HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Star, 1932-12-08, Page 1The Merchant's Friend
Au advertiser's message in the Ciode.
rich Star reaches ,the reader on 'Burs,
(14y, the day of publication, in plenty
of time for perusal and for weekend
GO ttic
bEVErjuw UAR
-1-40 30140/1,
Our 1933 Calendars
The new ealerdiarS, resplendent in color. have
artived WA ate ay/Slab:0 to paldeintadvadoe
etilawlibeia Ur' Star. There is a chOlce
of five. Kitt yours now while the rer1ge Ito
WAttriet$ EMU, p:ontiner
Bad as Tories FOR HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPALS 1 Factory for Huron
Grits Are As
Veteran School Teacher
Who Is Running for
• County .Councit
14, Au intereeting epieode at yesterday
„serililents. meeting of the etdIntY Celine
ell, was the addrese by Wm. Do*, or
Tuckersmith, an old wheel teacher. He
harked bold te the days of Carling. Otid.
bons, °Arrow, Boas, Gibson and other
•stalwarts, who lead. been inthe county
mime% and annoUnced that lie himself
woUla be a candidate tor the county
Mtutell from Tuckerentith.
Mr. Doig said he was born in a log
, shanty in Tackersmith and worked On
the form till Ite was eighteen, then as
there • was nothing Much. else to turn
one's hands to 11e went to Goderiell and
wrote for a teacher's certitioate. .and
• taught .sehool for many years.
The burden at ter:Mien VMS too great
sto stand and there Was enueh talk a re -
*I clueing. expenditures but lie did not agree'
' With the idea of abolishing county -colitis,
ene or township cOuncile, as this would
Oncenteate power too much, In fact
* there were a Ira of things done he did not
agree with but he was not going to make
,a politiol speech for the Grits were Just
as bad as the Tories and the Tories just
de bad as the Grits'. •
Jack Borland, trot mate on the steetner
Donnoonda, lies inthe hospital here
Witli a broken back as the reeult of fel,
ling into -the hold of the ship about 8.30
ceelock Tuesday night. The sailor's con;
s dition is regarded as critical. -Ws home
Is at Port Colborne and the ship is un,
loading its cargo at the Western Canada
Plow . Mills -here.
N' --
OW IS THE TIME to have your sew -
int; machine repaired, Expert
Workmanship on any make of machine,
T. M. TURNER, Perk Home. Phene 575.
Some Cheap Farms for Sale
1/6 Ames, large bank barn; Pa story
home, large orchard, spring creek, only
time miles born Gorterieh. Price $1500,
strictly dash, ,
200 -acre farm, slatighter • price for
quick sale, only $22.00 per acre. Soil
° principally clay loam, no waste, Very
;few stones or foul weeds. About 120
acres now under cultivation. dilore
ready, about 60 ores tbnbered. Good
hank ' barn, 11/2 -story house in fine con-
done Orchard; good water. ,Located
11‘12, from To of eltIoderich.
V of Huron, Ont, close to school,
e village. Handy markets. -TERMS
• 9Q0 down cash, balance eredit terms,
very easy if required. Taxes paid in full
lor 1932. No book taxes. No exchange
Accepted. Immediate possession.
If interested trite to
Office Upstairs, East Side Square
PG. Bog 19 Goderich Ont
Real Estate and Insurance
'Properties sold, rente4 and rents
collected. Fire - automobile, burg-
lary, accident and sickness .insux-
ance. Book-keeping and Auditing,
FIRE, ACCiatit ind4MOT0R 'CAR
orrirg-mAsomo rant. Wilt I., Goomere
Phone 230 NELSOft HILL, Manager.
Insurance and Real Estate
Ashfield ricks New Reeve...Stewart in
Went Wearitivesh.
Monday Was eleetiola da In AshfleId
and West Wawanoth TownSIIIPs, and
In SOMe other places.
the.firet electionlield in Ls/Wield in
four years Murd.ock Matheson was elected
reeve, defeating ;John A, McKenzie. The
ouncillors elected were Wilfred Varrish,
E. 0, Zinn. and S. Sherwood. The de-
feated vandidates for the council were
John A. Johnston and Arthlir Culbert,
Richard Johnston was given an acclama-
tion a week ago as deputy reeve.
