HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 3nniteRSDAY,33C. eth, DIU County and District 4.9UMMARY ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HAS PURCHASED GARAGE Mr. Jelin Edmonds, folMerlY of Se*. foenn het parehased the garage leunnes,s ' Of J. L. Denier ling. Or Mitchell, BOUGHT BUSINESS IN LONDON Mr. 011ie ectoffatt, of Wingitatn, los intreliaseel a grocery business at 7$ Duchess Ave., London, Ont., and took pessession lest week. . ROPPY DAY "%cocain wir . Tne proeeeds froin the ecent poppy ,. 'bent half of what was received the pre- , ' ay fuel in Exeter amounted to $40.93 nd in Henson 418.82. TillS is WY row year, kliiikintS wuitcrowx OF THE AWE . 1 Mr. Percy 'Clark, of Winglettn, ividle cranking his ter on Tuesday of last week had tbe miefertnne to break his right Ann. An X-ray revealed a, serbaliS break in the bone obove the wrist. , NO DIRE NEED AT InICKNOW Lucknow is fortunate in the not ;that at present there are no tamilies on direct relief. Port Elgin at present, with a population of -1230, has twenty families. numbering 73 siemens, receiving direct ree i lief. ! RETIRING ON PIENiDoie ' Mr. Rufus Cutting, section foreman at Ir. F. J. R. FORaTER. EYE, UR, NOSE, TuRoAT -Late House Surgeon New York (kph. tluslmic and, Aural Hospital, assistant at. ;Moorefield's Eye Hospital and Golden, -Square Threat Hospital, London, Eng. 53 Waterloo St, 8., Stratford. Tele - 'phone 267, • • At Hotel Bedford, Goderich, from '7 neelock on the evening of the third Moo - .day of each month until the following .day, Tuesday, at 1 pen, Exeter for the C. In Re who a little over two ever; ago took over the Work en the retirement of Mr. C. Shiny, has been retired on peuslon, Wednesday et last week being his last daY. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Jain A, Cox, Goaeriele Twin. announce the engagement of their second di/wider. Denten to Ur. Witham E. Jervisson or Mr. Alfred Jervis and the late Urn Jenne of Ilolutesvilae, the marriage to take plaee thie Month. MeICIENZIE-DOURANCE quiet weddbeg took place in Whitby on Tuesday, Nov, natin when Hendee Dorrenen dwughter of Mrs. Mae Dor.. *'ane, of Seeforth, Was United 111 mar- eiage to Mr. Henry McKenzie, of Oshawa,. They wIU ratite ill. Oshlewit. Sena WEDDIAO ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs, J J Me0aUgheY ef Al.. bert street, 'Clinton. celebrated their gol- den Wedding anniversary on Sundaylast, Nov. 27th, when the event was littinglY marked by ss. Camay reunion at tile home of their daughter and sonein-laW, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Shanahan. • IS SECRIETARY-TREASURER Ur. J. IL Wylie, of. Turnberry, has been appointed to tna position of score-, tary-treasurer en the Howl* Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co, sueceeding Mr. W. 8 McKereber, whese continued critical condition, necessitated his retire- ment after 42 years of continuous, faith- ful service for the Oonipany. ELECTED TO BOYS' PARLIAMENT Prank Strange, of Exeter, was sue- eeseful in the election held Saturday for a South Huron member to the Ontario Boys' Parliament, Rev. W. P, Lane, of Seaforth, aoted as deputy returning offi- cer in the Seaforth %rolling sub -division, where 18 votes were cast. DEATH OF HINGHAM RESIDENT . The death, of William Guest, tor many years a resident of Winghant and dis- trict, necurred at the home of his daugh- ter, Miss Vera Guest Mount Brdygen on Tuesday morning, Nov. 29th, Surviving nem are three sons And two daughters, Joseph, of Wingharin Find, of Guelph; Howard, of Kitchener; Vera and Mrs. 0. L Bisbee, of Mount Bryelges. SEAFOILTH BYLAWS AMENDED allars -arnencied at a special meet - The yr zejating to hawkers and ig et S forth council. As now ainend- d pedlars will pay -$26.00 a year, if they re non-residents, and $15.00 if residents. ornaerly the fee was 410 a dan. The ylave relating to the closing time et laces. of amusements was .also under discussion. It was changed to read 11.30 "Noimmomm..,......rino•••••....m....m....