HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 2.tbe (ii.oberich Stat. 1401;6141*d essey teniarretay et Ilk Otter .Office, ciederell. Subscription Pricte--- CoAsla (.'eat Bsiii 45,00 Per 'Mar m edeetie fie asters 112.etOri United States, 9250 per year in advance. •Ooth eztol new addressee 41014 be Wen wIteta chit ige of address is Ms easeted. CARO U.AiIt)NS -W t3k 4 mast of eire *Meatball Prefer kot to have %eh suorariptione teterrupted ;* ease they fell to remit before expire. Son. While stereeliPtioree will not be earriel in *erten oser att extended Pere led Yet. Unitas we are notified to cancel,. We assume Pre subscriber wishee the Sere vice contented. REPASTPANCES shOUld be male by- ;Milner el letter. Money order or cheque Isolable at per in. (lode - tide THURSDAY, DEC. 06, 1932 1Star Sparkles The county mine:Sloes have redtteed their per diem elloWanve by one dollar * diet but don't get excited, the eouneillont . live in yark CoUntss. Very little has been hearii attout•elece time in either •Goderich tow nt or Colborne Township, In Cloderich Hee* C`raigie :seemstreholdsthe belatice. It he decided o etay with the reevesbip, *with the ides he may land the county wardens* for 19e3. It Velect not be surPrisingett Mayer 'Lee was AP* returned unopposed. If on the other hand Reeve Critigie,decided meyorelty honors were more to Wei*. Ing it might be the present occupant ot the mayor's cbair would step aside, Jlist at present, the more likely guess seems to be that the Reeve will try for county honor*" elep road, Werk from the Provirkeis the county eieta 40 per eent of the wet of ceunte roads Dem the Province, and ere are not saying Met that la not a feh lerrengement, but the tower Iniee to pay 100per cent. of to coet of their road wale, In addition to which Mt per cent of wirat they contribute to the eounty system gem out of fire time, Onle 50 Per, cent. Whig spent 'within trie towns, and the 50 per ceut. Government grant' On the work done On the conneeMng links of fize emmte system thrones the roma els so is spent in the country. We are not siaYing the system is not oil riebt, but as between Urban and rural localltior the rural emetnursities Surely can't be meld to be supplying tbe townie With weds, The [Matter of Collegiate edziestten, is another ‘rnatter en which some rural speaker !Make out that the toren* reep where the runt/ orattons tow. As We understand it the whole expense 01. *pending * testate Institute %Ogling' , debentures for • permanent iMprovernents, is figured out and the %Pence town and country attendaneez for the peat three Years' *len aS a basis, and the town pay* or tbe towees Proportion Of the pupileeend the. eounty for the countrte PronortiOle so that es far as passible an eehiel emuditY m eeesested, urban and eural Ming their own. ahem of the expense. And prebably letet 40 per cent. of the Pup- ils, at a Collegiate come from the coun- try• Mind, end if :we comfits It to the upper forme Gm .ranetty proportion would be larger. The more .town and coUntly get together and exchange their viewpoints and discuss erali other's pros blebs the better. TOWN AND COUNTRY • Between the attitude that would• vise a town to eeparate from the county as a means of saving money (In enter words that looks upon a town's tonnece tion with Pk celerity as ineolving 'outlay that weal be saved if the town separat- ed front the eounte) and the attitude thlt one 'sometimes hears it townebilr terminations, that the fellotv in the Com - try pays the shot and the fellore in the 'towns reaps the benettt, there is a wide gulf, which it •shoulct be possible to bridge with a bridge of understanding, and perhaps some Beard of Trade would be doing a service to bring town . and , , celint,re PeoPle together mere often to talk questions at this sort through to a • conclusion, and to lind out within rea- sonable limas where the truth lies If the *ban eentres eheuld,rantribute sub- e.tentiallY to rural roads, an the ground that town. people use these roads Very *Wes id 18 be Put on that basis idetid of it, being made out that the Mins, because they get back 50 Pei tent of their contribution t the 'county Mad system, are getting' something that the rural parts do not get The town- ships get 40.per cent. of the tost Of town - The latest sperealtles hi floral offerings for all °castors* Particularly so for fun- eral purpeees, from the simplest spray to te ntagreficent. 