In West Wavranosh Willient 3. Stetvart
was ee,elected reeve, clefeattng William
Mole. The councilors elected to • office
were 'names Webster, John IVLaQuillia,
Bert Gamut and Cairns Aitcherion, The
defeated candidates tor the council were
R. Leishman and ,Patrick Welsh.
Kitchener recorded the biggest upset
In its raunicipal history when Mayor
Bezeau, a former Goderloh Man, was de-
feated by Ald. IL Sturm by raaiority of
3,00L Mayor Beeean was eeeking his
third term. The elalef issue appeared to
be the cadet magistrate's salary of $2,500,
the succeseful Sturm contending that
$1,000 was ample, .
Kineardine afforded a surmise with
H. It. MagWood, former may, retinning
to public life after a decade's absence to
defeat Willian1 Watson. for the:mayoralty.
LIONS 01.1713
Rev. Wardlaw Taylor, 'D33,, general.
secretary of the Presbyterian church,
who, with Mrs, Taylor, has becothe resis
dent in Goderich, is to be the speaker at
the Lions' Oluly meeting on Friday even-
ing. The serni-annital election of officers
wIll take place at this meeting.
The winter fieet so far to arrive in
Clcderich port consists of the Cartiertioc
(the latest arrival)„ the Doonacona, the
Mantadoc. the Weetmount- the Hanna.
the Prind00, the Haggerty and the
*WinNTED.-An experienced maid' lor
general liolieework. Write P. 0.
Box 369.
so. -
• Having. been re-elected to the 'council
of West Wawanoth for 1933 I take this
opportunity of thanking those Who thuli
Pieced their Oontideriee brine by'retarn-
ing me as your representative in the
council for the second year anti placing
me at the had the.poll.for the second;
year in suocession. I shall, endeavor to
assist in conducting, the affairs of the
township in the best interests of the
townehip and to the best of my 'ability.
Yours sincerely; .
VOTIOE.-The annual meeting of this
menibers of the Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital Association, will be
held in MacKay Hall on Monday. Dec.
idth, at 8 Pan.
T. O. CONNON, Sec.
To insure payment this year, ait aco
counts against %the Town of Goderich
Must be' rendered at once.
L. L. ION'OX, Town Clerk.
WITH THE isles eiTOcic
un Life ilsouranoe Compaq of Belinda
The man who needs Life Insurance most is the man who
cantuit get it. Ask any of the 400,000 men who were "turn-
ed down" by 11M insurance companies last year. An accident,
or a fe\v.days' illness, dften converts a good risk into a reject-
ed applicant. Wise men are buying all the life insurance they
can while they are insurable. The time to insure is now.
roma no
illoes 2 lltesidence so H. R. LONG, Diatriet Agent
December 14th positively the last dav for
paym7it of 1932 Taxes.
P nalty added on December 15th.
Tax Collector
So Says Motion by Peter Scott
and A. J. Goldthorpe '
$1800 SAYS MILTON ivirxriNG
County Councils Protesting High-
Seeondary School
Costs *
At yesterday afterneen'a meeting ot
the Deeember seeelone of the cotinty
council, a motion sponsored by Peter W.
Stott and A. J:. Goldthorpe tette that WO
colMty council recommend to the various
High School Boards that the tratglinum
salary .to be paid to the principaas bp not
more than $2,00Q Per annum, owing to
-the..continued depression, with a view
oe relieving the taxpayers and lundag
the teaching profeesiot take their abode
*of the exis.thig scarcity of money. This
was referred to. tile education laellInfittee.
County Counelb ProtentIng II, S. Cents
The counties -of Wentvoirth, Halton.