*••••••••••••imanommen•••••••••.. ENGINEERING MEET., & CAREY. Aar 'Consulting and lintrdelpal Engineering Drainage—Land SueveYing. taltisonic--.Temple Bldg. Godericb, Ont. Phone 230 - • • . LEGAL CARDS HAYS & HAYS, 9 Barristers and Solicitors. e R. C. Hays, KO., and R. C. Hays, BA. a Hamilton street, Goderich, g Telephone 88 DOUGLAS R. NAIRDI. p.m. instead of 11 p.m. office: Droarrlswatiersv:id Sone tor i Phone 512.1BREAD WAlt ExeterTimes-Advocate: The drop in the price of bread by the Exeter bakers RANK DoNNELLY, B. 'created a price war in Exeter on Seam'- , day. Bread is now- selling in Exeter at Barrister, Solicitor. 'Etc. 4 loaf over the counter and 60 a loaf Phone 282. HAMILTON ST, rioderich. delivered. On Sattirday night one Loir. don firm that -brings its bread to Exeter . R, DARROW. • by truck was selling -bread at:three loaves for 10 cents. - ister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Etc. GOES BACK To oxwoww . , Ci Successor to J. L. Killoran. oderlen • According to .an announcement made hone 97Office, The Square In 'London Rev. S. K MeKegney recto of St Matthew's church, that city, for- ERNEST 111LEE. mer rector of st, Patti% Clinton, and professor of church history on the staff Barrister and solicitor of Huron College, hat been appointed to Kun lafe Bldg., Adelaide and Victoria, the secretaryship of the ColonlaT and ntinental Church. Society in Oxford, Telephone: Elgin 5301 . England, an organization to aid in the Missionary work of the Anglican church Canada, Austredia and other parts of e„British Empire. =ENDING BUSINESS Toronto 2. CHIROPRACTIC • DRUGLESS PRAcTITIMER. :.01.11ROPRirCTOR D DRUGLF.BS THERAPIST, GODERICH. Equipped -with electro-magrretie ba Electronic electric treatment and c ;paretic, Chrortic, organic "--= rvous diseases. Lady in attendance. Office .hours 2 to 5, and 7 to 9 p.m, excepting 'Monday and Thtusday by appointment. A. N. ATKINBON, residence and eellice, corner of 'south street and MI-- nen:11a Road. Phone 341. . AUCTICINEERING THOMAS GUNDRY & SON. Live Stock and GenerakAuctioneers. Elgin Ave., Goderich, Sales made everywhere and all effort anade .to give you satisfaction. Farmers' Sale -Notes diseoUnted. Phone 119, • NOTARY PUBLIC, ETO, NOTARY' PUBLIC General Conveyane.ing dOrke. Good COnipanies Represented. /Iberia 208. Cioderiich, Ont. itt th 17 • „Night work of the full staff has been discontinued by the Clinton Knitting ,Company, rush, orders .having been got - tat out for the time being, although a small night shift is still on. A new night engineer has been put on, mr. J. Folland having been appointed, Mr. J. McNeil being thus relieved of night du- ties. The firm is receiving many orders from Bermuda and the West Indies and It is expected. that a lively trade will be worked up in other parts of the British Empire at a result of the Ottawa Con- ference, I SEAFORTII LADY FATALLY INKIREt Mrs, Thomas Fields, 53, lffe-long and prominent resident of Winghtun, died In - the Scott 1Viemorial Hospital, Betaforth, Monday afternoon of hist week as the result of injur•ied she received when the car, in which the was a ,passenger and driven by her husband,' skidded into a tree on the London Road, near Hensel'. Mrs. /Idris sttffered fractured skull and a broken. vertebra of the. neck and. death caniet,shortly • after .the crash occurred. "HAD CONSTIPATION SINCE BIRTH OF MY FIRST CHILD" _,411.1.