'meats and We can dee liver aliomptly on short notice: GEO. STEWART •• FLORIST • tt LWHAT OTHER 1 EDITORS SAY elE ENVY IS SIN (Toronto Star) . ' Goderich towns/sip has no debt and has lowered its taxation. If envy is a sin, there were a lot Of municipal repro- bates when that news was announced. • 'Vaulting Ambition . (eleaforth Expositor) Mies McPhail has been given rope Parliament. She la neer dis- puted or torrected by either party or by any of the .independents. That Should make it easy for her and she should be sattsned. But she is a restless body. She is never satiefted•veth one theory or one place very long. ni tact she is Wee satisfied and always has been ever three she entered Parliament Pint she was dissatisfied with the Indemnity. It was tete mech. She gave a thousand dollars biele Tire second session she was still dissatisfied and at greet length said so. But—she didn't give : anything back. During the past two or three years, ',Miss amPliail, it hes become ine,reasinglY ap- parent, Is still' dissatisfied with' the Par- liamentary Melee/nits% But now the 1110e is on the .etlter foot. The indent. pity is too small. Miss McPhail his not said so, of .course, bueludging by the Met that the daily ;pistons, while Parliament Is eating, are much more conspicuouti tor her absence than her presence, it would lead One to the belief that she doesn't consider herself suincleenly paid 0 be a regular, or even*, frequent at- tendant. She hae, apparently, other uses for her time and her talents, Pre- fitable Twenty-ilve dollars and ex- penses, we Understand. Curiosity as well as popularite•tmee made Miss liter/rail's name atmest a national institution., but the omens of being the first woman member of the median ,Parliament 'which ehe wean, IS but a single distinc- tion. and 'unease lies the head beeeath that erown. •Other end greater ambi- tions have arisen. She bee hitehed her wagon to a nese stur. The star of being Us Imperial Potentate in the East, of none ese brace nieces the new seet fist . has appeinted itself GODERICII to lead Canada Out cif the eloegh of de- s stententonaisturrnatininatinammesensunserenet - - Christmas Shopping Under Way —AT— West Street Hardware Something for All the Family FATHER KNIVES IFLA.SHLIGHTS • RAZORS • WATCHES mom ALARM CLOCKS CHIME ALARM CLOCKS MOTHER ELECTRIC IRONS ' • ELECTRIC TOASTERS ELECTRIC CURLERS ELECTRIC HEATERS I FANCY BRASS DISHES FANCY SILVER DISHES 1 BLACK BRIDGE SETS STAINLESS KNIVES and FORKS FOR THE KIDDIES Drum s, Books, Indian Sets, Dishes, Banks, Baking Sets, Toy Reins, Toy Whips, Blocks, C. C. M. Skates, Sleighs Aladdin Lamps at Special Prices GORDON TEBBOTT PHONE 486 For COLD "I -always use BABY'S OWN TAB- LETS to break up my baby's Colds? Writes Mr* Wilbert cokedneMo Stur- gcon Pak Ont. 'When I see *laid corning an, 18 1. to BABY'S OWN TABLETS thet turn," writes Mrs. Hobert Greenhorn, preepsville, Ont. Mothere everywhere Mon * bke vein of the safe, sure results that follow the we. of BABY'S OWN TABLETS 18 treating children's colds, teething troubles, simple fevers, disordered **Mach, toile), constipation. 28 cents. Dis Willierase 245 *Aar: OWN TABLETS ;pond Tut, tut ARAMs it YOU don't cox - tail your reported temper and vocabu- lary, YOU soon Won't be alloWed 18 .18 In Parltement, let alone be Prime Minister. 