DUfferin and Simoe held a meeting at
Milton Opt. lath lag to consider ways
and meant by which the ratepayers ould
in some way be relieved from the high
oost of seeorelery ,edueation and sent on
the resolutions they adopted for. Huron be available the basis of an iniprove.,.
merit -campaign, and it LS suggested that
Council to pass on- any that appealed to
the members to the Department of Eclu- such information 'might best.' be eeoured
The threugh the tura school secretaries, •
cation and members of parliament,
resolutions were as fellows; t (3) The 'adiaory =Moil recomineilds
Whereas taxation has become an in- that adv. be set aside next spring to be
tolerable burden, especially onthe far- litIQW11. as Surest OaturtY Sheen. PinPing
Day and that this .be given publicity in
mew and whereas educatton "costs are
the county papers and tluough the rod, •Pf the total tax; be it resolved that
lutri Ot .circular letters to all owners of
county councils rils11: to- positively': state
that they will no longer set'a tax rate to oramunity dipping tanks in the county
maintain our dresent High School .ays- (4) In 'view of the heavy losses sus-
tained by the cattle industry through, the
ter, and request the Department of Edus
cation to amend the Act, by, giving eoun- warble .11les and the damage caused by
cute . horses; the advisory council
V councils power to set a inaximum ort
which they will pay a maintenance grant recommends that publicity be given to
and for the years 1931,34 pay on a /mod- the methods of control and prevention
maul -.salary of et „goo for .each principal and suggests that an eedeaver be Made
to establish an area in the oUnty in
and $1,000 for each assistant. , • •
'which Me fanners Will' Undertake to
Put Lower a s, Classes in Public School treat, an hors.es and cattle' for the eater-
Whereas.50% of the students entering initiation Of these pegs, "• • ,
higb school dIscontinue their mese .at (5) Owing to the feet that 4 great
the end of the lower school, .and where- deal of, weed -seeds are annually being
as the lower school work is provided for :own with cereal grains.and .small seeds,
in the publkeeehool course ot study, and the adtleory agricultural. commit wishes
whereas the oast ef education in the to xecorranend :that the Agrieultural re-
public 'school is cinly $69 as compared- presentativeconduct a seed drill survey
with $141 in High 'School, and whereas next ',spring in which the sampleshis s'col-
the lower school work et present and the direct from the seed drill. erVer
over 1000 one.loomed schools are taking le ted will; as -far as possibIrt be takeo
junior high school has proved to be a can „be _made tvIth the co-teration :of
succese in larger 'centres, and whereas the public sehool pupils,. an the sam-
the cost of buildings is greater in a High plea *piloted will be graded, 'free of
School and Collegiate Institute than a oharge, by the Dominion t Seed Branch
publicschool, therefore be it resolved In Vorooto.. ,
that the Mute Shown -rtO tearer' school , The' actirls'ory -cOnitelitredonimendi
be retrieved /tom the High School qourse continubig the -customary grant et. $200.
and made adpubila School or nutior high for junior 'extension work and -a grant -of
sehool ,course in all senoras in the pro- $29 towards each echeol ifeir conducted
vino where teachers with o •SIrst -class in the, county, t
certificate may be engaged -emelt where the (7) -It is .the' wish of the advisory
cost of building and equipment 1,5 con- council that •the county cauncli- consider
siderably lower, and that the cosofof the advieability pf having a sugar beet
secondary educationtbe made a local in- factory •established in the County . and
stead of a county obligationthat a letter to this effect be prepared
Bilee minimum, school and -forwarded to the St. Lawrence
:Whereas it is- generallY conceded— .by Su(ggatr: C4Whe0rfeaMs,clanttr"thie. present time it
teachers and parents that pupilii advanee takes 046 nog • out of every .four, or 'it -6
Advisory Agricultural Committee
Recommends It
who following aro the recommenda-
tie= passed On by the AMISery Agrictlit
tural Council at a Meeting held in the
Agricultural ofato, Clinton, on Friday,
NOY. 25th, 1932. They crone Up for con.
aideration et the ounty yester-
day mh
morning and all were paesed wit
the egeeption of the last elAuse, whieh
Mr, McKibbon Asked to be left out as he
did not feel competent to 'vote on the
question, not knowing all the reiterate-
sions such action might have.