=111.0111. Then W.:lex'Xing Diwov red ALL-BRAtz We quote from her voluntary letter: "I have Suffered from terrible constipation since the birth of my - first child years ago! have tried everything and nothing had ituy lasting results. Very reluc- tantly I tried your 'ALL -Baur with no faith in it at all. Much to my surprise. I have not had to take any medicine since Outing to nint ALL-13RAN, 4 months ago."—Mrs. Doris Eyre King (Address furnished. upon request). • • Laboratory tests show Am:BUN contains two things which over-. e01110 constipation:. "Bulk" to cr(0 ercise the intestines; vitamin B to help tone the intestinal tract. The "bulk" in AurBitor is much like that of leafy vegetables. In- side the body, it forms a soft mass, which pntly clears the intestines of wastes. Certainly this is more natural than taking pills and drugs—often harmful. Two tablespoonfuls daily are 'usually sufficient. If not re- lieved this way, see your doctor. Arzatazt. also supplies iron for the blood. At all g•rocers. In the red -and -green paCkage. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. the bride of Mr, George H. Scott, son oe Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Scott, of Langside, Rev. T. 0, Wilkinson officiating: 'IV. bride wore a becorning gown of nova) blue ceelee with aecessories to match, A evedding dinner was served. at the bride's home to immediate relatives of the bride and groom. The happy couple will re. side on the groora's farm, T.angside, DEATH OF MRS. 0, .T. READING Another pioneer woman of Wingham district 'pa.ssed away on Monday, Nov. 28s, in the pereon. Wilhennina An- derson, daughter of the late Samuel An- derson, and widow of the late. ,gharles Reeding. Although not in the best of health Mrs, Reading was eland as usual on Monday, but ehortly after noon suf. fered a- strolce and peacefully passed away. about two hours later. Surviving her is one daughter, Alice C. Reading of Wingham; and one s•on,, John o, Read- ing, Cds.U., long service member of the Hamilten staff of the Metropolitan Life. OFFTCER HONORED BY STAFF THE GODERICII STAR Only in the lion*. but in the conumanity aall• For ManY nein be was an elder in let Annum* United elixirs:le Port A. bert (termerly Peenbetetivate %here he vial Ise wane% mimed, els he was faithful arid devated mariner. He eves alweee a -wended with every good Mein and his life and tnfluence will net soon be ter - gotten. um serviiva were condlea by Rev. W. 0. Shaw. of the Nile-Lenburn- Port tabut Oman, assisted by Rev, Davin J. Lime, ef Knox Pre:betel-Ian elturelt, O oderlet, who Was a fon= student - poster of St. Andtewe ehurch, It Ale bert. Ameng the fleral tributes was QM from the W. M. O. 01 St. Andrews ehureln Interment was in Clinton cein- etery, where the remaine or the deeniteed • parents Yen.Tipall-Ixerere were three eldera who were closely lessee elate4 vilth hini in the work or the ebunane-Messrs. John Quaint, Tiaomas Dieloon and Harty Lednor. and Mee neighbore—nfessra. Jaines Hayden, Nen on Graham end Linvid Green, Lorne Pringle Is New IL O. B. Pr4't Largest Attendence on Record at Huron Old Ewa' Amnia PAUL Your oil's "May" on the coldest day when.Ws E E D 0 Li vi 00TOR IL I Pours freely at sem. Lubricates at 20' below. Change to this finest of all Pennsylvania Oils. crows.Deminton on Co., unittia„Dlitaibut*r Hintilten. Toronto, St. aitharinia .40,4 Heneelle-Dr. Byron Compbell, Mrs. It'tinae dances, and Jr Was all rieht. BIytIs-4. Floenn Gerrie-41re, IA. Irwin. Brueefleicle-T, Mintetel, Drinsels—trer, H. 3. Vergusen. Wheglutin-11. Netteriteld, W. A. Smith, Lae. Xennedy. Eneter—Thco, Sweet. O. L. Covetice, Mr. Scott. sheaewn.fortlinnk, X Forbes, Gee. t.eve. H. jaeksoll. C. M, Chesney, W. ElaWk- Londesboro--Jno. Moon, R. SOO, Geo. Zurich—Mrs, M. Beeker. The