001ST OF DEBT, OUT Or DANGEr • (Toronto Globe) Parliainente, Legislettlres. COunelis Ind Other gerarning bodies that are worry- ing over deficits should study equations. 18 Goderich: Townshtlp, Huron County, Euendh#1101W.taleheieereemletwecountpatyistoteavinweetneldrucue. • UP its fiscal leer with a nice sUrplWes end this delpite the feet that for 1,032 there had been a reduction in the tax rate. . Addressing a meeting of ratelteleut ot Goderich Townsbio at the anztluel nom-hieheepswiteavernn eeeenenet .uabeenudosino, pInt10sutk131 /nation Meet*, Reeve Wilmot et:melte elgbave b4townsdehlap wt.:$*1140,0 remarkable debt, enmedntba* ti• Tbeltus vingd "ivibbilatiofebehesr4rroirtgebeatlib, by tbe rthredihrlete Yhees:hY4heetheeate'rillurttl.wiel/esh' 02(1961e,7ehimi" nocnulairtdilionistronmo tao merst.rruntrili-t • relkf work„and a further reduction. of taxes tor next year could be expected. There was - lens •than WO of =paid • taxes. In times such as these news of this nature comes as refreshing tonic, And there bi but one explanation of such ideal .eonditaons. • The elected rePresen- THE copE_Eicu STAR THURSDAY, St% 11932 , Mem WeertreeentestrIca's Drat Emil Weedy) WE BELIEVE IN CANADA Is it intslible tor sarone not to believe in Veriedit?, During these Went heefie year* Can - 945 has been spotlighted in Dewy Matra role* upon the International stage. In • tech instenee 4141 bee earned the respect of the world, • Vourterat years ago * rented bugles founded, file gled antliera of peace over Flanders" bloody *wens, It marked the end or weir. But it aim *narked the be- ginning of Canada's new greatness. The Vatiadiall Expeditionstry Porte had left hi its wake a deatialeas trail of glory, WireentetO, tte. enduring tattle* were the gOlden threads ot itn indomitable Irphit that refused toeCedMit dereit zoo indrateltable *PIM Of COUr% aim has been COMA% prIceless heritage "-a birthright bestowed on the mother country by ber hero sons. Threuktrout the war tine spirtt ranters++ treted an iCeneda's beaverrt traditions in 'Ingle generation. But et found its fin- est expression during the dinkult dem whkh followed poet. Tue ero ree ranstruction and Of Borman* Which sPelled Mgr and chaos for other tuitions of a less reseed morale, Merely amebae shed the value of Canada's great here. Mee. One cabnot appraise Canada's greea during these postwar years solely cally no larger than Greater London. She rightly , stands In the front rank of world powers. • • Carted* is no longer 'a 'geographically Vast territory isolated from the met of the world. The setistantial total of 44,- 620030 perms created tbe border be- tathres of• these cemmunithe have been • tween Canada and the United, States in exercising common sense hi the zaitnage- 1930, according to, the Eionneten Bureau meet of affaks. They nave not regard- of states** " . • !Blackstone, Carrie, Schaefer and J. Cutt I ed it as their privilege to spend the rate- payers' money as they pleased, Blueness prhsiples prevailed—and more teen or- CREWE . dinarile sensible business principle* Ottawa. Evidence ot world-wide inter- est Us perky gala ilAleated ill the fad trust over three M1111041 words In prese diepateise were telegraphed and cabled to all Parts or the world. Yes, we believe in Cured*. Is it pese OW for suayone not to believe in, Can- ade? 000,.,000000.00.000,0000400000000 TOXOID, RIMS AND INSULEX POW; Scheel Boast We Close the Year letle Sault Cola Surnius 0.00,000•0. •' The Medic school beard will cleft the year /vitt% live or eirc hUndred Ohms left or the .1022 key alter paying 0342.98 to tbe Orlattlne, 'Link and Alabastine Co., ifor Malden, with which Vetere* school has been Ineuletect with the ides of siev- ing fuel. l'Ina is 5 litt/e better than last year'* showing. • ° The matter of elesting ;inks or the two Peltier eche* semstalited'ef .szt the .raguletrenteetent;b1 Ihet Board an Mon- day evening last and Was referred to the property tommittee to take up with the town council. • Tire Children are being treated with diphtheria towel, rt. was reported that 140 lead been given the first treatment • at Victoria echool, with 09 more to take ems ot the following' morning. _ • . 