia *a, atcouna Matineett Wed. and Sat. it 3Mp.*. Combsi—EXile Cantor 1st Widow Doe' Acquitted of - Conspiracy place on Friday •evening or next week iDeo. IOW in ltraeltaY HO, beginning at eight o'clock. A silver collection will Ibe taken to defray expenses. • WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING' The regular monthly meeting of the Goderich Womena Institute was held in! MacKay Hall .on Thursday afternoon.' Deo. 1St, and wee a mOst Interesting and, instructive meeting. Mrs. J. Bisset oc-j minted, the chair, the president being ab- I sent tbrotvgb. Illness. The mirnites et the , 1.•prevkits regular land special meetings l' were read and adopted. A letter was ' readby the seety.treasurer from Spanish, i Ont., thanking the Institute for the bale' ttutt had, been sent there rceently, and; awning the Members that the clothing , was imeeded badly and would tie properly distributed among the needy familiesup there. Mrs. J. 11. McKay gave a report or the relief meeting held in the town hall Mitlining their program of work for 1 this winter. The Institute then Voted *20 to the central relief committee and , also expressed ita willingness to make over clothing or do any sewing that Would I • be necessary. Final arrangements were made for the euchre and dance to be held on Friday night, Dec. 2nci, Mrs. *J. Sal- keld gave an eXtellent paper on "The proper feeding of children," outlining the i proper care and feeding bf children from I ANGGODON birth to school age, and explaining the k US II necessity of regularity of meals; sleep , Atter an hitless or only a few days' and daily care and the manner in which durathm, Mr.' Angus Oordort, a life-long this can and will influence the child in resident of Ashileld, passed away on later years; also of teaching them clean- *Thursday last, the iimeral being held on limas of body and mind so that they will Monday afternoon from his late resi- carry through life a cleaner and higher , dence, contession I, Ashfield, The ser - character, Mrs. H. Tichbourne gave -tee was condueted by Rev. W. ,I. Shavv, sante hints on "Diet for the sick room. ' Z the Nile-Leeburn-Port Albert circuit In view of the fact that Mrs, Tichbourne and the, pall -bearers were Messrsjohn was a nurse these hints were very practi- Quaid, DaViel Omen, Nelson Graham, cal. She Said, "'Diet is of vital import- Harry, Lednor, Thomas Dick.son and ance in sickness as certain types of dis. James Hayden. The deceased, who was ease need different cliet,•and we so often born nearly 66 years ago in 'Ooderieh neglect to ask the doctor what diet the Township, near Clinton, was a sOn ot the Patient requires, also a small amount late ldr. and Mrs. James Crordon, who daintily served is much better than a came to reside in Ashfield. Township, larger amount unattradtively arranged." near Sheppardton, many years. ago, Currettt events were given by Ntra„ 0, Thirty-one years ago he was married to Young. The meeting then adjourned for lunch, which was served by the hostesses, MRS. O. YOUNO, Press Secy. , Fur Coats and Fox Scarfs at the lowest prices in years Choose one from our large display an D10th FRIDAY and SATURDAY ec - -0 9thalld Fair allowance on your old Coat and Remodelling reasonaby done All goods guaranteed perfect. 