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The Goderich Star, 1932-11-24, Page 5
rliiltl<t DA.V; NOV. 246, 1931 Goderieh Car 'IRV, OWL' 1011 STAR PAO *[,it lima, vaned holt, maple seettp Midi walnuts' Reaches i( �` l• td There is also ac card of thanks signed by the chairman of file died ,tribution committee expressing heart - Apples, V tables and Fruit Are felt gratitude to Eastern friend* for their 'generous assistance'. MuckApprtl(ciiRtiW lin' lhat :this' ctrrinectionl the follwvring in the West :- pen picture is suggestive of condi- tions in many places in Saskatehee From the Kincaid (Sark,) Star of wan. It conies from the manse at Nov., 17th, we take title following Kinesad and, itsappeal will not he lost I's thg sympathies of people .of, God- thethe or of fruit sat d vegetables re- „It , .rt ,ait'id arrintry dog,:, Gently sent frost inardextciti ,thwlm9ml r atpq,I about chow' The �'Tliil cite 'of "�°tiliiFt 'isntt lzei[etalilks, .1lAi(t7. • Thera wait • a kG� bi;in �ttd froal 004erieb, 1tit.. arrived In Kiin. %e there wee* Winter hied-'toa)al B , Card,' and was' ape n. on4ay, with'& a mertiee to•unprepar One` e oods.werer divided wne the. towns ie of the dried -out area,. Iiow*auld of Hazenmore, Meyroainei. and' latex :Pia be,preied-o for it when they =rs�i1inad eco ei #driller �diaf the will had experienced four complete crop ' be made to the people of the country *West, p pig Can't buy :warm qua malice he a earweerarer beast underclothing ;and new overshoes and quarter`s, The Gar wss crammed w mitts and other things that help to the top with 1112 bus, of apples, 76 is .keep out- the geld. Was there. any. ... , bags ,of toettipts, 7ne*ri s.. of sand, :wobderrthat the poor women shivee ' S$ bag* of beets% nearly a thousand ed and could scarcely keep her teeth pou3ids of t ats: about 8:" pump- from chattering when she came: its 13, ont of the cold after a twenty -mile drive. The shoes she wore were but r 1 au apology` for the name, the soles CROQUINOLE were almost gone, and in places were PERMANENT WAVES No finger waving necessary $1.95 - $2.50 - $5.00 Complete at British ExchunEe Hotel, Goderielt. - F. NOT,. 26th, 7•.15. a.m. W. HARRY GRICE Jeanette Beauty Shopper Stratford Lady attcndent. .11111111.1.10.1011.1111.1. J�o Caught on the Rocks1 Many a 'man is lured' fromthe well known patois of ' real clothes value by bargainad . n. 1o, vertls><i d ng a prices, They are usually caught' with inferior and ansatis- factory clothes, v,�.a Neitheryou er'we tan afford .poor quality. ity. Altering and. Repairing FRANK II. MARTIN TAILOR and HATTER breaking where they joined the up- pers. She had, no mitts to keep her hands warm, and all her clothing was old and almost worn` out. It was a pitiful story that she told, -She had :prayed to God to send clothing for herself and nine''chileiren, and so fax God had not answered her prayer. Last night the children had awaken- ed in they night and had cried, because it was so cold. The bed clothing had worn out and it was impossible to. 'keep the children warm on a cold night. only last week one of the children had got badly frozen coming:_ home from . school. iShel had " been waiting for the clothing order from the relief commission but it had pot come, ana the children suffered so much going and coming tn from s chool. It was so hard not being able .'to get them the warm clothing they needed so very badly. During the summer she had raised ah number o£ lurke ya and was. in hopes elm would have suffiicient money to buy clothing for the, children, but therewas no grain to feed them, and .fatten .,tlnin for the market; She had brought a few to town to sell so that she could bay warm stockings for the children who went to scliool, 'bit no one wanted to buy turkeys and she had to take, them back home - The twenty miles of ':territory; ' bed, to, be driven back he home. it' would be a told cheerless drive, one at the end there Would be the expectant :children waiting for mother to come Borne With warm stockjnge:s' 'Helene bitter - the disap- Helena Rubinstein Draws nu Nature, Science and Art E, , :. FOR „.,„... ,.„..„,,, .. ,...,,,...., „. . ..,,., 3 , , cW, ,, C 417.1,:0"..