annual meeting ot Buren Old After the .business Was conellided, Boys* 'AssocletkIn of Toronto was neld in euchre, bridge and dancing were indule- the Pythian Castle College M., that I ed until the "wee snue " city, on Friday evening lad, with the The felloWing were amongst those pre - t' lir. and Mrs. J. A. McLaren, Mr. end 1VIrs., L. M. Pringle, Mr, and Mrs. Alex, 0, MoVicate Mr. and Mrs. W., A. man, Mr. E. J. FloodY, Rey. R. C. leIce DerMid, Mr. a. 0. King, Mr. and Mr8, largeet eatendance in- the history of an- wUaaksvMerrineeretiliniseglugnted4aairtitd7 tree tgrheeatoelsdt ettletnint! siesta. prevailed. The reports of the Secretary and. Trea- surer ettowed the Association to be in a Thompson, Mr. R. et Sheppard, IVIr. very flourishing -condition, with a, goon .0. A, Newton, Mr. and, Mrs. 0. 0. Young, balance in the hank. I Dr, and Mrs. H. J. Hodgins, Dr. and The following officers were elected for Mrs. J. V. Ferguson, Dr, and Mrs, H. A. the ensuing year: Heston, Mr, and. Mrs. A. M. Wiekens, nonorary presidents__Hom, Row,. vine, Mr. and Urn J. Moon, Mr. and Mrs. U. .A. McLaren, T. Itttssell, .A, 0. Mo- C. aldleY and tile NUsses Ur. and Viper, 17,0, King, Harry Stowe. 0 norary Vice-Presidents—Mrs. D. Robertson, Mrs. W, A. Buchanan, *Kee /1. Stowe, Mrs. W. A, Campbell, Mrs, Jzio. MOon, • • .resident, -.L. M, Pringle. ice-Presidents—Dr. II. J. Hodgins Mrs. H. O. Mean, Mr. and miss. E. A. Sprinks and Wins Hamilton, Mr. Wm. Powell, X M, Vee, Mr, A. G. Smith, Geo. King, Mr. W. A. Campbell, Ur. W. E. Moody, Holmes, Mr, J. H. Fisher, Mr. J. Newell, Mr. C. *Murray, Nit S. Hutcheson, Mr, El J. Hicks, Mr. H. Rob- Geo. N. Ferguson, W. L. Campbell, Harry erts, afx. and MM. les, W. Dane, Mr. and Martin, Geo. Dane, Mrs. (Dr.) It .1. Per- Mrs. Jan Saul, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dale, Mr, guson, -Mrs. Geo. E. Ferguson, bus_ R. and Mrs, J. Scott, Mr, and Mrs. R. hL Brooks, Miss K L. Plynn, Armstrong, Mrs a. Stowe, Mrs, Boyle, Seeretary—E. Moody. . Mrs, 13, 1.1. McCreath, Mrs. aavingstone Assistant Secretary—Miss S. Waleer, setinnienDwin, Iters, J. C. 1-lutrileY, Pinancial Secretary—Fn S. Sheppey& lvitet'Finrile Paterson, tins L. E. Knox, Treasurer -81 D., A. Cruttenden, Miss B, Stirling, Auditors—It L Morrieh, S. M. Wick,' miss Ruth shenbroell, Miss Jean Dolmen eas. miss eviabel Bell, Miss Constance Stew- oClirgaaptlaisitriviRrsev: liaR.rr0y. m1vlacrtlaitna, Id. art, 1Veiss M. Matelregor, miss cella Oar. der, Miss Rebecca. Cameron; Miss. NI. Pral:geleePllon , CH7lEim.iteltetrwtlirrMs.rs.Li3. dId Ceoruslotnes., aMnitsts =S. nWyaloktehrzrs1VII. wsshoJseessilemAinnes. cwrilseaotnh,. mivirrss,,Jr.f. roourLetra;en, 7,14Hr.s.jvirc... could not be obtained. F.00dy, Mrs. W. Proudfdot, IVIrs.- Holmes, Mrs. A. E, Forbes, 'Mrs. R. C.1 NOTES Instriet l'elephone Company °Dicers nivi° and,, atialminptonann Waeednesday of' last week Ili Bre of Mrs. 0. Rumball, wtritahnsftehrererdestre a:1°r'; a tize local -office Irorri her to lvliss Lily n° Kennedy, who has been connected With 4", the office for nearly twenty years and nina luta been In charge of the traffic depart - merit for some years. Miss Kennedy is A° now local representative, in the even- e, Mg the district staff joined with the " local staff in a little farewell to Nirs. Rumball, meeting at the home of her niece, Mrs. 1Vforley Counter, where 'she G was spending the evening, and during Bike C. Rob 1 n Dermid, Mrs. H. J. Hodgir18, Miss P. tenon, IVIrs. IS, L. Scott, Mrs. S. H. •am, Mrs. L. Kennedy. Refresturtent Committee—Mrs, IL B. towe, Mrs. I). 