8c S. IVIcKINNON Phone 155 Millinery Store on the Square A Practical Gift Bow truly •practigst ,•.be aPPreciatedSbY every Man who re- teives a Rolls Razor. Give him this allaving huthe lifetime of freedom from dull blades—the •thrill of a perfect British made ,razor 1;vith 9, keen, honed and droppedand manufactured to give years '• of otuitailing serviCe. The greatest Razor -ever made. Nickel, • Silver,. and Gold Plated Models. •Price $6.9,5 up E. C. Robertson • DIAMOND MERCHANT and JEWEL.ER Pbotte 136 Coded& But Johnston and Byles Go Back to Jail to Await Other Chem* After a six-day =hiding tiVO night sessions, J. Y. Johnstone, Tor. onto brOker, and ' his iutrociate in Oodv, solielated and Arnalipunated Creameries, ramie 11. Weswere on Saturday Mght acquitted by Judge Costello In county court At conspiracl to defraud. . Johnstone and Bytes, however, return- ed to the county Jail. Johnstone has yet to faee a charge of conversion of fends ammmting to $08,000. Byes 1 ac es clsrgea of Verritersion, fraudand theft The ,adjourned trills were fixed by His Ilonor Judge Costello for DeCember 21. In giving his decision ids hailer said he purisaely refrained. Irma Pas4Idif ee_rd" Merit on the evidence because of one charges Which were still to be heard Argument of connsel had been waiVed, Judge Costello said that et no time diiring the pMgresa ,or the trial ,had *been able to Oflsnoe hhzeli that John- stone and Ryles are guilty of conspiracy. Obituary • Named Manager That through caxeleisness or neglect it Was not 'incorporated in the minutes that he was appointed manager Of Con- solidated' Creameries, Ltd., or •bmpower. ed by the directors to spend some $58,, 000, proceeds of stock sales, on the or. ,ganization Of the eellIPanlr• Was the Plea put forth by Johnstone on the stand. Johnstone said he well remembered the meeting at widcli: he was *pointed manager and given authority to spend the company's hinds at hie Own discre- tion, on organization. He said the dir- ectors, all owners of Ontario creaMeries, knew what was gOing on and made no objection. If he was doubtful as tq *he propriety of certain expenditures he eon - erred with his directors, he said, but he • cOuld not point to a,sPeCifle Instance in TRURSPAY. DEC. gtb, 1333 are the one •Gift acceptable to every one. Not only do Flowers interpret the enthusiasm of the giver, but they add a bright note to the Christmas spirit itself. Put beautiful Flowering Plants and Cut Flowers on your gift list, and order early. Our collection of Flowering Plants never was fter than this season. Send Flower Gifts out of town. We deliver any. where by wire. GEO. STEWART, Florist Phone 105 Goderich, Ont. ,miswer to a quenton.of-Crown,AttorneY. Holmes, ; •Spend Own Money Johnstone said he had not only spent ea of the investorsmOney on organize, - tion of Consolklated Creameries and its successor, Amalgamated, but had spent all his own In a last-minute effort to keep the project from going te the Wall He pit two mortgages on his hone, sold his. Personal effeets and berrOWed $11,000. from his friends. Besieged by people Who bad lost their . Money and threatened by some, John- stone said that in a few weekapreceding liquidation he went to the office of the Ontario Securities Commission and laid bare the facts, Be received advice along certain lines from Col. Denison, he said, •and acted upon it, butthe financial de- bacle was on, and things went from bad to WOO: the •Consolklated statement there is WON PRIER AT C. C. L Congratulations are extended to Miss Esther MaoMath, who Was presented With a special prize at the Clinton' Collegiate commencement on Friday evening last. This fifteen -year-old student won. the LEEBURN pare for the best essay on the history Wedding bells are ringing. of the C. C. L01931.32, The prize, /Or 'which any • C. 0. I. student may compete, • Miss Chestnut was nt her home in. .4 wasdonated by the late Ur. Orydone, a Lucknoiv over the week -end farmer Member of the C. C. L board Father 0111Sholra; of Stratford, spent ./ler older sister, Miss Helen Maclifath, a day v4th bis parents. min the same prize last year. Both • Mr. Rod. Bogie is visiting his parents, girls are the daughters of Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Williain Bogie, atter his surninee On the lakes. S. MacMath, •Holniesvffle. Miss Mary Dunbar, who Survives. Sur- viving also are two brothers and three sisters, William Gordon,. of Norway, Manitobal, Alex. J., of 7iVatrimis, Sask.; Urs'',16,114bertisdht Tre.