\11 i, '4 . Of rarest herbs, unguents MA floral esesnees Iron all aver tire. werld, Helena Rubinstein creates 'her creams, lotions, an e cosmatie l: Witt unerring, selenitfie genius, she eempoune s them to be Of greatest benefit to the skip. With supreme artistry she blends them to bring but the utmost loveliness of lips, eyes, coloring and expression. A Personal representative of e HELENA E A RURINSTEIN DEAN OF BEAUTY SCIENTISTS Will be at our toilet gcods department Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday 29th and: 30th November 28th, and will be glad to show you how by a` simple but soientiL;.a3117 correct dome treatment, eon can keep your skin ihealthy, Young, and lovely, She will aleto create a nattering' .'makeup especially for you --one that will glorify your coloring and bring out your best features. There is, no charge for this service. But we can offer it for THREE DAYS 0137,5E. s g .tore , Campbell's Drug Goderich—Phone 90 BROADCASTING EVERY 'TUESDAY, MORNING '14.30 a.m. eeventyetive ebeerie the weekly half- holid*y on Wednesday during the stiaa- mer season, tiy,lit observe Thursday • ate terncan,'MI5 oleservez Friday. two oleKrse Setunieee twelve observe Wedciesdaet all Sear, two observe ',ihuraday all year and thirteen observe no 'weeltly 1ta1f lielidee. It is interesting to observe that "theatres sere 'Alw'ays entre that the feeling that stores should remain open all the year eeeMe t7 lie entwine, that tourists prefer, to ,see busy rather than Mosul eommun- itles, *nit it seems rather lueousistent to invite taunts t() town and then cl^„se up pieces Qf business, Some business en e ' 'q t 7ro "e h ilii e s aaia n tr re � pries 'a 't• arl +arxaniie to MUST the vreekke lisec- t101:1W eo OM smell empksy*ie n't*y rigid lusene etiduy , is Weer, that iii 'wane have Tuexday afternoon, i)ome Wtdnaie day afternoon, and sonic Thursdey afters noon." Still another questionnaire Was On the nee of the tenn Chamber of Cemmeree or Board of Trade: 'and the report com- ments as follows: "It is interesting t note that from Duncan, B.C. on til West, to Wolievi)le, N.S.,, an the :east, all ti increasing number of community -bund- La organizations are adopting the title Chamber of Commerce, which ie univer-, sal throughout the British Empire. Ili line with the general tendency several Boards of Trade throughout the Domino ion voted to have Om national organize - time adopt the term, eche Canadian Chamber of Commerce,' it -would then appear wiser for local and group com- munity -building inatItutions to adopt the title that is accepted as standard abroad where the term Chamber of Commerce commands respect.'. . Single Men Are a Being Overlooked,. desperate circumstances with :the note, to Mr.:McManus, tw are (Continued from page 1) confined to routine. business. Coun- cillors Brown and. Wi fsell were ab. s You toil/ be delighted with the new Christmas goods arriving daily at oar store. : s r: IFT MERCHANDISE Attractively Boxed i iU u t AO' extracost'and best of'aI'',o. .rices. are mach lower'. than previous seasons. - Of =course, 'we.advise you to do your. •-Christmas shopping early. • ,� ice, 1fia� �■^ w^ THE GIFT SHOP Phone 86. Goderieb deet , deceased, ter' Hrnilton, of Cornwall, is a nephew of the deceased, and Mrs. 0. F. Carey; of aoderich, a, niece. 141115.. ' 01,1,rAM CLARK i trs. Janet Clark, widow 'of the - late William Clark, died in Port Huron at the entees. i home 01 her daughter, Mrs, Myron Mat» Tax' Collector RobertsoP reported 1 thews, last Sunday and was buried^from f Qederich ..on, Tuesday, interment being $1157,84 taxes 'paid in `since the last ! made In Colborne cemetery after a . tier report of Novembees lith. I vice had been conducted at the home of Applications ,for ,building permits her son, Mr, William Clark, Trafalgar street, by Rev, P. W. Craik. The late les, Clarke was,. 'befaro her marriage, Janet Crozier,' and was born hi McKillop township and atterher marriage to Mr. Clark they lived for a short time in sea - forth and then Came toCloderich, 'where l century e they resided for nearly half a , c and were well known and -highly respect- ed. Deceased was of a kindly, Motherly disposition and greatly endeared - herself to all whom As met Four years: ago, The finance •committee reported the OW ' her husband's death, she went, to statement of the Dominion Day cele- Port Huron to. reside with her daugriter ration had been examined. A hal_and for the reatet• part of that time was bration of $69.74 is being turned over to the town and at: the. request of the celebration committee, credited to welfare. The committee' recommends laced that a further sum of $100 be placed numbered three: and Involved. rooting e from Mrs. They were frq repairs. h andh s e Y 1W. B. Graham, Arthur Kaiting and i W. •J. Powell. .