'Thompson, Mrs. George Ter:), (with power to complete com- ublie Committee—William Powell, ol 1VIcQuarrie. ' Property Committee—G. A. Newton. letting Committeen-IvIrs. L Brown. Special ReprccentatiVes Wird named to be Chairman) oderich----B. H. MoOreath, W. A. hanan, David Thompson, C. ItilYnas, F. Chapman, Ernest Lee, Prot .7. C. ertson. • • • I linton—Geo. 'Trowhill, W. E. Conte - McCaughey. , Dr. R. Ball, Dr. H. E. Hesston, F. i I . Mx. Lorne AL Pringle, the new Pres.' dent is Brussels 014 Bay and occupies the 'position of General idanager of the smart Bag co, of this city, President Harry Stowe, absent through illness, but Mts. Stowe was present 'sand splerund work on the Program Com- mittee. I Treasurer D. D. Wilson was very much ' on duty at the RoYal Whiter Pair °faces, but his annual report was read Beare- tary Moody, and showed a handsorne surplus on the year's activities. • Everybody was glad to see A. C. Mc- Vicar, who was present with Mrs. Mce Vicar. The members of the Exeeutive will never forget his splendid donations for the Refreshment Department during the past ten years. t Bert McCreath veas unavoidably de-, tained at Belleville and tould not be pre- sent. 'Bert eves very much miseed. The Gictleyk, of Blyth, are wonderful euchre players. Mrs. E. Gidley took first prize in ladies' 'class and P. Gidley took first prize hi men's Glass. Mrs. Cuthbert took second prize in ladies' class and G. 11. Martin took tette ocid prize In metes class in a draw with Jas. Scott, of Blyth, with a tally of 65. Robt. Holmes was on the job early and stayed till late in the evening. Dr. H. J. Hodgins, formerly of Sea - forth, is first vice-president and will be in line for the presidency next year. Mr. A, G. Smith, formerly of the Wingham "AdVance-Tinies," took an in- tefest In the -.proceedings and stayed till the last "dog was shot." W. A. 'Campbell, formerly of Wing - ham, is one of the new vice-presidents, while Mrs. Campbell ocCuples a similar position with the ladies. IVIrs. ThOmpson had charge of the refreshments and, as usual, handled the job like clockwork. Mrs, IL B, Stowe and Mrs. G. C. Young loolted after the euchre and bridge games and did it with military precision. John Moon- had charge of the dancing and ctid the "calling ,off" for the old - the evening presented her with a table lamp and a evalnut table, .1 Mr. Melds, driver Of the ear, suffered a badly fractured nose and severe cuts to the. face. SCOTT-DEYELL ex141,01, IVOUTUAL VKIE INSIIRo• fou r luta INSTIRANCE A ANON COMPANY, Ge Arm..ma••• FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PRO- PERTY INSURED, Value of property insured up to Ian- Uary, 1910, 43,648,976,00, opmcn,rown. Itennevidse. Pres'- . dint, Broaanagen; Jas. ConiuglY, InuitSeafdrign ; Goderlohl D. P. MeGreger, - RECTORS--Jaa, Shouldice, Walton: Wrin, Constance; George NIcCarte ney, Seaforth ; PAM. Perris, Ilarlock John Pepper, BrUcelleld; A. Broadfoot, Seaforth. A, 44.04SIITS-0-41r. J. Yeo, Fe R., 3, Clinton; Watt, Myth; Ed. Son • John Murray, neaterth. ilcyholders can pay their aasess- ents at Calvin Cuttis store, Cioderich ; The Itoyal Bank, Clinton, or 1 U. Micro, Henget& entereene----nnenneensenesennesterseen-neenne FIRE INSURANCE fiat/0 it attended to by the. WEST WAWANOSIII 311VsPVAL maws/int co. Established 1818 Head, Office: Dangaimort, Ont, Cita% I ewitt, Itintardine, President; Itoabt. Da Won, Dtmgannon, Vice -Preen - dent; in ddition to the President and Vice Predent, the following are Meg - tors: Wm, Watson, Auburn: W. 3. ThaMpsen, Auburn; WM, MCQuillait, Lneknotte W. P. Reed, RR, Z Inieknewi Iniery L. nalkeld, Oederltli; Ernest Ackert, TielyrOod; Tlift GrIeln, 11, R. NO, 7, Leattow. MIL THELEAVM, Pete THOS. STOVINK,51 Treat 1 quiet wedding was solemnized a the ted church parsonage, St. Helens, at o'clock VVeitriesday, Nov. 13rd, when Annie Amanda, only datighter of Mr. and Men nett. Winghant beeeme Bropheu Bros GIOGERICH —Din LEADING— FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS AM() aMT1131,ANCt SttiViCt AT Am. tratins.