**' Manitoba; 'Usk 7rvatson, Thine, StaskatelieWan, 'and Miss Mary Gordon, Goderich. Interment was In Clinton ceresetery. • ital Rem for 43,200 'for financing Tani. worth Clay, paid out of Consolidated shareholders' money. • "It's only a matter Of a IOW thousands, . but wih You kindly tell me how that got in there?" said the erkiWri. "I dispute the arrangement of some of those items although, I do not dispute the total," replied witness, HOW:MY SALADS • Apple ond orange Salad pe•el and slice oranges,' rejecting all 'white Membrane. 'Cut wedge-shaped rakes from red apples, Without paring. Arrange on lettuce -covered salad plates, using alternate slices of orange and cp.- 1• Ple, . Grapefruit Salad • Feel oranges and grapefruit and. divide into segments' rejecting ali white dal, Arrange a envie of orange segine*if s on. a lettnee-covered salad plate and Ell cen- tre with granefrult 'segments. •- 16i Kw coRNogun RISTM ---The Gitt Season is Here E useful gifts-7vvearables articl.' that are .al- ways Nivetcorne..- NE 1•000000.20,1,1400),N00000 FOR LADIES an LINGERIE HOSIERY GLOVES 0 SCARFS • 'KERCHIEFS PULLOVERS ' DRESSES • LEATHER JACKETS,. ••LINENS BATH ROBES TOWELS teeoereciaerrogioartforeeratkareuroroorilto FOR MEN FINE SHIRTS UNDERWEAR PYJAMAS 'TIES . SOCKS • GLOVES SCARFS 'KERCHIEFS; SWEATERS BELTS FANCY BRACES HATS:and CAPS ' MEN'S OVERCOATS Overcoats ot fine cloths and tailored by experts. We are offering these coats to you at unheard of prices.........$15.00 to $17.50 • Come and see them and be convinced of their value. A CORNFIELD MEM WE.V 1041 -gr" SQUARE—PHOW 41 Hobert Stogie retUrned home on Satur- day from sailing. AU our sailor boys Conte home fer the winter. The , oonummity received a shock on Thursday when it was learned that Mr. Angus Gordon, of iShepPartiMn, had pas- sed away. Mr. Ctordon was well known in Leeburn and much 'sympathy is ex- vstelitndersed: to the widow air brothers and On *rtiesdaY, Dee. 20th, a play, "Dea- con Dublis," will he given in Saltford Hall by the yoimg Peet& of S. N. No.. 20 Colborne, besides the children's Christ- mas „ entertainment Of singing add dancing, The teacher, Miss Chestunt, is *Pending a lot of time on the program tiudAts being prepared Further portion- lars next week. ' 4- tar te) -a tt3 rt: o't ttl 14,1 311 Luc I1E c' atop apenung Start Investing Good business men often forget that in clothe,s, . too, a low price never means • high quality. Hand.'Mad e Clothe Special Order Clothes • $25.00 up. Alterhig and Repiring FRANK II. MARTIN ',TAILOR and HATTER 41111161111111.111. 144411•11POPMINIIIrmplellaISOMMIMINS Anowswnlowillmom."111111111111". r." serumramanleneestintsainamitillititorshiiter • At regular prices these coffees outsell any other brands. At these sale prices they offer the world's greatest coffees vaine These • great .coffees have brought a new meaning in ed.' fee to many thousands of people in the Donainion---and their fast-growing popularity is but a repetition of the public favor they instantly win wherever they are intro+ duced. O'CLOCK • pita, RED CIRCLE Mo. OIKAR REMEMBER ---The coffee you like best is the best los your ' matter *ghat it costs. • . Most Sensational Poultry Offering of the