• A litterfromCoun, C. W. Worsell acknowledged council's expression .' of condolence to the family of the late o Mrs. Cornell, mother of.Mrs. Worsen. an r espera e We held a meeting in' our church barrels, :one ,pumpkin. As all denom' the h i ' the other day.and• our general board Passed a. very strong. resolution and sent -it to Toronto. 1 hope they will publish it.itt the, New Outlook, as many people seem to think there is no erop failure('this "year. So • far we have only had half a car P of vegetablese and potatoes in this th inunic;pality and many people at e present time have neither potatoes or vegetables;: arid: there are some real. desperate;;cries in that community.. inations contributedtg t e s ipPing of this car,.so will all receive from it. We are distributing according to municipalities this:year and your car. will look after all.the people who. need in respect of apples and many others with regard to vegetables. We wish we ha some' of the rains difficult, al- ih Iai t. ' made ' o ltd which, ad.. �' �. �' though Old Man Winter is having to the credit of the welfare expenses; Calif.; and William, of CQoderlch. 1' d fairly good start as `that a further 'sum of $250 whlch. Finance Committee Girl at football Game swatchh Wide, die on the field• "Titers - they're at It , again! I do liope Bill won't repeat that story I told film last night," confined fe' er bed:` The pallbearers on .'Tuesday were: William ;Mitchell, Myron Matthews, William and Ernest Clark.. Surviving - are her two , daughters, Mrs. Myron Matthews -and Miss Anna Clark, n Ernst r sone; e of. Port- norm:. and three 4 , also of Port •Huron, Charles of Clovis, an earlier an • :. compared .with other years with re- with the $600 passed. in March will Jim "so you are to be operated on s total $750, be paid to the Alexandra ewe, pointmen,toYMild bel v!hen they learn- • We bad:" a court ease the other gaTater I purpose sending local pap- t Marine and . General Hospital as pay Jam—"Yes. Doc said he •wants to take q'd ipot a litid aoevsell the turkeys, day ; A., man was charged under. the era with our ptfblle acknowtedgtnent and had" returned: 'empty-handed and `School Act with not sending. his ' '. the warm stockings they needed, so, children to school. His plea Was that in them for you, . It can be copiedinto your Totals., 1C. hope this can.be badly could net 'be' purchased. Wily . be had no 'clothes in which to send done, not help God to answer the prayers them. The Justice of the Peace sent We,•are sure 'that: such a,. magnifl cent contribution conveys your best wishes and We w'aftt to assure you that we apprecietet1QMIT, ` thoughtful, i return to all tris denora. our sincere. thanks and car ,ia..gree ngs, ;. of this poor woman 2 Letters to'Mr. Patton out two men to investigate the. con- ditions in. the home and it' was found that theywere deplorable. .Most :of Ment in full of grants. The report out my appendix, but.1 think what he really wants to _ get out of nee :is a new car.,. adds :. "Tbe sum of $7500 has .been .re- ceived from the government as - its grant in . full: on the cost' of relief sewer work completed - in May, 1982. This amount' has' been' paid to the bank to retire loan,• to 'that amount and -we recommended that the en, grocer prepare .a report as to the total coat of the sewer work, and that The fo owing lettter,�' have±been r.e .the ;Shildren: were practically naked, Hess Mid. k itdly 'est 9n us and =waved li "' e11. Mr...Paton of . Heti- and .tire. Justice stated that the :case{ miller, under -whose oversight the Fear should be brought to "the attention d l . was prepared ..and shipped: • of the authorities,`but, the relief Com- , - :Yours gratefully,- the necessary' procedure be taken.to Dear. Mx. Patton: Your .very Tuttd ;mission. only allows $7.00 to `clgthe an A. G. HEWITT. issue and sell debentures to cover the and welcoine letter came to hand yes: adult, $5.00 for a boy, $4.00 for a balance of the cost of` the work." terday. ThisyearRev. Arthur i3eW girl and$2.6() for children under -�� 1• • itt, .o£' Hazenmore, the 'next town to seven, and you can't buy much cloth- Daylight Saving Public ,Wosts 'Report t i " a fhe re- zn, with that and expect. it to last "That the cost of installing sewer .p����.1e�a.'s�' � x� � g with �� on Road was $10.90• Mr. Healey has b bib'={�h dPi't'�'y; out Y�?n5trur- I My troubles, but T: can assure you it _ already deposited $10 and we recom- tions ct+f, ainedr'` . Stour letter. � is very nice to know that there are Tourists Prefer to See Busy mend 'an account be rendered for 'rho F,.