(1) In vie te et the intereit displayed
te. the recent Baron Hog Field Deo' and.
auction sale which was held at Welton
on Nov. letio, the 'advisory Council re-
commends that one or two sitnilax meet.
logs be conducted' in the county next
year, preferably either immediately be-
fore or after Spring seeding operations,
(2) It would appear that the stand-
ard of Ontario's baoon Ingis ellen have
to be raised in order 10 nee the exact-
ing retlidrements Of the dariUsh Market,
and, as this necessitates Considerable
improvement work, the coUricil mom
mends that the agricultural representa-
tive compile a boar census of .the county,
It is -felt that such infOrmatica would
as gideklY on entering public school at bushel of wheat out of every four to
the age of six as at the -age of five and make up the' difference in exchange be-
an extra year after the fourth boo tt tweet . English and Canadian currency,
would be of More Value tlutn. an extra
we respectfully request that this comity
council seriously consider this situation, Goderich, $1,920.50; Windham, 51,519A2;
and that a motion be Prepared tmtt tor- Cdinton, 51169.50; Seriforth, $1,584.50 ;
warded to major the Hon. Robert Weir, SIxeter, 61,496.03. Another letter from
Federal Minister of Agriculture, request_ the Department announced the Legisla-
ing that he Use his influence to establish tive grant 'to rural public, and separate
the English pound on a parity with the schools in the county for equipment and
Canadian dollar in Canada,. accommodation, to which the county
Respectfully submitted, council is required to raise an equivalent.
I, J. WRIGHT, In public schools, 51,542,20; Separate
Chairman. schools, $122.40, total $1,664.19,
The rUP.0, document setting' forth
their program of suggested economic
changes and inviting attendance at their
onvention already passed was received
and filed. Reeve Geiger wanted to spend
Rune time diroussing the U. F. 0: aug-
gestions along economic lines but Reeve
Itteltibbon said this was an Invitation to
attend a meeting an Doc. 1st and the
only thing to do was to file it. If any-
one wanted to discuss economic condi-
tions later on well and good.
County Home Is Self Sustaining
year at the beginning, therefore we ask
the Department, of Education • to raise
ate Minimum age from -5 to 6, years un-
less kindergarten or kindergarten prim-
ary classes' are provided. •
Co. Coimells Want to Control ExPendis
That the Department of Edueation be
instructed to delay all expenses not ab-
solutely necessary during this time of de-
pression. That -county e.ouricils be given
control. of all high school expenditures.
if a municipality wishes tts inceease costs
above that deterniined by the bounty
council it may de so by paying the extra
charge for the muoicipality in which the
sehool Is situated.
That a boy or girl employed atter fif-
teen be not cOnipelled to attend school.
That the Ontario School Trustees' and
. •.
Wants Gol4 Standard Reduced -GRAIN JUDGING
to Pound Sterling TEAM SELECTED
Would Give Farmer Better
Prices for Produce
Says McNabb
A request from Item McNabb tor per-
mission to brIng in a resolution asking
the Government to take action. to reduce
Me gold standard toparity with the
pound Sterling featured the openAng sest
sion ot the Dee,ember meetings of the
Huron county council. Mr. Macilabb
argued that this would giVe. the farmer
much better prices far his farm produce
and would be a big advantage. Tho per-
mission, NM given. • -
Then in the report of the AdvittorY
Agricultural Council there was a Maine
asking the county council to consider the
disadvantage of the exchange ondition
and to prepare arid fonvard a motion to
Hon. ROA. Weir, requesting:that he use
his Inflame* to establish the English
pound . on a parity with the Canadian
dollar, , •
Reeve MoKibbon old he did not tot
oompetent to vote on this question either
for or against and, others of theopunty
council took the sidle position. The best
brains 'Of the country were ire Ottawa and
they should know what was best M be
clone. It was suggested nothingserious
would come of it anyway even it th
county: council passed the resolution un-
less it metwith approval at Ottawa bet
. others or the' councilconsidered they
should:soot , vote onlese. they knew whit
they Were voting for, '
adr. MoNabls suggested getting Mr.
Robert McMillan to, -come and address
die -ousted on the' Subject so that they
would be posted but the 'members were
not sure that they would really -know all
about the subjot .even then. Mr. Mc -
Ribbon had 'a motion to *mit this clause
rom the report of the.. committee as
'adopted but later Consented, to refer it
-back to die agricultural advisory cores
inittee for further consideration and. this,
marling this committee reported reconi-
mending omission of this clause.