-.47/Glia Olt DAY Nees, Hight 217. ne flay 120 1. it. Vnleeler Funeral Director and Embalmer Also Ambulance Service Goderich Ontario All talla proinptly dt6nata tG day nr night lenenes Stare S3t. Hoeft 35Slit 1 ews 03 (DgnAannon The regular monthly raeeting of the Dungannon Junior Farmers' Club, was held Thursday when a very enjoyable time was • spent- ,Tbe Junior Institute had beeri Invited, ann over One hundred were in attendance,,I In the absenee of the president, Alleni Reed, 'H. L. Atkin-. son, Arisistruit Agricultural Representa- tive for the County- of Iltiron, presided - and conducted the meeting. Mr. Atkin eon, in bis opening remarks, congratu- lated both 'organizations upon the sue- cees of their werk which, he said, nom - pared most. favorably with that of other similar organizationt in the eounty. There was a snort program, tonsisting of the following numbers; Instrumental piano duet, Misses Claire Pentland and Anna Reed; community singing, vocal solo, Mins Margaret Pentland; reading, 1VIIss Helen Anderson, after which elec- tion of officers for t.he ensuing year was held with the following result: Presi- dent, Allan Reed; vite-president, Vox- dyee Clark; secretary, Harold Webeter • treasurer, Albert Taylor; program eont- mitten armies Thonias Anderton and Hamilton Clutton. It was left to the eXectitive to o.ppoint other commit- tees. The neeetinn cloSed with the sing- ing of the National Anthem. Pollowing the program, a dente was held, the music for which was furnithed -by the Plunkett otchestra, About midnight lunch Ware served and a very enjoyable evening was breught to a close b3r the einging of the National Anthem. Mrs. .1. J, RY'an and Vim Davidson were the chaperone Mr. und Mrs. Charles Elliott arid little on, Henry, have returned from a three Months' visit with Mrs, Elliott's; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matz, of Goldert Mr. Ellett, who always enjojrs the hunt - mg, season in the North Country, suc- ceeded in shooting line deer, which he brought home with hint. They had it rather unfOrtunate mishap during the return trip when a ear, which they were meeting at a.turn in the road, failed. t� Make the turn tO the slienerY ondition of the roads and called head- ong with their car. Mrs: Elliott bad her 'niece rather badly hurt- *bile little Irony received some olds front ilying lass which was brOken with the impact, leer. Annus Goectott was 'honored in death on Monday afternoon, Dec. ilth, whrm relatives, friends and ettighbore ante in large numbere lien their final ribnte of respect to one whom they bad always held in the highest esteem Dorn near Clinton r,t; vain too, to was one of • farallY of Envie-dour tons and Mine daughterS of tIte Tete Mt and Nfra...1a5. GOrdori, tvito Were among the early pion - 01 the Shoppardton district. Thi- ty-orie yente ago he was marritd te Mary Dunbar, who survives. Williara aordon of Norway, Manitoba, and Alm - ander Lt.. Gordon. of Oackateitewssr, aro brothers and the tir,,Itza are Mrs. Vilatcon, of essiqatcliewan, Mrs. Trehauri, Maud- toba, and Ant Mary Oordmi, tiode- tie DEPRESSIONS ALWAYS END— WE HAVE JUST REPRINTED A -CHART MADE OVER 75 YEARS AGO—CALLING EVERY DEPRES- SION AND YEARS OF GOOD TIMES FROM ii316 TO 1999— IT IS CORRECT TO DATE. THE tnOST INTERESTING READ. 1NG AVAILABLE—GOO!) TIMES AHEAD —WRITE FOR YOUR FREE COPY, HOTEL WAVERLEY SPADINA Ave. a COLLEGE H. TORONTO KOR 101,DSR ....THE. .01).ERICH HEAT FOLKS HAPPY 15 THE 14005E140LE THAT KNOWS THESE, MERRY SOULS. THEY CAVE