�.,.. balance. I can assure: ou for myself that; people who go to all kinds of trouble Rather Than Closed "In conjunction with the relief ' 1; appreciate very much ;your great to help others. If you know of any Communities kindness and very fine generosity in � Society down there who would care committee, we have cut down eight. sending this car with all the many to help some••.of the children here to The results of some interesting ques- tionnaires or ten trees on West street and we things h• have an introduction to Santa Claus b the London e d that two or three' trees on I ,good g t let k We will be very grate- the south side of Britann road be Chamber of Commerce are Just made tween Keays street ane�McDonsild public. one with reference to Daylight lief commit!. isnd Lam forwarding � fora year. letter � :him �aii8 d'hopa. he will Well, 3 Must not worry you o ur connectionfor_ Jex JerrynH Healey lids Y e 1 H o VV Y CARLOW An entertainment will be given by the Smith Hil) Presbyterian Sunday school on Dec. 23rd in the township hall. Fur- ther particulars next week. - 'n s i contains, This is our. conducted. : y r commen r e' forirth creep fiii)<ure and our people me now. ' ful for anything they can do to help T}:RIFTYH WOBU HE:RE NOTE THESE 'ATTRACTIVE SPECIALS FOR THUR., FRI., SAT.; NOV, 24, 25, 26 RINSO SUNLIGHT SOAP AMMONIA SNOWFLAKE jAM PLUM 40 oz. jar . . RICE FANCY BLUE ROSE Large Package 10:: Bars. 19c 46c ..ells: s 5 2h� 2oc 3 lbs. 25c TEA, SALADA RAISINS Finest New SULTAN 23c 1's 45c 2 lbs. 25c ORANGE MARMALADE COCOA FRY'S BREAKFAST CORNMEAL CANDY Satin Mixed Wan FREE DELIVERY J. CALVI CUTT d Crosse'& Blackwells 33c 40oz. I/2 Ib` tib! 23c 2 lbs. 9c Ib: 15c eta, McEWEN iuperiOr Stores ' . T Saving shows that, of 96 municipalities street, one locust o Caledonia n er- Kind}y. - pass on my warmest thanks to the good people of your community for their generous . help and please accept my sincere thanks for your kindness in promoting this most . worthy enterprise. Gratefully yours, J. T. GA'WTHROP.. The Manse, Kincaid, - Nov. 11, 1932. S ling by automobile come into Western hers appointed by the town 'council Ontario, operate on daylight : saving time, and five by thecitizens. The citizens From Mr. Hewitt which hes the eifeet of placing• them on have appointed I. T. Edward, S. D. Dear .Mr. Patton: Mr. Gawthrop, the same time as Eastern standard Time, Croft and J. J. Hayes and. Mrs. Red - seem , to be good .reasons why Ontario of Kincaid, to whom you sent your munfelpa]itiesshould stick to Eastern diff and Mrs. Albert Taylor and we letter, handed it over to me :as Aaire Standard Time. A fact that may, not be recommend that the council appoint man. of our municipal"voluntary Adis g ' C. H. Humber, chairman of -the fi- nance_.eommittee and H. 114 Brown, chairman of the special and relief committee as the council's appointees. "We have arranged with Wong's Cafe, the Capital Cafe and Venus Cafe for relief meals at 20e :each and ourselves that all was well, made pro- Fort William (near the.border between' tickets will be issued accordingly: vision for the car to be heated until t astern and Central time zones) operates We have received samples and priees Monday, November 14th, because of on Eastern Standard Tinte all the year on police uniform overcoats from the lateness of the Saturday hour roteid• Chas, Black, W. C, Pridham &. Son and because Of the bold snap which tr 00 municipalities reporting, and McLean Bros., and we reeom- had just set in. bn Monday we proceeded to unload • us that there were 44,480 pounds, (li- the car. In:it our weights' showed vided as' follows: Apples .25,380 lbs.,' vegetables 11,680 lbs, . canned fruit and pumpkins 7,420 lba. Total, 44,-1 480 pounds. This is a 'very generous ear and practically all with tho ox-; option of a very few spoiled pump - kine wits in good order. Yon will; have noticed that delivery was quite prompt. The produce lead to be divided into in. Ontario reporting, ,only twenty-one race in front: of Dr. Taylor's and one adopt daylight saving, and all coalman- tree on Napier street in front of `Mr. ities in Western Ontario west of Brant- Siliib'e be slit down; and that' no ford and time *perste on Eastern more trees be cut down this year, standard time all the year round. 