' In his opening address Warden Rader
said among the important matters whieh
would be brought before tne, council would
he the grand jury presenttnents, both of
whieth referred to visits to the. House of
Refuge, the Cnildren'a Shelter, jail and
other county institutions, the Wawien
thought that, as these institutions were
tinder the rare and. .superyision of the
emnity *Mined', Where conunIttees were
alert to their needs, these frequent visits
were adding rtOditional eost and expose
for nothing and were quite. unnecessary,
Judge Costello 'had informed him that
he .was dispensing 'with the jury in the
-county • Deeeinber sessionea This would
bra considerable- saving. Be invited the
eouncil to take their mud interest In
the affairs of the county And expressed
the. hope for a pleasant and profitable
seselon. • -
The Deputy Minister of Education
wrote stating the amounts of the grants
apportioned' to the High Schools and
Collegiate Institotes In the . county for
1932. The grants., as :follows, had been
remitted to the -various treasurers;
White omd Brown Springer
Spaniel Dog. This dog is Medium
size, has large ears and ashort tail. A
reward is offered for his return. Apply
to 00DRTLAND HERR, R. rt. No. 4,
Cloderloh, Ont, or Phone Carlow 1322,
FOE SALE -Plan benches at factory
a' prices. Order one now for Chriet-
Goderich, Ont.
011 SALE. -A Studebaker coach light
'a. six, A-1 shape, new tires; must be
seen to be appreciated. Will consider
Model T Ford M. trade. Write P. 0. BOX
770, or see LEO BAKER.
tr0 B3IkYr.-Be1reri400ated home on
Keaye tot r eet- atodern
10flts, 1 tes lots, garage, chicken -house.
Alas tix-roomed apartment on South St.
Modern totiVeniences. Also acconanlotile
Sort for room and board, Apply J. B.
HARN1VELL, Keep! Ott
FLATPLAT FOR 11,ENT..-Ozt 01. Vincent St
Comfortable and warm, all eon-
veniencee, garage, garden, Web, and
spacious Verandah Formerly part late
Judge Doylet r 081160 ree e. M. W.
HOWELL Phone 213 or 3.
T118NT.-Ileated six -room apart-
ment on Hamilton St. 'or fur.
ther particulars apply HAYS As BAYS,
Barristers. Goderich.
•dia ••-•
irpoit SACK.,..POrot delivery truck,
a. Model T. Bargain for eitilek eel°
4,1. IL WHEELER, Harrilltort St,,
FAR; led.; 7-Re=u1Z matter etAnd es at. preaent and that the
CoritinuatiOn dittricts that tho
inalmfng County tatatell deal with this
Metter with a Vied' to dividing tito county
into districts er making such other ar-
raugemente ao ntaO eeefri bait to aVoil
the practicer of ehildrest or paplia being
Cent Oat of the eOunty but that the r<tu.
tation ?Department be Memorialised to
allow tount 'La to charge up eEra costa
Ratepatrers" Association be asked to send
an invitation to all county councils to
send a committee to their meethig at
Easter ,titne, their branch to be Imown
as the County Council section.
This 11.st of resolutions was referred to
the education conuitittee.
The education committee reported the
following levies of coritinuation and High
Schools for the year: Hensel), $2,274.99;
Brussels„ 82,S09,22; Zurich,, $507410; Wro-
xeter, ' 51224.54; Blyth, $1,897.31; Pord-
wich, $2,122.07; total, 510,595.90. The Seven hundred and nineteen inmates
follosing gums were levied by outside have been admitted to the Huron County
Schools or adjacent county Home since it was opened and there were
tchoolo:" Lucknow, $1,65010; Ripley, 91 patienta in the huititutIon Dec. Int
5185,46, this year. Wourteen persons were admit -
The following rates were levied by the ted for the first time during the year and
High Schools of the -county for the year: here were fourteen deaths in the home
Clinton, 511,054.71; Goderich, 811,159,05; during the year and three perono were
Seaforth, $10,058.12; Wingham, $47;045,32; discharged during the year. 'Plie new
Exeter, 58,539,69; total, $47,85689. The inmates this year came from Colborne,
follenving levies' were paid to eidjaeent 2, ()MY 1, Ifowick 1, Godericil Township
county liioh Schools; London, 5609,80; 1, Stephen 2, tendon 1, Cloderieh' 2,
St. Marys, $.198.59:g Strotford, 5162,68; Bruasele 1, noosed 2, Wingham 1.