'A letter or aeknowledgment is being sent to the Women's Institute for the cheque for $50 received from that organ. kitten towards the cost of ;musical in- struction. 1 . The average attendance for November , was deposited in the. Penny Bank. Thei forcing peaches, pears; apricots, bananas • . at Vtotorla Wheal was .344 out of air en - of 217 nut of a possible 23e, 0.r 00,e Per m coarse sieve. or .berries through a potato rim or 1 rollment of 373, 92.22 per cent. 1123,77 , Attendance at Central was an nvfrage I •wise mothers who know the virtues of its value. - G ' Worm Externalruclor al - 1, Trustees present were Mesdames. Gray . t cent. • '•• other raves and umstou, itev, .46., mots and uresir— s. ware, have it at hand, eraause it Proves NO ACCIDENT No AceLdNenot oAnb:guettOs huriuPt_ericexs• ce pt Competition If you're in a jam—about—the correct price to pay—for a Suit—We are prepared for you. Safety First. titri rd CHAS. BLACK Goderich: Mens Outfitter frora Head to Heel SIL ENI• THINGS AlLthis h the dead, My treasure hes in silent things Not scented packets tied with strings. No eatin ribbon, red or blue, •4:ian bind the love that comes from you. • My treaEntre things unsald, • Dinner Punch (Serves 4-6) 1 eup orange juice •* cup lemon juice • 215eacpsup water fruit juice 05 rtasageblespooeuenesa sugar or honey • • Blend thoroughly, 011111 if desired• . 'Variations: Add to the above mixture' 1 cup of the juice ot another Ina, such • AS grape juice, raspberry juice, logan- berry Juice, pineapple juice, cider or the 4u1ee from any canned fruit. • Or add 1 cup of a puree made by Canada no longer , reeks as n minor manufacturing unit .in world market* In 1030 she necarne second in import. There was a. thee when. Meat Qatari() lance " a WialUrratttlring ePUntr5t In' the •municipalities were at least 'paying their tRritIsh .Rioplre. During the ;sat twenty et/Ise...leant tlk gross value of her manufacture icwiinaYit; nwiTh t2tOciisManYothem couragint gbeumareidenof n. , ed products has increased by the aalas, uncial obligations. The •ciliference bee hit teter. $203620°Keflq' There are 24,020 . plants .1ri Canada entPloyhrg 644s. 439 persons' and representing a Capital investment, of $5,203,316.760. 'The paphiettcated Canadian, shopPer. need rie longer seethe buying whims in Paris, London, or New Yorkcanadian detiartment.stores' are 'ranked among' ttie world's greatest. In Toronto, a city ot 631,000 population, the animal' ,retati- beeseesng that they nay be pew. an4 store volume reaches • the astounding, to - 'Otero is left to posterity a disemuSgl. ng tel of *400000.000 legacy • elinada no longer conlInes her experts Ire eloderieh Townsbip the Council was to a few commodities in littited,..Markets. re-elected ' by: •acclaination; and that At the - end of 1931 she held fifth Posi- seented to be the least grateful taxpayers tion among. all countries in...Volulne 01 could do. • 'Walkerton hat .0 long 'lilt of exports Her products reach practicallY candidatesfor eivie °face, whiett wicket- every tountry on the fade of the globe. ly; ,irictictetess 14 Proper ealuation, of the Canada bas becOme the source of envy honer there Is itt directing the attains of, and admiration hi her honest, fortheight a 10ml-headed 'citizenry. Appreciation metheds, of iaw enfOrceMelit. Her non - may be expressed in many ways51 political judiciary metes out, just swiftly ithould .be added that there • ere other and elheleee.And in herehelt Wee are Canadian