YOU HEAT APLENTY•kt WITH A MINIMUM OF COALS If your iteating 1 equipment. has shown eigne of a riervona breakdown, Phone for the Heat Folket. ,A. few denea et 'blue coal' and it wilt perk up Immo- Idiately. Here is a diet that Is MY to digest. The neat WOW drive away furnate frowns and rheumattes. They rat fire in its heart and a healthy glow is5 it5 cheeks. With the Heat POlka en No job, Your. furnace Vsill getstrong and robust -0A toOrl urea- little at- tentiva. CALL THE itrAtletn The Ilughee Oreheetra Put lots of "pep" Into their triune to the enjoyment et the "eteppere." • MOS Minnie Unita needed contin. gent of Ilowlek's .old-thners. Miss P. Rita* led a splendid crowd from Clinton, Hullett and Blyth, • • u..0. H. camacit stymy The Nuron Old 'Boys' Asseelation of Toronto held their annual .icburch see- vieo at St, Paul's Presbyterfen elettrola On Sunday evening' last, the sermon belna preaehed by the elitenlain of the AssOebe tion, Rev. C. MeDerrald, The body of the church was set apart for Huron Old Boys and was crowded with inerri. ben frem all parts ot the county. Mr. meDerrald carried the congregation back to their childhood days. and preached one of the Strongest sermons he has ever delivered The hold titat Gadertelt and Huron Connty has taken on Mr. anc- Derund and tawny was freely continent - ed upon by members of the Asqoeiation Dust Can -es Astitmas.--Eren 3 little speck too stead to see will lead to agonies Which no words van describe. The 'walla of the breathing tubes contract mitt it seems as it the very life must pass.' ErOM this condition Dr, J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy brings the User to Per. feet rest. It relle'ves the passage* and normal breatbing elrmly established again. Hundreds of testimonials received annlially prove its- effectiveness, Norway Syrup Long Standing Cough.,‘ Was Completely_ Relieved Mr. S. E. Russell, Dominion No. 4_, N.S., write*. "I have on several oceanic:sus, each Fall and Wba_ iter had severe colds and coughs, and used to have hard time setting rid of them. I had tried many cough remedies, until several YOIXO ago a friend reeonnnended Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. After the firenbottle I felt an improvement, and the second bottle completely relieved me of nay long ,etanding cough." r Frio -arena bottle; large family size Men at all drut and.Soneral stores; mit up only by The T. Milburn Limited. Toronto. Ont. • yr:01-c4.N TfiE4P. AVI at 5UPgRIQR.. STOW' SALMON, Cascade, Fancy, 271b. fins 19c PEAS, Aylmer No. 4, 2 tins Ann 19c PURE LARD, 24b. Cartons 21c CAKES Chocolate Marshmallows, 2lbs. 25c RAISINS, New Sultanas, 2 lbs... .... CURRANTS, Fresh and Cleaned, 27c COCOANUT, Finest Snowdrift, %.1b. 15c .•••••••••••••••••01111•MMIN••••••••, •••••••••• TEA Royal York, Orange Pekoe 1/21b. pkg, 23c CHEESE, Finest New Canadian, 2 lbs. 25c CATSUP, C. &B. lare bottle 19C HEADQUARTERS for all XMAS. Supplies J. CALVIN COTT J. J. iVICEWEN ,,,,„,,.,...otonoarctoovrorfrororxirki,- SPARR'S GROCERY Great War. of a very %quiet rttiritg ch. A bre.lien Vat (iardou, fell in the 3 mann COM, g ossoeieuu, nee Muds belend, net I 1114"Punialw OMPANY ree,VgAV,54.6076044ACZOWSAit.1/4-.1614:14054r, AlairiVe" "The House of Plenty" Everything for your CHRISTMAS BAKING and for your CHRISTMAS TABLE The Name SPARR'S IS SYNONYMOUS WITH QUALITY and ow, Prices are Right Lusciotis Raisins (Spanish, Seed. less, Bleached, Puffed), Packag- ed Currants, Dates, rigs, Cher- ries, Cocoa, Lard, Extracts, Cream, Butter, Eggs, Shorten. ing, Bread and Pastry Flour. SPARR'S GROCERY The Store of Satisfaction' Hamilton St.* Goderieh !W. We Deliver in Town, -g.w rwatot r 4 Phone 146 • , ikl ssowictiook, nin-nnesuren.en