Liotowel, $872,08; Parkhill, 5525.38; total Inspector elovenlock made this signifi-
$2,745.65. cant statement: "Illy reading the report
Totale paid for continuation and High (If the manager you will notice that this
School education for the year 1982: had' been very euceeesful year on the
flume Continuation schools, 510,59_6.06; term. Ity eharging the inmates Who re -
adjacent totinty ochtsole, $1,841.66: Winn ceive old age pensiong the Ironic is now
High echools, $47,886.80; adjaterit oounty eel( oustahting. "Me amotmt reeeived
High ()chola $2,745,43; total, $63,040,00, the expenditures lit the house and farm
which amounte to over -a Mill and two- from paying patients was 811,646,29, arid
fifthe on our equalized Ounty valuation account were $11,106.00, of which $790.41
of. $44,2/1,175.00. West' corona' ocourit arid for permanent
The statutes havepeen changed resent- improvements.
1Y tilting authority (per thaptor 11, 80,
1931) to 'charge each been or Or Registry Office Wet Sathitactory
tehtiol district with the amount paid out. W. W. Dennison, Inspector ef legal of.
lieee bed some harsh critteisin te, Make
nide ',high or continuation schools few „, So„
puplie attending raid adjatent cchools ". "`' "“'""' county
and dedtieting the came from their letlea entote to the Regittrar, "t found that
the rack that holds plans is not at all
Referring to the above figitecs the sums satiefectory. I Must Mk you to arrange
51841.66 and 82745.55 or $4587.21 tan he With the county to, Obtain a new ono ess
ellargSti lin to the several continuation seen as poossible would WM point out
and schoolsin Huron and deducted
tog the (ace is not clean, and would
from their levies. Dut the committee, re- suggest that you adviee the Comity Mai.
comMentis that Owing tO the fact that --
Malt that the janitor be inetructed to
the county la not arranged into 111 Is spend more time lit the °Mee. )4 would
further point out that the racks for hold-
ing deettmente aro very Antiquated. It
Will be netettary vety coon to Order new
Ilittlaree brit it the county Will provide a
rack for lite plans, we can lot the fix-
tures atand for another year. 1 would
else adrift that the fence around the
building is falling down, and tho county
must take care of this forthwith. At the
same time It noticed timt the roof of the
(Conthiued on page a) dot* roaa 15 leaking.
Four Boys Selected to Itepresent Dalton
County at toration
A grain judging competition was bold
18 tim lloard Room of the Agricultural
Office in Clinton on Saturday afternoon,
PeceMber 3r6, to 'select a tcairt of four
boys to represent }Mon County irt the
inter -county elimination grain judging
competitton, to be held at London on
Deeernber 1611*, when. teams front ten
counties in Western Ontario will tom -
Pete. Similar elimination. Contests are
being held at Guelph-, Dowmanville and
ltemptville for the other counties in the
province. The rive Ingli boys in each of
the four elimination contests will be giv-
en a free two weeks' short course in seed
judging at the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, during January, 1933. At the end
of the short course a Anal tompetitien
will 18 load to select a team of three
boys and a spare to represent the Pro -
Vince of Ontario at the Inter-Provineial
and Inter -National jUdgind competition
to be held, daring Inc World% Grain Ex-
Itibition and Contermaec at Regina in
July, 1933.. Members et the tenth must
not have reached their 131st birthday by
July 24th, .1933.
The four high boys in the County
COMpetition held last Saturday, Deeem.
her 3rd, find who will form the team to
repMsent Huron 'County at Louden on
December 16th are as follows;
First -Jack Ferguson, Clifford.
Second. --'Mervyn Lobby OlintOn.
Third --George Glenannari.
Fourth-osOliftord Crozier, Dungarinon.
Pourteen boys took part in the Contest
and competition was very keen and very
close for a plaeo on the team. The lour
boys who won out are to be oneratelat-
ed on their good work.
Death of John
Wilson, Auburn
Veteran MasonPassed -Away
Quietly Early This. 1VIcirning.