munichalities in mend Amu-. the. gimlets sneak of the Royal Cana., dal circumstance; but e altogether too d'art Mounted Isolice--the' finest tracti- le% • • tion serrerig any law-enforcement agency ,tarso) these and such municipalities as GUerich. Townehip and Walkerton is se - counted by civic ,habits of 'thrift or .prodigality. itot a governing body of any nature, whether .parliamentary muni- cipal, embark .a of Andiscrim- Mate spending, and there seems no way out ot the ever-growing burden of debt. When bills fall' due there must 5* more OurWeeld3r Lesson In English (Ey W. le Gordon) Mr. Alden Hasty, of Stratford Rennes School, spent Sunday at their home here. Mrs. Wm. Crozier is with her mothere Mrs Wm. campbell, who is ilt . acre. Wilfred Drennan visited her ;mother, Mrs,. Jos. Kackett, of Luoknow, the I) week. • Mr.. and Mrs. Kenny Caropbell end children, of Detroit, spent Ihe week end at the home of MrandMrs. John Men - Mr. Orville Durnin attd mother, Mrs, Wm. Durnln, land sister, Mrs. Henn' • • • Grant, spent Sunday with relatives at •Kitchener. NURSE TELLS HOW TO • SLEEP SOUND STOP GAS Nurse V. Pletcher says: ester:lath gas bloated me so bed 1' could not sleep One sPoonful Adlerika brought out all the gas and now sleep well and , feel Sine." CA1V/P13ELLII DRUG STORE. 1.;."Timmmttleuri. • •in the:World . I: 'JOHN. PINDER.. Tire'sforeign investor believes in Canada. . —believes in,ber to tire ,extent of over six billion dollars levested.capital. Tbe United States enve.stor, in •particular, be- lieves in Canada to tlk 'extent of 0,- 726,740,009—almoat two-thirds of the foreign investnients in 'the Ieconinion. Canada% accolade of complete swept - Words' ()Oen Misusedaftee• as a ranking' world newer Was be.' De not as/e .«Mr. EroWn does the bulk --Wed at the 1111.Perial 'Cnnferen" of the werk," Say, "does tire greater part ef ine work." • . Do lira say, "Mete a little." Quite men= 'Wholly; as, ."Ue is quite mistalcr! PLUMBING, HEATING . SHEET METAL WORK Phone 12/ P. 0, Box 131 Do not say, "Ile laid on the bed be - tante he was tired," Say, 'Be lay on the bide' " Do' net etty, "They tan every tvhich way." Say, "They ran in andirections," Do not say, "He is a derk-eompleeted mane" Say dark-eomplexionect Cora - elected Means Interco:Wen. • To not My, We must consider the re- veree side to the question." Say, "re- verse sidt of the rotation," Words Otte* ailepronounced •• Brethren, Pronounce last syllable ren, not breth-ern. Inflammable, Pronounce as in am, tun as in Attlee. Jocular. Pronounce jok.u-lar, a as in of, u se in Unite, a unstressed, accerit first syllkble. • Calidelabrum. Pronounce thet a as in clue e as ill ale, /stolid a tte in lay, It as in drum unetreeted, *vent third Syllable. Geadiolue. Prettoutice gle-d1-0-tas, es in ask Unetteseed, 1 as In die 0 as in obey, U es hi, 18 unstressed, and Accent stand sylieble. not the thhd. • Ilterattire. (Pronounce the tu as in picture, not as Mr in tour. Words Often Nclospelled Ninth: not rtineth. Nineteen; not nine teem Dysentery, dys, not dielevers tee. Obeeree the se. TlYrkerlte• • Obe Servie the final e. PUrsuit; par, notoper. Parellel. Observe the Synonym* Extel, bead, applaud, Waite, glorify, celebrate. Royel, regal, eeingly, imperial, mortar- ehleal, august, majeetie, Stimulate, excite. inelte, anenate, urge. instigate. Vouthtul, young, Juvenile, puerile, boy- ish. Exigerteeurgency, eniergeiley. _ Ruirtms, reined, dilapidated dee** dettiollthed. Wont dtagy Mae a Word three times end It IS yowls." Let us Increase our vocabulary by blistering one word each day. Words for this lemon INTIMATEi tberacterlaed by close omelette% tiequaintance, or invest**. non. "Being tur intimate friend, she ' hid Intimate knowledge ot itts OWN." PROMUCOATE: to PubliSh abroad with intent to gain adherents to. "TheY pranulgated ei doctrine." INORAINED: wrought Mb) the grain or fiber; deep -emits!, "A eats ingrained eversion to water." ' P rat I T it; having definable! liMits. 