'While no recommendation$ are made in• the re-- Special and Relief - port, the fact that all transportation tom- (`Ata meeting of the citizens it ponies operate on Eastern Standard time was passed that a public Welfare iii Ontario, and the fact that Michigan, Indiana and rllinois (including the city board- be formed to handle • ,relief of Chicago, 'In the Central Time zone, matters -for the coming winter; the from which region most tourists `travel -:board to be :Composed. of two mem- 'CARLOW. STORE ,rtatsIns, Dates and Prunes, Fign,. Peel and Nuts; - Nails, Files 'and Carriage Bolts; And Axes and knives what cuts. Ste our assortment of Mitts. before you buy. FRANKLIN MeILWAIN generally known is that London (and tribution committee. this would applyapproxlinately to Code- Yoiir shipment, car No. C. P, rich) is twenty-five minutes ahead of 2$8,99X, arrived at Kincaid, Sas- -sun thne by Eastern Standard time., De- katehewan, on Saturday, November trait: and the Border Cities, including 12th. 'Members of our committee, Windsor, Walkervilia, East Windsor, etc., having broken the seal and satisfied Port Huron and Sarnia, operate on East- g - ern Standard- time all the year rburrd and thirds, one in each town in the mind.' cipality from which the whole ter-; ritory will be covered. Despite the cold), pr'aeticallt none Was frozen en route to theeewo grins on either side of Kincaid, distanced about 1 miles, or to the Kincaid depot, where! division tvas made. Willing workers, made the task easier andgladdened i spirits animated them throughout, as it( always the case. Your inventory i agave us a good idea of what to ex - peat and was very helpful. I As you directed the feliowing goods' were Bent to these McCord men: TO 1 dr. Walter's, two 'barrels, one bad, four t o .ee, ono pumpkin, together! Venus Restaurant AND Ice Cream Parlor VENUS CANDY • 1 HALLOWE'EN NOVELTIES SPECIALS MIXED CHOCOLATES ...... Zee CREAMED CA)LAME1,S .30r MAPLE PECAN KISSES .........tee The C sidles made en the presnir W Leh Our Windows for I lallowe'en Specials On the Sgoare, Godericb mend that the two overcoats, three- quarter length, be purchased from W, C. Pridham & Son for $27.50 , each." —a "baked" treat ich -Baker ��der c y BREAD OR luncheon sand= •hor. .wi 1 your wishes : y : . meals , or: for break- fast oast . it's sure to t please everybody's taste. Baked Freslit t Dal f.i . Phone 106 for' a trial: order p �KERY. ER BA G4D iC� Hamilton St. Obituary MRS. 1011N Y. ELWOO11, The funeral of Mrs. John Y. Elwood, Whom death at Cornwall at the advanced. age of 03 years, teak place last Thurs- day, as rc^_orded in last week's Star, was herd on Friday last, the cervi..^.es at St. Decree's church being conducted by the rector, • Rev. J. N. II. Mille a=aihted by i'eev. Cai'txn 1I1ir. 'xho pall.bearere were Meseta. It. 0. R2ynoIds, Jchn Galt, E, ii, Hill aid C. C. tee. Mrs. Elwecd was a native of Oodetkh, sand lived here all her life until of late years. She was the last of tier family, her' eistera, the late Mee. (D".l Shannon ere and th' late Mrs. C. E. Shaw predeeeasIne lien and her children also all paeseins en bsfire, the late Jude 'Elatet r.be held a Wee. tern Caned% judile°Hip: the late elm (Judge) llolmes'a who died recently in Clederled; John Elwo9d, who dicd in he, ,Ikst;'anJ Mi:e t sLe ce,'U1 Otteaa. else' It is easy to see ,w "y these Coats are among our "Best Sellers' -They halve- that :».:,... But They're Just expensive look $22.50 This is a grand year to buy a I, coat., Xou get so much More - style and quality for what you formerly paid,°or you pay considerably .Jess - for equal quality. New cloths, smart furs, guaranteed linings, All sizes - In girls' camel-toX coats, 4 to. 14 years, with beret t© snatch. S'otao « -a SCHA�.A iri of�4atale GEO• Value Telephone 56 .