Mr. John•Wileen, Veoerrible resident of
Auburn, Pasted aWaY 'at tis home about
lock this 'morning,' not sinviving his
wife many 'we,eks. , Mr,. Mean was the
oldest . roember of -Morning .Star
Carlow, having been a mernber since
1875when he applied for atilliatton from
Old tight 6Lodge, No. 187, Linknow. Pio
years later he had:reached the master's
chair, Mr. Wilson was always' an en-
thuslodtle Maeen, was a. frequent' atten-
dant at tvlaSeilia tauetione In Geriertelt
and only a few weeks ago lie paid a fra-
ternal visit to his old mother lodge,
Northern Light. Mr. Wilton was an ar-
dent. presbyterian and remained 'with
the • continuing. Presbyterian ehuroh at
the time of union. He was a publie
spirited man and for years he had ,bcen
one et Btor's faithful correspondents
from Auburn, The funeral will be held
on,Saturday afternoon,
The annual tinting of Knox church
ausillary Wakt.S. wilt' be held on Tues-
day, December i3tho51 3 p..m. The sec-
retarieswill give' their:annual- report 'and
the contents of Mite boxes and ealendars
will -be received.
Next Sunday at North St. United
church: 10 a.m., Men's Club, "what
good does the ehurch's teaching do?" 11
a.m., "Lead us not into Temptation
3 um., Stinday School; Te.P.m., "If Jesus
same to Goderich, how would lie he re-
An extra pair of pants will roe given for
three dew; only, friday, Saturday and
Monday, Decernber Oth, 10th and 12111,
with every Tip Top suit or overcoat pur-
chased at $22.50 on, the above dates,
ROBINS, Agent tor Tip Top 'roam,
IL W. 0, Nona mituated at the end of
South etreet on the seutkeril boundary
of tho town: or goal day loam, largo
house and barn, drive shed: Work$110PI
heuthoute; artesian well 1135 feet), the
very beat of water; Sergi fruit trete.
ideal location, dote to gehOols end
ehurchea. For further particulars app)f
on the prunsm or to PER(Y or wills
To the Editor Goderieb. Star.
Dear Str,-At, the regular nice, -
log of the Goderich Welfare Com-
mittee, on Tuealay, Dec. 6t1*, it
was decided that a letter should be
sent to the town papers asking foe
donations of geed oregind..halut
The Library Board have Allowed
its to have the use of a room In the
basement where the clothing cart
be kept until needed.
M the present ttnie, only thtee
parcels have been sent'Orthe Town
Ball. Realizing that it may be In.
convenient to bring the parcel,
the Conunittee wilt arrange to have
than called for it notified.
The 'Welfare Committer of Vic-
toria 'tome and Schooi Ciub, the
Mitten's Institute, and the LUltess
Aid of Knox church, Have expres-
sed their willingnoris to make over'
clothing, and at the present time
there is a need for boys' pants, for
ages from 1 to 14 years. If any-
one cart supply the wheretvithal to
make these, it, would be greatly
There is also a need for a small
Quebec heater or laundry stove,
and in theati days when fuel is a
problem, several guilts could be
plated where they arts ouch nods
If these who are able to atpply
any of these needs will telephone
tinor notify any members of the
committee, their contribidion WM
be tatted for.
Having made this apocal.we
trust there will be a generous re -
sport, rtinembering Ilia who
sold, "Innemitth as ye have done it
to these my brethren. Ye have done
it unto Me."
Thanlchig you on behalf of the
. Committee for yens valuable space.
Veers sinetrelY,
MRS. A. U11,14011,
itiederlek Dec. 7t1*, 1932.
That Is Their Part in County
Highway System, Says
Reeve McNabb
Teo fifty per tent. Vidsh seeo back to.
towns in the county tin ail countier in
the Province) out of their contribution to
soutity highways, to bo spent bY them on
main roads leading through thew towns,
rooms a bone a contention with some of
the rural reeves, "It the towns get a re-
bate why should not the township?" ask-
ed Reeve Merlabb at the county conned
yesterday, and going back into history.
he recalled the time when it was deckled
towns did not belong to the county eye, .
tem. "All they had to do was to pay and
look pleasant."
• It was explained by some that the
towns did not get any Government Sub.