'Many things are unkaorert to males fine • Ito mind." COMMEMOITATE; to tall to remem- brance., "It is a tribute to a min whom We ceenmetwitatee' IfiSMOI,D110/4; dfttrisetleti by break- ing dorm; disrupting, disorganising, or the like -12 required reutOr effort to i!teverit absolutists ot the partnership" srot•-10 • NOW IS THE TIME To MAKE YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE , AND PUDDING We are ready to take your order for RAISINS—Puffed, Seeded, Seedlea, Valencias, Bleached.) • CURRANTS, DATES, and FIGS PEELS,. casmuns, PINEAPPLE RINGS, NUTS, EXTRACTS, Etc. .Stardy's Cash Grocery • "Everything Good for the Table." :',Vest Side Square • Phone 209 • Eczema,or Salt Rheum A Troublesome Skim MOM &kVA manifests itself in little round blisters which (*Main en coi ftemely irtitatirqt Enid. They brenkr, and imbeequently a crust ie formed, and the intens e burning, itching aud Marring is tannest' unbearable, gunlock Blond Ilittere is the remedy for giving relief to all much sufferers., Mre.n. t tog, RR.Znategie, Ont .s etrites:--"I was troubled with toms. on Ewe face, it fact all over my body. It wild rs1.e up in water bleeterS, break and stab over which was very irritating. A friend told roe *bout, Burdocic Elood EWA* and it proved of wentierfol help to me," Spare the children MOM suftering frees worms by Using Miller'e-Worm Pored the most effective yen:allege that call get viith which to combet them insidious foes et the yotMg and helpless. There is nothing teat excels t144 Preparation as a worm destroyer, and when Re qualities, besonle /*Mt hetelehold no other Will be twett The% medielnit act a by its seir, requiring ne purgative to assist it, and so thoroughly that nothing more e. desired • 000ERION • MONUMENTAL •WORKS HAMILTON ST, Beet fdaterial and Latest Designs Expert Workmanaltlii AS Work Guaranteed Prices 'Reasonable Tour hirehrese will be • appreciated, R. A. SPOTTON GODERICH -- ONTARIO • P, Q. Box 161 ,0000.000•••••011 11111.11111111111111111Er N -OiL Guaranteed 50% Mel -saving 'with a RAHN MEL siAVER in Your furnace or hot water heating plant. Thermostatteally eontrolled Thirty days' free dial. Put a siiNsEN •lne BURNER in your range or 'heater. Guaranteed ftve years. Prices from 527.50 up. H.. CLEMENTS MAggilt KARATS SHOP, KINGSTON STREET Open evenings Phone 180 • SPECIALS FORIIIE WEF,K OF \ Dec 1 Oth to Dec, 1 7th We have a Full Line of _Fresh Christmas Fruits, Nuts and Candies in Stock'. Prices are Right and Quality is the Best. Let us supply your wants for your Christmas Fruit Cake and Puddings. Phone 368 for Good Service and Prompt Delivry. 17 lbs. choice Cooking Onions....... .... .25c Farmers' Pure Pork Sausage, lb.....10c Fresh Mixed Candy, per . . . .. .15c Fancy New California Oranges, all ....25c to 50 a doz. Fresh bulk Standard or Quick Oat- meal, 74 25c De Luxe Jelly Powders, 7flavors, 6 for ' 25c Heintz Pork and Beans, medium tin, 2 for .. . ................. . 23cJ Our Own English Breakfast Tea, 2 1/2-1b. pkgs. Baechlees Pride Coffee, 1 lb.. tin 39c P. & G. Soap, 10 bars.......,..,.,..„.....„37c Lux Toilet Soap, 3 lbs. for.......:.........22c Fresh bulk Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs. for. .25c 12 -oz. tin Forest City Baking Pow- der, with free piece of Glassware; .2 3 pkgs. Snowflake Ammonia or 1 tin Flush° ............ .. ...... ... .. 23c Victory Sauerkraut, per Clark's Spaghetti, 2 Good 5 -string Broom, each.... .. .. Choice Quality White Sweet Corn, 2 tinsfor ...., ....... ...... .... . . ........ Clinton or lienmiller Pastry Flour, 244. hag for '... . Huron or Sunnyside Toilet Tissue, 8 rolls for . . ... ................. • 0 ........ .... 25c G W. BAEC L COR, EAST STREET and SQUARE VORNR. 100,040,3"