Tear FRESII-RILLED, STRICT/4;Y FRESH BEST, rotxo_liaost.EONONG FORK KLI , YOUR CEDICE--PEAMBALED BLCIL OR BREAKFAST STYLE Sliced SENSATION/Its VALVES IN BEEF THIS WEEK-END—QUALITY GUARANTEED °II. BEEF Porterhouse, Wing your or BoNARD Prime Rib Choice Thick Rib or Blade lb. BRISKET SMOKED Fillets. Hie Fresh Cuts lb. • • • FLO A. 1 ' FAROE 111X$110ENT—INETRA 'SPECIAL Oysters • 320 GirmitASE • PASTRY BANQUET ATIANTIO 2401b. Bag 244b. sag 454 39c LARD saft. c9Frio CIIIATEAV CHEESE mg 2 km: 2 RED ROSE TEAI II"E Ilte 23o CNN Itt 340 QUAKER OATS OPICE Olt REGULAR Largo Pkg. 2ii COMFORT SOAP sJ4 Holism 35. CitISIP,. OEM IMMO d twee ram 17 111M0117 tOO*13t0 1 Turnips BEST PEKE! PAID 50.1,11. 8.40 gw. VIES IFOlt EWA. AqIi. ctn STORE MANAGE*. CrEEAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC 1. TEA CO • LADIES WINTER COATS' COATS AT CLEARING PRICES • 1 Our entire stook of Ladies' Coats offered at less than •cost! A: great opportunity for you to secure a coat at a very low price. MEN'S OVERCOATS Overcoats ot fine cloths and tailored by experts. We are offering these coats to you at unheard of prices.........$15.00 to $17.50 • Come and see them and be convinced of their value. A CORNFIELD MEM WE.V 1041 -gr" SQUARE—PHOW 41 Hobert Stogie retUrned home on Satur- day from sailing. AU our sailor boys Conte home fer the winter. The , oonummity received a shock on Thursday when it was learned that Mr. Angus Gordon, of iShepPartiMn, had pas- sed away. Mr. Ctordon was well known in Leeburn and much 'sympathy is ex- vstelitndersed: to the widow air brothers and On *rtiesdaY, Dee. 20th, a play, "Dea- con Dublis," will he given in Saltford Hall by the yoimg Peet& of S. N. No.. 20 Colborne, besides the children's Christ- mas „ entertainment Of singing add dancing, The teacher, Miss Chestunt, is *Pending a lot of time on the program tiudAts being prepared Further portion- lars next week. ' 4- tar te) -a tt3 rt: o't ttl 14,1 311 Luc I1E c' atop apenung Start Investing Good business men often forget that in clothe,s, . too, a low price never means • high quality. Hand.'Mad e Clothe Special Order Clothes • $25.00 up. Alterhig and Repiring FRANK II. MARTIN ',TAILOR and HATTER 41111161111111.111. 144411•11POPMINIIIrmplellaISOMMIMINS Anowswnlowillmom."111111111111". r." serumramanleneestintsainamitillititorshiiter • At regular prices these coffees outsell any other brands. At these sale prices they offer the world's greatest coffees vaine These • great .coffees have brought a new meaning in ed.' fee to many thousands of people in the Donainion---and their fast-growing popularity is but a repetition of the public favor they instantly win wherever they are intro+ duced. O'CLOCK • pita, RED CIRCLE Mo. OIKAR REMEMBER ---The coffee you like best is the best los your ' matter *ghat it costs. • . Most Sensational Poultry Offering of the Tear FRESII-RILLED, STRICT/4;Y FRESH BEST, rotxo_liaost.EONONG FORK KLI , YOUR CEDICE--PEAMBALED BLCIL OR BREAKFAST STYLE Sliced SENSATION/Its VALVES IN BEEF THIS WEEK-END—QUALITY GUARANTEED °II. BEEF Porterhouse, Wing your or BoNARD Prime Rib Choice Thick Rib or Blade lb. BRISKET SMOKED Fillets. Hie Fresh Cuts lb. • • • FLO A. 1 ' FAROE 111X$110ENT—INETRA 'SPECIAL Oysters • 320 GirmitASE • PASTRY BANQUET ATIANTIO 2401b. Bag 244b. sag 454 39c LARD saft. c9Frio CIIIATEAV CHEESE mg 2 km: 2 RED ROSE TEAI II"E Ilte 23o CNN Itt 340 QUAKER OATS OPICE Olt REGULAR Largo Pkg. 2ii COMFORT SOAP sJ4 Holism 35. CitISIP,. OEM IMMO d twee ram 17 111M0117 tOO*13t0 1 Turnips BEST PEKE! PAID 50.1,11. 8.40 gw. VIES IFOlt EWA. AqIi. ctn STORE MANAGE*. CrEEAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC 1. TEA CO