MeV and it had been said that reral seC.
tions got most of the work and the towns
"Put up a kick." *mono suggested
that it would be better for the county to
take over the vonnecting links throUgh
towns le part of the town contribution
was to be reftmded. As The Star under-
stands it -this -was the reason why' the re-
bate. was allowed to. tOwnS. ho wtown
roads being under Me stipervision, or the
town authorities, the only way any tit
the county highway money eoUld be:
spent on connecting links in the towns
was to rebate a certain' Per tentage to
them. At one time this rebate was 90
Per tent. in this county but there was no
uniformity as between counties; inore re-
eelitlY it has been: standardized and pro-
eincial regulation provides tor 118 .50 per
cent. rebate. when someone suggested
that the county take over the Connecting
links through towns, instancing eoMe bad
spats 18118 road through •Ciinton, Reeve
Moltibbon eaid ,he would not like to tee
the Clinton road token over, as otherwtse
there would be no way of knowing when
you were in Clinton. '
SAT. A. M. 10 to 11
Will Be at People's Store In the
Morning Instead of the
Santa Claus will be at the People's
Store next 'Saturday -morning from 10 to
11 instead of in the afternoon as last,
week. Referring to the People's Store ad
On page SeVen of this lame the price Of
Ladles"Jersey Dresses and Ladies' Celan-
ere Dresees should road: "Regular $2.95
tor 5147" heated of $3,95 and 5937," land
the price of Mamma Doll in Pyjanote
ehould be 49c instead et 44e,
The general sessions and county court
open next Tuesday, Do. 1311*, before His
Honor . Judge Costello. :Eightactions
have been entered for trial In the county
The Central Home and 'School Club
will hold its Christnias meeting on Men -
day afternoon., Do. 12111, at 4 O'cleck.
Rev. J. N. 11. MUM will give an addreto
and there will be a musioal program,
Introducing ilAdy Betty, a beautiful
doll 17 inches high. Iteat hair, smartly
dreesed. Buy 51,00 worth of anything in
the store and buy Lady Betty for only
49c, without doubt the best doll value in
town. See tiles° in our window and re-
member the otore, SCHAEFER'S.
On Saturday, December 24t11. the Sal-
vation Army will be placing Christintio
Cheer pots on the Square in aid of .the
town relief fund. Your contribution will
be thankfully accepted.
Read on the carton what NU-Eltil le
made of and what it is good for.
The regular meeting of, the Victeria
Home and School Club will be held on
Thursday afternoon, Dec. 15111, at 4;15
p.m. In the kindergarten room. ,
Will anyone who Will donate OYES
hooka or games, either new or used, to
the Santa Clans fund, please leave same
at MacKay Hall as r-oon asI) '0.151b10.
Broken toys which can be mended will
be gratefully aecepted.
.A11 gifts packed In lovely gift boxes.
Visit our :store and see the many beau-
tiful gifts we are ehotving. Speciat ills -
plays help you eolve the gift problem at
Campbell's Drug Store guarantees
Nu -Erb will help you, or they will re-
fund your motley.
Dressing Gowns, O2,95 to 89.50 (all
Sizes), Blankets, Hand Baas, Hoe,
Searfs, Gloves, Handkerchiefs. Linene,
Towels, etc. You will find it ettoy to do
your Christioria shopping at
Did your grandparents ever tel you
that Herbs, Itsets and Barks were good
for yon?
Odra, Wm. Glazier and family take thio
Meane of exprozoing their sincere apPre-
elation of the many Rindneasea extended
to them by neiglibmo and friends in their
recent cad bereavement., They Wth, also
to dxprros their gratitude to thoeo witio
cakindly loaned, their care.
Wo wish b tlidnk tho many frilals
and neighbors for liindnceo tillown in our
sad bereOvement of a wife and mother.
and to repree$ Our 8ratitiele for flora
ItAdTIS 041d1.30110.
0ORD0/10-48 Ashiloid Tp,, on 'limo.
day, Dceornher lot, 1932, Angus Gordon,
in Ms dgth year,
McCA11.-At Toronto. an.
December 2a6, 1932, Marge:, lkfcCall,
widow of tho late Alexander McCall, age
15 years,
Iri1AE11.-4n ttatteatu. on Tiatirsday.
Dee, 1st, Margaret Zane Eleut.1, in her
5,2nd year. '
rraftielk 4%0 naiilamakshri